
Lemmen's introduction (About time)

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Hello everyone! just wanted to drop in and say Hello here on the forums!

I'm also looking for more play-buddies if anyone's interested

Let me introduce myself! My name is Lemmen or real name Lucas, I live in Denmark, I'm still a student and I play with a Mouse and Keyboard.

I usually play 3.5* maps as I find them relaxing as easy but naturally when I go full-op (Rarely happens) I play alot of 4* maps :) I'm currently as of this post rank 93k (I Believe) and I hate streams although it's part of the game and I'm slowly getting better at them, while I'm (Amazing) Pretty good at jumps especially when I'm in the "Zone"!

I started playing this game 2 months ago and I'm hooked! I'm not gonna switch to tablet anytime soon as I like the mouse playstyle better (Might change in future)

That was all from me now! cya'll ingame (IF I COULD PLAY)
Hiya man.

Your top ranks need more S ranks :/
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S Ranks are overrated :P! The reason there's B's in the top ranks is because of me Fc'ing it and then missing 3 notes at the end because 2fast5me, the A's are because of low Acc or again missing a note in the end #Isuk2much But my #1 rank is a FC S (You have no idea how happy I was when i saw the +5000 at the top of the screen)
Welcome to forums, you lazy player ._. (you like playing relaxing songs)
Or maybe I'm just too hyper; I love playing the fastest longest songs ever even if I fail them and it hurts my hand but its the type of hurt that is rewarding and sorta feels nice and yes and ow no periods to emphasize that I'm a crazy hyper ass biatch
Hope you enjoy your stay :3 8-)
How the heck did you get to 94k playing 3.5 stars lmao
Welcome the the community! I don't know what it's like here since I'm new, but I'm sure it's great :D . I also have only been playing osu! for 2 months, take on the same star maps too. Lastly, I see you're from Denmark :3, I'm only half danish but it counts for something right :).
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MasterBugPatch wrote:

Welcome the the community! I don't know what it's like here since I'm new, but I'm sure it's great :D . I also have only been playing osu! for 2 months, take on the same star maps too. Lastly, I see you're from Denmark :3, I'm only half danish but it counts for something right :).
Definatetly counts for something! :) I'd like to play with you sometime if you want but as of now my osu! won't start on my moms laptop making me unable to play.

And I'm not thaaat lazy of a player, I'm just taking the game at a slower pace than other players (eg, I'm pretty good at the kind of maps I play, and I always try to play something more difficult to get better, but I won't take a jump from 4* to 5* in a matter of seconds like some other players would.

And how did I get to 94k while only playing 3.5* star maps? The trick is, that you also play 4* and 4.3* maps ;)
Hey TheLem , Welcome to the forums :D
Welcome to the community, Lemmen-san. :3 Hope you are enjoying your time here.
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Quick update:
I'm now rank 54k, I switched to a Tablet (It's amazingly fun) and after a small break of a few weeks I'm ready to rek all 10* maps (kidding)
If you want someone to play with, and see my online send me a message, always happy to hop into a MP lobby.
Oh and I play 4-4.5* now :)
Welcome to the forums!
You're pretty much progressing at the same rate I am now.
EshkushMeh xD
Yo~! Welcome to the forums! :D
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