This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, 3 September, 2015 at 8:29:16 PM
Artist: Plasmagica
Title: Seishun wa Non-Stop!
Source: ショウ・バイ・ロック!!
Tags: レガートミュージック RegaSound シアン チュチュ レトリー モアSHOW BY ROCK!! OP opening video game AsakuraNe walaowey Kagari Cyan ChuChu Retoree Moa Eri Inagawa Sumire Uesaka Manami Numakura Ayane Sakura
BPM: 172
Filesize: 23146kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
Download: Plasmagica - Seishun wa Non-Stop! (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
For ranked, #4
Redownload as of 5/8/2015, new difficulty added.
Difficulty list
Easy - 100% - By AsakuraNe
Normal - 100% - By AsakuraNe
Hard - 100% - By me
Insane - 100% - By me
Walao's Insane - 100% - By walaowey
Kagari's Rain - 100% - By Kagari
Thanks for the awesome GDs Asakura, walaowey and Kagari~
Moe to the maximum
Artist: Plasmagica
Title: Seishun wa Non-Stop!
Source: ショウ・バイ・ロック!!
Tags: レガートミュージック RegaSound シアン チュチュ レトリー モアSHOW BY ROCK!! OP opening video game AsakuraNe walaowey Kagari Cyan ChuChu Retoree Moa Eri Inagawa Sumire Uesaka Manami Numakura Ayane Sakura
BPM: 172
Filesize: 23146kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
- AsaNe's Easy (1.52 stars, 121 notes)
- AsaNe's Normal (2.07 stars, 171 notes)
- Hard (2.95 stars, 220 notes)
- Insane (3.85 stars, 276 notes)
- Kagari's Rain (4.05 stars, 348 notes)
- Walao's Insane (4.28 stars, 327 notes)
Download: Plasmagica - Seishun wa Non-Stop! (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Easy - 100% - By AsakuraNe
Normal - 100% - By AsakuraNe
Hard - 100% - By me
Insane - 100% - By me
Walao's Insane - 100% - By walaowey
Kagari's Rain - 100% - By Kagari
Thanks for the awesome GDs Asakura, walaowey and Kagari~
- 19/6/2015 - Applied hanyuu_nanodesu's mod.
- 20/6/2015 - AsaNe's Easy and Normal updated.
- 21/6/2015 - Background updated with correct dimensions.
- 21/6/2015 - XiMerx's mod applied on all diffs.
- 22/6/2015 - Fixed the beatmap's problem while importing.
- 22/6/2015 - Applied <span style='color:orange'>Rakuen</span>'s mod on Hard and Insane.
- 23/6/2015 - Applied imaikiseta's mod and jloughman14's mod on Hard and Insane.
- 24/6/2015 - Applied <span style='color:orange'>Rakuen</span>'s and imaikiseta's mod to AsakuraNe's Easy and Normal.
- 24/6/2015 - Added new video. Thank you Nekomata~
- 25/6/2015 - Applied Kyle Y's mod to Insane.
- 27/6/2015 - Applied LucaSA4's and Come[Back]Home's mod to Hard and Insane.
- 27/6/2015 - Blanket cleanups in Hard updated.
- 28/6/2015 - All the incompleted replies for Easy and Normal answered, updated.
- 1/7/2015 - Applied Osuology's and eeezzzeee's mod to Hard and Insane.
- 3/7/2015 - Applied eeezzzeee's mod to Easy and Normal.
- 4/7/2015 - Did some self-mod, added some triplets on Insane.
- 8/7/2015 - Applied FrOstOfWinTer's mod to Insane.
- 10/7/2015 - Did another self-mod, added more triplets to Insane.
- 10/7/2015 - Video added back to all difficulties.
- 11/7/2015 - Applied - Milhofo -'s mod to Insane and Hard.
- 12/7/2015 - Applied Reditum's mod to Insane and Hard.
- 18/7/2015 - Did one minor change to Insane.
- 19/7/2015 - Applied FrOstOfWinTer's, - Milhofo -'s and Reditum's mod to Easy and Normal.
- 19/7/2015 - Applied Victorica's mod to all difficulties.
- 20/7/2015 - Applied Cloudchaser's mod to Insane and Hard.
- 20/7/2015 - Added few more tags.
- 22/7/2015 - Changed the hitsound set to the default soft set.
- 23/7/2015 - Applied Cloudchaser's mod to Normal.
- 25/7/2015 - Added few missing hitsounds.
- 25/7/2015 - Metadata updated, and applied Xinchii's mod to Insane and Hard.
- 26/7/2015 - Added Walao's Insane to the mapset.
- 26/7/2015 - Finally amplified the mp3 to a reasonable amount
- 27/7/2015 - Adjusted offset with the new mp3.
- 28/7/2015 - Walao's Insane was updated with his self-mod
- 2/8/2015 - Applied baraatje123's mod to both Insanes and Hard.
- 2/8/2015 - Changed offset according to Niks' check.
- 4/8/2015 - Applied cheezstik's mod to Walao's Insane.
- 5/8/2015 - Added Kagari's Rain to the mapset.
- 10/8/2015 - Applied lidahapi's mod to Rain.
- 11/8/2015 - Applied WildOne94's mod to Rain.
- 12/8/2015 - Applied kunkakunkakunkakunka's mod to Hard and both Insanes.
- 16/8/2015 - Applied afk98's mod to Rain.
- 18/8/2015 - Applied Synpoo's mod to Insane and Hard.
- 18/8/2015 - Applied Synpoo's mod to Walao's Insane.
- 23/8/2015 - Added missing hitsounds, cleared up some issues within the map.
- 30/8/2015 - Applied Mofu kun's mod to Hard and Insane.
- 3/9/2015 - Applied alienflybot's mod to Rain. Added more tags.