
10nya's Simple Image Editing Tutorials (๑❛ꇳ❛๑)

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Nei- wrote:

Bisa Gak Adain Yang Versi Indonesia? .-.,Lewat PM Atau Apa Kek... Soalnya... Gak Ngerti .-.,Padahal Tertarik Sih Sama Tutorialnya... Tapi Gak Ngerti .-.
copas ke google translate lol

btw, where can i find a nice font huea.
edit: sry for indonesian
Daichi Shinku

kuroanchan wrote:

Nei- wrote:

Bisa Gak Adain Yang Versi Indonesia? .-.,Lewat PM Atau Apa Kek... Soalnya... Gak Ngerti .-.,Padahal Tertarik Sih Sama Tutorialnya... Tapi Gak Ngerti .-.
copas ke google translate lol

btw, where can i find a nice font huea.
edit: sry for indonesian

Daichi Shinku wrote:
Raisha Millenia

kuroanchan wrote:

Nei- wrote:

Bisa Gak Adain Yang Versi Indonesia? .-.,Lewat PM Atau Apa Kek... Soalnya... Gak Ngerti .-.,Padahal Tertarik Sih Sama Tutorialnya... Tapi Gak Ngerti .-.
copas ke google translate lol

btw, where can i find a nice font huea.
edit: sry for indonesian

Raisha Millenia wrote:

thanks owo
I wanna know how to make signature like this: ... 312e706e67
and like this: ... 352e6a7067
I Dont know how to make thats white effect like that... can you share how to make signature like that

Einkie wrote:

I wanna know how to make signature like this: ... 312e706e67
and like this: ... 352e6a7067
I Dont know how to make thats white effect like that... can you share how to make signature like that
be creative by using brush for effect, there are many brush you can find to make beautiful effect.
Raisha Millenia
That's not brush actually
I'm using textures and deleting unused texture part with brushes

Raisha Millenia wrote:

That's not brush actually
I'm using textures and deleting unused texture part with brushes
jadi... intinya apa?,bhs indo pls .-.,gak ngerti .-.
Raisha Millenia

Einkie wrote:

Raisha Millenia wrote:

That's not brush actually
I'm using textures and deleting unused texture part with brushes
jadi... intinya apa?,bhs indo pls .-.,gak ngerti .-.
gw make texture lalu ngehapus bagian texture yang gak kepake pake brush
trus blending mode texturenya itu gw ganti-ganti

Raisha Millenia wrote:

That's not brush actually
gw make texture lalu ngehapus bagian texture yang gak kepake pake brush
trus blending mode texturenya itu gw ganti-ganti
bisa kasih tutornya gak? .-.,soalnya gak tau dimana letak texture .-.
Raisha Millenia
Texture itu foto, semacam elemen photoshop
Daichi Shinku
Gimana Sih?,Gak Ngerti... Dari Tadi Utak Atik Brush Gak Mirip Sama Kek Di Link... Putihnya Beda .-.
Raisha Millenia

Einkie wrote:

Gimana Sih?,Gak Ngerti... Dari Tadi Utak Atik Brush Gak Mirip Sama Kek Di Link... Putihnya Beda .-.
itu saya pake brush khusus, ngga brush yang langsung dari photoshopnya. banyak kok brush model lain
Daichi Shinku
@Einkie just go here, and search for a tutorial how to put .abr to photoshop.. ... psbrushes/

Daichi Shinku wrote:

@Einkie just go here, and search for a tutorial how to put .abr to photoshop.. ... psbrushes/
.abr buat apaan,dan fungsinya apa?
Raisha Millenia
.abr is a file format of photoshop brushes
'Vintage Look' Tutorial please ;w;
i always wondering, how to make crossing lines in these edits ;v; anybody like to share?
Daichi Shinku

AllRiseSilver wrote:

'Vintage Look' Tutorial please ;w;

What's a Vintage? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

veniastcline wrote:

i always wondering, how to make crossing lines in these edits ;v; anybody like to share?
What do you mean by crossing line? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

Daichi Shinku wrote:

AllRiseSilver wrote:

'Vintage Look' Tutorial please ;w;

What's a Vintage? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

veniastcline wrote:

i always wondering, how to make crossing lines in these edits ;v; anybody like to share?
What do you mean by crossing line? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

lol, gif tutorial please.ˊ_>ˋ

Daichi Shinku wrote:

AllRiseSilver wrote:

'Vintage Look' Tutorial please ;w;

What's a Vintage? ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
Daichi Shinku

Eon- wrote:

Blend Option the picture, Color Overlay the picture with the "Right color for vintage" and choose the "Correct" blending...
Then, do an Innerglow with the pic, but choose the color to black, and once again, Choose the "Correct" blending ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽
The rest? search a texture pic and make that texture pic layer to be on the most top, and once again, Choose the "Correct" blending ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽

Let's say this is a pop quiz ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽

After there's 4 post from other people, I'll post the tutorial ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽/

veniastcline wrote:

i always wondering, how to make crossing lines in these edits ;v; anybody like to share?
if you're asking for a 'crossing line' from upper right to bottom right
1. Create a new document : 6x6 with transparent background.
2. Use pencil tool with any color you want, 1px
3. Just draw it click by click on that doc, depends on what pattern do you want. You can always try another pattern

4. Edit -> Define pattern -> ok
Daichi Shinku

Senritsu wrote:

veniastcline wrote:

i always wondering, how to make crossing lines in these edits ;v; anybody like to share?
if you're asking for a 'crossing line' from upper right to bottom right
1. Create a new document : 6x6 with transparent background.
2. Use pencil tool with any color you want, 1px
3. Just draw it click by click on that doc, depends on what pattern do you want. You can always try another pattern

4. Edit -> Define pattern -> ok
AAAaaaaaaand he's confused about how to use the pattern xD
Gimana Sih Cara Bikin Signature Yang Sizenya:640x150 Menggunakan Foto yang ukurannya 500x500?,Dengan Ada Tambahan White Effect.... Susah Bkinnya,Ngutak Atik Photoshop Gak Ketemu" --"
Raisha Millenia

Einkie wrote:

Gimana Sih Cara Bikin Signature Yang Sizenya:640x150 Menggunakan Foto yang ukurannya 500x500?,Dengan Ada Tambahan White Effect.... Susah Bkinnya,Ngutak Atik Photoshop Gak Ketemu" --"
bikin aja workpaper baru, klik Ctrl+N trus sizenya 640x150, lalu foto ukuran 500x500nya itu dimasukin ke workpaper yang baru dibikin barusan(640x150) terus di resize
Topic Starter
aw sheet i went to other country and leave the thread for about 2 weeks, so sorry! gonna catch up soon

Senritsu wrote:

veniastcline wrote:

i always wondering, how to make crossing lines in these edits ;v; anybody like to share?
if you're asking for a 'crossing line' from upper right to bottom right
1. Create a new document : 6x6 with transparent background.
2. Use pencil tool with any color you want, 1px
3. Just draw it click by click on that doc, depends on what pattern do you want. You can always try another pattern

4. Edit -> Define pattern -> ok
Thank you for sharing, but I actually confused what to do after that ;_;
and yes, the crossing line like Daichi Shinku made to my sign lol

veniastcline wrote:

Thank you for sharing, but I actually confused what to do after that ;_;
and yes, the crossing line like Daichi Shinku made to my sign lol
After Define Pattern Just Fill Thats Picture With Thats Pattern..

veniastcline wrote:

Thank you for sharing, but I actually confused what to do after that ;_;
and yes, the crossing line like Daichi Shinku made to my sign lol
i forgot to say how to use it
Im such a bad people lol
You can use Pattern Stamp Tool, it's above eraser. Then, you can choose the pattern on smth like these, somewhere tab di atas yang berjajar itu dah pokoknya
Lalu pakenya kaya pake brush :3
Daichi Shinku
Okay then, theres already 4 posts or more from this thread.. so I'm gonna post the tutorial here..


For this Tutorials.. I'll do it with this picture:
Vintage look tutorial (sigh.. this one is already in the frontpage though..)
1. Go to Blending option for the picture..

Right click the layer... then this'll pop out..

2. Go for Color Overlay... and set the color to which you think will make it looks vintage enough.. like yellow.. and then, set the blending to Color Burn.

3. Go for Inner Glow... YES Inner glow, make the color black, and set the blending to Vivid Light... or any other that you find it suits you~ make sure the oppacity is right and the size too...

There you go~!

This is what it should be looks like now~!


What's that? not vintage enough?
Well then...
1.Look for an old looking texture on google, or just go with this keywords: "Old texture"
For this tutorial, I'll take some textures from this link, you can search it yourself :3

2. Make sure the texture layer is on the most top order...

3. Then... from this, you can do 2 things..

A. Change your blending to make it looks vintage, atleast try to search for the right blend as this tutorial might looks different from your picture, yep, try to tweak it to your liking...
In this part, My Texture Layer's blend is set to "Overlay"

And the result is..

B. Just lower the oppacity of the Texture layer....
And the result is...

This is for the Vintage look tutorial...

Crossline/Diagonal Line Tutorial
1. Create a new file with size 5x5 or 10x10.. in this tutorial, I'll go with 5x5

3.Make a new layer and delete the Background Layer, we don't want a pattern with white background on it don't we?

Yep, delete that Background layer..
4.Now.. carefully, use brush and do a diagonal line... if there's too much on it, you can delete it... remember, use 1px eraser/brush for this one~

This is what is should be looks like now..
5. Go to "Edit" on the top menu bar... then there should be something called "Define Pattern"

This window will pops up...
6. Name your pattern and then click OK!
7. Then, go to the picture that you want to add diagonal line, and go to blending option

Right click the layer... then this'll pop out.. again...

8. then, go to Pattern Overlay, and search for the Pattern that you just created before..

You could even play around with the Blending Option xD welp, I'll set mine to vivid light~ with 100% Oppacity and 101 Scale (Remember Scale = Size of the Pattern)
9. Aaaand we're done~!

the Crossing line is will be updated later, in this post..
As its still under construction :3

Done! :)

10nya wrote:

aw sheet i went to other country and leave the thread for about 2 weeks, so sorry! gonna catch up soon
Just take it slowly and easy because when you do it in hurry, the results will be bad too :D
How to make animated text please ; v ;
I want to be able to do gifs for people,so I would really appreciate if someone could do this one ;;
Raisha Millenia

- Aomi - wrote:

How to make animated text please ; v ;
I want to be able to do gifs for people,so I would really appreciate if someone could do this one ;;
Click Window tab>>Animation. If there's no Animation at the Window tab, click "show all menu items"
then it'll show like this

note: if you want to animate the text, click on the text's layer first then you make the animation frames. if you want to make the text like this:

you must change the text opacity/fill to 0 at the first frame. and on the second frame, change the text opacity/fill to 10 or 20(whatever you like), change the text opacity/fill to 30 or 60 on the third frame and do this until the text opacity goes to 100
hope this could help!

- Aomi - wrote:

How to make animated text picture please ; v ;
eg : blinking eyes, and stuff
Raisha Millenia

Senritsu wrote:

- Aomi - wrote:

How to make animated text picture please ; v ;
eg : blinking eyes, and stuff
For blinking eyes, i've seen the tutorial here. Not my tutorial, but hope that could help
thank you for the crossing line tutorial :D

Raisha Millenia wrote:

Click Window tab>>Animation. If there's no Animation at the Window tab, click "show all menu items"
then it'll show like this

note: if you want to animate the text, click on the text's layer first then you make the animation frames. if you want to make the text like this:

you must change the text opacity/fill to 0 at the first frame. and on the second frame, change the text opacity/fill to 10 or 20(whatever you like), change the text opacity/fill to 30 or 60 on the third frame and do this until the text opacity goes to 100
hope this could help!
Thank you so much! <333
Daichi Shinku
By the way, make sure if you want to save it to gif.. you go to File >> Save for web
Or.. even easier, CTRL+ Alt + shift+ S

Then, make sure you save it as a gif...
From this one, make sure its a gif, not the other one..
How to add a border around a gif please ; v ;
Raisha Millenia

- Aomi - wrote:

How to add a border around a gif please ; v ;
did you mean making a border to an animated/gif image?

Raisha Millenia wrote:

did you mean making a border to an animated/gif image?
Yes ; v ;
Raisha Millenia

- Aomi - wrote:

Raisha Millenia wrote:

did you mean making a border to an animated/gif image?
Yes ; v ;
you can do it with Photoshop CS6
but if you use Photoshop CS5 and below, you must use Photoscape too

Raisha Millenia wrote:

you can do it with Photoshop CS6
but if you use Photoshop CS5 and below, you must use Photoscape too
No,I mean,I don't know how to add a border in CS6 orz
Daichi Shinku
Lol, just create a Rectangle without a fill :v
and put the layer on the top...

if you want another shape, just magic wand the outside of the shape and press delete when selecting the gif layer..
The struggle is real.
Daichi Shinku
*problems intensifies*
BTW Mau nanya kalo kita make profile format .gif,itu bisa gerak gak saat kita main game osu! nya...,atau cman bisa bergerak di forum doang? .-.
Raisha Millenia

Einkie wrote:

BTW Mau nanya kalo kita make profile format .gif,itu bisa gerak gak saat kita main game osu! nya...,atau cman bisa bergerak di forum doang? .-.
bisa gerak di forum doang.

Raisha Millenia wrote:

bisa gerak di forum doang.
Ohh Ok Thx :)
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