16:31 Geronimaa: sry had to
16:31 Geronimaa: restart osu
16:33 Sala-: It's fine.
16:33 Sala-: I am ready.
16:33 Geronimaa: i did a testplay and
16:33 Geronimaa: its pretty hard to read
16:33 Geronimaa: considering all those doubles
16:33 Sala-: Which difficulty, Master?
16:33 Geronimaa: masmtmer and ultra
16:34 Geronimaa: ultra is difficult cuz of those doubles with that low ar
16:34 Sala-: Well my maps are supposed to be hard to read.
16:34 Geronimaa: but considering the star diff spread
16:34 Geronimaa: in master its ok
16:34 Geronimaa: last diffs are usually pretty hard to read
16:35 Geronimaa: but at least ultra
16:35 Sala-: Any alternatives?
16:35 Geronimaa: you can try putting higher ar to ultra
16:35 Geronimaa: like 8,5
16:35 Geronimaa: 8,7
16:35 Geronimaa: smth like that
16:36 Sala-: I wanted it to be playable with DoubleTime. Could try 8,5 tho.
16:36 Geronimaa: haaa
16:37 Geronimaa: that filthy dt farmer :D
16:37 Geronimaa: regarding master
16:37 Sala-: i doubt that this would give a lot of points because of its length.
16:37 Geronimaa: there is not much to say since most of it would be my personal opinions
16:37 Geronimaa: since its mapepr really well
16:37 Sala-: Thanks.
16:37 Geronimaa: mapped
16:37 Geronimaa: however
16:37 Geronimaa: double liek this 00:02:258 (6,7,8,9) -
16:38 Geronimaa: are reaaallly wayy too difficult for 4,5 star
16:38 Geronimaa: so here is an alternative
16:38 Geronimaa: put a 1/4 at their place
16:38 Geronimaa: and put a double here 00:02:045 (5) -
16:38 Sala-: Yeah, you are not the first one to mention that, I will either make a normally spaced stream or 1/4s.
16:38 Geronimaa: that double will be harder to read
16:38 Geronimaa: but since its only one
16:38 Geronimaa: it will be kind of ok
16:39 Geronimaa: thats pretty much it
16:39 Geronimaa: otherwise its fine
16:39 Geronimaa: solid map
16:39 Geronimaa: but you know what
16:39 Geronimaa: try putting jumps in there
16:40 Geronimaa: it will make it more comfortable to play
16:40 Geronimaa: but will keep the difficulty
16:40 Geronimaa: for exampel these three 00:13:003 (2,1,1) -
16:40 Geronimaa: could have bigger spacing
16:41 Sala-: I would do that, but the map is pretty dense already.
16:41 Geronimaa: or even this pattern 00:19:705 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -
16:41 Geronimaa: what is making it difficult is that low bpm
16:41 Geronimaa: and the amount of mapped stuff
16:41 Geronimaa: you pretty much mapped every 1/4 tick
16:41 Sala-: That's what I mean with density.
16:41 Geronimaa: on 140 bpm
16:41 Geronimaa: yea
16:41 Geronimaa: thats why jumps would be fun
16:42 Geronimaa: anyway lets go to utlra
16:42 Geronimaa: and you could increase OD
16:42 Geronimaa: to like 7.5
16:42 Geronimaa: to make it more pp
16:42 Geronimaa: now what i dont like about ultra is this 00:19:705 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) -
16:42 Geronimaa: wrong
16:42 Geronimaa: this 00:06:088 (1,2) -
16:42 Geronimaa: i see its probably intentional
16:42 Geronimaa: to be difficult to read
16:43 Geronimaa: but this is way too much
16:43 Sala-: Yeah it is, and yeah it is.
16:43 Sala-: xD
16:43 Geronimaa: xD
16:43 Geronimaa: what you can do
16:43 Geronimaa: to make it difficul to read but keep it fun is
16:43 Sala-: But I will definitely not just use one 1/4 slider.
16:43 Geronimaa: these three 00:07:365 (1,2,3) -
16:43 Geronimaa: dont
16:43 Geronimaa: but dont put it under that
16:44 Geronimaa: you could put these three
16:44 Geronimaa: 00:07:365 (1,2,3) -
16:44 Geronimaa: like this http://puu.sh/g9n6W/c07649942e.jpg
16:44 Geronimaa: try this pattern 00:10:769 (5,6,1) -
16:45 Geronimaa: with bigger spacing
16:45 Sala-: I think that's more confusing because the circles and the slider have the same spacing
16:45 Sala-: which can't happen with a stack
16:45 Geronimaa: you wanted to make it hard to read :D
16:46 Sala-: It's hard enough with the stack D:
16:46 Geronimaa: isnt this a bit off 00:28:641 (2) - ?
16:46 Geronimaa: im not sure
16:46 Geronimaa: but people are sometimes bitching about it
16:47 Sala-: "off" in what sense? Do you mean out of bounds?
16:47 Geronimaa: yea, like out of mapping field
16:48 Geronimaa: not much more to say
16:48 Geronimaa: since you repeat a lof ot patterns
16:48 Geronimaa: and we have already discussed them
16:48 Sala-: Let me check that ingame real quick
16:48 Geronimaa: ingame its fine
16:48 Geronimaa: but i remember that some map just got disqualified cuz of it
16:48 Sala-: Well then it shouldn't be an issue.
16:48 Sala-: Oh wow
16:49 Sala-: I've seen different, but I am sure that those things happen
16:49 Geronimaa: anyway
16:49 Geronimaa: consider that AR
16:49 Sala-: Well, we will see.
16:49 Geronimaa: and if you want to be a real dick
16:49 Sala-: Still at Ultra? I changed that to 8.5.
16:49 Geronimaa: you can put bigger circles
16:49 Geronimaa: yes
16:49 Geronimaa: like cs 3,5
16:49 Sala-: Nah, CS is fine. xD
16:50 Geronimaa: but that would actually work with ultra
16:50 Geronimaa: like makign it 4.5
16:50 Geronimaa: lemme check that
16:50 Geronimaa: woah
16:50 Geronimaa: its already 4,4
16:50 Geronimaa: didnt notice
16:50 Geronimaa: xD
16:50 Sala-: xD
16:51 Sala-: Anything else concerning the set, or are we done?
16:51 Geronimaa: im lookin at great now
16:52 Geronimaa: that should be normal right?
16:52 Sala-: Yes.
16:52 Geronimaa: as for normals
16:52 Geronimaa: ive been told that they should keep same spacing
16:52 Sala-: (I suck at mapping normals)
16:53 Geronimaa: now stylistic thing
16:53 Geronimaa: these two
16:53 Geronimaa: 00:01:833 (2,3) -
16:53 Sala-: I went for a little twist at 00:06:088 (1,2,1,2) - , I already decreased the spacing and didn't use NCs on all circles
16:53 Geronimaa: could be just straight sliders
16:53 Geronimaa: and then this 00:02:684 (1) - curved
16:53 Sala-: For what reason?
16:53 Geronimaa: since these 00:00:982 (1,1) -
16:54 Geronimaa: two
16:54 Geronimaa: share same sound
16:54 Geronimaa: so it would be c ool for t hem to have same shape as well
16:54 Sala-: Hm, interesting suggestion..
16:54 Geronimaa: same for others
16:54 Sala-: It wouldn't work too well with the shape of 00:03:535 (2) - tho.
16:54 Geronimaa: this one
16:54 Geronimaa: 00:14:599 (1) -
16:54 Geronimaa: you can keep that
16:55 Geronimaa: can be shaped like this one 00:16:301 (1) -
16:56 Sala-: Yeah, since the shape is unique, I will do that.
16:56 Geronimaa: but those jumps
16:56 Geronimaa: are definitely 00:06:088 (1,2,1,2) -
16:56 Geronimaa: too big
16:57 Geronimaa: and after those circles
16:57 Geronimaa: you could relieve it
16:57 Geronimaa: by making this a 1/4 slider
16:57 Geronimaa: 00:07:365 (1,2) -
16:57 Geronimaa: since its comforatble to go to slider from hard pattern
16:58 Geronimaa: also do somthing about this circle 00:25:556 (2) -
16:58 Geronimaa: these are wayy too difficult for normal
16:58 Sala-: I might have problems with space there..
16:58 Geronimaa: i understand
16:59 Sala-: Well the players that had to test the map didn't have any problems with those at all.
16:59 Sala-: They were like rank 200-100k.
17:00 Geronimaa: roughly smth like this ? http://puu.sh/g9o1p/ebab0a43a1.jpg
17:00 Geronimaa: really?
17:00 Geronimaa: then its fine
17:00 Sala-: Which part is that?
17:00 Geronimaa: 00:06:088 (1,2,1,2,3) -
17:01 Sala-: i decreased the spacing a bit more there.
17:01 Sala-: Just the stack would bother you now.
17:01 Geronimaa: alright
17:02 Geronimaa: thats probably it with this diff
17:02 Geronimaa: fine as well
17:02 Sala-: I'll see. When there are more people complaining about that, I might change it.
17:02 Geronimaa: alright
17:02 Geronimaa: oh, and isnt hp drain too high?
17:03 Sala-: That is possible.
17:03 Sala-: xD
17:03 Geronimaa: :D
17:03 Geronimaa: anyway
17:03 Geronimaa: doing Poke now
17:03 Geronimaa: first and foremost
17:03 Geronimaa: 00:06:088 (1,2,1,2,3) -
17:03 Geronimaa: damn
17:03 Geronimaa: 00:06:726 (2,1) -
17:03 Geronimaa: this pattern
17:03 Geronimaa: totally breaks the flow in easy
17:03 Geronimaa: and easy should not have any flow breaks
17:04 Geronimaa: same here 00:20:343 (2) -
17:04 Sala-: You mean because of the stop at 3?
17:04 Geronimaa: also this 00:20:343 (2,1,2) -
17:04 Sala-: Because otherwise, the flow would be fine.
17:04 Geronimaa: what i meant
17:04 Geronimaa: taht transition from 2 to 3 is difficult
17:05 Geronimaa: but this 00:20:343 (2,1,2) -
17:05 Geronimaa: this 00:26:514 (1,2) -
17:05 Geronimaa: is probably not ok
17:05 Geronimaa: i dont really do easy diffs
17:05 Geronimaa: but when I did
17:05 Sala-: Me neitherxD
17:05 Geronimaa: BATS shitted on me
17:06 Sala-: Well then let me use what I graphically seen used in Ultra.
17:06 Geronimaa: also
17:07 Geronimaa: ar is way too high
17:07 Geronimaa: this is actually normal diff
17:07 Geronimaa: anyway try
17:07 Geronimaa: ar3, od2, hp 2,5
17:07 Geronimaa: ar 3,5 could work too
17:08 Sala-: Spreadwise, I will use HP2, AR3 and OD2.
17:08 Geronimaa: but this pattern 00:26:514 (1,2) -
17:08 Geronimaa: ok
17:08 Sala-: I changed that.
17:08 Geronimaa: try to do smth about it
17:08 Geronimaa: ok
17:08 Geronimaa: well and thats it for the mod
17:09 Sala-: Okay, thank you very much, you were a good help.