
Various Artists - Monogatari Series Songs Compilation

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年7月15日 at 下午 07:55:28

Artist: Various Artists
Title: Monogatari Series Songs Compilation
Source: <物語>シリーズ
Tags: neko kabuki otori oni koi hana tsuki chocolate insomnia happy bite mousou express white lies kogarashi sentiment adolescence orange mint
BPM: 162
Filesize: 17533kb
Play Time: 09:14
Difficulties Available:
  1. Kimi no Monogatari (4.43 stars, 1776 notes)
Download: Various Artists - Monogatari Series Songs Compilation
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

First Approval map >.<

Kimi no Monogatari

Song List:

1. - Chocolate insomnia (BPM162)

2. - happy bite (BPM132)

3. - (BPM101)

4. - white lies (BPM161)

5. - (BPM131)

6. - the last day of my adolescence (BPM177)

7. - (BPM122)

Monogatari Best Anime.
Nakano Itsuki

Let's hype for the coming of a great mapper of our generation.
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StarrStyx wrote:


Let's hype for the coming of a great mapper of our generation.
nop uwu
omfg chaos so pro
must adore
i want to map some ;_;
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StarForYou wrote:

omfg chaos so pro
must adore
i want to map some ;_;
Hi there.

Make sure you put as artist: Various Artists, because various implies more than 1 artist.

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RVMathew wrote:

Hi there.

Make sure you put as artist: Various Artists, because various implies more than 1 artist.

fixed thanks
some problem with BSS =w= i will upload it later
Jing Yuan
eyo time for a mod

add marathon to tags
Move preview point to somewhere during song 3, this is just my opinion, but i think the song is more recognizable then where the preview point currently is.
[Kimi no Monogatari]
[Song 1:]
00:04:909 (4) - remove note, i can't hear a violin note that corresponds to this note, if you do, make 00:05:094 (5) - part of the NC
00:20:072 (1) - angle slider down to better flow into note 2
00:23:035 (1) - ctrl+g this note, i think it makes a more interesting jump from note 5 to the slider
00:24:887 (2) - reverse slider curve to flow into slider 3
00:31:924 (1) - cttrl+g, it flows into the jumps a bit better.
00:41:831 (4) - delete this note, only one drum beat after the slider is heard.
00:48:035 (5) - ^, no drumbeat to support this note
00:57:294 - add a spinner here, seems very empty without anything here
01:00:813 (3) - move a bit farther away from slider 2, seems inconsistent with previous blankets
01:02:294 (3) - move sliderend just a bit more down to flow into next note better
01:04:331 (8) - move down and to the left a bit (around 180|156), makes the angles for the jump equal
01:05:257 (3) - ctrl+g this note and angle to the right, flow
01:11:183 (3) - change slider to flow into note 4 better
[Song 2:]
01:28:591 (1) - delete this note, no sound to match it
01:33:592 (5) - ctrl+g, up to you here, it works fine both ways
01:37:683 (1) - angle sliderend up to flow into following note
01:51:774 (7) - remap this slider. in it's current state, it doesn't flow very well.
01:57:455 (1) - this sliderend could be moved to better flow into the next note
02:13:819 (1,2) - remap sliders similar to this for better flow
02:22:228 (5) - angle sliderend up a very tiny little bit
[Song 3:]
02:57:411 (1) - angle slider toward next slider, flowwwwwwww
03:04:242 (4) - no lyric to fit this note
03:10:034 (5) - ctrl g and angle toward next note, flowe flash wolves
03:13:747 (4) - the "shi" syllable sounds like it only fills the sliderend instead of the whole slider. single note only?
03:17:609 (2,3,4) - maybe map the guitar riffs fully instead of switching to drums, it feels like a weird transition.
03:19:985 (4) - lyrics starts at slider end and continues until note 5. replace the two
03:20:727 (7,8) - replace with one long slider to fit the lyric
03:22:064 (3,4,5,6,7) - replace 3 sliderend with slider, delete 4, start new slider at 6, end at the 7 sliderend.
03:24:886 (3,4,5,6,7) - replace 3 with slider, delete 4, replace 5 with slider until slider 6 start, delete 6, replace 6 sliderend with note.
note:disregard the previous 2 mods if you're mapping to the drum beats as opposed to the lyrics.
03:28:153 (7) - lyrics don't match up to this note
03:29:490 (3,4,5,6,7) - to better match lyrics, note 2 becomes slider until slider 3 start, slider 3 end becomes slider 3 start, continues until note 4, note 6 becomes slider that continues until note 7 end
03:31:569 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
note: again, disregard previous 2 if you aren't mapping to lyrics
03:34:688 (3) - move slider up a bit so that flow to note 4 is good
03:37:658 (4) - move note 4 down to make a triangle with 1,2 for flowe
03:40:480 (1) - replace slider with note at sliderend to fit lyrics
03:42:856 (1) - ^
03:45:232 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - not a mod, just really like this pattern
03:47:609 (1) - same as 3:40:480
03:48:648 (4) - move to where the sliderend of note 1 was, better pattern imo
03:49:985 (1) - replace slider with note at sliderend to fit pattern
03:51:173 (5) - ctrl g and then move left a bit for flowing
03:51:767 (7,8) - delete 8 and extend 7 a bit longer to fit lyricas
03:52:361 (1) - replace slider with note at sliderend to fit lyrices
03:54:737 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - i <3 this pattern
03:56:520 (3,4) - delete these two notes, think a small dead area fits better here.
03:58:896 (5) - move sliderend off of the next slider, doesn't look the best imo
04:03:648 (5,1) - ^
[Song 4]
04:14:916 (5) - delete note, doesn't sound like it fits in here
04:18:550 (2,3) - delete two notes, don't fit in with the song
04:18:736 (4) - make slider straight, flows better
04:20:133 (3) - delete note, the violin only has one audible note here.
04:24:326 (3,4) - move note 4 inbetween slider and stream and angle slider toward the note
04:25:444 (1) - angle slider left, more toward slider 2. looks better imo
04:28:425 (1) - ^ (only a little bit tho)
04:28:798 (2) - make the slider curve through the bottom as opposed to the top, looks better imo
04:29:543 (6) - move sliderstart to around 112|20. makes the notes 6,7,1 not as jolty.
04:31:034 (6) - make the slider have a very slight concave curve. basically an aesthetic
04:31:966 (2,3,4) - make this triple angle off of the slider end, instead of just straight.
04:38:115 (3) - make the sliderend angle the slider straight instead of toward the left, it makes weird movements to move to note 4 if like that
04:51:065 (2,3,4,5) - move stream down a bit so that it is flush with the slider
04:55:444 (2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - consider changing stream into series of jumps, the switch from violin notes to drums seems too fast
really excited for this map to be finished!
Topic Starter
add marathon to tags
Move preview point to somewhere during song 3, this is just my opinion, but i think the song is more recognizable then where the preview point currently is. personally i think the currently is better :p Moreover there is ranked version of song 3 so it would be quite familiar
[Kimi no Monogatari]
[Song 1:]
00:04:909 (4) - remove note, i can't hear a violin note that corresponds to this note, if you do, make 00:05:094 (5) - part of the NC I decided to add a note here because for consistence so i think it is fine
00:20:072 (1) - angle slider down to better flow into note 2 Fixed
00:23:035 (1) - ctrl+g this note, i think it makes a more interesting jump from note 5 to the slider i love to keep the anti-jump in 00:23:035 (1,2) more :p
00:24:887 (2) - reverse slider curve to flow into slider 3 ?
00:31:924 (1) - cttrl+g, it flows into the jumps a bit better. then the jump will be too large, since I wanna keep a quite constant ds
00:41:831 (4) - delete this note, only one drum beat after the slider is heard. yea you are right, but i want to emphasis here before a new vocal start, will consider about it
00:48:035 (5) - ^, no drumbeat to support this note leave this empty is weird
00:57:294 - add a spinner here, seems very empty without anything here I afraid the spinner will be too short
01:00:813 (3) - move a bit farther away from slider 2, seems inconsistent with previous blankets Fixed
01:02:294 (3) - move sliderend just a bit more down to flow into next note better Fixed
01:04:331 (8) - move down and to the left a bit (around 180|156), makes the angles for the jump equal Fixed
01:05:257 (3) - ctrl+g this note and angle to the right, flow anti-jump :p
01:11:183 (3) - change slider to flow into note 4 better I want symmetry here so i wanna keep
[Song 2:]
01:28:591 (1) - delete this note, no sound to match it this downbeat need to be emphasized imo
01:33:592 (5) - ctrl+g, up to you here, it works fine both ways yea keep, my style
01:37:683 (1) - angle sliderend up to flow into following note Fixed
01:51:774 (7) - remap this slider. in it's current state, it doesn't flow very well. less curve now
01:57:455 (1) - this sliderend could be moved to better flow into the next note nah it works fine now
02:13:819 (1,2) - remap sliders similar to this for better flow why o3o
02:22:228 (5) - angle sliderend up a very tiny little bit Fixed
[Song 3:]
02:57:411 (1) - angle slider toward next slider, flowwwwwwww this one is fine
03:04:242 (4) - no lyric to fit this note I am mapping both vocal and bgm at once
03:10:034 (5) - ctrl g and angle toward next note, flowe flash wolves 03:09:589 (4) is moving down to catch the next slider so it should be fine
03:13:747 (4) - the "shi" syllable sounds like it only fills the sliderend instead of the whole slider. single note only?same, I am mapping both vocal and bgm at once
03:17:609 (2,3,4) - maybe map the guitar riffs fully instead of switching to drums, it feels like a weird transition. but 03:16:718 (1) is following drums as well owo
03:19:985 (4) - lyrics starts at slider end and continues until note 5. replace the two bgm~
03:20:727 (7,8) - replace with one long slider to fit the lyric ^
03:22:064 (3,4,5,6,7) - replace 3 sliderend with slider, delete 4, start new slider at 6, end at the 7 sliderend.
03:24:886 (3,4,5,6,7) - replace 3 with slider, delete 4, replace 5 with slider until slider 6 start, delete 6, replace 6 sliderend with note.
note:disregard the previous 2 mods if you're mapping to the drum beats as opposed to the lyrics.
03:28:153 (7) - lyrics don't match up to this note
03:29:490 (3,4,5,6,7) - to better match lyrics, note 2 becomes slider until slider 3 start, slider 3 end becomes slider 3 start, continues until note 4, note 6 becomes slider that continues until note 7 end
03:31:569 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - ^
note: again, disregard previous 2 if you aren't mapping to lyrics
03:34:688 (3) - move slider up a bit so that flow to note 4 is good Fixed
03:37:658 (4) - move note 4 down to make a triangle with 1,2 for flowe 03:37:064 (1,2,3,4,5) is supposed to be a regular pentagon
03:40:480 (1) - replace slider with note at sliderend to fit lyrics
03:42:856 (1) - ^
03:45:232 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - not a mod, just really like this pattern :>>>>>
03:47:609 (1) - same as 3:40:480
03:48:648 (4) - move to where the sliderend of note 1 was, better pattern imo I mapped this pattern with same style in the whole song: which stacks both notes
03:49:985 (1) - replace slider with note at sliderend to fit pattern ^
03:51:173 (5) - ctrl g and then move left a bit for flowing then 03:51:024 (4,5) will be too far
03:51:767 (7,8) - delete 8 and extend 7 a bit longer to fit lyricas
03:52:361 (1) - replace slider with note at sliderend to fit lyrices
03:54:737 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - i <3 this pattern
03:56:520 (3,4) - delete these two notes, think a small dead area fits better here.
03:58:896 (5) - move sliderend off of the next slider, doesn't look the best imo but it is owo
04:03:648 (5,1) - ^
[Song 4]
04:14:916 (5) - delete note, doesn't sound like it fits in here will consider about this
04:18:550 (2,3) - delete two notes, don't fit in with the song ^
04:18:736 (4) - make slider straight, flows better you may not notice but 04:18:550 (2,3,4,5,1) have a constant 120 degree rotating of start of sliders
04:20:133 (3) - delete note, the violin only has one audible note here. following drums
04:24:326 (3,4) - move note 4 inbetween slider and stream and angle slider toward the note spacing will be too small
04:25:444 (1) - angle slider left, more toward slider 2. looks better imo Fixed
04:28:425 (1) - ^ (only a little bit tho)
04:28:798 (2) - make the slider curve through the bottom as opposed to the top, looks better imo this is fine
04:29:543 (6) - move sliderstart to around 112|20. makes the notes 6,7,1 not as jolty. this is fine imo o.o
04:31:034 (6) - make the slider have a very slight concave curve. basically an aesthetic Fixed
04:31:966 (2,3,4) - make this triple angle off of the slider end, instead of just straight. to consistent with 04:31:407 (1)
04:38:115 (3) - make the sliderend angle the slider straight instead of toward the left, it makes weird movements to move to note 4 if like that I care the pattern in 04:37:183 (1,2,3) more
04:51:065 (2,3,4,5) - move stream down a bit so that it is flush with the slider Fixed
04:55:444 (2,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - consider changing stream into series of jumps, the switch from violin notes to drums seems too fast will consider

really excited for this map to be finished!

thanks <33
I see in your queue that why i'm here \:D/

Kimi no Monogatari

00:05:279 (1) - You forget whistle at start slider lol
00:18:590 (1) - Swap whistle here to start slider for suitable more.
00:19:146 (2) - Whistle here.
00:36:368 (1) - Move to 20:84 to blanket with (9) and centre between (8,9) too?
00:37:109 (3,4) - If you fix above move this note 1 grid right to make same distance between (1,2,3)
00:48:220 (1) - Use "Sampleset: Drum and "Addition: Soft+Finish" here at start slider? (use volume around 25% here)
00:51:183 (1) - Same above.
01:00:072 (1) - Add some whistle at start slider to follow rhythm? (I'm feel a bit empty when listen kiai part imo)
01:00:813 (3) - Same above.
01:03:035 (5,7) - Same above.
01:05:998 (1,3) - Same.
01:11:924 (1,3) - ^
01:14:887 (1,3) - ^
01:41:319 (1) - Move to 388:352 would be better imo.
01:47:455 (2) - Move a bit left to make (2,3,4) straight line?
03:06:322 (2,3,4) - You can make this note for triangle pattern like this? (It's more flow too.)
03:21:470 (1) - You can use whistle at start slider here :3
03:22:064 (2) - Move to 8:172 would be better imo.
03:23:846 (1) - You can use whistle at start slider.
03:30:975 (1) - ^
03:33:351 (1) - ^
03:40:480 (1) - ^
03:42:856 (1) - ^
03:49:985 (1) - ^
03:52:361 (1) - ^
04:12:028 (1) - Add whistle at start slider to follow bell sound?
04:12:773 (3) - ^
04:13:332 (5) - Try move this note to make same distance between (4,5,1)
04:13:519 (1) - You can add whistle at start slider that reason I said before.
04:15:009 (1,3) - ^
04:16:500 (1) - ^
04:17:059 (2) - End slider you can use clap.
04:19:481 (1,4,1) - You can add whistle at start slider that reason I said before.
----------- After that I think you can put by yourself don't you? :3 -------------------
05:06:257 (7) - Whistle please. (Yay... my favorite song part \:D/ )
05:50:455 (1) - Start slider add whistle.
05:52:287 (1) - ^
06:05:112 (1) - Use SC:1 here and finish them!
06:19:768 (1) - ^
06:41:601 (3,4) - Use whistle to follow rhythm?
06:47:702 (1) - Start slider you can use Drum sampleset and whistle+finish I think it will fitting more :3 / use soft: finish SC:1
07:09:397 (1) - Use SC:1 finish here.
08:06:778 (1) - You forget finish.
08:38:253 (1) - ^

I hope it's help.... good luck! :3
[Kimi no Monogatari]

  2. 00:01:575 (3,4) - Try using a 1/2 repeat instead. It gives a nice emphasis onto 5.
  3. 00:03:612 (5,1) - How about a jump here? Emphasize 1.
  4. 00:21:183 (5) - Rotate a bit more so players can't just play this pattern linearly and use slider leniency. This will emphasize the vocals better.
  5. 00:24:146 (4,1) - Same here, a bit more emphasize would be nice, whether through rotating it so the head is farther away, or creating a jump. Something like what you did with: 00:27:294 (5,1) - would be really nice.
  6. 00:33:035 (5,1) - Here too. Missed opportunity to create some variety in spacing (that also fits the song).
  7. 01:03:035 (5,6,7) - Kinda Nazi, but if the heads of these 3 sliders were spaced evenly, would look nicer~
  8. 01:05:627 (4,1) - Here too... Try 273||314 for slider 1.
  9. 01:27:228 - How about a spinner that begins here and ends on 01:28:592 - ? A circle there doesn't make a lot of sense since it's so feint, but ending on a spinner would feel nice.
  10. 01:36:773 (4,5,6) - Could even up this spacing a bit. Also, consider moving 5 more to the left, cuz the motion here is especially linear.
  11. 02:06:774 (1) - Tbh 1/2 slider and then a circle would play better imo. Having a circle on 02:07:228 - would follow the vocals a bit better.
  12. 02:19:274 (1) - This is like, the highlight of the song D:. I really think using 1/1 circles (potentially even jumps) would emphasize these notes better than a lame 1/1 repeat slider.
  13. 02:33:819 (1) - ^Same idea :P. 1/1 repeat sliders don't leave much for the player to click. The vocals are emphasized tho, so seriously consider this~
  14. 02:42:228 (3,4) - The slider-ends are much stronger+louder than the heads though.
  15. 02:50:287 (6,7) - 1/4 slider instead? Compare 02:50:139 - to 02:50:436 (7) - . Slider-end of 5 has a more audible piano sound than 7 but you put a circle on 7 instead :S
  16. 03:22:367 (3) - The slider-end 03:22:516 - is much more prominent. both the vocals + drums emphasize that note.
  17. 03:26:229 (1,2) - How about making this a 1/4 repeat instead? This back/forth motion fits the vocals well imo.
  18. 03:35:733 (6,7) - Could you make this rhythm a bit denser? It would make the next combo of 03:37:070 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - play better. Right now there is no build up or lead into the next combo.
  19. 03:45:238 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Ahhh this is really nice. I just wish you didnt overlap so much of the slider, but this still plays very well.
  20. 03:47:169 (2) - Could do something with this slider. Maybe make it 5/8 or reduce the SV a bit? So you can emphasize 03:47:615 (1) - Maybe something like 03:58:902 (5,1) - ?
  21. 04:01:278 (6,1) - Not going to extend the slider here? Seems inconsistent.
  22. 04:17:059 (2,3) - Ctrl+G this rhythm. Having something clickable on 04:17:245 - for the piano sound would play really nicely.
  23. 04:22:090 (5,6,7) - Doesn't have to be here, but you use a lot of triplets in this song. You could make some of them 1/4 repeats instead for some variety. Too many triplets can be tiresome to play, especially when the song isn't particularly intense.
  24. 04:38:674 (5,1,2,3) - Ahhh, i wouldn't recommend using rhythms like this because the way you've spaced this pattern. You've set up so many stream patterns before, players will misread this and just stream this and get 100's on 04:38:860 (1,2,3) - .
  25. 04:44:637 (10) - I don't hear anything here... the instruments only emphasize 2 beats, 04:44:730 (11,1) - . So how about making 04:44:450 (9) - into a 1/2 slider?
  26. 04:55:258 (1,2,1) - This flow could be better. A smooth flow going into this circular stream would play better. If you want to emphasize, i recommend using a jump rather than a flow-break. Very simple solution is just to Ctrl+G 04:55:258 (1,2) - xD
Good luck~
X Light
From M4M queue
[Chocolate insomnia]
00:38:961 (4) - 放在3的尾巴上更好看一点
00:46:738 (1) - 感觉离4远一些比较好,后面的排列可以这样
01:09:887 (8) - 这里放三连打就好了啊因为后面也是三连
[happy bite]
01:28:592 (1) - 其实不如不放,从01:28:819 (2) - 开始摆4个note这样
01:57:001 (5,6) -这样反过来感觉也不错
01:57:910 (1,2,3) - 这里有点太平淡了...而且这首歌bpm低的话做难一点理所当然
02:11:546 (9) - 这里也可以弄点梗之类的比如
[white lies]
04:17:059 (2) - 这里没有理由放滑条头
04:22:463 (1,2) - 稍微错开一点
04:34:015 (4) - 4在3和1的连线上面更舒服一些
04:36:997 (5) - 可以直接叠在1上
04:39:978 (6) - 放在大概 (284,188) 左右,前面5好像也应该往右拉一点
04:50:413 (4,5,6,7) - 摆个向右的弧度更好
04:53:953 (2,3) - 这里我觉得不一定要2和3叠在一起,比如3和4叠在一起打起来感觉可能更好
04:55:630 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 这一串ctrl H 绕1摆我觉得更舒服
08:23:745 (5,6) - 说实话这个地方这样处理我觉得比之前好
08:52:761 (3,4,1) - 有点挤 稍微拉开一些
09:10:958 (2,3) - 可以这样
09:13:663 (1) - 最后可以玩一下重叠
Topic Starter

Backstep wrote:

I see in your queue that why i'm here \:D/

Kimi no Monogatari

00:05:279 (1) - You forget whistle at start slider lol added
00:18:590 (1) - Swap whistle here to start slider for suitable more. well I would like to keep this for the whistle pattern in 2nd and 4th white ticks
00:19:146 (2) - Whistle here. ^
00:36:368 (1) - Move to 20:84 to blanket with (9) and centre between (8,9) too? added blanket
00:37:109 (3,4) - If you fix above move this note 1 grid right to make same distance between (1,2,3) yup
00:48:220 (1) - Use "Sampleset: Drum and "Addition: Soft+Finish" here at start slider? (use volume around 25% here) added soft finish instead
00:51:183 (1) - Same above. nah it is fine
01:00:072 (1) - Add some whistle at start slider to follow rhythm? (I'm feel a bit empty when listen kiai part imo) I managed to switch whistle to clap in kiai time
01:00:813 (3) - Same above.
01:03:035 (5,7) - Same above.
01:05:998 (1,3) - Same.
01:11:924 (1,3) - ^
01:14:887 (1,3) - ^
01:41:319 (1) - Move to 388:352 would be better imo. fixed
01:47:455 (2) - Move a bit left to make (2,3,4) straight line? It supposed to be a curve
03:06:322 (2,3,4) - You can make this note for triangle pattern like this? (It's more flow too.) The flow here is fine
03:21:470 (1) - You can use whistle at start slider here :3 Same reason as above
03:22:064 (2) - Move to 8:172 would be better imo. fixed
03:23:846 (1) - You can use whistle at start slider. Same
03:30:975 (1) - ^
03:33:351 (1) - ^
03:40:480 (1) - ^
03:42:856 (1) - ^
03:49:985 (1) - ^
03:52:361 (1) - ^
04:12:028 (1) - Add whistle at start slider to follow bell sound? I didn't add any whistle in this part tho
04:12:773 (3) - ^ ^
04:13:332 (5) - Try move this note to make same distance between (4,5,1) fixed
04:13:519 (1) - You can add whistle at start slider that reason I said before. Same
04:15:009 (1,3) - ^
04:16:500 (1) - ^
04:17:059 (2) - End slider you can use clap. music is soft here so i don't add hitsound here
04:19:481 (1,4,1) - You can add whistle at start slider that reason I said before. ~_~
----------- After that I think you can put by yourself don't you? :3 -------------------
05:06:257 (7) - Whistle please. (Yay... my favorite song part \:D/ ) I didn't add whistle in red ticks so it will be unnecessary
05:50:455 (1) - Start slider add whistle. there is no whistle...
05:52:287 (1) - ^
06:05:112 (1) - Use SC:1 here and finish them! ok
06:19:768 (1) - ^ ^
06:41:601 (3,4) - Use whistle to follow rhythm? nop
06:47:702 (1) - Start slider you can use Drum sampleset and whistle+finish I think it will fitting more :3 / use soft: finish SC:1 added fin ish
07:09:397 (1) - Use SC:1 finish here. added
08:06:778 (1) - You forget finish. this is fine
08:38:253 (1) - ^ ^

I hope it's help.... good luck! :3

monstrata wrote:

[Kimi no Monogatari]

  1. WHY IS THERE NO KIMI NO SHIRANAI MONOGATARI BECAUSE IT WILL DIRECTLY LINK TO YOUR MAP jk, I don't want this to be exactly to the same as a song title
  2. 00:01:575 (3,4) - Try using a 1/2 repeat instead. It gives a nice emphasis onto 5. I think it is fine, when this is only the beginning of the song
  3. 00:03:612 (5,1) - How about a jump here? Emphasize 1. fixed
  4. 00:21:183 (5) - Rotate a bit more so players can't just play this pattern linearly and use slider leniency. This will emphasize the vocals better. In my opinion the current flow in 00:20:813 (4,5) with anti-jump is easier to play with
  5. 00:24:146 (4,1) - Same here, a bit more emphasize would be nice, whether through rotating it so the head is farther away, or creating a jump. Something like what you did with: 00:27:294 (5,1) - would be really nice. I increased the ds between
  6. 00:33:035 (5,1) - Here too. Missed opportunity to create some variety in spacing (that also fits the song). fixed
  7. 01:03:035 (5,6,7) - Kinda Nazi, but if the heads of these 3 sliders were spaced evenly, would look nicer~fixed
  8. 01:05:627 (4,1) - Here too... Try 273||314 for slider 1. fixed
  9. 01:27:228 - How about a spinner that begins here and ends on 01:28:592 - ? A circle there doesn't make a lot of sense since it's so feint, but ending on a spinner would feel nice. I leave this empty because i want to give a break to players among all the songs
  10. 01:36:773 (4,5,6) - Could even up this spacing a bit. Also, consider moving 5 more to the left, cuz the motion here is especially linear. fixed
  11. 02:06:774 (1) - Tbh 1/2 slider and then a circle would play better imo. Having a circle on 02:07:228 - would follow the vocals a bit better. fixed
  12. 02:19:274 (1) - This is like, the highlight of the song D:. I really think using 1/1 circles (potentially even jumps) would emphasize these notes better than a lame 1/1 repeat slider. well because i am following vocal D:, well i will consider it
  13. 02:33:819 (1) - ^Same idea :P. 1/1 repeat sliders don't leave much for the player to click. The vocals are emphasized tho, so seriously consider this~ ^
  14. 02:42:228 (3,4) - The slider-ends are much stronger+louder than the heads though. fixed
  15. 02:50:287 (6,7) - 1/4 slider instead? Compare 02:50:139 - to 02:50:436 (7) - . Slider-end of 5 has a more audible piano sound than 7 but you put a circle on 7 instead :S fixed
  16. 03:22:367 (3) - The slider-end 03:22:516 - is much more prominent. both the vocals + drums emphasize that note. ?
  17. 03:26:229 (1,2) - How about making this a 1/4 repeat instead? This back/forth motion fits the vocals well imo. I prefer the current one
  18. 03:35:733 (6,7) - Could you make this rhythm a bit denser? It would make the next combo of 03:37:070 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - play better. Right now there is no build up or lead into the next combo. fixed
  19. 03:45:238 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Ahhh this is really nice. I just wish you didnt overlap so much of the slider, but this still plays very well.
  20. 03:47:169 (2) - Could do something with this slider. Maybe make it 5/8 or reduce the SV a bit? So you can emphasize 03:47:615 (1) - Maybe something like 03:58:902 (5,1) - 1/4 is fine here i think
  21. 04:01:278 (6,1) - Not going to extend the slider here? Seems inconsistent. fixed
  22. 04:17:059 (2,3) - Ctrl+G this rhythm. Having something clickable on 04:17:245 - for the piano sound would play really nicely. fixed
  23. 04:22:090 (5,6,7) - Doesn't have to be here, but you use a lot of triplets in this song. You could make some of them 1/4 repeats instead for some variety. Too many triplets can be tiresome to play, especially when the song isn't particularly intense. fixed
  24. 04:38:674 (5,1,2,3) - Ahhh, i wouldn't recommend using rhythms like this because the way you've spaced this pattern. You've set up so many stream patterns before, players will misread this and just stream this and get 100's on 04:38:860 (1,2,3) - . changed to streams
  25. 04:44:637 (10) - I don't hear anything here... the instruments only emphasize 2 beats, 04:44:730 (11,1) - . So how about making 04:44:450 (9) - into a 1/2 slider? i guess i will just remove the note
  26. 04:55:258 (1,2,1) - This flow could be better. A smooth flow going into this circular stream would play better. If you want to emphasize, i recommend using a jump rather than a flow-break. Very simple solution is just to Ctrl+G 04:55:258 (1,2) - xDfixed
Good luck~

liuyiqiangbu wrote:

From M4M queue
[Chocolate insomnia]
00:38:961 (4) - 放在3的尾巴上更好看一点 我把3ctrl+g了
00:46:738 (1) - 感觉离4远一些比较好,后面的排列可以这样 把距離加大了
01:09:887 (8) - 这里放三连打就好了啊因为后面也是三连 因為不想太密的節奏
[happy bite]
01:28:592 (1) - 其实不如不放,从01:28:819 (2) - 开始摆4个note这样 downbeat還是應該放一下
01:57:001 (5,6) -这样反过来感觉也不错 距離會太大owo
01:57:910 (1,2,3) - 这里有点太平淡了...而且这首歌bpm低的话做难一点理所当然 用note就夠啦,比起slider更突出
02:11:546 (9) - 这里也可以弄点梗之类的比如 節奏不是太強所以不要了
[white lies]
04:17:059 (2) - 这里没有理由放滑条头 改了
04:22:463 (1,2) - 稍微错开一点 改了
04:34:015 (4) - 4在3和1的连线上面更舒服一些
04:36:997 (5) - 可以直接叠在1上 不太喜歡用重疉 owo
04:39:978 (6) - 放在大概 (284,188) 左右,前面5好像也应该往右拉一点 太遠了-.-
04:50:413 (4,5,6,7) - 摆个向右的弧度更好
04:53:953 (2,3) - 这里我觉得不一定要2和3叠在一起,比如3和4叠在一起打起来感觉可能更好 04:53:953 (2,3) 是同一個音...
04:55:630 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - 这一串ctrl H 绕1摆我觉得更舒服 改了
08:23:745 (5,6) - 说实话这个地方这样处理我觉得比之前好 ?
08:52:761 (3,4,1) - 有点挤 稍微拉开一些 改了
09:10:958 (2,3) - 可以这样 感覺有點遠
09:13:663 (1) - 最后可以玩一下重叠 不了.-.
sorry for late reply and thanks for mod, i will mod you guys map asap
hai 4mm4m

-you could use fade for "bg.png" instead of putting other backgrounds on top of it, since you just use it for one song. It'd reduce SB load, specially in spots where it's up to 4x.
- 3 osb op
- not sure why would you use the same default soft whilste as soft-hitwhistle.wav. It's just extra package size, for the most part.

-00:05:649 (2) - it's a bit weird that the other same rhythms use just a circle but here you decide to use a 1/2 slider even tho they follow the same instrument. If you wanted to cover the bass there, other kind of rhythm should've been used, like this one
-from 00:06:739 - ultil 00:15:627 - you could add clap on every white tick. This song is made that way, you could actually do that on the whole but if here is even more fitting because of how intense the instruments are. same here 00:51:183 - till the end of the kiai.
- 00:12:294 (5) - adding finish to it would give a nice effect with 00:12:664 (1) - :p there's a clear cymbal in the music as well.
-00:15:535 (8) - kinda weird that you add a note here, although there's no beat and the music is more clear as 1/2 all the time. consider removing it.
-00:15:627 (1) - clap on tail >w<
-00:18:405 (1) - unnecessary NC. 00:18:405 (1,1) - can be the same combo without problem. Spinner-end is also another combo btw
-00:18:590 (1) - finish on head. same here 00:30:442 (1) - 00:51:183 (1) - 00:54:146 (1) - 00:55:627 (1) - 01:20:813 (1,4) -
-00:28:961 (6) - 00:34:887 (6) - 01:03:035 (5) - 01:08:961 (5) - nc? didn't really get why you broke your constant pattern on those spots, even tho they still have strong emphasis in the music
- 01:20:072 (3) - cancel clap on tail, it sounds so bad x.x but add on 01:20:627 (5) - sounds better there :p
-01:21:645 (5) - this note is more like overmap than fitting here. Stream starts from red tick here
-would be nice if you add more distance for stuff like cymbals or very strong beats. like 00:51:183 (1) - 00:54:146 (1) - 00:55:627 (1) - 01:17:850 (1,2,3,4,1) - etcetcetc, This happens on the whole marathon. And specially when stuff like this happens 01:06:738 (3,4,1) - where offbeat and/or weaker beats use more distance than what they should use.

-01:28:591 (1) - consider removing this note, this song basically starts from 01:28:819 (2) - . By mapping (1) i feel like you're missing a lot, since it's part of the same rhythm started from 01:26:774 -
-01:31:205 (3) - add clap? as you added 01:33:024 (3) - and they are basically the same sound. same with 01:38:478 (3) - and similars
-01:42:683 (6,1,2) - this rhythm is pretty awkward to play. You put the same emphasis to (1) and (2) but (2) is a lot stronger. I'd use offbeat like here 01:57:455 (7) - , offbeat slider fits a lot more for the already mentioned reason. or just simple don't map 01:43:137 - , which feel better as well
-01:45:751 - you map this beat all the time, i think it makes more sense if you do it here as well.
-01:55:637 (1) - uh, you ignore the stronger beat on the sentence 01:55:864 - . It's weird cuz you map it all the time and also vocals are present on that beat too.. same here 02:08:364 (7) - 02:17:455 (1) - 02:32:001 (1) -
-02:06:774 (1) - 02:42:910 (1) - add finish. 02:19:274 (1) - 02:33:819 (1) - on reverse and tail (or just tail if you find it rather annoying).
-02:08:364 (7,1) - swap NCs? and nc here 02:10:410 (5) - makes more sense.
-02:12:001 (11) - soft clap sounds a lot better here
-02:12:228 (1) - really consider just using a 1/2 slider from 02:12:455 - . There's really nothing worth to be mapped at 02:12:228 - . Or use something like this to give proper emphasis to the notes.
-02:13:819 (1) - add more distance atleast to this slider, which starts the kiai and should be properly emphased imo
-02:21:774 (2,3) - the autostack thing makes these look closer than what they should be.
-02:20:410 (2) - 02:34:955 (2) - these sound much better if you just use a circle at 02:35:183 - to cover just the vocals. By using a slider you make me think that you're mapping the instruments too but you totally ignore 02:34:501 - so the rhythm ends being rather awkward than anything
-02:40:864 (6) - really unfitting 3/4 slider due to the fact that you're mapping based on vocals (am i right?), so it should be 1/2 cuz of that.
-02:43:819 (3,4,5) - bad use of offbeat slider imo. Vocals and instruments are on the white tick so sliderheads should be there like this In addition, It's a bit awkward to not map 02:43:137 - when the music get kinda intense.
-also from 02:41:319 - you could add claps every white tick, pretty fitting :p

-02:56:080 (2,3,4) - this pattern is really annoying to play, due to the very slow SV the jump between 02:56:377 (3,4) - is harsh as you have to end completely (3) in order to go to (4), slider leniency doesnt work here as you wish it would. In addition, the distance between these 3 notes is a bit too much in comparation with the rest of the song.
-03:19:991 (4) - i'd add nc here to help a bit the readability between the whole pattern. The transition in distance between 03:19:100 (2,3,4,5) - isn't really well executed in my eyes. Or move 03:19:694 (3) - around x440y8
-03:21:328 - map this clear snare out? I'd also help to the hitsounding, it sounds weird by not mapping this. same here 03:23:704 - etc. Also helps vocals cuz it gives a nice sound to begin from.
-03:25:932 (7) - clap on tail and cancel the clap on 03:26:229 (1) - head. sounds more fitting imo. same 03:25:932 (7,1) -
-03:25:486 (6,7) - really awkward rhythm you made here. something like this may fit better
-03:32:763 (7) - clap on tail . 03:58:902 (5) - 04:03:654 (5) - on head
-03:33:357 (1) - 03:42:862 (1) - 03:47:021 (1) - 03:52:367 (1) - 04:01:278 (6) - finish on head. 04:04:248 (1) - on tail
-03:51:773 (7) - finish on tail and move the clap to head.
-03:35:733 (6) - nc? to keep consistency
-from 03:38:110 - till the end, the music get louder, thus i can't hear your hitsounds properly. Increase the hs volumen by atleast 10%
-04:06:031 - sad that you added a fade effect here ;w; i cant hear the tokitoki very well ;wwwww;

-04:15:009 (1,2,3) - flow here is a bit hard/weird to play. Try adding a nicer curve to (3) like here or something else
-04:32:897 (1) - you could add another repeat to it (to cover 04:33:177 - aswell) so it gives like more emphasis to 04:33:270 (2) - and plays cooler, imo.
-adding more (default) finishes on the kiai would fit a lot, for example here 04:33:270 (2) - 04:34:202 (1) - 04:37:183 (1) - etc

-05:13:241 (6,7) - i feel like you're not mapping the right beat by doing this. Something like this sounds much better
-05:39:463 (3) - nc(?
-05:54:119 - would be nice if you add a circle here and start the spinner 1/4 after. Spinner doesnt have hitsounds on head, so that missing cymbal doesnt sound good
-06:19:768 (1) - 06:23:432 (1) - add finishes?

-06:36:855 (9) - 07:03:465 (3) - 07:44:821 (1) - finish
-06:50:245 (8,1) - this sounds more like this for me
-06:51:939 (7) - nc(?
-06:54:312 (3,4,5,1) - flow can be improved here. Right now it's very plain changing distance with no real reason. Try using different directions like here for example.
-07:41:770 (8) - try using 2 circles instead since 07:41:939 - has a lot of emphasis (should use finish as well).
-awkward fade out

-08:38:253 (1) - finish?

- Overall you could add some more whitles on important beats that dont have any hs and feel really empty. like 05:46:791 (1) - . Beats that dont fit with finish nor clap, should use some other kind of hitsound for proper feedback.

beside the thing i mention about the distance, all looks cool :p
why no nadeko as preview point ;wwww;
no renai circulation, no kimi no shiranai monogatari

shame on you </3
M4M from your queue

[Kimi no Monogatari]
00:14:887 (5,6) - The drum-sampleset feels really weird. Please stick to soft-sampleset, it fits much better
00:16:738 (3) - Why not blanket this with 00:16:183 (2) ?
00:22:294 (4) - IMO the slider should start at 00:22:109, as that is where both the vocals and the guitar (?) have a long sound
00:24:146 (4,1) - I'm not really a fan of the flow here, I recommend you to ctrl G (1), so it'll be a bit circular, but then you also need to change (2)
You can make it like this then
00:44:887 (3) - Curve this slider a little, it'll make the movement to the next slider feel even better
00:56:738 (4) - Ctrl G, so it has better flow, some kind of circular flow (I like that :P)
01:05:627 (4) - ^^
01:09:887 (8,9,10) - For things like this, I think it's best to give it a drum-addition-clap. It seems to follow the drumroll pretty well (it might however bland in with it though)
01:15:627 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^^
01:21:553 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^^
01:28:819 (2,3,4,5) - Give them finishes, they fit well with the song, and they are realy strong
01:46:319 (4,5,1) - I'm no real fan of the flow here, consider making (1) similar like this, it has better movement imo
02:10:410 (5) - NC? It feels like a really strong sound, and it feels better. Also, it's the start of a new set of 4 beats (Big white tick)
02:12:228 (1) - Shouldn't this start at 02:12:455?
02:29:274 (3,4,5) - Why not stack them? You do that with all similar stream/triplets aswell
03:02:466 (1,2,3) - It's a little confusing. The spacing between (1,2) is almost the same as (2,3), but the timing is not. Add a circle at 03:03:357 to fix it )for example at 160:184, or 144,96
03:16:724 (1) - Slider feels a little bland for such a sharp sound. Make it liek this, so it feels more special. (I set tick rate to 4 to make it nicer)
03:17:466 - There is a strong sound here, why not map it?
03:40:931 (2,3,4) - Try to blanket them, it'll make it look nicer
04:14:637 (4,5,1) - This feels awkward, considering you never use such patterns in the rest of this song. You either have them all spaced, or all stacked, not a combination. Please pick a side
04:30:848 (5) - HAHAHA, I feel so dumb, I thought this was a slider, got confused by the BG (SB) here xD
04:44:450 (9,1) - Don't you think an extended slider would work here? A 3/4 slider feels better then this IMO
For all the streams which follow drumroll, consider using drum-addition-clap
05:00:990 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Are you sure about these notes? They are rather sudden, as they come in, while the sound is really faint, in the begin it's even inaudible. Please delete them (or a few of them) so it starts on a reasonable audible point
05:15:646 (1,2) - Rhythm feels a little awkward here. This is because a 1/4 slider ends on a white tick. Try to make it like this

05:26:638 (1,2) - ^^
05:29:615 (1) - The male vocalists creeps me from here>.<
06:15:875 (1,2,3,4) - Things like this feel pretty overmapped, please tone it down (unless I don't hear some certain sound)

06:53:465 (2) - This gives more emphasis, when it's a triplet, instead of a slider
06:58:719 (1) - ^^
07:30:923 (6) - Because the vocals here go on a little, why not make this a 1/2 slider?
08:17:597 (4,5,6) - Please let this stream follow the circular movement of (3), instead of going in other direction

Good map!

Good luck ranking it :3
Have a star
Topic Starter

Milan- wrote:

hai 4mm4m

-you could use fade for "bg.png" instead of putting other backgrounds on top of it, since you just use it for one song. It'd reduce SB load, specially in spots where it's up to 4x. I know what are you mean but I don't know how to, I am not good at storyboarding :p
- 3 osb op oops fixed
- not sure why would you use the same default soft whilste as soft-hitwhistle.wav. It's just extra package size, for the most part.

-00:05:649 (2) - it's a bit weird that the other same rhythms use just a circle but here you decide to use a 1/2 slider even tho they follow the same instrument. If you wanted to cover the bass there, other kind of rhythm should've been used, like this one because i am not following violin here
-from 00:06:739 - ultil 00:15:627 - you could add clap on every white tick. This song is made that way, you could actually do that on the whole but if here is even more fitting because of how intense the instruments are. same here 00:51:183 - till the end of the kiai. yea you are right but adding claps in all white ticks would be too noisy
- 00:12:294 (5) - adding finish to it would give a nice effect with 00:12:664 (1) - :p there's a clear cymbal in the music as well. fixed
-00:15:535 (8) - kinda weird that you add a note here, although there's no beat and the music is more clear as 1/2 all the time. consider removing it. will consider about it
-00:15:627 (1) - clap on tail >w< fixed
-00:18:405 (1) - unnecessary NC. 00:18:405 (1,1) - can be the same combo without problem. Spinner-end is also another combo btw fixed
-00:18:590 (1) - finish on head. same here 00:30:442 (1) - 00:51:183 (1) - 00:54:146 (1) - 00:55:627 (1) - 01:20:813 (1,4) - the song is soft here so it should be fine
-00:28:961 (6) - 00:34:887 (6) - 01:03:035 (5) - 01:08:961 (5) - nc? didn't really get why you broke your constant pattern on those spots, even tho they still have strong emphasis in the music fixed
- 01:20:072 (3) - cancel clap on tail, it sounds so bad x.x but add on 01:20:627 (5) - sounds better there :p it is fine 0.0
-01:21:645 (5) - this note is more like overmap than fitting here. Stream starts from red tick here
-would be nice if you add more distance for stuff like cymbals or very strong beats. like 00:51:183 (1) - 00:54:146 (1) - 00:55:627 (1) - 01:17:850 (1,2,3,4,1) - etcetcetc, This happens on the whole marathon. And specially when stuff like this happens 01:06:738 (3,4,1) - where offbeat and/or weaker beats use more distance than what they should use. fixed

-01:28:591 (1) - consider removing this note, this song basically starts from 01:28:819 (2) - . By mapping (1) i feel like you're missing a lot, since it's part of the same rhythm started from 01:26:774 - fixed
-01:31:205 (3) - add clap? as you added 01:33:024 (3) - and they are basically the same sound. same with 01:38:478 (3) - and similars it will be too noisy to add all, so i decided to add it alternately
-01:42:683 (6,1,2) - this rhythm is pretty awkward to play. You put the same emphasis to (1) and (2) but (2) is a lot stronger. I'd use offbeat like here 01:57:455 (7) - , offbeat slider fits a lot more for the already mentioned reason. or just simple don't map 01:43:137 - , which feel better as well it should be fine when 01:43:137 (1) is a downbeat
-01:45:751 - you map this beat all the time, i think it makes more sense if you do it here as well. fixed
-01:55:637 (1) - uh, you ignore the stronger beat on the sentence 01:55:864 - . It's weird cuz you map it all the time and also vocals are present on that beat too.. same here 02:08:364 (7) - 02:17:455 (1) - 02:32:001 (1) - nah i follow the vocal correctly i think o.o
-02:06:774 (1) - 02:42:910 (1) - add finish. 02:19:274 (1) - 02:33:819 (1) - on reverse and tail (or just tail if you find it rather annoying).
-02:08:364 (7,1) - swap NCs? and nc here 02:10:410 (5) - makes more sense. fixed
-02:12:001 (11) - soft clap sounds a lot better here fixed
-02:12:228 (1) - really consider just using a 1/2 slider from 02:12:455 - . There's really nothing worth to be mapped at 02:12:228 - . Or use something like this to give proper emphasis to the notes. then the gap leaving between will be weird
-02:13:819 (1) - add more distance atleast to this slider, which starts the kiai and should be properly emphased imo fixed
-02:21:774 (2,3) - the autostack thing makes these look closer than what they should be. ?
-02:20:410 (2) - 02:34:955 (2) - these sound much better if you just use a circle at 02:35:183 - to cover just the vocals. By using a slider you make me think that you're mapping the instruments too but you totally ignore 02:34:501 - so the rhythm ends being rather awkward than anything fixed
-02:40:864 (6) - really unfitting 3/4 slider due to the fact that you're mapping based on vocals (am i right?), so it should be 1/2 cuz of that. it should be fine
-02:43:819 (3,4,5) - bad use of offbeat slider imo. Vocals and instruments are on the white tick so sliderheads should be there like this In addition, It's a bit awkward to not map 02:43:137 - when the music get kinda intense. fixed
-also from 02:41:319 - you could add claps every white tick, pretty fitting :p

-02:56:080 (2,3,4) - this pattern is really annoying to play, due to the very slow SV the jump between 02:56:377 (3,4) - is harsh as you have to end completely (3) in order to go to (4), slider leniency doesnt work here as you wish it would. In addition, the distance between these 3 notes is a bit too much in comparation with the rest of the song. fixed
-03:19:991 (4) - i'd add nc here to help a bit the readability between the whole pattern. The transition in distance between 03:19:100 (2,3,4,5) - isn't really well executed in my eyes. Or move 03:19:694 (3) - around x440y8 i don't see any problem here
-03:21:328 - map this clear snare out? I'd also help to the hitsounding, it sounds weird by not mapping this. same here 03:23:704 - etc. Also helps vocals cuz it gives a nice sound to begin from. fixed
-03:25:932 (7) - clap on tail and cancel the clap on 03:26:229 (1) - head. sounds more fitting imo. same 03:25:932 (7,1) -
-03:25:486 (6,7) - really awkward rhythm you made here. something like this may fit better fixed
-03:32:763 (7) - clap on tail . 03:58:902 (5) - 04:03:654 (5) - on head
-03:33:357 (1) - 03:42:862 (1) - 03:47:021 (1) - 03:52:367 (1) - 04:01:278 (6) - finish on head. 04:04:248 (1) - on tail
-03:51:773 (7) - finish on tail and move the clap to head.
-03:35:733 (6) - nc? to keep consistency fixed
-from 03:38:110 - till the end, the music get louder, thus i can't hear your hitsounds properly. Increase the hs volumen by atleast 10% fixed
-04:06:031 - sad that you added a fade effect here ;w; i cant hear the tokitoki very well ;wwwww;

-04:15:009 (1,2,3) - flow here is a bit hard/weird to play. Try adding a nicer curve to (3) like here or something else nop
-04:32:897 (1) - you could add another repeat to it (to cover 04:33:177 - aswell) so it gives like more emphasis to 04:33:270 (2) - and plays cooler, imo. it is fine for consistence
-adding more (default) finishes on the kiai would fit a lot, for example here 04:33:270 (2) - 04:34:202 (1) - 04:37:183 (1) - etc

-05:13:241 (6,7) - i feel like you're not mapping the right beat by doing this. Something like this sounds much better it is fine with background music
-05:39:463 (3) - nc(?
-05:54:119 - would be nice if you add a circle here and start the spinner 1/4 after. Spinner doesnt have hitsounds on head, so that missing cymbal doesnt sound good fixed
-06:19:768 (1) - 06:23:432 (1) - add finishes?

-06:36:855 (9) - 07:03:465 (3) - 07:44:821 (1) - finish
-06:50:245 (8,1) - this sounds more like this for me
-06:51:939 (7) - nc(? fixed
-06:54:312 (3,4,5,1) - flow can be improved here. Right now it's very plain changing distance with no real reason. Try using different directions like here for example. fixed
-07:41:770 (8) - try using 2 circles instead since 07:41:939 - has a lot of emphasis (should use finish as well).
-awkward fade out

-08:38:253 (1) - finish?

- Overall you could add some more whitles on important beats that dont have any hs and feel really empty. like 05:46:791 (1) - . Beats that dont fit with finish nor clap, should use some other kind of hitsound for proper feedback.

beside the thing i mention about the distance, all looks cool :p
why no nadeko as preview point ;wwww;

baraatje123 wrote:

M4M from your queue

[Kimi no Monogatari]
00:14:887 (5,6) - The drum-sampleset feels really weird. Please stick to soft-sampleset, it fits much better that is fine imo
00:16:738 (3) - Why not blanket this with 00:16:183 (2) ? I am having triangle pattern in 00:15:627 (1,2,3)
00:22:294 (4) - IMO the slider should start at 00:22:109, as that is where both the vocals and the guitar (?) have a long sound that would be too long
00:24:146 (4,1) - I'm not really a fan of the flow here, I recommend you to ctrl G (1), so it'll be a bit circular, but then you also need to change (2)
You can make it like this then my style :c
00:44:887 (3) - Curve this slider a little, it'll make the movement to the next slider feel even better fixed
00:56:738 (4) - Ctrl G, so it has better flow, some kind of circular flow (I like that :P) my style :c
01:05:627 (4) - ^^ my style :c
01:09:887 (8,9,10) - For things like this, I think it's best to give it a drum-addition-clap. It seems to follow the drumroll pretty well (it might however bland in with it though) quite weird imo uwu
01:15:627 (3,4,5,6,7) - ^^
01:21:553 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ^^
01:28:819 (2,3,4,5) - Give them finishes, they fit well with the song, and they are realy strong claps suit better in here
01:46:319 (4,5,1) - I'm no real fan of the flow here, consider making (1) similar like this, it has better movement imo
02:10:410 (5) - NC? It feels like a really strong sound, and it feels better. Also, it's the start of a new set of 4 beats (Big white tick)
02:12:228 (1) - Shouldn't this start at 02:12:455? fixed
02:29:274 (3,4,5) - Why not stack them? You do that with all similar stream/triplets aswell it will be boring to stack all, so i decided to map some of them different
03:02:466 (1,2,3) - It's a little confusing. The spacing between (1,2) is almost the same as (2,3), but the timing is not. Add a circle at 03:03:357 to fix it )for example at 160:184, or 144,96 anti-jump
03:16:724 (1) - Slider feels a little bland for such a sharp sound. Make it liek this, so it feels more special. (I set tick rate to 4 to make it nicer) I believe i didn't make any special slider shape in the entire map
03:17:466 - There is a strong sound here, why not map it? fixed
03:40:931 (2,3,4) - Try to blanket them, it'll make it look nicer it is a similar pattern with 03:38:110 (1,2,3) actually
04:14:637 (4,5,1) - This feels awkward, considering you never use such patterns in the rest of this song. You either have them all spaced, or all stacked, not a combination. Please pick a side This is a compilation so it is fine to have different patterns when all the songs own their unique bpm rhythm and so on, it should not be a problem
04:30:848 (5) - HAHAHA, I feel so dumb, I thought this was a slider, got confused by the BG (SB) here xD
04:44:450 (9,1) - Don't you think an extended slider would work here? A 3/4 slider feels better then this IMO because i don't wanna make this combo so long :x
For all the streams which follow drumroll, consider using drum-addition-clap
05:00:990 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Are you sure about these notes? They are rather sudden, as they come in, while the sound is really faint, in the begin it's even inaudible. Please delete them (or a few of them) so it starts on a reasonable audible point will consider about this
05:15:646 (1,2) - Rhythm feels a little awkward here. This is because a 1/4 slider ends on a white tick. Try to make it like this
this is fine >_>
05:26:638 (1,2) - ^^
05:29:615 (1) - The male vocalists creeps me from here>.< D:
06:15:875 (1,2,3,4) - Things like this feel pretty overmapped, please tone it down (unless I don't hear some certain sound) it is fine imo

06:53:465 (2) - This gives more emphasis, when it's a triplet, instead of a slider I prefer this one
06:58:719 (1) - ^^
07:30:923 (6) - Because the vocals here go on a little, why not make this a 1/2 slider? okie
08:17:597 (4,5,6) - Please let this stream follow the circular movement of (3), instead of going in other direction keep

Good map!

Good luck ranking it :3
Have a star

appleeaterx wrote:

no renai circulation, no kimi no shiranai monogatari

shame on you </3

Thanks for mod
Jing Yuan
the mod strikes back
(not doing hitsounds)
mod part 2 (starting from 木枯らしセンティメント
05:00:990 (1,2,3,4) - delete these notes. i feel like the music here is too soft to warrant any notes in the map and would be too sudden.
05:04:997 (2) - angle the sliderend into note 3. i feel like this would flow better.
05:31:219 (6) - make the direction parallel with slider 5, pretty much aesthetic, but looks cleaner imo
05:33:967 (1) - change slider to aim in the direction of next note. just general movement feels better with this
05:36:944 (3) - ^
05:43:127 (1) - move stream or slider so that it becomes straight. pretty cosmetic, but it looks better when it’s straight imho. (also, if you move slider, move note 2 halfway between 1 and 3.)
06:06:028 (2) - replace sliderend with note to match the vocals (ofc, if that’s what you’re mapping.)
06:27:096 (1) - instead of repeating slider, this could be made into a single slider spanning the two blue notes, and a spinner for the last vocal. it feels like this would be better, but either way is fine.
[the last day of my adolescence]
06:32:946 (4) - maybe should be a slider. the song has the exact same sound for this and previously, sliders have been mapped to it.
06:34:302 (4) - ^
06:41:760 (4) - make this a NC (while keeping the very next new combo). the instrument being mapped to is very isolated, and i feel that making this note feel isolated as well, by making it a singular NC would be better.
06:46:336 (1) - add very slight curve so that it kind of angles into note 2. it looks very strange just being straight, and most other sliders in the map are slightly curved as well.
06:54:472 (4) - i really feel like this should be moved to the right a little bit. the angle of jump feels really shallow for the burst in music that’s happening.
07:14:302 (6) - it sounds like instead of single short slider, it should be a note into short slider.
sort of looks like this
07:14:980 (1) - add curve to slider.
08:11:932 (5) - replace sliderstart with note and move slider one line over. i think it matches the vocals better.
08:15:866 (5) - ^

late night modding is fun
Topic Starter

Mofu kun wrote:

the mod strikes back
(not doing hitsounds)
mod part 2 (starting from 木枯らしセンティメント
05:00:990 (1,2,3,4) - delete these notes. i feel like the music here is too soft to warrant any notes in the map and would be too sudden. it should be fine now, I edited the mp3
05:04:997 (2) - angle the sliderend into note 3. i feel like this would flow better. fixed
05:31:219 (6) - make the direction parallel with slider 5, pretty much aesthetic, but looks cleaner imo fixed
05:33:967 (1) - change slider to aim in the direction of next note. just general movement feels better with this this should be fine :pp
05:36:944 (3) - ^
05:43:127 (1) - move stream or slider so that it becomes straight. pretty cosmetic, but it looks better when it’s straight imho. (also, if you move slider, move note 2 halfway between 1 and 3.) fixed
06:06:028 (2) - replace sliderend with note to match the vocals (ofc, if that’s what you’re mapping.) umm it is okay
06:27:096 (1) - instead of repeating slider, this could be made into a single slider spanning the two blue notes, and a spinner for the last vocal. it feels like this would be better, but either way is fine. I would keep as I don't feel it is good to place a spinner here
[the last day of my adolescence]
06:32:946 (4) - maybe should be a slider. the song has the exact same sound for this and previously, sliders have been mapped to it. I planned give a small gap as a break here
06:34:302 (4) - ^
06:41:760 (4) - make this a NC (while keeping the very next new combo). the instrument being mapped to is very isolated, and i feel that making this note feel isolated as well, by making it a singular NC would be better. I afraid it will be a NC spam :c
06:46:336 (1) - add very slight curve so that it kind of angles into note 2. it looks very strange just being straight, and most other sliders in the map are slightly curved as well. fixed
06:54:472 (4) - i really feel like this should be moved to the right a little bit. the angle of jump feels really shallow for the burst in music that’s happening. fixed
07:14:302 (6) - it sounds like instead of single short slider, it should be a note into short slider. um I changed it into a 1/4 slider with 1/8 rhythm
sort of looks like this
07:14:980 (1) - add curve to slider.
08:11:932 (5) - replace sliderstart with note and move slider one line over. i think it matches the vocals better. current one is fine i guess
08:15:866 (5) - ^

late night modding is fun
thanks >w<
Ciyus Miapah
idk how to mod this but at first im just feel this mp3 quality is low i think
but dunno if you can finding the high quality one
Topic Starter

Fort wrote:

idk how to mod this but at first im just feel this mp3 quality is low i think
but dunno if you can finding the high quality one
umm I think it is still acceptable :/
Ciyus Miapah
yeah maybe my headset hates me :<


  1. 开头有很多地方感觉timing有问题,00:02:131 - 00:02:686 - 00:03:242 - 等等很多。。
  2. hmm。。感觉很多地方timing都不对,我也不懂怎么测,最好找人全部检查一下?
  3. Combo color 1和6的颜色好像有一些接近
  4. countdown 没关
  5. 声音太小了,建议加大点音量
  6. 这是物语系列啊,bg放一张恋物语合适么。。起码把恋物语p掉吧

Kimi no Monogatari

  1. 00:07:479 (3,4) - 间距建议再大一点,既然是滑条,就比圈更好打,不用按照Circle的DS来摆
  2. 00:08:590 (3,4) - 这个跳感觉有点不合适,音乐里好像没有跳的意思。。而且这个flow打起来不太舒服
  3. 00:09:331 (6,7) - Ctrl+g下试试?跟前面两个00:08:590 (3,4) - 反向的感觉好一些
  4. 00:27:479 (1) - 往左一点,你这样跟前面圈是直线180度flow,打起来不舒服,锐角好一点
  5. 00:35:998 (4) - 这种东西个人非常喜欢ctrl+g的感觉,非常爽
  6. 00:48:035 (5) - 我觉得可以删了这个,没必要在这里overmap填节奏
  7. 01:03:405 (2) - ctrl+g,跟01:00:072 (1,2) - 保持一致
  8. 01:43:364 (2,3) - 这两个听起来比前面那个特殊,为什么用一样的距离,可以做个跳
  9. 02:10:183 - 试试加个圈?
  10. 02:12:455 - 这里重音开始,在折返上没有打击感,我建议02:12:228 - 这里留空
  11. 02:52:969 (1,2) - 这距离跟后面1/4距离差不多了。。有点近
  12. 03:58:910 (5) - 这尾巴为什么不snap在1/4上
  13. 04:01:286 (6) - ^ 我知道你是故意的但是感觉没必要。。
  14. 04:03:662 (5) - ^
  15. 06:06:944 (1) - 没必要3/4折返滑条吧,vocal在白线上06:07:402 -
  16. 06:21:600 (1) - ^
  17. 06:11:524 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 为什么突然变成了1.0DS,前后都是0.8
  18. 06:53:788 (3,1,2,3,4,5) - 这组跳总觉得挺奇怪的,如果是我的话会弄成类似这样的
  19. 07:01:246 (5,5,1) - 这个。。不好玩吧。建议07:01:415 (1,5) - 这两个stack
  20. 07:21:246 - 为什么前面那个加了clap这个没加,顺便我觉得drum-clap比较合适。。

主要还是timing,弄好叫我 :)
Topic Starter

Karen wrote:


  1. 开头有很多地方感觉timing有问题,00:02:131 - 00:02:686 - 00:03:242 - 等等很多。。
  2. hmm。。感觉很多地方timing都不对,我也不懂怎么测,最好找人全部检查一下?找人检查了,可以問我要log=w=/
  3. Combo color 1和6的颜色好像有一些接近
  4. countdown 没关
  5. 声音太小了,建议加大点音量
  6. 这是物语系列啊,bg放一张恋物语合适么。。起码把恋物语p掉吧 找不到;w;

Kimi no Monogatari

  1. 00:07:479 (3,4) - 间距建议再大一点,既然是滑条,就比圈更好打,不用按照Circle的DS来摆
  2. 00:08:590 (3,4) - 这个跳感觉有点不合适,音乐里好像没有跳的意思。。而且这个flow打起来不太舒服
  3. 00:09:331 (6,7) - Ctrl+g下试试?跟前面两个00:08:590 (3,4) - 反向的感觉好一些
  4. 00:27:479 (1) - 往左一点,你这样跟前面圈是直线180度flow,打起来不舒服,锐角好一点
  5. 00:35:998 (4) - 这种东西个人非常喜欢ctrl+g的感觉,非常爽
  6. 00:48:035 (5) - 我觉得可以删了这个,没必要在这里overmap填节奏 還是留吧,就這空了感覺很怪
  7. 01:03:405 (2) - ctrl+g,跟01:00:072 (1,2) - 保持一致 不了我喜歡這種style =3=
  8. 01:43:364 (2,3) - 这两个听起来比前面那个特殊,为什么用一样的距离,可以做个跳
  9. 02:10:183 - 试试加个圈?
  10. 02:12:455 - 这里重音开始,在折返上没有打击感,我建议02:12:228 - 这里留空 改成
  11. 02:52:969 (1,2) - 这距离跟后面1/4距离差不多了。。有点近
  12. 03:58:910 (5) - 这尾巴为什么不snap在1/4上
  13. 04:01:286 (6) - ^ 我知道你是故意的但是感觉没必要。。在黃線上還有聲音owo
  14. 04:03:662 (5) - ^
  15. 06:06:944 (1) - 没必要3/4折返滑条吧,vocal在白线上06:07:402 - 可惡的貝木wwwwwwwwwww
  16. 06:21:600 (1) - ^
  17. 06:11:524 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 为什么突然变成了1.0DS,前后都是0.8 把前4個弄0.8了,後面還是想用來突顯vocal
  18. 06:53:788 (3,1,2,3,4,5) - 这组跳总觉得挺奇怪的,如果是我的话会弄成类似这样的
  19. 07:01:246 (5,5,1) - 这个。。不好玩吧。建议07:01:415 (1,5) - 这两个stack 我覺得沒問題030
  20. 07:21:246 - 为什么前面那个加了clap这个没加,顺便我觉得drum-clap比较合适。。

主要还是timing,弄好叫我 :)
謝謝Ren www
Topic Starter

Karen wrote:

Thanks Ren ~(=^・ω・^)ヘ >゚)))彡~(=^・ω・^)ヘ >゚)))彡~(=^・ω・^)ヘ >゚)))彡!
Nakano Itsuki
Bubble hype \:D/

so no mod for you
Jing Yuan
grats on bubble chaos~
好像没啥问题 简单看看
00:13:776 (4) - 试试ctrl+g?感觉这里可以让距离远一点
02:12:900 (2,3) - 试试ctrl+g?让这里距离忽然变大感觉可以更符合这里的重音
03:19:702 (3,4) - 感觉这两个不如stack在一起 不然距离看着像半拍的ds感觉不大好
03:52:227 (8,1) - ^
04:39:140 - 为啥这里漏一声鼓啊 感觉并不好
04:44:730 (1) - 感觉这个圈让这里节奏有点乱 而且04:50:692 - 也没有特别对那个八分拍的音做啥处理 所以考虑去掉?
05:23:661 (3) - 建议和05:23:890 (4) - stack不然前后时间不一样距离却一样感觉不太好 这一段最好二分拍和四分拍直接距离差别明显点 不然看着有点乱
07:23:447 (2) - 感觉这里stack不好 不如移开点因为其它地方滑条后面隔1/4拍放圈的很少 叠一起容易坑..
09:14:153 (2,3) - 感觉跟前面有点近 试试把它们一起往上移点把2的位置移到412 44附近?
挺好的图啊怎么会没人点 改完了发我个pm吧
Topic Starter

ZZHBOY wrote:

好像没啥问题 简单看看
00:13:776 (4) - 试试ctrl+g?感觉这里可以让距离远一点 flow怪怪的~_~
02:12:900 (2,3) - 试试ctrl+g?让这里距离忽然变大感觉可以更符合这里的重音
03:19:702 (3,4) - 感觉这两个不如stack在一起 不然距离看着像半拍的ds感觉不大好 改ds了
03:52:227 (8,1) - ^ ^
04:39:140 - 为啥这里漏一声鼓啊 感觉并不好
04:44:730 (1) - 感觉这个圈让这里节奏有点乱 而且04:50:692 - 也没有特别对那个八分拍的音做啥处理 所以考虑去掉?
05:23:661 (3) - 建议和05:23:890 (4) - stack不然前后时间不一样距离却一样感觉不太好 这一段最好二分拍和四分拍直接距离差别明显点 不然看着有点乱 也改ds了
07:23:447 (2) - 感觉这里stack不好 不如移开点因为其它地方滑条后面隔1/4拍放圈的很少 叠一起容易坑..
09:14:153 (2,3) - 感觉跟前面有点近 试试把它们一起往上移点把2的位置移到412 44附近? 改了但沒放那麼高
挺好的图啊怎么会没人点 改完了发我个pm吧
其他都改了:3 thankss
nice, bubble #2

to next bn: 07:14:252 (6) - here has 1/8 beat sounds, please take notice of notes here and judge if they are reasonable

good luck :)
Topic Starter

ZZHBOY wrote:

nice, bubble #2

to next bn: 07:14:252 (6) - here has 1/8 beat sounds, please take notice of notes here and judge if they are reasonable

good luck :)

2015-07-15 19:27 Flask: 00:51:183 - ~ 00:57:109 - 這裡你要不要全部1/1都加鼓
2015-07-15 19:28 Chaoslitz: 好:3
2015-07-15 19:30 Flask: 我感覺02:12:900 (2,3) - 可以ctrl+g
2015-07-15 19:30 Flask: 因為 跳
2015-07-15 19:30 Flask: 你怎麼想
2015-07-15 19:30 Flask: 02:19:718 - / 02:20:173 - 可加finish
2015-07-15 19:30 Chaoslitz: 這是zzb叫我改的ww
2015-07-15 19:31 Chaoslitz: 原本也是ctrl+g
2015-07-15 19:31 Flask: 那要keep嗎 還是
2015-07-15 19:31 Chaoslitz: 我把02:12:900 (2) 放遠吧
2015-07-15 19:31 Flask: 02:34:264 - / 02:34:718 - 你前面那個finish有改這個也加一下
2015-07-15 19:31 Flask: 好哇
2015-07-15 19:33 Chaoslitz: finish不加了我覺得有點怪>_>
2015-07-15 19:35 Flask: 好
2015-07-15 19:40 Flask: 我覺得你可以把全部歌的歌手跟歌名都tag上
2015-07-15 19:41 Chaoslitz: tag不夠位置;w;
2015-07-15 19:41 Flask: ;w;w;
2015-07-15 19:41 Flask: 那至少歌名?
2015-07-15 19:42 Flask: 日文的就好
2015-07-15 19:42 Chaoslitz: 我現在那些已經剛剛好了;w;
2015-07-15 19:42 Chaoslitz: 還是我換?
2015-07-15 19:43 Flask: 哦哦
2015-07-15 19:43 Flask: 那應該不用吧
2015-07-15 19:43 Flask: =w=
2015-07-15 19:43 Flask: 這樣還比較好搜
2015-07-15 19:43 Chaoslitz: 好的=w=
2015-07-15 19:48 Flask: 迷有什麼好說惹
2015-07-15 19:49 Chaoslitz: o.o?
2015-07-15 19:50 Flask: 你update吧
2015-07-15 19:50 Chaoslitz: 好
2015-07-15 19:50 Chaoslitz: 還有想問
2015-07-15 19:50 Chaoslitz: 07:14:252 (6) -
2015-07-15 19:50 Chaoslitz: 這沒問題吧?
2015-07-15 19:51 Flask: 可以
2015-07-15 19:51 Flask: 但你最好nc(
2015-07-15 19:51 Chaoslitz: ok
2015-07-15 19:52 Chaoslitz:
2015-07-15 19:52 Chaoslitz: 我要去找ww
2015-07-15 19:53 Flask: 其實不用
2015-07-15 19:53 Flask: 因為我直接app就直接移去了
2015-07-15 19:53 Flask: rank那邊
2015-07-15 19:53 Chaoslitz: :o
2015-07-15 19:53 Chaoslitz: 好的
2015-07-15 19:54 Chaoslitz: 等我restart =.=
2015-07-15 19:56 Chaoslitz: 上傳了ww
2015-07-15 19:56 Flask: 好哦
2015-07-15 19:57 Chaoslitz: :>

app'dtoo many qualified maps over the last 24 hours! (6 max)app'd
Nakano Itsuki
Congratz! :D

Flask wrote:

(6 max)
Topic Starter

StarrStyx wrote:

Congratz! :D

Flask wrote:

(6 max)
Gratz :)
Ciyus Miapah
wow gratz bro, too fast for me lol
Jing Yuan
Congratulations Chaos! ;3
Pro chaos
句人 分是尸
Topic Starter
thanks all :3
Nakano Itsuki
Pro KoS finally ranked

Congrats :3
Congrats!! :)
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