
Wish granted, but _______

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fat pear
This is a forum game where a player wishes for something, and the next player grants the wish but something bad happens.
For example:

Player 1: I wish I had superpowers.
Player 2: Wish granted, but you accidentally shoot a laser in your eyes with your hands.

I wish I was a billionaire. (so freaking bad)
Player 3: Wish granted but the amount of money you have suffocates you.

I wish... and so on

I wish I had a time traveller to fix my regrets.
Wish granted, but the payment is one lifetime.

I wish I had an interesting book.
Wish granted but this book is filled with earthworms

I wish i was good at osu

Wish granted,But you will be blind.

The end
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fat pear
Wish granted but you get so good that you like Osu so much and play it a lot and you get a heart attack

I wish I could save the world from something
wish granted, but you've sacrificed everything and nobody recognises you for what you've done

I wish I could be a better friend.
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fat pear
Wish granted, but you get flooded with fan messages

I wish my wish wouldn't end up bad

FuZ wrote:

Wish granted but this book is filled with earthworms
How is that bad?

Wish granted, wish turns good and bad ad infinitum.

I wish I found love.
Wish granted, but the world is perfect now

wish granted, but your love is unrequited

I wish that people could be less judgemental
Granted. However, people will start to question other people's actions.

I wish I had a pet fish.
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fat pear
Wish granted but no one will pay attention to you

I wish I knew everything
wish granted, but people start to hate you because you practically have no weakness

i wish skinning senpais could be less scary sometimes
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fat pear
wish granted, but the skinning forums are deleted

i wish i saw an aurora
Wish granted,But you will be dead

I wish I can end this thread because there is already have a same thread

It is
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fat pear
Wish granted but no

I wish I could fly
Wish granted but you hit a plane and die

I wish I wasn't lazy

olivia272 wrote:

FuZ wrote:

Wish granted but this book is filled with earthworms
How is that bad?
I think its bad, for normal persons ._.
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fat pear
Wish granted but you do everything and you die because of a heart attack

I wish I should stop thinking about death and heart attacks
Wish granted but that's because you die from a heart attack so you are unable to think.

I wish I had a new smoke pipe.
Wish granted, you die from carbon monoxide poisoning.

I wish I had an infinite stock of orange juice.
Wish granted but drinking too much orange juice gave you diarrhea and you died of dehydration

I wish i was younger
Wish granted, but you'll end up a baby for eternity.

I wish I was a pro gfx maker.
Wish granted but your computer crash every time you do gfx because they are too awesome

I wish i could cook something without putting fire to my house
Wish granted, you burn the oxygen instead.

I wish for a fine, rainy weather.
wish granted, but many people come to camp together with you

i wish i could be more optimistic
There really shouldn't be two of the exact same Forum Games.
Just post in the other one that already exists.

You can't really necro a forum game, so its alright to post in an old one.

or just ignore and use ryusakihatsue's wish
Wish granted but many people who bullied me.
Topic Starter
fat pear
I wish I was a great software engineer
Wish granted, but you get overloaded with work

I wish I could draw well
Wish granted, but all drawings are either BL or GL. This is a good thing.

I wish I had some bubble tea.
Wish granted, but I added a secret ingredient smileyface

I wish I had 10,000 SS's already
secret ingredient = ur pubs and semen?

Wish granted, but you are now Cookiezi.
I wish for true love.
It was actually my semen, the amount of work I had to put in was inhuman

Wish granted, but your true love turned out to be me

I wish I wasn't Cookiezi anymore, I want my limbs back damn
Wish granted, but you now have bad acne

I wish to be an actual tree
Wish granted, but you are the Tree named Tim who is in love with 31 year old Emma McCabe. ... 7275760785
'Best sex ever'

I wish for more time.
Wish granted, but no one can laughed at me

I wish for Kanye West.
Wish granted, but you get interrupted every sentence

I wish for a normal sleep schedule
Wish granted but you're tired all days
Story of my life

I wish i could speak every languages
wish granted, but you can no longer speak the same language to your family and friends.

I wish I was a salad
Wish granted, but you're the worst type of salad and nobody will ever want to eat you. You will eventually rot away and be thrown into the trash.

I wish I could have a small freezer in my bedroom.
Wish granted, however your bedroom is now the small freezer.

I wish I could have more wishes
Wish granted, but you won't be able to use them.

I wish I could bite Conor really hard.
wish granted, but you can no longer bite anyone else.

I wish I had cake right now
Wish granted, you get some used urinal cake

I wish I could have more nutella

FillinFaye wrote:

wish granted, but you can no longer bite anyone else.

I wish I had cake right now
Conor is the only one I need to bite.

@bakathien- Wish granted, but you'd die of diabetes.

I wish I could change my name again.
Wish granted, all you have to do is e-mail (I've had 4 different usernames)

I wish A1 never started what he did
Wish granted, but he'd start something worse than that.

I wish I could bite off your face.
Wish granted, but my face is left so disfigured you wouldn't to put your teeth anywhere near it again

I wish I had water in my bottle
Wish granted, but the water tastes like rotten meat.

I wish I could have a couple picture with you.
Wish granted, but it's the only couple picture we had and it gets stolen, never returned

I wish I lived closer to my friends
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