is a character what was created by Yohsida On. At 2004 spring, A doujin comic book 'Kesson Shoujo'(It's mean is 'broken girl' or 'impaired girl' in japanese) was released. She is a main character of this book.
She is a poor girl who has disability, lost her right eye and left leg by car accident. She looks like 16 years old. Right eye has keloid. White hair and blue eye(well, but even creator does not follow this profile and draw her eye green sometimes.) is by stress bleach but she does not give a shit. never have been use drug thing. No wirst scar(I could not translate this sentence as well, It means 'Never have been try self-injury and suicide maybe). She is a heavy smoker and playing in band guitarist and Vocal. and She is a hooker for living. She loves to drink, enjoy to eat, and always smiling brightly.
Basically, 'Bikko' is a common word what means 'lame' or 'mismatched fair' in japanese. but Yoshida On does not want this character beeing spotlighted, so her name has very abnormal form in japanese. 'ビっ子' Katakana + Hiragana + Chinese character. and Yoshida On never wrote her name with alphabet. so, It can not be hitting in search site accidentally if someone dosen't know her name exactly. however, I don't know why, resultingly, this character became known in other country. and now, you can find her image and profile easily. just type 'Bikko' in google.
BTW, There was a discussion about this character in korea. "Bikko was created for impaired fetish" was an issue. Acrotomophilia or something? but Yoshida On spoke his mind cleary when this character was released. He made this character for who lives cool and nice even their disability. Maybe He worried about this kind of issue so he hiding his character.
I knew this character in 2008. I saw a image of this character accidentally and shocked, but I understood after read her profile and Yoshida On's writing. It made me a fan. and I always use 'Bikko' when I make my ID and account thing. actually, I don't have my left eye sight. I lost it by accident while I'm in military. some my friend give me a joke for this, but I don't like it.
There are some fan of this character, but I'm pretty sure. No one read Comic book Also I didn't. because of they are veeery unique. As far as I know there are only 2 or 3 hundreds copys in japan, and no scan. second and third book was released but I couldn't get it. and there is one thing makes me crazy. there is a hentai manga team what has same name with 'Kesson Shoujo'. So, do not confusing