
Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding - Outside [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on dimanche 25 octobre 2015 at 07:37:32

Artist: Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding
Title: Outside
Tags: Dance Electronic Motion
BPM: 128,02
Filesize: 6875kb
Play Time: 03:42
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2,17 stars, 434 notes)
  2. Kantan (1,26 stars, 260 notes)
  3. Muzukashii (2,34 stars, 636 notes)
  4. Oni (3,31 stars, 962 notes)
Download: Calvin Harris feat. Ellie Goulding - Outside
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
CC Nashmun! o/

To do :

- Making K/F/M/O mapset (Done).
- Storyboard (Done)
- Respect Star rating spread : 1.11, 2.22, 3.33 (lolol)

Ready for mods! \:D/
Maybe plan to make a fusion with Gabe. Ow8 nope xD

Aldwych wrote:

Maybe plan to make a fusion with Gabe.
Should ungrave before getting any mods I think.

Anyway, I'll mod muzu and Oni even though I love Ellie Goulding (but let's be real I hate low bpm songs for these games)

sandwych? is that you?
[ General]

  1. Should use SV1.4 or 1.6. As far as I know 1.3 is unrankable
  2. HP is waaaaaaay too forgiving in all diffs, given the low density due to the nature of the song. Consider putting it higher.
  3. if this file is not in use, delete it
  4. Highly unadvise you to use scroll speed changes in lower difficulties
  5. I saw some flashing stuff in the Storyboard. Maybe enable epilepsy warning?
[ Muzukashii]

I hardly think this is overmapped due to the nature of the song. But I think overall the difficulties could be more spiced up, otherwise the player will end up being bored as hell (even with DT/NC). I'll focus on trying to give some particular places where you can increase density to spice up the map a bit, without being it too overmapped. Needless to say, those you accept (in case you accept any) you should use them in all difficulties to avoid spread issues. With that said...

  1. 00:01:983 - 00:03:857 -
  2. 00:05:732 - 00:07:607 -
  3. 00:16:980 - 00:20:027 -
  4. 00:28:228 - 00:30:103 -
  5. 00:31:978 - 00:35:024 -
  6. 02:39:458 - 02:43:207 - *
  7. 02:46:957 - 02:50:706 - * these 2 have considerably lower pace, but there are still mappable sounds
Rest of the map has considerably high and nice density.

In my mods I don't like to go picky with "change d" or "change k" unless they sound badly or cause inconsistencies. And considering the difficulties (at least this one) need some more spice up in terms of density, I don't think it is a good idea for me to go picky on these stuff.

[ Oni]

Apart from the density stuff I mentioned on the Muzu, I found nothing to be picky about. Songs flows well and has nice and consistent patterns. Sorry for this shitmod but song is soooooooo slow lol
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

Should ungrave before getting any mods I think.

Anyway, I'll mod muzu and Oni even though I love Ellie Goulding (but let's be real I hate low bpm songs for these games)

sandwych? is that you?
[ General]

  1. Should use SV1.4 or 1.6. As far as I know 1.3 is unrankable From the ranking criteria The Slider Velocity should be 1.40, this is a guideline not a rule, so it's ok. Keep noticing tho.
  2. HP is waaaaaaay too forgiving in all diffs, given the low density due to the nature of the song. Consider putting it higher. +2 for all
  3. if this file is not in use, delete it Storyboard file.
  4. Highly unadvise you to use scroll speed changes in lower difficulties I'll ask ono if i can keep than on lower, but mainly i shouldn't.
  5. I saw some flashing stuff in the Storyboard. Maybe enable epilepsy warning? AI mod will say it's forbidden.
[ Muzukashii]

I hardly think this is overmapped due to the nature of the song. But I think overall the difficulties could be more spiced up, otherwise the player will end up being bored as hell (even with DT/NC). I'll focus on trying to give some particular places where you can increase density to spice up the map a bit, without being it too overmapped. Needless to say, those you accept (in case you accept any) you should use them in all difficulties to avoid spread issues. With that said...

Offically this is not overmapped at all, look at the SR. 2.33 this is even close of the N diff. Also sky dance ot the same BPM and the SR so i'm confident.

  1. 00:01:983 - 00:03:857 - It's the intro so i prefer keeping this calm as possible even it it's boring, i woud like to tell a spread on the diffs with the objects, the music and the storyboard, all are linked. Keep noticing tho
  2. 00:05:732 - 00:07:607 -
  3. 00:16:980 - 00:20:027 - A bit at the begining.
  4. 00:28:228 - 00:30:103 - added a d.
  5. 00:31:978 - 00:35:024 - Added a bit.
  6. 02:39:458 - 02:43:207 - * Don't even think xD Let this as a pause
  7. 02:46:957 - 02:50:706 - * these 2 have considerably lower pace, but there are still mappable sounds
Rest of the map has considerably high and nice density.

In my mods I don't like to go picky with "change d" or "change k" unless they sound badly or cause inconsistencies. And considering the difficulties (at least this one) need some more spice up in terms of density, I don't think it is a good idea for me to go picky on these stuff.

[ Oni]

Apart from the density stuff I mentioned on the Muzu, I found nothing to be picky about. Songs flows well and has nice and consistent patterns. Sorry for this shitmod but song is soooooooo slow lol
Don't worry thanks for looking on my map even if it was a bit out of your requirements :D
Take your cookie :D
From Queue (I'm Still learning mapping, almost of my mod is too subjective.)

Aldwych wrote:

I know that it's over 3 min, but maybe you can mod only 2 diff. I'm ok with that (rip all modders who limit DT :<)
Actually, Drain Time(with Total Drain Time) really break my queue rule. but it's okay as i'm found another well map.

Awesome SB! and notes :3


01:09:003 - Finish as Spin end, i'd better if unfinish here. as flow clap but just kat more fit
02:23:992 - ^
03:12:734 - remove this note and move spin end here.

It's Best Kantan i've seen!



i want to give star here <3 / but don't give kudos!

and it's really cool if Inner Oni here!
Topic Starter
Hi wofl100

wofl100 wrote:

From Queue (I'm Still learning mapping, almost of my mod is too subjective.)

Aldwych wrote:

I know that it's over 3 min, but maybe you can mod only 2 diff. I'm ok with that (rip all modders who limit DT :<)
Actually, Drain Time(with Total Drain Time) really break my queue rule. but it's okay as i'm found another well map.

Awesome SB! and notes :3 Thanks :)


01:09:003 - Finish as Spin end, i'd better if unfinish here. as flow clap but just kat more fit
02:23:992 - ^
03:12:734 - remove this note and move spin end here.

Well i don't need to finish a spin on a important note because a spinner can be finish at anywhere, so it's not really important, thus i increase the last one to 1/1 because i had to.

It's Best Kantan i've seen!



i want to give star here <3 / but don't give kudos!

and it's really cool if Inner Oni here! I don't find a legit reason for inner oni here, the music is quite calm, and i don't want to go on 1/8 or death stream, there's no need on this music.
Thanks for looking at :D
Because you don't wan't me go give kudosu then i won't so. :<
Hi, Aldwych, from my queue

  1. Well, diff looks good, but set in timing slider velocity multiplier 1.0 only
  2. And u can alternate pattern's. U have k k kdd k k kdd.. (use k k kdd k k kkd and other's)
  3. 00:40:883 (29,30) - Swap
  4. 00:48:382 (38,39) - ^
  5. 01:04:785 (61,62) and 01:06:660 (63,64) - ^
  6. 01:07:597 (1) - Spin ends here 01:08:769. Need here 01:08:535
  7. 01:14:627 (10) - k
  8. 01:25:407 - Some note
  9. 01:58:683 (77,78,79,80) - Use dkdk/kdkd pattern's on pattern's like this 01:58:683 (77,78,79,80)
  1. 00:15:105 (10,11,12,13) - Looks better like dk kd
  2. 00:24:010 (22,23) - Swap
  3. 00:50:022 (75,76) - ^
  4. 01:24:938 - Some note
  5. 00:39:008 (50) - k
  6. 02:01:495 (116) - d
  7. 02:09:463 (132) - ^
  8. 01:33:843 (54,55,56) - ddk (01:35:015 (57,58) - Swap)
  1. 00:05:029 (3,4) - Swap
  2. 00:44:632 (87,88) - d
  3. 00:54:474 (116) - ^
  4. 01:45:326 (119) - ^
  5. 02:09:462 (196) - ^
  1. 00:13:934 - Some note
  2. 00:24:479 (20,23) - Swap
  3. 01:29:274 (322,323) - ^
  4. 02:21:180 (584,585) - ^ (02:22:117 (587) - k)
  5. 02:38:521 (674,676) - ^
  6. 03:27:263 (867,869) - ^
  7. 03:42:026 (948,951) - ^
  8. 00:54:709 (141,142,143,144) - ddkk
  9. 01:33:960 (343) - k (01:34:546 (346,347) - Swap)
  10. 02:05:479 (504) - ^ (k here looks better)
  11. 02:09:697 (526) - d

Bye :3
Topic Starter
Hi skeuddy, sorry for the huge delay, i'm quite busy due to my travel.

Skeuddy wrote:

Hi, Aldwych, from my queue

  1. Well, diff looks good, but set in timing slider velocity multiplier 1.0 only I talked with onosakihito, and it seems fine and non-shocking to see SV multiplier on lower diff since taiko no tatsujin uses SV changes on lower diff. Gonna keep them.
  2. And u can alternate pattern's. U have k k kdd k k kdd.. (use k k kdd k k kkd and other's) Maybe, let's see.
  3. 00:40:883 (29,30) - Swap I prefer dkk than dkd since the last note is more legit with a k.
  4. 00:48:382 (38,39) - ^
  5. 01:04:785 (61,62) and 01:06:660 (63,64) - ^ No legit reason imo.
  6. 01:07:597 (1) - Spin ends here 01:08:769. Need here 01:08:535 Ok
  7. 01:14:627 (10) - k I follow the melody not the clap.
  8. 01:25:407 - Some note I prefer keeping this area as a long break. Lower diffs needs some good break :D

  9. 01:58:683 (77,78,79,80) - Use dkd k/kdkd pattern's on pattern's like this 01:58:683 (77,78,79,80) Melody > Vocals. Even if i used to follow vocals for some patterns, i dislike dkdkdkdkdkdk
  1. 00:15:105 (10,11,12,13) - Looks better like dk kd No xd
  2. 00:24:010 (22,23) - Swap melody
  3. 00:50:022 (75,76) - ^ Stop using k just because there's clap. We're not in standard ;<
  4. 01:24:938 - Some note Break
  5. 00:39:008 (50) - k Vocals. Nice backward.
  6. 02:01:495 (116) - d Vocals
  7. 02:09:463 (132) - ^ Vocals go higher.
  8. 01:33:843 (54,55,56) - ddk I like so much to use d here, just for the clap.

    (01:35:015 (57,58) - Swap) Melodyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


  1. 00:05:029 (3,4) - Swap I won't respond else than melody, the first goes high, the next lower.
  2. 00:44:632 (87,88) - d no x2
  3. 00:54:474 (116) - ^
  4. 01:45:326 (119) - ^ If it was only me i would do 4x k, but the clap tells me to do d xd
  5. 02:09:462 (196) - ^

  1. 00:13:934 - Some note I'm following the main melody and the vocals, adding here have no sense.
  2. 00:24:479 (20,23) - Swap uh why? Vocals are hgh
  3. 01:29:274 (322,323) - ^ vocals "to you" are on the same intensity, keeping as d.
  4. 02:21:180 (584,585) - ^ (02:22:117 (587) - k)
  5. 02:38:521 (674,676) - ^ Imo my stream is legit, k for main melody (except the first but it looks good, i also want to make as simple as possible)
  6. 03:27:263 (867,869) - ^
  7. 03:42:026 (948,951) - ^
  8. 00:54:709 (141,142,143,144) - ddkk Are we hearing the same music? xd the first sound are higher
  9. 01:33:960 (343) - k (01:34:546 (346,347) - Swap) The k is only use to accentuate the "Breathing". Two will be too much.
  10. 02:05:479 (504) - ^ (k here looks better) Imo we're between 2 streams, this looks easier to see and play a d here than a k.
  11. 02:09:697 (526) - d Meloldy.

Bye :3
Gonna continue further but thanks for the mod and take your cookie! :D
Sorry for refusing nearly evreything. I follow mainly the melody, then the vocals. I don't use k for claps we're not in standart and.... giorjgioeriotejgierogj
Jason X

Aldwych wrote:

I saw some flashing stuff in the Storyboard. Maybe enable epilepsy warning? AI mod will say it's forbidden.
AiMod does not matter now, because it is Flashing, so you need to Enable the epilepsy warning. This point i see on Raiden's mod, and i'm agree with this point

Hi, from Modding Queue (NM)

add Tags: Dance Electronic Motion

i find Nothing...
this diffs was Perfect in my opinion

Because i can't mod it, i Star it, so take my Kudosu and Good Luck :)
Topic Starter

Jason X wrote:

Aldwych wrote:

I saw some flashing stuff in the Storyboard. Maybe enable epilepsy warning? AI mod will say it's forbidden.
AiMod does not matter now, because it is Flashing, so you need to Enable the epilepsy warning. This point i see on Raiden's mod, and i'm agree with this point

It seems that some recent maps (little magic show) got epilepsy warning. So yeah AImod sucks xd

Hi, from Modding Queue (NM)

add Tags: Dance Electronic Motion


i find Nothing...
this diffs was Perfect in my opinion

Because i can't mod it, i Star it, so take my Kudosu and Good Luck :)
Thks for checking that and take your cookie! :D

I don't really like the song like this ._.)
Calvin Harris's Melody fit with pepsi commercial or sth like that imo. NOPE

01:05:723 - preview point here cuz "Outside"

01:05:488 - or maybe here ? (cover that "whoop" too)

01:07:363 - or here for shorter lyric

wow that star rating
1.3 2.33 3.33 WOW LOL


00:40:883 - this note is really strong it's good to emphasize
00:41:351 - maybe move to this to somewhere else to emphasize above ^ ORRR fade out that sound by change this note to d
00:48:850 - ^

00:56:349 - this note is note like above ^ k can cover that whoop sound really good
00:55:880 - k if you apple above mod ^
01:03:379 - k you will get 00:55:412 - d k k 00:59:161 - d d k and here d k k

01:24:001 - remove reflect 01:09:472 -

01:41:342 - current pattern really odd in this part d to make it familiar with other pattern
01:52:590 (67,70) - swap color reason ^
01:49:778 (62,63,64) - you may swap color for kdk dkd kdk

03:27:732 - k cuz this is the last kiai maybe some unique pattern ?
03:42:964 - k ? and BPM is not that high. not much problem ?


00:34:790 (38,39) - move ->1/2 wtf didn't you follow that last two ?

00:40:883 - k better cover that sound \:D/
00:48:382 - ^
00:55:880 - ^ plz
01:03:379 - ^ please sadkp[skda[sld

01:41:342 - d simple
01:47:903 - d s1mple

01:54:465 - K simple kdkdkdkdkd.... and k look fit imo

01:55:402 (104,105) - SWAPPPP because that sound really fit with k
02:10:400 (134,135) - SWAPPPP #2
02:12:743 (139,140) - #3
02:15:555 (144,147) - #4 !
02:16:024 (145,146) - #5 !!
02:18:367 - k[/c... o wait it's already YAY !
02:20:711 - WOW this too nice ! nope actually k to this 02:20:242 - plz

02:57:736 - this part too make it k !!!!

03:00:080 - k please >w<
03:01:017 (56,57) - #6 !!!
03:03:360 - k please #2 >w<
03:07:579 (71,72,73,74) - SWAP COLOR PLZ !

03:27:731 - k plz that "tac"
03:42:963 - k !


i think you can remember that k in Futsuu mod. FOR SURE you mapped it in the same way to Muzukashii too.
so you can use it for Muzukashii too if need.I won't say it in Muzukashii mod.

00:24:479 - it's same with 00:14:168 -
00:26:354 - k that whoop ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

no let say it again
00:40:883 (75,76) - swap it
i think that sound emphasize better in 1/1
00:41:117 - move this to 00:41:351 - plz
profit 00:39:477 - dkkdd , 00:41:351 - dkkdd too
WOW more profit 00:48:850 -

00:46:507 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
00:48:382 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
00:55:412 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
01:01:036 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) actually it should be on 01:01:504 - but i think you won't map ddk

01:03:613 - ._. "i think that sound emphasize better in 1/1" .___. why u do dis .___.
01:03:379 (147,148,149,150) - swap the color then .___.

01:11:112 - move -> 1/2
01:18:611 - move -> 1/2

01:48:372 - k simple no it's fit to music

01:52:590 - whoa oo oo is harder than ooooo can you map it in other way ?

My suggest

01:56:105 - haha ! swap color of these two 01:55:871 (153,154) - then move 01:56:105 - ->1/2 plz
02:10:868 (198,199) - ^
02:18:367 (221,222) - ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
02:25:867 (7,8) - ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #2
02:33:366 (35,36) - ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #3
02:55:862 (74,75) - ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #4
03:03:361 (97) - oh nice ... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
01:59:620 (165,170) - swap
02:03:370 - k
02:16:493 - k

03:09:688 - ~ 03:12:734 - you better leave it blank or put spinner on it

03:14:609 (121,122) - o ! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #5
03:29:607 (175,176) - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #6
03:37:106 (201,202) - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #7


00:40:883 (71,72) - ( ͡° ͜ʖ.... nope nothing. it's fine now

01:42:514 - d
01:42:982 (388,389,390) - swap color or make it to kkd
these two mod make it reflect 01:41:576 (379,380,381,382,383,384) -

01:52:590 (440,441,442,443,444) - Ctrl+G reflect to 01:51:653 (434,435,436,437,438) -
01:53:527 (447,449) - swap this two
to make a big reflect kdddk ddkdk kdkdd kdddk
if you like to cover her voice with 01:52:590 - ddkdk kdkdd
you can reflect a little with
01:51:653 (434,435,436,437,438) - dkkkkd

03:09:453 - T-T ik you really want cool solo on silence place but T-T can you leave it blank or use spinner plz ? T-T

03:43:081 - you can add d here to fade out that sound a little
Topic Starter
No Ono didn't eat me.

Sorry for delay.

[I]MMoRTal[S] wrote:


I don't really like the song like this ._.) Mehhh D':
Calvin Harris's Melody fit with pepsi commercial or sth like that imo. NOPE pepsi suck better drink coca-cola stuff.

01:05:723 - preview point here cuz "Outside"

01:05:488 - or maybe here ? (cover that "whoop" too)

01:07:363 - or here for shorter lyric This is the most accurate one, but 1/4 later lel.

wow that star rating
1.3 2.33 3.33 WOW LOL
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Are you even trying m8? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


00:40:883 - this note is really strong it's good to emphasize Well i don't want to use finishers or stuff like that to make it different. Moreover on a kantan
00:41:351 - maybe move to this to somewhere else to emphasize above ^ ORRR fade out that sound by change this note to d
00:48:850 - ^ same for 2

00:56:349 - this note is note like above ^ k can cover that whoop sound really good it's already k Oo
00:55:880 - k if you apple above mod ^ Same sound as previously, so i don't want to go as k.
01:03:379 - k you will get 00:55:412 - d k k 00:59:161 - d d k and here d k k

01:24:001 - remove reflect 01:09:472 - Why not

01:41:342 - current pattern really odd in this part d to make it familiar with other pattern Meh i hate dkdkdk stuff. D: And vocals are enough to make it k worth.
01:52:590 (67,70) - swap color reason ^ Vocals or melody, i think that spamming only kdk is useless and boring, i actually consider that i've used enough of kdk stuff.
01:49:778 (62,63,64) - you may swap color for kdk dkd kdk It doesn't really fit the melody :<

03:27:732 - k cuz this is the last kiai maybe some unique pattern ? Eww. I deleted this pattern becasue i wanna break. (I don't want some complain about breaks lel)
03:42:964 - k ? and BPM is not that high. not much problem ? That won't be a problem but much a disturb to get the only one 1/2 at the end. Problably very frustrating to get 1 miss at the end.

I also deleted some katan's section in order to get regular break. YES NWOLF! I KNOW YOU LOVE BREAKS I HOPE THAT YOU GONNA READ THIS!


00:34:790 (38,39) - move ->1/2 wtf didn't you follow that last two ? Don't even know why, maybe a mistake. Thanks

00:40:883 - k better cover that sound \:D/ Both 2
00:48:382 - ^ Not really for this one. I feel that it'll be 2 confuse for player with this swaps.
00:55:880 - ^ plz Remapped al this section. U just don't know what hapened here asga.
01:03:379 - ^ please sadkp[skda[sld same as above.

01:41:342 - d simple Vocals
01:47:903 - d s1mple Prefer the next one.

01:54:465 - K simple kdkdkdkdkd.... and k look fit imo Don't, know why i would like to use K.

01:55:402 (104,105) - SWAPPPP because that sound really fit with k
02:10:400 (134,135) - SWAPPPP #2 Yee x2
02:12:743 (139,140) - #3 Prefer only change to k.
02:15:555 (144,147) - #4 ! Remapped
02:16:024 (145,146) - #5 !! Changed to k.
02:18:367 - k[/c... o wait it's already YAY !
02:20:711 - WOW this too nice ! nope actually k to this 02:20:242 - plz

02:57:736 - this part too make it k !!!!

03:00:080 - k please >w< yee
03:01:017 (56,57) - #6 !!! yee
03:03:360 - k please #2 >w<
03:07:579 (71,72,73,74) - SWAP COLOR PLZ !

03:27:731 - k plz that "tac" the k is on the 1/2 not the 1/1
03:42:963 - k !


i think you can remember that k in Futsuu mod. FOR SURE you mapped it in the same way to Muzukashii too.
so you can use it for Muzukashii too if need.I won't say it in Muzukashii mod.

00:24:479 - it's same with 00:14:168 - eh.... no.
00:26:354 - k that whoop ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)fixed

no let say it again
00:40:883 (75,76) - swap it Nope, this section is not mapped on the same way as futsuu. Nice try.
i think that sound emphasize better in 1/1
00:41:117 - move this to 00:41:351 - plz yep
profit 00:39:477 - dkkdd , 00:41:351 - dkkdd too And i did that further too.
WOW more profit 00:48:850 -

00:46:507 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Nope, the d are for the vocals.
00:48:382 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Melody. And i prefer to keep as this on muzukashii
00:55:412 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) This one have non sense with the next triplet. Because they aren't on the same way;
01:01:036 - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) actually it should be on 01:01:504 - but i think you won't map ddk

01:03:613 - ._. "i think that sound emphasize better in 1/1" .___. why u do dis .___.
01:03:379 (147,148,149,150) - swap the color then .___. Don't even think.

01:11:112 - move -> 1/2
01:18:611 - move -> 1/2 yep x2

01:48:372 - k simple no it's fit to music Vocals. Like i care of teh claps xd

01:52:590 - whoa oo oo is harder than ooooo can you map it in other way ? Gonna think of. I prefer the flow of doublets but i accept that it's harder

My suggest

01:56:105 - haha ! swap color of these two 01:55:871 (153,154) - then move 01:56:105 - ->1/2 plz
02:10:868 (198,199) - ^
02:18:367 (221,222) - ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
02:25:867 (7,8) - ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #2
02:33:366 (35,36) - ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #3
02:55:862 (74,75) - ^ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #4

Do all the kind i found the best.

03:03:361 (97) - oh nice ... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
01:59:620 (165,170) - swap Why ppl use numbers instead of timers? That sucks a lot when i want clearly what notes you want me to swap. Nice backward tho
02:03:370 - k
02:16:493 - k


03:09:688 - ~ 03:12:734 - you better leave it blank or put spinner on it

Get out. Keep noticin tho'

03:14:609 (121,122) - o ! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #5
03:29:607 (175,176) - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #6
03:37:106 (201,202) - ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #7



00:40:883 (71,72) - ( ͡° ͜ʖ.... nope nothing. it's fine now YOU WOT M8?!

01:42:514 - d Legit, it sounds good.
01:42:982 (388,389,390) - swap color or make it to kkd yep, the vocals goes down at teh end.
these two mod make it reflect 01:41:576 (379,380,381,382,383,384) - ?

01:52:590 (440,441,442,443,444) - Ctrl+G reflect to 01:51:653 (434,435,436,437,438) -
01:53:527 (447,449) - swap this two
to make a big reflect kdddk ddkdk kdkdd kdddk
if you like to cover her voice with 01:52:590 - ddkdk kdkdd
you can reflect a little with
01:51:653 (434,435,436,437,438) - dkkkkd I like the previous mirror.

03:09:453 - T-T ik you really want cool solo on silence place but T-T can you leave it blank or use spinner plz ? T-T Same as muzuz.

03:43:081 - you can add d here to fade out that sound a little
That will be strange to get different end.

Saving the correction lel
Hi~ from my Queues!
And sorry for delay><


00:16:980 (22) - d? you follow vocal before point,so this point quite sound and you should take low sound :o
00:24:479 (37) - ^

01:18:611 (36) - move to 01:18:845 - to follow back music
01:34:077 (87) - d? vocal pitch low~

01:56:574 (157,158,159,160,161,162) - almost same sound 01:11:581 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) - ? you should samediffcult this point! :)

02:33:599 (36) - move to 02:33:834 -

03:22:342 (159) - move to 03:22:572 -
03:37:340 (213) - ^

00:16:980 (3) - d? you follow vocal before point,so this point quite sound and you should take low sound :o
00:24:479 (20) - d!!next note is too high ,so you should separate pitch!

00:37:133 (52) - move to 00:37:016 - ? sounds good and follow vocal pitch!
01:00:216 (168) - move to 01:00:333 - I felt dk kd Not appropriate in this point :?
01:01:152 (174) - move to 01:01:387 - ?
01:12:870 (236) -01:12:987 (236) - delete,,extra note

01:30:446 (325) - move to 01:30:328 - and,,
01:31:031 (328) - move to 01:30:914 - sound good and match 01:28:219 (315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322) - this point
01:46:732 (408,409) - Ctrl+G
02:23:171 (593) - delete? umm,,,a little long note line,,,

02:27:859 (615,616) - delete
03:22:459 - add note

Finish~!! GL!! ;)
Topic Starter
Sorry for delay to.

EdamaMe411 wrote:

Hi~ from my Queues!
And sorry for delay><


00:16:980 (22) - d? you follow vocal before point,so this point quite sound and you should take low sound :o Melody (watch oni comments (i started to correct oni sry :< )
00:24:479 (37) - ^

01:18:611 (36) - move to 01:18:845 - to follow back music It seems that i've correct it with Immortalis' mod.
01:34:077 (87) - d? vocal pitch low~ The vocals doesn't go low. ((k)Breeaaaa(k)-thing(d))

01:56:574 (157,158,159,160,161,162) - almost same sound 01:11:581 (9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) - ? you should samediffcult this point! :) Wot? It is clearly not the same intensity, there's more vocals and even if the melody is the same it's way more intense.

02:33:599 (36) - move to 02:33:834 - All have been fixed with prev mod.

03:22:342 (159) - move to 03:22:572 -
03:37:340 (213) - ^

00:16:980 (3) - d? you follow vocal before point,so this point quite sound and you should take low sound :o The k here is for the melody. I don't map only with vocals! ¦:^)
00:24:479 (20) - d!!next note is too high ,so you should separate pitch! Melody too, the next k are for vocals too.

00:37:133 (52) - move to 00:37:016 - ? sounds good and follow vocal pitch! You're right, i can move (or make a triple) but i prefer keeping this as calm and use thr quints for an entry of the next section.
01:00:216 (168) - move to 01:00:333 - I felt dk kd Not appropriate in this point :? (Actually is kd dk), Here the vocals extends along 1/1 (With "Now i'm on), and there's no vocals break. So using k ddk is kinda weird for me. It's like havin a break for noting. the double doublets make the movement more regular imo.
01:01:152 (174) - move to 01:01:387 - ? Made some improvements here but you got a good catch, this section was a bit wrong.
01:12:870 (236) -01:12:987 (236) - delete,,extra note Maybe extra, but it kinda extend the melody used by the synthe.

01:30:446 (325) - move to 01:30:328 - and,, not feeling the envy. It's good enough for me.
01:31:031 (328) - move to 01:30:914 - sound good and match 01:28:219 (315,316,317,318,319,320,321,322) - this point Owell nvw the doublets is better but i prefer kd dd for the vocals. Owell nvm nvm i made ddk k kdd d k because it follows better and on your doublet kinda miss a vocals (which i did on mine too).
01:46:732 (408,409) - Ctrl+G I put k on 408 instead.
02:23:171 (593) - delete? umm,,,a little long note line,,, Well it is as long as the other big streams lel.

02:27:859 (615,616) - delete same as previously.
03:22:459 - add note why? xd

Finish~!! GL!! ;)
Thanks for teh mod. :D
Request via Simple Taiko Modding Queue



ALL Suggestions are based in notorious sounds (other reason is with comments)

don = d
kat = k
Big Don = D
Big Kat = K



Same about velocity changes



Without velocity changes is better
all is good.



Velocity changes is rare but discarded...

00:50:256 - Change to k (same sound as previous note)
01:20:252 - Same

01:32:437 - kkd -> ddk

01:52:942 - Move to 01:52:825- (is a bit hard)

02:05:244 - Change to k
02:12:743 - Same
02:20:242 - Same
02:27:741 - Same
02:35:240 - Same
02:57:736 - Same

03:00:783 - Ctrl+g with next note

03:01:486 - Change to k
03:31:481 - Same
03:38:980 - Same



00:03:857 - Delete (no have notable sound)
00:24:479 - Same

02:23:289 - Change to k (other pitch in vocal)

03:22:225- or 03:22:459- add note

03:27:849 - Delete

03:37:222- or 03:37:457- Same as 03:22:225-

03:16:483 - Change to k

Topic Starter

xtrem3x wrote:

Request via Simple Taiko Modding Queue



ALL Suggestions are based in notorious sounds (other reason is with comments)

don = d
kat = k
Big Don = D
Big Kat = K



Same about velocity changes Nope, keeping. Why ppl are so cold with SV changes?



Without velocity changes is better
all is good.



Velocity changes is rare but discarded...

00:50:256 - Change to k (same sound as previous note) That could be legit, but that doesn't seem the way i mapped on all the diff
01:20:252 - Same

01:32:437 - kkd -> ddk mvp

01:52:942 - Move to 01:52:825- (is a bit hard) You were not the only one so ok.

02:05:244 - Change to k
02:12:743 - Same
02:20:242 - Same
02:27:741 - Same
02:35:240 - Same
02:57:736 - Same

03:00:783 - Ctrl+g with next note Fixed

03:01:486 - Change to k 'k
03:31:481 - Same
03:38:980 - Same

The other k are denied. I doesn't follow wat i did on muzu and oni.



00:03:857 - Delete (no have notable sound) yep
00:24:479 - Same wtf no xD

02:23:289 - Change to k (other pitch in vocal) done on the first one too.

03:22:225- or 03:22:459- add note Why? No need.

03:27:849 - Delete Hmm no, i prefer keeping it as and ending section stream.

03:37:222- or 03:37:457- Same as 03:22:225-

03:16:483 - Change to k Already k?

Thks ono for the multiplayer. GOnna continue further
Thks for the mod and take you cookie ! :D
okay, mod now. sry very late

  1. 1437883.png this file?
  2. fine
  1. 01:11:347 (227,230) - reverse this... 230 is drum high
  2. 01:24:118 - can delete this? to long and this just flow.. for emphasize 01:24:001 (296,297) - this
  3. 01:25:876 (307,308,309) - kdk more fits.. music arrange is important, and vocal will syncron that
  4. 01:27:516 (313,314) - ctrl g and 01:27:985 - delete this, 01:28:219 - and k d k *looks fit imo*
  5. 01:29:625 - drum high..
  6. 01:34:781 - d kkk, ~_~ i like mapping vocal.. but if forget to hitsound music.. eh
  7. 01:36:890 - more emphasize d k.. with vocal n music
  8. 01:37:593 - kd dk.. 358 is high vocal... is fit too
  9. 01:38:530 - don, 01:38:999 - and this kat
  10. 01:46:029 (401,404) -
  11. 01:50:247 - emphasize this.. kat
  12. 01:51:653 - kkddk, 01:52:590 - ddkdk?
  13. 01:54:231 - delete this? for 01:54:465 - emphasize this * bcus 01:54:231 - this flow vocal.. and finisher is fit to hit*
  14. 01:57:980 - 01:59:855 - delete... for rest place
  15. 02:04:541 - ddd kkk 1/4
  16. 02:05:713 - kat and 02:05:830 - delete?
  17. 02:15:790 - ddk d k?
  18. 02:20:008 - kkk and 02:20:359 - delete this... to over imo
  19. 02:21:180 (575,576) - ctrl g this
  20. 02:26:335 - like before above, about kat for high drum
  21. 02:39:107 (670,672) - delete?
  22. okay, in next length try with about kat. I'll check other diff...
  1. well mapped, nice XD just fix on drum high like 01:20:017 - this, and well 01:42:279 - about kkd. u can change kdk..
~_~ yeah just make hitsound in Muzukashii similliar like Oni.. on drum kat.. and Futsuu looks good, not really to suggest hitsounding or place for rest.. kwek
and wait Kantan, hmm looks nice too. Just it i Can Mod *sorry for late bcus i see mod from IMT like still on reply.. i guess XD.
hope helpful~ :lol:
Topic Starter
dem surono, 2late5me

Eww i've to correct to many maps asgasgasga and i'm busy sgasgasgasga

Edit : dem sur0n0

Surono wrote:

okay, mod now. sry very late

  1. 1437883.png this file? sure m9-1
  2. fine
  1. 01:11:347 (227,230) - reverse this... 230 is drum high sure m80
  2. 01:24:118 - can delete this? to long and this just flow.. for emphasize 01:24:001 (296,297) - this hmmm well ok, i think that it will reduce a bit the gap between Oni and Muzukashii (i'm pretty sure that ppl will tell me dat :^()
  3. 01:25:876 (307,308,309) - kdk more fits.. music arrange is important, and vocal will syncron that Eww i don't like this :<, i prefer my d on the clap (which is intended).
  4. 01:27:516 (313,314) - ctrl g and 01:27:985 - delete this, 01:28:219 - and k d k *looks fit imo* All denied, personal opinon, your swap is not valid with the previous stream, the delet is so meh because of the vocals, it's so meh weird. And after nope coz fzefzf xd.
  5. 01:29:625 - drum high.. Well nope, the d on clap is intended + down voiced. Double kill. I realy insist on this d on clap sections because they are intended
  6. 01:34:781 - d kkk, ~_~ i like mapping vocal.. but if forget to hitsound music.. eh ok for the d, not ok for the k, coz of melody.
  7. 01:36:890 - more emphasize d k.. with vocal n music yep
  8. 01:37:593 - kd dk.. 358 is high vocal... is fit too dkkkd xdxd
  9. 01:38:530 - don, 01:38:999 - and this kat done (remapped a bit this part).
  10. 01:46:029 (401,404) - wat do u want? xd
  11. 01:50:247 - emphasize this.. kat melody, like i care of teh clap #thug.
  12. 01:51:653 - kkddk, 01:52:590 - ddkdk? Here i wanted to create a mirror section, i'm gonna follow that.
  13. 01:54:231 - delete this? for 01:54:465 - emphasize this * bcus 01:54:231 - this flow vocal.. and finisher is fit to hit* Accepted, i think it's better to get a bit space when we used D or K
  14. 01:57:980 - 01:59:855 - delete... for rest place demn rigt son
  15. 02:04:541 - ddd kkk 1/4
  16. 02:05:713 - kat and 02:05:830 - delete?
  17. 02:15:790 - ddk d k?
  18. 02:20:008 - kkk and 02:20:359 - delete this... to over imo
  19. 02:21:180 (575,576) - ctrl g this
  20. 02:26:335 - like before above, about kat for high drum
  21. 02:39:107 (670,672) - delete?
  22. okay, in next length try with about kat. I'll check other diff...
  1. well mapped, nice XD just fix on drum high like 01:20:017 - this, and well 01:42:279 - about kkd. u can change kdk..
~_~ yeah just make hitsound in Muzukashii similliar like Oni.. on drum kat.. and Futsuu looks good, not really to suggest hitsounding or place for rest.. kwek
and wait Kantan, hmm looks nice too. Just it i Can Mod *sorry for late bcus i see mod from IMT like still on reply.. i guess XD.
hope helpful~ :lol:
SAving mod.

Second mod from Simple Taiko modding Queue


  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is finish don note
  4. K is finish kat note


  1. About OD and HP, you should check this link first: ... _Game_Mode
  2. Avoid change of velocity at lower diffs
  3. Delete 1437883.png because is not working on your SB
  4. 01:24:470 - works better with k or D at all diffs, same as 00:26:354 -


  1. 00:26:354 (15) - is not the same sound as 00:25:416 (14) -, furthermore if you check higher diffs, this note feels better with k
  2. 00:35:727 - previously, you were following this kind of sound with k right? so... if you press Ctrl+G will fix a better rhythm.
  3. 00:44:632 (34) - I can't hear the same sound with 00:45:101 (35) -, I'll give you two options, choose one if you like:
    1- 00:44:163 (33,34) - Ctrl+G, to follow voice better, high-low-high right?
    2- 00:44:632 (34) - change to k to keep consistency with 00:51:662 (42,43,44) -, but I rather the first one than this to avoid repetitive patterns. It's up to you
  4. 00:55:880 (49) - Why d? this instrumental sound was k on your previous patterns, if you don't want to make repetitive patterns, Ok, you can change small things but not at general sounds like this, consistency first
  5. 01:03:379 (58) - same as above, this kind of sound is more playable with k
  6. 01:04:785 (60,61) - no no no, please, why you changed this pattern? you were keeping this pattern more than 3 times, let's see: kd at 00:42:289 (31,32) - 00:49:788 (40,41) - 00:57:286 (51,52) -, Ctrl+G 01:04:785 (60,61) - please
  7. 01:07:597 (1,1,2) - I've got 3 problems with these 2 notes and spin:
    1- 01:07:597 (1,1) - distance spacing between spin and note, newbies need more time to keep calm after spinners.
    2- 01:09:003 (1) - I don't think if K is really needed, k could work better imo
    3- 01:09:003 (1,2) - Two finishers at 1/1, they are so close, I usually said that in my mods at lower diffs: "After finishers and spinners you should add a little break because newbies are not prepared for that, they don't have the enough reaction", this is the reason of my second problem, as I said before k could work nicely too, maybe 01:07:597 (1) - could finish at 01:09:003 - or 01:09:003 (1) - could be deleted, etc, etc... It's up to you bro!
  8. from 01:11:815 - to 01:22:126 - feels repetitive, 3 notes, 3 notes, 3 notes ....., 3 notes, what do you think about delete the following notes: 01:14:159 (9) - 01:17:908 (15) - 01:21:658 (21) -
  9. 01:24:470 (25) - check General
  10. 01:31:968 - this sound, as I said before, feels better with k, Ctrl+G at 01:31:500 (33,34) -
  11. from 01:26:344 - to 01:31:968 - and from 01:33:843 - to 01:39:467 - are very similar but you mapped too different, where is consistency here D: ?
  12. 01:39:467 (44) - change to k, I told why on my previous advices
  13. from 01:41:811 - to 01:43:217 - the song decrease for a while and I recommend you to follow the following advices:
    1- 01:41:811 (48) - move to 01:42:279 - to keep your 3 notes of your previous patterns
    2- delete 01:42:748 (49) - to follow voice better
    3- move 01:43:685 (51) - to 01:44:154 -
  14. 02:20:242 (104) - 02:12:743 (92) - 02:05:244 (82) - should be k imo
  15. 02:22:586 (1,1,2) - As I told you on 01:07:597 (1,1,2) -
  16. Well to the end of the song you should keep consistency with your patterns. I'm so tired xD


  1. 00:37:602 (45) - I'm sure that it should be k to follow voice better or Ctrl+G 00:37:836 (46,47) - to keep consistency with Muzukashii
  2. 00:41:351 (56) - high voice pitch feels better with d
  3. 00:46:975 (67,68,69) - wrong 1/2 triplet placed, to keep consistency imagine that 00:46:975 (67) - is 00:39:477 (51) - ok? and them is the 1/2 triplet like 00:39:945 (52,53,54) -, i you put a note at 00:47:210 (68) - is like you are following other kind of sound and is not good on a beatmap, because you should choice a kind of particular sound to make a good consistency on your map. So you must move 00:47:210 (68) - to 00:47:678 - and change to d as previous patterns.
  4. 00:49:085 (73) - we got the same problem here, if you move 00:49:085 (73) - to 00:49:319 - follow the same sound as you made before: 00:41:820 (57,58,59,60) -
  5. if you applied the last advice make sure that 00:48:850 (72) - is d, 00:47:913 (70,71,72) - it feels like high-low-high imo
  6. 00:52:834 (81,82) - are you sure about these notes? is not necessary and you should delete imo.
  7. you forgot to add notes at 00:54:943 - and 00:55:177 -?
  8. 01:01:973 (99,100,101) - as I said before, same as 00:46:975 (67,68,69) - it looks messy if you follow other sound from 00:54:474 - to 01:01:504 - and other sound from 01:01:973 - to 01:07:129 - right?
  9. 01:03:848 (104,105) - well I don't want to explain that again, keep consistency with my previous advices.
  10. I see kiai time like Kantan, with repetitive and boring notes, got the best of your song and try to find new patterns, for example from 01:09:472 - to 01:10:878 - is not the same as from 01:11:347 - to 01:12:753 -, from 01:13:456 - to 01:14:627 - is too different too but you are making xx x x at all kiai, I recommend you to remap this part
  11. 01:24:470 - see "General"
  12. in my opinion, 01:33:843 (54,55,56) - are not keeping consistency with 01:25:407 (35,36,37) - and feels bad to me, following vocal, after 01:31:500 (50) - you should add a little break and start a new pattern at 01:32:437 -, so... move 01:31:968 (51) - to 01:32:437 - and them add a note at 01:32:671 -
  13. if follow my previous advice, make sure to delete 01:34:077 (55) -
  14. mmm... you forgot to add a note at 01:28:922 - ? or you should delete 01:36:421 (61) - ? if you make differents patterns with similar sounds it could be confusing for players.
  15. if you follow my advice about 01:31:968 -, you must delete 01:39:467 (69) -
  16. if you put a note at 01:41:811 - feels that you are skiping a note at 01:42:279 -, but if you move 01:41:811 (74) - to 01:42:279 - follow voice and is more confortable to play
  17. 01:47:435 (86) - could be deleted because you have a high pitch at 01:46:966 (85) -, after that a little rest could be fine and voice density decrease for a while from 01:47:435 - to 01:48:841 -
  18. you miss a note at 01:53:762 -? as you made on 00:38:539 (48,49,50) -, you made 3 1/2 triplets at 00:36:665 (42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50) -, I think that you should keep this pattern on 01:51:653 (95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102) -
  19. 01:52:590 (98) - change to d to keep consistency with previous advices.
  20. 01:56:340 (108) - works better with d, I'm sure that I explained that before
  21. from 02:01:964 - to 02:05:244 - is the same problem as 00:46:975 (67,68,69) - same as above, I'm sure that I explained that some advices ago
  22. I think that the next kiai has the same problem than the first one, is you remaped the first kiai, keep consistency with the second one, other parts are the same, follow my previous adivces to fix it into the last part


  1. 00:21:667 (31) - voice change a bit here, works better with d imo
  2. 00:38:539 (67,68,69) - I think that you must keep consistency with Futsuu here, if I remenber this pattern, I'm sure that is kdd
  3. 00:43:929 (85) - move to 00:43:460 - to keep consistency with 00:50:725 (106,107,108) - and 00:43:695 (84) - change to k because at 00:44:163 (86) - and 00:45:101 (88) - you have high voice pitch and works better with d imo, you should add a variation of notes to mark the difference between the different sounds.
  4. 00:54:474 (116) - why K? doesn't it works better with D? as you were following ith your previous patterns?
  5. 00:51:662 (109) - and 00:52:600 (111) - are very similar, both notes should be d
  6. 00:58:927 (132) - move to 00:58:458 - as I said before on my previous advices
  7. 01:01:270 (139,140,141) - this triplet feels good but at Oni, I don't feel that is really needed at Muzu, because you have lots of triplet at this diff
  8. 00:59:630 (134,135) - what about Ctrl+G these notes?
  9. did you miss a k at 01:27:047 - ?
  10. 01:34:077 (87) - works better at 01:34:546 - because high pitch at 01:33:843 (86) - and 01:34:077 (87) - is no needed too close
  11. 01:41:342 (107,108,109) - this 1/2 triplet sounds weird, if you delete 01:41:576 (108) - and 01:42:514 (111) - is moved to 01:42:045 - follow voice nicely.
  12. 01:51:653 (138,139,140) - keep consistency with lower diffs, in this case Futsuu, should be dkd
  13. 01:52:590 (141,142,143,144,145,146,147) - I think that is too hard for Muzukashii, in this case move 01:52:707 (142) - to 01:52:825 - and them you must delete 01:52:942 (143) - to make more simple, as Muzukashii should be.
  14. 01:58:917 (165) - move to 01:58:449 - and 01:58:683 (164) - change into k, after that 01:59:151 (166) - and 02:00:089 (168) - works better as d
  15. 02:07:588 (191) - same as above, should be d to fix a better rhythm with voice.
  16. I'm wonder from 02:09:463 -, you changed your pattern, no triplets as you did on 00:54:474 -, 02:09:462 (196) - should be D, 02:11:103 (201) - should be at 02:11:337 - etc...
  17. I said that I love kiai time on this diff? Really nice bro!!
  18. 02:55:862 (74,75) - don't destroit your pattern please u.u 02:56:096 (75) - should be at 02:56:330 -, and if you change to d will be better
  19. 03:07:579 (110) - high vocal pitch, should be d again :3
  20. 03:09:453 - where is spin? spin follow better this kind of sound, higher diffs not means that you should map all the song, when you need to add a break you should add a break, if slider or spin is needed, sorry but you should add spin or slider, in this case spin is really needed , try to make the same spin as you made on lower diffs
  21. furthermore, did you were following this sound 03:12:734 (126) - with K? why is D now?
  22. 01:13:221 (16,17,18,19,20,21) - feels better if made like 02:28:210 (16,17,18,19,20,21) -, Ohh and... where is this pattern on the last kiai? did you forget?


  1. 00:38:656 (62) - delete, overlapping detected u.u is no needed cause this particular vocal part finish at 00:38:539 -
  2. 00:45:101 (93,94,95,96) - why this pattern? cut the rhythm when I'm playing furthermore I can't hear something that need this pattern, move 00:45:452 (95) - to 00:45:335 -
  3. 00:51:194 (124,125,126) - triplet here feels really off, what about if you keep consistency with 00:43:226 (83,84,85,86,87,88) -, first 00:50:725 (122,123,124) - 3 notes at 1/2 them triplets should start at 00:51:428 -
  4. 00:51:662 (127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136) - wth, sorry but ugly pattern D:, so... if you move 00:51:311 (125) - to 00:51:545 - them 00:51:779 (128) - to 00:51:897 -, change this pattern 00:52:600 (133,134,135,136) - for a normal triplet, moving 00:52:717 (134) - to 00:52:834 - feels better imo
  5. 00:54:474 (140) - should be D as lower diffs
  6. 01:00:098 (167,168,169,170) - ugh, I hate this pattern on your map, you are making good patterns and them again with this ._. remenber that when you will start a new part you should follow vocal with 3 notes as you did with your previous patterns, ok, 01:00:098 (167,168,169,170) - in this case move 01:00:216 (168) - to 01:00:333 - and delete 01:00:450 (169) -.
  7. 01:01:622 (177) - sounds better at 01:02:325 - because 01:01:973 (179,180,181,182,183) - feels too calm D:
  8. 01:05:371 (196) - better if you delete this note, to avoid unnecessary overlapping.
  9. 01:24:704 (301) - and 01:25:055 (303) - are not necessary cause you need a little break after this 01:24:470 - high pitch
  10. 01:36:187 (355,356,357,358) - nooo D: orz xDD you know, what I'll say here
  11. 01:58:214 (469,470,471,472) - and 02:00:089 (479,480,481,482) - could be accepted but 01:59:152 (474,475,476,477) - ? is really off change to a normal triplet
  12. 02:02:784 (490) - I don't think that this note works better here than 02:02:315 - right?
  13. 02:05:713 (505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513,514) - this part could be improved, check this: delete 02:06:299 (510) - and 02:06:768 (513) - move to 02:06:533 -, sounds awesome with voice <3
  14. 02:07:939 - did you forgot a note here? furthermore, what do you think about delete 02:08:642 (521) - to avoid unnecessary overlapping?
  15. 02:58:674 (717,718,719,720) - again? xD move 02:58:791 (718) - to 02:58:908 -
  16. 02:59:728 (723) - same as above
  17. 03:05:704 (749,750,751,752,753,754,755,756,757,758) - here we have a similar problem as previous points, delete 03:06:290 (754) - and 03:06:759 (757) - move to 03:06:524 - I'm sure that I explained why.
  18. 03:07:696 (762) - move to 03:07:813 -, I hate xx xx pattern xD, sorry for that


  1. any bright at 142586 as you did on 67597 ?
  2. any effect at 189453 to follow the spin? is really needed Imo
  3. Where is lyrics? u.u I love this song, you must rank it.

Hope to help you~~
Topic Starter
Wow wtf
that will make a lot of time to correct it

Insta kd deserved

Time to correct i'll take my time lul

-Sh1n1- wrote:

Second mod from Simple Taiko modding Queue


  1. d is don note
  2. k is kat note
  3. D is finish don note
  4. K is finish kat note


  1. About OD and HP, you should check this link first: ... _Game_Mode I've also talked with Gezo about this stuff and i agree. I'll go on 7-6-5-4 HP (i also fucked up my HP LOL).
  2. Avoid change of velocity at lower diffs Why not? It's not forbidden as far as i know.
  3. Delete 1437883.png because is not working on your SB Thks based Suronoo xd
  4. 01:24:470 - works better with k or D at all diffs, same as 00:26:354 - Applied D on first, k on second (you mentioned not on time)


  1. 00:26:354 (15) - is not the same sound as 00:25:416 (14) -, furthermore if you check higher diffs, this note feels better with k Applied from above.
  2. 00:35:727 - previously, you were following this kind of sound with k right? so... if you press Ctrl+G will fix a better rhythm. I follow the vocals and clap background here. And i don't know what previously you're talking about here.
  3. 00:44:632 (34) - I can't hear the same sound with 00:45:101 (35) -, I'll give you two options, choose one if you like:
    1- 00:44:163 (33,34) - Ctrl+G, to follow voice better, high-low-high right?
    2- 00:44:632 (34) - change to k to keep consistency with 00:51:662 (42,43,44) -, but I rather the first one than this to avoid repetitive patterns. It's up to you

    I changed into k because i did this kind of pattern after.
  4. 00:55:880 (49) - Why d? this instrumental sound was k on your previous patterns, if you don't want to make repetitive patterns, Ok, you can change small things but not at general sounds like this, consistency first

    You're right, but the previous one is more a mistake so. Anyway i made a little restructuration here because this section is divided into 2
  5. 01:03:379 (58) - same as above, this kind of sound is more playable with k Changed
  6. 01:04:785 (60,61) - no no no, please, why you changed this pattern? you were keeping this pattern more than 3 times, let's see: kd at 00:42:289 (31,32) - 00:49:788 (40,41) - 00:57:286 (51,52) -, Ctrl+G 01:04:785 (60,61) - please

    yep sry.
  7. 01:07:597 (1,1,2) - I've got 3 problems with these 2 notes and spin:
    1- 01:07:597 (1,1) - distance spacing between spin and note, newbies need more time to keep calm after spinners.
    2- 01:09:003 (1) - I don't think if K is really needed, k could work better imo
    3- 01:09:003 (1,2) - Two finishers at 1/1, they are so close, I usually said that in my mods at lower diffs: "After finishers and spinners you should add a little break because newbies are not prepared for that, they don't have the enough reaction", this is the reason of my second problem, as I said before k could work nicely too, maybe 01:07:597 (1) - could finish at 01:09:003 - or 01:09:003 (1) - could be deleted, etc, etc... It's up to you bro!

    Deleted the spinner i think that's the best case to do. The finishers i keep them the first is legit enough and for the distance well i'll see. Because no need to use the 2 fingers to do a finisher (ok you won't get all points but meh)
  8. from 01:11:815 - to 01:22:126 - feels repetitive, 3 notes, 3 notes, 3 notes ....., 3 notes, what do you think about delete the following notes: 01:14:159 (9) - 01:17:908 (15) - 01:21:658 (21) - I agree to del some notes but i didn't follow what you did tho.

  9. 01:24:470 (25) - check General yee
  10. 01:31:968 - this sound, as I said before, feels better with k, Ctrl+G at 01:31:500 (33,34) - Applied.
  11. from 01:26:344 - to 01:31:968 - and from 01:33:843 - to 01:39:467 - are very similar but you mapped too different, where is consistency here D: ?
    Did what futsuu and muzu are.

  12. 01:39:467 (44) - change to k, I told why on my previous advices yep
  13. from 01:41:811 - to 01:43:217 - the song decrease for a while and I recommend you to follow the following advices:
    1- 01:41:811 (48) - move to 01:42:279 - to keep your 3 notes of your previous patterns ok.
    2- delete 01:42:748 (49) - to follow voice better
    3- move 01:43:685 (51) - to 01:44:154 - for the next too nope. The reason is for the next pattern, because there will be one doublet alone. That shouldn't be worth it at all.
  14. 02:20:242 (104) - 02:12:743 (92) - 02:05:244 (82) - should be k imo All denied, that should be legit tho, but the higher not is between (1/2 before), legit but not logic.
  15. 02:22:586 (1,1,2) - As I told you on 01:07:597 (1,1,2) - lulul
  16. Well to the end of the song you should keep consistency with your patterns. I'm so tired xD
    Changed only kiai section, the calm part is ok for me.



  1. 00:37:602 (45) - I'm sure that it should be k to follow voice better or Ctrl+G 00:37:836 (46,47) - to keep consistency with Muzukashii applied for 1, plus it creates a mirror so more legit. Second one, nope i'll make teh change on muzuz
  2. 00:41:351 (56) - high voice pitch feels better with d Felt butter with k (coz of melody)!
  3. 00:46:975 (67,68,69) - wrong 1/2 triplet placed, to keep consistency imagine that 00:46:975 (67) - is 00:39:477 (51) - ok? and them is the 1/2 triplet like 00:39:945 (52,53,54) -, i you put a note at 00:47:210 (68) - is like you are following other kind of sound and is not good on a beatmap, because you should choice a kind of particular sound to make a good consistency on your map. So you must move 00:47:210 (68) - to 00:47:678 - and change to d as previous patterns. Why are you trying to argue so much, i need a tl;dr xD DO MOAR NAZI PLZ xd
  4. 00:49:085 (73) - we got the same problem here, if you move 00:49:085 (73) - to 00:49:319 - follow the same sound as you made before: 00:41:820 (57,58,59,60) - Applied and correct the previous pattern for kd kd
  5. if you applied the last advice make sure that 00:48:850 (72) - is d, 00:47:913 (70,71,72) - it feels like high-low-high imo ok
  6. 00:52:834 (81,82) - are you sure about these notes? is not necessary and you should delete imo. Made some changes but no real deletes.
  7. you forgot to add notes at 00:54:943 - and 00:55:177 -? Nope, let's take a break.
  8. 01:01:973 (99,100,101) - as I said before, same as 00:46:975 (67,68,69) - it looks messy if you follow other sound from 00:54:474 - to 01:01:504 - and other sound from 01:01:973 - to 01:07:129 - right?

  9. 01:03:848 (104,105) - well I don't want to explain that again, keep consistency with my previous advices. wuiwui
  10. I see kiai time like Kantan, with repetitive and boring notes, got the best of your song and try to find new patterns, for example from 01:09:472 - to 01:10:878 - is not the same as from 01:11:347 - to 01:12:753 -, from 01:13:456 - to 01:14:627 - is too different too but you are making xx x x at all kiai, I recommend you to remap this part The melody is repetitive too xD. Well added some notes just to make different pattern style?

  11. 01:24:470 - see "General" see.
  12. in my opinion, 01:33:843 (54,55,56) - are not keeping consistency with 01:25:407 (35,36,37) - and feels bad to me, following vocal, after 01:31:500 (50) - you should add a little break and start a new pattern at 01:32:437 -, so... move 01:31:968 (51) - to 01:32:437 - and them add a note at 01:32:671 - Nope, you decided to move a note on a big white tick, not really logic. :<
  13. if follow my previous advice, make sure to delete 01:34:077 (55) -
  14. mmm... you forgot to add a note at 01:28:922 - ? or you should delete 01:36:421 (61) - ? if you make differents patterns with similar sounds it could be confusing for players. My bad for the mistake, added.
  15. if you follow my advice about 01:31:968 -, you must delete 01:39:467 (69) -
  16. if you put a note at 01:41:811 - feels that you are skiping a note at 01:42:279 -, but if you move 01:41:811 (74) - to 01:42:279 - follow voice and is more confortable to play I maybe alreay did. But 'k
  17. 01:47:435 (86) - could be deleted because you have a high pitch at 01:46:966 (85) -, after that a little rest could be fine and voice density decrease for a while from 01:47:435 - to 01:48:841 - Deleted, the few notes are enough for a rest.
  18. you miss a note at 01:53:762 -? as you made on 00:38:539 (48,49,50) -, you made 3 1/2 triplets at 00:36:665 (42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50) -, I think that you should keep this pattern on 01:51:653 (95,96,97,98,99,100,101,102) - Well yes, about the pattern i prefer keeping kkd instead. Personal feel, yes constency but hell. :<
  19. 01:52:590 (98) - change to d to keep consistency with previous advices. See above.
  20. 01:56:340 (108) - works better with d, I'm sure that I explained that before Maybe.
  21. from 02:01:964 - to 02:05:244 - is the same problem as 00:46:975 (67,68,69) - same as above, I'm sure that I explained that some advices ago Applied blabla
  22. I think that the next kiai has the same problem than the first one, is you remaped the first kiai, keep consistency with the second one, other parts are the same, follow my previous adivces to fix it into the last part Yee Yee



  1. 00:21:667 (31) - voice change a bit here, works better with d imo yee
  2. 00:38:539 (67,68,69) - I think that you must keep consistency with Futsuu here, if I remenber this pattern, I'm sure that is kdd Already applied from futsuu mod.
  3. 00:43:929 (85) - move to 00:43:460 - to keep consistency with 00:50:725 (106,107,108) - and 00:43:695 (84) - change to k because at 00:44:163 (86) - and 00:45:101 (88) - you have high voice pitch and works better with d imo, you should add a variation of notes to mark the difference between the different sounds. ah tl;dr too complicated for me, hum;.. yes and no i'm keeping my pattern and changed to kdd because of the melody, then i don't wanna make a consistency with 00:50:xx because the next one as more vocals (or it's more noticable as you prefer).
  4. 00:54:474 (116) - why K? doesn't it works better with D? as you were following ith your previous patterns?
    already done
  5. 00:51:662 (109) - and 00:52:600 (111) - are very similar, both notes should be d Nope they aren't little plus on the second one.
  6. 00:58:927 (132) - move to 00:58:458 - as I said before on my previous advices yea betch
  7. 01:01:270 (139,140,141) - this triplet feels good but at Oni, I don't feel that is really needed at Muzu, because you have lots of triplet at this diff I've enough, this one is legit! :<

  8. 00:59:630 (134,135) - what about Ctrl+G these notes? nope nope nope nope

  9. did you miss a k at 01:27:047 - ? Not really confident about this note :<
  10. 01:34:077 (87) - works better at 01:34:546 - because high pitch at 01:33:843 (86) - and 01:34:077 (87) - is no needed too close Well ok, changed also on muzukashii.
  11. 01:41:342 (107,108,109) - this 1/2 triplet sounds weird, if you delete 01:41:576 (108) - and 01:42:514 (111) - is moved to 01:42:045 - follow voice nicely.
    That may create a gap with oni, so sure if it's legit.
  12. 01:51:653 (138,139,140) - keep consistency with lower diffs, in this case Futsuu, should be dkd Kept consistent.

  13. 01:52:590 (141,142,143,144,145,146,147) - I think that is too hard for Muzukashii, in this case move 01:52:707 (142) - to 01:52:825 - and them you must delete 01:52:942 (143) - to make more simple, as Muzukashii should be. Kinda applied what i've done before + whan you want fzefzefe.
  14. 01:58:917 (165) - move to 01:58:449 - and 01:58:683 (164) - change into k, after that 01:59:151 (166) - and 02:00:089 (168) - works better as d yep yep noice

  15. 02:07:588 (191) - same as above, should be d to fix a better rhythm with voice. Owell nvm this one and the previous note you said, no. I prefer keeping k, but the note 1/1 before them as d, yes sure.

  16. I'm wonder from 02:09:463 -, you changed your pattern, no triplets as you did on 00:54:474 -, 02:09:462 (196) - should be D, 02:11:103 (201) - should be at 02:11:337 - etc... Nope and nope, i'm keeping this pattern coz of melody.
  17. I said that I love kiai time on this diff? Really nice bro!! i noticed it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
  18. 02:55:862 (74,75) - don't destroit your pattern please u.u 02:56:096 (75) - should be at 02:56:330 -, and if you change to d
    will be better oups.

  19. 03:07:579 (110) - high vocal pitch, should be d again :3 Nope, the previous one yes xD. Also it fits better with next kkd.
  20. 03:09:453 - where is spin? spin follow better this kind of sound, higher diffs not means that you should map all the song, when you need to add a break you should add a break, if slider or spin is needed, sorry but you should add spin or slider, in this case spin is really needed , try to make the same spin as you made on lower diffs
  21. furthermore, did you were following this sound 03:12:734 (126) - with K? why is D now?
  22. 01:13:221 (16,17,18,19,20,21) - feels better if made like 02:28:210 (16,17,18,19,20,21) -, Ohh and... where is this pattern on the last kiai? did you forget? Did the corrections.



  1. 00:38:656 (62) - delete, overlapping detected u.u is no needed cause this particular vocal part finish at 00:38:539 - 'k
  2. 00:45:101 (93,94,95,96) - why this pattern? cut the rhythm when I'm playing furthermore I can't hear something that need this pattern, move 00:45:452 (95) - to 00:45:335 - Let my doublets in peace dude. :< Without doublets it's sooo boring :<

  3. 00:51:194 (124,125,126) - triplet here feels really off, what about if you keep consistency with 00:43:226 (83,84,85,86,87,88) -, first 00:50:725 (122,123,124) - 3 notes at 1/2 them triplets should start at 00:51:428 -
  4. 00:51:662 (127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135,136) - wth, sorry but ugly pattern D:, so... if you move 00:51:311 (125) - to 00:51:545 - them 00:51:779 (128) - to 00:51:897 -, change this pattern 00:52:600 (133,134,135,136) - for a normal triplet, moving 00:52:717 (134) - to 00:52:834 - feels better imo
    Yes and after no, i prefer keeping my second doublet.
  5. 00:54:474 (140) - should be D as lower diffs applied on muzu too.
  6. 01:00:098 (167,168,169,170) - ugh, I hate this pattern on your map, you are making good patterns and them again with this ._. remenber that when you will start a new part you should follow vocal with 3 notes as you did with your previous patterns, ok, 01:00:098 (167,168,169,170) - in this case move 01:00:216 (168) - to 01:00:333 - and delete 01:00:450 (169) -.
    Ok for the move but not the delete, ddk ddk ddkkk, looks so interesting.
  7. 01:01:622 (177) - sounds better at 01:02:325 - because 01:01:973 (179,180,181,182,183) - feels too calm D: It's good for me D:

  8. 01:05:371 (196) - better if you delete this note, to avoid unnecessary overlapping. overmapping?*
  9. 01:24:704 (301) - and 01:25:055 (303) - are not necessary cause you need a little break after this 01:24:470 - high pitch done.
  10. 01:36:187 (355,356,357,358) - nooo D: orz xDD you know, what I'll say here yep xD
  11. 01:58:214 (469,470,471,472) - and 02:00:089 (479,480,481,482) - could be accepted but 01:59:152 (474,475,476,477) - ? is really off change to a normal triplet changed a bit .
  12. 02:02:784 (490) - I don't think that this note works better here than 02:02:315 - right? yep yep
  13. 02:05:713 (505,506,507,508,509,510,511,512,513,514) - this part could be improved, check this: delete 02:06:299 (510) - and 02:06:768 (513) - move to 02:06:533 -, sounds awesome with voice <3 yep much better!
  14. 02:07:939 - did you forgot a note here? furthermore, what do you think about delete 02:08:642 (521) - to avoid unnecessary overlapping? Applied both to make equitable.
  15. 02:58:674 (717,718,719,720) - again? xD move 02:58:791 (718) - to 02:58:908 -
  16. 02:59:728 (723) - same as above Lol xD x2
  17. 03:05:704 (749,750,751,752,753,754,755,756,757,758) - here we have a similar problem as previous points, delete 03:06:290 (754) - and 03:06:759 (757) - move to 03:06:524 - I'm sure that I explained why. yep no needed to argue more.
  18. 03:07:696 (762) - move to 03:07:813 -, I hate xx xx pattern xD, sorry for that
    I love xx xx patterns <3


  1. any bright at 142586 as you did on 67597 ?
  2. any effect at 189453 to follow the spin? is really needed Imo
  3. Where is lyrics? u.u I love this song, you must rank it.
    I have to remake the sb, but because i lost the script i did... FUCK D': . I'll remake it when i've the time. Why not for the lyrics but i need more an expert cause i don't know how the make good lyrics.

Hope to help you~~

Even if it was most of the time not huge changements (except for the kiai) that's more about correcting mistake and improving some patterns. Thank you so much <3

Hihi, as noted on my thread, I'm an old school modder so, take it easy.

  1. Please use the same volume on the whole diff, volume changes are not so cool on Taiko mode.
  2. About the SV changes, don't use them like this please, you are just making the patterns harder to read by stacking the notes, it's okay if you use a x1,25 on the kiai, but randomly adding velocity changes is just annoying.
    01:24:352 - Don't make slowdowns like this, that is just stacking notes, instead of that must leave a 1/1 empty space between velocity changes so the player can clearly see the incoming patterns.
  3. Completely remove all of the SV changes from Kantan, Futsuu and Muzukashii.
  4. The timing is wrong, it needs 2 extra BPM resets Check the mod before you change the timing.

  1. 00:38:656 (62,63,64,65) - okay try this, remove (62), then pull 00:39:008 (63) - back to the previous blue tick, this way it will fits the vocals better
  2. 01:29:274 (321) - since clearly you are following the vocals on this part, pull this to the previous white tick, so it becomes a triplet that goes well with the vocals
  3. 01:36:304 (355) - ~pull it to the next red tick~ the next duplets are okay
  4. 02:39:927 - add a spinner maybe? 02:47:425 - it feels really empty

  1. 01:49:309 (130,131,132,133,134) - if you are trying to follow those low sounds of the song, the pattern should be d k d k d
  2. 02:21:414 - add a don and make 02:21:648 (234) - a katsu? sounds cool with the vocals
  3. 03:09:453 (115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126) - nothing really fits to nothing here, they should be deleted and replaced with a simple spinner

  1. 00:48:850 (72) - move this to 00:49:319 - and add a don to 00:49:788 - current 2 1 2 doesn't feels good
  2. 01:04:785 - add a don here maybe, simmilar reason as above and for incoming patterns if you decide to change it
  3. 03:09:453 (1) - yeah, this should be on Muzu
  4. 03:13:437 - add a k k, you are missing some beats
Topic Starter
Roonnnn staaaap!

I cannot correct until the week-end >o<

dont frgt a lejen. longneck(camel)+thatAssGrillsFriend+i like thats simlee jentel manli
wtf, too many mods, poor aldwych, say good bye to your week-end xD :3
Topic Starter
And ppl give me another assignement.
And i participate to teh taiko LMS #2

Tfw.... well nope i'm dead.
lol, don't give up bro! best of luck

Offset of last part 02:54:456 - 03:42:964 feels pretty fast to me.
Make the timing point on 02:54:456 to red and Offset +10 to all timing points after this.


Is good


00:36:665 (42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50) - reduce the difficulty of this part, I prefer changing 00:37:836 (46) to kat
01:46:263 - add a kat
01:51:653 (99,100,101,102,103,104,105,106,107) - reduce the difficulty of this part, I prefer changing 01:52:825 (103) to kat


03:09:688 (116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125) - delete.


increase HP to 5~6

01:58:214 (460,461,462,463) - kddkd
02:00:089 (468,469,470,471) - dkddk or dkkdk
Topic Starter
Sorry Nyan i'm still in middle term (yes thanks some professors), i'll correct when i got the time

죄송합니다 :'(
Hi, sorry for late.

  1. I think BPM to be 128.01. It slips off steadily when I remain present.
  2. And offset is +5 imo.
I used it for one hour lol

  1. Please do not attach the SV change. It is unrankable.
  2. 00:37:602 (24) - change to d? When I consider a vocal sound.
  3. 01:03:848 (59) - change to d? 00:56:349 (50) - In comparison with here.
  4. 03:00:080 (39) - change to k? It sounds like here and the same interval. 03:01:017 (40) -
  1. 01:24:001 (37) - change to k? When I consider a electric sound.
  2. 02:00:089 (121) - same as Kantan. (03:00:080 (39) -)
  3. 02:03:370 (128) - change to k? When I consider a electric sound, too.
  4. 03:42:964 (74) - same as above.
  1. 02:15:086 (212) - change to d? When I considered balance.
  1. 01:14:516 (243) - change to d? ddk is better imo.
  2. 02:29:510 (616) - same as above.
  3. 03:18:256 (808) - ^
  4. 03:33:255 (890) - ^
Nice SB :3 Good luck ;)
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