
TaeYang - Look Only At Me

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on sábado, 17 de julio de 2010 at 11:12:04

Artist: Taeyang
Title: Look Only At Me
Tags: K-Pop Hot Big Bang Lizbeth
BPM: 140
Filesize: 5821kb
Play Time: 01:34
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2,44 stars, 100 notes)
  2. Lizbeth's Hard (4,76 stars, 329 notes)
  3. Normal (3,48 stars, 232 notes)
Download: Taeyang - Look Only At Me
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
big thanks to lizbeth for your cool diff ^_^
easy , normal added some timing section
new background
changed new mp3 helped by happy30 ^_^ thank you so much
Timing seems to be okay, offset might be a bit off. Anyway, apply my IRC tips and the map will be alright. Here have a star. ;)
Topic Starter
ty spaceing fixed and spinner
Ok, checked thie timing now for you.

BPM: 140
Offset: 700

Your timing was fine already. But I think this offset is better than your current. ;)

Have a star.
Most of My favorite song

Star :)
nice map&song :)
Red = Major issue, you should fix this
Purple = Issue, It's better if you fix this, and can sometimes pass if justified
Blue = Minor issue, you can ignore if you dont want to change
Green = Feedback / Comments
Black = Suggestion
-K-Pop to tags, as genre will appear as Pop (Korean) later.
As far as tags go, you could add the album instead (unless that's the name of the album)
Inconsistent mapping. Please make all your diffs around the same length in time

00:32:797 (4) - Out of bounds
00:35:583 (2,3,5,6) - Even if the song is slow it's not good enough excuse to use 1/2 distancing between notes, since slower songs are naturally easier to begin with, there isnt a need to adjust them to the difficulty of harder songs
01:07:512 (1,2) - ^
01:26:369 (1) - Covering slider end, if it had a repeat you wouldnt see it

01:08:154 (2) - Out of bounds (Although this one is way too partially so i'll point it as minor)
Cyril Scarlet
This is just my suggestion if you don't like or feel weird plz ignore this :(

and if you fixed mod from some one , plz post fixed or anything >x<
becuz people can't mod if we don't know , you fixed mod or not like me if I didn't ask you XD


 ● Set Combo Colors
 ● I think set preview point at 01:09:226 is good ^^/


  • 00:35:155 (1) - I think this note is far from spinner point and maybe hard for beginner :3 hard to move fast
    01:35:155 (1) - finished at 01:36:655 or 01:37:512 ?


  • 00:16:512 (3) - try to set thie enf of slider for beautiful stack with 6 ?
    00:21:226 - add note ?
    00:28:297 - ^
    00:40:083 (9) - move down 1 grid Lv3 ?
    01:00:655 (14) - add note ?
    01:00:869 (1) - move right to white line ?
    01:12:762 (1) - move to 01:12:869 and finished at 01:13:940 is better (for me)
    01:15:655 (7) - add note ?
    01:19:619 (1) - start 01:19:726 ~ 01:20:797 (for me)
    02:03:226 (8) - Move right 1 Down 1 (Lv3)
    02:33:869 (5) - Move right 2 Grid (Lv3) and change 02:34:083 (6) - too =w=
    02:36:440 (8) - Move left 1 Grid (Lv3)
harroooooo !

modded as requested, actually i feel i should mod it latetr, i only had the hard dif so i'll point out a few things here only ^^
personally there was not a real major issue with much of the map, it personally to me looked really messy, and that some of the spacing was abit weird, for ezample;
01:59:155 [1] and 02:46:297 [10]
these places have timing gap thingy's which can trick the player, yes it's a hard dif, but it was wrong spacing in myo,

nice map song ^^

i'f i remember i'll mod this map again. ^^
This song is a little bit hard to catch the beats.
I suggest you change its name to Normal and extend play time.

01:09:226 - preview time

00:36:869 (4) - new combo or 00:50:583 (1) - remove new combo
00:40:297 (5) - new combo or 00:54:012 (1) - remove new combo
01:02:583 (1) - too far from center. move it a little bit to center.
01:05:797 (9) - new combo
01:12:226 (2) - Make new timing point at 01:12:012 for changing audio sample set. It is not good when right on note. If player click it fast, it cause weird sound. BTW don't delete or move it. Leave it for Kiai time.
01:18:226 (6) - new combo
01:19:083 (7) - same way as 01:12:226
01:21:226 (1) - remove new combo
01:33:226 (1) - same way as 01:12:226

00:16:297 (2) - spacing
00:21:226 (5) - finish
00:27:655 (4) - finish at end of slider
00:44:797 (11) - move timing point to 00:44:583
00:48:226 (10) - ^ 00:48:012
00:58:726 (1) - remove new combo
00:58:940 (2) - new combo
00:59:797 (3) - move timing point to 00:59:583
01:05:369 (1) - remove new combo. It will be too long combo but fine IMO.
01:05:797 (3) - new combo
01:12:226 (3) - I gave you an idea at Easy.
01:15:654 (7) - too close to previous note
01:18:226 (9) - new combo
01:19:083 (11) - same way as 01:12:226
01:35:583 (1) - extend it to 01:37:512
01:46:726 (6) - spacing
01:48:869 (6) - new combo
02:02:583 (5) - ^
02:11:797 (11) - move timing point to 02:11:583
02:12:869 (1) - start at 02:13:083. end at 02:14:155.
02:18:654 (6) - move timing point to 02:18:440
02:45:226 (8) - move timing point to 02:45:012
02:47:369 (1) - end at 02:48:655 with finish

Good song. STAR~* :)


00:33:655(3,4,5)-farther away than usual?maybe you should make them a little close?
01:16:940(5)-move 1 grid down ~
02:31:190(s)-this spiner should begin at 02:31:512

some triangle is a little hard to read like 00:57:119(1,2,3,4,5,6)

maybe you can make them like :?:

Cool song and good map :D Star~
[Mod Infos]

Azure: Suggestions.
Blue: You should fix this.


  • • The mp3 you are using is a lot longer than the part which is mapped: consider cropping it to reduce filesize
    • Your difficulties are N I (see beatmap listening): you MUST make an easier difficulty
    • Offset 670 (resnap all notes)
    • Sometimes spacing is wrong/weird: keep "Distance snap" active and recheck it

    • Remove countdown
[Easy] (this is a "Normal")

  • • Overall difficulty: 4 (or 5)
    • 00:24:655 (5,1) - Is this jump necessary?
    • 01:10:527 (4) - End this slider here 01:10:741 (red tick)
Bueno, ya te expliqué un poco como está el map por chat, no obstante, más adelante recuerdame que le eche un vistacillo ^^

(aunque los de mi modding queue me van a matar pues la tengo muuuuuy abandonada :( )


You have over a minute of unused mp3. Consider cutting the end.
Your choice for Kiai spots feels off. Try putting in right when they sing the "ee" or the "mah". Right now you have it inbetween and it feels awkward since it's not on a very emphasized point in the song. This kiai positioning also messes with how you use the .5 bpm spots in Hard mode and makes it feel odd. I would recommend you put the kiai on the "mah", but "ee" would be fine too.

00:24:670 (4) - Just a style thing, but maybe try to map this without the circles covering the slider.
00:28:312 - Move this timing section back half a beat. Having it right on the note may cause wonky sound issues when changing sound sets. Apply this to all timing sections you see like this.
00:59:812 (5) - Maybe on the echos, change the sound set to the soft hits and see what you think.
01:06:669 (2) - ^
01:18:241 (1,2) - Try to position/shape these so they aren't partially covering each other. It will make things look a lot better.
01:26:384 (1) - Lower this two grid points. Looks better as a dip rather than a raised portion.
Shorter than the other difficulties. =/

You have practically the same difficulty settings for this compared to Easy. Lower the circle size by one, and raise HP Drain and OD to about half. Another thing that kind of made this feel samey was how you used the same distance snap and slider velocity as Easy. Try slowly upping things as you get into higher difficulties.
00:29:170 (3) - Move this to 00:29:277. Don't forget to shorten the end.
02:47:170 - I really didn't like this last Kiai fountain. If you really want one near the end, put it at the end of the spinner instead of the beginning.

Things feel really cramped with still no difference in distance snap divisor or slider speed.
00:44:812 (11) - Move this to 00:44:705 and extend the end of the slider.
00:48:241 (10) - ^ to 00:48:134 and ^
01:40:955 (5) - Move the end of this slider back to the blue tick.
01:46:098 (5) - ^ Maybe also set this combo to the soft hit sounds.
01:47:812 (4) - Move the end of this slider back to the blue tick.
01:49:955 (4) - ^

It's looking okay, but as stated previously, as you progress in difficulty, the more the song feels the same because of the similarities in movement. Keep it up!
  1. You might as well as include a custom hitcircle since you have a custom overlay and approach circle.
  2. Meep. Correct title is "Taeyang - Look Only at Me". Watch out for the capitalization.
  3. Everything looks messy and out of shape... you could try remaking the difficulties* with nicer slider shapes and good patterns. Of course, but that's too much work. Still, think about it. You can get what I'm saying if you play more maps. x:
  4. Combo colours are not the same on all difficulties...
  1. The fact that it's cut makes me cry. Shows pure lazyness.
00:21:670 (1,2) - Stack these properly.


00:29:277 (3) - To me sounds weird, try shortening it by 1/4.
01:37:741 - This break should end at 01:40:098 instead.
02:00:241 (4) - Sounds weird too, try shortening it by 1/2.


01:51:241 (5) - Why did you make the slider arrow like that?!

~ ~ ~

I'm sorry if anything I said above was rude, you know my intention isn't like that. But still... the map could use a bit of work. Keep going though!
Colin Hou
  1. maybe you should crop the mp3 cuz you didn't maped the last part. (1 minute left empty orz)
  2. as Gens said, Taeyang is even shown on the BG...
  1. make it more like an easy diff by making the sliders not cover or cover so much the notes. (I wish I can express my meaning well... very poor english :P)
  2. make the sliders more tiny by decreasing the use of curve point. 2-4 is fine, too many is not that good.
  3. 00:23:812 (2) - very puzzling, placing it due to spacing.
  4. maybe you should remap this diff.
  1. oh, the sliders, OD is higher than Easy so not that bad though.
  2. 01:51:027 (3) - remove this note or add note to 01:47:585,01:49:312,......if you place note by lyrics.
  1. 01:18:241 (1,2,3) - spacing.
  2. 01:49:420 (2,3,4) - move all this 1/8 ealier. changing the spacing is surely necessary.
  3. really suggest you place most notes by lyrics (I mean more) I can't really find a good way to mod this ;_;
Just suggestions and no need to feed me kudosu if this post is useless and boring.
If i can play it without being confused i won't be able to find a faul while modding anyway lol.
Great map, star ~
here is a trimmed mp3
[attachment=0:85e1a]Big Bang - Only Look At Me (Taeyang) (CUT).mp3[/attachment:85e1a]
Hurude Rika
nice song
Card N'FoRcE
- General:
  • The approach circle is O.o
    It's too big imho D:
    Also, what's with the guy in the BG? o.o
- Easy:
  • .Suggestions:
    00:26:812 (5) - make the slider end at 00:27:241
- Normal:
  • .Opinions:
    Nothing to say
- Hard:
  • .Suggestions:
    00:44:705 (11) - move a bit farther (1/2 squares upo should be ok), it may be hard to notice it's a 3/4 spacing.
    00:48:134 (10) - ^ same, to the right
    01:04:098 (9) - new combo
    01:49:955 (4) - make this end at 01:50:170
    00:58:741 (11,1) - please no. I know it's a new combo but it's misreadable as hell.
    02:10:312 (9,10) - ^ and there's not even a new combo here.
Technically fine, ok. Just take care of those two things i mentioned in Hard.
No has cambiado el título ni el artista. D=

Y, hm... ya le dí un vistazo al nuevo Hard. Se ve bien, aunque no hay mucho cambio, hrm... te puedo decir esto: puedes cambiar el multiplicador de Distance Snap manteniendo presionado Alt y moviendo la barra que aparece en el lado superior-derecho. Generalmente, una dificultad mayor va a tener mayor espaciamiento entre las notas. Creo que un mayor espaciamiento es lo único que necesita y estará bien para mi. :)
Note: These are suggestions, and I suck at modding, so feel free to ignore me completely if you want to ;)

00:19:098 (1,2,3) - You could move this up to the top-right corner, with 3 ending in the 00:16:955 (2) slider-end :p
00:23:812 (2) - Intentional distance error?
00:24:670 (4) - Move this right a little bit
00:35:170 (1) - This is really close to the spinner
00:39:241 (4,5,6) - Not really a fan of too much stacking in Easy, but okay, that's me.
00:48:884 (1,2) - Align with 00:47:170 (4)?
00:54:027 (1,2) - Align with 00:52:955 (1)?
01:09:241 (1) - Close to the spinner
01:12:670 - Begin kiai here?
01:19:527 - ^

01:05:812 (1,2) - Move a bit to the right
01:12:670 - Begin kiai here?
01:19:527 - ^
02:00:241 (4) - Feels like this should start on 02:00:170 (1/6th) and end at 02:00:455.
02:19:527 (6) - Align with 02:18:669 (5)
02:24:670 - Begin kiai?
02:31:527 - ^
02:47:384 (1) - Begin the spinner at 02:47:170

01:06:669 (2) - Might wanna move this a bit
01:49:955 (4) - Feels like this should begin at 01:49:884 and end at 01:50:241?
Same Kiai suggestions as [Normal]


-- I'm not sure kiai should start mid slider but w/e.
-- Title should be "Look Only At Me"
-- Artist should be "Taeyang" and not "TaeYang" ~ How to change artist and song title without making a duplicate
-- Add "Hot" to tags since it's from that album.


-- Raise overall difficulty by 1 tick.

00:16:955 (2) - Clap start
00:19:527 (2) - Clap end.
00:23:812 (2,3) - This looks sloppy in game, move it from under the slider or make it directly under slider.
00:28:741 (2) - Start on white tick (00:28:527) imo the red tick isn't synced to anything might confuse new player.
00:30:455 (4) - ^ (00:30:241).
00:35:812 (3) - Clap start.
00:37:527 (3) - ^
00:38:598 (x) - Note + new combo. (Following your pattern)
00:38:812 (x) - ^
00:58:955 (4) - New combo (Following your pattern)
01:16:955 (2,3,4) - Too high... nothing wrong it just looks sloppy.
01:21:241 (3) - Spacing is too close.
01:30:241 (3) - Clap end.
01:32:384 (6) - Clap start.

Easy is a little sloppy if I'm honest.


00:48:884 (1) - Spacing. (Too far)
02:00:241 (4) - End on white tick (02:00:670)
02:15:241 (2) - Clap
02:47:384 (1) - Start spinner earlier, try and get it to be in sync with the kiai burst.


00:42:241 (x) - Note imo.
02:30:027 (x) - ^

It's okay but you could align notes so they look better.
elimina el archivo .osb de tu carpeta, ya que no etas usando ningun SB y full-submit

Pienso igual que Gens sobre el espacio, siendo la dificultad Hard seria mejor que los circulos estuvieran mas separados.
agrega un circulo aqui: 00:28:420 y quita el que esta aqui: 00:28:634 (3). Creo que el triple suena mejor asi.. prueba para ver si opinas igual.
00:48:884 (1,2,3,4) - has lo mismo aqui
00:50:598 (1,2,3,4) - ^
00:56:598 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - si tuvieras este nivel de espacio en todo el mapa, seria genial =D
01:01:098 (1) - este spinner suena mejor si termina en el tick blanco... me pregunto por que lo pusiste aqui? porque estaria muy cerca de la nota siguiente?
01:05:812 (1,2) - el 2 esta muy cerca del 1
01:12:562 - lo mismo que dice Shulin... no me gusta este inicio de kiai ><
02:13:098 (1) - lo mismo que el spinner anterior
02:24:348 (1) - no empieces los spinners en los ticks azules, a menos que sea necesario
02:31:205 (1) - ^

Lo mismo de los spinners en esta dificultad
02:00:241 (4) - termina este slider en el tick blanco siguiente

00:23:812 (2) - stackealo bien con el slider
00:28:312 (1,2,3,4) - no me gusta que pusiste los circulos en los ticks rojos.. esta algo dificil de leer para los principiantes
00:35:170 (1,2) - estas notas asi, me las encuentreo dificiles para un Easy
00:56:812 (1,2,3) - muevelas un beat antes
01:09:241 (1) - esta nota esta muy cerca del spinner
esta dificultad me parece que esta muy complicada para ser un easy, te aconsejo que uses notas cada 2 beats para asegurar que sea lo suficientemente facil.

ah un ultimo consejito para que se haga mas facil darle forma los sliders:
Usa pocos puntos, pero separados:

no como hiciste aqui, muchos puntos, todos muy cerca:

De esta forma los slider se hacen mas complicados de hacer, y no es seguro que el slidertengo una bonita forma =) aunque el tuyo quedo bastante bien xD

Star... buen trabajo en el mapita
nos hablamos por ahi!
Blue = Design/Minor issues. You do not have to change these if you don't want to.
Orange = Moderate issues. It would be best if you change these.
Red = Major issues. You need to change these

  1. Offset: 664 (just a tiny bit earlier than yours)
    1. In the tags, perhaps you could add "vocal" to them, to pad the tags out a little bit.

Looks good


'tis fine


Layout is a little boring, with a lot of stright lines of beats, and its a *little* overmapped, but it isn't bad. Nothing specific that I can complain about.

Not too bad. Layout isn't nothing special, but it is solid

Topic Starter
02:18:669 (6) - a bit off screen
ohters are all fine to me

no kds
Great song, take a star! :)
Letting you know that I won't accept mod requests from you anymore. (Yes, I'm lame.) But I can't bother to waste an hour n modding and then get nothing for it. Seriously. Anyways, nothing to say about this map. Go get this ranked. >.>
Sunny Holic
hihi~ my first modding.. i hope you like :)

background images have not 4:3 aspect ratio.. better to fix or change image :)
Spinners which end at red tick, use soft hit sound is better i think

00:24:241(3) - one grid left and one grid down
00:31:955(1,2,3) - is it jump? but it's easy.. maybe a spacing error
00:40:312(1) - ^
00:37:527(3) - add clap like 51:241(3) or make here like 51:241(3), same beat use same hitsound is better i think~
00:43:098(2,3) - add clap?
00:48:455(4,1,2) make these align?
01:00:884(1) - end at white tick in easy is better imo
01:18:241(1) - maybe a spacing error
01:20:384(2) - remove whistle and add clap in end?
01:23:812(2,4) - add clap?
01:26:384(2) - ^

00:43:955(5,6) - 5 add clap? 6 add only at first beat
00:47:812(5) - add clap at end?
01:10:836(1) - too close
01:12:241(2) - too far

00:44:705(12) - spacing?
00:48:134(10) - ^

add hit sound and kiai time
00:44:382(8,9) - one gird up?


Sunny Holic wrote:

add hit sound and kiai time
00:44:382(8,9) - one gird up?
Already started, I ll submit when is finish <3
Sunny Holic
this song's name is 나만 바라봐. mean 'only look at me'
Ok todo listo..
Hitsounds completos =)

Download: Taeyang - Look Only At Me (_llkey_18) [Lizbeth's Insane].osu
Yuji Tokaji
Good map.

Colin Hou
  1. K-pop is not necessary in tags imo, after ranked the genre will be like Pop (Korean)
  1. 00:18:425 (T) - a note here
  2. 00:18:853 (1) - hidden note?
  1. 00:27:425 (3,4,1) - too close
  2. 00:32:567 (4) - almost in the HP bar.
[Lizbeth's Hard]:
  1. 00:59:567 (3) - 3 grids up
  2. nice diff :3
01:45:210 (1,2) - Make these more good.

00:34:925 (1) - Place this note on the centre of the grid.

01:08:996 (1) - Place this on the centre of the grid.

Colin Hou
:| NEVER ask me to mod any of your maps again, seriously.
Nice map, like always :3

A veeeeery little IRC mod, told him about increasing Slider Velocity on Normal diff, it would probably make the diff look like a Hard, but it Lizbeth's diff is labeled as Hard, Normal can still be called Normal xP Also, don't kudosu this, it was a so, so little thing, not worth it xD

*star* <3
New request since the other one got ranked >_<
Get rid of "Short ver" since you just cut it yourself, its not like it's an official shorter version (and fix thread name too~)
mp3 is cut weird, oh well... at least there's fade out :S

00:39:210 (3) - imo, remove this, the 1/4 sliders before this made me thing the vocal here is 1/4 too D:
00:52:067 - add note (with new combo)? (though I don't want more notes, I'm just saying this since 00:48:639 (1) and 00:50:353 (1) are pretty much the same)
>_< meh, would prefer you follow vocal less, but okay
and... kiai times are silly :X

00:40:067 (5) - new combo for new vocal verse? maybe
01:58:282 (4,1,2) - right a tick?~ (2-3-4's spacing and 1-2-3's alignment)
Felt there were missing claps..
01:17:996 (1) - clap at end? (similar part before had this)
01:29:996 (4) - ^ (compared to music)
01:50:996 (4) - clap on start and end? (compared to the sliders in the two combos before)
Again, I think the kiai is kinda silly ._.;

This is good, so I could only nazi ><~
00:52:710 (3,4) - nazi- spacing (4-5-6 right a tick)
01:02:139 (1-2-3, 1-2-3 ,1-2-3) - nazi- I say intentionally have these look like they're rising (01:03:424 (1,2,3) up a tick) or align these patterns (01:02:139 (1,2,3) up a tick then) (moving 01:03:424 would look better imo)
01:31:924 (3,4) - spacing? or intentional
01:49:282 (4) - "spacing" (compared to 1-2-3) and would this be better as a .5x slider to fit the stepping pattern here?
02:20:996 (1) - align with 2 or make 4 a slant?
02:23:567 (3) - align? (make the line straight)
None of those nazi points matter, the maps great ><~
Not too sure about the kiai time length...

Didn't like the soft whistle+clap notes...
Topic Starter

Shinxyn wrote:

New request since the other one got ranked >_<
Get rid of "Short ver" since you just cut it yourself, its not like it's an official shorter version (and fix thread name too~)
mp3 is cut weird, oh well... at least there's fade out :S

00:39:210 (3) - imo, remove this, the 1/4 sliders before this made me thing the vocal here is 1/4 too D:
00:52:067 - add note (with new combo)? (though I don't want more notes, I'm just saying this since 00:48:639 (1) and 00:50:353 (1) are pretty much the same)
>_< meh, would prefer you follow vocal less, but okay
and... kiai times are silly :X

00:40:067 (5) - new combo for new vocal verse? maybe
01:58:282 (4,1,2) - right a tick?~ (2-3-4's spacing and 1-2-3's alignment)
Felt there were missing claps..
01:17:996 (1) - clap at end? (similar part before had this)
01:29:996 (4) - ^ (compared to music)
01:50:996 (4) - clap on start and end? (compared to the sliders in the two combos before)
Again, I think the kiai is kinda silly ._.;

This is good, so I could only nazi ><~
00:52:710 (3,4) - nazi- spacing (4-5-6 right a tick)
01:02:139 (1-2-3, 1-2-3 ,1-2-3) - nazi- I say intentionally have these look like they're rising (01:03:424 (1,2,3) up a tick) or align these patterns (01:02:139 (1,2,3) up a tick then) (moving 01:03:424 would look better imo)
01:31:924 (3,4) - spacing? or intentional [url]done[/url]
01:49:282 (4) - "spacing" (compared to 1-2-3) and would this be better as a .5x slider to fit the stepping pattern here?
02:20:996 (1) - align with 2 or make 4 a slant?[url]done[/url]
02:23:567 (3) - align? (make the line straight) [urldone][/url]
None of those nazi points matter, the maps great ><~
Not too sure about the kiai time length...

Didn't like the soft whistle+clap notes...
little change at the start ^^ easy normal done "Didn't like the soft whistle+clap notes" fixed, KIAI fixed
Fine ><~
Topic Starter
thank you so much ^_^
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