
Your opinion about BAT(BAT에 대한 여러분의 생각)

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코리안 포럼 또 세계에 알려봅시다 ㅇㅅㅇ

고1 다가오면서 BAT 나갈까, 말까 몇번 갈등했는데 계속 하기로 결심했습니다. 하도 모딩량이 적길래.....

늘어만 가는 유저, 줄어가기만 하는 BAT 모딩 포스트 중간에 사라진 Pubble......
맵 랭크 노리시는 분들은 아시겠지만, 지금 비트맵 모딩->랭킹 상황이 어떻게 돌아가고 있는지 잘 모르겠습니다.
BAT란 말 그대로 비트맵 승인하는 팀 멤버입니다. 그들이 활동을 안하게 된다면, 이 게임은 제대로 돌아갈 수 없겠죠.
요즘들어 왜 멤버들의 활동량이 줄은 건지는 모르겠습니다만, 제 생각에는 그들이 실생활에서 바빠진게 아니라 귀차니즘에 점점 빠져들고 있는 것 같다고 생각합니다.
제가 게임을 osu만 하는건 아니거든요? 다른 게임도 하고 싶은데 제가 모딩에서 빠지게 된다면 현재로서는 총 모딩 수의 20% 가량이 줄어드니까 비트맵 모딩에 큰 타격을 받겠죠.

몇몇 사람들은 BAT 보다는 모딩 하는 일반인을 늘려 BAT가 1방에 버블 하는 것이 그냥 물량으로 BAT 양성하는 것 보다 낳다고 생각하고 있습니다. 하지만, 지금은 그럴 여유를 가질 상황이 되지를 못하며, BAT는 BAT 나름의 주관적 의견을 가지고 있기 때문에 저는 BAT를 늘려야 한다고 생각합니다.

뭐 다른 BAT들도 그러겠지만 BAT수가 적으면 in-game request 수가 소수에게 집중되니까 미치겠어요 진짜. 게다가 모딩 못한다고 하면 BAT에 대한 불만을 털어놓으면 저보고 어떻게 하라는겁니까? 왜 다른 게으른 이들 때문에 부지런한 BAT도 비난을 받아야 하는건가요?

무엇보다도 문제인건 모딩은 별로 하지않으면서 Tag Ranking만 하는애들 즉, 지들끼리 랭크 주고받고 애들이죠. 이짓하면 양심의 가책이 안느껴지나 ㅡ,ㅡ 뭐 요즘에는 사례가 줄어들고 있으니 이것에 대해서는 길게 말하지 않을게요.


제가 말을 길게 하면 할수록 알수없는 미지의 글을 만드는 경향이 있어서 일단 여기서 끊겠습니다.
저도 BAT 중 한 사람입니다.
BAT 중 1人 으로서 깊이 사과드리며
열심히 일 해 나가도록 하겠습니다.

===============================Eng summary=========================
I think BAT are getting lazy. The number of modding post is just too low. But the number of mappers are increasing.
After being high school student, It's really hard to mod. I come back home on 0AM on weekdays. I wanna sleep more but modding bothers me to do it a bit. BATs if you can, please make 1... just 1 more mod post.
Also, I think there should be more BATs, when I joined this game about 2 years ago, there were about 20 BATs also, at that time James was so active that his amount of mod post is higher than this time's all user mod posts.
As a BAT, I apologize to all and I'll try my best, thanks.

My 3 opinions are
1. BATs stop being lazy
2. We need more BATs
3. Stop doing tag ranking
어제 말했습니다.
bat는 자신을 되돌아보십시오
these days , bats been more and more lazy

the reason as follows:
1. the new of them getting bored at modding
2. for the real life(like exams , work or others something)
3. a growing number of the mod request

so we can less see them online recently (but dont worry , becoz bats are just playing the hide-and-seek)

ah ,its remind me of one topicwhich i was read for long time
but its a pity that alace sensei had deleted that article lol

sorry for my poor English

dksslqj wrote:

어제 말했습니다.
bat는 자신을 되돌아보십시오
어제 새벽에 말한 안니버의 명언이란게 이건가요...머, 멋지다!
you can quote me if you'd like in your signature lol i'm not afraid to say that but there's a help you help me situation and no one's taking the initiative imo.
I don't like how I never see Takuma actually mod, he's just pulling the trigger on any map he thinks might be good. What's up with that?
Let's not single out anyone in particular here and start calling names, Takuma used to be a very active modder actually.
Totally agreed.

It's actually a shame of the BAT to put nice modders such as abalee in great pressure. When he is asked to mod, he just gets offline. Should such things happen if most of the BATs are working? Nowadays we only see "no mods thanks" in BAT's signature. If that's for a short period of time, it's ok; but if one keeps that signature and wandering around chatting in #osu or other channels, then I think he's not willing to mod anymore and should give up his BATship.

PS. Why so many koreans like sanae >w< I want a banner too
It really is kinda frustrating, the number of BATs up for serious modding is just too small

One might argue that MATs should look at the map before BATs do, but then why the abolition of the pubble system?

ignorethis wrote:

PS. Why so many koreans like sanae >w< I want a banner too

I guess Sanae appeals a lot to Koreans lol

You're free to hijack any banners except dksslqj's, which he made on his own. I think you should ask permission to him for that one.
Topic Starter
Well our pattern was
Pick new BAT-> Need more mod post due to decreasing of mod posts -> Pick new BAT -> Repeat
Accroding this pattern, we need new BAT now.
If not, BATs need to rise up themselves.

I believe that justice wins for any sort of situations.
Now I'll lean on my fate, believing justice.
Thanks for caring about this thread.

Anyway nice Sanae spreading >w<
One of the reason I think why the ranking process is having a delay is because of people who requests BATs to mod while their map is not ready for the actual BAT's mod. SP +8 is the minimum SP we need to get BATs but this is definatly too low and how people just shoots stars like throwing candies also made it worse. Pubble was what it had to solve this problem as well, but pubble also seem no difference with stars while we had a test run. I still think pubble is what osu! ranking system needs and I think we just need a better MATs (Well ya I guess picking a good MATs is the hard part). Maybe we can have a test to solve this? idk

Non active BATs are also a problem if we have to call it I guess. There is really no way to solve this for several reasons we have spoken. The best way would be just believing their honesty and BATs retire and degrade it to MAT member. If they don't do this by them self, we could have a rule that BATs should have a minimum modding post a month and if they can't fill the minimum, degrading the BAT to MAT. Well BAT is a volunteer work so I can't really say we should force them to mod like this, but atlease we can give some cycle on it. We could also bring a MAT member who had the highiest accuracy of his pubble becoming a bubble to BAT. Give them a competition I guess like foot ball league x:

The Main point of this paragraph would be

1. A better MAT members to actually bring the value of the pubble

2. Give a cycle between BATs and MATs so it gives them a reason to be active

bmin11 wrote:

2. Give a cycle between BATs and MATs so it gives them a reason to be active

Couldn't agree more to this

I also agree on how +8SP as being the minimum requirements for BAT approval is absurd, should be at least 20
MATs should never be given BAT powers IMO, they're just not that level.
Just putting this out there, I'm planning on modding a lot more when im done with schooling in a week.

Mystearica wrote:

MATs should never be given BAT powers IMO, they're just not that level.
Who said that?
My point was that the MAT 'with the highiest accuracy of pubble becoming bubble' should be the BAT one day for a reward or something. I guess every month was a bit too often but I'm not suggesting when they should be rewarded, just an idea.

And ya, the value of the pubble(MAT) should always stay at below the bubble(BAT)

I agree with this thread orz

I'll look for furture things anyway...

bmin11 wrote:

And ya, the value of the pubble(MAT) should always stay at below the bubble(BAT)
I don't know what to say about this but...
It seems hard to set system such as Bubble ;_;
Electing more BAT members.
Look at users counter. I think number of activity BATs should be over 30.
Then if some BATs getting busy in real life, other BATs will can cover thier work(beatmap approval).
How about now? Some BATs are busy now(yeah, I hope believe so), there are too few BATs for handle pile of bubbled maps.

No need to draw line between BAT and MAT, some MATs have the right enough to be BAT.
Please consider about increasing the number of BAT.
I think MAT has been less imprtant because of the increase of them.
I think that increase of BATs will also cause this problem.

그리고 최근들어 랭맵이 늘어나면서 랭크 조건을 더 강화시키고 BAT를 줄이거나 하는게 더 좋을거 같은데;;
this thread is good.

Agree with all. BAT number needs to INCREASE. People say "oh why? blah blah blah" but what a lot don't see if the number of new people in osu!. The number of players in osu! since I started playing 2 years ago has probably tripled, and the BAT amount has stayed the same for the most part. With more people = More Maps = need for more modding/BATs. MAT was a step in the right direction imo, just not done very well, but that is okay. BAT promotion need to be in order. Hopefully will change... time will tell..
AdRon Zh3Ro
I agree with minyeob. We need more BATs.

Is not only hard to find available BATs, as the current BAT members are already very busy.
When someone request a mod from a BAT, we need to wait too much because they are already doing something, or they are not online. The max BAT members i found online at the same time was 3 or 5(everyone busy), and we need at least 10 or more.
I'm trying since 1 month ago to contact them, but every time i found a BAT online they say that that they are occupied or they don't respond at all.

I saw maps 2 months old, +30 or more and without one goda... star/pubble/bubble.

More BATs=More quality in the beatmaps
More BATs=More ranked beatmaps

Somebody pointed out an interesting point, "Increasing the number of BATs won't do anything. Perhaps, worse, because they will start thinking they are getting a replacement for their job and they will mod even less" (I'm just trying to memorize what that person told me last time)

The number of BATs isn't the only solution for this problem, but we need to find a way to encourge them to mod. I did suggested one possibility from my previous post and ya, we need more ideas, rather then complaining the situation.

Oh and don't be afraid to suggest an idea no matter how insane your idea could be. Hopefully we will just simply look for the best possible way from the list you guys suggested

I see that Sonnyc has suggested that the number of MATs have decreased their importance, and this could be true, but I don't think it necessarily decreased their improtance because of the number. The amount of Pubble given is what I think it has driven to this situation. Pubble shouldn't be given too easily. They should be given only to the map with a quality that BAT can start looking in to it, but because pubble was given to a low quality map several times, BAT lost their respect to Pubble, which is the exact same route with the kudosu system. My suggestion is also provided in my previous post.

bmin11 wrote:

I see that Sonnyc has suggested that the number of MATs have decreased their importance, and this could be true, but I don't think it necessarily decreased their improtance because of the number. The amount of Pubble given is what I think it has driven to this situation. Pubble shouldn't be given too easily. They should be given only to the map with a quality that BAT can start looking in to it, but because pubble was given to a low quality map several times, BAT lost their respect to Pubble, which is the exact same route with the kudosu system. My suggestion is also provided in my previous post.

Goes all the way down to giving stars to maps, we should be more picky about giving stars/pubbles/bubbles/kudosus.
Goes all the way down to giving stars to maps, we should be more picky about giving stars/pubbles/bubbles/kudosus.
Stars are hard to control since everybody can shoot with just a post (same goes to the rating system)

Pubbles should be able to control but it will depends on the modding skill of the MAT members

I think BATs are doing great with bubbling (I don't see alot of major errors)

Kudosus could be managable when MATs can cancle the kudosu from the post (BATs can't keep on track with everthing imo)
many Bubble, Ranked maps have many problem that you didn't see or didn't know too, And proto-bubled is only PROTO-bubble, still need BAT or more MAT or more modder re-check again, And many map already got proto-bubble and never can catch BAT to see it, sadly. And many map that never ask proto-bubble but can got ranked so fast, and I don't know What's proto-bubble or What should I help mapper except modding or starring a map right now.. Maybe I should quit a MAT, But I still want to know What can I help mapper in the future.. etc etc. xd.. and I don't think osu! [game-online] have a job, BAT just a sacrifice job lol.. j/k. And yeah, Now WE HAVE 2 PAGES OF BUBBLED MAPS, I think after all, BATs should clean those bubbled maps before another.. xD
Also, BAT are not that lazy at all, I know some of them that really busy with real life, work, familly and stuff too much. and BAT have other thing that they should do more then modding too (maybe ?). and BAT sound like curse of normal player, When you become BAT.

But yes.. we _want_ more active BATs.. [ just that what I want to say, After I read all posts ]

Ps. I never think about proto-bubble system can be back

orioncomet wrote:

many Bubble, Ranked maps have many problem that you didn't see or didn't know too, And proto-bubled is only PROTO-bubble, still need BAT or more MAT or more modder re-check again, And many map already got proto-bubble and never can catch BAT to see it, sadly. And many map that never ask proto-bubble but can got ranked so fast, and I don't know What's proto-bubble or What should I help mapper except modding or starring a map right now.. Maybe I should quit a MAT, But I still want to know What can I help mapper in the future.. etc etc. xd.. and I don't think osu! [game-online] have a job, BAT just a sacrifice job lol.. j/k. And yeah, Now WE HAVE 2 PAGES OF BUBBLED MAPS, I think after all, BATs should clean those bubbled map before another.. xD
Also, BAT are not that lazy at all, I know some of them that really busy with real life, work, familly and stuff too much. and BAT have other thing that they should do more then modding too (maybe ?). and BAT sound like curse of normal player, When you become BAT.
After looking at the BAT member list, I gotta agree with you guys that we do need to fill the BAT with some fresh blood to support their job. The youngest BAT member is now a year old. How long have we stopped getting new BATs for?

bmin11 wrote:

The youngest BAT member is now a year old. How long have we stopped getting new BATs for?
Uhh...what? o.o


The youngest BAT member should be around 3-4 months old. I haven't even reached a year old yet. It makes sense if you're referring to User Registration Date though, rather than date appointed as BAT.

I've been reading into this, but I really don't have anything to say...My apologies. I guess I'll just try to work harder...?

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

bmin11 wrote:

The youngest BAT member is now a year old. How long have we stopped getting new BATs for?
Uhh...what? o.o


The youngest BAT member should be around 3-4 months old. I haven't even reached a year old yet. It makes sense if you're referring to User Registration Date though, rather than date appointed as BAT.

I've been reading into this, but I really don't have anything to say...My apologies. I guess I'll just try to work harder...?
Oh pff my bad

And ofcourse, I don't really have a right to say anything about this but to just say 'Thank you' anyway >_>;;

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

I've been reading into this, but I really don't have anything to say...My apologies. I guess I'll just try to work harder...?
No. You did very well, so you don't need to do that.
Just we need new BATs or doing other way such as bmin said.

Starrodkirby86 wrote:

I've been reading into this, but I really don't have anything to say...My apologies. I guess I'll just try to work harder...?
I think you are doing your best ;_;

When is the another date of appearing newBAT???
I wanna know about this at least...

arken1015 wrote:

When is the another date of appearing newBAT???
I wanna know about this at least...
There won't be, until the new ranking system is available anyways.
~Please don't say "You are lazy"~

I don't think BATs are totally lazy. Everyone who checks latest ranked maps should have noticed that we got many new ranked maps on weekends, leading to the conclusion that BAT are people who seem to be busy in real life during the week. Of course there might be some who are lazy, but what is important is the result so it doesn't matter if we got 5/20 active BATs or 5/5. So I think there should be more (active) BATs.
^ Agreed

Increasing the activity of BAT in modding is more preferable now and as Remmy said, the ranking system is still fragile so I think before adding a new member, BAT should take care of the ranking system first so there won't be any tragedy *coughunrankedcough* happens anymore

They are doing their job voluntarily so better don't stress them :D
I think BATs are doing their job just fine, they all got real lives and stuff and i probably shouldnt be saying this coz i want to be a BAT the key to this is patience... however the reason i started this in the way bubbles are arranged, i think BATs should be looking at older bubbles rather than highest SP bubbles (if they even do so) so because your map has been sitting bubbled for a month with 34 sp, then sum1 with a 70 sp map comes and gets a bubble... is it more important? specially with the current SP thingy going on.
Also you can see that there are a few maps got popped bubbles... and they are still laying there in wait, do BATs even recheck maps which they pop bubbles from? just because they are star and not bubble do they not deserve a recheck? I'm not sure how the BAT is working right now, however the sad number of bubbles, and some popped bubbles is astonishing... and yet we see new bubbles from newer maps... or maps that get ranked within a day... i ask is this your idea of fair play?
Maybe im saying too much, and maybe i should just stop typing already hehe, but well guess just wanted to say what i wanted to say, I'm not saying it's the BAT fault since they can check whatever they want to check, some are busy, etc, etc, etc and probably they havent even noticed which bubbles are older, or which bubbles are popped (since there's no difference between a star and a popped bubble) and a map that has been bubbled once must have some sort of relevance eh? I'm really hoping to see less frustration in the future, who knows what the new ranking system will bring, but i can just hope.

Please think about it.

And yeah i had a crazy idea about a system change, however since the system is changing anyways and the pubbles were discontinued my idea wouldnt be any good anymore, however if anyone's interested in hearing it i wouldnt mind posting it here.
I agree to Sakura. I also thinks SP does not mean anything if they are bubbled. They are both gotta be modded by BATs, right?

Oh and you are welcome to post whatever you think. Just don't post it if you think it is wasting your time >_> or else, why not?

Sakura301 wrote:

idea about a system change, however since the system is changing anyways and the pubbles were discontinued my idea wouldnt be any good anymore, however if anyone's interested in hearing it i wouldnt mind posting it here.

I'm certainly interested

anything to improve the current situation
Well i had this crazy idea of when a map is submitted via BSS it can only be submitted to WIP, since when it's getting modded you are making changes to it, so you're technically still working on it, until a MAT says it's ok it could go to pending, a BAT is free to mod a WIP map, but it cant be bubbled unless moved to pending, and a BAT can also move a map to pending themselves but they cant bubble it unless it's checked by another BAT first.

Well that was the idea, i told it to awp a few days ago, but with the changing system i dont know how much value it will have now

Sakura301 wrote:

Well i had this crazy idea of when a map is submitted via BSS it can only be submitted to WIP, since when it's getting modded you are making changes to it, so you're technically still working on it, until a MAT says it's ok it could go to pending, a BAT is free to mod a WIP map, but it cant be bubbled unless moved to pending, and a BAT can also move a map to pending themselves but they cant bubble it unless it's checked by another BAT first.

Well that was the idea, i told it to awp a few days ago, but with the changing system i dont know how much value it will have now
So the Pending list would act like Pubble list I guess? I don't think it's a bad idea, since it will solve one of the problem of Pubble which was that there was noway to actually see if the map is rather pubbled or not to normal people
Which is exactly why i said it wouldnt be too much worth anyways. However it would filter up the pending maps so BATs would have less hassle to dig through for maps, and it would make it more fair a bit since you cant get a bubble without a MAT check first, not sure HOW fair tho, unless you wanted to get 3 BATs instead of a MAT and 2 BATs...
If this is not much to ask, I would like to know how the BAT community feels about this post.

Is it just minyeob or do the BATs agree that more activity from the BAT team as a whole is needed?

Judging by people who posted here, I would not be wrong if I guess most of us feel that more BATs are needed for sure..?

DJ KRZY wrote:

If this is not much to ask, I would like to know how the BAT community feels about this post.

Is it just minyeob or do the BATs agree that more activity from the BAT team as a whole is needed?

Judging by people who posted here, I would not be wrong if I guess most of us feel that more BATs are needed for sure..?
Two BATs have posted here >_>
I didn't wanted to give this anymore attention than miny, Remmy, and SRK have given... but I'll repeat myself. XD

We can't enforce any change or recruit any new BATs at the moment because of the upcoming rank system changes. This will be extensive, so, we are unfortunately unable to increase our numbers. I am also sorry that you guys are all stuck in such an awkward position. But that's that.

MaxwellDemon wrote:

I didn't wanted to give this anymore attention than miny, Remmy, and SRK have given... but I'll repeat myself. XD

We can't enforce any change or recruit any new BATs at the moment because of the upcoming rank system changes. This will be extensive, so, we are unfortunately unable to increase our numbers. I am also sorry that you guys are all stuck in such an awkward position. But that's that.
That's what i thought, however ppl just wanted to hear my idea, which is why i posted it, i did state before that i knew it was kind of useless with the ranking system change anyways

Sakura301 wrote:

MaxwellDemon wrote:

I didn't wanted to give this anymore attention than miny, Remmy, and SRK have given... but I'll repeat myself. XD

We can't enforce any change or recruit any new BATs at the moment because of the upcoming rank system changes. This will be extensive, so, we are unfortunately unable to increase our numbers. I am also sorry that you guys are all stuck in such an awkward position. But that's that.
That's what i thought, however ppl just wanted to hear my idea, which is why i posted it, i did state before that i knew it was kind of useless with the ranking system change anyways
Hahaha, yeah, I know you did say that, but I am just going to repeat in case people didn't catch it the first time. XD
I am sure opinions would be nice once the new ranking system is up though. So, please try to hold your horses till then. x)

MaxwellDemon wrote:

Hahaha, yeah, I know you did say that, but I am just going to repeat in case people didn't catch it the first time. XD
I am sure opinions would be nice once the new ranking system is up though. So, please try to hold your horses till then. x)

Thanks for the clarification^^ We know you guys are working hard to improve the ranking system and are fully behind you.

minyeob wrote:

==Eng summary=========================
I think BAT are getting lazy. The number of modding post is just too low. But the number of mappers are increasing.
After being high school student, It's really hard to mod. I come back home on 0AM on weekdays. I wanna sleep more but modding bothers me to do it a bit. BATs if you can, please make 1... just 1 more mod post.
Also, I think there should be more BATs, when I joined this game about 2 years ago, there were about 20 BATs also, at that time James was so active that his amount of mod post is higher than this time's all user mod posts.
As a BAT, I apologize to all and I'll try my best, thanks.

My 3 opinions are
1. BATs stop being lazy
2. We need more BATs
3. Stop doing tag ranking

Said a man who refused all of my requests (of map was even bubbled)
Now I don't even bother asking you to mod lol
He was busy with school and tests and stuff, it is understandable
Yeah, like every other bat. 24 / 7, 365 days a year.
I think you're being a bit unfair. I do agree some BATs just dont want to mod, that isnt the case for all of them, BAT1 said it on his siggy and sometimes that i PMed him that he was busy with school and tests, BAT2 has also been busy with school, and i think BAT3 said that was the case too, im not saying any names, but you should think over, your statement, you are generalizing too much, didnt you see how many bubbles dissapeared last weekend? about a full page.
Please don't transform this into a rant thread @Natteke.

Gens wrote:

Please don't transform this into a rant thread @Natteke.
I'm not transforming anything. I juse see that minyeob says that BATs are lazy and dont mod anything n stuff but he is actually the same. From what I've seen from him - he mods maps of his friends or famous mappers. Maybe I am wrong, but that's the impression that I got from him.
@Sakura: I don't really care about all that stuff since I'm not rushing on my maps and I'm not raging because bats don't check them. I asked minyeob for a mod, not even for a mod, to put me in the queue, with a bubbled map. he said "I told you before - no'' (before - when I asked to mod my previous map).
Soooo, yeah... Before watching others, take a look at yourselves

But generally, more BATs would be a good idea. Few BATs against so many pending beatmaps is so cruel.

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