osu! 硬幣!
Hey guys, peppy here! After some long hard considerations, I have determined the current business model is unprofitable.大家好,我是 peppy !經過漫長而煎熬的考量,我得出現行的商業模式無法產生利益的結論。
At the current rate of return, it would be unlikely for me to purchase a personal jet within my lifetime, which is one of my primary life goals. Thus I held discussions with the team on alternate forms of monetisation, studying the current trends in similar free-to-play games currently available on the market.
In order to not completely alienate the current user base, we had to innovate a new synergistic strategy that leveraged osu!’s current market-leadership and continued to engage the player to ensure an increased conversion rate.
為了不完全失去目前的玩家群,我們必須創造出一種新的輔助策略,從而達成 osu! 目前的市場領導權,並能夠繼續與玩家交流以確保客戶增加率的成長。
Our research showed that a lot of the current user base could not afford to pay for a full-priced AAA title. So in order to strike a completely fair balance, We’re happy to announce that osu! will still be completely free-to-play!*
我們的研究顯示目前的玩家群大部分都在經濟上無法負擔原價的 AAA 大作。因此為了破壞這完全公平的平衡,我們很高興地宣布:osu! 依然會是完全免費制!
But in order to increase revenue, we will be “chasing the whales” by adding a new in-game currency - the osu!coin! These are targeted at those that excessively play osu! and have become addicted - i.e. those of you that would buy-in regardless of how much I charge!
但為了增加收入,我們將新增一種遊戲內貨幣以搾取更多油水(chasing the whales)── osu! 硬幣!此乃為過度遊玩 osu! 乃至成癮的人專門推出,也就是那些不管我賣多少你都會付錢的人!
Skilled players will also be able to earn osu!coins for every 100-combo they achieve, this incentivises them to improve, whilst keeping them addicted to osu! What will osu!coins be used for you ask? Playing, of course!
高端玩家另外也可以在達成每 100 連擊時賺取 osu! 金幣,這將成為他們進步的動機,同時也會持續令他們保持 osu! 成癮!你問 osu! 金幣能用來幹嘛?當然是打圖囉!
Via our ingame metrics and reporting tools, we determined that the average beginner plays around 10 beatmaps a day. As such, every player will be granted 10 osu!coins each day to play with! I think this is pretty generous.
透過我們遊戲中的統計和回報工具,我們得出入門玩家平均每天會玩 10 張圖左右的結論。因此,每個玩家每天都會獲得 10 枚 osu! 金幣!我認為這非常慷慨。
Each osu!coin will be consumed at a rate of 1 coin per song (with an additional cost of 1 osu!coin per restart to disincentive the grinding of 100-combos for osu!coins).
每 1 首歌需要耗費 1 枚 osu! 金幣。(重新開始需要再多付 1 枚 osu! 金幣,以防止透過重複刷 100 連擊賺取 osu! 金幣。)
For those that wishing to play more, they can purchase additional coins for the low prices listed below:
1 osu!coin = $1 USD
10 osu!coins = $10 USD
1000 osu!coins = $999USD (Saves you 0.001%! BEST VALUE!)
Infinite osu!coins = Your first unborn child - osu! needs more team members, have your unborn child work off your debts!
1 枚 osu! 金幣 = 1 美金
10 枚 osu! 金幣 = 10 美金
1000 枚 osu! 金幣 = 999 美金(省下 0.001% !最讚價格!)
無限 枚 osu! 金幣 = 你的第一位胎兒 ── osu! 需要更多開發人手,讓你的胎兒為你還債吧!
As a gesture of goodwill, and as a thank-you for all the support to current players, we will be extending an extra bonus of 2 osu!coins to all current players!
而為了表示善意,並向目前的玩家們致謝,目前的所有玩家將會多獲得 2 枚 osu! 金幣作為獎勵!
This is still early in development, so be sure to report any issues or bugs you have with the system! The sooner we can get all these resolved, the sooner I can get my jet!
We’re sure you’ll love this, so be sure to let us know how many osu!coins you plan on buying when we go live!
我們相信你們會愛死這個功能,系統上線後別忘了和我們分享你會買多少 osu! 金幣!