Ever wanted to quickly find and download many beatmaps and even filter out the ones you already have, even without osu!direct? Well, here's an app that let's you do exactly that. You can easily find and download beatmaps with the web app and if you want you can also download the client app for windows computers, which filters out maps you already own and can also download and import beatmaps automatically.
web app:
- view beatmap listings, change beatmap searches, all without reloading the page
- loading several beatmap listing pages at once (has no limit, browser may crash after 120 pages or so...)
- original osu! beatmap listing look, feel and functionality (plus a few features)
- download beatmaps even without client app, by selecting a beatmap and pressing num1
- control playing preview with left and right arrow keys (next/prev), play/pause with spacebar, download to osudl (if running) with num4
- completely reworked UI, enjoy the new design!
- rabbits
- runs in windows tray, no more ugly consoles
- automatically connects to osudl webpage
- when running, beatmaps that are on the current machine won't show up as search results (filters owned maps)
- download any map by selecting it/playing the preview on the webpage and clicking num4
- download queue support, download as many maps as you want, they are queued and downloaded one after another
- automatically import into osu! once downloaded
As osu!dl relys on the osu! servers you are not limited to downloading ranked beatmaps, so enjoy downloading unranked beatmaps as well
New screenshots here:
I will be working on a big update whcih will include a new webpage design and a bunch of new features (don't want to spoil anything yet). In the current state the app is "working" (more or less), so I hope it helps anyone. It will take me a fair amount of time to get the new stuff done (also I'm busy with school), so stay tuned.