Welcome to my osu!standard queue!
- 2 maps per round
- The first map posted in the round is automatically accepted, meanwhile the second may be questionable.
- No more than 3 mins and 3 diffs.
- Don't expect that I'm going to open it everyday. Sometimes I can be lazy or busy irl.
- 1 post per person. It means, you can't post again if you posted before, you'll have to wait till next round. Give opportunity to the others as well.
- No bubbled or unranked maps
- Any genre, but I don't prioritize TV Size.
- Just post the link of your map, you don't need to specify anything.
- I may skip your map if I don't like it or It's already too good for me.
- ALWAYS answer to my mod. I don't accept a simple no, I want real reasons otherwise I will get very mad at you if you don't.
- If I can't mod your map you'll get inmediately a ticket for next time (I will make you notice first)
- A greeting is always very well received.
Modding schredule
I have free time so don't worry