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ken2010123 wrote:


  1. 01:49:892 - 01:52:683 - 01:55:473 - 02:03:845 - 02:06:636 - 03:16:403 - 03:19:194 - 03:41:520 - 04:48:497 - 這幾個紅線都應該加上音,雖然vocal在藍線,但是藍線不看縮圈實在太難按,而且大部分間距也不對,可以考慮加圓圈或者改成1/4滑條也可以 不想改,这是insane不是hard,这种地方间距大小我觉得没必要这么在意,放一个圈也是这个道理,而且我不太喜欢变相的overmap
    01:02:276 (5) - 間距問題,應該放遠一點接近下一個滑條才對 下面滑条是重音,理应放跳
    01:07:857 (6) - 這個太突然了,不適合跳 怎么你们都说这个,好吧好吧改了
    01:19:543 (1,2,3) - 這間距一看就不對,不聽節奏按不了系列 上面mod里改了
    01:54:950 (6,7) - 讀圖困難,最好不要疊 不难吧,这又不是hard
    02:20:241 (4) - 間距不對,不看縮圈按不了系列,或者可以考慮前面藍線加圓圈 没感觉有什么不对
    02:25:997 - 03:02:624 - 這位置莫名其妙有個音效,是mp3壓壞了還是本來音樂就有的? 应该是本来就有吧,不用在意
    03:20:764 - 感覺漏音了 没啊
    04:17:799 (6,7,8,1) - 這個1/6最好不要疊,不過你前面的圈大部分都有疊,這個恐怕不會改,只能成坑爹系列了。 全图就这一个连打
ty :)
Topic Starter

z1085684963 wrote:

00:23:729 (1) - 逼死强迫症 故意的,爽不爽
00:39:776 (5) - 提前1/4 两个地方都overmap,这圈用来填节奏的,何必呢
00:58:090 (3) - 这啥,建议左边那个红描点
01:11:520 (2,3) - 删了 这么明显 的音
02:13:787 (4,5) - ctrl+g以及03:29:136 (4,5) - 不了
02:47:799 (7) - 这个的间距和前面的一样吧 重音 不想一样
04:19:543 (2,3,4,5,1) - 爱心plz 配合音乐间距渐变
04:32:101 (1) - 为啥这里sv1.4 卧槽我的错,但是懒得改了 就这样了
04:43:264 (1) - 把右边的描点往左拉比较好,或者直接一个圆弧盖到5头上 挺好的吧,先不改
04:50:241 (8) - 歪了
05:29:659 (5,6,7,8) - 把5扔进2的怀抱也不错 做的时候也想过,但是间距会很大,算了

人哥你真用这bg吗 当然不用...待我去找一发BG
no reply = fix :)
Hakurei Yoru
Megurine Luka
Hi, M4M from my Queue~


  1. 默认的combo color真的不好看啊不考虑换一个吗?
  2. 我个人是觉得现在的hitnormal还不如default的hitnormal好听(就是第一套自定义)...不过这个还是随意了就是了。
  3. 总体new combo下的比较乱,基本属于我看不大懂的节奏...尤其间奏的地方有时候不知道为什么就换combo了好像有些随意。不过对我个人来说,combo这种东西也是轻中之轻,所以也随意了就是了

  1. 01:01:927 (4) - 虽然我个人很讨厌blanket mod,但是这个确实没有摆好,看上去很别扭。调小grid size重新摆下吧
  2. 02:47:799 (7) - 稍微离6近一点比较好,毕竟这里没有突然spacing change的hint,突然小跳一下不太和谐
  3. 04:13:613 (3) - 不如跟着节奏换成这样:
  4. 05:02:799 (1) - 好像有点太上面了,就我自己这里看是已经碰到HP bar了
Topic Starter

Megurine Luka wrote:

Hi, M4M from my Queue~


  1. 默认的combo color真的不好看啊不考虑换一个吗? 。。。换了BG之后忘记了
  2. 我个人是觉得现在的hitnormal还不如default的hitnormal好听(就是第一套自定义)...不过这个还是随意了就是了。 有点但是一开始是想体现一下舒缓段和kiai的区别才用了不同的hitnormal,现在看来是不太合理,不过下次注意好了,这个先不改了
  3. 总体new combo下的比较乱,基本属于我看不大懂的节奏...尤其间奏的地方有时候不知道为什么就换combo了好像有些随意。不过对我个人来说,combo这种东西也是轻中之轻,所以也随意了就是了 我是两条大白线一个NC/w\ 没怎么按节奏或者排列下NC

  1. 01:01:927 (4) - 虽然我个人很讨厌blanket mod,但是这个确实没有摆好,看上去很别扭。调小grid size重新摆下吧
  2. 02:47:799 (7) - 稍微离6近一点比较好,毕竟这里没有突然spacing change的hint,突然小跳一下不太和谐 行,近了点
  3. 04:13:613 (3) - 不如跟着节奏换成这样: rip...这是什么高端的科技,表示打不开...
  4. 05:02:799 (1) - 好像有点太上面了,就我自己这里看是已经碰到HP bar了 fixed

  1. 01:33:497 - 这里音可以比后面kiai重些,后同
  2. 00:34:543 - 跟人声的话考虑加圈
  3. 00:39:776 (5) - 01:59:834 (3) - 02:15:183 (8) - 02:21:810 (2,3) - 02:31:927 (5) - 02:52:857 (3) - 02:54:950 (2) - ds,类似的你觉得必要的话自己吧找不再提了orz
  4. 00:45:357 (6) - 512,287,建议如果没啥特殊需求这样类似的梗尽量间距稳定些
  5. 00:47:799 - 这里歌声挺模糊,于是跟琴,然而情况并没有好读多少orz,我强烈建议这么搞
  6. 00:49:892 (2) - 尾部clap挪1尾部
  7. 00:53:729 (5,3) - 5clap挪3
  8. 01:01:927 (4,1) - 4clap到1尾部,这部分用的有点摸不着规律
  9. 01:11:869 (4) - 节奏可以饱满些,歌声长不一定非扯个长条
  10. 01:12:915 (8,9) - 掉次序
  11. 01:15:357 - 后面两拍可以试下尽量密集,现在总有些空荡荡的感觉
  12. 01:38:206 - 并没有音;w; ,01:37:508 - 这里倒是有
  13. 01:39:601 - 同上,没有的话尽量别下,否则会被例如种种花疯狂挑刺
  14. 01:41:694 - 这歌kiai部分咋一半跟歌声一半跟伴奏,你觉得真的好嘛orz
  15. 后面节奏好些,其实我懒比没啥大毛病不看了
Topic Starter

AIR wrote:


  1. 01:33:497 - 这里音可以比后面kiai重些,后同
  2. 00:34:543 - 跟人声的话考虑加圈
  3. 00:39:776 (5) - 01:59:834 (3) - 02:15:183 (8) - 02:21:810 (2,3) - 02:31:927 (5) - 02:52:857 (3) - 02:54:950 (2) - ds,类似的你觉得必要的话自己吧找不再提了orz 妥,其他我看着再改改,因为这不是hard所以没怎么在意DS
  4. 00:45:357 (6) - 512,287,建议如果没啥特殊需求这样类似的梗尽量间距稳定些 好吧,移上面去了
  5. 00:47:799 - 这里歌声挺模糊,于是跟琴,然而情况并没有好读多少orz,我强烈建议这么搞 思考,这就三个圈,不好读吗...先保留一下
  6. 00:49:892 (2) - 尾部clap挪1尾部 这样就打破规律了,不好
  7. 00:53:729 (5,3) - 5clap挪3
  8. 01:01:927 (4,1) - 4clap到1尾部,这部分用的有点摸不着规律 规律就是第三根白线,没有物件就最近的红线,这样听起来舒服,一会一个clap不好听
  9. 01:11:869 (4) - 节奏可以饱满些,歌声长不一定非扯个长条 这个音比较重,用长滑条可以强调一下好了
  10. 01:12:915 (8,9) - 掉次序 有点道理但是动了感觉太鬼畜
  11. 01:15:357 - 后面两拍可以试下尽量密集,现在总有些空荡荡的感觉 这里前面比较密集,然而正好这里人声比较缓和,所以均衡一下,不能一直密集下去
  12. 01:38:206 - 并没有音;w; ,01:37:508 - 这里倒是有 思考,这里没听就想当然放圈了,感觉非常合适,先留着
  13. 01:39:601 - 同上,没有的话尽量别下,否则会被例如种种花疯狂挑刺 干,不管,反正zzb又不点我图
  14. 01:41:694 - 这歌kiai部分咋一半跟歌声一半跟伴奏,你觉得真的好嘛orz 有嘛,我跟着感觉摆的节奏(其实是抄的妹姐姐的版本的节奏
  15. 后面节奏好些,其实我懒比没啥大毛病不看了
owo :)
Megurine Luka

Kagamine Ren wrote:

[*]04:13:613 (3) - 不如跟着节奏换成这样: rip...这是什么高端的科技,表示打不开...


Topic Starter
好,改了 谢谢~

Megurine Luka wrote:

Kagamine Ren wrote:

[*]04:13:613 (3) - 不如跟着节奏换成这样: rip...这是什么高端的科技,表示打不开...


嗨嗨~ 連puu都看不了的人在這裡喲
我來了我來了~~ :)


  • 01:17:450 (3) - 包好(1)
    01:44:659 (1) - 這條位置超高的,我不知道你有沒有辦法往下調一下,因為他快貼血條了 (刀劍的血調會撞...)
    01:52:683 - 鼓聲,還蠻明顯的,有沒有要作出來??
    03:28:438 (2,3) - 該怎麼說咧...03:28:438 (2) - 有一種二連打的味道在...因為這裡聲音03:28:526 - 比較明顯 (Circle放這裡比較好,真心的) :arrow: 1/8
    04:13:962 (4,5) - 這個04:14:659 (5) - 改成04:13:962 (4) - 的180度翻轉比較好看
    04:54:427 - 你是不是忘了Finish??
    05:05:590 - ^
    05:17:799 (4,5,6,7) - 沒有要擺成比較好看的形狀嗎??
    05:27:043 (5) - 刪掉這個Circle更帶感→我刪掉一次後重看的感覺
    05:30:706 - Finish

謝謝你的M4M,你真的插隊了 :)
Topic Starter

m1223961117 wrote:

我來了我來了~~ :)


  • 01:17:450 (3) - 包好(1)
    01:44:659 (1) - 這條位置超高的,我不知道你有沒有辦法往下調一下,因為他快貼血條了 (刀劍的血調會撞...)
    01:52:683 - 鼓聲,還蠻明顯的,有沒有要作出來?? 好的吧..类似节奏也做了调整
    03:28:438 (2,3) - 該怎麼說咧...03:28:438 (2) - 有一種二連打的味道在...因為這裡聲音03:28:526 - 比較明顯 (Circle放這裡比較好,真心的) :arrow: 1/8 嗯,很有道理
    04:13:962 (4,5) - 這個04:14:659 (5) - 改成04:13:962 (4) - 的180度翻轉比較好看
    04:54:427 - 你是不是忘了Finish??
    05:05:590 - ^ 这个不是
    05:17:799 (4,5,6,7) - 沒有要擺成比較好看的形狀嗎?? 稍微弄的好看了点...
    05:27:043 (5) - 刪掉這個Circle更帶感→我刪掉一次後重看的感覺 好的
    05:30:706 - Finish

謝謝你的M4M,你真的插隊了 :)
:) :)
As requested

  1. There is slightest delay in soft-hitclap3 which can be optimized , use this soft-hitclap3
  1. 00:45:706 (7) - x272 y288 ? this might make the flow here 00:45:357 (6,7,1) - a bit better
  2. 00:47:276 (3,4) - slider fit here better imo
  3. 00:54:427 (1,2,3,4) - try making spacing consistent so the flow will be better
  4. 01:01:055 (2,3) - place like this? so the flow here would here 01:00:008 (1,2,3,4) - would be better imo
  5. 01:27:915 (1) - x448 y320 so the spacing here will be consistent a bit 01:27:217 (4,5,1) -
  6. 01:48:845 (3) - curve this the another way so it would make flow here 01:48:845 (3,4) - better imo
  7. 01:54:252 (4,5) - x400 y176 so the overlap here 01:53:729 (3,4,5) - will looks a bit better
  8. 02:20:241 (4,5,6) - try making spacing consistent so the flow will be better
  9. 02:35:415 (2,3) - jumps here feel pretty sudden so decrease spacing here a bit ?
  10. 03:17:276 (2,3) - move these to around x272 y224 so the flow here 03:16:752 (1,2,3) - would be a bit better
  11. 03:39:078 (1,2,3) - try making spacing consistent so the flow will be better
  12. 03:54:427 (4) - ctrl+g this and it would make flow here 03:53:729 (3,4,5) - better
  13. 03:55:822 (1) - delete nc ? not really need here imo
  14. 04:03:322 (7,1) - this is really confusing to play (anti-jumps with nc (?) ) so stack them would make these play better
  15. 04:16:403 (3,4,5) - try making spacing consistent so the flow will be better
  16. 04:19:543 (2,3,4) - , 04:20:241 (4,5,1) - ^
  17. 04:48:497 - add a note here ? that make rhythm sound better
  18. 05:11:171 (1) -delete nc ? not really need here imo
  19. 05:28:613 (2,5) - nazi - stack perfectly
  20. 05:34:237 (2,3,4) - nc all notes here for change in timing
nice map
you can get more mods if you want
also you can call me back when you feel ready

good luck :)
Topic Starter

CelsiusLK wrote:

As requested

  1. There is slightest delay in soft-hitclap3 which can be optimized , use this soft-hitclap3 owo ok
  1. 00:45:706 (7) - x272 y288 ? this might make the flow here 00:45:357 (6,7,1) - a bit better changed
  2. 00:47:276 (3,4) - slider fit here better imo ok
  3. 00:54:427 (1,2,3,4) - try making spacing consistent so the flow will be better changed the flow here
  4. 01:01:055 (2,3) - place like this? so the flow here would here 01:00:008 (1,2,3,4) - would be better imo ok
  5. 01:27:915 (1) - x448 y320 so the spacing here will be consistent a bit 01:27:217 (4,5,1) - ok
  6. 01:48:845 (3) - curve this the another way so it would make flow here 01:48:845 (3,4) - better imo oh good idea
  7. 01:54:252 (4,5) - x400 y176 so the overlap here 01:53:729 (3,4,5) - will looks a bit better ok
  8. 02:20:241 (4,5,6) - try making spacing consistent so the flow will be better omg,changed so so so much
  9. 02:35:415 (2,3) - jumps here feel pretty sudden so decrease spacing here a bit ? ok
  10. 03:17:276 (2,3) - move these to around x272 y224 so the flow here 03:16:752 (1,2,3) - would be a bit better ok
  11. 03:39:078 (1,2,3) - try making spacing consistent so the flow will be better ok
  12. 03:54:427 (4) - ctrl+g this and it would make flow here 03:53:729 (3,4,5) - better ok
  13. 03:55:822 (1) - delete nc ? not really need here imo ok
  14. 04:03:322 (7,1) - this is really confusing to play (anti-jumps with nc (?) ) so stack them would make these play better ok
  15. 04:16:403 (3,4,5) - try making spacing consistent so the flow will be better ok
  16. 04:19:543 (2,3,4) - , 04:20:241 (4,5,1) - ^ here the spacing follows the music so i want to keep this
  17. 04:48:497 - add a note here ? that make rhythm sound better ok
  18. 05:11:171 (1) -delete nc ? not really need here imo ok
  19. 05:28:613 (2,5) - nazi - stack perfectly ok
  20. 05:34:237 (2,3,4) - nc all notes here for change in timing ok
nice map
you can get more mods if you want
also you can call me back when you feel ready

good luck :)
changed so much, thanks! :)
Kamio Misuzu
整体感觉有那么点过于拘泥vocal。导致的结果就是节奏分布不均匀。就比如刚刚还是1/4塞得满满的节奏,突然转成1/2了。可以看一下1分15秒/3分15秒 等地方,应该会有所感觉。



00:36:985 - 出于手感考虑,建议加个note,可以压在后面那个note上。虽然没有vocal,但是1/1的间隔时间远比5/4好把握,不必太在意vocal。

00:39:078 (4) - 00:36:287 (4) - 这俩不是一个模子刻的吗。

01:23:903 (5,8) - 差一个像素 cao. 怎么就眼贱看见这个,再挑nazi我去戳瞎QAQ

00:45:183 (5) - 按照你下的这个节奏,00:45:095 - 这里其实还是有个1/8音的、、

00:49:892 (2) - 还是和后面的间隔时间,建议延长至00:50:938 -

00:55:473 (4,5) - 前面00:51:985 - 这部分空的节奏很多,这里突然塞满不合适,何况这里没有音。删掉4, slider5改一个单点

01:13:264 (8,9) - 先slider再note

01:30:183 (6) - 删掉。尤其是这种hitnormal音,不适合塞满。

01:38:206 (4) - 这个note应该补到01:37:508 - 处,具体参照你后面01:42:915 (2,3,4,5) - 的节奏划分

01:49:543 (4,5,1) - 和01:52:334 (6,7,8,1) - 节奏非常相似。建议要么01:49:892 - 补note,要么删了01:52:683 (7) -

02:06:636 - ^ 思考

01:54:950 (6) - 删掉。节奏太塞满了。

02:31:403 (4,5,1) - 和02:25:822 (4,5,1) - 不是一毛一样的节奏吗=。=。。。要么都加上蓝线部分节奏,要么都去掉

02:55:648 - 加东西。。。话说02:54:427 (1,2,3,4) - 03:02:799 (1,2,3,4) - 这俩不是一毛一样的嘛,vocal位置稍有不同,但是建议节奏是一样的。该有的有该没的没,对应改一下。

03:16:055 (5,6) - 03:21:636 (4,5) - 为啥第二个就变折返了。。

03:17:973 (4) - 03:23:555 (4) - 这两个不建议留着。就像我在General里说的,前面整体1/2的间距,这部分突然塞满了1/4的节奏,还是同一类型的音。有点违和。

04:17:799 (6,7,8,1) - 变了节拍,加个NC。考虑要不要改成折返的,毕竟1/6容易出100,出于美观考虑也可以选择不改。

05:06:287 (3,4,5) - 不建议强行反flow,参考↓ (其实也不是太好。)
05:10:473 (6,7) - 合并,这样↓

00:23:729 (1,1) - 最开始这里感觉有点空,也许可以把一个note换滑条?
00:36:287 (4) - 换成滑条会好一些?
01:08:380 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - combo太长了 01:10:124 (8) - 01:11:869 (4) -
01:12:915 (7) - 换成两个note
01:20:938 (5) - NC
01:24:601 (8) - NC
01:25:124 (1) - 取消NC
01:30:531 (1) - 尾巴上finish不太合适
01:56:520 (3) - ctrl+g
02:15:008 (7,8,1) - 8移动一下,弄成等边三角形
02:46:055 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - combo太长,02:48:497 (8) - NC 后面跟着改一下
04:41:520 (3,4) - blanket一下
05:17:799 (4,5,6) - 摆成中心对称

:) :) :)
Topic Starter

Kamio Misuzu wrote:

整体感觉有那么点过于拘泥vocal。导致的结果就是节奏分布不均匀。就比如刚刚还是1/4塞得满满的节奏,突然转成1/2了。可以看一下1分15秒/3分15秒 等地方,应该会有所感觉。 这个我说不太清楚,跟着感觉来的(抄来的,有时候人声会拖长音所以我就拉长滑条,感觉还好吧,妈蛋好多人喷,以后我做音游曲好了(

排列美观度不是很理想,不过还是可以接受。主要夹角尽量偏向锐角要相对好看点。flow的改变不要太频繁,过渡尽量平滑。这些其实都是后话了,以后做图可以多注意下。 不太清楚什么是好什么是不好

00:36:985 - 出于手感考虑,建议加个note,可以压在后面那个note上。虽然没有vocal,但是1/1的间隔时间远比5/4好把握,不必太在意vocal。 1/1的间距和5/4感觉区别并不大,当后面的note出来时候前面的已经消失了,等于是重新开始的感觉,而且这种凭空的overmap好难受,像在打空气

00:39:078 (4) - 00:36:287 (4) - 这俩不是一个模子刻的吗。 啊,没必要这么在意这个吧

01:23:903 (5,8) - 差一个像素 cao. 怎么就眼贱看见这个,再挑nazi我去戳瞎QAQ

00:45:183 (5) - 按照你下的这个节奏,00:45:095 - 这里其实还是有个1/8音的、、 这,滑条尾下1/8 真的很不喜欢

00:49:892 (2) - 还是和后面的间隔时间,建议延长至00:50:938 - 同上,我自己test感觉差别不是很大

00:55:473 (4,5) - 前面00:51:985 - 这部分空的节奏很多,这里突然塞满不合适,何况这里没有音。删掉4, slider5改一个单点 前面人声比较满所以塞满,这里不是塞满吧,没放1/4,滑条尾巴的作用也没那么大

01:13:264 (8,9) - 先slider再note

01:30:183 (6) - 删掉。尤其是这种hitnormal音,不适合塞满。

01:38:206 (4) - 这个note应该补到01:37:508 - 处,具体参照你后面01:42:915 (2,3,4,5) - 的节奏划分

01:49:543 (4,5,1) - 和01:52:334 (6,7,8,1) - 节奏非常相似。建议要么01:49:892 - 补note,要么删了01:52:683 (7) - 好的,删了后面那个

02:06:636 - ^ 思考

01:54:950 (6) - 删掉。节奏太塞满了。

02:31:403 (4,5,1) - 和02:25:822 (4,5,1) - 不是一毛一样的节奏吗=。=。。。要么都加上蓝线部分节奏,要么都去掉 前面加了个

02:55:648 - 加东西。。。话说02:54:427 (1,2,3,4) - 03:02:799 (1,2,3,4) - 这俩不是一毛一样的嘛,vocal位置稍有不同,但是建议节奏是一样的。该有的有该没的没,对应改一下。 思考,就是因为vocal位置不一样节奏才不一样,vocal有音的地方我不太想漏

03:16:055 (5,6) - 03:21:636 (4,5) - 为啥第二个就变折返了。。 后面略微有个三连音,你为毛那么纠结前后一样叻

03:17:973 (4) - 03:23:555 (4) - 这两个不建议留着。就像我在General里说的,前面整体1/2的间距,这部分突然塞满了1/4的节奏,还是同一类型的音。有点违和。 可以有

04:17:799 (6,7,8,1) - 变了节拍,加个NC。考虑要不要改成折返的,毕竟1/6容易出100,出于美观考虑也可以选择不改。 NC加了 折返就算了

05:06:287 (3,4,5) - 不建议强行反flow,参考↓ (其实也不是太好。) 我感觉这flow挺不错的...
05:10:473 (6,7) - 合并,这样↓ keyi

  1. 00:45:095 - 漏音,加note
  2. 01:01:927 (4,5) - 5放远一些,这样的间距可能会诱导player在01:02:101 - 就去击打
  3. 01:07:334 (5,6) - 同理,虽然这里是ds,但是反flow会让player下意识以为隔得比较远从而读错,这里建议顺flow半叠在5后
  4. 01:45:357 (3) - 这个滑条

  5. 02:15:008 (7,8,1) - 正三角吧 02:48:497 (8,9,1) - 同
  6. 02:43:264 (1,2) - 长滑条跟vocal?
  7. 03:28:438 (2,3,4) - 这个三连,要么就用多一点,要么就别用了吧
  8. 05:10:473 (6,7) - 这里的vocal好奇怪,把7移到蓝线上感觉也不对,不如去掉7,给6加折返
  9. 05:33:497 (1,1,1,1) - 变bpm建议滑条,rip acc
Topic Starter

[Twinkle] wrote:


00:23:729 (1,1) - 最开始这里感觉有点空,也许可以把一个note换滑条? 这是刚开始的地方,就跟点钢琴,后面过渡到人声什么的
00:36:287 (4) - 换成滑条会好一些? 好的
01:08:380 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - combo太长了 01:10:124 (8) - 01:11:869 (4) -
01:12:915 (7) - 换成两个note 不用了吧
01:20:938 (5) - NC
01:24:601 (8) - NC
01:25:124 (1) - 取消NC
01:30:531 (1) - 尾巴上finish不太合适
01:56:520 (3) - ctrl+g 先不改
02:15:008 (7,8,1) - 8移动一下,弄成等边三角形
02:46:055 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - combo太长,02:48:497 (8) - NC 后面跟着改一下
04:41:520 (3,4) - blanket一下
05:17:799 (4,5,6) - 摆成中心对称

:) :) :)
Topic Starter

[Teichan] wrote:


  1. 00:45:095 - 漏音,加note 滑条尾1/8太难玩
  2. 01:01:927 (4,5) - 5放远一些,这样的间距可能会诱导player在01:02:101 - 就去击打
  3. 01:07:334 (5,6) - 同理,虽然这里是ds,但是反flow会让player下意识以为隔得比较远从而读错,这里建议顺flow半叠在5后
  4. 01:45:357 (3) - 这个滑条

  5. 02:15:008 (7,8,1) - 正三角吧 02:48:497 (8,9,1) - 同
  6. 02:43:264 (1,2) - 长滑条跟vocal?
  7. 03:28:438 (2,3,4) - 这个三连,要么就用多一点,要么就别用了吧 这里好像挺合适的,先留着 提到再改
  8. 05:10:473 (6,7) - 这里的vocal好奇怪,把7移到蓝线上感觉也不对,不如去掉7,给6加折返 前面mod改成了长滑条
  9. 05:33:497 (1,1,1,1) - 变bpm建议滑条,rip acc rip
感谢 :)
we started first timing point here 00:23:728 -
also fixed rhythm here 05:35:037 - a bit

Bubbled #1
Topic Starter
thank you >.<
Hi Ren, random bubble check!

  1. 00:58:613 (4) - ctrl-G plays a little better
  2. 01:53:031 (1,2) - 01:53:729 (3,4,5) - blanket to be neater
  3. 02:43:438 - I think it would sound better and be more fun to map this sound since it's a drum
  4. 03:08:206 (8,1) - ctrl-G is easier to play imo because less experienced players have more trouble with repeating triangles, but having the second triangle in reverse direction avoids that problem
  5. 03:50:241 (1) - curve the other way and blanket 03:50:763 (2) - so it plays better
  6. 03:58:612 - I highly suggest removing this kiai since it isn't part of the chorus and is rather the bridge
  7. 04:04:194 (4) - ctrl-G this would be better to remove the awkward transition between 04:04:020 (3,4) - and make the transition 04:04:194 (4,5) - more satisfying to play
  8. 04:05:590 (1) - ^
  9. 04:17:799 (1,2,3) - idk why you have 1/6 here, listen at 25% and it's clearly 1/8 or 1/4. also remove claps since they aren't in the music
  10. 05:13:961 - also suggest removing kiai here because it's more part of the ending than the chorus (vocals ended)
Everything is suggestion except snapping, call me back when you have applied mod
Topic Starter

xxdeathx wrote:

Hi Ren, random bubble check!

  1. 00:58:613 (4) - ctrl-G plays a little better ok
  2. 01:53:031 (1,2) - 01:53:729 (3,4,5) - blanket to be neater 01:53:729 (3,4,5) - this is already blanket,if i curve the slider,the overlap will look a bit wired imo,the other one fixed
  3. 02:43:438 - I think it would sound better and be more fun to map this sound since it's a drum hmm..maybe you are right..but following the vocal here is also fine imo,maybe...i'm not sure but i want to keep this
  4. 03:50:241 (1) - curve the other way and blanket 03:50:763 (2) - so it plays better ok
  5. 03:58:612 - I highly suggest removing this kiai since it isn't part of the chorus and is rather the bridge ok
  6. 04:04:194 (4) - ctrl-G this would be better to remove the awkward transition between 04:04:020 (3,4) - and make the transition 04:04:194 (4,5) - more satisfying to play
  7. 04:05:590 (1) - ^ ok good idea
  8. 04:17:799 (1,2,3) - idk why you have 1/6 here, listen at 25% and it's clearly 1/8 or 1/4. also remove claps since they aren't in the music ok,fixed to 1/8
  9. 05:13:961 - also suggest removing kiai here because it's more part of the ending than the chorus (vocals ended) ok
Everything is suggestion except snapping, call me back when you have applied mod
thank you bubble popper!^^ :)
Rebubble #1

I need to watch this anime soon lol
placeholder for nice song

  • Orange
  1. 00:41:520 (4) - the inconsistency spacing feels not really well to play especially from this circle to next slider, well i know about emphasize piano but i'd say 480,264 so the spacing to next slider wont be too close
  2. 00:42:566 (6) - whistle on head to emphasize the piano?
  3. 00:45:183 (5) - well since your previous flow on 00:43:962 (2,3,4) - a little bit curvy, it's weird to have straight diagonal flow on this circle, i'd say smoother curve flow example
  4. 00:49:892 (2) - ctrl+g plays better for the flow here o-o
  5. 01:01:055 (3,4,5) - this is a little bit out from your style but imo it would give more natural flow for 01:01:403 (4,5,1) - , i mean just make 3,4,5 become like
  6. 01:02:276 (1,2) - nazi, swap the NC for following NC per stanza?
  7. 01:17:973 - you may add note to follow the piano here, just a suggestion :D
  8. 01:23:031 (3) - 2 grid down to make 01:22:334 (2,3) - not placed close together, their body look a little bit close in my eyes o-o
  9. 01:25:822 (3) - 224,176 to it placed balance from previous sliders, i mean
  10. 01:34:543 (3) - drum sampleset on tail to emphasize the drum at least, it feels empty orz
  11. 01:37:683 (4) - ^ , if you agree so you have to add drum for 01:40:822 - and every 3rd redtick on all kiai times
  12. 01:45:706 (4) - whistle on head to emphasize the piano music
  13. 01:52:682 - add note to follow piano here, it's weird to see 1/4 circle and slider on 01:52:857 (7,1) - even you following the vocal Q_Q , oh consistency with 02:03:845 (5) - please :D
  14. 01:57:566 - since you use claps for 1/2, imo it would be nicer to lower the volume become 50% here
  15. 02:04:892 (2,3,4) - it's weird to see low spacing 1/2 to (2) slider and huge spacing (1/4) to (4) slider so i'd say 02:04:892 (2) - ctrl+g and stack (3) circle to (4)'s head for better flow
  16. 02:06:635 - same as 01:52:682 -
  17. 02:08:031 (4) - same as 01:45:706 (4) - , if you dont like whistle for 1/2 gap so you can remove from the tail here
  18. 02:10:473 (2) - could you move it a little bit example 400,96? it's weird to see low spacing such as 0,9x LOL
  19. 02:15:880 (2) - the flow a little bit weird here, i'd say try smoother it with move to 152,188
  20. 02:23:728 - try use 45% here, the finish hitsound a little bit hard to hear for me, if you fix so you can add greenline 02:24:426 - 30% :3
  21. 02:33:497 (4) - quite weird when the piano is loud but the spacing is so low here, i'd say move this to 216,332, when you fix it so 02:33:845 (5) - move 68,224 to keep the flow
  22. 02:35:764 (3) - you can add whistle on head to emphasize vocal if you want ~
  23. 02:43:264 (1) - hmm imo this rhythm still can improved, you can hear you are skipping drum on 02:43:438 - and it feels weird, i'd say change this slider become 1/4 slider repeat for better rhythm
  24. 02:56:868 (7) - it has drum music same as previous circle, you can add clap if you want ><
  25. 03:19:194 - 03:41:519 - add note same as i suggested before
  26. 03:28:526 (3) - maybe delete this note for safer way, i cant hear music on 1/8 ><
  27. 03:35:764 (7) - it would be nicer if you use consistent spacing like move to 224,144
  28. 03:44:485 (7) - the flow feels not really well too here, i'd say move to 240,96 even i know this is not best suggestion i can give
  29. 03:45:706 (4) - add whistle on head to emphasize the piano
  30. 03:51:636 (4) - just my taste since i dont really like see low spacing for 1/2, i'd say move to 480,160 for further distance
  31. 04:01:055 (1,2) - swap NC for notice 04:01:752 (2,3) - is anti jump? i dont care what way would you take but what i suggest is NC the circle to notice the anti jump lol
  32. 04:18:148 (1) - finish on tail because the music has cymbal here
  33. 04:19:542 - i think better to remove kiai time here since it sounds not like epic part actually for me ><
  34. 04:34:892 (1) - i'd say to use circle only on whitetick here since you look following piano only from 04:32:101 (1,2,3,4,5) - :P
  35. 04:52:683 (4) - whistle on head to emphasize the piano /3/
  36. 04:57:217 (1,2) - i'd say to remove (2) and copy paste from (1), they exactly look not symmetric or not same here lol
  37. 05:05:590 (1) - maybe add finish on head since i hear a music such as cymbal ><
  38. 05:06:287 (3,5) - ultra nazi, stack perfectly please, it noticed from testplay too so looks a little bit weird lol
  39. 05:29:310 (4) - try make this slider a little bit further from (5), 496/256 for it for neater design as well

poke me back ~
Aww, moe Ren, you always map songs what I love <33

I have nothing wrong with this map, except that OD could be a little higher (7 would be best option)

Poke me after moenely's #2!
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:

placeholder for nice song

  • Orange
  1. 00:41:520 (4) - the inconsistency spacing feels not really well to play especially from this circle to next slider, well i know about emphasize piano but i'd say 480,264 so the spacing to next slider wont be too close
  2. 00:42:566 (6) - whistle on head to emphasize the piano?
  3. 00:45:183 (5) - well since your previous flow on 00:43:962 (2,3,4) - a little bit curvy, it's weird to have straight diagonal flow on this circle, i'd say smoother curve flow example
  4. 00:49:892 (2) - ctrl+g plays better for the flow here o-o
  5. 01:01:055 (3,4,5) - this is a little bit out from your style but imo it would give more natural flow for 01:01:403 (4,5,1) - , i mean just make 3,4,5 become like hmm i moved circle(3) as your mod but i kept the slider because it's a little hard to play if ctrl+g
  6. 01:02:276 (1,2) - nazi, swap the NC for following NC per stanza?
  7. 01:17:973 - you may add note to follow the piano here, just a suggestion :D this piano sounds not obvious so i wanna ignore it>.<
  8. 01:23:031 (3) - 2 grid down to make 01:22:334 (2,3) - not placed close together, their body look a little bit close in my eyes o-o
  9. 01:25:822 (3) - 224,176 to it placed balance from previous sliders, i mean
  10. 01:34:543 (3) - drum sampleset on tail to emphasize the drum at least, it feels empty orz
  11. 01:37:683 (4) - ^ , if you agree so you have to add drum for 01:40:822 - and every 3rd redtick on all kiai times good idea and i changed this in the whole map
  12. 01:45:706 (4) - whistle on head to emphasize the piano music keep this because it sounds a bit noisy if i do this
  13. 01:52:682 - add note to follow piano here, it's weird to see 1/4 circle and slider on 01:52:857 (7,1) - even you following the vocal Q_Q , oh consistency with 02:03:845 (5) - please :D
  14. 01:57:566 - since you use claps for 1/2, imo it would be nicer to lower the volume become 50% here
  15. 02:04:892 (2,3,4) - it's weird to see low spacing 1/2 to (2) slider and huge spacing (1/4) to (4) slider so i'd say 02:04:892 (2) - ctrl+g and stack (3) circle to (4)'s head for better flow
  16. 02:06:635 - same as 01:52:682 -
  17. 02:08:031 (4) - same as 01:45:706 (4) - , if you dont like whistle for 1/2 gap so you can remove from the tail here keep this, a bit uncomfortable imo
  18. 02:10:473 (2) - could you move it a little bit example 400,96? it's weird to see low spacing such as 0,9x LOL
  19. 02:15:880 (2) - the flow a little bit weird here, i'd say try smoother it with move to 152,188 maybe you're right but i really don't wan to break 02:15:880 (2,4,5,6) - this
  20. 02:23:728 - try use 45% here, the finish hitsound a little bit hard to hear for me, if you fix so you can add greenline 02:24:426 - 30% :3
  21. 02:33:497 (4) - quite weird when the piano is loud but the spacing is so low here, i'd say move this to 216,332, when you fix it so 02:33:845 (5) - move 68,224 to keep the flow changed in another way
  22. 02:35:764 (3) - you can add whistle on head to emphasize vocal if you want ~ keep this ,the reason is the same above
  23. 02:43:264 (1) - hmm imo this rhythm still can improved, you can hear you are skipping drum on 02:43:438 - and it feels weird, i'd say change this slider become 1/4 slider repeat for better rhythm
  24. 02:56:868 (7) - it has drum music same as previous circle, you can add clap if you want ><
  25. 03:19:194 - 03:41:519 - add note same as i suggested before
  26. 03:28:526 (3) - maybe delete this note for safer way, i cant hear music on 1/8 ><
  27. 03:35:764 (7) - it would be nicer if you use consistent spacing like move to 224,144
  28. 03:44:485 (7) - the flow feels not really well too here, i'd say move to 240,96 even i know this is not best suggestion i can give
  29. 03:45:706 (4) - add whistle on head to emphasize the piano keep as above
  30. 03:51:636 (4) - just my taste since i dont really like see low spacing for 1/2, i'd say move to 480,160 for further distance
  31. 04:01:055 (1,2) - swap NC for notice 04:01:752 (2,3) - is anti jump? i dont care what way would you take but what i suggest is NC the circle to notice the anti jump lol
  32. 04:18:148 (1) - finish on tail because the music has cymbal here
  33. 04:19:542 - i think better to remove kiai time here since it sounds not like epic part actually for me ><
  34. 04:34:892 (1) - i'd say to use circle only on whitetick here since you look following piano only from 04:32:101 (1,2,3,4,5) - :P
  35. 04:52:683 (4) - whistle on head to emphasize the piano /3/ ^
  36. 04:57:217 (1,2) - i'd say to remove (2) and copy paste from (1), they exactly look not symmetric or not same here lol
  37. 05:05:590 (1) - maybe add finish on head since i hear a music such as cymbal ><
  38. 05:06:287 (3,5) - ultra nazi, stack perfectly please, it noticed from testplay too so looks a little bit weird lol
  39. 05:29:310 (4) - try make this slider a little bit further from (5), 496/256 for it for neater design as well

poke me back ~
no reply = fix
very useful mod,thank you >~<
Topic Starter

Kodora wrote:

Aww, moe Ren, you always map songs what I love <33

I have nothing wrong with this map, except that OD could be a little higher (7 would be best option)

Poke me after moenely's #2!
ok changed.
and maybe two days later i'll call you.
thank you Kodora>.<

04:01:752 (7,1) - should be swap NC here, the first circle (7) which notices the anti jump ><
04:19:891 - until 04:20:938 - imo not really well for kiai but it's your decision to keep or not, i still can see reason why you add kiai time here XD
04:58:613 (3) - 240,240 to keep consistent spacing please C:
Topic Starter

Xinely wrote:


04:01:752 (7,1) - should be swap NC here, the first circle (7) which notices the anti jump ><
04:19:891 - until 04:20:938 - imo not really well for kiai but it's your decision to keep or not, i still can see reason why you add kiai time here XD oh..i didn't notice that all the green lines have kiai mistake T^T
04:58:613 (3) - 240,240 to keep consistent spacing please C:
all fix thank you.><
Damn, this song never fails to make me cry :(
ok let's try

Bubbled #2!~
Kamio Misuzu


Topic Starter
too many qualified maps today! (8 max)
Topic Starter
Cherry Blossom
There are things which are a little weird on this map.
Please, consider these suggestion before qualifying this map.


  1. 00:40:473 (3,4,5) - This looks a little weird here, why is the distance different here ? is this intentional ? The notes you can hear have the same impact, and using something like antijump/jump is not really suitable. So, there should be a constant spacing here.
  2. 01:27:915 (1,2,3) - same as ^
  3. 03:34:194 (3,4) - same as ^ too, this is kiai time and things are supposed to be faster. It should be better if there is a higher distance between these objects to make this pattern more readable.

My personal opinion, Kiais look a little easier or equivalent than the rest of the map, in terms of density and difficulty, and that makes this map a little weird and boring to play. It can be your intention, that's not something unrankable.
I've just pointed minnor things, feel free to no KD.
By the way, if you're worrying about your bubble, you can ask Xinely for a rebubble.

Good luck.
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

There are things which are a little weird on this map.
Please, consider these suggestion before qualifying this map.


  1. 00:40:473 (3,4,5) - This looks a little weird here, why is the distance different here ? is this intentional ? The notes you can hear have the same impact, and using something like antijump/jump is not really suitable. So, there should be a constant spacing here.
  2. 01:27:915 (1,2,3) - same as ^
  3. 03:34:194 (3,4) - same as ^ too, this is kiai time and things are supposed to be faster. It should be better if there is a higher distance between these objects to make this pattern more readable.

My personal opinion, Kiais look a little easier or equivalent than the rest of the map, in terms of density and difficulty, and that makes this map a little weird and boring to play. It can be your intention, that's not something unrankable.
I've just pointed minnor things, feel free to no KD.
By the way, if you're worrying about your bubble, you can ask Xinely for a rebubble.

Good luck.
all fixed^^ thank you. :)

Kagamine Ren wrote:

写“这首歌真好听” :3

rebubbled #2 since the mapper did self pop from cb's mod
And here we go

Topic Starter
omedeto Ren >w<
The feels :cry:
so long damn
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