Got a beatmap you're working on, and want people to know it? Then say something! It would be total chaos if like 10 people were all working on the same beatmap, especially if they all had good versions, so let it be known what beatmaps your doing!
I'll start it off:
ROUND TABLE featuring Nino - Let Me Be With You (Chobits OP; 40% done)
Bowling for Soup - 1985 (Easy/Normal: 30%/15%)
Yasunori Mitsuda - Frog's Theme (20%)
Bulldog Mansion - Happy Birthday To Me (Easy/Normal: 15%/0)
Aqua Timez - Alones (15%)
Asian Kung Fu Generation - Haruka Kanata (15%)
Becky - Less Than Three (Ricardo Autobahn Remix)[10%]
Also, these ones I have timed, but haven't started mapping yet:
HALCALI - Tip Taps Tip
Hiroki Takahashi, Masami Kikuchi - Muteki Forugore
Kiyaharu - Slow
L'Arc~en~Ciel - Link
Porno Graffiti - Melissa
Queen - Princes of the Universe
Skoop On Somebody - Happy People
Suga Shikao - 19 Sai
Tanaka Rie - I Hear You Everywhere
YeLLOW Generation - Tobira no Mukou e
If anyone's looking forward especially to a certain song that's listed, give some support! We all like to be cheered on! =D
EDIT: By the way, if I have a song timed that you really want to do yourself, don't be afraid to ask me for the timing! It'll take me AGES to do all the songs I want to, so I might as well split up the work. Besides, I bet lots of people can do a better job than me at many of these maps.
I'll start it off:
ROUND TABLE featuring Nino - Let Me Be With You (Chobits OP; 40% done)
Bowling for Soup - 1985 (Easy/Normal: 30%/15%)
Yasunori Mitsuda - Frog's Theme (20%)
Bulldog Mansion - Happy Birthday To Me (Easy/Normal: 15%/0)
Aqua Timez - Alones (15%)
Asian Kung Fu Generation - Haruka Kanata (15%)
Becky - Less Than Three (Ricardo Autobahn Remix)[10%]
Also, these ones I have timed, but haven't started mapping yet:
HALCALI - Tip Taps Tip
Hiroki Takahashi, Masami Kikuchi - Muteki Forugore
Kiyaharu - Slow
L'Arc~en~Ciel - Link
Porno Graffiti - Melissa
Queen - Princes of the Universe
Skoop On Somebody - Happy People
Suga Shikao - 19 Sai
Tanaka Rie - I Hear You Everywhere
YeLLOW Generation - Tobira no Mukou e
If anyone's looking forward especially to a certain song that's listed, give some support! We all like to be cheered on! =D
EDIT: By the way, if I have a song timed that you really want to do yourself, don't be afraid to ask me for the timing! It'll take me AGES to do all the songs I want to, so I might as well split up the work. Besides, I bet lots of people can do a better job than me at many of these maps.