
osu! Flashlight Tournament [We finally have 16 players! :D]

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I had this idea a while ago, and now I've decided to go for it and see how it goes. :)


Basically, what this is is a run-of-the-mill osu! tournament, except all the songs must be played with the Flashlight mod. I think this will make it a lot more interesting and more of an intellectual battle.


I'm aiming for 32 players. If we get 32 players, they will initially be divided into sixteen groups of two. For each group, both players in a group will play three songs with the Flashlight mod enabled and the person who obtains the higher score (in the case of a tie, that song is played again until one person obtains a higher score than the other) in more songs will advance. The advancing players will then be paired against one another, which continues until only one person, the winner, remains.

Note: This can be done with more or less than 32 players as long as the number of players can be obtained by multiplying any number of 2s and any number of 3s. If this is a case, the rounds will switch to round robins after the number of players is divisible by 3 and not 2. :)

There is a one-week deadline on matches. If neither player does anything during this one-week deadline, they both will be disqualified and the person who would normally face that person in the next round would receive a bye. If one player tells me they tried to contact the other player but received no response, and there is no excuse from the other player, the other player will be disqualified and the player will receive a bye.

How it will work:

This will take place in multiplayer games (involving two players and a judge observing the match to confirm the winner to me (using screenshots). Both players should also confirm who won, so that if the judge gives a different result than both players combined without a screenshot his/her result can be overruled.

The settings should be as follows:

Play Mode: osu! Standard
Team Mode: Head To Head
Win Condition: Score

The songs will be decided in a similar manner to the Tag Team tournament. One player will pick one song from a list provided for that round, another player will pick a song from that list, and the third will be decided by the judge for that match (preferably randomly).


Unfortunately, no prizes are planned. :cry:

Signing up:

To sign up, post in this thread saying you're signing up. Also, post your time zone and when you'll be able to play - that way it'll be out there for anyone who plays you.

Feel free to post questions, comments, and especially signups.


Nakata Yuji
Hurude Rika
Gomo Psivarh
The problem with Flashlight is that if the match happens to be on that one map that I happen to have memorized, it's not even going to be close (actually I can't do that first one any more...). My opponents probably wouldn't even pass.

On the other hand, Hidden is usually pretty doable even if you've never played the map, or only played it a couple times. Same with Double Time, but with a more limited mapset.
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IMO, if you memorize the map then that's an advantage you have. To combat this I plan on posting the list of beatmaps in advance, so that players have some time to become more familiar with them. Either that or I (or someone else) could create some maps that could be used in place of the judges picking a map.

Besides, if someone wins because they just happened to memorize a map and are otherwise not good with Flashlight, they probably won't make it that far because eventually someone who is better at playing maps they haven't seen with Flashlight will beat them on a map they didn't happen to memorize (probably the judges' selections). If they are generally good with Flashlight, then they should make it far into the tournament anyway.
Wow... A flashlight tournament...

I'm pretty interested, but I feel that for the sake of the tournament I should pass to give more skilled players a chance to compete against each other

I should perhaps hold another competition with maps with easier difficulties (say, Normal and Hard instead of Insane or Lunatic) and have some of the less skilled players participate, myself included.
I suck at flashlight, so count me out. :(

Derekku Chan wrote:

I suck at flashlight, so count me out. :(
i love flashlight and this sound very interesting :D
i think this tournament will be possible if you do not chose so many beatmaps so the player can prepare for it

i am interested
Uhh this is gonna be interesting, I'll see.

Can we add, let's say Hardrock if we feel like making it even harder? lol
Not joining, but giving my two cent on this. Personally, I don't like the purpose of highlighting a modifier for a tournament, but I'm not here to stop you.

Maps that will be selected for this tournament should only be publicly shown either a few days before the tournament (to give the players a few moments to test-play the maps) or during the tournament (so that hopefully everyone will be on the same level). In this case, it is discouraged to select "famous" maps that probably everyone has played.
Nakata Yuji
I'll join, I'm on after 5:00 est. Just pm me or something.
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Hanyuu wrote:

Derekku Chan wrote:

I suck at flashlight, so count me out. :(
i love flashlight and this sound very interesting :D
i think this tournament will be possible if you do not chose so many beatmaps so the player can prepare for it

i am interested
I plan to make the players be able to choose from five or so beatmaps each round. This won't be that many, but at the same time it won't be so few that you're almost certainly going to end up playing one of the songs.

Glasslake wrote:

Uhh this is gonna be interesting, I'll see.

Can we add, let's say Hardrock if we feel like making it even harder? lol
Hidden, Hard Rock, and Double Time can be added if both players agree on it (and No Video can be added individually, of course).

vytalibus wrote:

Not joining, but giving my two cent on this. Personally, I don't like the purpose of highlighting a modifier for a tournament, but I'm not here to stop you.

Maps that will be selected for this tournament should only be publicly shown either a few days before the tournament (to give the players a few moments to test-play the maps) or during the tournament (so that hopefully everyone will be on the same level). In this case, it is discouraged to select "famous" maps that probably everyone has played.
The maps that are going to be selected for each round will be posted a few days before the tournament starts.

Nakata Yuji wrote:

I'll join, I'm on after 5:00 est. Just pm me or something.
:) Looks like you're the first entrant.
Hurude Rika
it will be a good experience
I'll join

GMT +09:00 at 10:00~12:30 pm

ps. I'm not good at english (I'm using dictionary)
ps2. I'm not good at osu T.T (started 2month ago)
ps3. I have shunned the fla mode T.T
I'll join :)

Btw when will this be held ?
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That will be decided after we get 32 entrants or if people stop joining after we get a reasonable number that's less than 32.

Then again we might not even get to that point at this rate...
This is true.

I forgot to add that I'm Est. and i can be on anytime between 6PM~12AM :)
So, I can participate :), but only at weekends :(.
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Okay, I'll add you to the entrants list. :)

pieguy1372 wrote:

Okay, I'll add you to the entrants list. :)

omg we gonna all get dq'd lol
Count me in! Count me in! I'm always looking for this tournament! So anyways, I have a full-week holiday, I live at South East Asia, Indonesia, Jakarta, Mind to take a look with the time?
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Took me long enough, but I added Sousei and Aoitenshi.
Sign me up! ^^
GMT +2 and can play at mostly every time ^^
Im not the best with flashlight but theres nothing to loose ;)
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Added. :)

We're 1/4 of the way to 32 people...perhaps we'll get there a year after this was first announced. xD
Sleep Powder
A tag team flashlight tournament sounds kind of cool right now o_o
i dont think this will get 32 players lol
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If we don't get enough we have just the right amount for a mini tournament as it is. If we have three rounds with two players each, this tournament will still work, it will just be a lot smaller.

I'll give it a little more time and then start it if no one joins. :)
Hurude Rika
I become CTB player, and not play osu now T.T
but I'll not give up
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Wait, so you're still playing in the tournament, right?
looks like you already have 8 players

would it be worse off if i joined?
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Yeah, we have eight players.

I was planning on starting it if no one else joined, but you can join if you want, of course. :) It wouldn't be worse off as I could wait for 12 or 16 players, so the only thing is that it would take longer to start.
I want to join too, count me in.
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Added fartownik.

Hopefully we'll get three more players. o.o
Well in that case I would like to join XD
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Added. :)
Gomo Psivarh
May I join in the tourney?
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Only one entrant away. o.o
count me in

go easy on me
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And added!

We have twelve players, which will work very well for this tournament. Like I did with eight players, I'll give it a little while and if no one else joins I'll start it. :)
add me : D
I suppose I'll play.
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Added. :)
~bump, it needs 2 more ppl
I have a question.
Is it also possible to make after the Osu! Tournament a Taiko Tournament? :s
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A Taiko Flashlight Tournament would be possible as long as enough players would join.

In any case, we still need two more players.
another bumpo~ ppl, i know you wanna play this :)

Sousei wrote:


That's your two extra people right there.... (Cheery, Shinxyn) How the hell did you guys miss that?
it will go?
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DeathxShinigami wrote:

Sousei wrote:


That's your two extra people right there.... (Cheery, Shinxyn) How the hell did you guys miss that?
I asked them about this after Sousei made that post, and they both said they weren't actually joining.
[badenglish]seeing some people who joining on this turnament

makes me unconfidence about joining this tournament >_>[/badenglish]
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:( Anyone?

I really hope it gets two more players...
Gomo Psivarh

pieguy1372 wrote:

:( Anyone?

I really hope it gets two more players...
I think you could check the ranking of some beatmaps to find out the players who are good at Flashlight,
and ask them whether they wanna join in. ;)
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