hi there
Lauriextra < Insane, huh?? maybe change Laurier's diff to "Laurier's Insane" can be help (and i feel this is insane diff, not really extra)
00:31:292 (6) - i feel something in 00:31:611 - so i suggest to shorten slider end to that timeline (it feels forced)
00:48:845 (4) - maybe you need move slider to 00:49:005 - (Strong vocal + strong downbeat there) and you can add circle in 00:48:845 - )
00:52:834 (1) - i think 3/4 pattern feels empty sound (since you mapped 00:49:643 (1,1,1,1) - this part without slider ends in blue tick i suggest to make it 1/2 slider, you can add high SV then)
01:17:090 (3,4,5,1,2) - do longstream in here looks good (or maybe add 1/4 kicksliders) to empasize song
01:26:186 (1) - nice ending, keep it pls
01:27:462 - i think you forget make spinner here (just like lauriextra)
no massive sudden SV changes? so
sad best hahaha
you need to make this map harder than Insane diff plz
maybe make some huge jump pattern can be help (but dont overuse it)
or maybe you can reduce sliders in this map (change it to circles)
00:52:834 (5) - NC this, looks need to NC and make some jump with this circles 00:52:834 (5,6) -
Very good map,
60% 75% of this map is sliders. okay ._.
this map too good, #instarank pls
00:06:239 (1,2) - its okay for this? i think put some clickable object in 00:06:877 - more acceptable (00:06:877 (2) - just make this slider 1/1 beat) and since 00:07:834 (3) - slider follow some BG instrument
00:10:388 (2,1,2) - this pattern too pro lol
00:21:558 (1,1,1,1) - boring (short song needs to full duration mapped pls, except some sound who cant be mapped cause the sound has very low), maybe make this pattern can fill the break time
http://puu.sh/fekBJ/2874c167ef.jpg, it's up to you
00:39:749 (2,3) - feels so sudden, maybe change to 1/1 pattern can be done
00:58:898 - fill this timeline pls, since this part is kiai time it feels awkward by not fill this. (lots of strong intrument+ vocal in there)
01:01:451 (4,1) - i think you prefer use 1/2 then use 1/1 as basic beat, 1/2 pattern in 188BPM is like kind of hard to read stuff i think (but idk who knows your think lol, this suggestion same like your other 1/2 pattern)
good luck with your map!