
Star Driver - Wait For Me

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Montag, 12. Februar 2018 at 15:49:36

Artist: Star Driver
Title: Wait For Me
Tags: cbh euphoric hardstyle bong melodic female vocals futago leaving las vegas electronic -M4x
BPM: 150
Filesize: 9496kb
Play Time: 05:27
Difficulties Available:
  1. Waiting (5,21 stars, 1189 notes)
Download: Star Driver - Wait For Me
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Artwork: Aenami

Artist: Soundcloud

Sliders at 01:47:013 were made by -M4x

"Most creative Diffname in osu! history"

Information Box for those who care
Star Driver doesn't exist anymore. He started a new project called Futago with his twin brother. I chose Star Driver as the artist name because Wait For Me and all his other tracks dont exist under the name of Futago.
I wanna believe that u finish this map and he will be ranked someday...
Some IRC suggestions after testplaying the map
2017-11-19 13:23 Mao: äh ja map is ganz gut, hab ein paar sachen die mich stören
2017-11-19 13:23 Come[Back]Home: 1/6 streams?
2017-11-19 13:24 Mao: unter anderem ja
2017-11-19 13:25 Mao: 00:48:013 (6,7) - wieso mappst du hier auf einmal wide angle
2017-11-19 13:26 Mao: 00:56:413 (7) - ist das überhaupt 1/6? ich hör 5 Schläge lol
2017-11-19 13:26 Mao: ah doch
2017-11-19 13:26 Mao: oder
2017-11-19 13:26 Mao: hm
2017-11-19 13:27 Come[Back]Home: Ich hatte anfangs 1/8, war noch komischer
2017-11-19 13:27 Mao: würde vielleicht simplifizieren, wie dus sonst auch gemacht has
2017-11-19 13:27 Mao: bei den jumps zuvor
2017-11-19 13:28 Mao: 01:02:213 (4,5) - Gehört hier der Red tick nicht zur main melody?
2017-11-19 13:28 Mao: jedenfalls der der du folgst
2017-11-19 13:29 Mao: 01:04:613 - in der section hier hatte ich etwas Probleme mit den Rhythms, weil ich irgendwie erwartet habe, dass auf Ticks wie 01:05:113 - Noten sind
2017-11-19 13:29 Come[Back]Home: Ich switche zwischendurch um mehr die stärkere melodic hervorzuheben, aber kann man natürlich ändern
2017-11-19 13:30 Mao: bei den 1/6 streams würd ich wahrscheinlich auf ein kleines spacing switchen
2017-11-19 13:30 Mao: weil du schon andere sachen stackst
2017-11-19 13:31 Come[Back]Home: jop, gute idee
2017-11-19 13:32 Come[Back]Home: 01:04:613 - hier liegt der main focus auf den vocal chops, wollte ein bisschen variety haben, aber falls das ein bisschen zu weird ist kann ichs ja ändern
2017-11-19 13:33 Mao: ich hatte halt leichte probleme es zu spielen
2017-11-19 13:33 Mao: xD
2017-11-19 13:34 Come[Back]Home: ich denke mal beim 2. mal spielen hat mans raus :p
2017-11-19 13:34 Mao: 01:19:813 (6,7) - bei dem und dem später hast du die einzigen male die triples ignoriert
2017-11-19 13:34 Mao: haste gemacht damits nicht triple spam ist? xD
2017-11-19 13:35 Come[Back]Home: jap
2017-11-19 13:35 Mao: und in der section danach auch
2017-11-19 13:35 Mao: hm
2017-11-19 13:35 Mao: vielleicht etwas durch slidershape andeuten?
2017-11-19 13:35 Mao: nen red anchor oder so adden bei red/blue
2017-11-19 13:36 Come[Back]Home: gute idee :oo
2017-11-19 13:36 Mao: 01:46:213 (1) - das 1/2 spacing in der section hier ist etwas eeeh
2017-11-19 13:37 Mao: und in der section danach würd ich vielleicht die jumps etwas runternehmen
2017-11-19 13:37 Mao: ist schon etwas groß im kontext
2017-11-19 13:38 Mao: 02:33:413 (2,1) - Die Slidershapes sind etwas out of context in der map, wo benutzt du denn bitte solche winkel lol
2017-11-19 13:38 Mao: wenn du sie behalten möchtest, mach 02:34:213 (1) - wenigstens symmetrisch, das triggert ein wenig xD
2017-11-19 13:38 Come[Back]Home: da war ich ideenlos, slidershapes sind meine schwächen xD
2017-11-19 13:38 Mao: 02:39:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - also die jumps sind teilweise größer als die im chorus lol
2017-11-19 13:39 Mao: find das ein wenig übertrieben
2017-11-19 13:39 Mao: 02:54:613 (4,1) - mini spacing ahoi
2017-11-19 13:40 Mao: 03:01:313 (8,1) - also das hat mich echt überrascht, ich meine ich versteh dass du die 1 betonen möchtest aber ein streamjump ist hier ne difficulty spike weil dus nie irgendwo introduced hast
2017-11-19 13:40 Come[Back]Home: Ich mag das mini spacing da tbh :d
2017-11-19 13:40 Mao: dann begründe wieso es da ist
2017-11-19 13:41 Mao: und nirgendswo anders
2017-11-19 13:41 Come[Back]Home: Weil da der Aufbau langsam beginnt
2017-11-19 13:41 Come[Back]Home: vor der ersten kiai
2017-11-19 13:41 Mao: aber so grenzt du es null vom rest ab
2017-11-19 13:42 Mao: vor allem sonst gehst du in der section bis an die 3,0 DS ran
2017-11-19 13:42 Mao: und da 1,0
2017-11-19 13:42 Come[Back]Home: true, habs ein bisschen erhöht
2017-11-19 13:43 Mao: 03:07:813 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ich glaub hier ist meine interpretation des songs einfach anders, aber ich hätte die zweiten größer gespaced weil bei der wiederholung die töne höher werden
2017-11-19 13:43 Mao: oder hör ich das grad falsch
2017-11-19 13:44 Come[Back]Home: hmmm, beim hinhören muss ich dir recht geben
2017-11-19 13:44 Come[Back]Home: habs wohl falsch interpretiert
2017-11-19 13:44 Mao: 03:26:513 (4,1) - mach hier lieber nen spitzen winkel zwischen
2017-11-19 13:44 Mao: wie bei den anderen auch
2017-11-19 13:45 Mao: 03:53:413 (1,2,3,4) - das find ich mega unreadable so nach nem ganz normalen stream
2017-11-19 13:45 Come[Back]Home: sind nun grob 45°
2017-11-19 13:45 Mao: hab das eher als spacing decrease interpretiert
2017-11-19 13:46 Mao: 04:04:613 (5,6,7) - stack leniency fuckt hier das spacing
2017-11-19 13:46 Mao:
2017-11-19 13:46 Come[Back]Home: denn mach ich kickslider draus
2017-11-19 13:46 Mao: 04:13:413 (1,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3,1,2) - find in der measure die NCs etwas wierd
2017-11-19 13:47 Mao: vor allem änderst dus halt mitten im pattern bei04:14:813 (3,1) - beispielsweise
2017-11-19 13:48 Come[Back]Home: Finds selber weird, hab aber nur 03:59:013 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - angepasst für nc consistency und so
2017-11-19 13:48 Mao: 04:33:213 (4,5) - ich würde 5 hier etwas runterschieben und ein ganz kleines wenig näher ranrücken für besseren flow
2017-11-19 13:48 Mao: weil das ist fast ne gerade lol
2017-11-19 13:49 Mao: 04:45:813 (3,4,5) - spitze winkel flowen besser, der hier ist stark überdehnt lol
2017-11-19 13:51 Mao: achja und wegen hitsounding würd ich mir in der section ab 00:39:013 - etwas mehr pepp auf den snares wünschen
2017-11-19 13:51 Mao: so ists irgendwie nur whistle spam
2017-11-19 13:51 Come[Back]Home: jop, hab alles bis jetzt erwähnte geändert
2017-11-19 13:51 Come[Back]Home: da such ich noch nach nem gutem hitsound
2017-11-19 13:55 Come[Back]Home: also, vielen dank für das testplay und den vorschlägen! :p hat extremst geholfen
goddam, mao got the 2kds...
irc mod
13:24 -M4x: ich find diese come home reference so sick in dem song xD
13:24 Come[Back]Home: xDDD
13:27 -M4x: weißt du was cool wäre
13:27 -M4x: 00:51:013 (1,1) -
13:27 -M4x: warte ;D
13:28 -M4x:
13:28 -M4x: wait
13:28 -M4x: wieso ist das kein link
13:28 -M4x: []
13:29 -M4x:
13:29 -M4x: AHHHHHH
13:29 -M4x: das ist 0.1 sv btw
13:33 Come[Back]Home: damn son
13:33 Come[Back]Home: das sieht nice aus
13:33 -M4x: das setzt vorallem den drop richtig in szene find ich
13:34 Come[Back]Home: Tut es auch :D
13:35 -M4x: kannst mal bescheid sagen wenn du die nach dem irc mit mao gleich updatest ;D dann schau ich auch mal genauer drüber
13:53 Come[Back]Home: danke dir ;D
13:55 Come[Back]Home: ich glaub er ist fertig xD
13:55 -M4x: nice
13:55 Come[Back]Home: man, der kann echt gut modden xD
13:56 -M4x: xD
13:56 -M4x: jo
13:56 -M4x: und jetzt komm ich
13:56 -M4x: LOOOL
13:56 Come[Back]Home: xDDD
13:57 -M4x: ERSTENS
13:57 -M4x: combo colors :3
13:57 -M4x: hast du schon welche im kopf?
13:58 Come[Back]Home: nope
13:58 Come[Back]Home: hab ich nie
13:58 Come[Back]Home: xD
13:58 -M4x: damn
13:58 Come[Back]Home: muss ich noch gucken was ich nehme
13:59 Come[Back]Home: ändere ja noch bg deshalb
13:59 -M4x: achsoo
13:59 -M4x: ich dachte das bleibt xD
13:59 Come[Back]Home: nein
13:59 Come[Back]Home: das von 2015
13:59 Come[Back]Home: nichtmal hd auflösung
13:59 Come[Back]Home: wer will son müll
13:59 Come[Back]Home: xD
14:00 -M4x:
14:00 -M4x: xD
14:01 -M4x: jetzt hab ich schon welche überlegt :(
14:01 Come[Back]Home: :c
14:01 Come[Back]Home: vlt passen sie ja ins neue :D
14:02 Come[Back]Home: xDDD
14:04 -M4x: 00:40:613 (1,2) - ich fänds hier glaub ich besser wenn die 1 am ende auf die 2 zeigen würde, ich weiß noch dass ich das nicht readen konnte, da es der erste extended ist, wie wärs mit [ sowas?]
14:04 -M4x: das würds einfacher machen
14:04 -M4x: :D
14:05 -M4x: 00:48:913 (4,5) - ist das absicht, dass das spacing hier ein bisschen komisch ist? :D
14:06 Come[Back]Home: "convert slider to stream"
14:06 Come[Back]Home: ist es nicht
14:06 Come[Back]Home: xD
14:06 -M4x: XD
14:06 -M4x: classic right there
14:07 -M4x: 00:51:413 (1,1) - wolltest du das nicht so machen wie ichs vorgeschlagen hatte oder war das auf dem screenshot nicht richtig zu erkennen? o:
14:08 -M4x: 00:46:813 (8,9,1) - ich weiß nicht, aber willst du den nicht auch spacen so wie 00:45:213 (5,6,1) - ? ist halt iwie genau der gleiche sound :D
14:09 Come[Back]Home: ich fand 0,5sv ziemlich nice da :3
14:09 -M4x: ich meinte hauptsähclich dass du vllt schon auf dem "to" mit dem slider starten könntest
14:10 Come[Back]Home: ohhhh
14:10 Come[Back]Home: ich seh erst jetzt wo der slider bei dir startet lol
14:10 -M4x: und dann 0.1 weil der slider sonst zu lang wird :D
14:10 -M4x: also das war mein gedankengang
14:11 -M4x: und für nen stärkeren kontrast zu 01:17:413 (1) -
14:11 Come[Back]Home: wie macht man denn 0,1 sv D:
14:11 Come[Back]Home: geht nur bis 0,5 :c
14:11 -M4x: du musst die map zu taiko konvertieren XD
14:11 -M4x: bei song setup
14:11 -M4x: advanced
14:11 Come[Back]Home: dude
14:11 -M4x: -> taiko mode
14:12 Come[Back]Home: ich halbiere da einfach kurz die bpm
14:12 Come[Back]Home: xD
14:12 -M4x: ^genius
14:12 *-M4x notiert
14:13 -M4x: 01:07:679 (7,8,1) - hat mao dazu nix gesagt? XD
14:13 -M4x: mir fällt jetzt erst auf dass das 1/6 ist LOOOL
14:14 Come[Back]Home: hat er xD
14:14 Come[Back]Home: aber er denkt auch dass das 1/6
14:14 Come[Back]Home: hört sich auch so an
14:15 -M4x: 01:22:613 (4,5) - ich find die solltest du mehr spacen
14:16 -M4x: nvm
14:16 Come[Back]Home: das ist doch nichts auf (5)
14:16 Come[Back]Home: achso k
14:17 -M4x: 01:41:413 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - vllt hier bei jeden die sv senken und nicht nur bei jeden 2.? ich glaub die intensität nimmt nicht nur bei jedem 2. ab
14:17 -M4x: fänd ich persöhnlich bisschen schöner :D
14:18 Come[Back]Home: hmmmmm
14:18 Come[Back]Home: ich mags so mehr tbh xD
14:18 Come[Back]Home: abert
14:18 Come[Back]Home: ich kann es ja mal probieren
14:18 -M4x: wenns dus mehr magst
14:18 -M4x: lass es :D
14:19 -M4x: 01:50:213 (2,1) - kannst du den 2. vllt ein bisschen mehr curven am anfang, sodass ne schöne kurve zwischen den beiden entsteht? O:
14:19 Come[Back]Home: okay, gefällt mir doch wenn jeder slider langsamer wird xD
14:19 -M4x: xD
14:19 Come[Back]Home: ich bin zu blöd für slidershapes
14:19 Come[Back]Home: ich lass es mal so xD
14:19 -M4x: like dat
14:20 Come[Back]Home: ahhhhhh
14:21 -M4x: 01:52:613 (1,2) -
14:21 -M4x: ooo
14:21 Come[Back]Home: du überforderst mich gerade leicht
14:21 Come[Back]Home: xD
14:22 Come[Back]Home: hnggg
14:22 -M4x: LOL
14:22 Come[Back]Home: k....könntest du die slidershape dort machen owo
14:22 -M4x: wie meinst du?
14:22 -M4x: soll ich den slider per code senden?
14:22 Come[Back]Home: nooo
14:22 -M4x: oder die punkte anzeigen?
14:22 -M4x: XD
14:23 Come[Back]Home: ich update map, denn machst du die slider für den slow part
14:23 -M4x: LOL
14:23 Come[Back]Home: und schickst mir das
14:23 Come[Back]Home: pretty pls t.t
14:23 -M4x: die sind doch eigentlich schön
14:23 -M4x: XD
14:23 -M4x: aber okay xD
14:23 Come[Back]Home: ich hau das auch fett in die desc
14:23 -M4x: neee
14:23 Come[Back]Home: aber deine sind SCHÖNER
14:23 -M4x: ja dann gib gleich mal her :D
14:23 -M4x: aber lass hier erst fertig machen
14:23 Come[Back]Home: k
14:24 -M4x: 01:56:213 (2) - willst du den behalten?
14:24 Come[Back]Home: ich denke mal
14:24 Come[Back]Home: wegen diesen uhrzeiger sound im bg
14:24 -M4x: sonst würd ich dann gleich von 01:55:813 (1) - bis 01:57:413 (1) - sliderart machen
14:24 -M4x: XD
14:24 -M4x: okay
14:25 Come[Back]Home: mach denn einfach, ich find den eh etwas weird
14:25 Come[Back]Home: so 10%
14:25 -M4x: lautstärke?
14:26 Come[Back]Home: nein, ich find den slider zu 10% komisch
14:26 -M4x: O LOL
14:26 Come[Back]Home: xD
14:26 -M4x: 02:18:213 (1) - move den slider mal so, dass des sliderend genau in der line zwischen 02:17:813 (5,6) - liegt
14:26 -M4x: das sieht cleaner aus :D
14:27 Come[Back]Home: done
14:28 -M4x: 02:24:213 (6,7,1,2,1) -
14:29 -M4x: vllt sowas in der richtung was die einzelnen stufen des streams mehr betong
14:29 -M4x: hervorhebt?
14:29 -M4x: wenn du das ändern willst findest du bestimmt was schöneres als ich da
14:29 -M4x: :D
14:30 Come[Back]Home: habs so ähmlich nun
14:30 -M4x: cool
14:31 -M4x: 02:45:813 (4,5,6) - der sollte den gleichen ds haben wie 02:45:413 (1,2,3) -
14:31 -M4x: erst 02:46:213 (7,8,9) - sollte mehr spaced sein imo :D
14:31 -M4x: vllt dann sogar nc auf den ersten? O:
14:31 Come[Back]Home: true
14:32 Come[Back]Home: nc passt sogar auch :D
14:33 -M4x: 02:55:213 (2,3,4) - den triple vllt auf das end von 02:54:613 (4) - stacken?
14:33 -M4x: also vielmehr unter das end :D
14:33 -M4x: 02:56:413 (11) - und hier das end auch auf das end von 02:54:613 (4) -
14:33 -M4x: 02:57:413 (5) - dann den hier auch anpassen?
14:34 -M4x: streich das "?" beim letzten xD
14:34 -M4x: 02:59:813 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - der stream ist sick af
14:34 -M4x: 03:02:613 (1) - hier same wie am anfang :D
14:34 Come[Back]Home: der war sogar handmade kein convert xD
14:34 -M4x: laber
14:34 -M4x: nice man :D
14:35 -M4x: stimmt, kein ds fail XD
14:36 Come[Back]Home: xDDDD
14:37 -M4x: 03:08:613 (1,2,1,2) - vllt die 4 ein bisschen mehr spacen
14:37 -M4x: weil ich find diese 8 jumps sind so in 2 x 4 unterteilt
14:37 -M4x: von der intensity her
14:38 -M4x: 03:16:613 (2,3,4,5) - die könntest du ein wenig buffen imo
14:38 Come[Back]Home: sind sie auch
14:38 Come[Back]Home: hab sie schon etwa mehr spaced, will nicht noch mehr da :p
14:38 -M4x: alles klar
14:39 Come[Back]Home: ds ein bisschen erhöht
14:39 -M4x: 03:25:013 (7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - das ist mao's werk?
14:39 -M4x: oder war der vorher schon?
14:39 Come[Back]Home: Nein, meins :o
14:39 Come[Back]Home: war vorher schon
14:39 -M4x: LOL
14:39 -M4x: der ist mir nicht aufgefallenxD
14:39 Come[Back]Home: LOL
14:39 -M4x: 03:27:013 (1,1,1,1) - nice af
14:39 -M4x: junge
14:40 -M4x: OHNE SPAß
14:40 Come[Back]Home: ty :D
14:40 -M4x: das ist mega nice
14:40 Come[Back]Home: hahaha ty :DDD
14:40 -M4x: 03:28:613 (1,2,3) - AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
14:40 -M4x: könntest du das end von 2 und 3 in eine line packen?
14:41 -M4x: also einfach die 2 bisschen runterziehen?
14:41 -M4x: nur in mini stück
14:41 -M4x: ein*
14:41 Come[Back]Home: done
14:42 -M4x: alter die streams hier sind alle lit
14:42 -M4x: wtf
14:42 -M4x: 03:51:013 (1) -
14:43 Come[Back]Home: handmade geht halt besser xD
14:43 -M4x: okay
14:43 -M4x: ich hab
14:43 -M4x: was
14:43 -M4x: 03:52:613 (1) -
14:43 -M4x:
14:44 -M4x: das ist so ne mini spirale XD
14:45 Come[Back]Home: hab da was besseres imo
14:45 Come[Back]Home: (1) als 1/8 kick slider :D
14:45 Come[Back]Home:
14:45 Come[Back]Home: so denn
14:46 -M4x: jo das geht natürlich auch :DD
14:46 Come[Back]Home: :D
14:46 -M4x: und das erntet nicht soviel flame
14:46 Come[Back]Home: true
14:47 -M4x: 04:19:813 (1,2,3,4) -
14:47 -M4x: du bist mir einer XDDD
14:48 Come[Back]Home: hmm? :o
14:48 -M4x: 04:32:113 - den skippest du imo
14:48 -M4x: das ist 1:1 copy pasted vom anfang XDD
14:48 -M4x: nur bisschen scaled
14:48 Come[Back]Home: OH LOL
14:48 Come[Back]Home: nein ist es nicht hahahahah xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
14:48 -M4x: was?
14:48 -M4x: im ernst?X DD
14:48 Come[Back]Home: Ja xDDDDDDDD
14:49 -M4x: wir haben anscheinend gerade dein lieblingspattern gefundenXD
14:49 Come[Back]Home: Bei jeder map, egal welcher, fange ich immer unten links an IMMER
14:49 Come[Back]Home: blöde angewohnheit xD
14:49 -M4x: XD
14:49 -M4x: ich auch meistens
14:50 -M4x: aufjedenfall immer unten
14:50 -M4x: 04:22:213 (3) - denn vllt bisschen curven wie 04:21:413 (1) -
14:50 Come[Back]Home: xDD
14:50 *-M4x is editing [ Adventure Club - Fade (feat. Zak Waters) [Gerax's Normal]]
14:50 -M4x: 00:14:976 (1) -
14:50 -M4x: XDD
14:50 Come[Back]Home: hab nen kleinen red anchor
14:50 Come[Back]Home: xDD
14:50 Come[Back]Home: so muss es sein :DDD
14:51 -M4x: 04:49:413 (6,4) - pls den circle auf das end stacken :D
14:52 Come[Back]Home: done
14:52 -M4x: 04:59:413 (4,5) - space die mal so wie die danach immer :D das verwirrt spieler nur glaub ich
14:53 -M4x: 05:10:813 - den skippest du glaub ich auch :D
14:53 -M4x: weiß nicht ob das absicht ist tho
14:53 Come[Back]Home: das ist so gut wie kein sound, daher ein stack :p
14:54 Come[Back]Home: war absicht, soll nur zeigen man ist kurz vorm ende
14:54 -M4x: okay
14:54 Come[Back]Home: soll so einen "hype" erschaffen falls man kurz davor ist die mit dt zu fc für den pp rain
14:55 Come[Back]Home: just kidding
14:55 -M4x: 05:21:413 (3,4,1) -
14:55 -M4x:
14:55 -M4x: sowas find ich schöner tbh :D
14:55 -M4x: 05:22:213 (1) - ist stacked mit 05:23:013 (3) - end hiervon
14:56 -M4x: dann ctrl+h
14:56 Come[Back]Home: ist es auch, done
14:57 Come[Back]Home: gefällt mir, nice
14:57 -M4x: letzter punkt:
14:57 -M4x:
14:57 -M4x: 05:23:413 (4,1) - hier
14:58 Come[Back]Home: gute idee~
14:58 -M4x: so dann lad mal hoch, dann mach ich die slider :DD
14:58 Come[Back]Home: wow, vielen dank für das alles!!! :DD
14:59 -M4x: gerne xD
14:59 Come[Back]Home: kannste das im thread posten?
14:59 -M4x: klar
14:59 -M4x: warte wie geht das noch
Topic Starter
thank you both!~
DeRandom Otaku
how about adding -M4x in tags since he did a section of the map?
combo colors missing btw

dont kd
Topic Starter

DeRandom Otaku wrote:

how about adding -M4x in tags since he did a section of the map?
combo colors missing btw

dont kd
added him, and combo colours are missing because im looking for a new bg
placeholder for a mod
Cbh always delivers, there's no doubt. 8-)
Even the old one was nice in it's own way.
hi o/ m4m
•00:41:413 (3,2) - could get rid of this messy overlap
•00:45:413 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - not sure why this is gradually increasing in spacing while the song isn't
•00:46:813 (8,9,1) - this is 1/8
•00:48:413 (8,1) - this too^
•00:48:913 (4) - 00:49:413 (1) - why blue tick turns when literally the next one is a regular white/red one :< makes it look really lazy and inconsistent in terms of emphasis
•00:49:813 (5) - and why no turn here? the whole stream would be better imo if it had a turn every 5th note, whilst gradually lowering the spacing each turn
•00:50:813 - missed a sound here
•00:51:813 - i think this section would be way more fun if you made at least some of the 3/4s actually clickable
•00:56:413 (7) - this is 1/8 as well, not 1/6
•01:00:913 (4) - no sound here?
•01:04:213 (7) - ^, i think if you made 01:04:113 (6) - a 1/8 or 1/4 kickslider it would fit better with the sound it's mapped to
•01:07:679 (7,8,1) - 1/8 again
•01:08:713 (6) - no sound
•01:09:813 (3,2) - removing these would make the jumps more fun, having to actually read it rather than mindlessly clicking 1/2s to almost no sound
•01:28:413 (7,8,9) - 1/8 again
•01:39:813 (1,2,3,4) - using kicks on the same sounds you used circles on before just makes for bad structure
•01:40:913 (4) - another blue tick turn : (
•02:11:813 - the triples in this section feel way better to play now that they're actually mapped to audible sounds as opposed to most of the ones before
•02:39:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - these are moved by two ticks,,, the sounds are on 02:38:813 - 02:38:913 - 02:39:013 - as mapped previously, if this is done to add variation you can do something else than inaccurate rhythm
•02:58:013 (8,9,1) - more 1/8s hooray
•03:00:313 (6) - more blue tick turns hooray
•03:07:813 - this section just proves that the triples at the start were mapped to next to nothing, since this section has the exact same sounds just a bit more intense. though i'd take overmapped triples instead of unnecessary jump spam any day
03:25:413 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - now this is actually something cool and fun to play, consider changing the other streams to something like this as well
•03:53:413 (1,2,3) - another 1/8
•03:54:213 (1,2,3,4) - nothing to really map a burst on
•04:43:613 (8,9,10,1) - another one
•main problems imo are mishearing the 1/8 bursts and lacking most solid rhythm and structure.

good luck ranking though
Topic Starter

Arutsuki wrote:

hi o/ m4m
•00:41:413 (3,2) - could get rid of this messy overlap Not even noticeable, so why should I bother?
•00:45:413 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - not sure why this is gradually increasing in spacing while the song isn't Well, because its the build-up before the kick comes in??
•00:46:813 (8,9,1) - this is 1/8 I dont intend to ruin the build-up with an 1/8 pattern
•00:48:413 (8,1) - this too^
•00:48:913 (4) - 00:49:413 (1) - why blue tick turns when literally the next one is a regular white/red one :< makes it look really lazy and inconsistent in terms of emphasis Fixed the blue turn thingy
•00:49:813 (5) - and why no turn here? the whole stream would be better imo if it had a turn every 5th note, whilst gradually lowering the spacing each turn There is a turn after it
•00:50:813 - missed a sound here Because I was focusing on the vocals
•00:51:813 - i think this section would be way more fun if you made at least some of the 3/4s actually clickable I had many testplayers, and they liked how it started there
•00:56:413 (7) - this is 1/8 as well, not 1/6 Its 1/6
•01:00:913 (4) - no sound here? There is
•01:04:213 (7) - ^, i think if you made 01:04:113 (6) - a 1/8 or 1/4 kickslider it would fit better with the sound it's mapped to Made it into a 1/2 slider
•01:07:679 (7,8,1) - 1/8 again Nope
•01:08:713 (6) - no sound There is a vocal chop on it
•01:09:813 (3,2) - removing these would make the jumps more fun, having to actually read it rather than mindlessly clicking 1/2s to almost no sound But there is a sound, so I'll keep it.
•01:28:413 (7,8,9) - 1/8 again Nope
•01:39:813 (1,2,3,4) - using kicks on the same sounds you used circles on before just makes for bad structure Its more intense there than before so kicksliders are justified. I dont know what you mean with bad structure
•01:40:913 (4) - another blue tick turn : ( And it doesnt really matter
•02:11:813 - the triples in this section feel way better to play now that they're actually mapped to audible sounds as opposed to most of the ones before I didn't really overmap before, there were sounds on the triples.
•02:39:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - these are moved by two ticks,,, the sounds are on 02:38:813 - 02:38:913 - 02:39:013 - as mapped previously, if this is done to add variation you can do something else than inaccurate rhythm "inaccurate ryhtm" nah. Its there to emphasize the strong melodic sound
•02:58:013 (8,9,1) - more 1/8s hooray Nope, still 1/6 Hooray
•03:00:313 (6) - more blue tick turns hooray Hooray
•03:07:813 - this section just proves that the triples at the start were mapped to next to nothing, since this section has the exact same sounds just a bit more intense. though i'd take overmapped triples instead of unnecessary jump spam any day then do just that, I wont cause the jumps fit with the song's atmosphere.
03:25:413 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - now this is actually something cool and fun to play, consider changing the other streams to something like this as well No, but thanks
•03:53:413 (1,2,3) - another 1/8 still 1/6
•03:54:213 (1,2,3,4) - nothing to really map a burst on I really start to think youre deaf
•04:43:613 (8,9,10,1) - another one Another 1/6 one yeah
•main problems imo are mishearing the 1/8 bursts and lacking most solid rhythm and structure. Not really but okay lol

good luck ranking though
Maybe I'll consider some more to change of the things you've mentioned. Thanks for the mod
lemme leave it here as a reminder
I almost forgot about this ;-;


* 00:40:613 (1) - 00:43:813 (1) - why 3/4 here? using 1/2s would be better for consistency unless there's a special reason for them.

* 00:53:813 (2,3) - I wish these were more close to each other like 00:52:213 (2,3) - or 00:55:413 (2,3) -
this jump kinda break the patteren-ness around this part imo

* 01:09:413 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - ! cool

* 01:15:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - how about ctrl+j-ing (and possibly rotating a bit) these? since you twisted the stream inward at 01:15:613 (7) -

* 01:23:413 (1) - this seems to lack emphasis, so how about moving (1) to somwhere around x:100 y:60? or ctrl+j-ing 01:23:013 (6,7,8) - ?

* 04:38:613 (1) - and this ^

* 01:29:413 (1,2,3) - how about using a special slider shape for these to express the huge sv change?
(for example
they almost look alike with 1/4s (01:25:613 (2) - )

* 04:44:613 (1,3) - ^

* 01:33:413 (1) - 01:34:613 (8) - I personally hope these to be spaced more

* 01:40:013 (2,4) - overlapping these is kinda mehh, especially because 01:39:813 (1,3) - these are not.
The sound 01:39:813 (1,2) - and 01:40:213 (3,4) - express should be same, but 01:40:213 (3,4) - is noticeably much close to each other.
so I would recommend to move (4) to somewhere around x:25 y:315

* just a suggestion, how about ctrl+g-ing 01:42:213 (1) - 01:43:813 (1) - 01:45:413 (1) - these?
I Personally think doing that would express the decreasing tension better.
(and also better flow with 01:46:213 (1) - )

* 01:50:213 (2) - remove NC since you didn't NC at 01:47:013 (2) -

* 01:53:413 (2,3,4) - NC

* 02:17:813 (5,6) - another personal suggestion(sry), how about sth like this?
cuz the pitch change between (5)-(6) is much higher than (3)-(4) so I thought it would be nice to have them more different than being similar.
(like 03:34:213 (3,4,5,6) - )

* 02:26:213 (1) - why not end this at 02:26:813 - + clickable at 02:27:013 -, and suddenly change to 2/1?
feels a bit awkward since you placed clickables at every similar sounds.

* 03:01:413 (1) - why separate this from the stream unlike 00:50:213 (9) - ? I get this part is more intense but they're not that much different imo.

* 03:20:613 (1,2) - 04:02:213 (1,2) - circles would be better for consistency maybe?

* 04:13:613 (1) - remove NC like you did at 04:16:813 (2) -

* 04:15:213 (5) - NC? (or at 04:15:013 (4) - )

* 05:10:413 (7) - decrease spacing? the sound is not so big to deserve this much jump imo

Cool map. Good luck!

  1. 00:42:113 (1) - i'd remove the NC and NC on 00:42:213 (2) - instead as u have done it like 00:45:213 (5,6,1) - even if it's different
  2. 03:53:413 (1,2,3) - players might think that this is a 1/4 triplets here, but the rhythms aren't what they're gonna expect. 3 1/4 notes should help out in order to avoid a confusion from its timing there
  3. 03:59:013 (1,2,1,2) - 03:59:813 (1,2,1,2) - isn't it supposed to be low first, then higher distance as u have done it like 03:11:013 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ?
  4. 05:11:413 - u might wanna add a note here after a 3/4 slider since i know what u're following at there. should apply like 05:14:213 (1) - 05:15:813 (1) - to avoid misreading its timing there
seems clean enough for me though, so this is all i can do .-.
Topic Starter

SLM wrote:

I almost forgot about this ;-;


* 00:40:613 (1) - 00:43:813 (1) - why 3/4 here? using 1/2s would be better for consistency unless there's a special reason for them. I kinda dislike 1/2 sliderspam, so I decided to put 3/4s there

* 00:53:813 (2,3) - I wish these were more close to each other like 00:52:213 (2,3) - or 00:55:413 (2,3) -
this jump kinda break the patteren-ness around this part imo Lowered the distance of 00:53:813 (2,3) -

* 01:09:413 (1,2,3,1,2,1,2,3) - ! cool Thanks!

* 01:15:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - how about ctrl+j-ing (and possibly rotating a bit) these? since you twisted the stream inward at 01:15:613 (7) - I like it, good idea

* 01:23:413 (1) - this seems to lack emphasis, so how about moving (1) to somwhere around x:100 y:60? or ctrl+j-ing 01:23:013 (6,7,8) - ? If other modders mention this as well I'll change it~

* 04:38:613 (1) - and this ^ ^

* 01:29:413 (1,2,3) - how about using a special slider shape for these to express the huge sv change?
(for example
they almost look alike with 1/4s (01:25:613 (2) - ) Good Idea!

* 04:44:613 (1,3) - ^ ^

* 01:33:413 (1) - 01:34:613 (8) - I personally hope these to be spaced more I focused on the vocals at those parts, so I really wanna keep it like that

* 01:40:013 (2,4) - overlapping these is kinda mehh, especially because 01:39:813 (1,3) - these are not.
The sound 01:39:813 (1,2) - and 01:40:213 (3,4) - express should be same, but 01:40:213 (3,4) - is noticeably much close to each other.
so I would recommend to move (4) to somewhere around x:25 y:315 I really like it that way tbh

* just a suggestion, how about ctrl+g-ing 01:42:213 (1) - 01:43:813 (1) - 01:45:413 (1) - these?
I Personally think doing that would express the decreasing tension better.
(and also better flow with 01:46:213 (1) - ) Alright

* 01:50:213 (2) - remove NC since you didn't NC at 01:47:013 (2) - Yes

* 01:53:413 (2,3,4) - NC Ok

* 02:17:813 (5,6) - another personal suggestion(sry), how about sth like this?
cuz the pitch change between (5)-(6) is much higher than (3)-(4) so I thought it would be nice to have them more different than being similar.
(like 03:34:213 (3,4,5,6) - ) I think the way that I have it already emphasizes it really well~ (And I really like that pattern)

* 02:26:213 (1) - why not end this at 02:26:813 - + clickable at 02:27:013 -, and suddenly change to 2/1?
feels a bit awkward since you placed clickables at every similar sounds. Lets see what others think~ Right now I think its pretty cool that way, but I get your issue with it

* 03:01:413 (1) - why separate this from the stream unlike 00:50:213 (9) - ? I get this part is more intense but they're not that much different imo. Its the last stream before the kiai, and its more intense as you said, so I really wanted to emphasize that last note before the climax comes in.

* 03:20:613 (1,2) - 04:02:213 (1,2) - circles would be better for consistency maybe? Lets see if others think the same~

* 04:13:613 (1) - remove NC like you did at 04:16:813 (2) - Yes

* 04:15:213 (5) - NC? (or at 04:15:013 (4) - ) Added NC at 04:15:013 (4) -

* 05:10:413 (7) - decrease spacing? the sound is not so big to deserve this much jump imo Okay

Cool map. Good luck!

lit120 wrote:


  1. 00:42:113 (1) - i'd remove the NC and NC on 00:42:213 (2) - instead as u have done it like 00:45:213 (5,6,1) - even if it's different Okay, I like it that way more as well
  2. 03:53:413 (1,2,3) - players might think that this is a 1/4 triplets here, but the rhythms aren't what they're gonna expect. 3 1/4 notes should help out in order to avoid a confusion from its timing there So far testplayers did well there, will see what others think
  3. 03:59:013 (1,2,1,2) - 03:59:813 (1,2,1,2) - isn't it supposed to be low first, then higher distance as u have done it like 03:11:013 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - ? I dont know, this sounds different to me and I think that the way I did it fits more
  4. 05:11:413 - u might wanna add a note here after a 3/4 slider since i know what u're following at there. should apply like 05:14:213 (1) - 05:15:813 (1) - to avoid misreading its timing there Its almost the same as the beginning to indicate that the end of the map is coming close~
seems clean enough for me though, so this is all i can do .-.
Thank you very much for the mod!
hi im late

00:49:013 (5) - considering the direction change here, one for 00:49:813 (5) - would be appropriate since it's very similar in the music. smth like this as an idea -
01:09:813 (3,2) - meldoy wise these notes are very unimportant, and I feel like they could be put on slider tails with the previous circles being sliderheads.
01:41:013 (5) - the direction change being to this note is a bit weird to me, especially based on your previous stream setups. something like this makes more sense -
01:47:013 (2,1,1,1) - this combo spam isnt really necessary. recommend adjusting your comboing in this area a lot.
02:39:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this is not good, the triplets in the music are on the blue ticks that are unmapped, where the mapped triplets have no such sound.
02:42:213 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ^, etc. to see what i mean, compare these to 02:55:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) -
02:46:213 (1) - nc not needed
03:00:313 (6) - why is the direction change here and not 03:00:213 (5) - here?

03:07:813 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - big issue with these, all of these jump sections i really think dont follow the music that well, the music has a triplet melody with notes on the blue tick so theres not really anything substantial to support these 1-2 jumps. this is a big issue for me, because you aren't really following the song at all for this section.

this problem appears in the final kiai as well.

Overall not a bad map at all, and if you did something about those 1/2 circle rhythms that aren't appropriate I might be inclined to push this forward. but those stand out to me as a big issue that I think affects the map quality a lot.
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

hi im late

00:49:013 (5) - considering the direction change here, one for 00:49:813 (5) - would be appropriate since it's very similar in the music. smth like this as an idea - Okay
01:09:813 (3,2) - meldoy wise these notes are very unimportant, and I feel like they could be put on slider tails with the previous circles being sliderheads. I feel like it fits really well while playing. I dont want to put the snares sliderends here, I had it like that before and didn't like it because of how unfitting it felt.
01:41:013 (5) - the direction change being to this note is a bit weird to me, especially based on your previous stream setups. something like this makes more sense - Yep
01:47:013 (2,1,1,1) - this combo spam isnt really necessary. recommend adjusting your comboing in this area a lot. Okay
02:39:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - this is not good, the triplets in the music are on the blue ticks that are unmapped, where the mapped triplets have no such sound. Remapped it
02:42:213 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - ^, etc. to see what i mean, compare these to 02:55:013 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - Fixed them all
02:46:213 (1) - nc not needed Yep~
03:00:313 (6) - why is the direction change here and not 03:00:213 (5) - here? Yep

03:07:813 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - big issue with these, all of these jump sections i really think dont follow the music that well, the music has a triplet melody with notes on the blue tick so theres not really anything substantial to support these 1-2 jumps. this is a big issue for me, because you aren't really following the song at all for this section. I did it like that because I didnt want the first kiais to be filled with 1/4s. I've placed them at that last part of the 2nd kiai because I think that the music is way more intense there than before. To emphasize the music and intensenes (as well as to show the player that he is coming close to the end of the song's main part) I decided to add 1/4 objects there. In the 1st kiai and the first half of the 2nd kiai I mainly focused on the strong outstanding melodic sound which you can find on every (1) circle like here 03:55:813 (1) - I increased the distance between each object to show and emphasize the different pitch the melodics have. I hope you do understand now why I've mapped it the way I did. The 1st and the 1st half of the 2nd kiai are just a build-up for the final climax happening here 04:07:013 - introduced by the strong kicks here 04:07:013 (1,2,3) -
I had many testplayers aswell (roughly 8-9) and they all really enjoyed the 1/2 circles as well just thought I should add this~

this problem appears in the final kiai as well.

Overall not a bad map at all, and if you did something about those 1/2 circle rhythms that aren't appropriate I might be inclined to push this forward. but those stand out to me as a big issue that I think affects the map quality a lot. Thank you very much. And I hope the 1/2s now make more sense to you than before~

Wait For Me
00:48:213 (7) - you put here that is very uncomfortable,move to x 338 y 26
00:51:013 (1) - I remember you can not use redline make SV change
01:01:013 (5) - NC and make a slow SV?
01:15:513 (6,7) - there don't need a turning point
01:16:613 (1) - RC
01:46:213 (1) - move to x 310 y 291,make the follow like01:41:413 (1,1,1,1,1,1) -
02:24:613 (10) - NC
02:25:413 (1) - remove NC
03:01:313 (8,1) - why this sample doesn't like 00:50:113 (8,9) - and 01:15:713 (8,9) -
03:02:213 (1) - RC
03:27:013 (1,1,1,1,1) - I think thhe distance should be smaller than smaller,because music is smaller than smaller too
03:53:413 (1,2,3) - wrong fit I think there is 1/8
04:06:613 (1,2) - too far
04:17:613 (1,2,3,4) - there should be smaller than smaller too

m4m(Koiyuki and 1112's gd)
sry for toooooooooooooo late to mod your map :o

00:53:413 (1) - slider's head can stack on 00:51:813 (1) - this slider's end to look more clear

02:48:613 (1,2,3) - why increase ds here , i think 02:48:413 (8,9,1) - 's ds is enough , 02:49:413 (4,5,6) - this part i think is ok but this part of music is not have obvious changes 02:48:613 (1,2,3) -

03:59:013 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this part of song weakened so this jump's ds is gradually smaller , 04:01:413 (5,6) - i think this ds is too big , in comparison . and the intensity of the song is not significantly enhanced imo

05:17:413 (1,2) - so far imo 05:16:413 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) -

nice map

emm , just a short mod cuz i can t find out more :o

Topic Starter

Hey lululu wrote:


Wait For Me
00:48:213 (7) - you put here that is very uncomfortable,move to x 338 y 26 Okay, moved it somewhere else though
00:51:013 (1) - I remember you can not use redline make SV change You can :o
01:01:013 (5) - NC and make a slow SV? I like it the way it is
01:15:513 (6,7) - there don't need a turning point Yes, vocals
01:46:213 (1) - move to x 310 y 291,make the follow like01:41:413 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - Okay
02:24:613 (10) - NC Ok
02:25:413 (1) - remove NC Yep
03:01:313 (8,1) - why this sample doesn't like 00:50:113 (8,9) - and 01:15:713 (8,9) - Cause its more intense and its the last stream before the climax
03:27:013 (1,1,1,1,1) - I think thhe distance should be smaller than smaller,because music is smaller than smaller too I think lower sv does the job pretty good already
03:53:413 (1,2,3) - wrong fit I think there is 1/8 Will see what others think :p
04:06:613 (1,2) - too far Reduced distance a bit
04:17:613 (1,2,3,4) - there should be smaller than smaller too I think it fits pretty well :o


Yugu wrote:

m4m(Koiyuki and 1112's gd)
sry for toooooooooooooo late to mod your map :o

00:53:413 (1) - slider's head can stack on 00:51:813 (1) - this slider's end to look more clear But it isnt even noticeable while playing :<

02:48:613 (1,2,3) - why increase ds here , i think 02:48:413 (8,9,1) - 's ds is enough , 02:49:413 (4,5,6) - this part i think is ok but this part of music is not have obvious changes 02:48:613 (1,2,3) - Alright

03:59:013 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - this part of song weakened so this jump's ds is gradually smaller , 04:01:413 (5,6) - i think this ds is too big , in comparison . and the intensity of the song is not significantly enhanced imo Reduced spacing a bit

05:17:413 (1,2) - so far imo 05:16:413 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1) - Really easy to hit though :p

nice map

emm , just a short mod cuz i can t find out more :o

Thank you very much!!! Will mod your maps asap
m4m return from my q

-the slider-slide sounds kinda weird especially in the softer parts. primarily 00:26:213 - 00:39:013, and 05:10:413 - end. u can silence the sliderslides there
00:43:413 (4,2) - could be spaced out a bit more, visual spacing looks a bit too close imo
01:23:813 (1,2) - strong note here 01:24:013. why not map this pattern like 01:17:413 (1,2,3,4)?
01:27:013 (1,2) and 01:36:613 (1,2) - ^
01:39:813 (1,2) - isnt this DS kinda high? its even bigger than this 01:39:413 (8,9) but also 1/4
01:40:013 (2,4) - 02:07:013 (3,4,1) - fix stack
01:52:613 (1,2) - doesnt flow that well here imo cuz of zigzaggy flow. would be better if 2 was ctrl+g, but then ull have to deal with spacing to 3
02:04:613 (3,1) - putting the head of 1 under 3 makes it a bit harder to read than the others, especially cuz the body of 1 flows left at first which is totally concealed under 3
02:54:613 (4,2,3,4) - stack screws up the aesthetics, remove overlap
03:26:913 (4,1) - jump is too big in comparison to beforehand, there isnt appropriate buildup into this. make the mini stream-jumps gradually bigger or make this jump smaller.
04:04:613 (5,6,7) - remove overlap
04:07:613 - why skip over this note?

good luck!
Topic Starter

Yahuri wrote:

m4m return from my q

-the slider-slide sounds kinda weird especially in the softer parts. primarily 00:26:213 - 00:39:013, and 05:10:413 - end. u can silence the sliderslides there Added a hitsound for that
00:43:413 (4,2) - could be spaced out a bit more, visual spacing looks a bit too close imo Okay
01:23:813 (1,2) - strong note here 01:24:013. why not map this pattern like 01:17:413 (1,2,3,4)? To have a variety of patterns there
01:27:013 (1,2) and 01:36:613 (1,2) - ^
01:39:813 (1,2) - isnt this DS kinda high? its even bigger than this 01:39:413 (8,9) but also 1/4 I dont think its tii high because the drums are really intense there
01:40:013 (2,4) - 02:07:013 (3,4,1) - fix stack Fixed
01:52:613 (1,2) - doesnt flow that well here imo cuz of zigzaggy flow. would be better if 2 was ctrl+g, but then ull have to deal with spacing to 3 I think it flows really well
02:04:613 (3,1) - putting the head of 1 under 3 makes it a bit harder to read than the others, especially cuz the body of 1 flows left at first which is totally concealed under 3 Will see what others think
02:54:613 (4,2,3,4) - stack screws up the aesthetics, remove overlap Okay
03:26:913 (4,1) - jump is too big in comparison to beforehand, there isnt appropriate buildup into this. make the mini stream-jumps gradually bigger or make this jump smaller. Made the jump smaller
04:04:613 (5,6,7) - remove overlap They dont overlap o.o
04:07:613 - why skip over this note? To emphasize the impact of the strong drums more~

good luck!
Thank you very much!
01:35 Come[Back]Home: Hey there o/
01:36 Gabe: hihii
01:36 Come[Back]Home: Was wondering if you could check a map of mine anytime soon?~ :p
01:36 Gabe: yesss
01:36 Gabe: send it to me now
01:36 *Come[Back]Home is listening to [ Star Driver - Wait For Me]
01:36 Come[Back]Home: Thanks~
01:37 *Gabe is playing [ Star Driver - Wait For Me [Waiting]]
01:42 Gabe: that was so good
01:43 Come[Back]Home: o.o thanks! :D
01:43 Gabe: oh, you're the one that mapped
01:43 *Gabe is listening to [ Vicetone - What I've Waited For (feat. D. Brown)]
01:43 Gabe: :cry:
01:44 Come[Back]Home: Every Vicetone map in existence is mine xD
01:44 Gabe: oh true
01:44 Gabe: I also have Kaleidoscope
01:44 Come[Back]Home: Catchy song :p
01:45 Come[Back]Home: So, were the 1/6th ok to play for the first time or weird?
01:48 Gabe: it was okay, I guess
01:48 Gabe: it adds a tricky element to the map
01:48 Gabe: what triggered me the most, was this: 03:53:413 (1,2,3) -
01:49 Gabe: because first.. it's not following the actual sounds?
01:50 Gabe: isn't it 1/8 at some point
01:50 Come[Back]Home: Oh, it is 1/8...
01:50 Gabe: yeah..
01:51 Gabe: I think you should replace that by a 1/8 slider that reverses all the way to 03:53:813 -
01:51 Come[Back]Home: Its an 1/8 repeat slider now
01:51 Come[Back]Home: Yeah, did that
01:51 Come[Back]Home: Seems way better now
01:52 Gabe: 04:06:613 (1,2,1,2,3) - I love this ;__;
01:53 Come[Back]Home: Thanks <3
01:55 Gabe: 04:51:013 (1) - with this slider, you could try to put the slidertick in the middle of the slider, in a place where there's a jonction between two directions. You should be able to do than by just scaling it by b0,956
01:57 Come[Back]Home: b0,956? Sorry, Im not a slider artist and dont understand what that means.... ;w;
01:58 Gabe: the b was a bug from my computer
01:58 Gabe: LMAO
01:58 Gabe:
01:59 Come[Back]Home: Ahhhh~ Alright
02:03 Gabe: 01:15:613 (7) - what do you think of a new combo here? it's going into another direction, so you could be adding a new combo like you did to 01:15:013 (1) -
02:04 Come[Back]Home: Good idea, fits well with the vocals
02:04 Gabe: .......what vocals
02:04 Gabe: oh
02:04 Come[Back]Home: More like, vocal chops
02:05 Gabe: yeah, I just realized that
02:05 Gabe: LMAO
02:05 Come[Back]Home: Haha xD
02:08 Gabe: 01:40:413 (4) - I'd suggest to focus the flow on to the next stream instead of stacking the end with the slider (2). you could move this slider to x:15 y:347
02:09 Gabe: it gives a better push to catch the stream
02:09 Come[Back]Home: That flows very nicely as well, alright~
02:13 Gabe: 02:26:213 (1) - Delete NC? You could do like the combo to 01:59:013 (1) -
02:16 Come[Back]Home: Alright, redit the combos there like here 01:59:013 -
02:19 Gabe: oh, -M4x mapped with you
02:21 Come[Back]Home: Yeah, just the sliders at the vocal parts though :p
02:21 Come[Back]Home: I kinda begged him to do it lol...
02:24 Gabe: lel
02:24 Gabe: that's it for me, I guess
will be back :D
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

will be back :D
Thank you <333
*There are missing claps on: 03:04:613 (1) - 03:05:013 (3) - 03:05:413 (1) - 03:05:813 (1) -
*Whistle should be on 03:55:013 - instead of 03:55:413 - considering the whistles on 03:57:413 (1,2,3,4,5) -
*04:15:013 (1) - I'd suggest to follow what you were doing with the previous objects by placing this circle in a linear flow with the previous slider. You can place it at x:256 y:41
*05:12:613 (1) - I know it's a slower part, but it would be looking so much better if the spacing would be different from the previous objects. Move it just a little so there's a significant distinction from both parts. For an example, you could be moving this slider to x:337 y:67. Please apply the same of all the other similar objects or new combos, in most cases.

call me back!!
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

*There are missing claps on: 03:04:613 (1) - 03:05:013 (3) - 03:05:413 (1) - 03:05:813 (1) - Fixed
*Whistle should be on 03:55:013 - instead of 03:55:413 - considering the whistles on 03:57:413 (1,2,3,4,5) - True
*04:15:013 (1) - I'd suggest to follow what you were doing with the previous objects by placing this circle in a linear flow with the previous slider. You can place it at x:256 y:41 Okay
*05:12:613 (1) - I know it's a slower part, but it would be looking so much better if the spacing would be different from the previous objects. Move it just a little so there's a significant distinction from both parts. For an example, you could be moving this slider to x:337 y:67. Please apply the same of all the other similar objects or new combos, in most cases. Good Idea

call me back!!

I accidently gave kds again.....sry
Topic Starter
Thank you~ :3
i suppose i can heart this

03:25:413 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - feels like a bit of a diffspike because 1/4 jumps aren't really used a lot in this map, so especially the last bigger one i can imagine catching a player off guard.
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

i suppose i can heart this

03:25:413 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1) - feels like a bit of a diffspike because 1/4 jumps aren't really used a lot in this map, so especially the last bigger one i can imagine catching a player off guard.

So far every testplayer had no problems with it, it looks hard in the editor but its not really that hard when you play it.
I emphasized the melodics with those cause on every white tick, there is a new melodic sound kicking in, and I think the stream-jumps emphasize those really well~
Mir sucks
...... :3c
Topic Starter
Wow, thank you, a nice surprise to wake up to lol~
dq to change preview point (as per req)
Topic Starter

Irreversible wrote:

dq to change preview point (as per req)
Thank you very much~

Edit: Preview Point changed.
bubble to change preview point (as per req)
added 2 whistles, shifted 02:24:213 (6,7,8,9,1) - higher
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