
Invisible score-numbers

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before i get started it may be one of the stupidest ideas evaa.. maybe not :roll:

Kiai time
Kiai Time is defined by the mapper on a beatmap between 2 Timing Sections. You can recognize a Kiai time because the screen flashes and you will see a star fountain, afterwards all Hit Objects will flash at the rhythm of the main beat and stars will explode from the cursor when a Hit Circle is hit or will fall from the cursor when you follow a slider or a spinner.

Osu!wiki Kiai Time

anyways, when i play a really hard map and i wanna pass my previous combo i get a little bit nervous :|
when it's kiai time and i look at my combo .. i get even more nervous and sometimes i lose the beat and y'know what comes after
so i thought why i don't just hide them

how it looks like

basically it's like that.. you need to make score-num invisible to hide the combo counter
wich mean the score counter at the top right corner well be hidden, as well as the spinner RPM and Spinner bounce counter "like you won't see 1000,2000,3000 when you clear the spinner"

this how score-panel would be like

you can know how much 300's, 100's, 50's and the accuracy by pointing on the score in the selection menu kinda annoying isn't

if you wanna use it just copy your skin folder and name it something different then copy the score-num to the skin folder

it's like 40 kb or so

you may feel uncomfortable with it, but in a theory you'll get used to it and won't really care about it later on

Haskorion wrote:

Did you know? With "Shift" + "Tab" you can hide the UI. No need to skin them out.
Did you know? With "Shift" + "Tab" you can hide the UI. No need to skin them out.
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Haskorion wrote:

Did you know? With "Shift" + "Tab" you can hide the UI. No need to skin them out.
i did, just now *-*
Gonna lock this then, since it's not necessary.
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