
Minimal is Beautiful *osu mode only for now* HD

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fat pear

The skin I shared before this was Cellular, which was a failure (well it WAS my first shared skin). I would like to share this one, which I think looks much better.
Any opinions please leave below. OH MY GOD IT'S READY FOR DOWNLOAD

Score and results

rank yeah woahhhhhhhhh!!!

Many thanks to myself for pretty much the whole skin
Many thanks to Peppy for the osu! skin template
Many thanks to for helping me find the fonts (here: ... age=1)
Fonts used: Source Sans Pro, Aller Display, Aller, Aller Light, Zwo Drei, Lobster and more to come
Thank you - Milhofo - for the trail lines things idk what they're called lol
Hitsounds not mine, just some hitsounds I need to borrow before I finish my own hitsounds.

Update Log
03/04/15: Thread was made
04/04/15: Updated Default numbers, changed slider colour to grey, added back and skip button, changed slider tick, made approachcircle thinner and slider ball 2 pixels bigger because some perfectionist told me to
Needs more ponies

Mahoganytooth wrote:

Needs more ponies

Love the fonts <3 mmm your hitcircle numbers seem a little small, maybe make them slightly bigger?
Topic Starter
fat pear
Thanks. Will get right on the circle numbers after I sleep.
looks nice,what font did you use?

CptBlackBird wrote:

looks nice,what font did you use?

[ microism ] wrote:

Many thanks to myself for pretty much the whole skin
Many thanks to Peppy for the osu! skin template
Many thanks to for helping me find the fonts (here: ... age=1&#41;
Fonts used: Source Sans Pro, Aller Display, Aller and more to come
Topic Starter
fat pear
used Aller Display, Aller and Source sans pro
oh I'm blind,thanks
i wonder if you willing to complete it, if so this looks pretty much a good srart :)
Topic Starter
fat pear

KanoSet wrote:

i wonder if you willing to complete it, if so this looks pretty much a good srart :)
Of course I'm willing to complete it; and I am excited about it as well!
Topic Starter
fat pear

-ryusakihatsue- wrote:

Mahoganytooth wrote:

Needs more ponies

Love the fonts <3 mmm your hitcircle numbers seem a little small, maybe make them slightly bigger?
I have updated them now! Look in the Gameplay box. ;)
Yes the hitcircles are perfect <3 :)
Ayesha Altugle
Some suggestions:

How about make the pause screen looks like the fail screen?

For example

the "Press Ctrl+R to start again or press esc to go back to song selection" in the failed screen.

and in the pause, how about making it

"Press Ctrl+R to start again or press esc to resume the game"?

as for the hitmarkers

you can make the hit300 appear in the ranking panel but not in gameplay by making the hit300 visible and hit300-0 invisible

like this

to fit the minimalist theme even more
Topic Starter
fat pear
There's no space for me to put in text in the pause screen,
and I was actually planning to do the -0 stuff.
Topic Starter
fat pear
I did some updates on my computer, but Osu is interfering with the internet so I have to post on the ipad :(
Topic Starter
fat pear
Another update yeah woah!
If you're not happy with the slider colour then tell me :)
Hitcircle and the font is similar to Aethestic, otherwise looks good. I think Approach Circle are just too thick and Sliderball is a 1-2 pixel too small. :D

Fatal3ty wrote:

Hitcircle and the font is similar to Aethestic, otherwise looks good. I think Approach Circle are just too thick and Sliderball is a 1-2 pixel too small. :D
He used the font; he didn't stole an element from Aesthetic. Screw your perfect-pixel fixes since no skin is perfect.
It's also a mere coincidence so deal with it.
Topic Starter
fat pear
better change that score-percent for that since it's not fitable with the font that you used

OsuMe65 wrote:

Fatal3ty wrote:

Hitcircle and the font is similar to Aethestic, otherwise looks good. I think Approach Circle are just too thick and Sliderball is a 1-2 pixel too small. :D
He used the font; he didn't stole an element from Aesthetic. Screw your perfect-pixel fixes since no skin is perfect.
It's also a mere coincidence so deal with it.
I did not write it, that it is stolen, but just like that. So my point of view. Skin is good.

So last screenshot has now been fixed the slider ball. Numbers and Sliderfollowcircle I do not like, because I always invisible when I use the skin itself. Just for me :)
Topic Starter
fat pear
Topic Starter
fat pear
😤 bump
Please do not bumping and please keep to the rules. :roll:

Instead of bumping or annoying chatting on the skin (accidentally discovered by the screenshot), you'd better get ready to rest your skin. And leave them alone. Interested comes by itself. :)
Topic Starter
fat pear
idk wouldn't you be disappointed if there were no posts on your thread after 2 days

anyway it is nearly ready for download! i just need to change the hitsounds.
Topic Starter
fat pear

[ microism ] wrote:

idk wouldn't you be disappointed if there were no posts on your thread after 2 days

there is alot of skins out there with no replays for weeks,monthes and even years y'know
Topic Starter
fat pear
yeah and you're making it worse by not even paying attention to the skin ._.
posting here so I can find this topic again.

this skin looks quite nice to be used 😻
Topic Starter
fat pear

Gabe wrote:

posting here so I can find this topic again.

this skin looks quite nice to be used 😻
thanks, if there is anything wrong with it/any reasons why you haven't downloaded it please tell me

[ microism ] wrote:

yeah and you're making it worse by not even paying attention to the skin ._.
most of people won't just go and reply to every skin whenever there is update, would they :|
there is alot of great skins out there.. and the topic is literally dead
don't expect much attention :roll:
Topic Starter
fat pear

KanoSet wrote:

[ microism ] wrote:

yeah and you're making it worse by not even paying attention to the skin ._.
most of people won't just go and reply to every skin whenever there is update, would they :|
there is alot of great skins out there.. and the topic is literally dead
don't expect much attention :roll:
i don't expect everyone to come if there's a new update...
then there is no reason for bumbing the topic right :)
just be patient, that's all
Topic Starter
fat pear
okay but please give me feedback on my skin.

KanoSet wrote:

i wonder if you willing to complete it, if so this looks pretty much a good srart :)
it's really nice but what about a customized score bar
and selection mode icon, beatmap option icon..etc
i love dat cursor btw <3
Topic Starter
fat pear
thank you, I am working on that
Topic Starter
fat pear

okayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy soooooooooo i was lazy so I haven't worked on the skin since, so I'm going to do that right now k bye
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