
10nya's Simple Image Editing Tutorials (๑❛ꇳ❛๑)

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Welcome! (੭ु˙꒳˙)੭ु⁾⁾*✭

Okay, hello all, welcome to my simple thread about editing images on Photoshop. I'm using Photoshop CS6, but I would very recommend to you guys to use CS 5 since I'm very comfortable with that one.
Okay so, probably many people wondering "how did s/he made that?" on Photoshop editing, previously on my graphic thread, I was thinking to make some tutorials but rl just got pretty worse so I can't continue both the thread and osu! itself. So, why don't you guys make some experiment with your own photoshop? It's easy!
I'm pretty busy irl so probably the thread will less active, but I'll try to do my best!

How does the thread works?
It's easy, just stalk on the thread and I'll post some tutorials with shortcuts on this 1st post(:

Can I make tutorials too?
Sure! But before you do that, please forum PM me first. I'm afraid if there's a lot of spams/can't control the forum anymore

Can I request for tutorials?
Sure! Please make sure you bold your post so I can notice it, I'm pretty lazy >_<. Remember I'm not pro at all, which its means I can't do all of photoshop tricks, I'm just sharing some skills that I learned. ;w;

  1. 'Vintage' Tutorial
P.S. to moderators, if I posted this thread on wrong place, please tell me >__<"
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'Vintage' Image Tutorial

Okay, so here's my 1st tutorial, which its reminds me I've googled this everywhere to learn how to make pictures like old picture, lol.

Click me
1st step
Make sure that your image is ready to edit

2nd step
Click the image on lowest part of 'Layer' tab, choose the one that looks like 'Yin&Yang' (that's what I called this one ._.)

3rd step
Some options will be pop-out and choose 'Solid Layer' it's on the very top of the options

4th step
A new tab will pop-out, choose darker blue, something like #091743 is good

5th step
Great, so your image will be full of dark blue color

6th step
Click the 'layer style' on the Layer tab, some options will be popped out and choose Exclusion

Your image is done!

Can you give me link for download photoshop CS5? (Mau download dapet yang php mulu .-.)
Raisha Millenia

Nei- wrote:

Can you give me link for download photoshop CS5? (Mau download dapet yang php mulu .-.)
kalo download dari internet 89% kesempatan dapet yang trial.
Link Downlaod Dong ._.,Kalo Bisa Sama keygennya
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Nei- wrote:

Can you give me link for download photoshop CS5? (Mau download dapet yang php mulu .-.)
hmm kalo kayak gini biasanya gw ambil yg portable biar gk repot, > CS 5.1 Extended

> CS 6 Extended

10nya wrote:

Nei- wrote:

Can you give me link for download photoshop CS5? (Mau download dapet yang php mulu .-.)
hmm kalo kayak gini biasanya gw ambil yg portable biar gk repot, > CS 5.1 Extended

> CS 6 Extended
Portable Apaan? ._.
Link photoshop CS5 dah mati.... yang CS6 pake tusfiles... gk ngerti pake tusfiles .-.
Topic Starter

Nei- wrote:

Link photoshop CS5 dah mati.... yang CS6 pake tusfiles... gk ngerti pake tusfiles .-.
forum pm ya
Raisha Millenia
ane boleh ngasih tutorial gak?=w=
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Raisha Millenia wrote:

ane boleh ngasih tutorial gak?=w=
lel boleh kok
Photoshop CS6 Udah Ane Download... Tapi.... Saat Mau Ngesave as gak muncul apa",kalo nge save bisa aja...
Topic Starter

Nei- wrote:

Photoshop CS6 Udah Ane Download... Tapi.... Saat Mau Ngesave as gak muncul apa",kalo nge save bisa aja...
oh gw juga gitu, ctrl+shift+s aja

10nya wrote:

Nei- wrote:

Photoshop CS6 Udah Ane Download... Tapi.... Saat Mau Ngesave as gak muncul apa",kalo nge save bisa aja...
oh gw juga gitu, ctrl+shift+s aja
Ohh iya dah mau
Daichi Shinku
Wohoho, Nice Inpoh gan, Lumayan nambah-nambah pengetahuan :v

Next one, can you do a tutorial about making a gif on photoshop?
+ How do you configure the frame rate of your gif on photoshop?
Raisha Millenia

Daichi Shinku wrote:

Wohoho, Nice Inpoh gan, Lumayan nambah-nambah pengetahuan :v

Next one, can you do a tutorial about making a gif on photoshop?
+ How do you configure the frame rate of your gif on photoshop?
situ kalo mau bikin animation harus buka window animationnya dulu. terus dibikin frame satu-satu

Daichi Shinku wrote:

Wohoho, Nice Inpoh gan, Lumayan nambah-nambah pengetahuan :v

Next one, can you do a tutorial about making a gif on photoshop?
+ How do you configure the frame rate of your gif on photoshop?
Kalo Gw Sih Buat gif pake Adobe Photoshop CS3 Make Layer Per Layer... Dijadiin Animasi
10nya pls marry me

tutorial about how to make stuff blink please
Daichi Shinku

Senritsu wrote:

how to edit a pict without opening a ps please
1.Go to google
2. Search for an edited picture.

Cara Bikin Foto Jadi Ada Effect Happy,dsb Itu Gimana?,Kalo Bisa Kasih Info Nya Bisa Di Pake Di Adobe Photoshop 7.0... Soalnya Ane Make Itu ._.,Kalo Make CS5/CS6 Gak Bisa Soalnya Ane Make Notebook/Netbook
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