
Sakamoto Ryuichi - Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence -2012 BlackY'

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on martedì 9 dicembre 2014 at 08:31:01

Artist: Sakamoto Ryuichi
Title: Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence -2012 BlackY's XmasCoreStyle-
Tags: osuplayer111 Gero Inyuschan Holiday Remix Collaboration
BPM: 167
Filesize: 13851kb
Play Time: 02:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3,22 stars, 397 notes)
  2. Insane (4,31 stars, 569 notes)
  3. Normal (1,93 stars, 214 notes)
Download: Sakamoto Ryuichi - Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence -2012 BlackY's XmasCoreStyle-
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 208th Beatmap.

Special thanks to Sekai-nyan for the amazing BG and to Gero for the wonderful SB <3


Insane - Done.
Hard - Done.
Normal - Done.
1st <3
Never stop mapping.
Star~ :3
lol... never...
Akiyama Mizuki
If it's collaborative map, it'd be better to write credits
Topic Starter

bbj0920 wrote:

If it's collaborative map, it'd be better to write credits
Normal and Hard are going to have SB Names, don't worry!

Insane is made by myself~

Thanks for the support btw guys ^^
Without any mods you got 12 SP, go rank it without mods o3o

Topic Starter
Thank you Pappy <3

Gotta finish Hard and wait for SB from Gero first ><

EDIT: Finished Hard and moved to Pending, waiting only for SB now. <3
Poke me when SB is finished o3o
Ujimatsu Chiya
Why BG so beautiful?! <3
from Xmas queue

I feel the current offset is a bit off, it should be around 3063(-12) imo. but I'm not 100% about it, you'd better find some timing pro to double check it
normal-hitclap2.wav is unused
remember to hold/cancel wildscreen support to all diffs when sb finished

01:45:829 (5,1) - line up better?

AR is bit too high imo, 7.5 should be totally enough
01:13:134 (1) - I suggest to change it into streams like the other ones you did in this part. streams makes people easier to know how long the stream continues and when the next object starts. because it's a bit hard to know when a repeat slider ends, but we can easily read how many circles in a stream

00:56:607 (1,2) - they can blanket better and still in perfect symmetry imo
01:03:434 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - I suggest to make their spacing mush larger, like what you did at Hard diff. or the spacing is too small and it makes the pattern fitting the song not that well imo

personally, I think the diff spread is not that good, the gap between Normal and Hard is big. there's many 1/4 beats in the Hard diff. although mostly of them are repeat sliders, the rhythm in the Hard diff is a bit more complex than usual Hard diffs imo. and the Normal diff is more likely near an Easy diff, no 1/2 beats at all. it would totally become an Easy if its slider speed is lowered

besides this, I can't find anything else. good luck :3
D: I didn't notice lol o/*
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Thanks for the nice mod wcx, removed the unused hitsound, changed offset, made some streams easier on Hard so spread is now better.

Updated :3
Yo, have some Chrristmas magic.

  1. Honestly, I would use STR2 in all diffs. It seems to fit better and it looks awesome.
  2. The colours are great, but I'd say that they are too bright. Mind fading them? Example
  3. normal-hitclap2.wav seems to b unused. Mind removing it?
  4. Christmas in the tags is useless, it's a part of the title already :P
  1. 00:33:244 (2) - instead of a slider, place a circle. Just like you did it with 00:36:118 (2). This would sound better. A rough example
  2. 00:44:741 (3,1) - it might be just me, but you could make their shapes similar. It will improve appearance of the pattern a little.
  3. 01:10:250 (1,2) - swapping them on timeline (Ctrl+G) will give you perfect rhythm and will stress the important downbeat. Give it a try and don't forget to fix the DS if you like the suggested rhythm! Example
    Note: 01:08:813 (1,2) - same here. Please apply/reject both in order to be more consistent.
  4. 01:41:148 (1,2) - this is the only 1/2 pattern in the whole diff. It feels a bit out of place, so I would recommend you to avoid it.
  5. 02:16:358 (2) - it will fit much better if you replace the slider with two circles. So, the downbeat will be stressed and rhythm will become more intuitively-understandable.

    As always, clean and well-done!
  1. 00:08:837 - the only serious complain I have is about the downbeats and how you map them. As a player, I would prefer to have such beats clickable. this way, we can feel the song better. Try to make beats like this, 00:10:250 - this, 00:11:687 - this and so on clickable. It will make your rhythm much better, I believe.
  2. 00:51:388 (7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - that's an overkill, I'd say. Having so many circles in a calm part of the song feels too hard for the diff. Try to use circles rarely or replace some of them with sliders n order to simplify the pattern.
  3. 01:02:346 (2,3) - that's an unnatual curve. It glitches the sliders and slows them down. Might be unrankable, actually.
  4. 01:05:939 (4,1) - whoops, too far. :P I know you really love such jumps, but this one is too hard. It won't work in this diff, if you ask me.
  5. 01:12:047 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - you're getting carried away again, man. I love the way you map it, but 1/8 siders and the 1/4 ones are overused here. It's just a hard diff, keep it easy enough.
    Note: what to do? well, you can have a spinner here, or you can simplify your current pattern.
  6. 02:47:615 (6) - might need a new combo. It's better to give more HP, in case if players miss the slidres.

    Just the downbeats in the bieginning. otherwise it's a great diff!
  1. As there're some 1/8 sliders on such a high BPM, lowering OD a little is a nice idea. Just a -0,5 change.
  2. 00:49:053 (1) - it's a bit sad that you don't have a jump here. It would stress the downbeat perfectly.
  3. 01:32:705 (5) - minor - if you unstack this one a little, players won't misread it as a slider.
    Note: 01:35:579 (6) - same. There are a few more similar patterns, I'm sure you'll find and fix them yourself. :)
  4. 02:00:999 (4) - are you sure that you didn't miss the new combo here? I would add one for the stream.

A very solid mapset. But the best I can do is a star icon as it's too early. Anywas, hope this star will shine brigh for you!


Best of luck!
Topic Starter
Removed the unnecessary tag, fixed the colours on every difficulty, adjusted the downbeats sliders on Normal, changed the tricky part on Hard with a spinner and fixed the combo pattern on Insane.

About the rest, I'd like to keep it as is for now, since I think it's okay to go.

Thanks a lot for the mod Bakari <3
Storyboard incoming, just be patient my dear :3
i should probably make a video if this map is rank. christmas is near guys!

And btw, STAR!
We need to push this to rank before new year, so here I mod ;D


02:49:771 (6) - Make it reverse? and new combo.. and then just drag spinner to 02:51:388 and make it stop at 02:52:645

I can't find anything else on this difficulty, good job.


00:03:424 (3,5) - The end of (3) and the beginning of (5) are not vertically equally, make it like this
00:03:424 (3,5) - The lenght between the nodes in these are different, resulting in uneven slider.
It's kinda minor though.

00:08:274 (4) - One grid to the right, so the spacing is correct from (3).

00:08:813 This is a strong beat, if you could have an active slider or a note on it, would be better. Feels wrong with a slider end.

00:10:250 ^

00:11:687 ^

00:12:406 ^

01:47:256 (3) - Drag the anglenode one grid to the left, and the red node one grid to the right for a more smoother blanket AND nicer angle. And remember to copy pase to this 01:47:975 (1) -

02:06:657 (1,2) - Ugly blanket:)

02:22:466 (1) - Is this supposed to be uneven? if not, drag the bottom red node two grids to the right. this is uneven too 02:21:747 (8) -

02:26:777 (1,2) - The spacing between these are smaller than the other notes around.

02:29:831 (3) - Snap better to end of 02:28:933 (1) - ?

02:33:783 (4,5,1) - These are one grid too close to this 02:33:244 (3) -

02:43:663 (3,4) - Closer to eachother than the notes around.

02:44:023 (1) - NC


00:54:801 (5) - NC

01:00:550 (1) - ^ and remove here 01:01:268 (1) -

01:01:987 (1) - NC (I think, but I know it's destroying abit of the symmetri..)

Would actually be pretty nice with a spinner from 01:17:436 to 01:19:232

01:25:340 (1,3) - - Im not satisfied enough with the angles of these. Make it more like this
01:26:597 (1) - NC and remove here 01:27:855 (4) - and then add here 01:29:292 (1) - and remove here 01:30:729 (1) -
and add here 01:32:346 (1) -

01:35:220 (5,7) - Stack the ends of these sliders better, because I feel they are at different places.

01:48:334 (1,3) - Make better angles here aswell.

There are more new combos that should be placed differently, but Im not going to make the whole mod about it.

02:36:478 (6,1) - This blanket could be improved alot.

00:03:783 (3,4) - Switch places on the timeline and CTRL+G both of them, the flow will be better imo.
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Thanks a lot for the pretty helpful mod AndreasHD, fixed most of it except some combos because I have my own combo style for this map. ><

Also thanks to lit120 for the star and support. :3
Just asking why is Gero in tags? xD

Awesome song and beatmap. Good luck Andrea! :)
@XinCrin: Hard is a collab between Andrea and Gero, also he will make a SB I guess, lol.

Request from Christmas☆Queue 2014
Thank you for request!
[ General]
  1. PreviewTime: 79502
    It isn't snapped, so must be fixed.
  2. Would you like to add a new combo (green) color? Since it is Xmas color, it will fit with the BG =w=
  3. I confirmed that there are no problems with the metadata~ >w<

[ Normal]
  1. 00:13:484 (2) - Add a drum-hitwhistle (Additions:Drum) in order to match with the back sound.
  2. 02:28:214 (3) - At the end point, soft-hitnormal (Sampleset:Soft) is would be better than the normal-hitnormal.
  3. 02:28:933 (4) - It would be good to add a whistle in the same way as 02:29:292 (5).
  4. 02:49:771 (6) - Hmm...I think this appearance is not a good, so would you like to change this?
    image & code

[ Hard]
  1. 00:03:065 ~00:14:562 - I think consistency of new combos are broken. So make the following suggestions in order to fix it.
    -00:04:681 (6,1) - Swap these new combos.
    -00:06:118 (5) - Add a new combo.
    -00:07:017 (1,2) - Swap these new combos.
    -00:08:633 (1,2) - ^
    -00:09:891 (1,2) - ^
    -00:11:328 (1,2) - ^
  2. 00:13:124 (1) - The same as Normal diff~
  3. 02:28:214 (6) - ^
  4. 02:28:933 (1) - whistle is missing at the start and end points?

[ Insane]
  1. 00:13:484 (4) - The same as other diffs.
  2. 02:28:214 (1) - ^
  3. 02:28:753 (2) - Here is also, soft-hitnormal (Sampleset:Soft) is better~
  4. 02:28:933 (3) - Add a whistle~

good mapset :3
Topic Starter

Gamu wrote:

Request from Christmas☆Queue 2014
Thank you for request!
[ General]
  1. PreviewTime: 79502 Fixed on every difficulty.
    It isn't snapped, so must be fixed.
  2. Would you like to add a new combo (green) color? Since it is Xmas color, it will fit with the BG =w= Really cool idea, added.
  3. I confirmed that there are no problems with the metadata~ >w< That's great!

[ Normal]
  1. 00:13:484 (2) - Add a drum-hitwhistle (Additions:Drum) in order to match with the back sound. Fixed.
  2. 02:28:214 (3) - At the end point, soft-hitnormal (Sampleset:Soft) is would be better than the normal-hitnormal. I like the current one more here, sorry.
  3. 02:28:933 (4) - It would be good to add a whistle in the same way as 02:29:292 (5). Fixed.
  4. 02:49:771 (6) - Hmm...I think this appearance is not a good, so would you like to change this? I like the current shape for now, but I'll change it if someone else points it out.
    image & code

[ Hard]
  1. 00:03:065 ~00:14:562 - I think consistency of new combos are broken. So make the following suggestions in order to fix it.
    -00:04:681 (6,1) - Swap these new combos.
    -00:06:118 (5) - Add a new combo.
    -00:07:017 (1,2) - Swap these new combos.
    -00:08:633 (1,2) - ^
    -00:09:891 (1,2) - ^
    -00:11:328 (1,2) - ^ All fixed.
  2. 00:13:124 (1) - The same as Normal diff~ Fixed.
  3. 02:28:214 (6) - ^ Same as above.
  4. 02:28:933 (1) - whistle is missing at the start and end points? Added on slider start.

[ Insane]
  1. 00:13:484 (4) - The same as other diffs. Fixed.
  2. 02:28:214 (1) - ^ Same as above.
  3. 02:28:753 (2) - Here is also, soft-hitnormal (Sampleset:Soft) is better~ Like I said, I prefer normal hitsound here.
  4. 02:28:933 (3) - Add a whistle~ Fixed.

good mapset :3
Thanks for the mod Gamu <3

Also thanks for the nice comment Xin :3 Normal is a collab with Inyuschan, Hard is a collab with Gero and Insane is made by myself.

Gero should be done with the SB soon ><
awesome map, keep up your great work! Saulti :)

Someone should make guide on how 2 mod Andrea's map >_>

00:13:484 (4) - You used drum additions here, so i assume if it was missing hitsound ? both drum whistle or soft clap may work great here..
01:13:124 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I'd move them a bit farther each other, now they looks like spaced at 1/4 rhythm due to your previous slider kick pattern ( 01:11:328 (9,2) - )
01:19:591 (1) - I'd add whistle on this slider end and delete the one at 01:20:310 (3) - , it should sounds way smoother like this.
01:26:597 (4,2) - Should they be on the same shape ? try stack it :3
02:43:843 (4) - Try add clap at slider end ? you can hear similiar hitsound played on the bgm
02:50:849 - Make this as same as 00:14:202 - (clap with higher volume ) instead of finish ? the music itself says so..

00:52:466 (4,1) - Replace the NC to (4) instead ? it may make more sense along with those star pattern combos ( 00:51:388 (7,8,9) - and 00:51:927 (1,2,3) - )
01:05:220 (2,3) - spacing inconsistent, you'd better fix this to make the pattern neater
01:19:591 (1,2) - Same as Insane
01:46:538 (1) - how about ctrl j ? the flow may work better on this way imo
02:44:023 (5) - Same as Insane
02:50:849 - ^

00:43:304 (1,3) - Remove whistles on their slider's end ? it sounds a bit noisy for this part imo
01:24:981 (3) - I'd divide this into 1/1 slider and note, seems not necessary to skip 01:25:340 - that the important sound of this song imo
01:31:448 (3) - Missing whistle ?
Hitsounds suggestion on Insane may applied on this diff too if you feel like it ><

Shortest mod of the day, good luck ! -w-
Meh, I didn't notice I received mods for my parts x_x At least I'll reply them.

Also, @Andrea: if you are going to apply something instead of me, poke me before, I don't have any problem but I need to know first, unless I tell you "apply this for me" :3

-Bakari- wrote:

  1. 00:33:244 (2) - instead of a slider, place a circle. Just like you did it with 00:36:118 (2). This would sound better. A rough example Well, in 00:36:118 - I didn't make a slider because there is no more music xD So slider fits good for me.
  2. 00:44:741 (3,1) - it might be just me, but you could make their shapes similar. It will improve appearance of the pattern a little.
  3. 01:10:250 (1,2) - swapping them on timeline (Ctrl+G) will give you perfect rhythm and will stress the important downbeat. Give it a try and don't forget to fix the DS if you like the suggested rhythm! Example
    Note: 01:08:813 (1,2) - same here. Please apply/reject both in order to be more consistent.
  4. 01:41:148 (1,2) - this is the only 1/2 pattern in the whole diff. It feels a bit out of place, so I would recommend you to avoid it.
  5. 02:16:358 (2) - it will fit much better if you replace the slider with two circles. So, the downbeat will be stressed and rhythm will become more intuitively-understandable. Nah, because this is the easiest diff I guess, so I want to keep the slider. Simple notes in another cases are ok though.

    As always, clean and well-done!

Momochikun wrote:

01:24:981 (3) - I'd divide this into 1/1 slider and note, seems not necessary to skip 01:25:340 - that the important sound of this song imo I know what you are saying, but I'll do something different :P
01:31:448 (3) - Missing whistle ? I guess ;w;
@Andrea: there's no need to copy the code again, so can you please add the whistle (if you think the same), remove this 01:24:981 (3) - and add a 1/1 slider in 01:25:340? Thank you ><
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Everything updated, thanks a lot Mochi for checking. <3

  1. 00:04:502 (5,5) - I perfectly know that you have your combo style, but there should be a NC for consistency if you notice.
Feel free to ignore this, I might do a serious mod soon if it doesn't get bubbled or even ranked :>
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Nice catch, I've fixed it along with the next combo pattern that should be the same.
AR 7.5? How about 8 instead of 7.5 :3?

  1. I'd make title appear in 00:14:921 - basically in the break, because the map starts a bit early and looks better for me if title is showed clearly where is the break.
  2. Where did you find the song? I've tried to look for genre, because I don't know if it's convenient adding "techno" or "trance" in tags... Feel free to ignore this.
  3. Normal and Hard are collabs, so maybe you have to add collab and collaboration in tags.

  1. 01:05:939 (1) - I suggest to add a simple note here, then add a slider in 01:06:298 - I'm sure you'd like something like this since my example keeps the same position and symmetry. I think it's better clicking this stanza, the rhythm I'm suggesting fits better imo.
  2. 01:10:609 (1,2,3) - Maybe a bit nazi, but you've been adding NC each two stanzas, as I see, so this NC is unnecessary. Ignore this if I'm wrong or something. don't slap me please
  3. 01:12:047 (1,2,3) - I'd remove these notes and make spinner starting there, music doesn't change so much to start spinner later.
  4. 01:39:711 (1,2) - Move these to x:192, doesn't it make a better flow for you?

  1. 00:26:777 (3) - You have some sliders at the beginning like this: the end doesn't follow any music... It's a nice pattern, but I'd change it in all cases (Not all of them are like this, for example 00:27:496 (1) - it's fine).
  2. 00:33:244 (4,1) - Swap NC because fits better added in stanza.
  3. 01:07:735 (5,1) - Same as above, do it in all cases because I won't repeat it anymore.
  4. 02:08:094 (1) - You can improve this type of slider a bit, curving it even a bit more (Yeah maybe it's nazi, but will look better for me, so it's just a little suggestion).
Insane is fine for me.

You don't need luck, this is almost ready o/
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Pretty useful mod, fixed almost everything except that slider in Normal, I'd like to keep it for now.

Thanks a lot :3

@lit120: Hard had AR8 before but then it was changed because considered too high.

Andrea wrote:

@lit120: Hard had AR8 before but then it was changed because considered too high.
ohh well, looks like the AR for HARD diff is 7.5 then (still) ^^
no kd, this post doesn't worth it.
02:03:783 (3,1) - I feel the combo is a little mess, but nvm if you don't think so.

02:51:927 (2,3) - Avoiding stack would look better in-game.

and a star~


bbj0920 wrote:

If it's collaborative map, it'd be better to write credits
Akiyama Mizuki

Sonnyc wrote:


bbj0920 wrote:

If it's collaborative map, it'd be better to write credits

Andrea wrote:

bbj0920 wrote:

If it's collaborative map, it'd be better to write credits
Normal and Hard are going to have SB Names, don't worry!

Insane is made by myself~
Topic Starter
Fixed both, thank you for checking Sonnyc! <3

EDIT: Added SB, thank you Gero! :3
Lol Bubbled nvm ;w;

Hi Andrea!
You have a really large portion of the mp3 unused i suggest cutting it out with a nice fade out or something
Would be cool if you used colorhaxing to use different colors for each person taking part in your collabs

Is it really necessary to have the names fading in and out all the time?
Ring.png has about 38 pixels of unused transparencies of all sides
SnowFlakeBlue.png has about 20 pixels of unused transparencies on top of bottom, while SnowFlakeWhite.png doesn't.

02:18:873 (5,1) - Why is the comboing different here than 02:15:999 (5,6) and 02:13:124 (5,6)

Why not just rename to "Hard Collab" or "Collab Hard" or something.

00:58:035 (2,3) - These overlaps don't really look good.
02:12:945 (2,3) - ^
02:30:370 (6) - Why not blanket a bit instead of overlap :<
02:35:400 (1) - Don't see the reason for having such a short sharp turn when there are sliders like: 02:22:466 (1) that look better.

01:09:172 (1,2,3,4) - How about ending the sliders closer to the center?

Same naming suggestion as Hard.
00:47:975 (4,1) - <Nazi> The sliderticks on both sliders don't seem to be symmetrical to each other (the left slider has the slidertick slightly off)

Good Luck! o/
Topic Starter

Sakura wrote:

Hi Andrea!
You have a really large portion of the mp3 unused i suggest cutting it out with a nice fade out or something Since 83% of it is used, I would prefer to keep the outro for a nicer effect when you finish the map.
Would be cool if you used colorhaxing to use different colors for each person taking part in your collabs I like this idea, done.

Is it really necessary to have the names fading in and out all the time? Guess Gero wanted them to fit with the SB effects.
Ring.png has about 38 pixels of unused transparencies of all sides Will ask Gero about this.
SnowFlakeBlue.png has about 20 pixels of unused transparencies on top of bottom, while SnowFlakeWhite.png doesn't. Will ask him for this as well.

02:18:873 (5,1) - Why is the comboing different here than 02:15:999 (5,6) and 02:13:124 (5,6) Nice catch, fixed.

Why not just rename to "Hard Collab" or "Collab Hard" or something. There are SB names, no need to do that.

00:58:035 (2,3) - These overlaps don't really look good.
02:12:945 (2,3) - ^
02:30:370 (6) - Why not blanket a bit instead of overlap :<
02:35:400 (1) - Don't see the reason for having such a short sharp turn when there are sliders like: 02:22:466 (1) that look better. Gonna leave all of these suggestions to Gero.

01:09:172 (1,2,3,4) - How about ending the sliders closer to the center? Changed the pattern positioning a bit.

Same naming suggestion as Hard. Like I said in Hard, SB names are already enough.
00:47:975 (4,1) - <Nazi> The sliderticks on both sliders don't seem to be symmetrical to each other (the left slider has the slidertick slightly off) Tried to copy the slider again, should be fine now.

Good Luck! o/
Thanks for the useful mod, Sakura. <3

Everything has been updated, waiting on Gero's reply now. :3

Is it really necessary to have the names fading in and out all the time? Yes, this is intentional so I'll keep it
Ring.png has about 38 pixels of unused transparencies of all sides C'mon these are good for me, so I see no reason to change them, because other maps has storyboards with similar things anyways is kinda difficult to cut those transparencies tbh at the least for me
SnowFlakeBlue.png has about 20 pixels of unused transparencies on top of bottom, while SnowFlakeWhite.png doesn't. ^

Why not just rename to "Hard Collab" or "Collab Hard" or something.

00:58:035 (2,3) - These overlaps don't really look good.
02:12:945 (2,3) - ^
02:30:370 (6) - Why not blanket a bit instead of overlap :<
02:35:400 (1) - Don't see the reason for having such a short sharp turn when there are sliders like: 02:22:466 (1) that look better. I Wanna keep them, sorry :<

Thanks a ton @Sakura
How about as a compromise extending the storyboard to use more of the mp3 like adding some "Thank you for playing!" and some credits or something.

Edit: Ok talked with Gero and fixed a few combos and added a missing note, storyboard was extended to fit the mp3 so it doesn't feel unused.

Topic Starter
Thanks a lot for all the help, really appreciated it. :)
Hey Andrea! Such a long time without modding one of your maps xDD.. Modding from the Christmas Queue.


  1. 00:40:789 (2) - Why don't you change its form to give this a better flow? Have a screenshot and a code to show you what I've done
    Screenshoot + Code

  2. 00:47:256 (2,3) - If you make this pattern ''not that stright xD'' will provide a better transition imo. Is a simple thing, I tried something like this
  3. 02:49:771 (6) - What about a new combo here? It'll be consistent with the rest of the map, this with 6 notes became a bit long xD.
  1. 01:25:340 (3) - It could be a bit nazi, but I'm sure the transition will be better if you curve this slider like this
  2. 01:29:292 (1,2,3,1) - Please symetric mapper, make this completely symetric :(. Have a check what I've done, I'm not just move the pattern into the middle of the screen, I've moved the end of (3) to make it completely symetric with the beginning of the first (1), plus moved the second (1) to keep the spacing consistent.
    Screenshot + Code

  3. 02:29:651 (1) - I would move this slider some grids up for a natural flow. I tried moving it to x:216 y:120, after that you won't have too much problems to fix the spacing between the following notes.
- Omg.. Your mapping are so similar D:. Nice job tho.


  1. 00:46:538 (3) - Plays better if you change this slider position. Is pretty simple, try something like this instead.
  2. 00:50:669 (5,6) - Why don't you try something like this or similar? Definetly works better during the gameplay
  3. 02:02:885 (2,3,4) - Would flow much better if you do something as I told you in the previous suggestion. I'll give you a code because I definetly like how this will play xD (make sure to move the follow the next (1,2,3) a bit to the right and boila)
    Screenshot + Code

  4. 02:48:334 (8,1) - Reduce the spacing length between these objects pls! Is the first time you've did that in the set and it's a bit unpredictable if you ask me. Seriously, I prefer a little jump between the next (1,2,3) instead of this jump.
  1. 02:17:795 (3,1,2,3) - Even if this provide a little jump, will be better if you stack (2) with the last (3), instead to stack it with the 1st (3). I really prefer this little jump instead of this pattern that break the flow :/

  1. 00:35:041 (6,7,8) - I can learn the previous jumps, is a slow section but it doesn't affect that much the gameplay, but this one pls.. The music is really slow and you have this jump that it's pretty weird :/. Try ctrl+g'ing between (7,8) or use a symetric jump that won't be that weird imo.
  2. 00:56:597 (1,2,3) - BLANKET! D: /caps off.
    Screenshot + Code

  3. 01:06:298 (1) - The music pitch is similar as before, so removing the New Combo to avoid this little combo would be nice.
  4. 02:52:645 (8) - Hmm.. Maybe you'd like to add a New Combo here.. Maybe not xD
- Nice one, just some jumps are weird in the slow section, keep that in mind for the future.

Very well done! When I start to modding, this was not bubbled :(. Anyway I think you can always ask for a rebubble, so yeah.
I hope this can help you!
Good Luck!
lol cross modding ftw.
Anyway Andrea if you change stuff from mancuso's mod feel free to call me back for rebubble.

  1. 02:17:795 (3,1,2,3) - Even if this provide a little jump, will be better if you stack (2) with the last (3), instead to stack it with the 1st (3). I really prefer this little jump instead of this pattern that break the flow :/ I really prefer to keep it as is since an jump here feels kinda weird at the least for me

Thanks mancuso o/
Topic Starter

mancuso_JM_ wrote:

Hey Andrea! Such a long time without modding one of your maps xDD.. Modding from the Christmas Queue.


  1. 00:40:789 (2) - Why don't you change its form to give this a better flow? Have a screenshot and a code to show you what I've done I prefer my current pattern actually ><
    Screenshoot + Code

  2. 00:47:256 (2,3) - If you make this pattern ''not that stright xD'' will provide a better transition imo. Is a simple thing, I tried something like this I did the same as yours before, but I didn't liked it since it doesn't align perfectly, and I'm pretty nazi about that xD
  3. 02:49:771 (6) - What about a new combo here? It'll be consistent with the rest of the map, this with 6 notes became a bit long xD. I dislike single combos, that's why I would prefer to not add any here.
  1. 01:25:340 (3) - It could be a bit nazi, but I'm sure the transition will be better if you curve this slider like this This is a pretty good suggestion, fixed it.
  2. 01:29:292 (1,2,3,1) - Please symetric mapper, make this completely symetric :(. Have a check what I've done, I'm not just move the pattern into the middle of the screen, I've moved the end of (3) to make it completely symetric with the beginning of the first (1), plus moved the second (1) to keep the spacing consistent. I see what it's your idea, but not having some symmetry sometimes doesn't hurt in my opinion so I'll keep this one here :3
    Screenshot + Code

  3. 02:29:651 (1) - I would move this slider some grids up for a natural flow. I tried moving it to x:216 y:120, after that you won't have too much problems to fix the spacing between the following notes. That slider was actually placed by me at first, since it's made for finishing the square pattern with the previous circles, so I would like to not move it, or the square will break. ;w;
- Omg.. Your mapping are so similar D:. Nice job tho. You're not the first who says this xD


  1. 00:46:538 (3) - Plays better if you change this slider position. Is pretty simple, try something like this instead. Yeah I like this suggestion, fixed it.
  2. 00:50:669 (5,6) - Why don't you try something like this or similar? Definetly works better during the gameplay I also agree with this, fixed.
  3. 02:02:885 (2,3,4) - Would flow much better if you do something as I told you in the previous suggestion. I'll give you a code because I definetly like how this will play xD (make sure to move the follow the next (1,2,3) a bit to the right and boila) Hmm... I prefer my current pattern here actually ><
    Screenshot + Code

  4. 02:48:334 (8,1) - Reduce the spacing length between these objects pls! Is the first time you've did that in the set and it's a bit unpredictable if you ask me. Seriously, I prefer a little jump between the next (1,2,3) instead of this jump. The jump is really really little and making them even more closer would look really bad, so I'll keep this for now.
  1. 02:17:795 (3,1,2,3) - Even if this provide a little jump, will be better if you stack (2) with the last (3), instead to stack it with the 1st (3). I really prefer this little jump instead of this pattern that break the flow :/ Gero already replied this.

  1. 00:35:041 (6,7,8) - I can learn the previous jumps, is a slow section but it doesn't affect that much the gameplay, but this one pls.. The music is really slow and you have this jump that it's pretty weird :/. Try ctrl+g'ing between (7,8) or use a symetric jump that won't be that weird imo. Reworked this jump a bit, should be better now.
  2. 00:56:597 (1,2,3) - BLANKET! D: /caps off. Used your code, thanks! :3
    Screenshot + Code

  3. 01:06:298 (1) - The music pitch is similar as before, so removing the New Combo to avoid this little combo would be nice. I prefer to keep it since it's a new jumpy pattern.
  4. 02:52:645 (8) - Hmm.. Maybe you'd like to add a New Combo here.. Maybe not xD Like I said before, I dislike having single combos. :<
- Nice one, just some jumps are weird in the slow section, keep that in mind for the future. Thanks, I will :3

Very well done! When I start to modding, this was not bubbled :(. Anyway I think you can always ask for a rebubble, so yeah.
I hope this can help you!
Good Luck!
Thanks a lot mancuso, it was indeed helpful. <3

EDIT: Also removed "Xmas" from tags because it's in the title already, thanks LexiaLovesU for pointing that out.
02:05 Sakura: they probably will, but it never hurts to check
02:05 Andrea: yeah please do
02:05 Sakura: speaking of which do you have metadata source
02:06 Andrea: p/3534625
02:06 Andrea: dunno how much it can be worth but Gamu checked it previously
02:06 Sakura: "I confirmed that there are no problems with metadata" uhh yeah, because that obviusly shows me a website where the metadata was confirmed u.u
02:07 Andrea: xDD
02:08 Andrea: I can't really find stuff anywhere about it
02:08 Andrea: no idea where Gamu even find it
02:09 Andrea: ... CoreStyle-
02:09 Sakura: lastfm isnt an official source you know
02:09 Andrea: yeah I know
02:09 Andrea: just giving an idea
02:10 Andrea:
02:10 Andrea: now yes xD
02:10 Andrea: Uploader: BlackY
02:10 Sakura: nico video isnt an official source either... oh lol
02:11 Andrea: yeah it's not really official mix
02:11 Andrea: it's a guy who makes them for fun
02:11 Sakura: hmm
02:11 *Andrea is listening to [ BlackY - Max Burning!!]
02:11 *Andrea is listening to [ BlackY - BEMANI MEDLEY -bpm180-]
02:12 Sakura: but then wouldn't you need to include the original artist and leave the -2012 BlackY's XmasCoreStyle- at the end instead?
02:12 Andrea: what do you mean? @_@
02:13 Sakura: eh just asking Tari to be sure
02:13 *Andrea is listening to [ BlackY - Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence -2012 BlackY's XmasCoreStyle-]
02:13 Andrea: this is the original version
02:13 Andrea: if you're wondering
02:14 Andrea: from a 1983 movie
02:14 Sakura: What is the artist of the original?
02:14 Andrea: Ryuichi Sakamoto
02:14 Andrea: I can add it to tags
02:14 Andrea: but who made the remix is BlackY
02:15 Andrea: current artist/title is correct, even though I could add the original artist to tags, didn't thought about it before xD
02:15 Sakura: Actually you should use the original artist orz
02:16 Andrea: you sure? since this is a remix :S
02:16 Sakura:
02:17 Andrea: Ryuichi Sakamoto - Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence -2012 BlackY's XmasCoreStyle-
02:17 Andrea: ?
02:17 Sakura: i mean you're already including -2012 BlackY's XmasCoreStyle- in the title so it already shows it's a BlackY remix
02:17 Sakura: Most likely, now thing is now we need to proper spelling for the artist
02:17 Andrea: yeah that's true
02:18 Sakura: 坂本 龍 <- seems to be the spelling for the name
02:18 Andrea:
02:18 Sakura: 坂本 龍一 <- i mean
02:19 Andrea: yeah
02:19 Andrea: gonna fix the artist then
02:19 Sakura: in his official website he signs with that name
02:19 Sakura: so that's what it should be
02:20 Sakura: Now the question is whether the title is hiragana, katakana or english
02:20 Sakura: oh btw it should be Sakamoto Ryuichi
02:20 Andrea: yeah
02:21 Andrea: anyways the movie is English actually
02:21 Sakura: ok so the song name is english then
02:21 Sakura: on another note
02:21 Sakura: if you're changing artist make sure to delete possible .osb getting left over with the old metadata
02:23 Andrea: just fixed that /o/
02:23 Andrea: should I update?
02:24 Sakura: careful with duplicate upload tho
02:24 Andrea: yeah
02:27 *Andrea is listening to [ Sakamoto Ryuichi - Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence -2012 BlackY's XmasCoreStyle-]
02:27 Andrea: all good now should be :D/
02:27 Andrea: gonna reDL too
02:27 Sakura: yeah now i gotta redl now /o/
02:28 Andrea: folder clean yay :3
02:28 Sakura: Isn't it 坂本 龍一 instead of 坂本 龍
02:29 Andrea: aren't they the same? *confused*
02:29 Andrea: ahhhh
02:29 Andrea: the - ?
02:29 Sakura: imma check with someone else just in case
02:30 Andrea: ... D%E4%B8%80
02:30 Andrea: seems like you're right xD
02:30 Sakura: Yeah you need to put that and submit with artist change again
02:31 Sakura: yeah the - is the Ichi on his name
02:31 Sakura: sooooo
02:31 Sakura: it's Kanji for "one" spelled "Ichi" so it's part of the name
02:32 Andrea: fixed o/
02:32 Andrea: didn't thought it was in the name haha
Long discussion about metadata, which should be fine now
No kds
Topic Starter
Thanks again for rechecking everything, Sakura. :3
All this artist - title metadata thingamajig is starting to make my head spin...
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