
UVERworld - Boku no Kotoba dewa nai Kore wa Bokutachi no Kot

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2015年5月8日 at 17:46:23

Artist: UVERworld
Title: Boku no Kotoba dewa nai Kore wa Bokutachi no Kotoba
Source: アルスラーン戦記
BPM: 201
Filesize: 16424kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.33 stars, 94 notes)
  2. Extra (5.2 stars, 371 notes)
  3. Hard (3.34 stars, 271 notes)
  4. Insane (4.38 stars, 330 notes)
  5. Normal (2.2 stars, 171 notes)
Download: UVERworld - Boku no Kotoba dewa nai Kore wa Bokutachi no Kotoba
Download: UVERworld - Boku no Kotoba dewa nai Kore wa Bokutachi no Kotoba (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Beautiful ed and Beautiful princess prince
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Thankyou for Shad0w1and's video help and mp3 help
Megurine Luka
you shi yi ge ke yi qiang de sha fa ne
Topic Starter
da ge ni zhen shi sang xing bing kuang fang guo na ge sha fa ba ta hai zhi shi ge hai zi
00:33:432 (1,2) - 00:34:029 (5,6) - 不善良,建議
00:42:985 (1) - 超出屏幕
01:04:402 (4) - 這種貼在尾巴上的如鯁在喉,不善良,建議貼1腦袋
01:16:865 (4,6) - 01:16:716 (3,5) - 重合成這樣
01:23:432 (1,2) - 不太好看
00:29:701 (1) - 不切開麽(其實我覺得沒問題,但可能會有人挑刺吧),00:29:552 (6,1) - 之間距離可以加大
00:32:089 (1) - 01:00:746 (1) - blanket?
01:12:835 (1,2,3) - 正三角
01:13:134 (3,1) - 重叠
01:16:119 (4) - blanket
01:18:656 (1) - 再修一下形狀吧
00:14:328 (1,2,3) - blanket
00:21:492 (1) - 距離與前後都不符,特別是打開stack之後
01:03:731 (3,4) - blanket
01:04:776 (3) - ^
00:14:328 (1) - 00:15:522 (2) - ^
00:52:537 (1,2,3) - 修好看點?
Megurine Luka

  1. 大概没有

  1. 00:40:597 (1) - 感觉拉到00:40:447开始比较好

  1. 00:31:044 (1) - 包好?基本上我能看出来blanket的都属于比较明显的了_(:з」∠)_
  2. 00:33:432 (1) - 和5做直线?往左移动一点

  1. 感觉AR8是不是太高了- -7或者7.5好点
  2. 00:26:567 (2) - CTRL+G? 和前面的00:25:671 (5,6) - 一样搞对拉打起来爽一点
  3. 00:26:865 (3) - 朝上curve好像好点
  4. 00:30:149 (2) - CTRL+G吧...这样flow就是一个螺旋

  1. 00:17:014 (3) - 为什么不stack 00:16:119 (4) -

  1. 00:22:388 (5,6,1) - 试试看5和6换下位置然后把1CTRL+G
  2. 01:29:253 (1) - 为什么这个NC了前面的diff没有- -不如统一一下其他diff最后一个note也这样?起码Insane可以
That's it.

  • General
  1. bg逼死强迫症系列

  2. 00:42:537 (6,8,1) - 调下位置,空间不够的话这组整体上移些

  3. 01:03:731 (2) - 不ctrl+g做个跳吗,hard这里都有
  4. 01:18:507 (5) - 跳的位置不对,应该在01:18:507 (5,1) - 跳。所以移到368,120

  5. 00:45:820 (2,3) - 很容易让人误以为1/2
  6. 01:16:119 (4) - ctrl+g,01:16:119 (4,1) - 之间形成跳好点

  7. 01:01:194 (5) - 变成1/2滑条前后衔接是不是顺畅点

00:02:388 (1) - I suggest you shorten this by 1/2 a beat, since there is a strong beat at 00:02:686
00:24:179 (2) - maybe curving it the other way would make it flow better from 00:23:582 (5,1)
00:25:671 (4) - consider unstacking this note since the singer starts singing again
00:45:820 (3,4) - switching these on timeline sounds better to me since there is a strong beat at 00:45:970
00:59:104 (3) - how about tilting and stacking the end of 3 on 00:58:358 (1) for a cleaner look?
01:17:014 (5) - curve this slider upward for better flow


00:05:223 (2,3) - these skip over a really strong beat D: I think it'd be cool if you could include it in like this maybe:
00:45:671 (2,3) - same comment as in insane, consider switching these on timeline to include the strong beat
01:05:074 (3,4) - consider moving these around, I think it would flow better into the next sliders:


00:22:835 (2) - blanket is a bit off D:
00:45:820 (2,3) - this gap plays awkwardly for me, since there's a beat and there are vocals. Maybe bring (3) earlier by 1/2?


00:26:268 (1) - add finish on head


nothing :D

Good luck on your set!! I love arslan senki~

  1. BG怎么是1365*768 逼死强迫症系列

  1. 00:00:597 (1,2) - 我不喜欢nazi mod ..不过这个一眼就能看出歪了
  2. 01:21:791 - 这个tick音多余,插绿线去掉吧
  3. 00:22:388 (2,3) - 这里建议跟前面一样先圈再滑条,突然换一种形式感觉不太友好,毕竟是easy

  1. 00:52:537 (1,2,3) - 这个摆法感觉略丑,比如这样
  2. 01:20:447 - 前后似乎都是跟人声,所以这里建议加个圈,或者连着后面做个折返也不错

  1. 00:44:776 - 建议这里停转盘?后面红tick上也可以,蓝tick有点不知道为什么
  2. 01:16:119 (4) - 建议ctrl+g,hard里这种逆flow好坑

  1. 00:44:776 - 同hard
  2. 00:35:820 (1) - 这个感觉摆跳舒服一点,然后00:34:925 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 这一串可以换种有趣点的摆法,比如这样
  3. 00:40:895 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - 这些可以根据音效音量的渐变间距也渐变一下?


  • 2ha的图总是星数比实际难度低好多orz,不会摸ex,就从打图时候的感受说点啥吧。
  1. 毕竟201bpm,建议ar9.2 或者9.3
  2. 00:18:507 (4,5,6,7) - 这个对角距离可以再大一点
  3. 00:25:223 (1,2,3,4) - 这4个原地单点点起来好难,建议变成3个,00:25:671 (4) - 这个放远点做个跳
  4. 00:39:402 (2) - 这滑条头上什么音都没吧,建议跟insane一样从00:39:253 - 拉滑条
  5. 00:44:776 - 同hard
  6. 00:52:537 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这个打起来有点莫名,这种似原地又非原地的单点,就像一口痰想吐吐不出来,可以更好玩一点
  7. 01:11:641 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
Hello, from my modding queue victim list requests!

When I first heard this song I was like "how in the world does one map this song"? And then you somehow managed to make it work, so good job :D
I enjoy some of your other maps; this one is really good as well

- Very solid beatmaps for all five difficulties; I had a little trouble trying to see if there was anything wrong with it, heheh

- Flow-wise I think it's solid

-Mostly just blanketing issues but you don't really need to fix them because I don't know if they were intentional or not

- Only thing I can find is that your slider at 00:01:144(2) can be better blanketed around 00:00:597(1)

- Slider at 00:14:328(1) can be better blanketed around the start of the slider at 00:15:522(2)

- Slider at 01:17:014(2) can be better blanketed around end of the slider at 01:16:716(1)

- Slider at 01:24:179(5) can be better blanketed around the end of the slider at 01:23:880(4)

- Not that big of a deal, but the slider at 00:02:388(1) blankets adequately around the (5) from the previous combo in its current position; it can be better
  • :idea: Maybe you can try moving the slider at 00:02:388(1) from its current position (x92, y148) to (x92, y149)? like I said not that big of a deal
- Slider at 00:20:149(1) can be better blanketed around 00:19:999(3)

- Slider at 00:56:716(2) can be better blanketed around 00:56:567(1)

- Got no comments; it's awesome as it currently is :D

If I was better at this game I wouldn't resort to autoplay but I'll still try to help out as best I can

- The pattern at 00:06:119(2, 3) feels a little off flow in my opinion.
  • :idea: Maybe you can try using a similar pattern found at 00:04:029(2, 3, 4)?
That's about all I can find. Hope this helps you out ;)
Hollow Wings


  1. 00:36:865 (1,2) - 总觉得这两个换一下比较好,你试试。
  2. 01:18:208 (5,6) - 这两个换一下,跳的爽一点。
  3. 没啥好写的啊,射一颗再墅。


  1. widescreen support去掉。
  2. 00:10:895 (2) - 我觉得这个反向,然后再放远一点比较好,现在这样放虽然ds差不多但打起来感觉有点奇怪。
  3. 00:27:014 (4,5,1) - 这个略难,比00:29:253 (5,6,1) - 要难太多,但song里的pattern却是差不多。感觉45换一下位置比较好。
  4. 01:21:791 (3) - 放在204,136吧,你01:20:597 (3,4) - 来了这么一发,这边vocal又唱那么高,可以跳大点。
  5. 和ex好像,大概知道你怎么搞的了。


  1. 00:08:059 (3) - 这个反向比较合曲感觉。

01:09:104 (1) - 去掉弧度,像01:09:701 (3) - 一样,还可以对称呢

00:27:164 (5,1) - 这个移动感觉太不对了,(4,5)换一下感觉会好一些
01:04:179 (3,4) - 圈圈+短slider

m4m !

00:07:611 (4) - I think the end should be clickable !
00:11:044 (2,4) - Nazi but take off grid snap and restack these !
00:13:134 (1,3) - Should be the in the same y - axis !
00:14:328 (1) - Add finish too ?
00:23:432 (4) - x:480 y:252 !
00:24:477 (3) - Should be lower because of the previous slider pointing downward a bit. Maybe ? -->
00:32:089 (1,2,3) - Suggestion : and
00:39:402 (2,3,4,5) - Another suggestion :D
00:40:895 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Nice I love thsi
00:44:776 - Spinner should end here ?
00:49:104 (2) - Rotate this a bit --> better flow
01:00:149 (3,1) - Same slider shape ?
01:02:089 (1) - CTRL + G
01:11:641 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Suggestion : up down flow -->
01:25:522 (4,5) - Stack these since you did it for 01:25:074 (2,3) -
01:29:253 (1) - x:124 y:120

Insane :
00:02:985 - Map this ?
00:07:611 (3) - Tail should be something clickable ?
00:12:835 (5) - Why did you suddenly add a red anchor to this slider ?
00:12:835 (5,4) - Fix the stack ! Take off grid snap
00:36:865 (1) - This should be like this 00:38:208 (1,2) - With the circles
00:40:447 (2) - Triplet here more fun
00:42:985 (6) - NC since you did it for Extra diff
00:43:059 (1) - Slider suggestion same as extra
00:49:701 (4) - More distance
01:00:746 (1,3) - stack :D ?
01:17:910 (3,4) - Same slider shape ?
nice diff !

Hard :
00:40:447 (1) - CTRL + G
00:48:358 (3) - Curve the other way ?
00:51:641 (2,3) - Same slider shape ?
01:09:104 (1) - more distance !
01:17:014 (3) - Why suddenly change this ? CTRL + G?

Normal :
00:09:999 (2) - Whistle on head
00:31:940 (2,3) - Stack
Nice diff

Easy :
Nothing much !

I love your maps !
yo, from your M4M queue lol, I have no maps now so I'd like to reserve a ticket orz.

  1. 这个1365*768的bg,我的强迫症发作了
  2. 总体ar有点偏高,我建议enh的ar都-1
  1. 00:35:820 (1,2,3) - 红线滑条?低难度我建议这里还是跟vocal
  2. 其他没什么挑的
NH都没什么挑,只有h这里有一个nazi 00:55:970 (1,2) -

  1. 去掉widescreen support
  2. 00:27:164 (5,1) - 不太喜欢这样的flow< 我更倾向于顺时针转180,不过这里排版好像已经定下来了那就算了
  1. 00:25:223 (1,2,3,4) - 第一pc十分具有误导性,至少我以为是stream了,要不把间距摆大点
  2. 00:42:985 (1) - 我觉得放左边一些跳得更爽

Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

00:33:432 (1,2) - 00:34:029 (5,6) - 不善良,建議..到底是谁不善良点了啦!..总而言之我往外拉出来了一点点..
00:42:985 (1) - 超出屏幕都在说这个,fix
01:04:402 (4) - 這種貼在尾巴上的如鯁在喉,不善良,建議貼1腦袋fix
01:16:865 (4,6) - 01:16:716 (3,5) - 重合成這樣这个...稍微换了种摆法
01:23:432 (1,2) - 不太好看我觉得还是在忍受范围内的!
00:29:701 (1) - 不切開麽(其實我覺得沒問題,但可能會有人挑刺吧),00:29:552 (6,1) - 之間距離可以加大fix
00:32:089 (1) - 01:00:746 (1) - blanket?这个是不想让他blanket
01:12:835 (1,2,3) - 正三角fix
01:13:134 (3,1) - 重叠很perfect啊
01:16:119 (4) - blanket...很perfect啊!
01:18:656 (1) - 再修一下形狀吧现在很perfect啊
00:14:328 (1,2,3) - blanket
00:21:492 (1) - 距離與前後都不符,特別是打開stack之後fix
01:03:731 (3,4) - blanket
01:04:776 (3) - ^
00:14:328 (1) - 00:15:522 (2) - ^
00:52:537 (1,2,3) - 修好看點?

[Teichan] wrote:

yo, from your M4M queue lol, I have no maps now so I'd like to reserve a ticket orz.

  1. 这个1365*768的bg,我的强迫症发作了
  2. 总体ar有点偏高,我建议enh的ar都-1
  1. 00:35:820 (1,2,3) - 红线滑条?低难度我建议这里还是跟vocal
  2. 其他没什么挑的
NH都没什么挑,只有h这里有一个nazi 00:55:970 (1,2) -

  1. 去掉widescreen supportfix
  2. 00:27:164 (5,1) - 不太喜欢这样的flow< 我更倾向于顺时针转180,不过这里排版好像已经定下来了那就算了
  1. 00:25:223 (1,2,3,4) - 第一pc十分具有误导性,至少我以为是stream了,要不把间距摆大点第一pc嘛!
  2. 00:42:985 (1) - 我觉得放左边一些跳得更爽fix


Hollow Wings wrote:



  1. 00:36:865 (1,2) - 总觉得这两个换一下比较好,你试试。恩这个好!
  2. 01:18:208 (5,6) - 这两个换一下,跳的爽一点。恩这个也好!
  3. 没啥好写的啊,射一颗再墅。


  1. widescreen support去掉。fix
  2. 00:10:895 (2) - 我觉得这个反向,然后再放远一点比较好,现在这样放虽然ds差不多但打起来感觉有点奇怪。fix
  3. 00:27:014 (4,5,1) - 这个略难,比00:29:253 (5,6,1) - 要难太多,但song里的pattern却是差不多。感觉45换一下位置比较好。fix
  4. 01:21:791 (3) - 放在204,136吧,你01:20:597 (3,4) - 来了这么一发,这边vocal又唱那么高,可以跳大点。fix
  5. 和ex好像,大概知道你怎么搞的了。呀,自从那个什么鬼上线后我都尽量把insane和extra做的比较像,不想再被挑那个难度问题了简直恶心


  1. 00:08:059 (3) - 这个反向比较合曲感觉。


liangv587 wrote:


  • General
  1. bg逼死强迫症系列

  2. 00:42:537 (6,8,1) - 调下位置,空间不够的话这组整体上移些 这个改了个方法放

  3. 01:03:731 (2) - 不ctrl+g做个跳吗,hard这里都有ctrl+g了后面的flow就很奇怪了
  4. 01:18:507 (5) - 跳的位置不对,应该在01:18:507 (5,1) - 跳。所以移到368,120这个我觉得还ok

  5. 00:45:820 (2,3) - 很容易让人误以为1/2我都觉得还OK
  6. 01:16:119 (4) - ctrl+g,01:16:119 (4,1) - 之间形成跳好点fix

  7. 01:01:194 (5) - 变成1/2滑条前后衔接是不是顺畅点

Megurine Luka wrote:


  1. 大概没有

  1. 00:40:597 (1) - 感觉拉到00:40:447开始比较好

  1. 00:31:044 (1) - 包好?基本上我能看出来blanket的都属于比较明显的了_(:з」∠)_
  2. 00:33:432 (1) - 和5做直线?往左移动一点

  1. 感觉AR8是不是太高了- -7或者7.5好点
  2. 00:26:567 (2) - CTRL+G? 和前面的00:25:671 (5,6) - 一样搞对拉打起来爽一点
  3. 00:26:865 (3) - 朝上curve好像好点
  4. 00:30:149 (2) - CTRL+G吧...这样flow就是一个螺旋fix

  1. 00:17:014 (3) - 为什么不stack 00:16:119 (4) - 对爱fix

  1. 00:22:388 (5,6,1) - 试试看5和6换下位置然后把1CTRL+G前面那个换了后面slider这个就...
  2. 01:29:253 (1) - 为什么这个NC了前面的diff没有- -不如统一一下其他diff最后一个note也这样?起码Insane可以

That's it.

Kagamine Ren wrote:


  1. BG怎么是1365*768 逼死强迫症系列

  1. 00:00:597 (1,2) - 我不喜欢nazi mod ..不过这个一眼就能看出歪了
  2. 01:21:791 - 这个tick音多余,插绿线去掉吧
  3. 00:22:388 (2,3) - 这里建议跟前面一样先圈再滑条,突然换一种形式感觉不太友好,毕竟是easy

  1. 00:52:537 (1,2,3) - 这个摆法感觉略丑,比如这样
  2. 01:20:447 - 前后似乎都是跟人声,所以这里建议加个圈,或者连着后面做个折返也不错

  1. 00:44:776 - 建议这里停转盘?后面红tick上也可以,蓝tick有点不知道为什么fix
  2. 01:16:119 (4) - 建议ctrl+g,hard里这种逆flow好坑

  1. 00:44:776 - 同hardfix
  2. 00:35:820 (1) - 这个感觉摆跳舒服一点,然后00:34:925 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - 这一串可以换种有趣点的摆法,比如这样好..复杂...我觉得现在的也还ok啦
  3. 00:40:895 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2) - 这些可以根据音效音量的渐变间距也渐变一下?渐变在extra用过了, Insane用会被大佬们找茬


  • 2ha的图总是星数比实际难度低好多orz,不会摸ex,就从打图时候的感受说点啥吧。
  1. 毕竟201bpm,建议ar9.2 或者9.3咦真的?..这个待定吧其实我还是不习惯用小数点儿..
  2. 00:18:507 (4,5,6,7) - 这个对角距离可以再大一点fix
  3. 00:25:223 (1,2,3,4) - 这4个原地单点点起来好难,建议变成3个,00:25:671 (4) - 这个放远点做个跳fix
  4. 00:39:402 (2) - 这滑条头上什么音都没吧,建议跟insane一样从00:39:253 - 拉滑条这个确实是有的
  5. 00:44:776 - 同hardfix
  6. 00:52:537 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这个打起来有点莫名,这种似原地又非原地的单点,就像一口痰想吐吐不出来,可以更好玩一点
  7. 01:11:641 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
Topic Starter

Raose wrote:


00:02:388 (1) - I suggest you shorten this by 1/2 a beat, since there is a strong beat at 00:02:686
00:24:179 (2) - maybe curving it the other way would make it flow better from 00:23:582 (5,1)
00:25:671 (4) - consider unstacking this note since the singer starts singing againfix
00:45:820 (3,4) - switching these on timeline sounds better to me since there is a strong beat at 00:45:970
00:59:104 (3) - how about tilting and stacking the end of 3 on 00:58:358 (1) for a cleaner look?
01:17:014 (5) - curve this slider upward for better flow fix


00:05:223 (2,3) - these skip over a really strong beat D: I think it'd be cool if you could include it in like this maybe:
00:45:671 (2,3) - same comment as in insane, consider switching these on timeline to include the strong beat
01:05:074 (3,4) - consider moving these around, I think it would flow better into the next sliders:


00:22:835 (2) - blanket is a bit off D:fix
00:45:820 (2,3) - this gap plays awkwardly for me, since there's a beat and there are vocals. Maybe bring (3) earlier by 1/2?


00:26:268 (1) - add finish on headfix


nothing :D

Good luck on your set!! I love arslan senki~

Aerous wrote:

m4m !

00:07:611 (4) - I think the end should be clickable !
00:11:044 (2,4) - Nazi but take off grid snap and restack these !fix
00:13:134 (1,3) - Should be the in the same y - axis !
00:14:328 (1) - Add finish too ?
00:23:432 (4) - x:480 y:252 !fix
00:24:477 (3) - Should be lower because of the previous slider pointing downward a bit. Maybe ? -->
00:32:089 (1,2,3) - Suggestion : and
00:39:402 (2,3,4,5) - Another suggestion :D
00:40:895 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Nice I love thsi
00:44:776 - Spinner should end here ?fix
00:49:104 (2) - Rotate this a bit --> better flow
01:00:149 (3,1) - Same slider shape ?
01:02:089 (1) - CTRL + G
01:11:641 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Suggestion : up down flow -->
01:25:522 (4,5) - Stack these since you did it for 01:25:074 (2,3) -
01:29:253 (1) - x:124 y:120

Insane :
00:02:985 - Map this ?fix
00:07:611 (3) - Tail should be something clickable ?
00:12:835 (5) - Why did you suddenly add a red anchor to this slider ?
00:12:835 (5,4) - Fix the stack ! Take off grid snapfix
00:36:865 (1) - This should be like this 00:38:208 (1,2) - With the circles
00:40:447 (2) - Triplet here more fun
00:42:985 (6) - NC since you did it for Extra difffix
00:43:059 (1) - Slider suggestion same as extrafix
00:49:701 (4) - More distance
01:00:746 (1,3) - stack :D ?fix
01:17:910 (3,4) - Same slider shape ?
nice diff !

Hard :
00:40:447 (1) - CTRL + G
00:48:358 (3) - Curve the other way ?
00:51:641 (2,3) - Same slider shape ?
01:09:104 (1) - more distance !
01:17:014 (3) - Why suddenly change this ? CTRL + G?

Normal :
00:09:999 (2) - Whistle on headfix
00:31:940 (2,3) - Stack
Nice diff

Easy :
Nothing much !

I love your maps !

Doormat wrote:

Hello, from my modding queue victim list requests!

When I first heard this song I was like "how in the world does one map this song"? And then you somehow managed to make it work, so good job :D
I enjoy some of your other maps; this one is really good as well

- Very solid beatmaps for all five difficulties; I had a little trouble trying to see if there was anything wrong with it, heheh

- Flow-wise I think it's solid

-Mostly just blanketing issues but you don't really need to fix them because I don't know if they were intentional or not

- Only thing I can find is that your slider at 00:01:144(2) can be better blanketed around 00:00:597(1)

- Slider at 00:14:328(1) can be better blanketed around the start of the slider at 00:15:522(2)

- Slider at 01:17:014(2) can be better blanketed around end of the slider at 01:16:716(1)

- Slider at 01:24:179(5) can be better blanketed around the end of the slider at 01:23:880(4)

- Not that big of a deal, but the slider at 00:02:388(1) blankets adequately around the (5) from the previous combo in its current position; it can be better
  • :idea: Maybe you can try moving the slider at 00:02:388(1) from its current position (x92, y148) to (x92, y149)? like I said not that big of a deal
- Slider at 00:20:149(1) can be better blanketed around 00:19:999(3)

- Slider at 00:56:716(2) can be better blanketed around 00:56:567(1)

- Got no comments; it's awesome as it currently is :D

If I was better at this game I wouldn't resort to autoplay but I'll still try to help out as best I can

- The pattern at 00:06:119(2, 3) feels a little off flow in my opinion.
  • :idea: Maybe you can try using a similar pattern found at 00:04:029(2, 3, 4)?
That's about all I can find. Hope this helps you out ;)
fix some blanket, thanks
someplace I still keep my mind so _(:зゝ∠)_..
Thankyou for your guys mod!
Hollow Wings

Just a friendly beatmap supporter stopping by. Excellent job so far! Keep up the great work!
Awesome beatmap,i love this song and i would that it become a rank beatmap.
I think it would be good to has a non-convert difficult for osu! mania.
Topic Starter
ask alacat and fix the title to
Boku no Kotoba dewa nai Kore wa Bokutachi no Kotoba
Hollow Wings
irc modded, fixed something minor on Easy and Insane. With various flow improvement on Extra.

call me when you're ready.
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too many hot wing

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_(:зゝ∠)_总算可以去吃hot wing了yeah yeah❤

Hollow Wings wrote:

Topic Starter

Flask wrote:

Hollow Wings wrote:

Gratz tutuhaha :3

unfortunately we have to disqualify this beatmap after some internal discussion for the following reasons:

  1. The difficulty gap between Insane and Extra is too big;
    While the Extra is full of complex jumpy patterns, the Insane is much less jumpy and rather tends to be closer to Hard. Therefore we want you to slightly increase the Insane's difficulty by adding more jumps in order to get even gaps.
  2. Your choice of OD/HP settings in relation to your AR is really questionable in some cases;
    Hard - AR8/OD6/HP4, why HP4? You most likely don't do many 100s due to the OD6 which is fine but due to fairly short combos and this really low HP there's basically no chance of failing in this difficulty. Please raise the HP settings.
    Another good example for your choice of difficulties settings would be the Extra with AR9.2 and OD7. OD7 makes it really unlikely to get 100s meaning that you won't notice when you are off. This can cause some trouble once you are getting much too off. Therefore please raise OD settings here as well.

  1. AR4 is way too high considering your spacing and SV in this difficulty;
    Even the Normal difficulty just has AR5 making this so close to it. Please use AR2~AR3 instead.
  2. Due to the very low SV this difficulty feels really cramped;
    Nearly all the notes overlap which can cause problems in readability considering this BPM. (Just take the second Kiai into account to see how all objects are basically overlapping with each other here).
    To fix this problem we suggest you to decrease the general density of the difficulty by getting more 2/1-gaps instead of too many 1/1-gaps.

Please keep in mind that the above listed examples are just examples for the mentioned issues (expect the spread and AR in Easy) so that this generally applies to more than just these mentioned ones.
This map will be handled by the BNG from now on. Good luck! ;)

ah... -_-

very sad if see qualified map get DQ in the last hours
just a few hous before this map get ranked
Topic Starter
If you dont really pay attention to which HP OD AR I choose, when you play it, any problem for it?
and please, is make me feel sick when my map just need wait last hour to get out of this stupid qualified list, you come and say hey sorry we need dq this map because some optional reason and cancel all the player‘s score
please think, are you really helping mapper? or you guys just send them some bad emotions?
Such carping is not commendable, the intensely critical spirit is often the narrow - minded and ignorant one.
easy diff ar-1, but sv I think is work pretty well, I like it so much
insane no suppose to add more jump, is already enough for most player, and what I think the
Mao说dq和pop bubble差不多,那基本上不怎么接受然后call前一个BN回来rebubble也是应该没有问题的
lust说我不fix Mao的post那我就没办法q again, 强制性命令
Mao说这不是强制性命令因为你可以跟我辩论啊, 说服我就ok啦
13:59 tutuhaha: poke *sign*
13:59 *tutuhaha is listening to [ UVERworld - Boku no Kotoba dewa nai Kore wa Bokutachi no Kotoba]
13:59 tutuhaha: *sign*
14:00 xxdeathx: what about lapis lazuli
14:00 tutuhaha: ...nothing bad?
14:00 xxdeathx: not crash yet?
14:01 xxdeathx: the one i bubbled was lapis lazuli
14:01 tutuhaha: ye _(:зゝ∠)_
14:01 tutuhaha: I understandable
14:01 xxdeathx: lol i didnt bubblet his one
14:01 xxdeathx: this one
14:01 tutuhaha: ..........understand that
14:01 tutuhaha: _(:зゝ∠)_ but still, can you help me to rerank it?
14:02 xxdeathx: hmm
14:02 xxdeathx: they said you need to fix everything on mao's post or it will dq again and give 3 IS
14:02 xxdeathx: :/
14:02 tutuhaha: 3 is means what
14:03 xxdeathx: three impact score
14:04 tutuhaha: need fix everything?
14:04 xxdeathx: yes orz
14:05 tutuhaha: 往后
14:05 tutuhaha: who said that
14:06 xxdeathx: lust (he did for asphyxia's rally go round but i'm going with precedence)
14:06 tutuhaha: hehe
14:31 tutuhaha: ok fix all
14:32 tutuhaha: would you like to help me check it?
14:33 xxdeathx: Please keep in mind that the above listed examples are just examples for the mentioned issues (expect the spread and AR in Easy) so that this generally applies to more than just these mentioned ones.
14:33 xxdeathx: did you also look for other things to fix
14:33 tutuhaha: yes
14:34 tutuhaha: I just keep chat with Mao
14:34 xxdeathx: increased spacing in easy?
14:34 tutuhaha: he cant convince me and I cant convince him
14:34 xxdeathx: or removed objects?
14:34 tutuhaha: I delete some rhythm
14:34 xxdeathx: then how did it go with mao
14:35 tutuhaha: - and then mao said just accept it
14:35 xxdeathx: mao accepted it?
14:35 tutuhaha: and I think it is most faster way
14:35 tutuhaha: so I change it
14:38 tutuhaha: you still want Mao check it first?
14:39 xxdeathx: what
14:39 tutuhaha: this map
14:40 xxdeathx: mao says they need to be fixed or it'll be dqed again
14:41 tutuhaha: yes I fix all
14:41 xxdeathx: hard still has hp4
14:41 xxdeathx: are you sure you fixed?
14:43 tutuhaha: did he means increase hp?
14:43 xxdeathx: he said that
14:45 tutuhaha: ok update
14:45 xxdeathx: are you sure you fixed everything in mao's post?
14:45 xxdeathx: you ignored hp, maybe you ignore other things
14:46 tutuhaha: I fix od, hp, ar, jump, easy rhythm
14:46 tutuhaha: I dont think there has anyother left
14:46 xxdeathx: you added jumps in insane?
14:46 tutuhaha: yes
14:51 xxdeathx: insane doesn't have any jumps...
14:51 tutuhaha: 00:10:447 (1,2,3,4) -
14:52 tutuhaha: 00:12:537 (4,5) - 00:14:776 (2,3,4) -
14:52 tutuhaha: no enough?
14:53 xxdeathx: those aren't really jumps
14:53 xxdeathx: you need 1/2 circle jumps
14:54 tutuhaha: .......
14:56 tutuhaha: any good suggest?
14:56 xxdeathx: uh it's hard to suggest for your style
14:57 xxdeathx: maybe 00:34:925 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
14:58 xxdeathx: ok the music at 00:40:895 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5) - is building up
14:58 xxdeathx: so you should start with 1/2 sliders and then change to circles whose spacing gets increasingly bigger
15:02 tutuhaha: ok update
15:02 xxdeathx: ok let's see
15:05 xxdeathx: getting better
15:07 xxdeathx: maybe you can increase the distance of 00:42:089 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
15:07 xxdeathx: and 00:47:761 (1,2,3) - 00:52:537 (1,2,3,4) - you should choose some sliders here to change to circles since these parts are 1/2 vocals
15:08 xxdeathx: same for 01:06:865 (1,2,3) - and 01:11:641 (1,2,3,4) -
15:08 xxdeathx: that would help add more jumps to the sprea
15:08 xxdeathx: spread
15:17 tutuhaha: ok fix
15:18 xxdeathx: did you increase distance of 00:42:089 (2,3,4,5,6,7) -
15:19 tutuhaha: yep
15:19 xxdeathx: ok for 00:47:761 (1,2,3,4,5) - i mean to have circles and make them jumps
15:19 xxdeathx: so increase spacing between circles
15:19 xxdeathx: well between circles and sliders too
15:19 xxdeathx: between all objects
15:21 tutuhaha: ok change for 2.0x
15:22 xxdeathx: how about 00:52:537 (1,2,3,4) -
15:23 tutuhaha: I dont really want to move
15:23 tutuhaha: that
15:23 xxdeathx: fine
15:24 tutuhaha: update
15:24 xxdeathx: also in hard i think you should change 00:38:358 (2) - to circle like other diffs
15:24 xxdeathx: since slider end sounds out place
15:25 xxdeathx: and 00:55:970 (1,2) - this blanket
15:26 tutuhaha: ok fix all
15:28 tutuhaha: ok update
15:29 xxdeathx: increase normal to od4?
15:31 tutuhaha: ok update
15:32 tutuhaha: ...update now
15:32 tutuhaha: ok update
15:32 xxdeathx: ok
15:34 xxdeathx: how much did you delete from easy?
15:35 tutuhaha: a lot
15:35 xxdeathx: ok i'll take your word for it
15:37 tutuhaha: wait
15:37 tutuhaha: let me recheck again
15:37 tutuhaha: space problem..
15:38 xxdeathx: i checked with AIMod, don't think there is problem
15:38 tutuhaha: yep I find 2 space problem
15:38 tutuhaha: AIMod is stupid
15:38 xxdeathx: where
15:39 tutuhaha: 01:09:253 (1,2) -
15:39 tutuhaha: 01:11:641 (1,2) -
15:39 xxdeathx: oh lol
15:39 xxdeathx: good job lol
15:39 xxdeathx: i didnt find them
15:40 xxdeathx: also this 00:00:597 (1,2) - blanket can be improved
15:45 tutuhaha: ok
15:45 tutuhaha: update
Confirmed that all issues in Mao's post have been fixed to the best of our ability. Rebubbled!
Hollow Wings

maybe we need rules like "Easy can't use ar which's higher than 3" before similar troubles happen again.

really tired to guess what the rule really is, tbh.
I thought we don't need to care about the gap between insane-extra cuz we already have a not only nice but also rankable spread, which is called E-N-H-I...

Welp whatever, congratz on the requalify

ps. 對我又用電腦啦
this map feels so off, like all the beats are just messed up and off timing. impossible for me to play.
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