
amazarashi - Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku -Tokyo Ghoul Ro

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 03 April 2015 at 12:16:04

Artist: amazarashi
Title: Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku -Tokyo Ghoul Root A Edit-
Source: 東京喰種 トーキョーグール√A
Tags: tokyo ghoul root a season 2 ending Seasons die one after another
BPM: 181
Filesize: 13140kb
Play Time: 01:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.44 stars, 101 notes)
  2. Hard (3.18 stars, 226 notes)
  3. Insane (4.18 stars, 315 notes)
  4. Normal (2.01 stars, 131 notes)
Download: amazarashi - Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku -Tokyo Ghoul Root A Edit-
Download: amazarashi - Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku -Tokyo Ghoul Root A Edit- (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

*If you downloaded this map before 02/04/2015, please re-download it

東京喰種 トーキョーグール√A ED Theme
amazarashi - 季節は次々死んでいく -東京喰種トーキョーグール√A Edit-

Special Thanks to
  1. -Bakari-
  2. Atrue
  3. -Nya-
  4. Gaia
  5. Sieg
  6. KSHR
  7. Gamu
  8. wendao
  9. Haruto_Aizawa
  10. theramdans
  11. farel12345
  12. No Dap
  13. ByBy_ChAn
  14. -Dave Strider-
  15. RzHr
  16. CelsiusLK
  17. Sky Trias
  18. mrturtle99
  19. SoGa
  20. monstrata
  21. Setsurei
  22. Peachtrees
  23. Neil Leo
  24. Fort
  25. Sognux
  26. Squirrel
  27. jloughman14
  28. NeK0Nyqn
  29. JBHyperion

so i played your insane diff the day before yesterday and i thought it was fine, but now i updated and it's all out of sync, just wondering what happened? i tested it a little bit and 180 bpm and 115 offset seem to be the best although i think i goes a little slower later (like 179 ish)
Topic Starter
I'm sorry. I changed the MP3 >_<
Please re-download >_<
No problem man, i'm just glad there's someone who's actually making a Nice map with this beautiful song. :)
Topic Starter
Thanks :D
Here's my mod
asdf - nazi or suggestion
asdf - unrankable issue

  1. Where's the background ? Maybe the BG is missed . Open song's folder , take the BG from your map's folder and then insert it in editor
  2. Combo3 is pureblack which is unrankable . Instead use this colour :
    Combo3 : 128,0,0
    and for Combo1 and Combo2 why you not use these colours :
    Combo1 : 0,128,192
    Combo2 : 128,128,192
    It will be more easier to player find objects during FL because the colours are brighter
  3. You have some unused hitsounds . Use them or remove them

  1. 00:10:879(1)- Move the red gap to x:124 y:128 and then the second grey gap to x:156 y:168 and then the last gery gap to x:196 y:220 for a better flow and cursor movement I guess
  2. 00:24:139(3)- Add NC because there's new vocals then remove NC form next object
  3. 00:25:133(1)- Move the circle to x:340 y:298 to make a blanket with the previous slider if you want . The blanket should be like in this pic
  4. 00:26:459(4)- Instead adding a 1/4 slider , you can replace it with a note to follow the piano rhythm and the vocal
  5. 00:27:454(1)- ~ 00:30:769(4)- Maybe you should remap this part because these sliders don't follow the piano rhythm and vocal very well . Delete all objects from that part and begin that part from 00:26:791()- to follow good the vocal and the piano
  6. 00:45:354(1)- It will be more cooler imo if you move the middle gap to x:288 y:120 and then the last gap to x:324 y:136 for a better cursor movement I guess
  7. 01:02:592(2,1)- Try this to improve the cursor movement
  8. 01:07:896(3)- Can you move the last gap to x:433 y:220 to make a perfect slider ? Ehh just in my opinion
  9. 01:25:133(1,2)- Make these 1/4 sliders more curve and then move (2)- to x:179 y:157 for a good pattern like in this pic

Continue later with Normal and Hard :3
Topic Starter
Umm,,,, sorry. I can't reply one per one of your mods. There's something i accept and i don't accept it. But for the general, i accept all of them.

ByBy_ChAn wrote:

Here's my mod
asdf - nazi or suggestion
asdf - unrankable issue

  1. Where's the background ? Maybe the BG is missed . Open song's folder , take the BG from your map's folder and then insert it in editor
  2. Combo3 is pureblack which is unrankable . Instead use this colour :
    Combo3 : 128,0,0
    and for Combo1 and Combo2 why you not use these colours :
    Combo1 : 0,128,192
    Combo2 : 128,128,192
    It will be more easier to player find objects during FL because the colours are brighter
  3. You have some unused hitsounds . Use them or remove them

  1. 00:10:879(1)- Move the red gap to x:124 y:128 and then the second grey gap to x:156 y:168 and then the last gery gap to x:196 y:220 for a better flow and cursor movement I guess
  2. 00:24:139(3)- Add NC because there's new vocals then remove NC form next object
  3. 00:25:133(1)- Move the circle to x:340 y:298 to make a blanket with the previous slider if you want . The blanket should be like in this pic
00:26:459(4)- Instead adding a 1/4 slider , you can replace it with a note to follow the piano rhythm and the vocal00:27:454(1)- ~ 00:30:769(4)- Maybe you should remap this part because these sliders don't follow the piano rhythm and vocal very well . Delete all objects from that part and begin that part from 00:26:791()- to follow good the vocal and the piano00:45:354(1)- It will be more cooler imo if you move the middle gap to x:288 y:120 and then the last gap to x:324 y:136 for a better cursor movement I guess01:02:592(2,1)- Try this to improve the cursor movement
01:07:896(3)- Can you move the last gap to x:433 y:220 to make a perfect slider ? Ehh just in my opinion01:25:133(1,2)- Make these 1/4 sliders more curve and then move (2)- to x:179 y:157 for a good pattern like in this pic

Continue later with Normal and Hard :3
[ Shamwow ]
from my queue!

+maybe if you changed 00:12:204 (1,2,3) to something like this it would sound better with the song
+if you shorten 00:28:116 (2) enough so that 00:28:945 (3) can be moved to 00:28:779 without the two overlapping it sounds a lot better
+removing 00:55:630 (4) and moving 00:55:961 (1) to 00:55:630 and adding a note at 00:56:624 sounds good, but if you don't want to change this you don't have to!

+00:27:287 (2,3) - these dont sound good to me, maybe move 00:27:287 (2) to 00:27:453 and add a circle at 00:27:287, then remove 00:27:784 (3) and add a circle at 00:27:952 and move 00:28:282 (4) up to 00:28:116 and move up the other notes after that accordingly (this sounds really long so if this confuses you heres a screenshot)
+removing 00:47:674 (3,4) and moving 00:47:177 (2) to 00:47:342 sounds better
+removing 00:48:503 (2) and making 00:48:005 (1) a repeat slider sounds better

i couldn't find many real mistakes from this map, only notes that could sound better if they were placed differently. these suggestions are mostly optional but if you apply them, they'll go a lot better with the song overall. good luck!
Topic Starter

-Dave Strider- wrote:

Your mods. Thanks :D
from my queue!

+maybe if you changed 00:12:204 (1,2,3) to something like this it would sound better with the song - fixed
+if you shorten 00:28:116 (2) enough so that 00:28:945 (3) can be moved to 00:28:779 without the two overlapping it sounds a lot better - fixed
+removing 00:55:630 (4) and moving 00:55:961 (1) to 00:55:630 and adding a note at 00:56:624 sounds good, but if you don't want to change this you don't have to! - yes, i don't have to change this :3

+00:27:287 (2,3) - these dont sound good to me, maybe move 00:27:287 (2) to 00:27:453 and add a circle at 00:27:287, then remove 00:27:784 (3) and add a circle at 00:27:952 and move 00:28:282 (4) up to 00:28:116 and move up the other notes after that accordingly (this sounds really long so if this confuses you heres a screenshot) - fixed in another way :3
+removing 00:47:674 (3,4) and moving 00:47:177 (2) to 00:47:342 sounds better - fixed
+removing 00:48:503 (2) and making 00:48:005 (1) a repeat slider sounds better - fixed

i couldn't find many real mistakes from this map, only notes that could sound better if they were placed differently. these suggestions are mostly optional but if you apply them, they'll go a lot better with the song overall. good luck! THANKS :D
Thanks for modding :3
  1. Ubah nama file BGnya ke yang tulisan biasa aja, soalnya dibeberapa komputer (mungkin) hurufnya ga bisa muncul gitu & hapus 1 BG yang ga kepake :>
  2. Centang "Letterbox during breaks"
  3. Mungkin nama karakter yang ada di BG bisa ditambahin ke tag ?
  4. Cuma saran sih :> Combo Coloursnya, coba ganti warna salah satu Combo 1 atopun Combo 2, soalnya hampir sama warnanya. Sama tambahin warna lagi, paling engga sampe Combo 4?
Easy :
  1. 00:45:353 (1) - Mungkin sudutnya agak diturunin dikit ?
  2. 01:06:569 (1,2) - mungkin entah gimana caranya... agak arahin kekanan gitu, soalnya combo 3nya ada disebelah kanan
Normal :
  1. 00:02:922 (1,2,3) - bad flow, ubah arahnya
  2. 00:26:790 (1,2) - ganti bentuk slidernya mungkin ? bentuknya ga ngejelasin suara apapun
  3. 00:43:364 (2,3) - perbaiki blanketnya
  4. 00:53:309 (1) - mungkin agak dibikin melengkung ke arah combo selanjutnya ?
  5. 00:55:630 (3,1) - perbaiki blanketnya
  6. 01:03:917 (1,2) - ^
Hard :
  1. 00:03:585 (2,3) - perbaiki blanketnya
  2. 00:29:276 (4,5) - ^
  3. 00:55:630 (4,5,1) - mungkin dibuat blanket ? :D
  4. 00:48:834 (2,3,4) - geser kekiri dikit,
Insane :
  1. 00:15:851 (5,1) - perbaiki blanketnya
  2. 01:27:784 (1,2) - ganti spinner aja, buat nyamain semua diffnya
  3. 01:00:933 (1,2,3,4) - overmapped menurutku, dan ga terlalu cocok disini
  4. 01:13:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^... cuma saran, mungkin 01:13:862 (1,2,3,4,5) - diganti jadi 1 slider aja
GL :D semoga membantu
Topic Starter

RzHr wrote:

  1. Ubah nama file BGnya ke yang tulisan biasa aja, soalnya dibeberapa komputer (mungkin) hurufnya ga bisa muncul gitu & hapus 1 BG yang ga kepake :> - di tempat aku cuma ada satu BG kok. hapus aja itu BG yg lama, yang tulisannya gak kebaca
  2. Centang "Letterbox during breaks" - okay
  3. Mungkin nama karakter yang ada di BG bisa ditambahin ke tag ? - yes
  4. Cuma saran sih :> Combo Coloursnya, coba ganti warna salah satu Combo 1 atopun Combo 2, soalnya hampir sama warnanya. Sama tambahin warna lagi, paling engga sampe Combo 4? - changed to gray and added one combocolour
Easy :
  1. 00:45:353 (1) - Mungkin sudutnya agak diturunin dikit ? - gatau ke fix atau nggak, ck ulang mungkin :3
  2. 01:06:569 (1,2) - mungkin entah gimana caranya... agak arahin kekanan gitu, soalnya combo 3nya ada disebelah kanan - Tiada cara untuk melakukannya ._.
Normal :
  1. 00:02:922 (1,2,3) - bad flow, ubah arahnya - okay
  2. 00:26:790 (1,2) - ganti bentuk slidernya mungkin ? bentuknya ga ngejelasin suara apapun - NOPE! Aku sengaja bikin ini slider, capek tau >_<
  3. 00:43:364 (2,3) - perbaiki blanketnya - okay
  4. 00:53:309 (1) - mungkin agak dibikin melengkung ke arah combo selanjutnya ? gatau ke fix apa nggak
  5. 00:55:630 (3,1) - perbaiki blanketnya - yes
  6. 01:03:917 (1,2) - ^ - :3
Hard :
  1. 00:03:585 (2,3) - perbaiki blanketnya - okeyy
  2. 00:29:276 (4,5) - ^ - fixed in another way :3
  3. 00:55:630 (4,5,1) - mungkin dibuat blanket ? :D - fixed in another way
  4. 00:48:834 (2,3,4) - geser kekiri dikit, - fixed
Insane :
  1. 00:15:851 (5,1) - perbaiki blanketnya - okay
  2. 01:27:784 (1,2) - ganti spinner aja, buat nyamain semua diffnya - :3
  3. 01:00:933 (1,2,3,4) - overmapped menurutku, dan ga terlalu cocok disini - everything has changed
  4. 01:13:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^... cuma saran, mungkin 01:13:862 (1,2,3,4,5) - diganti jadi 1 slider aja - noooo
GL :D semoga membantu - THANKS!
Thanks for mod
  1. I can't see any bg in editor it might because you use special symbol for bg's name in song folder consider changing "tokyo ghoul •A" to "BG" or what you what it to be named and also change it in .osu notepad too
  2. Uncheck widescreen support
  3. The usage of hitsound is pretty low consider make use of hitsounds
  1. 00:02:922 (1) - Ctrl+G for better flow ?
  2. 00:22:978 (3,4) - How about make it like this so it can flow better ?
  3. 00:31:431 (4,5) - This should snap 1/4 , I guess
  4. 00:43:696 (5,1) - I don't see any reason to use jumps here
  5. 00:52:812 (4) - NC for change in spacing ?
  6. 00:53:972 - This beat can be emphasized more , it play better if you make this beat clickable
  7. 01:02:259 (4,5) - Ctrl+G rhythm here and it flow better imo
  8. 01:07:232 (1) - Ctrl+G for better flow ?
  9. 01:22:480 (1,2) - Bad overlap imo
  1. 00:08:061 (7) - x=196 for perfect square shape here 00:07:563 (4,5,6,7) -
  2. 00:19:166 (5) - NC ?
  3. 00:28:779 (3,4) - The jumps here may be a bit too sudden for hard
  4. 00:55:961 (1) - Ctrl+G for better flow ?
  1. 00:01:596 (4) - This sound better I guess
  • SV=0.85x? so that there is a bit different between normal and easy
  1. 00:25:795 (2,3) - Blanket ?
Good luck :)
Topic Starter

CelsiusLK wrote:

  1. I can't see any bg in editor it might because you use special symbol for bg's name in song folder consider changing "tokyo ghoul •A" to "BG" or what you what it to be named and also change it in .osu notepad too - fixed, so re-download it
  2. Uncheck widescreen support - unchecked
  3. The usage of hitsound is pretty low consider make use of hitsounds - consider this, if any modders commented this again, so i will search the hitsounds
  1. 00:02:922 (1) - Ctrl+G for better flow ? - OK
  2. 00:22:978 (3,4) - How about make it like this so it can flow better ? - OK
  3. 00:31:431 (4,5) - This should snap 1/4 , I guess - fixed in another way i think
  4. 00:43:696 (5,1) - I don't see any reason to use jumps here - No changes, this is good
  5. 00:52:812 (4) - NC for change in spacing ? - OK
  6. 00:53:972 - This beat can be emphasized more , it play better if you make this beat clickable - ok
  7. 01:02:259 (4,5) - Ctrl+G rhythm here and it flow better imo - ok
  8. 01:07:232 (1) - Ctrl+G for better flow ? - ok
  9. 01:22:480 (1,2) - Bad overlap imo - ok
  1. 00:08:061 (7) - x=196 for perfect square shape here 00:07:563 (4,5,6,7) - ok
  2. 00:19:166 (5) - NC ? - ok
  3. 00:28:779 (3,4) - The jumps here may be a bit too sudden for hard - ok
  4. 00:55:961 (1) - Ctrl+G for better flow ? - ok, but it's more harder then :3
  1. 00:01:596 (4) - This sound better I guess - ok
  • SV=0.85x? so that there is a bit different between normal and easy - tired to changes this, but it has been changed
  1. 00:25:795 (2,3) - Blanket ? - i think this is good. No blanket
Good luck :) - THANKS! :3
Sky Trias
Hi! From -[Trias's STD Modding Queue]-

( Special Mods! Indonesian Player ;) )

  • [General]
  1. Tags : kaneki-kun rize-chan touka-chan ( just : kaneki rize touka ) no need kun / chan ;)
  2. Background : bg.jpg is 1365x768, which differs from the recommended size of 1366x768 / 1024x768.
  3. Title : Should add ( TV Size ) but since you put tv size in tags so no problem about the title ;)
  4. Extra : Where's the hitsound ?
  • [ Easy]
  1. Where's the hitsound ?
  2. 00:57:287 (2,3) - Blanked
  3. 00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - you can mapped over here cause this is TV Size ;)
  4. 00:58:613 (1,2) - Swap NC
  • [ Normal]
  1. 00:02:922 (1,2,3) - Straighten
  2. 00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - same as easy .. please mapped this part ;)
  3. 01:04:580 (2,3,4) - fix the flow please
  • [ Hard]
  1. 00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - same as easy .. please mapped this part ;)
  2. 00:46:514 (4,1) - blanked
  3. 01:07:895 (5,6) - ^
  4. 01:09:221 (1) - remove NC here . NC should start at 01:09:552 (2)
  • [ Insane]
  1. 00:05:491 - add not here
  2. 00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - same as easy .. please mapped this part ;)
  3. 00:58:199 - ^
  4. 01:22:149 (5) - Ctrl+G
  5. 01:24:469 (6) - ^
Sorry short modding .. :o
GL! NewIpas :D
Topic Starter

Sky Trias wrote:

Hi! From -[Trias's STD Modding Queue]-

( Special Mods! Indonesian Player ;) )

  • [General]
  1. Tags : kaneki-kun rize-chan touka-chan ( just : kaneki rize touka ) no need kun / chan ;) ok
  2. Background : bg.jpg is 1365x768, which differs from the recommended size of 1366x768 / 1024x768. fixed
  3. Title : Should add ( TV Size ) but since you put tv size in tags so no problem about the title ;) :3
  4. Extra : Where's the hitsound ?
will search for this. NOTE: I just use normal-htinormal for hitsounding now

  • [ Easy]
  1. Where's the hitsound ? will search for this
  2. 00:57:287 (2,3) - Blanked no
  3. 00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - you can mapped over here cause this is TV Size ;) no. I has mapped here before, but, it's not too balance with the song because the sound at this part is too low
  4. 00:58:613 (1,2) - Swap NC ok
  • [ Normal]
  1. 00:02:922 (1,2,3) - Straighten dunno if this fixed or not
  2. 00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - same as easy .. please mapped this part ;) same as easy
  3. 01:04:580 (2,3,4) - fix the flow please dunno how to fix it
  • [ Hard]
  1. 00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - same as easy .. please mapped this part ;) same as easy
  2. 00:46:514 (4,1) - blanked no
  3. 01:07:895 (5,6) - ^ no
  4. 01:09:221 (1) - remove NC here . NC should start at 01:09:552 (2) ok
  • [ Insane]
  1. 00:05:491 - add not here ok
  2. 00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - same as easy .. please mapped this part ;) same as easy
  3. 00:58:199 - ^ ok
  4. 01:22:149 (5) - Ctrl+G ok
  5. 01:24:469 (6) - ^ ok
Sorry short modding .. :o No problem
GL! NewIpas :D THANKS! :D
Hi from my modding queue~
00:55:961 (1) - maybe take off NC here and put NC on 00:57:287 (2) - to match when singer switches phrases
00:26:458 (4) - I think there should be a clap here to match the HS rhythm
00:32:094 (6) - I think there should be a NC here
00:04:580 (1,2,3) - here I think the NC should start on 00:04:911 (3) - , not on 00:04:580 (1) -
00:32:094 (5) - I think this should be a NC
Sorry for short mod, but map looks nice, hope this gets ranked soon
Topic Starter

mrturtle99 wrote:

Hi from my modding queue~
00:55:961 (1) - maybe take off NC here and put NC on 00:57:287 (2) - to match when singer switches phrases ok
00:26:458 (4) - I think there should be a clap here to match the HS rhythm thanks
00:32:094 (6) - I think there should be a NC here ok
00:04:580 (1,2,3) - here I think the NC should start on 00:04:911 (3) - , not on 00:04:580 (1) - no changes
00:32:094 (5) - I think this should be a NC ok
Sorry for short mod (no problem), but map looks nice (thanks), hope this gets ranked soon (THANKS!)
Thanks for your modding :3 Also thanks for the STAR! :3


  1. Consider to add a normal-slide1
  2. Add Audio lead-in to 1500 or 2000


  1. Maybe change it to AR3.5 or AR4 ?
  2. as general mentioned , i would add a normal-slide1 tho
  3. 00:03:585 (2,3,4) - get a hit-whistle for this one
  4. 00:05:574 (1) - Try to add a Finish here
  5. 00:10:878 (1,2,1) - u can try to add a finish on the slider-head
  6. 00:18:503 (3) - Delete this one , or just delete the clap .
  7. 00:17:177 if here has no note , why would u add a note here ?00:18:503 (3) - just for consistency , add on both side , or delete for both side
  8. 00:23:144 (2) - Maybe add a note here ?
  9. 00:29:110 Add a note here or just put this into a slider 00:28:779 (3) -
  10. 00:25:132 (1,2) - Swap NC here
  11. 00:27:453 (1,2) - Swap NC again
  12. 00:45:353 (1) - Finish on slider-head
  13. 00:53:309 (1) - Add a Finish on slider-head and just turn this slider in to a 1/2 slider
  14. 00:54:635 (2) - Finish
  15. 00:58:613 (3) - ^
  16. 00:59:276 (1,2) - Swap NC
  17. 01:01:265 (1) - Finish on slider-head
  18. 01:09:221 (1) - ^
  19. 01:11:873 (1) - ^
  20. 01:27:784 (1) - Maybe start at the red tick ? 01:27:619

    Actually from the Kiai time u can use 2/4 claps tho


  1. 00:05:574 (1) - Finish
  2. 00:10:878 (1) - ^
  3. 00:12:204 (1) - ^
  4. 00:13:530 (1) - Whistle on repeat and maybe change the additions to drum
  5. 00:16:182 (1) - Finish
  6. 00:16:845 (2) - i would put this slider to a opposite way instead
  7. 00:18:503 (3) - Move this one blanket with 00:16:182 (1) - and then stack this two 00:18:503 (3,2) -
  8. 00:22:480 (2) - Whistle on slider-head
  9. 00:23:475 (3) - Whistle
  10. 00:25:132 (2) - ^
  11. 00:28:779 (3) - Maybe u can change this slider to 2 notes
  12. 00:29:442 (4) - NC
  13. 00:32:094 Can i ask for what is this inherited Points working ? if it doesn't work dat much , pls delete it
  14. 00:43:364 (2,3) - Blanket it and then blanket this one 00:44:690 (4,1) - u will get such pattern
  15. 00:50:657 (1) - Maybe add a finish here
  16. 00:53:309 (1) - ^
  17. 00:56:956 (2) - Delete this slider and add a note here 00:57:121 (2) -
  18. 00:57:287 (3) - Finish
  19. 00:58:613 (5) - Finish and NC
  20. 01:13:862 Add a 1/1 slider or maybe just add 2 notes 01:14:193
  21. 01:25:132 (1) - Finish


  1. Why don't u just start using 2/4 claps at the begin
  2. 00:04:248 (3,2) - Just stack these two in
  3. 00:07:563 (4,5,6,7) - I prefer this instead a square
  4. 00:45:188 (7) - Nazi , put this a little up
  5. 00:52:978 (3,4) - Why is this 2 stacked ? spread it out .
  6. 00:58:282 (4) - Clap on head and Finish on tail
  7. 01:03:585 (1) - It's a bit weird starting 2/4 clap lmao ,why don't u just start from the kiai lol
  8. 01:27:784 Maybe just change the sample set to Soft ?


  1. 00:02:094 (1,2) - Actually u don't have to jump here . Maybe is just too sudden for a begin
  2. 00:14:856 (1,2,3,4) - Since these set add clap , why don't u do the same thing to 00:16:679 (2,3,4,2,3,4) - ?
  3. 00:52:812 (1,2) - Don't stack this 2 , if u didn't stack this one 00:53:143 (3) - ,there is a cymbal sounds tho
  4. 00:55:298 (3) - Use this rhythm ? 00:54:635 (1,2) -
  5. 01:00:602 (4) - Maybe Ctrl + G this one

End , good map and good song tho , i wanted to do this but seems like someone do it >_>

Good luck ;w;
Topic Starter

SoGa wrote:



  1. Consider to add a normal-slide1
  2. Add Audio lead-in to 1500 or 2000


  1. Maybe change it to AR3.5 or AR4 ?
  2. as general mentioned , i would add a normal-slide1 tho
  3. 00:03:585 (2,3,4) - get a hit-whistle for this one
  4. 00:05:574 (1) - Try to add a Finish here
  5. 00:10:878 (1,2,1) - u can try to add a finish on the slider-head
  6. 00:18:503 (3) - Delete this one , or just delete the clap .
  7. 00:17:177 if here has no note , why would u add a note here ?00:18:503 (3) - just for consistency , add on both side , or delete for both side
  8. 00:23:144 (2) - Maybe add a note here ?
  9. 00:29:110 Add a note here or just put this into a slider 00:28:779 (3) -
  10. 00:25:132 (1,2) - Swap NC here
  11. 00:27:453 (1,2) - Swap NC again
  12. 00:45:353 (1) - Finish on slider-head
  13. 00:53:309 (1) - Add a Finish on slider-head and just turn this slider in to a 1/2 slider
  14. 00:54:635 (2) - Finish
  15. 00:58:613 (3) - ^
  16. 00:59:276 (1,2) - Swap NC
  17. 01:01:265 (1) - Finish on slider-head
  18. 01:09:221 (1) - ^
  19. 01:11:873 (1) - ^
  20. 01:27:784 (1) - Maybe start at the red tick ? 01:27:619

    Actually from the Kiai time u can use 2/4 claps tho


  1. 00:05:574 (1) - Finish
  2. 00:10:878 (1) - ^
  3. 00:12:204 (1) - ^
  4. 00:13:530 (1) - Whistle on repeat and maybe change the additions to drum
  5. 00:16:182 (1) - Finish
  6. 00:16:845 (2) - i would put this slider to a opposite way instead
  7. 00:18:503 (3) - Move this one blanket with 00:16:182 (1) - and then stack this two 00:18:503 (3,2) -
  8. 00:22:480 (2) - Whistle on slider-head
  9. 00:23:475 (3) - Whistle
  10. 00:25:132 (2) - ^
  11. 00:28:779 (3) - Maybe u can change this slider to 2 notes
  12. 00:29:442 (4) - NC
  13. 00:32:094 Can i ask for what is this inherited Points working ? if it doesn't work dat much , pls delete it
  14. 00:43:364 (2,3) - Blanket it and then blanket this one 00:44:690 (4,1) - u will get such pattern
  15. 00:50:657 (1) - Maybe add a finish here
  16. 00:53:309 (1) - ^
  17. 00:56:956 (2) - Delete this slider and add a note here 00:57:121 (2) -
  18. 00:57:287 (3) - Finish
  19. 00:58:613 (5) - Finish and NC
  20. 01:13:862 Add a 1/1 slider or maybe just add 2 notes 01:14:193
  21. 01:25:132 (1) - Finish


  1. Why don't u just start using 2/4 claps at the begin
  2. 00:04:248 (3,2) - Just stack these two in
  3. 00:07:563 (4,5,6,7) - I prefer this instead a square
  4. 00:45:188 (7) - Nazi , put this a little up
  5. 00:52:978 (3,4) - Why is this 2 stacked ? spread it out .
  6. 00:58:282 (4) - Clap on head and Finish on tail
  7. 01:03:585 (1) - It's a bit weird starting 2/4 clap lmao ,why don't u just start from the kiai lol
  8. 01:27:784 Maybe just change the sample set to Soft ?


  1. 00:02:094 (1,2) - Actually u don't have to jump here . Maybe is just too sudden for a begin
  2. 00:14:856 (1,2,3,4) - Since these set add clap , why don't u do the same thing to 00:16:679 (2,3,4,2,3,4) - ?
  3. 00:52:812 (1,2) - Don't stack this 2 , if u didn't stack this one 00:53:143 (3) - ,there is a cymbal sounds tho
  4. 00:55:298 (3) - Use this rhythm ? 00:54:635 (1,2) -
  5. 01:00:602 (4) - Maybe Ctrl + G this one

End , good map and good song tho , i wanted to do this but seems like someone do it >_>

Good luck ;w;
I'm sorry, i can't reply your mods. But, you can take a look what i accept and i don't accept
soooo late lol~ From my queue :3 Good luck! Nice song.


00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - Why is there a break here... You don't need a break on a TV-Size...
01:17:177 - 01:25:132 - Again Why are there breaks? Especially on the Easy and Normal, it feels weird to have another 8 second break only to have to play another 3 notes on Easy. Don't be lazy and map these out :P.


00:06:237 (1,2) - This is really undermapped compared to the rest of your intro in the section... Really consider making these two 1/1 sliders 1/2 sliders etc... more consistent with the rest of your rhythmic pattern.
00:32:094 - This is already a TV-size, you don't need to have a 10 second break. Please map this out, even if it's with a simpler rhythm.
00:51:983 (1,2,3) - These aren't evenly spaced. Scale them out and you'll see.
01:00:933 (5) - Ctrl+G bettter flow into 1 too.
01:03:088 (2) - Why not take slider 1 and Ctrl+J instead? It would flow better.
01:14:856 - Map a slider here too? And shorten 01:14:525 (9) - ? You can use two 1/2 sliders instead of a 1/1 slider, so there isn't such an awkward gap before going into 01:15:188 (1) -


00:10:215 (4,5) - Check stacks.
00:15:519 (1,2,3,4) - Why not make 3, 4, parallel to 1, 2?
00:46:016 (3,4) - This plays kind of awkwardly... You should shorten 00:46:016 (3) - to a 1/2 slider and begin the next slider at 00:46:348 - . That way you can map 00:46:679 - . Which begins on the next measure instead of mapping it to a slider-end.
01:26:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe this arrangement might look better. Up to you~


00:26:790 (1,2) - Why wiggle sliders on a Normal? It's basically the same as a change in SV which isn't recommended on Normal. Also, you don't use these wiggle sliders for the same melody in 00:16:182 (1,2) - . So this creates an inconsistency that you should also consider.
00:55:630 (3,1) - Wouldn't hurt to blanket them
00:58:613 (1) - Remove NC.
01:13:199 (5,6) - Check blanket.


00:15:519 (3,1) - Fix blanket.
00:17:508 (2,1) - ^
01:25:795 (2,3) - ^

Not much wrong rhythmically on Easy, nice.
sorry for the delay!
normal-hitwhistle's hit-hat cymbals sounds too loud,
especially on the intro (00:04:746 - to 00:05:409 - ) and (00:10:381 - to 00:10:712 - )
also these part:
00:31:596 - 00:31:762 -
00:52:646 - 00:53:143 -
mind reducing the volume?

00:31:431 - inconsistency hitsound on this part (H & I)
00:00:271 (1) - you can make something awesome on this long slider (slider art)
00:16:182 (1) - fix the blanket well
00:17:508 (2) - ^
00:18:834 (1) - ^
00:24:138 (3) - ^
00:25:795 (1,2) - ^
01:26:458 (3) - fix the pararel blanket
00:00:271 (1,2,3) - rearrange all these, so 00:01:596 (4) - can be moved to the right, to flow better with 00:02:259 (5) -
00:26:790 (1,2) - this kind of slider is unrankable right now, as the speed is different (I just know it when I rank Liar Mask)
00:42:701 (1) - it is better to curve this up, to blanket paralel with 00:43:364 (2) -
00:50:326 (4) - delete? overmap
00:18:005 (2,3,4) - strong beats are on the white tick, please refrain on using the end slider
00:10:878 (1) - fix blanket
00:29:442 (5) - ^
00:30:436 (1) - ^
00:49:000 (3,4) - stack tail properly like what you did at the front
00:55:961 (1) - fix blanket
01:26:790 (3) - 348|108; 01:26:956 (4) - 264|116
00:45:353 (1,2,3,4,5) - I know you want to make this symmetry, so move this instead 00:45:188 (5) - at 312|220 so it flows better
00:47:508 (6,7) - ctrl G? gives jump to the incoming 00:47:840 (1) -
01:27:287 (1,2,3,4,5) - overmapped, delete 01:27:287 (1,2,4) -

much nazi mod
good luck
Topic Starter

monstrata wrote:

Your mods
soooo late lol~ From my queue :3 Good luck! Nice song.


00:32:094 - 00:41:375 - Why is there a break here... You don't need a break on a TV-Size... ok
01:17:177 - 01:25:132 - Again Why are there breaks? Especially on the Easy and Normal, it feels weird to have another 8 second break only to have to play another 3 notes on Easy. Don't be lazy and map these out :P. lol. ok


00:06:237 (1,2) - This is really undermapped compared to the rest of your intro in the section... Really consider making these two 1/1 sliders 1/2 sliders etc... more consistent with the rest of your rhythmic pattern. i don't know how to fix this. would you take look what i've changed at this?
00:32:094 - This is already a TV-size, you don't need to have a 10 second break. Please map this out, even if it's with a simpler rhythm. ok
00:51:983 (1,2,3) - These aren't evenly spaced. Scale them out and you'll see. yeah. i fixed it by DS
01:00:933 (5) - Ctrl+G bettter flow into 1 too. ok
01:03:088 (2) - Why not take slider 1 and Ctrl+J instead? It would flow better. ok
01:14:856 - Map a slider here too? And shorten 01:14:525 (9) - ? You can use two 1/2 sliders instead of a 1/1 slider, so there isn't such an awkward gap before going into 01:15:188 (1) - yes. i tried to map like this and this is looks good


00:10:215 (4,5) - Check stacks. it has been stacked properly
00:15:519 (1,2,3,4) - Why not make 3, 4, parallel to 1, 2? ok
00:46:016 (3,4) - This plays kind of awkwardly... You should shorten 00:46:016 (3) - to a 1/2 slider and begin the next slider at 00:46:348 - . That way you can map 00:46:679 - . Which begins on the next measure instead of mapping it to a slider-end. okay
01:26:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Maybe this arrangement might look better. Up to you~ i've changed some notes at this part. would you take a look?


00:26:790 (1,2) - Why wiggle sliders on a Normal? It's basically the same as a change in SV which isn't recommended on Normal. Also, you don't use these wiggle sliders for the same melody in 00:16:182 (1,2) - . So this creates an inconsistency that you should also consider. okay
00:55:630 (3,1) - Wouldn't hurt to blanket them yeah
00:58:613 (1) - Remove NC. ok
01:13:199 (5,6) - Check blanket. it has been blanket properly


00:15:519 (3,1) - Fix blanket. i don't think what i've changes is fixed the blanket. would you take a look?
00:17:508 (2,1) - ^ i don't think what i've changes is fixed the blanket. would you take a look?
01:25:795 (2,3) - ^ changed the last slider placement to fix

Not much wrong rhythmically on Easy, nice. THANKS
Thanks! Updated
Topic Starter

Setsurei wrote:

Your Mods
sorry for the delay!
normal-hitwhistle's hit-hat cymbals sounds too loud,
especially on the intro (00:04:746 - to 00:05:409 - ) and (00:10:381 - to 00:10:712 - )
also these part:
00:31:596 - 00:31:762 -
00:52:646 - 00:53:143 -
mind reducing the volume?

00:31:431 - inconsistency hitsound on this part (H & I) - Fix this all later
00:00:271 (1) - you can make something awesome on this long slider (slider art) - TAKE A LOOK PLEASE! :3
00:16:182 (1) - fix the blanket well
00:17:508 (2) - ^
00:18:834 (1) - ^
00:24:138 (3) - ^
00:25:795 (1,2) - ^
01:26:458 (3) - fix the pararel blanket
00:00:271 (1,2,3) - rearrange all these, so 00:01:596 (4) - can be moved to the right, to flow better with 00:02:259 (5) - OK
00:26:790 (1,2) - this kind of slider is unrankable right now, as the speed is different (I just know it when I rank Liar Mask)
00:42:701 (1) - it is better to curve this up, to blanket paralel with 00:43:364 (2) - idk if this fixed or not
00:50:326 (4) - delete? overmap ok
00:18:005 (2,3,4) - strong beats are on the white tick, please refrain on using the end slider changed to circle *this is what do you want right? i got a mapping tech again xD
00:10:878 (1) - fix blanket
00:29:442 (5) - ^
00:30:436 (1) - ^
00:49:000 (3,4) - stack tail properly like what you did at the front check? idk if this fixed or not
00:55:961 (1) - fix blanket
01:26:790 (3) - 348|108; 01:26:956 (4) - 264|116 this pattern has been changed because the previous modder. take a look?
00:45:353 (1,2,3,4,5) - I know you want to make this symmetry, so move this instead 00:45:188 (5) - at 312|220 so it flows better ahahaha. ok
00:47:508 (6,7) - ctrl G? gives jump to the incoming 00:47:840 (1) - ok
01:27:287 (1,2,3,4,5) - overmapped, delete 01:27:287 (1,2,4) - deleted and changed to slider

much nazi mod lol
good luck - THANKS

NOTE: I don't reply your blanket's Mods beacuse i don't know it's fixed or not and i don't know how to fix it properly. I think you must take a look?
Thanks! Updated
Combo Colour baru? (nyamain kemeja karakter di awal video xD)
Combo1 : 60,180,120
Combo2 : 180,180,180
Combo3 : 220,60,220
Combo4 : 220,220,60
Combo5 : 160,80,40
Combo6 : 150,240,30
Combo7 : 30,240,160
Combo8 : 240,140,60

00:00:271 (1,2,3,4) - gw lebih doyan kayak gini (1-2-3 lebih membentuk segi lima)

00:13:530 (1) - flow saat pindah ke (2) nya ga nyaman deh, especially ini diff Easy

00:18:834 (1) - gimana kalo ekor slidernya di stack sama (2)? kayak gini

00:28:779 (2) - gimana kalo kayak gini (copas dari (1), terus rotate -65°, pindahin ke 64,280)

00:30:768 - dibiarin kosong kayaknya ga menarik deh

00:35:409 (2) - node merah mundurin sekotak (336,80) biar keliatan simetris

00:43:364 (2,3,4) - biar flownya bagus, sebaiknya ketiga objek ini jangan dibikin lurus, sedikit 'curve' lebih baik

00:49:663 (2) - blanket, node kedua 76,196.. node ketiga 72,256

01:02:591 (2,1) - another bad flow, dibikin kayak gini


01:12:536 (2,3,4) - dibikin kayak gini

`-` ini susah kalo satu per satu, langsung code aja ya


note: hitsound hilang, pasang lagi D':

01:25:132 (1,2,3) - biar flownya bagus, slider (1) mending dibikin mengarah keatas, objek selanjutnya bisa dipikirin sendiri xD

00:18:834 (1) - coba deh ditata lagi slidernya biar keliatan cantik >w<

00:43:364 (2) - blanket - node terakhir pindahin 1 kotak ke atas (360,20)

00:55:961 (1) - blanket - node pertama pindahin 1 kotak ke bawah (216,96) || node kedua pindahin 1 kotak ke kiri (300,48)

01:05:243 (4) - blanket - node kedua pindahin ke 252,332 || node terakhir pindahin ke 312,260

01:13:862 (6) - blanket - node kedua pindahin ke 276,104 || node terakhir pindahin ke 244,152

01:18:503 (1) - blanket - copas dari 01:13:862 (6) - terus pindahin ke 292,196

00:04:248 (3) - blanket - 2nd 276,128 || 3rd 264,200

00:10:878 (1) - blanket - 2nd 308,352 || 3rd 388,320

00:29:442 (5) - blanket - 2nd 200,344 || 3rd 248,308

00:30:436 (1) - blanket - 3rd 328,340

00:34:083 (5) - moore blanket - 3rd 432,272

00:34:746 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3) - terlalu spam 1/2 banget, padahal lagunya masih soft disini

00:46:679 (5,1) - mending dibikin slider repeat buat slider (1)

00:49:663 (1) - blanket - 2nd 1 grid ke atas

00:55:961 (1) - blanket - 1st 268,196 || 2nd 312,132 || 3rd 404,140

00:59:276 (1,2,3) - not recommended, numpuk banget

01:08:392 (6) - blanket - 2nd 96,104 || 3rd 136,192

01:20:823 (2,3) - hindari slider 3/4, bukannya bikin diff semakin menantang, malah keliatan jelek

00:00:602 (2) - pindahin ke 308,144, 2nd node 320,116, 3rd node 316,56

... seharusnya udah ngerti fix blanket :3 dicoba-coba terus aja

well mapped diff, seriously udah bagus banget

terlalu clap spammy (apalagi di awal-awal)

01:09:552 (1,2,3,4,5) - non-sense stream `-`

ntah kenapa mod cuma blanket doang... udah ga bisa modding :^(
Topic Starter
Thanks kak Wenda dan sorry gak bisa reply :3



00:10:878 (1) - the shape of this just feels a bit..odd uwu

00:12:287 (2) - you could try moving this down a tiny bit as it might improve the flow

00:17:508 (2) - the overlap between this and 00:18:834 (1) - this is off by a bit ><

00:19:829 (2) - you could try moving it down a little since it almost aligns with the slider's end. Not sure if that's intended, I guess I just like things to be more 'round'

00:29:442 (1) - I'd move this up a tiiiiinnny bit c:

00:30:436 (2,3,1) - I'm not too sure about this as there is loooots of stacking going on. This + the fact that one of the sliders actually starts on a red tick might make it too confusing for an Easy Diff

00:42:701 (1) - I'd like it more if this would be shaped and placed in a way that I'd make 2 continue it's movement (bad explanation ><) this is personal preference though, your way of mapping this seems fine owo

00:48:005 (1) - copy pasting this feels a bit odd as you put a lot of emphasize on this with the finish hitsound. you could reshape wiithout breaking up any patterns too c:

00:59:939 (1,1) - not sure about this one, but try this rythm and see for yourself c:

01:04:580 (2) - would move this up a little. doesn't neccessarily have to align, I just think placing below the slider like that looks sort of odd

01:12:536 (2) - ~.~ I like this one!

01:13:530 (3,4) - not sure if blanketing like this is a good idea, might make it look too crowded

01:19:166 (3,1) - hmm I think I'd rather have those two align


00:02:922 (1,2,3) - try moving this down a bit so it starts above the straight slider. it might improve the flow a bit c:

00:10:878 (1,2,3) - try moving this down and to the left a bit like this

00:17:508 (2) - I feel like this should be a clickable note instead of the repeat >< just a suggestion though, no need ot break up everything

00:26:790 (1,2,3) - not sure about this, but try moving it up a tiiiiiny bit to make the angle between the circle and this pattern a bit less sharp

00:30:768 (3) - Suggestion: try moving it to the left a little

00:35:409 (2,3,4,5,6) - try using this rythm: I feel like the big white tick should be a clickable note >< you can achieve this with a different rythm too though, this is jsut something I came up with in a few seconds so ignoreing this and going for something different is absolutely fine too

00:44:690 (4) - you could try moving this up a tiny bit

00:57:287 (2,3,1) - try something like this ?c:

01:05:243 (4,5) - blanket is off a bit

01:10:215 (2) - try deleting this and instead extending the next slider to follow the vocals

01:20:491 (1) - not sure if I like how this is shaped :/ I think it's the only slider in the diff that's shaped like this too

01:25:795 (2) - again, I feel like this big white tick should be clickable (not too fond of the shape either as it might confuse new players ><)


00:00:270 (1) - I'd consider curving this to match the next slider

00:02:922 (1) - maybe try moving this to the left a little?

00:10:215 (4,5) - the movement the player has to do between these two might feel a bit weird >< It looks pretty neat though so keeping it should be fine

00:13:530 (1) - could move this a liiiiitle bit to the right to have it perfectly parallel to the 1/2 before

00:16:182 (1) - Suggestion: have this curve in the other direction to make it flow better into the next pattern c:

00:18:668 (5) - this white tick feels like it should have something clickable on it

00:22:480 (2,3,4) - I know what you're going for with these sliders, I'm just not sure if it'll end up looking good >< not saying you should change them though, I kind of like your idea

00:25:132 (2,3,4) - not sure why there's only one 'special-shaped' slider here though as they represent the same sound as before. The pattern looks good, I guess I'd just be more consistent to have them both the 'special'

00:26:790 (1,2,3) - not sure if stacking this is a good idea. not sure how it'll play

00:36:072 (4,5,6) - try this rythm ?

You could also try using a slower SV for the slow part as changing the SV is fine during a hard diff

00:38:724 (3) - not sure if those three circles will be too out of place. I mean maybe it's just me but I just can't figure out what you're following with these ;w;

00:51:652 (4) - would try curving this a little to match the sliders before

00:51:983 (5,6,1) - loots of stacking. this looks neat, but I'm not sure about how this'll play ><

00:54:635 (1) - try moving it a tiiiiny bit to the left

00:56:458 (2,3,4,5,1) - could try making this a star if you're unhappy about the current pattern :3

00:59:939 (2,3,4,5) - this is probably just me, but I feel as though this looks a bit odd

01:06:237 (4) - could try moving this to the left to have it continue the movement of the oddly shaped slider

01:13:862 (4) - try just making this a repeat and then leaving out the next one?

01:20:491 (1,2) - blanket seems off a bit

01:21:486 (3) - could maaaybe try and have it blanket with the slider before, not too sure if that'd look to forced though

01:22:480 (1,2) - I like those!

01:25:132 (1,2) - those are not supposed to blanket right?


00:02:425 (3,4) - not sure if you're trying a bit too hard to stack things with this. Might want to try and just place 4 below 3 c:

00:04:580 (1,2) - are these so close to each other on purpose? this might be a bit confusing while playing

00:16:845 (4) - could MAYBE just MAYBE try and curve it to make it blanket with the head of 1

00:28:447 (2,3,4) - is this intentional?

00:18:005 (2,3,4) - could try moving this down and to the right a little bit to improve the flow

00:31:431 (4) - I'd maybe move this down a bit and then have it face in the direction of the next circle

I'm really not too experienced when it comes to modding insanes, but it seems like you might be trying a bit too hard to stack things. That probably comes down to personal preference though c:.

00:50:823 (6,7) - try having these start on the white ticks, it feels nicer to me c:

00:54:635 (1,2) - not sure if this overlap will play nice since the slider curves to the right and then you suddenly have to move your cursor to the left a bit >< maybe try moving two a little to change this?

01:00:602 (4) - this stack is off a tiny bit c:

01:01:265 (1,2) - this might just be me, but I feel as though this looks sort of odd. maybe try curving 1 a little?

01:12:536 (4,5,6) - try this rythm instead? I just feel as though the big white tick should have something clickable on it

01:15:519 (5,6) - the stack is off bit a bit

01:18:503 (1) - try making this a curved one instead? so that it makes for a nice and round-ish movement between the two jumps c:

I'm kind of unexperienced when it comes to modding insanes, so you should not break up any patterns you like over any suggestions that I've made!

Good luck o/~
before update, i think, why u add a break in your BM , it's a BM with tv size :/
after update, everything is awesome :3

sorry for my bad english mastah,,, :3
Topic Starter

onizuka- wrote:

before update, i think, why u add a break in your BM , it's a BM with tv size :/
after update, everything is awesome :3

sorry for my bad english mastah,,, :3
No problem.
Some short mods
  1. 00:30:436 (2,3,1) - Don't stack these. This is unreadable for newbies.
  2. 00:40:050 (1) - You should have 4 beats recovery time after a spinner on Easy.
  3. 01:14:525 (1) - ^
  1. 00:49:000 (3,4) - Don't stack . Players will not know whether there is a reverse arrow on (4) or not.
Hi ~ M4M :D
Metadata Check?
ask Alacat for Metadata Check :)
Uncheck Letterbox During Breaks On Every Difficulty Since there is no Break in the Map
For Video Encoding, Ask Lanturn or Search Video Encode Queue
Too many Combo Colours X( Remove A Few Of It?
Altough this BM has a High BPM, you have to fix Somethings:
Easy : Change HP to 3, AR to 3/4, OD : Fine
Normal : Just make Circle size to 3, AR seems Hard for HD DT HR Players such like me, Reduce to 4, OD Change it to 5
Hard : Circle Size to 3,5/ If you dont want to Change it, keep it 4 then AR7 please
Insane : LOL AR9, AR8 kek :P HP Drain Rate terlalu susah x( Ubah ke 6 aja OD juga ke 7
Bisa gak hilangin Suara sliderslide kaya gitu, terlalu aneh bagiku :( Here, Try This Sliderslide
Jadikan Semua sampleset di Mapsetnya SOFT jadi lebih enak didenger :)

Can You Improve the Distance Spacing ke 1,1x? kalo star ratenya melewatkan batas 1.5 kembalikan Spacingnya ke 1.0x :P
NCnya improve lagi ya kaka xD Waaww mirip kayak aku xD

00:04:911 (4) - Buat ini Circlenya dekat sama Spinner
00:10:878 (1,2,1) - Overlap kaka, baikin ini 00:13:530 (1) - jangan sampe Nyentuh sama 00:10:878 (1) -
00:23:475 (2,3) - Coba di Blanketkan :)
00:30:436 (2,3) - No Stacks please xD
00:30:933 (3) - EXTENDED SLIDER kalo buat ikutin vokal gapapa :) ini unranked loh, kalo dijadikan 2/1 slider kan enak
00:30:933 (3,1) - Woops ? Stack ? Remove Stacks on EASY please
00:43:364 (2,3) - Bisa Diblanketkan ini Tapi di Improve dulu Slidernya
00:50:657 (1) - Bisa dipanjangkan gak Spinnernya sampe 00:52:646 - Ngikutin Vokal
01:25:132 (1,2) - Blanket?
01:26:458 (3) - Jadikan Curved Slider biasa aja supaya bisa stack sama (2)

00:00:768 (2,2) - Remove aja biar Mapnya Seimbang atau Konsisten
00:04:580 (4) - Jadikan 1/1 Slider Tanpa ada Reverse, Oiya Kembangkan juga slidernya ya (jadikan Curved) :D
00:16:182 (1,2) - Bisa diblanket
00:20:989 (3) - Remove Supaya Konsisten
00:27:287 (2) - ^
00:21:817 (1,2) - Bisa diblanket
00:37:398 (1) - Ada Finish disini dengan Volume rendah, add finish please
01:02:591 - Sampai 01:03:585 - gak di map?
01:05:077 (3,2) - Remove Please
01:22:149 (4) - kok tiba" sliderslide jadi berubah

00:50:326 (3,4) - CTRL+ G? nanti kalo gak digituin susah diread sama orang
01:22:315 (4) - Move to x : 448 y : 232
01:23:143 (2) - CTRL+ G?
Setelah Diatas yang 01:23:143 , nanti di Edit lagi yaa ;)

00:10:712 (6) - Susah Diread sama orang Oh atau perlu ini 00:10:878 (1) - di CTRL+G
00:13:364 (6,1) - ^
01:10:547 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Haha segitiga Ulang xD Buat begini aja nah jadinya segitiga repeat tapi stacks gitu

01:13:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think it looks Overmapped imo :( jadikan Kayak gini nah anyway, selanjutnya, kau improve lagi yaa Spacingnya :D peletakan Seni keindahannnya

Kalo sudah rapi yang diatas
01:15:851 (7,8) - Ini bisa di Blanket :)

Intan, Good Luck With Your Map, I believe Your map will Be Bubbled If your Map is Good Enough 8-) :lol:
Topic Starter

Peachtrees wrote:



00:10:878 (1) - the shape of this just feels a bit..odd uwu it seems fine

00:12:287 (2) - you could try moving this down a tiny bit as it might improve the flow dunno if this fixed or not

00:17:508 (2) - the overlap between this and 00:18:834 (1) - this is off by a bit >< -no changes

00:19:829 (2) - you could try moving it down a little since it almost aligns with the slider's end. Not sure if that's intended, I guess I just like things to be more 'round' dunno how to fix

00:29:442 (1) - I'd move this up a tiiiiinnny bit c: dunno what do you say, no changes

00:30:436 (2,3,1) - I'm not too sure about this as there is loooots of stacking going on. This + the fact that one of the sliders actually starts on a red tick might make it too confusing for an Easy Diff fixed this

00:42:701 (1) - I'd like it more if this would be shaped and placed in a way that I'd make 2 continue it's movement (bad explanation ><) this is personal preference though, your way of mapping this seems fine owo you're type the reason why i shouldn't changes it

00:48:005 (1) - copy pasting this feels a bit odd as you put a lot of emphasize on this with the finish hitsound. you could reshape wiithout breaking up any patterns too c: okay. changes to another pattern and flow

00:59:939 (1,1) - not sure about this one, but try this rythm and see for yourself c: no

01:04:580 (2) - would move this up a little. doesn't neccessarily have to align, I just think placing below the slider like that looks sort of odd i curved the slider to make this fixed

01:12:536 (2) - ~.~ I like this one! Thanks :3

01:13:530 (3,4) - not sure if blanketing like this is a good idea, might make it look too crowded i love this one, so, no changes

01:19:166 (3,1) - hmm I think I'd rather have those two align aligned by curved the slider


00:02:922 (1,2,3) - try moving this down a bit so it starts above the straight slider. it might improve the flow a bit c:

00:10:878 (1,2,3) - try moving this down and to the left a bit like this okay

00:17:508 (2) - I feel like this should be a clickable note instead of the repeat >< just a suggestion though, no need ot break up everything fixed in another way

00:26:790 (1,2,3) - not sure about this, but try moving it up a tiiiiiny bit to make the angle between the circle and this pattern a bit less sharp fixed in another way

00:30:768 (3) - Suggestion: try moving it to the left a little it would break the next pattern

00:35:409 (2,3,4,5,6) - try using this rythm: I feel like the big white tick should be a clickable note >< you can achieve this with a different rythm too though, this is jsut something I came up with in a few seconds so ignoreing this and going for something different is absolutely fine too i'd no changes 'cause this is fine

00:44:690 (4) - you could try moving this up a tiny bit ok

00:57:287 (2,3,1) - try something like this ?c: no

01:05:243 (4,5) - blanket is off a bit no

01:10:215 (2) - try deleting this and instead extending the next slider to follow the vocals okay

01:20:491 (1) - not sure if I like how this is shaped :/ I think it's the only slider in the diff that's shaped like this too specials?

01:25:795 (2) - again, I feel like this big white tick should be clickable (not too fond of the shape either as it might confuse new players ><) ok


00:00:270 (1) - I'd consider curving this to match the next slider ok

00:02:922 (1) - maybe try moving this to the left a little? no

00:10:215 (4,5) - the movement the player has to do between these two might feel a bit weird >< It looks pretty neat though so keeping it should be fine keep it :>

00:13:530 (1) - could move this a liiiiitle bit to the right to have it perfectly parallel to the 1/2 before ok

00:16:182 (1) - Suggestion: have this curve in the other direction to make it flow better into the next pattern c: it seems fine, no changes

00:18:668 (5) - this white tick feels like it should have something clickable on it no, it would make this more harder. it has chained too much, so this is a break

00:22:480 (2,3,4) - I know what you're going for with these sliders, I'm just not sure if it'll end up looking good >< not saying you should change them though, I kind of like your idea no changes then :>

00:25:132 (2,3,4) - not sure why there's only one 'special-shaped' slider here though as they represent the same sound as before. The pattern looks good, I guess I'd just be more consistent to have them both the 'special' no changes xD i'd just like to put 'special' that the way do you say at this part xD

00:26:790 (1,2,3) - not sure if stacking this is a good idea. not sure how it'll play separate it

00:36:072 (4,5,6) - try this rythm ? no

You could also try using a slower SV for the slow part as changing the SV is fine during a hard diff i'm so tired. so, it's fine

00:38:724 (3) - not sure if those three circles will be too out of place. I mean maybe it's just me but I just can't figure out what you're following with these ;w; changed to 1/1 slider

00:51:652 (4) - would try curving this a little to match the sliders before okay

00:51:983 (5,6,1) - loots of stacking. this looks neat, but I'm not sure about how this'll play >< fixed

00:54:635 (1) - try moving it a tiiiiny bit to the left it was fine. no changes

00:56:458 (2,3,4,5,1) - could try making this a star if you're unhappy about the current pattern :3 it's okay to me

00:59:939 (2,3,4,5) - this is probably just me, but I feel as though this looks a bit odd changed

01:06:237 (4) - could try moving this to the left to have it continue the movement of the oddly shaped slider no changes and the slider is doesn't ODD pls .-.

01:13:862 (4) - try just making this a repeat and then leaving out the next one? no

01:20:491 (1,2) - blanket seems off a bit no

01:21:486 (3) - could maaaybe try and have it blanket with the slider before, not too sure if that'd look to forced though it will break the previous slider's blanket

01:22:480 (1,2) - I like those! Thanks

01:25:132 (1,2) - those are not supposed to blanket right? blanketed this


00:02:425 (3,4) - not sure if you're trying a bit too hard to stack things with this. Might want to try and just place 4 below 3 c: ok

00:04:580 (1,2) - are these so close to each other on purpose? this might be a bit confusing while playing fixed

00:16:845 (4) - could MAYBE just MAYBE try and curve it to make it blanket with the head of 1 nope

00:28:447 (2,3,4) - is this intentional? YES

00:18:005 (2,3,4) - could try moving this down and to the right a little bit to improve the flow ok

00:31:431 (4) - I'd maybe move this down a bit and then have it face in the direction of the next circle dunno how to

I'm really not too experienced when it comes to modding insanes, but it seems like you might be trying a bit too hard to stack things. That probably comes down to personal preference though c:.

00:50:823 (6,7) - try having these start on the white ticks, it feels nicer to me c: ok

00:54:635 (1,2) - not sure if this overlap will play nice since the slider curves to the right and then you suddenly have to move your cursor to the left a bit >< maybe try moving two a little to change this? if you insist :> it's okay

01:00:602 (4) - this stack is off a tiny bit c: ok

01:01:265 (1,2) - this might just be me, but I feel as though this looks sort of odd. maybe try curving 1 a little? no

01:12:536 (4,5,6) - try this rythm instead? I just feel as though the big white tick should have something clickable on it ok

01:15:519 (5,6) - the stack is off bit a bit fixed

01:18:503 (1) - try making this a curved one instead? so that it makes for a nice and round-ish movement between the two jumps c: ok

I'm kind of unexperienced when it comes to modding insanes, so you should not break up any patterns you like over any suggestions that I've made!

Good luck o/~
Topic Starter

Haruto_Aizawa wrote:

Hi ~ M4M :D
Metadata Check?
ask Alacat for Metadata Check :)
Uncheck Letterbox During Breaks On Every Difficulty Since there is no Break in the Map
For Video Encoding, Ask Lanturn or Search Video Encode Queue
Too many Combo Colours X( Remove A Few Of It?
Altough this BM has a High BPM, you have to fix Somethings:
Easy : Change HP to 3, AR to 3/4, OD : Fine
Normal : Just make Circle size to 3, AR seems Hard for HD DT HR Players such like me, Reduce to 4, OD Change it to 5
Hard : Circle Size to 3,5/ If you dont want to Change it, keep it 4 then AR7 please
Insane : LOL AR9, AR8 kek :P HP Drain Rate terlalu susah x( Ubah ke 6 aja OD juga ke 7
Bisa gak hilangin Suara sliderslide kaya gitu, terlalu aneh bagiku :( Here, Try This Sliderslide
Jadikan Semua sampleset di Mapsetnya SOFT jadi lebih enak didenger :)

Can You Improve the Distance Spacing ke 1,1x? kalo star ratenya melewatkan batas 1.5 kembalikan Spacingnya ke 1.0x :P
NCnya improve lagi ya kaka xD Waaww mirip kayak aku xD

00:04:911 (4) - Buat ini Circlenya dekat sama Spinner
00:10:878 (1,2,1) - Overlap kaka, baikin ini 00:13:530 (1) - jangan sampe Nyentuh sama 00:10:878 (1) -
00:23:475 (2,3) - Coba di Blanketkan :)
00:30:436 (2,3) - No Stacks please xD
00:30:933 (3) - EXTENDED SLIDER kalo buat ikutin vokal gapapa :) ini unranked loh, kalo dijadikan 2/1 slider kan enak
00:30:933 (3,1) - Woops ? Stack ? Remove Stacks on EASY please
00:43:364 (2,3) - Bisa Diblanketkan ini Tapi di Improve dulu Slidernya
00:50:657 (1) - Bisa dipanjangkan gak Spinnernya sampe 00:52:646 - Ngikutin Vokal
01:25:132 (1,2) - Blanket?
01:26:458 (3) - Jadikan Curved Slider biasa aja supaya bisa stack sama (2)

00:00:768 (2,2) - Remove aja biar Mapnya Seimbang atau Konsisten
00:04:580 (4) - Jadikan 1/1 Slider Tanpa ada Reverse, Oiya Kembangkan juga slidernya ya (jadikan Curved) :D
00:16:182 (1,2) - Bisa diblanket
00:20:989 (3) - Remove Supaya Konsisten
00:27:287 (2) - ^
00:21:817 (1,2) - Bisa diblanket
00:37:398 (1) - Ada Finish disini dengan Volume rendah, add finish please
01:02:591 - Sampai 01:03:585 - gak di map?
01:05:077 (3,2) - Remove Please
01:22:149 (4) - kok tiba" sliderslide jadi berubah

00:50:326 (3,4) - CTRL+ G? nanti kalo gak digituin susah diread sama orang
01:22:315 (4) - Move to x : 448 y : 232
01:23:143 (2) - CTRL+ G?
Setelah Diatas yang 01:23:143 , nanti di Edit lagi yaa ;)

00:10:712 (6) - Susah Diread sama orang Oh atau perlu ini 00:10:878 (1) - di CTRL+G
00:13:364 (6,1) - ^
01:10:547 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Haha segitiga Ulang xD Buat begini aja nah jadinya segitiga repeat tapi stacks gitu

01:13:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think it looks Overmapped imo :( jadikan Kayak gini nah anyway, selanjutnya, kau improve lagi yaa Spacingnya :D peletakan Seni keindahannnya

Kalo sudah rapi yang diatas
01:15:851 (7,8) - Ini bisa di Blanket :)

Intan, Good Luck With Your Map, I believe Your map will Be Bubbled If your Map is Good Enough 8-) :lol:
Thanks for Mod! You didn't answer my mod so i did it to you too :> I just accept few of them :>

NewIpas wrote:

Haruto_Aizawa wrote:

Hi ~ M4M :D
Metadata Check?
ask Alacat for Metadata Check :)
Uncheck Letterbox During Breaks On Every Difficulty Since there is no Break in the Map
For Video Encoding, Ask Lanturn or Search Video Encode Queue
Too many Combo Colours X( Remove A Few Of It?
Altough this BM has a High BPM, you have to fix Somethings:
Easy : Change HP to 3, AR to 3/4, OD : Fine
Normal : Just make Circle size to 3, AR seems Hard for HD DT HR Players such like me, Reduce to 4, OD Change it to 5
Hard : Circle Size to 3,5/ If you dont want to Change it, keep it 4 then AR7 please
Insane : LOL AR9, AR8 kek :P HP Drain Rate terlalu susah x( Ubah ke 6 aja OD juga ke 7
Bisa gak hilangin Suara sliderslide kaya gitu, terlalu aneh bagiku :( Here, Try This Sliderslide
Jadikan Semua sampleset di Mapsetnya SOFT jadi lebih enak didenger :)

Can You Improve the Distance Spacing ke 1,1x? kalo star ratenya melewatkan batas 1.5 kembalikan Spacingnya ke 1.0x :P
NCnya improve lagi ya kaka xD Waaww mirip kayak aku xD

00:04:911 (4) - Buat ini Circlenya dekat sama Spinner
00:10:878 (1,2,1) - Overlap kaka, baikin ini 00:13:530 (1) - jangan sampe Nyentuh sama 00:10:878 (1) -
00:23:475 (2,3) - Coba di Blanketkan :)
00:30:436 (2,3) - No Stacks please xD
00:30:933 (3) - EXTENDED SLIDER kalo buat ikutin vokal gapapa :) ini unranked loh, kalo dijadikan 2/1 slider kan enak
00:30:933 (3,1) - Woops ? Stack ? Remove Stacks on EASY please
00:43:364 (2,3) - Bisa Diblanketkan ini Tapi di Improve dulu Slidernya
00:50:657 (1) - Bisa dipanjangkan gak Spinnernya sampe 00:52:646 - Ngikutin Vokal
01:25:132 (1,2) - Blanket?
01:26:458 (3) - Jadikan Curved Slider biasa aja supaya bisa stack sama (2)

00:00:768 (2,2) - Remove aja biar Mapnya Seimbang atau Konsisten
00:04:580 (4) - Jadikan 1/1 Slider Tanpa ada Reverse, Oiya Kembangkan juga slidernya ya (jadikan Curved) :D
00:16:182 (1,2) - Bisa diblanket
00:20:989 (3) - Remove Supaya Konsisten
00:27:287 (2) - ^
00:21:817 (1,2) - Bisa diblanket
00:37:398 (1) - Ada Finish disini dengan Volume rendah, add finish please
01:02:591 - Sampai 01:03:585 - gak di map?
01:05:077 (3,2) - Remove Please
01:22:149 (4) - kok tiba" sliderslide jadi berubah

00:50:326 (3,4) - CTRL+ G? nanti kalo gak digituin susah diread sama orang
01:22:315 (4) - Move to x : 448 y : 232
01:23:143 (2) - CTRL+ G?
Setelah Diatas yang 01:23:143 , nanti di Edit lagi yaa ;)

00:10:712 (6) - Susah Diread sama orang Oh atau perlu ini 00:10:878 (1) - di CTRL+G
00:13:364 (6,1) - ^
01:10:547 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Haha segitiga Ulang xD Buat begini aja nah jadinya segitiga repeat tapi stacks gitu

01:13:862 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think it looks Overmapped imo :( jadikan Kayak gini nah anyway, selanjutnya, kau improve lagi yaa Spacingnya :D peletakan Seni keindahannnya

Kalo sudah rapi yang diatas
01:15:851 (7,8) - Ini bisa di Blanket :)

Intan, Good Luck With Your Map, I believe Your map will Be Bubbled If your Map is Good Enough 8-) :lol:
Thanks for Mod! You didn't answer my mod so i did it to you too :> I just accept few of them :>
Just Kidding :> Im Not Angry XD
Ciyus Miapah
From Mod Q


00:28:696 (3,4) - ditance spacing disini tambahin jadi 0.20x atau 0.30x (menghindari auto stack)
00:43:364 (3,4,5,6) - flow disini kaya nya kagok, menurut ane kau bisa ganti 00:43:364 (3,4) - pakai slider
01:03:751 (4) - pindahin ke x256y356 (atau bikin jump antara circle 4 dgn slider 1)
01:09:221 (5) - ini jelas ada suara finish. knp gk di NC?
00:50:657 (1,2,3) - spacing yg tidak konsisten, sebaiknya perkecil spacing antara ini notes 00:50:989 (2,3) - atau buat 1/2 slider di 00:50:657 (1) - untuk memperkecil kemungkinan terjadi missreading
00:58:282 (5,1) - ane menganggap ini pattern 1/1, dan ane menyarankan untuk tidak menggunakan NC di 00:58:447 (1) - (kurang konsisten sama map + overmapping New combo + gk ada strong beat disana)

overall nice Patterning
semoga bisa membantu~
Topic Starter

Fort wrote:

From Mod Q


00:28:696 (3,4) - ditance spacing disini tambahin jadi 0.20x atau 0.30x (menghindari auto stack)
00:43:364 (3,4,5,6) - flow disini kaya nya kagok, menurut ane kau bisa ganti 00:43:364 (3,4) - pakai slider
01:03:751 (4) - pindahin ke x256y356 (atau bikin jump antara circle 4 dgn slider 1)
01:09:221 (5) - ini jelas ada suara finish. knp gk di NC?
00:50:657 (1,2,3) - spacing yg tidak konsisten, sebaiknya perkecil spacing antara ini notes 00:50:989 (2,3) - atau buat 1/2 slider di 00:50:657 (1) - untuk memperkecil kemungkinan terjadi missreading
00:58:282 (5,1) - ane menganggap ini pattern 1/1, dan ane menyarankan untuk tidak menggunakan NC di 00:58:447 (1) - (kurang konsisten sama map + overmapping New combo + gk ada strong beat disana)

overall nice Patterning
semoga bisa membantu~
Thanks! Accept Semua ya xD
Hunter Howl
entah ini bener apa kaga soalnya ga bisa download map =w=

Artistnya udah bener
Title : 季節は次々死んで行く ke title dan gunakan Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku di title unicode. Tokyo Ghoul Edit dipindahin ke tags.
tambahkan Seasons Die One After Another ke tags karena arti judul lagu tersebut dalam bahasa inggris
Source ... Shindeiku#

tolong jangan di KD soalnya hanya metadata
I suck at modding ;_;

Easy is good as it is

00:16:845 (2) - I didnt like this here, maybe something like this here instead? -->
00:34:083 (4) - Same shape on this as on 00:32:757 (2) - ?
00:47:508 (5) - Replace this with a hit circle?
01:21:817 (3,4) - These 2 could maybe be replaced with a single slider instead?

00:12:204 (1) - Maybe move this so it's at the same height as 00:11:541 (3) - looks nicer that way i think.
00:17:342 (5) - This could confuse some people (including me) Maybe move it or remove it?
01:03:585 (1) - A small stream here instead?

00:32:094 (1,2,3) - Maybe like this? -->

This should be ranked already. Like seriously, i loved this. Good luck with it~ :)
Topic Starter

Sognux wrote:

I suck at modding ;_; Don't say like that .-.

Easy is good as it is Thanks

00:16:845 (2) - I didnt like this here, maybe something like this here instead? --> no
00:34:083 (4) - Same shape on this as on 00:32:757 (2) - ? it would a bit weird
00:47:508 (5) - Replace this with a hit circle? take a look what I did here :3
01:21:817 (3,4) - These 2 could maybe be replaced with a single slider instead? no

00:12:204 (1) - Maybe move this so it's at the same height as 00:11:541 (3) - looks nicer that way i think. it will break the flow
00:17:342 (5) - This could confuse some people (including me) Maybe move it or remove it? moved out
01:03:585 (1) - A small stream here instead? I like this. no stream

00:32:094 (1,2,3) - Maybe like this? --> :3 Take a look what I did here

This should be ranked already. Like seriously, i loved this. Good luck with it~ :) Ohmy.. THANKS!!!~
Hai, random mod

Vokal berakhir disini 01:28:779 - , jadi tolong tiap diff berakhir disitu, soalnya setelah itu cuma suara fade-out, ga ada sumber suara lagi

AR 3 lebih cocok gw rasa
00:15:519 (3,1) - ini blanket tipis banget errornya bisa dilihat
00:17:508 (2,3,1) - kepala (2) harusnya stack dengan ekor (1) , tolong diperbaiki
00:24:138 - NC, karena ganti lirik
00:25:132 (2) - tipis banget
00:26:458 (2,3) - pattern gini lebih enak imo
00:28:116 (1) - sedikit off-screen kayanya? (off-screen notes = unrankable)
00:32:757 (2,3) - pattern ctrl+g (circle duluan), soalnya "boku HA" lebih enak di pencet dari pada ditahan
00:42:038 (1,1) - Unrankable - karena recovery time ga cukup, buat easy minimal 4 beat penuh. Solusinya mungkin ganti spinnernya dengan pattern gini, cocok kok dengan lirik
00:52:646 (1,1) - sama dengan yang diatas, recovery time ga cukup , spinner bisa berakhir disini 00:51:983 - , cocok dengan suara simbal
01:06:237 (3,1) - lagi-lagi, tipis banget
01:13:199 (2,3) - tipis lagi
01:25:464 (1,2) - ya ampun mak tolong tipisnya
01:26:375 (2,3) - mak tolong tipis
01:28:779 - liat general diatas

AR 5 ?? Bpmnya lumayan tinggi, dan biar ga terlalu dekat sama easy (kalo kamu ga ganti ke AR 3)
00:21:154 (3,1) - pattern gini lebih enak imo
00:23:475 (4,5) - pattern ctrl + g (slider duluan)
00:28:447 (3,4,5) - coba dibikin begini, flow lebih enak
00:35:409 (2,3,4) - hapus reverse arrow, add note di 00:35:906 - , geser slider (4) ke 00:36:072 - panjangkan sebanyak 1 beat (jadi dia panjangnya 1 1/2 beat dengan 1 slidertick), dan berakhir di 00:36:569. Pattern lebih cocok dengan lirik
00:45:685 - (1,2,3,4,5) - sederhanakan pattern, kira2 begini
01:28:779 - liat general diatas
coba dicek panjang spinner dan recovery time nya, soalnya rada2 ga aman, coba konsultasikan dengan QAT
cek juga slider2 yang mojok, soalnya berbau off-screen, kayak 01:07:895 - , 00:10:878 - , 00:27:453 -

00:09:221 (2,3) - sudden DS change, apa ini disengaja?
00:17:342 (5) - y ke 236, perfect stack
00:18:503 (4,5) - pattern ctrl + g, slider duluan
00:27:453 (3) - x ke 240, perfect stack
00:28:447 (2) - 300,56 - stack dengan 00:27:287 (2) -
00:34:580 (6,1) - add note disini (jadi circle 6 ), hapus reverse arrow di slider (1), lalu panjangin sampe 00:35:077 - , lebih ngikutin lirik
00:39:221 - add note
00:39:387 (1,2) - hapus slider (2), jadikan slider (1) 1/1 slider
00:49:000 (3,4) - posisi 3 (ekor, x: 255) dan 4 (ekor, x : 256) cuma terpaut 1 pixel di sumbu x (y nya sama) agar mereka benar2 stack, coba diteliti lagi
00:59:773 - pattern begini lebih enak imo
01:22:480 (1) - kasih finish di kepala? Ada suara simbal disitu
01:28:779 - lihat general diatas

00:01:431 (4,5,6) - y ke 294
00:17:508 (1) - blanket dengan 00:17:177 (5) - lol :o
00:36:569 (6) - x ke 464
01:03:585 (3) - x ke 317
01:05:740 (5) - ctrl + g, serius, jumpnya enak
01:13:862 (1,2,3,4) - agak berlebihan,maksa,dan overmap ngespam 1/4 jumps slider disini, tapi itu mungkin cuma gw aja. Coba disederhanakan
01:16:348 (2) - 264,196
01:17:674 (2) - x ke 264
01:28:779 - liat general diatas

Overall map bagus, slidernya ga membosankan, blanket rapi (cuma salah minor aja, coba diperbaikin), hitsound ok
good luck~
Topic Starter

theramdans wrote:

Hai, random mod

Vokal berakhir disini 01:28:779 - , jadi tolong tiap diff berakhir disitu, soalnya setelah itu cuma suara fade-out, ga ada sumber suara lagi

AR 3 lebih cocok gw rasa
00:15:519 (3,1) - ini blanket tipis banget errornya bisa dilihat
00:17:508 (2,3,1) - kepala (2) harusnya stack dengan ekor (1) , tolong diperbaiki
00:24:138 - NC, karena ganti lirik
00:25:132 (2) - tipis banget
00:26:458 (2,3) - pattern gini lebih enak imo
00:28:116 (1) - sedikit off-screen kayanya? (off-screen notes = unrankable)
00:32:757 (2,3) - pattern ctrl+g (circle duluan), soalnya "boku HA" lebih enak di pencet dari pada ditahan
00:42:038 (1,1) - Unrankable - karena recovery time ga cukup, buat easy minimal 4 beat penuh. Solusinya mungkin ganti spinnernya dengan pattern gini, cocok kok dengan lirik
00:52:646 (1,1) - sama dengan yang diatas, recovery time ga cukup , spinner bisa berakhir disini 00:51:983 - , cocok dengan suara simbal
01:06:237 (3,1) - lagi-lagi, tipis banget
01:13:199 (2,3) - tipis lagi
01:25:464 (1,2) - ya ampun mak tolong tipisnya
01:26:375 (2,3) - mak tolong tipis
01:28:779 - liat general diatas

AR 5 ?? Bpmnya lumayan tinggi, dan biar ga terlalu dekat sama easy (kalo kamu ga ganti ke AR 3)
00:21:154 (3,1) - pattern gini lebih enak imo
00:23:475 (4,5) - pattern ctrl + g (slider duluan)
00:28:447 (3,4,5) - coba dibikin begini, flow lebih enak
00:35:409 (2,3,4) - hapus reverse arrow, add note di 00:35:906 - , geser slider (4) ke 00:36:072 - panjangkan sebanyak 1 beat (jadi dia panjangnya 1 1/2 beat dengan 1 slidertick), dan berakhir di 00:36:569. Pattern lebih cocok dengan lirik
00:45:685 - (1,2,3,4,5) - sederhanakan pattern, kira2 begini
01:28:779 - liat general diatas
coba dicek panjang spinner dan recovery time nya, soalnya rada2 ga aman, coba konsultasikan dengan QAT
cek juga slider2 yang mojok, soalnya berbau off-screen, kayak 01:07:895 - , 00:10:878 - , 00:27:453 -

00:09:221 (2,3) - sudden DS change, apa ini disengaja?
00:17:342 (5) - y ke 236, perfect stack
00:18:503 (4,5) - pattern ctrl + g, slider duluan
00:27:453 (3) - x ke 240, perfect stack
00:28:447 (2) - 300,56 - stack dengan 00:27:287 (2) -
00:34:580 (6,1) - add note disini (jadi circle 6 ), hapus reverse arrow di slider (1), lalu panjangin sampe 00:35:077 - , lebih ngikutin lirik
00:39:221 - add note
00:39:387 (1,2) - hapus slider (2), jadikan slider (1) 1/1 slider
00:49:000 (3,4) - posisi 3 (ekor, x: 255) dan 4 (ekor, x : 256) cuma terpaut 1 pixel di sumbu x (y nya sama) agar mereka benar2 stack, coba diteliti lagi
00:59:773 - pattern begini lebih enak imo
01:22:480 (1) - kasih finish di kepala? Ada suara simbal disitu
01:28:779 - lihat general diatas

00:01:431 (4,5,6) - y ke 294
00:17:508 (1) - blanket dengan 00:17:177 (5) - lol :o
00:36:569 (6) - x ke 464
01:03:585 (3) - x ke 317
01:05:740 (5) - ctrl + g, serius, jumpnya enak
01:13:862 (1,2,3,4) - agak berlebihan,maksa,dan overmap ngespam 1/4 jumps slider disini, tapi itu mungkin cuma gw aja. Coba disederhanakan
01:16:348 (2) - 264,196
01:17:674 (2) - x ke 264
01:28:779 - liat general diatas

Overall map bagus, slidernya ga membosankan, blanket rapi (cuma salah minor aja, coba diperbaikin), hitsound ok
good luck~
Thanks For Mod! Accept and Fixed All
hi there!
as promised, sorry for late ;_;
(and just a quick look cause set looks okay to me.)

all fine!

  1. 00:00:271 (1) - reverse plays a little boring in the beginning cause the song is so lively. maybe you can remove the reverse and replace it?with this you can also emphasize the downbeat at 00:02:922 - which should be clickable since it's more dominant than 00:03:585 (4) - and following (which are clickable)
  2. 00:10:878 (1) - this starts so far 'outwards' on the playfield, I think it would work better if you let the slider start somewhere closer to the centre, it'll be easier for beginner players to catch that way. screen:
  3. 00:18:503 (3,1) - looks a bit untidy ;-; looks a lot better if they don't touch, you can easily curve 00:17:508 (2) - differently and move (3) accordingly, screen:
  4. 00:33:421 (3) - eeer, 1/4 snap in Easy is probably not a good idea? the beat's on the white tick anyway, so you should stick to that
  5. 00:40:050 (1,1) - the hitobjects follows to fast after the spinner, beginner players need more recovery time after them. at least 4 beats. you can remove the circle, but that sounds off.. I'd prefer if you replace the spinner with a long slider. You use quite a lot of spinners, so removing one won't hurt. >w<
  6. 00:50:657 (1,1) - ^
  7. 01:27:784 (1) - this one's pretty short in general, I'm not sure if beginner players will be able to clear it.. you should let some newbies testplay this to make sure.. ;-;
just some suggestions cause of personal preferance -
  1. 00:04:580 (4,5) - remove 5 and add reverse to 4? makes more sense to me cause end of (4) is slightly louder than (5), but one's clickable while the other's not.
  2. 00:15:519 (3,1) - following previous patterns ( 00:10:878 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ), it'd play nice if you add a circle on the red tick in between, 00:16:016 -
    there are some more parts like this where you can add circles. the two patterns I mentioned already play interesting and fun, but you don't use the rhythm anymore, so the rest of the diff feels a little to monotonous. :c please think about mapping some more red ticks!
  3. 00:32:757 (2) - downbeat should be better emphasized. the vocals break off to, so it works better if you shorten the slider and add a circle on the downbeat
  4. 00:34:083 (4) - ^
  5. 01:00:602 (3,4) - aah, I like stacks. sadly this is the only stack in the whole diff. :c why don't you stack some more objects? I'm sure it makes the diff a little more interesting to play!
    also, you use quite a lot of stacks in Hard and many different ones (1/1 and 1/2 and even 1/4), so using some more in Normal balances the set out a little. :3
looks good!
  1. 00:35:077 (1) - sounds a little off cause the vocals stop in between, try this:
  2. 01:03:585 (1,2) - I'd prefer if you unstack this, looks a little confusing cause of the reverses
that's all. I don't really play/mod Insane, so.. yah. Good luck! ;w;
Topic Starter

Squirrel wrote:

hi there!
as promised, sorry for late ;_;
(and just a quick look cause set looks okay to me.)

all fine!

  1. 00:00:271 (1) - reverse plays a little boring in the beginning cause the song is so lively. maybe you can remove the reverse and replace it?with this you can also emphasize the downbeat at 00:02:922 - which should be clickable since it's more dominant than 00:03:585 (4) - and following (which are clickable) It's really hard to change. I didn't accept this
  2. 00:10:878 (1) - this starts so far 'outwards' on the playfield, I think it would work better if you let the slider start somewhere closer to the centre, it'll be easier for beginner players to catch that way. screen:
  3. 00:18:503 (3,1) - looks a bit untidy ;-; looks a lot better if they don't touch, you can easily curve 00:17:508 (2) - differently and move (3) accordingly, screen:
  4. 00:33:421 (3) - eeer, 1/4 snap in Easy is probably not a good idea? the beat's on the white tick anyway, so you should stick to that I think I was forgot to fix this. Nice catch~
  5. 00:40:050 (1,1) - the hitobjects follows to fast after the spinner, beginner players need more recovery time after them. at least 4 beats. you can remove the circle, but that sounds off.. I'd prefer if you replace the spinner with a long slider. You use quite a lot of spinners, so removing one won't hurt. >w< ^
  6. 00:50:657 (1,1) - ^ ^
  7. 01:27:784 (1) - this one's pretty short in general, I'm not sure if beginner players will be able to clear it.. you should let some newbies testplay this to make sure.. ;-; I've ask QAT for this. It's okay
just some suggestions cause of personal preferance -
  1. 00:04:580 (4,5) - remove 5 and add reverse to 4? makes more sense to me cause end of (4) is slightly louder than (5), but one's clickable while the other's not.
  2. 00:15:519 (3,1) - following previous patterns ( 00:10:878 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - ), it'd play nice if you add a circle on the red tick in between, 00:16:016 -
    there are some more parts like this where you can add circles. the two patterns I mentioned already play interesting and fun, but you don't use the rhythm anymore, so the rest of the diff feels a little to monotonous. :c please think about mapping some more red ticks!
  3. 00:32:757 (2) - downbeat should be better emphasized. the vocals break off to, so it works better if you shorten the slider and add a circle on the downbeat
  4. 00:34:083 (4) - ^
  5. 01:00:602 (3,4) - aah, I like stacks. sadly this is the only stack in the whole diff. :c why don't you stack some more objects? I'm sure it makes the diff a little more interesting to play! I've add two more stacks :3
    also, you use quite a lot of stacks in Hard and many different ones (1/1 and 1/2 and even 1/4), so using some more in Normal balances the set out a little. :3
looks good!
  1. 00:35:077 (1) - sounds a little off cause the vocals stop in between, try this:
  2. 01:03:585 (1,2) - I'd prefer if you unstack this, looks a little confusing cause of the reverses Changed to single circle
that's all. I don't really play/mod Insane, so.. yah. Good luck! ;w; THANKS!
*squee* *squee* xD
no reply - fixed/added
Anyway, Thanks for your mod :3
Topic Starter

raianshimuzu wrote:

entah ini bener apa kaga soalnya ga bisa download map =w=

Artistnya udah bener
Title : 季節は次々死んで行く ke title dan gunakan Kisetsu wa Tsugitsugi Shindeiku di title unicode. Tokyo Ghoul Edit dipindahin ke tags.
tambahkan Seasons Die One After Another ke tags karena arti judul lagu tersebut dalam bahasa inggris
Source ... Shindeiku#

tolong jangan di KD soalnya hanya metadata
Kayaknya di Official site nya bukan kayak gitu. Tapi, tetep aku hargai ini. :3
Hello from Jloughman14's and DahplA's Modding team! Love this song!
00:28:779 (2) - Curve this more just to make it a bit more even. ex.
Great looking easy.
AR 6.0
01:22:149 (4) - Why is this the only clap sound here?
HP 5.5
01:18:834 - Add a circle here.
00:51:983 (1,1) - No need for NC here.
Pretty amazing map you got going, I really see it being ranked soon! Take my star! :D Please vote on how good my modding was on my queue page. My Modding Queue
Topic Starter

jloughman14 wrote:

Hello from Jloughman14's and DahplA's Modding team! Love this song!
00:28:779 (2) - Curve this more just to make it a bit more even. ex. no . I've made up a symmetric from (1) for this and it's fine
Great looking easy. Thanks~
AR 6.0 no
01:22:149 (4) - Why is this the only clap sound here? I think my timing point was deleted
HP 5.5 ok
01:18:834 - Add a circle here. ok
00:51:983 (1,1) - No need for NC here. This NC is for emphasizes the cymbal sound, i don't have to remove it
Pretty amazing map you got going, I really see it being ranked soon! Take my star! :D Please vote on how good my modding was on my queue page. My Modding Queue OK~ Thanks for mod. I'll vote your Q
Thanks for modding :3
Heya~ Responding to your request from in-game.
So, let's get started.

  1. You have a lot of unused soundfiles:
    The following hitsounds are unused:
  2. drum-sliderslide4.wav
  3. drum-sliderslide8.wav
  4. drum-sliderwhistle4.wav
  5. drum-sliderslide7.wav
  6. drum-sliderwhistle8.wav
  7. drum-sliderslide2.wav
  8. drum-sliderwhistle7.wav
  9. drum-sliderwhistle2.wav
    Please remove these.
  10. The slider velocity jump from Normal to Hard is quite big and makes the spread a bit unbalanced. Maybe use a SV of 1.20 for Hard and then 1.40 for Insane. It doesn’t really matter as long as the jump from that Normal to Hard is not too big.
  11. You can try throwing in some more whistles into your mapset. That hitsound always fit nicely in any song imo.

  1. 00:44:359 (3,4) –This spacing is incorrect. Please fix this, otherwise it’s unrankable. This circle 00:44:359 (3) – has to be a bit closer to 00:43:364 (2) –
  2. 00:10:878 (1) –I suggest placing a finish on the head of that slider for emphasism. It fits nicely imo.
  3. 00:14:525 –Since there’s a clear vocal here, I suggest adding a note here, also for better flow.
  4. 00:14:856 (2,3) –You can add whistle sounds on the heads of these sliders. Go through your diffs and just check and listen to places where you think whistle sounds will fit nicely. This twinkling hitsound usually follows a consistent rhythm when you place them, so rather don’t place them randomly; place them so they’re following a consistent pattern.
  5. 00:16:182 (1) –Add a finish on the head of this slider as well. Also for emphasism. I’m not going to point out every single one, but hopefully you understand where you can place them throughout the diff. Usually right at the start of a new sentence. Just listen to the music carefully and I’m sure you’ll hear those specific places.
  6. 00:17:508 (2) –Eh, for tidiness reasons and overall appeal, I suggest rather doing this:
  7. 00:21:486 (1) –Instead of a whistle, I think it will be better to add a finish on the head. Way better emphasizing technique.
  8. 00:23:143 –Imo, a note here will improve the flow and fit very nicely into the diff.
  9. 00:25:795 (1) –Remove new combo here for consistency.
  10. 00:26:790 (3) –Add new combo here since the vocalist clearly starts with a new important sentence here. And then remove new combo here: 00:28:116 (1) –
  11. 00:37:729 –Since this is an important beat, rather change this circle: 00:37:398 (1) –into a slider to emphasize that beat.
  12. 00:40:050 (1) –Hm, imo a spinner here doesn’t fit at all. Usually one would place a spinner during a very long vocal or a long sound in the music of the song without vocals. In this case there is none of those. So I suggest rather removing that spinner and mapping that area. The spinner also feels a bit short for an Easy, so also to be safe, rather map there.
  13. 00:42:701 (1) –Like my previous suggestion, rather replace this circle with a slider to emphasize this beat: 00:43:033 –as well.
  14. 00:46:348 –Since there’s a strong vocal here, rather add a note here to emphasize that.
  15. 00:50:657 (1) –Hmmm, this spinner really feels too short for an Easy. Remove it and map that area out.
  16. 01:06:569 (1) –You forgot the finish on the head of this slider. Please add one for consistency.
  17. 01:18:503 (1) –For more reaction time between the spinner and the next note, rather remove this circle. It’s not really needed and removing it will make gameplay for beginners more relaxing.
  18. 01:22:480 –I guess this suggestion is really my own opinion mainly, but I still think it’s quite effective. With important beats like that, it’s always a good idea to rather place a circle or the start of a slider there to emphasize that beat better.
  19. 01:18:503 – to 01:24:469 – I love the use of whistles here. Why not use more whistles like you did here at the start of the diff as well?
  20. 01:27:784 (1) –Aaahh, very short spinner! You can end that spinner here: 01:30:436 – Even though the vocals doesn’t end there, the music does though, so it’s still very effective. If you don’t want to do that, then remove the spinner and map that area.

  1. 00:00:271 (1) –A finish on the head of this slider fits so nicely~ Like the Easy, go through the diff and look for places where you think a finish will emphasize a certain beat very well (Usually at the beginning of a sentence.)
  2. 00:00:271 (1,3) –Try to make these two sliders look similar. You can use the copy and paste option and then just rotate the slider into place. Doing this will improve the “look” of the diff.
  3. In this diff, I see that you added a lot of whistle sounds, but why does your Easy scarcely have any whistles at all. Always try to keep the hitsounding the same on all the diffs.
  4. 00:37:729 – and 00:38:392 – Try to emphasize these beats please by changing 00:37:398 (1,2) –into sliders.
  5. 00:40:050 (1) –Just like in the Easy, I think it will be much better to rather remove that spinner and map the area out. A spinner just doesn’t really fit and I have an issue with the reaction time between the spinner and the next note. But if you really want that spinner there, then just place 00:42:701 (1) – right in the middle of the spinner to make gameplay more comfortable.
  6. 00:50:657 (1) – Same thing here. Place this slider: 00:53:309 (1) –right in the middle of the spinner if you really want to keep it, but I still think mapping that area out will be much better.
  7. 01:12:204 (2,6) –Rather try to avoid this overlap please. It looks ugly. Just try to place 01:13:862 (6) –somewhere else where it’s not touching that circle.
  8. 01:27:784 (1) - Like the Easy, I think it will be much better to end the spinner here: 01:30:436 –

  1. 00:09:552 (3) –Inconsistent spacing here. Space this (3) out like you spaced these out: 00:08:226 (1,2) – If you don’t do this, it’s very confusing, cuz players will think they have to click it earlier than they are supposed to.
  2. 00:18:834 (5) –Shouldn’t the new combo be here instead? Add new combo here and then remove new combo here: 00:19:166 (1) –
  3. 00:29:442 (5) –This is an important beat, so rather add new combo here and remove new combo here: 00:30:436 (1) –
  4. 00:34:746 (6) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 00:35:077 (1) –
  5. 01:05:077 (1) –Remove new combo here and add new combo here: 01:05:243 (2) –
  6. 01:06:569 (6) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 01:06:900 (1) –
  7. 01:07:895 (5) –Add new combo here.
  8. 01:09:221 (8) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 01:09:552 (1) –
  9. 01:12:867 (1) –Remove new combo here and then add new combo here: 01:13:862 (4) –
    The above new combo suggestion is very necessary imo. Cuz right now your comboing in this diff isn’t consistent.
  10. 01:27:784 (1) –Like Easy and Normal, also end this spinner here: 01:30:436 – Also, it’s important for all the end-spinners in all the diffs to be consistent.

  1. 00:03:254 (2) –Rather try this here. I think it will give you much nicer flow.
  2. 00:03:917 (4) – I don’t really hear anything in the music that suggests such a big jump here. Use the same spacing you used here: 00:03:254 (2,3) – Refrain from suddenly placing a big jump when the music doesn’t really suggest it.
  3. 00:16:679 (2,3,4) –I suggest keeping the triple jumps consistent. So try to space this triple like you spaced these: 00:14:027 (2,3,4,2,3,4) –
  4. 00:17:177 (5,6) –Ctrl+G these two circles, so it looks like this then:
    The jump from 00:17:342 (6) –to 00:17:508 (1) –just feels really big and I think my suggestion will give that section nice flow.
  5. 00:36:734 (1) –Too big jump imo, especially for not such a fast section in the song. You can try to fix that by unstacking 00:36:569 (6) –
  6. 01:03:585 (3) –Rather unstack this circle for better flow.
  7. 01:05:077 (2) –Reduce this spacing please. Since the flow isn’t that easy to grasp, I don’t suggest such a big jump here.
  8. 01:06:237 (1) –Are you sure about this big jump here? Since it’s quite a difficult stream, I think you should rather reduce the spacing to make gameplay more comfortable.
  9. 01:07:729 (2) –Same as previous suggestion about the triple jump. Since the flow isn’t that noticeable, reduce the spacing please.
  10. 01:08:889 (1) –The jump to this stream is much smaller than the jump to this stream: 01:06:237 (1) – Keep this jump consistent, so rather use this stream’s jump: 01:08:889 (1) –
  11. 01:10:547 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –Hm, why don’t you rather try to keep the spacing between these notes consistent? Like you did here: 01:13:862 (1,2,3,4) - Those spacings are consistent. I think it will play much better.
  12. 01:17:674 (2) –Unstack.
  13. 01:27:287 (7) –Keep the spacing consistent, so these spacings: 01:26:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) –has to be consistent.
  14. 01:27:784 (1) –End this spinner here: 01:30:436 –

Unfortunately this mapset isn’t ready for rank yet. You still need to improve those hitsounds please and more mods would be needed to polish those hitsounds, new combos, jumps and also some of the rhythms.

Feel free to call me back when you have gotten enough mods and made a lot of changes to improve the mapset.

Good Luck~! :D

-Nya- wrote:

  1. You have a lot of unused soundfiles:
    The following hitsounds are unused:
  2. drum-sliderslide4.wav
  3. drum-sliderslide8.wav
  4. drum-sliderwhistle4.wav
  5. drum-sliderslide7.wav
  6. drum-sliderwhistle8.wav
  7. drum-sliderslide2.wav
  8. drum-sliderwhistle7.wav
  9. drum-sliderwhistle2.wav
    Please remove these.
I'm pretty sure you're using TicClick's application

I will take care of this (as I'm the one who made the hitsound :) )

Those hitsounds i's used, if you look Easy / Normal diff carefully, PM me if you not understand :lol:
Hi m4m from your queue
00:50:657 - green line volume 50~55% because 65% finish sound too noisy and every degree of difficulty is different location of the finish
00:04:911 (4) -- But is fine....move to 262/284
00:51:983 (3) - remove finish
01:03:917 (1,2) - Improve blanket
01:13:199 (5,6) - ^

00:10:878 (1,2,3) - same distance
01:21:817 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^
00:12:204 (1,1) - stack
00:31:596 (5,3) - ^
00:26:790 (1,3) - same shape
00:51:983 (5,3) -it is difficult to read
00:55:298 (3,4) - Improve blanket
00:57:950 (3,4) - ^
01:12:536 (3,4) - ^
01:25:132 (1,2) - ^
00:55:961 (1,2) - too far.
00:59:276 (1,2,3) - don't stack
01:10:547 (3,4) - ^
01:20:823 (2,3) - blanket

00:02:259 (2,3,4) - same distance
00:57:950 (3,4,5) - ^
01:11:873 (1,2,4) - ^
00:09:387 (5,5) - stack or 00:10:381 (3,4,5) - move to 440/246
00:10:878 (1,1) - stack
00:51:983 (1,1) - remove finish
00:55:961 (1) - ^
00:55:961 (1) - ^
00:58:613 (1) - ^
01:01:265 (1) - ^
01:06:569 (5) - ^
01:11:873 (1) - ^
00:56:293 (3,5,7) -

good luck >w<
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

Heya~ Responding to your request from in-game.
So, let's get started.

  1. You have a lot of unused soundfiles:
    The following hitsounds are unused:
  2. drum-sliderslide4.wav
  3. drum-sliderslide8.wav
  4. drum-sliderwhistle4.wav
  5. drum-sliderslide7.wav
  6. drum-sliderwhistle8.wav
  7. drum-sliderslide2.wav
  8. drum-sliderwhistle7.wav
  9. drum-sliderwhistle2.wav
    Please remove these. Look at wendao's post above :3
  10. The slider velocity jump from Normal to Hard is quite big and makes the spread a bit unbalanced. Maybe use a SV of 1.20 for Hard and then 1.40 for Insane. It doesn’t really matter as long as the jump from that Normal to Hard is not too big. Please, can i keep this? It's too hard to change
  11. You can try throwing in some more whistles into your mapset. That hitsound always fit nicely in any song imo. Tried :3

  1. 00:44:359 (3,4) –This spacing is incorrect. Please fix this, otherwise it’s unrankable. This circle 00:44:359 (3) – has to be a bit closer to 00:43:364 (2) –
  2. 00:10:878 (1) –I suggest placing a finish on the head of that slider for emphasism. It fits nicely imo.
  3. 00:14:525 –Since there’s a clear vocal here, I suggest adding a note here, also for better flow.
  4. 00:14:856 (2,3) –You can add whistle sounds on the heads of these sliders. Go through your diffs and just check and listen to places where you think whistle sounds will fit nicely. This twinkling hitsound usually follows a consistent rhythm when you place them, so rather don’t place them randomly; place them so they’re following a consistent pattern.
  5. 00:16:182 (1) –Add a finish on the head of this slider as well. Also for emphasism. I’m not going to point out every single one, but hopefully you understand where you can place them throughout the diff. Usually right at the start of a new sentence. Just listen to the music carefully and I’m sure you’ll hear those specific places.
  6. 00:17:508 (2) –Eh, for tidiness reasons and overall appeal, I suggest rather doing this:
  7. 00:21:486 (1) –Instead of a whistle, I think it will be better to add a finish on the head. Way better emphasizing technique.
  8. 00:23:143 –Imo, a note here will improve the flow and fit very nicely into the diff.
  9. 00:25:795 (1) –Remove new combo here for consistency.
  10. 00:26:790 (3) –Add new combo here since the vocalist clearly starts with a new important sentence here. And then remove new combo here: 00:28:116 (1) –
  11. 00:37:729 –Since this is an important beat, rather change this circle: 00:37:398 (1) –into a slider to emphasize that beat.
  12. 00:40:050 (1) –Hm, imo a spinner here doesn’t fit at all. Usually one would place a spinner during a very long vocal or a long sound in the music of the song without vocals. In this case there is none of those. So I suggest rather removing that spinner and mapping that area. The spinner also feels a bit short for an Easy, so also to be safe, rather map there.
  13. 00:42:701 (1) –Like my previous suggestion, rather replace this circle with a slider to emphasize this beat: 00:43:033 –as well.
  14. 00:46:348 –Since there’s a strong vocal here, rather add a note here to emphasize that.
  15. 00:50:657 (1) –Hmmm, this spinner really feels too short for an Easy. Remove it and map that area out.
  16. 01:06:569 (1) –You forgot the finish on the head of this slider. Please add one for consistency.
  17. 01:18:503 (1) –For more reaction time between the spinner and the next note, rather remove this circle. It’s not really needed and removing it will make gameplay for beginners more relaxing.
  18. 01:22:480 –I guess this suggestion is really my own opinion mainly, but I still think it’s quite effective. With important beats like that, it’s always a good idea to rather place a circle or the start of a slider there to emphasize that beat better. I think i don't accept this
  19. 01:18:503 – to 01:24:469 – I love the use of whistles here. Why not use more whistles like you did here at the start of the diff as well?
  20. 01:27:784 (1) –Aaahh, very short spinner! You can end that spinner here: 01:30:436 – Even though the vocals doesn’t end there, the music does though, so it’s still very effective. If you don’t want to do that, then remove the spinner and map that area.

  1. 00:00:271 (1) –A finish on the head of this slider fits so nicely~ Like the Easy, go through the diff and look for places where you think a finish will emphasize a certain beat very well (Usually at the beginning of a sentence.)
  2. 00:00:271 (1,3) –Try to make these two sliders look similar. You can use the copy and paste option and then just rotate the slider into place. Doing this will improve the “look” of the diff.
  3. In this diff, I see that you added a lot of whistle sounds, but why does your Easy scarcely have any whistles at all. Always try to keep the hitsounding the same on all the diffs.
  4. 00:37:729 – and 00:38:392 – Try to emphasize these beats please by changing 00:37:398 (1,2) –into sliders.
  5. 00:40:050 (1) –Just like in the Easy, I think it will be much better to rather remove that spinner and map the area out. A spinner just doesn’t really fit and I have an issue with the reaction time between the spinner and the next note. But if you really want that spinner there, then just place 00:42:701 (1) – right in the middle of the spinner to make gameplay more comfortable. Putted the next note at the middle
  6. 00:50:657 (1) – Same thing here. Place this slider: 00:53:309 (1) –right in the middle of the spinner if you really want to keep it, but I still think mapping that area out will be much better. Same as above
  7. 01:12:204 (2,6) –Rather try to avoid this overlap please. It looks ugly. Just try to place 01:13:862 (6) –somewhere else where it’s not touching that circle.
  8. 01:27:784 (1) - Like the Easy, I think it will be much better to end the spinner here: 01:30:436 –

  1. 00:09:552 (3) –Inconsistent spacing here. Space this (3) out like you spaced these out: 00:08:226 (1,2) – If you don’t do this, it’s very confusing, cuz players will think they have to click it earlier than they are supposed to.
  2. 00:18:834 (5) –Shouldn’t the new combo be here instead? Add new combo here and then remove new combo here: 00:19:166 (1) –
  3. 00:29:442 (5) –This is an important beat, so rather add new combo here and remove new combo here: 00:30:436 (1) –
  4. 00:34:746 (6) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 00:35:077 (1) –
  5. 01:05:077 (1) –Remove new combo here and add new combo here: 01:05:243 (2) –
  6. 01:06:569 (6) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 01:06:900 (1) –
  7. 01:07:895 (5) –Add new combo here.
  8. 01:09:221 (8) –Add new combo here and remove new combo here: 01:09:552 (1) –
  9. 01:12:867 (1) –Remove new combo here and then add new combo here: 01:13:862 (4) –
    The above new combo suggestion is very necessary imo. Cuz right now your comboing in this diff isn’t consistent.
  10. 01:27:784 (1) –Like Easy and Normal, also end this spinner here: 01:30:436 – Also, it’s important for all the end-spinners in all the diffs to be consistent.

  1. 00:03:254 (2) –Rather try this here. I think it will give you much nicer flow.
  2. 00:03:917 (4) – I don’t really hear anything in the music that suggests such a big jump here. Use the same spacing you used here: 00:03:254 (2,3) – Refrain from suddenly placing a big jump when the music doesn’t really suggest it.
  3. 00:16:679 (2,3,4) –I suggest keeping the triple jumps consistent. So try to space this triple like you spaced these: 00:14:027 (2,3,4,2,3,4) –
  4. 00:17:177 (5,6) –Ctrl+G these two circles, so it looks like this then:
    The jump from 00:17:342 (6) –to 00:17:508 (1) –just feels really big and I think my suggestion will give that section nice flow.
  5. 00:36:734 (1) –Too big jump imo, especially for not such a fast section in the song. You can try to fix that by unstacking 00:36:569 (6) –
  6. 01:03:585 (3) –Rather unstack this circle for better flow.
  7. 01:05:077 (2) –Reduce this spacing please. Since the flow isn’t that easy to grasp, I don’t suggest such a big jump here.
  8. 01:06:237 (1) –Are you sure about this big jump here? Since it’s quite a difficult stream, I think you should rather reduce the spacing to make gameplay more comfortable.
  9. 01:07:729 (2) –Same as previous suggestion about the triple jump. Since the flow isn’t that noticeable, reduce the spacing please.
  10. 01:08:889 (1) –The jump to this stream is much smaller than the jump to this stream: 01:06:237 (1) – Keep this jump consistent, so rather use this stream’s jump: 01:08:889 (1) –
  11. 01:10:547 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) –Hm, why don’t you rather try to keep the spacing between these notes consistent? Like you did here: 01:13:862 (1,2,3,4) - Those spacings are consistent. I think it will play much better. Please, i don't want to remove this. I love this. This is my style
  12. 01:17:674 (2) –Unstack.
  13. 01:27:287 (7) –Keep the spacing consistent, so these spacings: 01:26:458 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) –has to be consistent.
  14. 01:27:784 (1) –End this spinner here: 01:30:436 –

Unfortunately this mapset isn’t ready for rank yet. You still need to improve those hitsounds please and more mods would be needed to polish those hitsounds, new combos, jumps and also some of the rhythms. Okay!~

Feel free to call me back when you have gotten enough mods and made a lot of changes to improve the mapset. Yay!~

Good Luck~! :D Thanks!~
  1. Non-replied mod are ACCEPTED
  2. The LAST SPINNER of all diff has just been deleted and has just been changed to another note :3
Topic Starter

NeK0Nyqn wrote:

Hi m4m from your queue
00:50:657 - green line volume 50~55% because 65% finish sound too noisy and every degree of difficulty is different location of the finish
00:04:911 (4) -- But is fine....move to 262/284
00:51:983 (3) - remove finish ok
01:03:917 (1,2) - Improve blanket ok
01:13:199 (5,6) - ^ ok

00:10:878 (1,2,3) - same distance ok
01:21:817 (1,2,3,4,1) - ^
00:12:204 (1,1) - stack ok
00:31:596 (5,3) - ^ ok
00:26:790 (1,3) - same shape ok
00:51:983 (5,3) -it is difficult to read fixed
00:55:298 (3,4) - Improve blanket ok
00:57:950 (3,4) - ^ ok
01:12:536 (3,4) - ^ ok
01:25:132 (1,2) - ^ ok
00:55:961 (1,2) - too far. fixed
00:59:276 (1,2,3) - don't stack
01:10:547 (3,4) - ^ ok
01:20:823 (2,3) - blanket tried

00:02:259 (2,3,4) - same distance ok
00:57:950 (3,4,5) - ^ ok
01:11:873 (1,2,4) - ^
00:09:387 (5,5) - stack or 00:10:381 (3,4,5) - move to 440/246 stacked
00:10:878 (1,1) - stack ok
00:51:983 (1,1) - remove finish
00:55:961 (1) - ^
00:55:961 (1) - ^
00:58:613 (1) - ^
01:01:265 (1) - ^
01:06:569 (5) - ^
01:11:873 (1) - ^
00:56:293 (3,5,7) - What?

good luck >w< Thanks~
  1. Non-replied mod are REJECTED
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