
[Discussion] Posting as QAT

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Hey, just wanna discuss something here, hope no one minds

So posting as QAT thing came up, and I've asked a few QAT why is it here, who suggested and implemented this? From a QAT (not mentioning who), "common sense" was the answer given, including answers like "flames, drama happen after the DQ, so a way to relieve that"

This is recently discussed somewhere else but I'm just gonna necro it. In my opinion, we should state who DQ-ed the map. It's important, imagine if BN work as one, and rank a map, posting as "Beatmap Nominators decide to give a chance on the map". My point is it does not help to decrease haters or anything, and we do not know if every member of QAT agrees with the disqualification (DQ). Because, as far as I know (before) 2 members of QAT agree on a DQ and it's done. What we want to know is who is sitting behind the computer screen and click all the buttons, write the 10 pages long mods.

Hinsvar stated:
  1. Nominators judge that a map is ready to be nominated
  2. The QAT judges whether a map is ready or not
  3. BNG, while a group, basically has its members working alone. Individually.
So does it mean 2 bubbles + 1 fire don't mean anything? We often discuss issues we are not sure about, here, on the board, and I do not think it is true.

Okay, so the "Post as QAT" thing is here, really, let's see one of the post, what do we get:

Basically people are still posting replies likely "dramatic":




Apparently if a DQ contest is succeed, it's likely the whole team's fault, sort of discrimination like "oh look, it's a group of Asians". Also, that we know who is doing the job, who is not doing the job (busy irl something), and who is just fkin around.

And just so, I heard from some said, a part of QAT is not volunteered, they do not want to be QAT but did not sound, yet.

Roughly all from me, any opinion would be much appreciated, we should work together after all, not just QAT or BN circling each other in the groups, keeping everything "TOP SECRET".


Edit: added my reply (23 June 2015, 10AM GMT+8)

Garven wrote:

I do agree the template needs work, and we are working to make it more useful for both mappers and the QAT.
Yay you get me ^_^
Would be appreciated if this is going on
I wrote that essay there just to make it look buff, or maybe I should write it simple so everyone could understand? o.O

A few things for the MAPPERS and BEATMAP NOMINATORS here! (just to let you know I did not blame (or possibly offended) QATs for any disqualification)

So far, I have never seen any ridiculous DQs, and in my opinion, such dramas or anything is not needed, where most of them are started by those "top players" or BNs who do not want their score dropped because of the mistakes made.

And maybe, just maybe, we could be more open sometimes (QATs too). If you really want to learn and improve, you should listen to the others, try your best to accept opinions from the experts / experienced. Else, give your honest and deepest explaination of why you did not etc.

Another thing, when you guys writing a DQ post, make sure it's not too complicated enough, do not use your University or Ph.D whatever level of English, make them simple, not too long or hard to read. I believe if the mappers get the idea, they would mostly change.

Last thing to add, I would really wish when QATs write their DQs, they list who agreed to the DQ post, even it's only 1 - 2 person, it's totally fine. We know we can not get all the QATs together for a DQ all the time, hope you understand this.

Of course, further opinions are welcomed :)

Rakuen wrote:

Hinsvar stated:
  1. Nominators judge that a map is ready to be nominated
  2. The QAT judges whether a map is ready or not
  3. BNG, while a group, basically has its members working alone. Individually.
Actually I should've said "Nominators judge that a map is ready to be nominated as a ranked map" but whatever lol

That's all; I'm here just to say that. I'll likely keep reading this thread to see what happens, though. I am interested in this topic.
oh my, I'm on tv (:
Agree with Rakuen.
The 'Post as QAT' actually can't decrease drama after disqualifications. Becasue the true contradiction in this new ranking system is that between Bns and the Quality Assurance Team. It makes no sense to hide the QAT who dqed one map.

Also, i want to complain on the dq templet.
It is really hard to read dq posts now since the words in dq posts all queeze together which make mappers and many others very confused.
For example, lets see this dq post in my map:

See thess dq reasons, how much time do you spend to understand the typesetting? At the first time i saw this post i thought the last 4 dq reasons are all uncluded in the dq reasons of wkyik's Expert diff, so i thought my Insane diff was fine. then i made the following post, i'm so baka.
I also asked some friends to see this, they are all same with me. No one noticed the '-'.
Hope this templet can be improved.

Just my personal opinion. :3 :)
Well.. it won't decrease the drama, but if QAT disqualifies a map with invalid reason, he'll be considered as the worst QAT because he did some wrong and might get offended. This way direct offense is not possible. If he is doing his job wrong, he'll be punished by getting kick-off the QAT - The QAT himself doesn't deserve additional punishment by community.

Sieg wrote:

Cherry Blossom
The real problem is, you can't talk personally to the QAT that DQed your map anymore.
Too much headache ~
there should be another layer above QAT who's job is to disagree with them 8D

Kibbleru wrote:

there should be another layer above QAT who's job is to disagree with them 8D
First, how QAT decides about DQ?

1. If the whole QAT (their members altogether) is going to discuss among themselves and then deciding (either by consensus or voting as a senate) about a quality (or a un-quality¹) of a given mapset, then posting as TPTB² profile becomes acceptable (at least under my sight, imho). This shouldn't cause any bad reaction.

2. BUT... if every member of the QAT do the work individually (like the BN ones), then the poster's name should be known. And... also, in this case, a member of the QAT can ask another to help clarify certain things right before shooting that broken heart.

Second, how to avoid such drama?

3. It's simply impossible. However, it could be (at least) diminished by handling DQ as a natural -- even though undesirable -- event, instead of crying or screaming profanity aloud. DQ risk is now going to be like the risk of losing some money at NYSE -- yes, even as a fruit of an human fault or unknowledge, it still a thing to learn from and go forth. Stop crying, man! Onward, soldiers!

1. If some (or all these) words does not make sense, just ignore. I've no time for the marriage state.
2. I'll never be part of QAT because I don't want.

¹ I'm using Newspeak here.
² Such acronym is meant to be "The Powers That Be".

Sieg wrote:

Kibbleru wrote:

there should be another layer above QAT who's job is to disagree with them 8D
that's litteraly just so people can put their hate elsewhere. like this system.
most of these things are just to protect the QATs from being hated on.
Pretty sure there should be something like 'Posting as a BNG member'. LOL2

Wafu wrote:

Well.. it won't decrease the drama, but if QAT disqualifies a map with invalid reason, he'll be considered as the worst QAT because he did some wrong and might get offended. This way direct offense is not possible. If he is doing his job wrong, he'll be punished by getting kick-off the QAT - The QAT himself doesn't deserve additional punishment by community.
Emm... Dramas exist everywhere so being blamed/behatred is something usual in the Internet and in osu! so... What do you mean by writing 'additional punishment by community'? Like memes and 'oh lool it's dat nub trololololo go kill ursulf' and etc? If yes, well, it happens everywhere. Nobody's able to avoid it and there's always an option named 'BAN' if the hate is too harmful and of course some people can be silenced until they learn to behave and stuff.

By the way I have no idea where to post it, so please just give me a link where I can do it. I wish there would be more complex lists of DQ reasons like BNs who pop the bubbles and everything is listed. QATs are like 'So look at this ugly slider. There are loads of similar ones so go and fix them all on your own since we have no time to show you all of these we want to be fixed'. And yes, I am aware of tons of qualified maps and so few QATs to check them all. And no, it's not a good reason or an excuse to say 'this reason is good enough to be so stingy while writing a DQ post when we are in hurry'. This will only cause instant DQs like 'Hey, you forgot about more unpolished things! DQ no 369, BNG members will handle this beatmap once again!' However, if it's something you want to get because DQs give you more points in your own top secret rankings or help you to stay as QATs, then I don't mind.
i just lol'd i'm sorry xD
funny how they choise to act
In my point of view, this is a good idea. The QAT should not be working as individuals, they are the team ensuring the quality of the content that is being added to this game.

They should be speaking in the name of the game administration, not as themselves. If a DQ has to be contested, the blame should be put on the whole team, then internal discussions will arise and whatever happens to the QAT members is no public matters.

Alarido wrote:

Second, how to avoid such drama?
Make simple, clean and unsubjective DQ criteria and just follow them. No dramas gonna happen even once this will be done.

P.S. I agree with Kurai.

Kodora wrote:

Alarido wrote:

Second, how to avoid such drama?
Make simple, clean and unsubjective DQ criteria and just follow them. No dramas gonna happen even once this will be done.

P.S. I agree with Kurai.
You won the night with Akatsuki girl (Log Horizon). Surely.

Making a very clear set of a few statements looks the best. So DQ would occur just if at least one of things below occur:

* wrong timing (obvious)
* wrong title/artist/source
* wrong mapped rhythms that are so obvious
* by request of mapper (for fixing something)
* nsfw video/sb/skins (explicit nudity or near-nudity)
* excessive/massive/song-unwise overmapping

Unplayability would be not an excuse for DQ except if something in the map break rules (e.g., burai sliders); otherwise, maps that are playable by thelewa/cookiezi/wwf may not be playable for you/me.

In addition, every QAT should be able to achieve at least an A grade in Expert difficulties in a minimum of ten mapsets.

lolcubes wrote:

Hey! Hi! Hello!

Alarido wrote:

You won the night with Akatsuki girl (Log Horizon). Surely.

Making a very clear set of a few statements looks the best. So DQ would occur just if at least one of things below occur:

* wrong timing (obvious)
* wrong title/artist/source
* wrong mapped rhythms that are so obvious
* by request of mapper (for fixing something)
* nsfw video/sb/skins (explicit nudity or near-nudity)
* excessive/massive/song-unwise overmapping

Unplayability would be not an excuse for DQ except if something in the map break rules (e.g., burai sliders); otherwise, maps that are playable by thelewa/cookiezi/wwf may not be playable for you/me.

In addition, every QAT should be able to achieve at least an A grade in Expert difficulties in a minimum of ten mapsets.
I really agree with Alarido.The QATs disqualify maps when a map have unrankable issues like wrong snappings,wrong metadata and other things mentioned by Alarido.
The QAT's roles are to check the quality of the mapset during qualify state.If they found lack of quality or anything which I mentioned below,the map can be disqualified. They are not disqualify just for ugly sliders for example because anybody have his/her sliderstyle

Alarido wrote:

In addition, every QAT should be able to achieve at least an A grade in Expert difficulties in a minimum of ten mapsets.
Heh. You could easily turn this around you know. The mappers should be able to A rank their own maps!! :p

Why is all this such a big deal btw? I am not really for this anonymity thing myself, but in the end, it doesn't change the ranking flow. Maps will get qualified, disqualified and ranked regardless of this change.

I don't know how this discussion got sparked so much about the ugly slider thing, do you seriously thing a QAT would disqualify a map because they think a slider is ugly? Really.

I'm glad I only do taiko now, standard is so ridiculous now haha.

Krfawy wrote:

lolcubes wrote:

Hey! Hi! Hello!
╭( ・ㅂ・)و
Boy, it didnt take that long for this thread to get derailed, huh? As to the original post, the reason for the group poster is that dqs are a group decision, so when an individual has to post as a representative of the group decision, it ended up with disproportionate blame as well as miscommunicated that the dq was a group decision, not an individual one.

I do agree the template needs work, and we are working to make it more useful for both mappers and the QAT.
Topic Starter

Garven wrote:

I do agree the template needs work, and we are working to make it more useful for both mappers and the QAT.
Yay you get me ^_^
Would be appreciated if this is going on
I wrote that essay there just to make it look buff, or maybe I should write it simple so everyone could understand? o.O

A few things for the MAPPERS and BEATMAP NOMINATORS here! (just to let you know I did not blame (or possibly offended) QATs for any disqualification)

So far, I have never seen any ridiculous DQs, and in my opinion, such dramas or anything is not needed, where most of them are started by those "top players" or BNs who do not want their score dropped because of the mistakes made.

And maybe, just maybe, we could be more open sometimes (QATs too). If you really want to learn and improve, you should listen to the others, try your best to accept opinions from the experts / experienced. Else, give your honest and deepest explaination of why you did not etc.

Another thing, when you guys writing a DQ post, make sure it's not too complicated enough, do not use your University or Ph.D whatever level of English, make them simple, not too long or hard to read. I believe if the mappers get the idea, they would mostly change.

Last thing to add, I would really wish when QATs write their DQs, they list who agreed to the DQ post, even it's only 1 - 2 person, it's totally fine. We know we can not get all the QATs together for a DQ all the time, hope you understand this.

Of course, further opinions are welcomed :)

Rakuen wrote:

So far, I have never seen any ridiculous DQs
I've seen quite a few.
I know it usually states that it is just showing some examples of what needs rework, but if the post only shows 3-4 examples, I believe it can post much more examples of the issues, instead of stating so few and then saying that, it feels really hastily done

Rakuen wrote:

Another thing, when you guys writing a DQ post, make sure it's not too complicated enough, do not use your University or Ph.D whatever level of English, make them simple, not too long or hard to read. I believe if the mappers get the idea, they would mostly change.
sometimes its just impossible to read a dq post without google translator and i consider my english as ..idk "nice". and now imagine how would most of asians feel, the language used here is way too complicated.
maybe its just a formal style but i do believe simple and commonly used words would work better. that would be easier to get dq reasons and get away that weird feeling like posting QAT guys are trying to intellectually humiliate you LOL
I agree. It's not only about the English used, but the format too. We're working on it though. A wall of text helps no one, and the full explanations are not needed, hints should be enough (imo). The new problem here is that you can't directly contact the QAT who did the DQ, however every QAT should be able to clarify the reasons better if hints are not enough.
I have to admit myself (as a native English speaker) that the level of English used in QAT bot DQ posts is quite advanced and very formal.
It can be simpler.

Garven wrote:

Boy, it didnt take that long for this thread to get derailed, huh?
"was it ever railing", taken from a Skype group.
To be honest, I'd love to take part in a discussion, but Im honestly just guessing what the actual topic of this thread really is - and I dont think that Iam the only one. Idk if that's because of some language barrier in the first few posts, but .. uh.

Now we're kinda talking about the language/formal stuff used in the DQ posts, but is that what op was actually asking?
I dont even know. Can someone enlighten me.


If yes, then I'd like to say that I'd really prefer if the DQ post would have additional modding as well. Because, eh, having a short post about "your flow sucks" as a DQ isnt really helpful. Your subjective opinion on my flow might not be the same as my subjective opinion on my flow.
So what now? DQ reason is invalid and there is nothing else to do. No change, requalify, redq?

Give us more information why the heck things are wrong. One random example doesnt always help.
The posts are not supposed to HELP. They are supposed to reason out why it didn't get ranked. You are mistaking their task as some sort of service to improve maps. You are wrong. The task of the QAT is to not allow maps to be Ranked that are of insufficient quality. Fixing that lack is not included. We reason why it lacks of quality. We do not give you options in how to fix it.

It is up to the mapper and whoever is interested to improve the quality, if they want - or let it be. We just handle applications for Ranked. We reject or accept. And if we reject, we state why.
The nominators are applying beatmaps for Ranked. You are the ones that are supposed to be helping, if you want to help. That's also up to you.

Some things getting qualified are not even meant to be Ranked ever. But you all believe that what once has been Qualified MUST BE REQUALIFIED NO MATTER WHAT. That's not even half true. If you and the mapper are unable to improve the quality, so be it. Getting something ranked is a privilege, not something that you can take for granted. You want to be more selective and nitpicky when choosing what you want to qualify.

And stop qualifying things in the hope that the QAT will point up all issues, so you can be 100% sure that this is all that needs to be fixed to get it Ranked. QATs will not take over your or the mapper's work, ever. BNs heavily abused the idea of "Oh hey, let's go here and qualify it. If shit explodes, QATs will mod it to the extend that it is perfect after we applied everything they said. I do not even need to learn or to use my brain. That the QAT are actually doing all the work for us.... who cares!". That's the reason why we moved away from actually MODDING things or even cut out help quite frankly.

We focus on the main task we have. Checking maps. Thumbs up or down. And if down, why. No more. No less.
Cherry Blossom
People always complain about DQs when the disqualification reason is questionable, and they always want to blame QATs.
Posting as QAT is a good thing, as Garven or someone else said, DQs are a group decision and there is no reason to stigmatize a particular QAT.
However, as i said, the mapper won't know who were involved in this decision, and if he wants more clarifications, he won't be able to find them easily.

I still wonder why people dislike how their map get DQed when they don't look at their own map. Their own ranking process is mostly messed up, i mean, there is not enough mods from experienced modders, not enough testplays and constructive feedbacks from other players etc. Moreover, the mappers should not go fast, and they must take their time, speedranked maps are usually not enough good.

And don't forget it, please enjoy this game.
BNs care about their own score, i don't.

Loctav wrote:

And stop qualifying things in the hope that the QAT will point up all issues, so you can be 100% sure that this is all that needs to be fixed to get it Ranked. QATs will not take over your or the mapper's work, ever. BNs heavily abused the idea of "Oh hey, let's go here and qualify it. If shit explodes, QATs will mod it to the extend that it is perfect after we applied everything they said. I do not even need to learn or to use my brain. That the QAT are actually doing all the work for us.... who cares!". That's the reason why we moved away from actually MODDING things or even cut out help quite frankly.
I'm ready to confess.


Loctav wrote:

The task of the QAT is to not allow maps to be Ranked that are of insufficient quality.
What is "quality" means?

The mapper can't judge his/her own map for sure. From that point it will always be awesome. As for the BNs, they all have different viewpoint. One likes flow, while other more into jumps.

I think most BN not qualifying maps just for issues be pointed out. They truly think the map is good enough. Why? Because they love those jumps, how they flow, etc. Then bam, the map will be DQ'd because of those jumps as a reason. Currently its really hard to guess how the QAT is checking maps. What they are looking and how they make those decisions. Yes, I know its a closed team, staff, classified, whatever you prefer but giving more examples can help the mapper and BNs to figure out what should we look before qualify something (aside from the obvious ones).
About the "Posting as QAT" thing, I was thinking it was just a bug, so that didn't really bother me lol. The QAT bot did shocked me the first time I saw it though. Kowai :o
Topic Starter

Loctav wrote:

The posts are not supposed to HELP. They are supposed to reason out why it didn't get ranked. You are mistaking their task as some sort of service to improve maps. You are wrong. The task of the QAT is to not allow maps to be Ranked that are of insufficient quality. Fixing that lack is not included. We reason why it lacks of quality. We do not give you options in how to fix it.
I did not get the answer I want here tho, I mean most of the disqualifications help, and I did not say anyone is afraid of DQs

Just so, my main points are why the "representative" system is removed, coz I feel it's quite nice. And I'd like to know who involved in the DQs, not to blame the whole team or representative, mappers might look at the QATs maps or QATs mods and find some more improvements.

Two, I'd like to see the DQ posts simplified, not so hard to understand. Short mods, meaningful, and as you said let the mappers to think

Loctav wrote:

And stop qualifying things in the hope that the QAT will point up all issues, so you can be 100% sure that this is all that needs to be fixed to get it Ranked. QATs will not take over your or the mapper's work, ever. BNs heavily abused the idea of "Oh hey, let's go here and qualify it. If shit explodes, QATs will mod it to the extend that it is perfect after we applied everything they said. I do not even need to learn or to use my brain. That the QAT are actually doing all the work for us.... who cares!". That's the reason why we moved away from actually MODDING things or even cut out help quite frankly.
I'd say none of us think like this, this is just too emotional, if you know what means "time is money". None of us would like to waste our time (random bubbles / ranks), or if yes, they are the people you picked (or nominated recently). To avoid that, maybe pick BNs with more cautious?

More opinions ? :)
Sorry for late involvement.

Loctav wrote:

The posts are not supposed to HELP.

Love wrote:

We're here to help mappers progress, even the QATs are.

Besides. The problem isn't that QATs don't make advice. It includes but not limited to that QATs don't always point out all problems. Posts like "patterns like 00:00:00 - doesn't fit music because..." while not pointing out all problematic parts. This makes mappers rigidly fix to them while still make them not ready to get the map qualified.

Moreover, as my previous proposal suggested, it is unclear what the BNs should check besides what has been hard written in RC. Even when BN has checked all rounds they can come up with, the map may still have overlooked "quality issues" that deserves a disqualification.

Finally, there should be a template for clear formatting and interpretability.
A little late, but that was because the discussion was there when I wasn't able to post here

Why not let the QAT who are involved with the DQ send a PM to the mapper whose map git deleted saying they were involved
Then the mapper can ask the QAT better on what they mean
For example, back when this didn't exist, one of my map got DQ'd
Why it took 6 days for inconsistency in source is weird. But that doesn't matter
Asphyxia was the QAT who posted the DQ
Then I went and asked him some questions about it (not really related to DQ itself, more like what to do hereafter)

Being able to talk with the involved QAT is a great way to get more info about the DQ
A few weeks ago, my map got DQ'd, but I didn't agree with all but one point
I really couldn't see how it was a problem
So if I could have talked with the involved QAT, I could easily ask them about the problem
Heck, even if you could just talk with QAT in general (don't even need to know who) if that's possible would be great

Baraatje123 wrote:

So if I could have talked with the involved QAT, I could easily ask them about the problem
Heck, even if you could just talk with QAT in general (don't even need to know who) if that's possible would be great
you still CAN talk to QAT by simply poking him ingame. you wont die if you ask him whether he participated in the DQ proccess, seriously. no reason to make an issue out of this
But isn't it better to talk with one of the participating QAT, so they can explain better as to why that is DQ'able, and you can talk on whether your fix is acceptable
Cherry Blossom

Cherry Blossom wrote:

not everyone has access to that

Baraatje123 wrote:

But isn't it better to talk with one of the participating QAT, so they can explain better as to why that is DQ'able, and you can talk on whether your fix is acceptable
If you ask any of QATs for the currently DQed map, I am pretty sure he will know no matter whether he did or didn't disqualify the map. From what I have seen QATs really explained me all questionable rules and there were not really differences between those explanations, so I would say that QATs have almost equal knowledge when it comes to rankability of the beatmap. But I agree that if it is not directly in rules or is not obvious, it should be explained well in the QAT post.

Wafu wrote:

Baraatje123 wrote:

But isn't it better to talk with one of the participating QAT, so they can explain better as to why that is DQ'able, and you can talk on whether your fix is acceptable
If you ask any of QATs for the currently DQed map, I am pretty sure he will know no matter whether he did or didn't disqualify the map. From what I have seen QATs really explained me all questionable rules and there were not really differences between those explanations, so I would say that QATs have almost equal knowledge when it comes to rankability of the beatmap. But I agree that if it is not directly in rules or is not obvious, it should be explained well in the QAT post.
I have to disagree based solely off the result and lack of explanation in the crack traxxxx disqualification :P. Maybe you just got lucky and asked the QAT responsible for the DQ xD. But I can say for a fact this won't always happen.
What recently happened also surprised me
I was e-mail subscribed to a thread, and I got an e-mail from a certain QAT member (not mentioning names)
I opened the link to the post, and it was from the QAT-team account
Either he forgot to post as QAT and edited after, or it is saved in such way (it's the first time this has happened to me though)

Baraatje123 wrote:

What recently happened also surprised me
I was e-mail subscribed to a thread, and I got an e-mail from a certain QAT member (not mentioning names)
I opened the link to the post, and it was from the QAT-team account
Either he forgot to post as QAT and edited after, or it is saved in such way (it's the first time this has happened to me though)
He forgot to post as QAT and edited it later.

monstrata wrote:

I have to disagree based solely off the result and lack of explanation in the crack traxxxx disqualification :P. Maybe you just got lucky and asked the QAT responsible for the DQ xD. But I can say for a fact this won't always happen.
I never experienced something what was not upheld correctly from DQs, mostly QATs explained it well, if they did not in post, they explained it well personally and they weren't always even the disqualifying QATs - You can sometimes get this from last time they were logged on. But if multiple QATs actually cannot explain it or don't agree with it, then that's why we have "contest disqualification" here.

Wafu wrote:

monstrata wrote:

I have to disagree based solely off the result and lack of explanation in the crack traxxxx disqualification :P. Maybe you just got lucky and asked the QAT responsible for the DQ xD. But I can say for a fact this won't always happen.
I never experienced something what was not upheld correctly from DQs, mostly QATs explained it well, if they did not in post, they explained it well personally and they weren't always even the disqualifying QATs - You can sometimes get this from last time they were logged on. But if multiple QATs actually cannot explain it or don't agree with it, then that's why we have "contest disqualification" here.
The contest feature should be used when you disagree with the disqualification, not when you don't understand the disqualifying post...

Because posts are made on the QAT bot, mappers and BN's cannot easily identify which QAT was responsible, and which QAT's were associated with the DQ. At the same time, there is also the issue that if the disqualifying QAT were easily identifiable, then there is no point in using the QAT bot for anonymity in the first place.

It's not the mapper's or BN's fault for not being able to fully understand the intent of the DQ post, but it's also not the QAT's fault for not being able to adequately explain their reasoning. If a QAT cannot adequately explain the issue to the mapper, there needs to be a system to help with clarification, but currently there isn't.
Just maybe have the team that examined the map listed below?

monstrata wrote:

The contest feature should be used when you disagree with the disqualification, not when you don't understand the disqualifying post...
No, when there actually is no QAT to upheld the issue as being an issue, it's time for contest. It does not mean you did not understand the point - Mostly if you don't understand the point means it lacks a logic or reason that would be enough for a disqualification.

Contests are not here for people who disagree with disqualification. You might disagree because "it will destroy my/mapper's style" or "you/mapper just like/s it". Contests are here for people who got their map disqualified but the reason was not enough for disqualification. Like, one note missing hitsound won't be DQ-able (unless you request for it within 12 hours). If no good reason for disqualification is given -> ask other QATs, eventually some more experienced BNs which you think might be future QATs -> if you get at least 2 people saying it is an issue, it most likely is important, if you cannot get anyone who can prove it is an issue, then contest the disqualification. Not understanding reason for disqualification is one thing, if someone else understands, he can explain you better. If nobody can understand the reason or QATs disagree with that reason, then it is probably wrong. There is literally no way to not get an answer for "Why did they DQ this map for this issue?"
Did you read the DQ posts we do?

If you have any questions, please reply to this post and we will do our best to clarify any misunderstandings.
And Contesting a DQ is exactly for "I DISAGREE and I have reasons". Please, for gods sake, read the stuff that is written all across the places! ;_;
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