
BLAZBLUE: Noel Vermillion SD/HD [STD only]

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General Information
  1. Skin Name: Noel Vermillion
  2. Author: Fleuret
  3. Size: 59mb
  4. Theme: Noel Vermillion from Blazblue
  5. Version Style: Uses V2.2
  6. Game mod skinned:
  7. Part's skinned: Just about everything... for the most part...
  8. Download:
    -ZIP format: Default Skin Only 27mb | Alternate Files 32mb | ALL IN ONE 59mb
    -OSK format: Default Skin Only 27mb | ALL IN ONE 59mb
  9. Installation: Extract files to your osu! > Skins folder

Additional Info (READ ME)
The skin uses invisible 300s, followpoint, and invisible spinner-glow by default. It also uses invisible trail by default as shown in the screenshots. Adding to the size as to why this is umm... double... the actual size it should be is because located within the skin is an ALTERNATE FOLDER to which you can choose a different spinner style, menu background, audio files, etc etc. There's many in there which isn't included in the screenshots. You'll have to check them out yourself once you download the skin. Reason why I didn't include them in the sceenshots is because if I don't make a notice like this, then the folder will probably missed. The screenshots don't tell all...

  1. Version 1: Initial release
  2. Version 1.2:
    -Added 56 extra cursors.
    -Added additional cursor trails.
    -Added a darker hitcircle.
    -Added alternate hitbursts.
    All updates mentioned above can be located in the Alternate folder.
    -Adjusted the ranking-perfect size for SD and moved area so as to not become overlapped by the back button.
    -Split Skin from Dafault and Alternate Folder for people with slower download speeds.
    -Silent Update added selection-mod-target
  3. Version 1.3:
    -Decreased overall size of skin from 153 mb to 59 mb. Nothing was removed.
    -Added Osk format downloads

Random Rant
Random Rant
Initially wanted to keep this to myself as welcome back skin gift for myself but ended up getting bigger. It was also supposed to be an update from my 3 year old skin which I had a hard time playing with after coming back after 2 years of inactivity. I tried not spamming Noel too much. This could easily be changed to a Jin Kisaragi skin on a whim also as their color scheme is basically the same. Initially wanted to make the menu button nu-12's blades but ended up getting a folder tab which I actually liked so I kept it unfinished. Anyways if you want to look at my 3 year old outdated Rachel Alucard skin then click here
Also, constructive criticism or comments greatly appreciated (to which I'm not expecting much). Any issues then post away. I have the psd's for the most part scattered all over my computer if needed.

Alternate Files Folder located within the skin


Video of skin with default files in place

ooooo BLAZBLUE Nice.
This skin looks great
wow this looks great (ノ*゜▽゜*)
You'd be doing a huge favor if you'd split the skin into two downloads: one for the regular skin and one containing the folder with all of the alternate options. THe folder containing the alternatives is 75 MB by itself--you'd cut the size of the archive in half and make a lot of people with slower internet a lot happier (plus it'd make those options easier to notice since they'd be separated in the OP instead of buried within the skin).

Regarding the skin itself, it's really well made. It has a really consistent style that is executed extremely well (I especially love the health bar and the crosshair-esque followcircle for sliders). It's also awesome that you've made all of these alternative options available--it really helps offer variety and quell some problems that could come about from personal preference.

I only have a few problems with this skin:
  1. the "PERFECT" logo is a little overlapped by the back icon.
  2. The cursor, being light blue and having no outline, is one I am losing track of in gameplay. The hitcircles are just as bright, and the cursor tends to blend in. I have bad eyes, but I think it could maybe do with a darker color like blue (especially since that's coinciding more with the color of Noel's uniform), or something to make it visible against the hitcircles (especially during Kiai Time). That or just darken the hitcircle colors some.
  3. Alongside options for an alternate cursor, options including visible 300's, Gekis, and 300-Katus would be a great addition as well for those who enjoy using them (me).
Looks great so far otherwise.
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Thank you so much for the comments. Let's me know I didn't put it up for nothing. Also, thank you very much for the CnC Storb, I'll start working on the issues presented first thing tomorrow.
Cheers~ ^^
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Updated to V1.2

    1. Version 1.2:
      -Added 56 extra cursors.
      -Added additional cursor trails.
      -Added a darker hitcircle.
      -Added alternate hitbursts.
      All updates mentioned above can be located in the Alternate folder.
      -Adjusted the ranking-perfect size for SD and moved area so as to not become overlapped by the back button.
      -Split Skin from Dafault and Alternate Folder for people with slower download speeds.
selection-target is missing. and i think that's it
really nice skin :3
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deadbeat wrote:

selection-target is missing. and i think that's it
really nice skin :3
Thank you. I didn't know there was a selection-mod-target ^^;
Anyways added it and updated download links.
Great Character and Nice Skinning skill,,, ^^
Holy sweet, this is awesome... !
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Thank you guys for the comments ^^

  1. Version 1.3:
    -Decreased overall size of skin from 153 mb to 59 mb. Nothing was removed.
    -Added Osk format downloads
Hopefully this is the last update I do.
Your score/combo font has problems. For one, the font is not aligned properly, so the numbers are crooked at random. Take all your numbers, bottom align them, and then highlight all of them and move them to center.
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I had it as center aligned since some some numbers were smaller/wider than others. I guess the differing sizes gives that crooked image. Thank you for the input. I'll make some readjustment to the score numbers. I'll have it done some time tomorrow.
Really nice skin might be in my top 5 now :)
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I got sidetracked. In any case, I decided to leave the skin as is. I think it's fine as it is now. Unless even more issues pop up I won't make any changes.
Honestly this skin is kinda better than your BRS skin but i still like both and good job your skins are awesome >.<
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