
LiSA - Shirushi (TV Size)

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Modem wrote:

Hi~~~! M4M (^ w ^)

I think bg that you use is way too bright for players, so I suggest you to use this bg and also because the color is more attractive :
okay ;) I photoshopped the original image to be brighter--and idk what I was thinking back then ;-;

Timing Setup Panel
00:17:524 How about if you use 20% - 30% volume here? So the hitsounds will be more hearable for players, and I think it still balance with the singer's voice ;)
00:28:209 Same ^
00:28:414 Same ^
00:29:853 Same ^
00:30:058 Same ^
00:30:469 Same ^
00:30:675 Same ^
00:39:510 Same ^
00:39:613 Same ^
00:39:921 Same ^
00:40:024 Same ^
00:44:031 Same ^
00:44:134 Same ^
00:48:962 For here, use 40% - 45% volume ;)
00:49:784 Same ^
00:49:887 Same ^
00:50:606 Same ^
00:50:709 Same ^
00:51:223 Same ^
00:51:325 Same ^
00:51:839 Same ^
00:51:942 Same ^
00:52:456 Same ^
00:53:894 Back to 20% - 30% volume
00:54:305 Same ^
00:58:825 The singer's voice starting to get higher at this kiai time, so how about if you use 50% - 60% volume here?
01:11:154 40%-50% volume here
01:11:360 Same ^
01:11:565 Same ^
01:11:976 Increase the volume into 50% - 60% again
01:20:914 Use 40% - 50% volume
01:21:017 Same ^
01:21:839 Use 35% - 40% volume
That's all just some suggestions. The rest is up to you ;)
upped the volumes--I used whatever volumes that sounded good to me though. Thanks!

It's Normal diff. So, I think, it should be :
OD+1 this is a relaxing song so I'll keep this at 3
00:07:025 (2) Move this slider to x:252 y;120 so it will line up with the previous note
00:25:949 (2) Shorten it from here to 00:26:360 then add a note at 00:26:565
00:55:127 (5) Add whistle
00:58:003 (1) I think it's a bit empty here, so please add whistle
01:02:113 (3) Add finish nope!
01:04:579 (1) Remove clap and change it to whistlethe current hitsound matches the background and pattern more
01:04:784 (1) Change it to clapnope
01:05:195 (2) Change it to clap^
01:04:990 (2) Use whistle hereadded whistle
01:05:401 (3) Use whistle at SC1 then back to SC2 at 01:05:401 no
01:08:688 (1) Use whistle at SC1 then back to SC2 at 01:09:099 no
01:14:442 (7) New combo colour, but before that.....
01:15:264 (7) Add finish NC'd plus added finish. also downed the volume a bit so that it's not as emphasized as 01:11:976 (4) -
01:24:510 (8) Add whistle
01:25:127 (1) End this spinner at 01:28:414 because the vocal stopped there. But, if it's too long, then end it at 01:26:565

AR-0.5 or AR+0.5 -0.5
00:44:031 (1) Add finish at SC1 there's a finish at 00:48:962 (5) - so no
00:47:319 (1) Add finish at SC1 ^
01:05:401 (3) Add finishright now is fine. Wow, I don't like to use finish so much XD
01:25:024 (1) This spinner should end at 01:26:565 at blue tick
Nothing more found. Good job! :D teehee~

Check AiMod, because object's end at 00:49:329 is not snapped. That might be unrankable.oops, fixed
AR+0.2nope, slow song so 8.8 looks better to me
00:01:908 (2) Add whistlethis part has ~3 piano notes vs. the 4 in 00:01:292 (1,3) - so no
00:03:555 (1) Add whistle nope!
00:03:760 (2) Add whistle^
00:04:357 (3) Add whistleno, I'm following the pattern used in 00:01:292 (1) -
00:32:730 Umm.... Add a note?no particular sound, so no
00:40:640 Add a note??^
00:11:154 (9) End this slider at 00:11:565 (blue tick)kay kk
That's all~~~ :)
Good luck (> w <) !!!!

Everything else I didn't comment on = fixed
Thanks for mod ><

  1. 음원 파일 음질이 안좋은거 같은데 교체 하시는걸 추천
  2. 배경이 없는거로 뜨네요 썸네일은 있는데
  3. 이렇게 잔잔한 노래는 보통 이지도 만드시는걸 추천드립니다.
  4. 전체적으로 휘슬이 들어갈만한곳이 아주 많은데 너무 빼먹으신듯.
  1. 00:01:908 - 이런곳 휘슬 넣으면 좋아요
    00:03:555 -
    00:03:760 -
    00:04:560 -
    00:05:176 -
    이정도로 감 잡으시고 나머지는 알아서 척척.
  2. 00:14:442 (1) - 이렇게 해보세요. 스피너 룰이 까다로워서 하위 난이도들은 스핀 돌리는중 어프로칭 서클이 보이면 언랭
  3. 00:20:401 - 잔잔한 음악인데 아무음도 없는곳에 오버매핑은 정말 비추천.
  4. 00:21:428 (6) - 콤보 너무 길으니까 끊어 주세요
  5. 00:26:771 - 이 피아노 음 빼먹는거 별로네요. 정 보컬이 매핑 하고싶으시다면 이걸 추천
  6. 00:28:003 (5) - 여기도 콤보 길으니까 끊어주세요
  7. 00:34:168 (6) - 위와 마찬가지지
  8. 00:29:236 (7,1) - 이거를 이렇게 바꿔주세요. 00:29:647 - 여기에 피아노 소리가 이어지니까 여기서 슬라이더 시작하는게 더 좋아요.
  9. 00:36:017 - 오버매핑 삭제
  10. 00:40:743 (4) - 뉴콤
  11. 00:47:319 (5) - 뉴콤
  12. 01:14:442 - 여기 피니쉬 삭제해주세요. 음악 망치는 피니쉬
  13. 01:21:839 (5) - 뉴콤콤
  1. 00:07:025 (1,2,3,4) - 이런패턴 안어울리네요. 슬라이더 2개로 바꿔주시면 좋겟습니다.
  2. 00:12:387 (3) - 스피너 너무 짧고 어울리지도 않네요. 스피너 삭제하시고 이 슬라이더를 00:14:442 - 여기 까지 늘려주세요
  3. 00:27:593 (5) - 뜬금점프네요. 디스턴스 확 줄여주세요.
  4. 00:29:031 (2) - 오버매핑
  5. 00:30:264 (2) - ^
  6. 00:30:675 (4) - ^
  7. 00:30:058 (1) - 뉴콤 삭제
  8. 00:30:880 (5) - 뉴콤
  9. 00:34:168 (3) - 뉴콤
  10. 00:36:634 (1) - 뉴콤 삭제
  11. 00:33:757 (2) - 448 : 156으로 옮기시면 더 대칭된 모양.
  12. 00:37:456 (3) - 뉴콤
  13. 00:39:510 (9) - 또 뜬금점프
  14. 00:40:743 (1) - 스페이싱
  15. 00:55:127 (1,1,2) - 이건 인세인 난이도에서도 쓰면 욕먹는 패턴...

여기까지만 할게요.

전체적으로 흐름도 괜찮고 한데, 스페이싱이랑 뉴콤보 꼼꼼하게 체크해주세요.
Topic Starter
Added another 73 bpm timing point at 00:58:825 - so that downbeat starts there.

@no dap: 벳이 지금 모딩시작한다해서 후다닥 바꿨습니다. 나중에 제대로 된 reply할게요.
Topic Starter
No Dap

No Dap wrote:


  1. 음원 파일 음질이 안좋은거 같은데 교체 하시는걸 추천 좋은거찾긴했는데 벳이 물어보고 쓰라되있어서 무서움..;;ㅋㅋㅋ
  2. 배경이 없는거로 뜨네요 썸네일은 있는데
  3. 이렇게 잔잔한 노래는 보통 이지도 만드시는걸 추천드립니다. 반쯤 완성했습니다.
  4. 전체적으로 휘슬이 들어갈만한곳이 아주 많은데 너무 빼먹으신듯. 제가 휘슬을 싫어해서
  1. 00:01:908 - 이런곳 휘슬 넣으면 좋아요전체난이도에서 다 고쳤어요.
    00:03:555 -
    00:03:760 -
    00:04:560 -
    00:05:176 -
    이정도로 감 잡으시고 나머지는 알아서 척척.
  2. 00:14:442 (1) - 이렇게 해보세요. 스피너 룰이 까다로워서 하위 난이도들은 스핀 돌리는중 어프로칭 서클이 보이면 언랭고침
  3. 00:20:401 - 잔잔한 음악인데 아무음도 없는곳에 오버매핑은 정말 비추천.보컬따라갈려고했는데. 맵의 시작이기도하니 고침
  4. 00:21:428 (6) - 콤보 너무 길으니까 끊어 주세요
  5. 00:26:771 - 이 피아노 음 빼먹는거 별로네요. 정 보컬이 매핑 하고싶으시다면 이걸 추천 고치긴했지만 전 요렇게
  6. 00:28:003 (5) - 여기도 콤보 길으니까 끊어주세요
  7. 00:34:168 (6) - 위와 마찬가지지
  8. 00:29:236 (7,1) - 이거를 이렇게 바꿔주세요. 00:29:647 - 여기에 피아노 소리가 이어지니까 여기서 슬라이더 시작하는게 더 좋아요. 웁스. 고쳤습니다
  9. 00:36:017 - 오버매핑 삭제
  10. 00:40:743 (4) - 뉴콤
  11. 00:47:319 (5) - 뉴콤
  12. 01:14:442 - 여기 피니쉬 삭제해주세요. 음악 망치는 피니쉬
  13. 01:21:839 (5) - 뉴콤콤보보
  1. 00:07:025 (1,2,3,4) - 이런패턴 안어울리네요. 슬라이더 2개로 바꿔주시면 좋겟습니다.
  2. 00:12:387 (3) - 스피너 너무 짧고 어울리지도 않네요. 스피너 삭제하시고 이 슬라이더를 00:14:442 - 여기 까지 늘려주세요
  3. 00:27:593 (5) - 뜬금점프네요. 디스턴스 확 줄여주세요.
  4. 00:29:031 (2) - 오버매핑 짧은 슬라이더가 연발로있어서 그런느낌이있는것같습니다. 00:29:236 (2) - 를 그냥노트로.
  5. 00:30:264 (2) - ^
  6. 00:30:675 (4) - ^
  7. 00:30:058 (1) - 뉴콤 삭제
  8. 00:30:880 (5) - 뉴콤
  9. 00:34:168 (3) - 뉴콤
  10. 00:36:634 (1) - 뉴콤 삭제
  11. 00:33:757 (2) - 448 : 156으로 옮기시면 더 대칭된 모양.
  12. 00:37:456 (3) - 뉴콤
  13. 00:39:510 (9) - 또 뜬금점프에쿠
  14. 00:40:743 (1) - 스페이싱
  15. 00:55:127 (1,1,2) - 이건 인세인 난이도에서도 쓰면 욕먹는 패턴...욕먹긴싫으니고침. 인센에서도 스피너 줄였습니다.

여기까지만 할게요. Thanks!!!

전체적으로 흐름도 괜찮고 한데, 스페이싱이랑 뉴콤보 꼼꼼하게 체크해주세요.

Hard DS 체크 했습니다.
문제는 NC 모르겠다는거;;
00:03:760 (2) - whistle on end to match piano?
00:07:025 (2) - ^
01:04:579 (1,2,3) - curve more similarly to this? more smooth
01:07:045 (4) - position it more similarly to this? better flow imo
don't forget to fix spacing after
01:08:688 (1) - imo make a 3/8 slider instead is fine here. it fits song better and is readable enough
01:19:784 (2) - remove finish from end, it's not there in other diffs
01:21:839 (1) - NC for new section?
01:23:072 (7) - i'm not sure if this kind of slider is recommended in [Normal] diff. i think move 3rd point on top of red point is fine enough

00:07:025 (1,2) - spacing too close
00:25:127 (1,2) - spacing
00:32:524 (1,2,3,4) - spacing
00:39:510 (7,8) - spacing. this diff seems have a lot of spacing issues... i won't go through pointing any more out, but plz go through the map and check this.
00:48:962 (5) - add NC? u start a jump pattern here, so u might as well add NC to distinguish it
01:07:456 (9) - imo make it curve in the other direction is more natural. just move 2nd point 3 grids right
01:07:867 (10,11) - move to x152 y276? it might make sense to make jump here to fit vocal. just an idea
01:08:688 (1,2) - try this rhythm instead? seems u map to violin here, but it feels awkward bc the rhythm is wrong.
01:11:976 (5) - add NC? downbeat + jump

00:17:730 - imo this part would sound really beautiful with soft whistle. u were using it before to fit piano, but then u stopped. (e.g. u could make it at 00:17:730 - , 00:18:551 - , 00:19:373 - , etc. and it'd be compatible with current hitsounds) if u accept, change on other diffs too
00:26:565 (3) - how about making a jump here? fits the strong feeling from the vocal better, and u tend to use 1.5x in this section anyway
00:28:825 (3) - end it 1/8 later? maybe it fits hold feeling from piano better and u used this rhythm previously. it would also take care of the overlap here. just an idea
00:44:647 (2,3) - try this rhythm instead? imo fits vocal better
00:50:606 (6,7,8) - imo soft finish is better to emphasize these. there's a cymbal in the song if u listen hard enough, and imo current hitsounds feel too quiet (u also used it for cymbal at 01:18:551 - ). also on other diffs
01:13:620 (7) - NC? this combo seems very long compared to others
01:14:853 (11,12) - i think this jump should actually be bigger. this is a very strong part of the song so i feel the current jump is too weak.
01:15:264 (12) - soft clap instead? imo whistle isn't enough to emphasize this part. this is a very strong part of the song, but ur soft whistle is very quiet. it also fits with 01:16:086 (1) - i think
01:16:086 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - imo making jump + 0.6x stream fits better here. seems u use jumps to match vocal, so u might as well make jump at 01:16:086 (1,2) - .
01:16:908 (6) - soft finish on start maybe? there's a lot of emphasis here
cool diff

nice map
hope it helps, gl >w<
Topic Starter

pieguy1372 wrote:

00:03:760 (2) - whistle on end to match piano?ok.
00:07:025 (2) - ^ok.
01:04:579 (1,2,3) - curve more similarly to this? more smoothkay~
01:07:045 (4) - position it more similarly to this? better flow imokay kk
don't forget to fix spacing after I moved around this slider's tail so that I don't have to fix I'm being a lazy ass
01:08:688 (1) - imo make a 3/8 slider instead is fine here. it fits song better and is readable enough, yeah that sounds awesome
01:19:784 (2) - remove finish from end, it's not there in other diffsno, I think i'll keep this for now
01:21:839 (1) - NC for new section? I thought this was NC'd. Or if you meant remove NC, I like the NC here so will keep.
01:23:072 (7) - i'm not sure if this kind of slider is recommended in [Normal] diff. i think move 3rd point on top of red point is fine enoughme neither. I removed the red point.

00:07:025 (1,2) - spacing too close i think it's fine. DS will be kept at 1.8x
00:25:127 (1,2) - spacing^1.4x
00:32:524 (1,2,3,4) - spacing
00:39:510 (7,8) - spacing. this diff seems have a lot of spacing issues... i won't go through pointing any more out, but plz go through the map and check this. I'm not sure what to do with spacing (e.g. too close) when I tried to keep the DS constant. So I'll ask other people for more opinions.
00:48:962 (5) - add NC? u start a jump pattern here, so u might as well add NC to distinguish it ah! gotcha
01:07:456 (9) - imo make it curve in the other direction is more natural. just move 2nd point 3 grids rightok!
01:07:867 (10,11) - move to x152 y276? it might make sense to make jump here to fit vocal. just an ideatried, but this doesn't become a jump but a spacing issue D: (or am i doing it wrong? orz)
01:08:688 (1,2) - try this rhythm instead? seems u map to violin here, but it feels awkward bc the rhythm is wrong.[b]owo yeah that's much better! thanks![/b]
01:11:976 (5) - add NC? downbeat + jumpok!

00:17:730 - imo this part would sound really beautiful with soft whistle. u were using it before to fit piano, but then u stopped. (e.g. u could make it at 00:17:730 - , 00:18:551 - , 00:19:373 - , etc. and it'd be compatible with current hitsounds) if u accept, change on other diffs too the custom clap hitsound, fits what's in the background music, so I'll keep it.
00:26:565 (3) - how about making a jump here? fits the strong feeling from the vocal better, and u tend to use 1.5x in this section anyway moved 00:26:565 (3) - to 276,280 and made this vertical
00:28:825 (3) - end it 1/8 later? maybe it fits hold feeling from piano better and u used this rhythm previously. it would also take care of the overlap here. just an ideakay
00:44:647 (2,3) - try this rhythm instead? imo fits vocal better
00:50:606 (6,7,8) - imo soft finish is better to emphasize these. there's a cymbal in the song if u listen hard enough, and imo current hitsounds feel too quiet (u also used it for cymbal at 01:18:551 - ). also on other diffschanged to finish+clap
01:13:620 (7) - NC? this combo seems very long compared to othersno--NC here seems random
01:14:853 (11,12) - i think this jump should actually be bigger. this is a very strong part of the song so i feel the current jump is too weak.I think you modded the older version--but I increased distance between 01:14:852 (2,3) -
01:15:264 (12) - soft clap instead? imo whistle isn't enough to emphasize this part. this is a very strong part of the song, but ur soft whistle is very quiet. it also fits with 01:16:086 (1) - i thinknope, there's no clap sound in the music
01:16:086 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - imo making jump + 0.6x stream fits better here. seems u use jumps to match vocal, so u might as well make jump at 01:16:086 (1,2) - .Fixed. I never noticed that my jumps matched the vocal. XD
01:16:908 (6) - soft finish on start maybe? there's a lot of emphasis herenope, I do lots of finish at 01:18:551 (1,4) -01:19:784 (5) -
cool diff

nice map ty :)
hope it helps, gl >w<

no comment = fixed
Edit: comment for insane (cuz I forgot to comment on insane mod)
Thanks for mod ><

*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. The BG isn't visible; probably because of Unicode stuff. Try renaming the BG filename with something more... ordinary, and then reinsert it in the editor.
  2. 00:02:939 - Uh, this timing point isn't necessary. If you want, you can refer to the timing of xChippy's mapset; that one's accurate enough.
  3. No video? You can ask people for it. It'll be a nice complement to your map considering this is a TV Size map.
  4. Get a better mp3/audio file. This one has a pretty low volume compared to most of the other maps (if I'm not wrong).
  5. Use a way higher hitsound volume. I know this is a calm song, but try to maintain it around 30-70%. Under 30% is pretty low, and 7% is just too much, even for the weakest/calmest part of the song.
  6. Add "ending" to tags? I think you know why. Also add "Mother's Rosario" since it's the name of the arc where this song is used?
  7. 01:21:838 - End the kiai time here since the music gets noticeably weaker starting from this point.
  1. 00:04:556 - Add a whistle to follow the piano here? (Actually, you missed a lot of piano notes that could be emphasized with whistles. I think you know where to place whistles and where not to; just be careful to not overhitsound!)
  2. 00:18:551 (1) - Remove the NC? I don't know why do you need an NC as soon as this, just a beat after 00:17:730 (1)...
  3. 00:21:428 (5) - Add an NC here instead since the combo's getting too long?
  4. 00:26:565 (3,4) - What's with the sudden spacing inconsistency?
  5. 00:28:209 (1,2) - Avoid making sliders shaped like them. They don't look aesthetical and actually seem random, honestly. Just make normally shaped ones, or try to make unique and appealing sliders. (Also, just realized your combo pattern looks random. Try only using an NC every stanza consistently for now unless the music changes dramatically enough.)
  6. 00:48:140 (6,8) - (6) overlaps (8). Might want to make them not touch each other while also making 00:48:962 (7,8) more symmetrical.
  7. 01:10:332 (1,4) - Swap NC since a new stanza starts at 01:11:975 in the song instead of 01:10:331?
  8. 01:14:441 - Remove the finish? Doesn't really make sense since there's no cymbal here.
  9. 01:17:730 (5,1) - I know what do you want to make, but this looks odd because (5) overlaps (1)'s tail. Try to avoid this, really.
  10. 01:21:839 (5) - Again, add NC because the combo is too long?
  11. 01:25:127 (1) - End this spinner at 01:28:158 like what you did on Insane and make the volume 5%? Goes better with the song. (Applies to all diffs.)
  1. The spacing seems to be generally inconsistent here. It's okay to use jumps in a Hard diff, but when you don't, try making the spacing between each object consistent. The same applies for all diffs in general: Make sure you don't randomly place objects without any consistency. Try tidying up the map!
  2. 00:03:555 (4,5,1) - Make them look like this? The flow from (4) to (5) would be better, and even though the music supports a jump between (5,1), might as well make them consistent... I can't really explain; it's just that I think it's more comfortable to play that way.
  3. 00:25:127 (1,2) - Uh, why is the spacing so small?
  4. 00:32:524 (1) - Might as well Ctrl+G so the head is stacked below 00:32:113 (4). You'll probably need to rearrange the objects next to this, though.
  5. 00:34:168 (3,4,5) - Try to make the spacing consistent, and make (3) and (4) similarly curved so they'll look neater and more... consistent?
  6. 00:38:688 (5,6) - Try to make them not touch each other so they'll be nicer to look at?
  7. 00:39:510 (7,8) - Umm, why are they so close to each other?
  8. 00:50:606 (1,2,3) - Just use the soft sampleset so the finishes will fit even better.
  9. 00:53:072 (1,2,3,4) - This square can be made neater. I believe you can do this by yourself!
  10. 00:54:305 - Why a whistle? It doesn't fit with how silent the music is here.
  11. 00:54:921 - ^ (The note isn't really that strong and 00:53:894 (5,6) is overhitsounded anyway.)
  12. 00:58:003 (1,3) - Swap NC to follow the music's rhythm correctly?
  13. 00:59:647 (5) - NC? I think you know why.
  14. 01:02:113 (11,1) - Swap NC? Same reason as 00:58:003 (1,3). (Again, I'd like to say that your combo pattern is quite inconsistent and doesn't really fit how the song goes most of the time. Just saying!)
  15. 01:17:319 (5,6,7,8,9,1) - Uh, this pattern looks very messed up honestly, especially about how the objects are placed and the spacing.
  16. 01:21:839 (1,2,3) - Try making them symmetrical so they'll look nicer? Right now, the right side of the pattern looks... weird because of the difference of the gap with the left side.
  17. 01:24:715 - No need of whistle, I think? The music is silent here.
(Note: Normal and Hard are modded before you updated the map due to pieguy's mod. Look at which one is applicable and which one isn't anymore. Keep in mind not to make stuff touch each other like 01:11:975 (1,3,5) in Hard though; the overlaps look pretty random honestly.)

  1. 00:03:555 (1,2) - This isn't recommended in an Easy diff because of the 1/4 gap. A 1/4 gap at 73 BPM would be equal to 1/2 at 146 BPM, which is hard for an Easy diff. Just combine them into a 3/4 slider. It should be easier that way.
  2. 00:06:845 (1,2) - For this, might as well remove the (1). I've explained about the 1/4 gap stuff, and making a slider from 00:06:845 won't do because it crosses an uninherited timing point, which means the slider's end won't be snapped correctly.
  3. 00:17:730 - Add a whistle? (I'd like to repeat the importance of proper hitsounding; for this song, try to follow the piano notes with whistles wherever appropriate.)
  4. 00:50:606 (1) - No finishes on the head and tail of this slider? Why? The cymbals are obvious.
  5. 00:53:483 (3) - Why not stack this with 00:50:606 (1)'s head? It'd make the pattern of the entire combo look neater.
  6. 01:03:345 (4) - Make it look like this? Again, looks tidier and definitely looking better.
  1. 00:02:524 (3) - Definitely could be placed further on the right so it'd be more natural to play.
  2. 00:03:555 (1) - This doesn't need a whistle since the piano note at 00:03:760 is stronger. This would mean overhitsounding, so remove the whistle here?
  3. 00:05:792 (6) - Same as 00:02:524 (3). Alternatively, stack (6)'s head below 00:05:176 (5)'s tail?
  4. 00:07:050 (1,2,3,4) - Something like this is a cool idea, but the accelerated spacing flows weirdly if the circles are placed linearly. Try something like this?
  5. 00:18:962 (4) - The "extended" slider doesn't feel natural at all and instead seems to be placed just because. Just use your usual 1/4 slider. (Applies to similar sliders.)
  6. 00:37:045 (3,4,5) - Eh, what's with the spacing inconsistency here?
  7. 00:40:846 - There is nothing to map here and it feels very forced to hit this 1/8 beats after 00:40:743 (1). Seriously, remove the circle and start this slider from 00:40:743 instead.
  8. 00:43:620 (8) - A soft whistle goes better with the song than a normal drum sound. Try it!
  9. 00:43:826 (9,10) - Also, just use the usual soft sampleset. Drums don't really fit this. (This applies to your entire map. Sometimes, you place drum hitsounds on places that don't have any indication of percussion instruments, and they... just don't go along well.)
  10. 00:48:962 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part is awkward to play due to the movement you need to move from one object to another. Try making the flow... more circular? Like this?
  11. 00:52:456 (1,2,3,4) - The notes on the yellow ticks are pretty much overmapped awkwardly. Just... just don't map there. That's all I can say.
  12. 00:54:305 - Unnecessary whistle? I mean, there's nothing that can be really emphasized.
  13. 00:58:517 (1) - No need of an NC here. Really, there's nothing special here.
  14. 01:08:688 (1,2) - What the hell? Just make a 1/4 slider starting from 01:08:688. It doesn't make sense to make two sliders with this kind of rhythm since it's not like that in the song, and it also doesn't fit for any reason at all.
  15. 01:09:510 (4,5,6,7,8) - Uh, why is this stream's spacing inconsistent?
  16. 01:11:154 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Why the overmapping? Again, feels forced and unnecessary, IMO, especially with the drum hitsounds. Just map the white and red ticks.
  17. 01:16:908 (6,7) - Make them look like this? Flows better and plays way more comfortably IMO. Also, try using Drum sampleset and Soft addition, then use the default soft whistle for (6)'s head. That definitely fits the music better. (I hope that can give you a little inspiration on hitsounding!)
Well that's pretty much it. You seem to understand the basics of mapping quite a bit, but you still have a long way to go. Don't give up, though; I can see this qualified in the future :)

Good luck on the way! 8-)
Topic Starter

Hinsvar wrote:


*Bolded = Unrankable or very, very strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. The BG isn't visible; probably because of Unicode stuff. Try renaming the BG filename with something more... ordinary, and then reinsert it in the editor.
  2. 00:02:939 - Uh, this timing point isn't necessary. If you want, you can refer to the timing of xChippy's mapset; that one's accurate enough.I think it is because the note starts right there. But if more modders think this is truly unnecessary, I'll get rid of it.
  3. No video? You can ask people for it. It'll be a nice complement to your map considering this is a TV Size map.I bet it's gonna take...forever for this to ever get ranked. So no video for now--it will take longer to upload my map.
  4. Get a better mp3/audio file. This one has a pretty low volume compared to most of the other maps (if I'm not wrong).got a better one XD. Took a while to get a different file than what other mappers have.
  5. Use a way higher hitsound volume. I know this is a calm song, but try to maintain it around 30-70%. Under 30% is pretty low, and 7% is just too much, even for the weakest/calmest part of the song.
  6. Add "ending" to tags? I think you know why. Also add "Mother's Rosario" since it's the name of the arc where this song is used?
  7. 01:21:838 - End the kiai time here since the music gets noticeably weaker starting from this point.
  1. 00:04:556 - Add a whistle to follow the piano here? (Actually, you missed a lot of piano notes that could be emphasized with whistles. I think you know where to place whistles and where not to; just be careful to not overhitsound!)
  2. 00:18:551 (1) - Remove the NC? I don't know why do you need an NC as soon as this, just a beat after 00:17:730 (1)...
  3. 00:21:428 (5) - Add an NC here instead since the combo's getting too long?NC'd 00:21:839 (1) - instead
  4. 00:26:565 (3,4) - What's with the sudden spacing inconsistency?What are these "spacing inconsistency" that people are talking about? orz
  5. 00:28:209 (1,2) - Avoid making sliders shaped like them. They don't look aesthetical and actually seem random, honestly. Just make normally shaped ones, or try to make unique and appealing sliders. (Also, just realized your combo pattern looks random. Try only using an NC every stanza consistently for now unless the music changes dramatically enough.)
  6. 00:48:140 (6,8) - (6) overlaps (8). Might want to make them not touch each other while also making 00:48:962 (7,8) more symmetrical.
  7. 01:10:332 (1,4) - Swap NC since a new stanza starts at 01:11:975 in the song instead of 01:10:331?
  8. 01:14:441 - Remove the finish? Doesn't really make sense since there's no cymbal here.
  9. 01:17:730 (5,1) - I know what do you want to make, but this looks odd because (5) overlaps (1)'s tail. Try to avoid this, really.
  10. 01:21:839 (5) - Again, add NC because the combo is too long?
  11. 01:25:127 (1) - End this spinner at 01:28:158 like what you did on Insane and make the volume 5%? Goes better with the song. (Applies to all diffs.)
  1. The spacing seems to be generally inconsistent here. It's okay to use jumps in a Hard diff, but when you don't, try making the spacing between each object consistent. The same applies for all diffs in general: Make sure you don't randomly place objects without any consistency. Try tidying up the map! tried and remapped--I wonder if the newer one looks neater lol
  2. 00:03:555 (4,5,1) - Make them look like this? The flow from (4) to (5) would be better, and even though the music supports a jump between (5,1), might as well make them consistent... I can't really explain; it's just that I think it's more comfortable to play that way.
  3. 00:25:127 (1,2) - Uh, why is the spacing so small?
  4. 00:32:524 (1) - Might as well Ctrl+G so the head is stacked below 00:32:113 (4). You'll probably need to rearrange the objects next to this, though.I didn't stack
  5. 00:34:168 (3,4,5) - Try to make the spacing consistent, and make (3) and (4) similarly curved so they'll look neater and more... consistent?
  6. 00:38:688 (5,6) - Try to make them not touch each other so they'll be nicer to look at?
  7. 00:39:510 (7,8) - Umm, why are they so close to each other?
  8. 00:50:606 (1,2,3) - Just use the soft sampleset so the finishes will fit even better.
  9. 00:53:072 (1,2,3,4) - This square can be made neater. I believe you can do this by yourself!
  10. 00:54:305 - Why a whistle? It doesn't fit with how silent the music is here.
  11. 00:54:921 - ^ (The note isn't really that strong and 00:53:894 (5,6) is overhitsounded anyway.)
  12. 00:58:003 (1,3) - Swap NC to follow the music's rhythm correctly?
  13. 00:59:647 (5) - NC? I think you know why.No I don't...why NC when 00:58:825 (1) - is NC'd?
  14. 01:02:113 (11,1) - Swap NC? Same reason as 00:58:003 (1,3). (Again, I'd like to say that your combo pattern is quite inconsistent and doesn't really fit how the song goes most of the time. Just saying!)
  15. 01:17:319 (5,6,7,8,9,1) - Uh, this pattern looks very messed up honestly, especially about how the objects are placed and the spacing.
  16. 01:21:839 (1,2,3) - Try making them symmetrical so they'll look nicer? Right now, the right side of the pattern looks... weird because of the difference of the gap with the left side.
  17. 01:24:715 - No need of whistle, I think? The music is silent here.removed the reverse instead. I noticed there's not much particular sound there
(Note: Normal and Hard are modded before you updated the map due to pieguy's mod. Look at which one is applicable and which one isn't anymore. Keep in mind not to make stuff touch each other like 01:11:975 (1,3,5) in Hard though; the overlaps look pretty random honestly.)

  1. 00:03:555 (1,2) - This isn't recommended in an Easy diff because of the 1/4 gap. A 1/4 gap at 73 BPM would be equal to 1/2 at 146 BPM, which is hard for an Easy diff. Just combine them into a 3/4 slider. It should be easier that way.
  2. 00:06:845 (1,2) - For this, might as well remove the (1). I've explained about the 1/4 gap stuff, and making a slider from 00:06:845 won't do because it crosses an uninherited timing point, which means the slider's end won't be snapped correctly.
  3. 00:17:730 - Add a whistle? (I'd like to repeat the importance of proper hitsounding; for this song, try to follow the piano notes with whistles wherever appropriate.)
  4. 00:50:606 (1) - No finishes on the head and tail of this slider? Why? The cymbals are obvious.
  5. 00:53:483 (3) - Why not stack this with 00:50:606 (1)'s head? It'd make the pattern of the entire combo look neater.
  6. 01:03:345 (4) - Make it look like this? Again, looks tidier and definitely looking better.
  1. 00:02:524 (3) - Definitely could be placed further on the right so it'd be more natural to play.
  2. 00:03:555 (1) - This doesn't need a whistle since the piano note at 00:03:760 is stronger. This would mean overhitsounding, so remove the whistle here?
  3. 00:05:792 (6) - Same as 00:02:524 (3). Alternatively, stack (6)'s head below 00:05:176 (5)'s tail?
  4. 00:07:050 (1,2,3,4) - Something like this is a cool idea, but the accelerated spacing flows weirdly if the circles are placed linearly. Try something like this?
  5. 00:18:962 (4) - The "extended" slider doesn't feel natural at all and instead seems to be placed just because. Just use your usual 1/4 slider. (Applies to similar sliders.)00:23:894 (7) - keeping 00:23:894 (7) - though, to follow the vocal
  6. 00:37:045 (3,4,5) - Eh, what's with the spacing inconsistency here?I used 2.0x, and if the same DS is used, 00:37:352 (4) - would be too hard to hit
  7. 00:40:846 - There is nothing to map here and it feels very forced to hit this 1/8 beats after 00:40:743 (1). Seriously, remove the circle and start this slider from 00:40:743 instead.
  8. 00:43:620 (8) - A soft whistle goes better with the song than a normal drum sound. Try it!
  9. 00:43:826 (9,10) - Also, just use the usual soft sampleset. Drums don't really fit this. (This applies to your entire map. Sometimes, you place drum hitsounds on places that don't have any indication of percussion instruments, and they... just don't go along well.)
  10. 00:48:962 (1,2,3,4,5) - This part is awkward to play due to the movement you need to move from one object to another. Try making the flow... more circular? Like this?My intention was to have a twisted pattern. I like it lol
  11. 00:52:456 (1,2,3,4) - The notes on the yellow ticks are pretty much overmapped awkwardly. Just... just don't map there. That's all I can say.[b]made into a triplet[/b]
  12. 00:54:305 - Unnecessary whistle? I mean, there's nothing that can be really emphasized.
  13. 00:58:517 (1) - No need of an NC here. Really, there's nothing special here.
  14. 01:08:688 (1,2) - What the hell? Just make a 1/4 slider starting from 01:08:688. It doesn't make sense to make two sliders with this kind of rhythm since it's not like that in the song, and it also doesn't fit for any reason at all.
  15. 01:09:510 (4,5,6,7,8) - Uh, why is this stream's spacing inconsistent?
  16. 01:11:154 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Why the overmapping? Again, feels forced and unnecessary, IMO, especially with the drum hitsounds. Just map the white and red ticks.
  17. 01:16:908 (6,7) - Make them look like this? Flows better and plays way more comfortably IMO. Also, try using Drum sampleset and Soft addition, then use the default soft whistle for (6)'s head. That definitely fits the music better. (I hope that can give you a little inspiration on hitsounding!)
Well that's pretty much it. You seem to understand the basics of mapping quite a bit, but you still have a long way to go. Don't give up, though; I can see this qualified in the future :)

Good luck on the way! 8-)

no comment = fixed
Thanks Hinsvar!!

Now I sort of get NC and whistle hitsound XD. Sort of.
I re-mapped part of hard cuz there was too much spacing issue and SV had been too low imo. But I still don't know what this "spacing inconsistency" is, so I might have made the same mistake.
I also added whistles too all diffs, but didn't apply them in iffy parts ;-;
Again, video will be added when it's time for this to get qualified/ranked (if that could ever happen :? )
PM Request.


  1. 지금 소스도 괜찮은데 Sword Art Online II 으로 바꾸는게 더 나을수도 있겠네요.
  2. 노멀 하드난이도의 스타 레이팅으로 보았을때, 노멀을 조금더 어렵게 만드시는게 좋을거 같습니다. 하드를 쉽게 만들경우 인세인과의 난이도 차이가 확실하게 드러나기 때문에, 그렇게 하시는게 좋을거 같네요.


  1. 00:25:127 (1) - 이거 조금만 모양 다듬어 주시는게 좋을거 같네요.
  2. 00:25:949 (2) - Ctrl+J 하신후에 원래 있던 자리랑 비슷한 위치로 옮기는게 좋지 않을까요? 흐름이랑 맞을거 같습니다.
  3. 01:25:126 (1,1) - 이거 굳이 스핀 두번으로 처리하실 이유는 없을거 같습니다. 오히려 이 난이도를 플레이하는 플레이어의 수준으로 보면, 아무리 BPM이 낮아도 혼란을 일으킬수 있는 요소가 될것이라고 생각합니다.


  1. CS 3.2정도가 좋을거 같네요.
  2. 01:07:044 (4) - 앞과 통일한 박자를 만들기 위해 리턴슬라이더로 바꿔주시기 바랍니다. 이렇게 박자를 비워두시면 01:08:277 (5) - 이런건 혼란이 와서 실수하기 마련입니다.
  3. 01:09:509 (2) - 모양 Ctrl+H,J로 잡아주시는건 어떤지요?
  4. 01:25:126 (1,1) - 이지 난이도랑 같습니다. 단, 이지 난이도보단 본인이 선택해서 고칠수 있는 사항이라고 생각합니다.


  1. 00:03:760 (5) - 여기 리턴 2번쓰지 마시고 한번쓰고 서클로 바꿔주세요. 그게 더 낫습니다. 아니면 00:07:055 (5,6) - 이거처럼 바꿔주셔도 좋겠네요.
  2. 00:43:209 (5) - (취향입니다) 뉴콤보 추가해주시는건 어떤지?
  3. 01:04:578 (6,7,8,9) - 여기 사각형 모양 정돈해 주세요.
  4. 01:07:044 (6) - 여기 뉴콤보.
  5. 01:08:688 (1,2) - 뒤에 바이올린? 플루트? 소리에 맞추신거 같은데 2번 슬라이더 배치 깔끔하게 정돈해주세요.
  6. 01:15:264 (9) - 뉴콤보
  7. 01:16:291 (1,2,3,4) - 이 배치말고도 충분히 재밌는 배치를 만들수 있습니다. 거의 하이라이트 고음이니까 시도해보세요.


  1. 00:07:050 (1,2,3,4) - 배치 깔끔하게 해주세요 특히 3,4번 서클을요.
  2. 00:07:867 (5) - 뉴콤보 해주세요
  3. 00:38:894 (9) - ^
  4. 01:01:908 (9) - 여기 뉴콤보 한후에 01:02:112 (1) - 뉴콤보 없애주세요
  5. 01:06:223 (1) - 슬라이더 꼬리를 올리는게 흐름상 어울리지 않을까요?
  6. 01:17:730 (8) - 여기 뉴콤보.

행운을 빕니다.
Topic Starter

Artavia wrote:

PM Request.


  1. 지금 소스도 괜찮은데 Sword Art Online II 으로 바꾸는게 더 나을수도 있겠네요.tags에 이미있기때문에 안해도될거라생각해요
  2. 노멀 하드난이도의 스타 레이팅으로 보았을때, 노멀을 조금더 어렵게 만드시는게 좋을거 같습니다. 하드를 쉽게 만들경우 인세인과의 난이도 차이가 확실하게 드러나기 때문에, 그렇게 하시는게 좋을거 같네요.노멀도 리맵해야되나...위에 벳이 아무말안했는이상 일단 보류할게요.


  1. 00:25:127 (1) - 이거 조금만 모양 다듬어 주시는게 좋을거 같네요.
  2. 00:25:949 (2) - Ctrl+J 하신후에 원래 있던 자리랑 비슷한 위치로 옮기는게 좋지 않을까요? 흐름이랑 맞을거 같습니다.
  3. 01:25:126 (1,1) - 이거 굳이 스핀 두번으로 처리하실 이유는 없을거 같습니다. 오히려 이 난이도를 플레이하는 플레이어의 수준으로 보면, 아무리 BPM이 낮아도 혼란을 일으킬수 있는 요소가 될것이라고 생각합니다.


  1. CS 3.2정도가 좋을거 같네요.지금이 괜찮다 생각합니다-
  2. 01:07:044 (4) - 앞과 통일한 박자를 만들기 위해 리턴슬라이더로 바꿔주시기 바랍니다. 이렇게 박자를 비워두시면 01:08:277 (5) - 이런건 혼란이 와서 실수하기 마련입니다.이지에선 거의쓰면 안되지만, 노멀에선 괜찮다고 봐요.
  3. 01:09:509 (2) - 모양 Ctrl+H,J로 잡아주시는건 어떤지요?^위에모딩apply하면서 이것도 이렇게 바꿨어요
  4. 01:25:126 (1,1) - 이지 난이도랑 같습니다. 단, 이지 난이도보단 본인이 선택해서 고칠수 있는 사항이라고 생각합니다.


  1. 00:03:760 (5) - 여기 리턴 2번쓰지 마시고 한번쓰고 서클로 바꿔주세요. 그게 더 낫습니다. 아니면 00:07:055 (5,6) - 이거처럼 바꿔주셔도 좋겠네요.시작이여서 쉽게만들려고한거라서.. 노트 더 넣거나하면 지금배치가 이상해지기때문에 바꾸지않을게요.
  2. 00:43:209 (5) - (취향입니다) 뉴콤보 추가해주시는건 어떤지?저도 이게 취향이지만 뉴비인이상 일단 보수적(?)인 쪽으로 할게요. 노래흐름이 전반적으로 많이 안바뀌는부분에 뉴콤하면 바꾸라는분도, 바꾸지말라는분들도 있어서..ㅋㅋ
  3. 01:04:578 (6,7,8,9) - 여기 사각형 모양 정돈해 주세요.
  4. 01:07:044 (6) - 여기 뉴콤보.죄송합니다. 지금 콤보패턴에 안어울리기도하고, 음악변화/SV 변화가 없어서요.
  5. 01:08:688 (1,2) - 뒤에 바이올린? 플루트? 소리에 맞추신거 같은데 2번 슬라이더 배치 깔끔하게 정돈해주세요.
  6. 01:15:264 (9) - 뉴콤보
  7. 01:16:291 (1,2,3,4) - 이 배치말고도 충분히 재밌는 배치를 만들수 있습니다. 거의 하이라이트 고음이니까 시도해보세요.01:18:140 (10,11) - ctrl g 했습니다


  1. 00:07:050 (1,2,3,4) - 배치 깔끔하게 해주세요 특히 3,4번 서클을요.
  2. 00:07:867 (5) - 뉴콤보 해주세요
  3. 00:38:894 (9) - ^nope
  4. 01:01:908 (9) - 여기 뉴콤보 한후에 01:02:112 (1) - 뉴콤보 없애주세요 nope, sorry
  5. 01:06:223 (1) - 슬라이더 꼬리를 올리는게 흐름상 어울리지 않을까요?슬라이더바꾸지않고흐름 바꿨습니다
  6. 01:17:730 (8) - 여기 뉴콤보.

행운을 빕니다.감사!!!

모딩 감사합니다!
Topic Starter
Do not mod--I decided to re-map normal, hard, and insane because this map is too amateur imo. I'll move this to WIP
이거 겟난해도 됨? ㅇㅅㅇ
Topic Starter

guineaQ wrote:

이거 겟난해도 됨? ㅇㅅㅇ
헉..! 네 저야 감사하죠. 아무 겟난이나 괜찮습니다
Worku in Progressu
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: LiSA - [ ED3].mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 57437
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.3
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

DistanceSpacing: 1.3
BeatDivisor: 8
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 2.700005

Title:Shirushi -TV ver.-
TitleUnicode:シルシ -TV ver.-
Creator:Ninja Bunny
Version:guineaQ's Insane
Tags:Sword Art Online ED ending 3 Mother's Rosario


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 222,156,3
Combo2 : 133,211,250
Combo3 : 78,21,128
Combo4 : 189,21,55

Topic Starter

guineaQ wrote:

Worku in Progressu
Thank you!! Added :D
IRC mod for Shirushi diff
22:16 Ninja Bunny: tell meee :D
22:16 Arphimigon: 00:06:837 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - that was like... i dont get why i couldnt hit it
22:17 Arphimigon: I guess i just feel like the flow from 00:05:810 (3,4) - isnt very... intuiative
22:17 Ninja Bunny: mmm okay
22:18 Arphimigon: also it is kinda sudden to have a lot of notes in the calm section so i would try swap one or two for sliders but your choice
22:18 Ninja Bunny: I'll ask for more opinions
22:18 Ninja Bunny: yeah that's a good idea
22:18 Arphimigon: 00:36:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - long combo o/
22:19 Arphimigon: 00:45:673 (5,6,7,8) - This is one of the things about stacking i was gonna mention
22:19 Ninja Bunny: NC'd 00:39:509 (1) -
22:19 Ninja Bunny: what is it?
22:20 Arphimigon: 00:45:673 (5,6) - imo because of the curve of the last slider, manually stack 5 a little bit higher
22:20 Arphimigon: otherwise it feels weird doing the jump
22:20 Arphimigon: stack 6*
22:20 Arphimigon: and yeah that last curve is a line but still makes sense
22:21 Ninja Bunny: hmm I'll ask for more opinions for that
22:22 Ninja Bunny: if 5, 6 gets higher, there will be spacing issue
22:22 Arphimigon: i meant move 6 higher
22:22 Arphimigon: accident on my part
22:22 Ninja Bunny: i want the stacking to be consistent with 00:46:084 (7,8) -
22:23 Ninja Bunny: if I get more mods, then I'll change that part for sure
22:23 Arphimigon: yeah just make them the same then o/
22:23 Ninja Bunny: yeah :D
22:23 Arphimigon: well this is what i wouldve done just for reference
22:24 Ninja Bunny: ohhhh i get it
22:24 Ninja Bunny: i think that's more of a mapping preferenc
22:24 Ninja Bunny: I like your idea too tho
22:24 Arphimigon: its the playabilty
22:24 Arphimigon: having 6 closer to the last slider makes the jump feel weirder
22:25 Arphimigon: shouldnt matter -too- much though
22:25 Ninja Bunny: okay
22:25 Arphimigon: 00:56:974 (1,2) - this haha
22:26 Arphimigon: also for the sake of readability i would unstack 2 directly and place it just a -little- higher
22:26 Ninja Bunny: done!
22:26 Arphimigon: 00:58:002 (1,2,3,4,1) - love this
22:26 Ninja Bunny: me too :3
22:27 Arphimigon: also yeah viewing stacking in the editor when done with the map might help a lot
22:27 Arphimigon: 01:01:289 (8,9,10,1) - see how this plays?
22:27 Ninja Bunny: how does it play?
22:28 Arphimigon: put stacking on and just imagine it
22:28 Ninja Bunny: so it will be less easy to read?
22:29 Arphimigon: well stacking makes it look like this
22:29 Arphimigon: thats how it is in play, and the curve from the last slider isnt exactly friendly into that triplet because its coming back somewhat
22:29 Ninja Bunny: ahh okay
22:30 Ninja Bunny: I'll look into that
22:30 Arphimigon: i know why you did 01:11:152 (1,2,3,4,5) - but honestly music suits jumps more o/ (change at your will)
22:31 Arphimigon: also that combo goes up to 15 i dont know if you wanna change that either
22:31 Ninja Bunny: yeah okay
22:31 Arphimigon: 01:17:728 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - love the triangle
22:31 Arphimigon: 01:18:755 (2,3,4) - but after all that this bit is almost impossible to hit
22:31 Ninja Bunny: hehe yeah me too
22:32 Arphimigon: honestly plays better if you stack 01:18:960 (3) - on 01:17:933 (4) -
22:32 Ninja Bunny: yeah i was thinking that too
22:32 Ninja Bunny: that part played bad when testplaying
22:32 Arphimigon: opposite here but your chocie
22:33 Arphimigon: 01:21:426 (11,12,1) - love it
22:34 Ninja Bunny: thanks~
22:34 Arphimigon: minor thing 00:21:016 (1,3) - sliders arent stacking correctly, more 3 more right
22:34 Ninja Bunny: ahh you're right
22:34 Ninja Bunny: moved 3 to x:57
22:35 Arphimigon: naisu
22:35 Arphimigon: 00:37:043 (4,5,6) - love it too
22:35 Ninja Bunny: hehe ty
22:35 Arphimigon: 00:47:317 (1,2,3) - would make the curve of slider 3 fit this better if you know what i mean
22:36 Arphimigon: felt a little weird having to move down to hit it
22:36 Ninja Bunny: no, what do you mean? I don't get it
22:36 Arphimigon: try rotating it 20 degrees
22:36 Arphimigon: it plays nicer
22:37 Arphimigon: if you do that though lift it up a little
22:37 Arphimigon: reference
22:38 Ninja Bunny: okay
22:38 Ninja Bunny: hey I gotta go somewhere now
22:38 Arphimigon: all good
22:38 Ninja Bunny: I'm sorry this is so sudden
22:38 Ninja Bunny: haha but thanks a lottt for your help
22:38 Arphimigon: no problem

Would slap on stacking and check anything i didn't notice
(View -> Stacking)

Good luck! Liked the diff~
Topic Starter

Arphimigon wrote:

IRC mod for Shirushi diff
22:16 Ninja Bunny: tell meee :D
22:16 Arphimigon: 00:06:837 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - that was like... i dont get why i couldnt hit it
22:17 Arphimigon: I guess i just feel like the flow from 00:05:810 (3,4) - isnt very... intuiative
22:17 Ninja Bunny: mmm okay
22:18 Arphimigon: also it is kinda sudden to have a lot of notes in the calm section so i would try swap one or two for sliders but your choicechanged
22:18 Ninja Bunny: I'll ask for more opinions
22:18 Ninja Bunny: yeah that's a good idea
22:18 Arphimigon: 00:36:221 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - long combo o/
22:19 Arphimigon: 00:45:673 (5,6,7,8) - This is one of the things about stacking i was gonna mention
22:19 Ninja Bunny: NC'd 00:39:509 (1) -changed
22:19 Ninja Bunny: what is it?
22:20 Arphimigon: 00:45:673 (5,6) - imo because of the curve of the last slider, manually stack 5 a little bit higherchanged
22:20 Arphimigon: otherwise it feels weird doing the jump
22:20 Arphimigon: stack 6*
22:20 Arphimigon: and yeah that last curve is a line but still makes sense
22:21 Ninja Bunny: hmm I'll ask for more opinions for that
22:22 Ninja Bunny: if 5, 6 gets higher, there will be spacing issue
22:22 Arphimigon: i meant move 6 higher
22:22 Arphimigon: accident on my part
22:22 Ninja Bunny: i want the stacking to be consistent with 00:46:084 (7,8) -
22:23 Ninja Bunny: if I get more mods, then I'll change that part for sure
22:23 Arphimigon: yeah just make them the same then o/
22:23 Ninja Bunny: yeah :D
22:23 Arphimigon: well this is what i wouldve done just for reference
22:24 Ninja Bunny: ohhhh i get it
22:24 Ninja Bunny: i think that's more of a mapping preferenc
22:24 Ninja Bunny: I like your idea too tho
22:24 Arphimigon: its the playabilty
22:24 Arphimigon: having 6 closer to the last slider makes the jump feel weirder
22:25 Arphimigon: shouldnt matter -too- much though
22:25 Ninja Bunny: okay
22:25 Arphimigon: 00:56:974 (1,2) - this hahachanged
22:26 Arphimigon: also for the sake of readability i would unstack 2 directly and place it just a -little- higher
22:26 Ninja Bunny: done!
22:26 Arphimigon: 00:58:002 (1,2,3,4,1) - love this
22:26 Ninja Bunny: me too :3
22:27 Arphimigon: also yeah viewing stacking in the editor when done with the map might help a lot
22:27 Arphimigon: 01:01:289 (8,9,10,1) - see how this plays?
22:27 Ninja Bunny: how does it play?
22:28 Arphimigon: put stacking on and just imagine it
22:28 Ninja Bunny: so it will be less easy to read?
22:29 Arphimigon: well stacking makes it look like this
22:29 Arphimigon: thats how it is in play, and the curve from the last slider isnt exactly friendly into that triplet because its coming back somewhat
22:29 Ninja Bunny: ahh okay
22:30 Ninja Bunny: I'll look into that
22:30 Arphimigon: i know why you did 01:11:152 (1,2,3,4,5) - but honestly music suits jumps more o/ (change at your will)
22:31 Arphimigon: also that combo goes up to 15 i dont know if you wanna change that either
22:31 Ninja Bunny: yeah okay
22:31 Arphimigon: 01:17:728 (3,4,5,6,1,2) - love the triangle
22:31 Arphimigon: 01:18:755 (2,3,4) - but after all that this bit is almost impossible to hit
22:31 Ninja Bunny: hehe yeah me too
22:32 Arphimigon: honestly plays better if you stack 01:18:960 (3) - on 01:17:933 (4) - changed, but moved (3) to (4)'s slider tail
22:32 Ninja Bunny: yeah i was thinking that too
22:32 Ninja Bunny: that part played bad when testplaying
22:32 Arphimigon: opposite here but your chocie
22:33 Arphimigon: 01:21:426 (11,12,1) - love it
22:34 Ninja Bunny: thanks~
22:34 Arphimigon: minor thing 00:21:016 (1,3) - sliders arent stacking correctly, more 3 more right
22:34 Ninja Bunny: ahh you're right
22:34 Ninja Bunny: moved 3 to x:57
22:35 Arphimigon: naisu
22:35 Arphimigon: 00:37:043 (4,5,6) - love it too
22:35 Ninja Bunny: hehe ty
22:35 Arphimigon: 00:47:317 (1,2,3) - would make the curve of slider 3 fit this better if you know what i mean
22:36 Arphimigon: felt a little weird having to move down to hit it
22:36 Ninja Bunny: no, what do you mean? I don't get it
22:36 Arphimigon: try rotating it 20 degrees changed, but rotated 30 degrees. Also found the spacing to be inconsistent, so fixed to 1.7x
22:36 Arphimigon: it plays nicer
22:37 Arphimigon: if you do that though lift it up a little
22:37 Arphimigon: reference
22:38 Ninja Bunny: okay
22:38 Ninja Bunny: hey I gotta go somewhere now
22:38 Arphimigon: all good
22:38 Ninja Bunny: I'm sorry this is so sudden
22:38 Ninja Bunny: haha but thanks a lottt for your help
22:38 Arphimigon: no problem

Would slap on stacking and check anything i didn't notice
(View -> Stacking)

Good luck! Liked the diff~
Thanks for the quick, but thorough mod! changed a lot
M4m (o wo)/

guineaQ's Insane

is wip now ?


00:12:799 (1,1) - 스피너를 2개말고 하나로 해보시는 게..?
00:22:662 (3) - 슬라이더를 맵핑 범위안으로 옴겨보시길
00:45:676 (2) - ^
01:05:401 (1) - ^
01:11:565 (4,1,2) - 노드랑 슬라이더를 안족으로..
01:21:017 (3) - 살짝 내려보세요


노말은.. 대체로 괸찬은것 같습니다


00:29:648 (6) - NC?
00:30:881 (1) - 뉴콤보 끄고 00:31:292 (2) - NC

Then open Aimod and Fixed


HP 7 -> 8 up ??(feel little Easy :/)
00:55:128 (1) - this spiner end is 00:56:977 here

Then i think is good GLGL !
Topic Starter

_ Hatsune Miku wrote:

M4m (o wo)/

guineaQ's Insane

is wip now ? Yes haha


00:12:799 (1,1) - 스피너를 2개말고 하나로 해보시는 게..? 이대로가 좋은듯
00:22:662 (3) - 슬라이더를 맵핑 범위안으로 옴겨보시길 일단 보류. 랭킹룰 잘 모르긴하는데 어디선가 플레이 범위내에 있으면 괜찮다고 들은것 같아요. 잘아는분한테 물어볼게요.
00:45:676 (2) - ^ ^
01:05:401 (1) - ^ ^
01:11:565 (4,1,2) - 노드랑 슬라이더를 안족으로.. ^
01:21:017 (3) - 살짝 내려보세요 피통 터치하는건 언랭요소니까 내림.


노말은.. 대체로 괸찬은것 같습니다 앗싸


00:29:648 (6) - NC?
00:30:881 (1) - 뉴콤보 끄고 00:31:292 (2) - NC okay

Then open Aimod and Fixed sorry :/ 하드부터 점프 넣어도 됩니다


HP 7 -> 8 up ??(feel little Easy :/) this is supposed to be easy, hehe :3
00:55:128 (1) - this spiner end is 00:56:977 here sorry, no fix. heard at full volume, 25% rate, and the vocal ends at the current position.

Then i think is good GLGL !

Hi!From my queue
  1. I don't understand why there are so many timing point,umi's version is single timing pointed...
  2. hitsounds need to be improved

  1. 00:19:374 (3) - remove drum on arrow use soft hitnormal
  2. 00:22:662 (3) - ^
  3. 00:25:950 (3) -
  4. 00:34:169 (1) -
    plz remove others by yourself
  5. 00:40:744 (1) - whistle?
  6. 00:42:388 (2) - arrow whistle?
  7. 00:45:265 (1) - whsitle for piano key
  8. 00:51:840 (1) - finish
  9. 00:52:662 (2,3) - sounds weird I mean this may feel confusing for beginners.snare sound is more important than kick sound here so this will be a better choice
  10. 00:55:539 (1) - soft finish?
  11. 01:05:401 (1,2) - To be honest,I think these two don't fit the rhythm despite following vocal
  12. 01:08:689 (1) - finish?
  13. 01:21:839 (1,2) - unsnapped vocal


  • ds should be consistent 1.1(±0.3)
  1. 00:03:552 (1) - ds?
  2. 00:04:146 (3) - ^
  3. 00:06:859 (1) - ^
  4. 00:17:731 (1,2,3) - ^
    plz adjust them by yourself
  5. 00:25:128 (2) - arrow whistle
  6. 00:23:484 (6,7) - whistle
  7. 00:26:566 (4) - remove drum
  8. 00:31:703 (2) - whistle
  9. 00:36:224 (3) - whistle
  10. 00:34:169 (1) - remove arrow drum use whitsle
  11. 00:37:457 (1) - ^
  12. 00:39:100 (2) - whistle
  13. 00:39:922 (3) -
  14. 00:40:744 (1) -
  15. 00:43:621 (4) - drum
  16. 00:46:087 (4) - why follow vocal here suddenly?you follow instrument 00:40:744 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - so this will be sudden to play.extend to next white tick
  17. 00:49:991 (4) - drum clap
  18. 00:50:196 (5) - drum finish
  19. 00:51:840 (1) - finish
  20. 00:52:251 (2,3) - drum
  21. 01:08:689 (1) - unsnapped rhythm,obviously 1/6 is better,(strictly speaking 1/6 is unsnapped too)consider change the rhythm?

  1. 00:52:457 (4) - what hell is this?Use 1/4 slider is just okay
  2. 01:08:689 (1) - why a 1/8?use 1/4,the violin sound is unsnapped
  3. 01:20:915 (6) - unsnapped
Hey M4m from your queue c:


You should be more consistent with your NCs, sometimes they are far apart and other times they are close together and I don't see a reason why
00:01:292 (1) - You could move this to about x:264 y:172 to improve the flow a bit
00:18:347 (2,3,4) - The blankets with 2 could be improved a bit
00:49:580 (2,3,4) - The distance between 2 and 3 is too large compared to the one between 3 and 4. just move them closer together and it should be better
00:59:647 (3) - Move it up a bit for better flow
01:01:908 (9,10) - It looks a bit bad with manual stacking, just let them stack normally
01:03:552 (5) - Make it more like this (for better flow):
01:06:634 (5) - It's a bit too high over the grid, move it down a bit
01:07:867 (1,2,3) - Again, spacing between these is a bit confusing
01:18:962 (3,4) - The stack isn't perfect
01:20:812 (8) - A bit too high over the grid again, consider moving it down a bit


01:25:127 (1) - Add a whistle to the spinner like in the other diff


01:25:127 (1) - Whistle
01:02:113 (1) - The blanket isn't quiiiiite perfect it's just a bit off
Can't find anything else


01:11:976 (1,2) - These two sliders are too low, move them up or replace them with something else

Make sure you use DS throughout the whole diff, I've noticed there's some notes not properly snapped. I don't think I can find all of them but I'll try
00:04:536 (1)
00:18:963 (2)
00:42:388 (2)
00:50:607 (1)
01:04:579 (2)
Thats all I could find
Make sure the notes after are distance snapped as well after moving these
01:25:127 (1) - Whistle
That's about it!
Good luck with the map c:
M4M from your queue
By the way, my mods may be biased towards the fact that I'm a mod player :D


Add "sao" to the tags


00:52:662 (2) Feels awkward when playing with HD,DT,HR. Plus, the piano sound that it's mapped to is much quieter than the other stuff. I'd remove it and space out the notes after it more to compensate the change.


I see nothing wrong with this diff Because I'm not looking hard enough kappa
Very good difficulty


01:16:291 (4) - 01:16:908 (7) Feels awkward when playing with HD,DT. It feels "compressed" and doesn't flow as well as it could. Maybe try something like this?

01:21:017 (7) - 01:21:634 (10) Same as above, feels compressed and should be spaced out more.


00:58:518 (2,3,4) Straighten out this stream so that it flows better

Hope this helped :)
Topic Starter
It has been holiday for me with movings I had to do, so I'll respond to the M4Ms and mods tomorrow!
Sorry if I am taking so long :/
Topic Starter

TheKoala wrote:

Hey M4m from your queue c:


You should be more consistent with your NCs, sometimes they are far apart and other times they are close together and I don't see a reason why
00:01:292 (1) - You could move this to about x:264 y:172 to improve the flow a bit moved from 262, 159 :>
00:18:347 (2,3,4) - The blankets with 2 could be improved a bit I think it's fine :> (or my eyes might be bad)
00:49:580 (2,3,4) - The distance between 2 and 3 is too large compared to the one between 3 and 4. just move them closer together and it should be better mmm I'll ask someone about this. Cuz I'm NOOB!
00:59:647 (3) - Move it up a bit for better flow moved from 217, 88 -->
01:01:908 (9,10) - It looks a bit bad with manual stacking, just let them stack normally kayy
01:03:552 (5) - Make it more like this (for better flow): I think it's fine
01:06:634 (5) - It's a bit too high over the grid, move it down a bit okay
01:07:867 (1,2,3) - Again, spacing between these is a bit confusing I'll ask :D
01:18:962 (3,4) - The stack isn't perfect fixed!
01:20:812 (8) - A bit too high over the grid again, consider moving it down a bit doesn't touch the HP bar, so it's fine :))


01:25:127 (1) - Add a whistle to the spinner like in the other diff fixed!


01:25:127 (1) - Whistle fixed!
01:02:113 (1) - The blanket isn't quiiiiite perfect it's just a bit off fixed!
Can't find anything else


01:11:976 (1,2) - These two sliders are too low, move them up or replace them with something else these are within the playfield,which should be fine

Make sure you use DS throughout the whole diff, I've noticed there's some notes not properly snapped. I don't think I can find all of them but I'll try What do you mean by snapped? if you mean having the DS on, I always had it. Maybe it's because I sometimes turned off grid snap. No change for now, since I'll also ask around about this
00:04:536 (1)
00:18:963 (2)
00:42:388 (2)
00:50:607 (1)
01:04:579 (2)
Thats all I could find
Make sure the notes after are distance snapped as well after moving these
01:25:127 (1) - Whistle fixed!

That's about it!

Good luck with the map c:
Thank you!! I'll mod back your map after my sleep :>
I will respond to the rest of the mods after finishing Koala's M4M
Just a remark no kudos necessary

I think bpm is quite a mess. Try using bpm 146.00 with offset 1310 throughout the entire song
If you look at the piano sheet, you'll find that most beats are half notes. That's why I bump them to 146 instead of 73

There are unsnapped sliders/spinners in the following diff according to AIBat
  1. 01:25:127 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
  1. 01:25:127 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
  1. 00:55:128 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
  2. 01:25:127 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
  1. 01:26:411 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
  2. 01:26:411 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
I'll do M4M
But right now I would like you to fix bpm first
let me know when you're ready, I'll do further modding :)
chnage my mind, I'll do it then

  1. 00:12:799 (1,1) These 2 spinners are too close to each other. You'll see that new spinner appears before old spinner finished. Move 00:14:546 (1) to 00:14:584 extend tail to 00:16:909
  2. 00:58:826 (1,2) swap their position and curve them like this. It makes a better flow from left to right
  3. 01:11:976 (1,2) These notes are out of play grid. Move them up
  1. 00:12:799 (1,1) same reason as easy
  2. 01:05:401 (1) The arrow doesn't end at right vocal timing. So, I suggest use slider end it at white tick (01:06:223 drum hit). Then at a note at red tick (01:06:634)
  3. 00:27:594 (1) rhythm doesn't match. Use note instead of slider
  4. 00:52:251 (2) blanket with (1)
  5. 01:16:908 (3) You don't have to cornered it. Change red dot to white dot
  1. 00:48:141 (3,4) Is this jump intentional. It's quite big imo (2.03x)
  2. 01:02:113 (1,2) Try something like this
  3. 01:16:291 (4,5,6) use reflected slider
  4. 01:17:319 (8,3,4) other large jumps
  5. 01:21:042 (6) rhythm doesn't exists here
Topic Starter

makemek wrote:

Just a remark no kudos necessary

I think bpm is quite a mess. Try using bpm 146.00 with offset 1310 throughout the entire song
If you look at the piano sheet, you'll find that most beats are half notes. That's why I bump them to 146 instead of 73

There are unsnapped sliders/spinners in the following diff according to AIBat
  1. 01:25:127 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
  1. 01:25:127 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
  1. 00:55:128 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end).
  2. 01:25:127 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
  1. 01:26:411 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
  2. 01:26:411 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
I'll do M4M
But right now I would like you to fix bpm first
let me know when you're ready, I'll do further modding :)
I'm so sorry T T although you have taken the time to look at this,
I am not going to change the timing until someone really experienced has taken a look. It will take place for sure when the BNs or QATs look at it. Still, I tried my best to have the timing measured.

Although Umi's map has a single timing line, it is not quite right. In fact, the more recently ranked map of an extended version of this song has multiple timing lines. This is because the pianist is not consistent on the beat. (I'm not saying your timing sucks, FYI. I am aware that there are many more people out there that are Waay better than me at timing).

My BPM follows the drum, which is at 73. On the other hand, the spinner is right on where the voice ends, on a 1/16 beat. I tried on full volume and on 25% playrate.

Thank you very much for looking at this tough! I'd love to do m4m with you :)

Ninja Bunny wrote:

I'm so sorry T T although you have taken the time to look at this,
I am not going to change the timing until someone really experienced has taken a look. It will take place for sure when the BNs or QATs look at it. Still, I tried my best to have the timing measured.

Although Umi's map has a single timing line, it is not quite right. In fact, the more recently ranked map of an extended version of this song has multiple timing lines. This is because the pianist is not consistent on the beat. (I'm not saying your timing sucks, FYI. I am aware that there are many more people out there that are Waay better than me at timing).

My BPM follows the drum, which is at 73. On the other hand, the spinner is right on where the voice ends, on a 1/16 beat. I tried on full volume and on 25% playrate.

Thank you very much for looking at this tough! I'd love to do m4m with you :)
You're right.
Because piano is live played. Not computer generated, sure that bpm will be slightly off
Anyway, keep it up.
Good luck :)
Topic Starter

zj0924 wrote:

Hi!From my queue

  1. I don't understand why there are so many timing point,umi's version is single timing pointed...just because it is ranked, doesn't mean that the timing is right--the piano is not on right beat ;w;
  2. hitsounds need to be improved kayy

  1. 00:19:374 (3) - remove drum on arrow use soft hitnormal removed drum hitsound in general, thanks!
  2. 00:22:662 (3) - ^
  3. 00:25:950 (3) -
  4. 00:34:169 (1) -
    plz remove others by yourself I do think that hitsound needs to be improved, but I do not like the sound of the whistles on the places you suggested. Sorry!
  5. 00:40:744 (1) - whistle?
  6. 00:42:388 (2) - arrow whistle?
  7. 00:45:265 (1) - whsitle for piano key guitar sound is louder, so no
  8. 00:51:840 (1) - finishapplied soft whistle instead!
  9. 00:52:662 (2,3) - sounds weird I mean this may feel confusing for beginners.snare sound is more important than kick sound here so this will be a better choice ehh okay this part was pointed out several times, so I'll fix it
  10. 00:55:539 (1) - soft finish? no, i think the current hitnormal fits better
  11. 01:05:401 (1,2) - To be honest,I think these two don't fit the rhythm despite following vocal
  12. 01:08:689 (1) - finish? no
  13. 01:21:839 (1,2) - unsnapped vocal changed!


  • ds should be consistent 1.1(±0.3)done!
  1. 00:03:552 (1) - ds?^
  2. 00:04:146 (3) - ^ ^
  3. 00:06:859 (1) - ^^
  4. 00:17:731 (1,2,3) - ^^
    plz adjust them by yourself yeah actually i did, haha
  5. 00:25:128 (2) - arrow whistle
  6. 00:23:484 (6,7) - whistle
  7. 00:26:566 (4) - remove drum
  8. 00:31:703 (2) - whistle
  9. 00:36:224 (3) - whistle
  10. 00:34:169 (1) - remove arrow drum use whitsle
  11. 00:37:457 (1) - ^
  12. 00:39:100 (2) - whistle
  13. 00:39:922 (3) -
  14. 00:40:744 (1) -
  15. 00:43:621 (4) - drum
  16. 00:46:087 (4) - why follow vocal here suddenly?you follow instrument 00:40:744 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - so this will be sudden to play.extend to next white tick Tried something else:
  17. 00:49:991 (4) - drum clap
  18. 00:50:196 (5) - drum finish
  19. 00:51:840 (1) - finish
  20. 00:52:251 (2,3) - drum
  21. 01:08:689 (1) - unsnapped rhythm,obviously 1/6 is better,(strictly speaking 1/6 is unsnapped too)consider change the rhythm?I'll think about this.

  1. 00:52:457 (4) - what hell is this?Use 1/4 slider is just okay sorry about that;; but I think this rhythm fits
  2. 01:08:689 (1) - why a 1/8?use 1/4,the violin sound is unsnapped ^
  3. 01:20:915 (6) - unsnapped ^

hawkowl124 wrote:

M4M from your queue
By the way, my mods may be biased towards the fact that I'm a mod player :D


Add "sao" to the tags done!


00:52:662 (2) Feels awkward when playing with HD,DT,HR. Plus, the piano sound that it's mapped to is much quieter than the other stuff. I'd remove it and space out the notes after it more to compensate the change. changed!


I see nothing wrong with this diff Because I'm not looking hard enough kappa
Very good difficulty hehe, still need to improve! I tried :)


01:16:291 (4) - 01:16:908 (7) Feels awkward when playing with HD,DT. It feels "compressed" and doesn't flow as well as it could. Maybe try something like this? Did something different--I just rearranged the parts where you said they feel compressed

01:21:017 (7) - 01:21:634 (10) Same as above, feels compressed and should be spaced out more.^


00:58:518 (2,3,4) Straighten out this stream so that it flows better This is straight, although it doesn't look like it

Hope this helped :)

Thank you guys! I also remapped some portions of the map that needed improvement.
I'll mod hawkowl's map very soon. And hang in there, makemek

생각해보니 님 맵은 한번도 본 적이 없어서 한 번 몰래 봐봄...ㅋㅋ

00:28:915 (1,2,3,4) - 4번을 지우고 3번을 1/2로 늘려주면 00:30:148 (5,6) - 이 피아노 소리가 돋보이게 되어서 더 느낌있어 질 것 같아요. 기타소리가 있어서 지금처럼 1/4써도 안 될건 없지만 뭔가 포커스가 흐려지는 느낌이랄까 (물론 갠적인 느낌)... 저라면 피아노에 포커스를 맞춰 줄 것 같네요.

00:32:202 (3) - 여기 피아노에 아주 강하게 포인트가 들어갔으니 그에 맞게 점프를 넣어주면 치는 맛이 더 찰져질 것 같아요.
00:33:024 (5,6,7,8) - 여기만 따로 뉴콤섹션 넣어줘도 괜찮을 듯?
00:50:080 (6,7,8,9) - 아래처럼 패턴을 고루 펼쳐주면 더 흐름이 부드러워질 것 같네요. 물론 예시입니다.

00:51:723 (2,3) - (nazi) 두 개 겹쳐보시면 한 개가 약간 삐져나오는ㅎㅎ

00:54:188 (4,1) - 4에서 1번으로 갈 때 커서를 바로 꺾어야 해서 불편한 감이 있을 수 있을것 같네요.

01:08:367 (1,2,3) - 1번에서 2번으로 점프했다가 갑자기 3번으로 갈 때 디스턴스가 확 줄어서 불편할 수 있을 것 같아요.

01:24:394 (1,2,3) - 여기는 음악이랑 노트랑 시간차가 꽤 많이나네요... 따로 Uninherited 섹션 만드는 것도 고려해 보면 좋을 듯..

굿럭 :)
Topic Starter

makemek wrote:

Just a remark no kudos necessary now it's necessary!

I think bpm is quite a mess. Try using bpm 146.00 with offset 1310 throughout the entire song
If you look at the piano sheet, you'll find that most beats are half notes. That's why I bump them to 146 instead of 73 changed mp3, so that should solve all the problem with timing :)

There are unsnapped sliders/spinners in the following diff according to AIBat
Easy mp3 changed, so the spinners are now all snapped
  1. 01:25:127 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
Hard ^
  1. 01:25:127 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
Normal ^
  1. 00:55:128 (2) - Unsnapped slider (end). fixed!
  2. 01:25:127 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
  1. 01:26:411 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start). fixed
  2. 01:26:411 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
I'll do M4M
But right now I would like you to fix bpm first
let me know when you're ready, I'll do further modding :)
chnage my mind, I'll do it then

  1. 00:12:799 (1,1) These 2 spinners are too close to each other. You'll see that new spinner appears before old spinner finished. Move 00:14:546 (1) to 00:14:584 extend tail to 00:16:909 no change for now, I'll ask
  2. 00:58:826 (1,2) swap their position and curve them like this. It makes a better flow from left to right with DS applied, this doesn't look good--the sliders overlap. Thanks for the suggestion though, I'll use this in my future maps
  3. 01:11:976 (1,2) These notes are out of play grid. Move them upchecked in auto-play at 800x600, and this was within the screen. So it is good to go
  1. 00:12:799 (1,1) same reason as easy
  2. 01:05:401 (1) The arrow doesn't end at right vocal timing. So, I suggest use slider end it at white tick (01:06:223 drum hit). Then at a note at red tick (01:06:634) sure thing
  3. 00:27:594 (1) rhythm doesn't match. Use note instead of slider yeah, i thought this too and had already changed it before looking at your mod, haha
  4. 00:52:251 (2) blanket with (1) i think it's fine, I placed this more for flow
  5. 01:16:908 (3) You don't have to cornered it. Change red dot to white dotI was too lazy to blanket/wanted a variety, so i made this a red dot /runs
  1. 00:48:141 (3,4) Is this jump intentional. It's quite big imo (2.03x) it is! I love BIG jumps
  2. 01:02:113 (1,2) Try something like this tried something like that
  3. 01:16:291 (4,5,6) use reflected slider it disrupts the flow to 01:18:230 (7) - if I do, and I think the current position is fine
  4. 01:17:319 (8,3,4) other large jumps had been changed when remapping, so there was no issue with jumps here
  5. 01:21:042 (6) rhythm doesn't exists here it does, but since it's not clear enough, removed. Same with 01:21:312 -

Broccoly wrote:

생각해보니 님 맵은 한번도 본 적이 없어서 한 번 몰래 봐봄...ㅋㅋ헉, 감사합니다 ㅋㅋ

00:28:915 (1,2,3,4) - 4번을 지우고 3번을 1/2로 늘려주면 00:30:148 (5,6) - 이 피아노 소리가 돋보이게 되어서 더 느낌있어 질 것 같아요. 기타소리가 있어서 지금처럼 1/4써도 안 될건 없지만 뭔가 포커스가 흐려지는 느낌이랄까 (물론 갠적인 느낌)... 저라면 피아노에 포커스를 맞춰 줄 것 같네요.그렇네요

00:32:202 (3) - 여기 피아노에 아주 강하게 포인트가 들어갔으니 그에 맞게 점프를 넣어주면 치는 맛이 더 찰져질 것 같아요. changed like this
00:33:024 (5,6,7,8) - 여기만 따로 뉴콤섹션 넣어줘도 괜찮을 듯? NC'd 00:33:024 (1) -
00:50:080 (6,7,8,9) - 아래처럼 패턴을 고루 펼쳐주면 더 흐름이 부드러워질 것 같네요. 물론 예시입니다. 지금이 좋은것같아서 keep할래요

00:51:723 (2,3) - (nazi) 두 개 겹쳐보시면 한 개가 약간 삐져나오는ㅎㅎfixed!

00:54:188 (4,1) - 4에서 1번으로 갈 때 커서를 바로 꺾어야 해서 불편한 감이 있을 수 있을것 같네요. 요로케 바꿔봄

01:08:367 (1,2,3) - 1번에서 2번으로 점프했다가 갑자기 3번으로 갈 때 디스턴스가 확 줄어서 불편할 수 있을 것 같아요. fixed!

01:24:394 (1,2,3) - 여기는 음악이랑 노트랑 시간차가 꽤 많이나네요... 따로 Uninherited 섹션 만드는 것도 고려해 보면 좋을 듯..고려해볼게요

굿럭 :)
Thank you for your mod makemek :) I'll mod yours soon
브로콜리님 맵 봐줘서 감사합니다! 도움됐어요

as your request! came from my queue

  • General
  1. reset timing point same as with GuineaQ's Insane. 기닠님한테 물어봐서 타이밍포인트 통일화시키세요~
  2. you should fix new combo for same spot. 모든난이도가 조금씩 뉴콤이 다르니 제너럴에 쓸게요
  • Easy
  1. 00:13:299 (1,1) - 노멀은 위험한정도지만 이건 확실히언랭이슈가 될거에요. 스핀하나로 통일시키세요.
  2. 00:15:147 (1,1) - 얘네 둘도 그렇습니다 우선 제 어줍짢은 설명보다도 should read this forum ;) >>
  3. 00:56:039 (1,1) - 위와 같은이유겠죠? 어쩜이건 괜찮을수도있겠네요. 이 두개는 bn에게 물어보거나 qat에게 상담하는게 좋을거같아요
  4. 01:25:422 (1) - 이 스핀 01:25:627 (1)여기서 시작되게 하세요 노멀과 다르게 이지는 보컬아닌 음으로 끝내셨으니 저기가 맞다고 생각해요.
  • Normal
  1. 00:13:298 (1,1) - 노멀에는 위험합니다. 스핀하나로 통일하셔요.
  2. 01:22:956 (2,3) - 흐름을 조금 수월하게 만들어보세요 이런느낌으로!?
  • Hard
  1. 00:31:381 (6,1) - 뉴콤 스왑해주세요
  • Shirushi
  1. 00:05:079 (7,1) - 뉴콤 스왑해주세요 다른난이도도 그렇게 하셨어요. (7)이 뉴콤스팟입니당~
  2. 00:41:244 (1) - 여기머리 휘슬추가해주세요
  3. 00:59:018 (2,4) - 뒷배경음 맞춰 넣으신거같은데 히트사운드 뭐든 추가해주세요 그래야 나중에 누가 뭐라안할거같아용
언랭커블이슈만 좀 적어올려요
비트스냅이나 배치는 너무너무 좋아요 ㅎㅎ 한수배우고갑니다..~
기닠님껀 wip이라 나중에 와서 다시 한번 더 볼게요
that's it :)
hope this is helpful... ;)
A Mystery
Hello! for M4M. If it's alright, I'm going to link a map of a friend (I made a GD on it and he needs it more badly than I do, also my queue kinda changed into a modding team). It's shorter anyway. Here's the link

Since he doesn't need the mod anymore, I'm going to link this map instead Again I do not own the set, but it's a collab (and only 5 minutes)


  1. soft-hitclap2.wav has a delay of almost 10 ms. I highly recommend removing that.

  1. I'll be nitpicky about some things but it will improve overall quality
00:04:668 (6) - Curve this slider a little more, it will look better. I get the "slightly curved sliders look better" thing but on a short slider like this it's barely noticeable anyway.
00:14:942 (5) - If you care enough: move it 1 pixel to the left and 2 down for a perfect blanket with the spinner
00:30:559 (1) - Rotate a little for a better flow
00:43:709 (7,8) - This jump feels really unnecessary. Consider moving it on the slider head of 00:42:887 (5) - , and making the distance a little more equal between the circles.
00:45:353 (3,4) - Curve these a little? It will look less plain than now
00:50:285 (7,8) - I like the idea, but I really think they are too close to each other. Consider moving them like this
00:59:326 (1,2) - Flow could be improved, rotate the slider slightly clockwise.
01:01:381 (7) - Same here, curve the slider the other way around, it will make a lot more sense
01:03:230 (2,3) - This has a smaller distance than 01:02:613 (1,2) - , while the drum snare is actually something that could use a slightly higher spacing. My suggestion is to just make it the same
01:03:846 (4,6) - I think this is a bad overlap, remove it if you don't like it either, let it stay when you don't mind
01:07:545 (7,8,1) - Rotate this entire pattern anticlockwise for a better flow like this
01:09:189 (1,2) - I'm not sure what you are trying to do here but it's not snapped correctly to the violin in the background. If that was your plan, the first slider should be 1/8 and the next should start on the 1/12 red tick before the half of the beat, ending on the blue tick or something... You should ask someone like a QAT about this, since wrongly snapped objects can cause a DQ
01:13:709 (5,6,7) - Do something like this. Basically move the objects to the left. It will have a better flow with the previous slider.
01:15:764 (1,2,3,4) - This feels unnecessarily overkill, the jumps are a lot harder than the rest of the map. I get that this is an intense spot, but it shouldn't have such an influence on the average difficulty curve.
01:25:421 (1) - ignoring the downbeat with both a change of the voice and a piano note feels kinda wrong. You can use the same slider (but slightly smaller) and add a circle or something.

guineaQ's Insane

  1. Uhm I suppose you noticed already but the offset is all screwed up
  2. WIP


00:12:476 (1,2) - Consider stacking it like you did in the insane, looks better and makes more sense
00:22:340 (3) - 1 pixel to the right and down for a perfect stack. I know, the editor ruins them, but it's still visible when playing.
00:30:559 (2,3,4,5,6) - This doesn't feel right for a soft intro of a song like this. Even in the insane this is mapped with some sliders instead of using circles all the way
01:08:778 (10) - Rotate this clockwise for a better flow
01:09:189 (1,2) - Same as insane
01:18:230 (7,8,9,10,1) - This doesn't really make sense. Sure there is a snare pattern that could use a higher spacing. However, the downbeat uses normal spacing here, which feels really weird because the beat is so strong that it actually should be emphasized more than any of the previous circles. Move it further away like this
01:25:627 (1) - You use a slider for the voice in the insane, but a spinner in the hard. That seems pretty weird to me, so consider doing another slider. Don't forget to map the downbeat if you followed my suggestion in the insane


00:27:065 (4) - I suggest making this a 1/4 slider because you shouldn't ignore the piano
00:41:244 (1) - It will look better with the white anchors moved more to the middle of the slider You actually need only 1 anchor on both sides as well
00:53:161 (3) - Move this slider down for a better flow
01:04:257 (2) - Curve this one the other way for the same reason
01:25:627 (1) - Again I suggest using the slider and not ignoring the piano note


00:15:148 (1) - This should end on the blue tick. But actually I think you should merge the spinners to 1 spinner since it's an easy
00:18:231 (1) - Move this to the left for a better flow
00:22:751 (2,1) - I don't know if this is rankable in an easy, ask for some opinions
01:25:832 (1) - Lol if you don't make this a slider like I suggested in the other diffs, then at least make sure the spinner is the same.

Good luck with qualifying the map! I don't think this mapset needs many more mods
Hi~ Finally I made it!! :'D

Shirushi :

  • 00:01:792 (1) - I think you should make it a little more curved (same for all slider like it) imo.
    00:21:518 (1,2) - You can make a better blanked maybe? :D
    00:23:983 (7) - someting like this : is better imo. You break to mush the flow with a triangle :/
    00:27:065 (4,5) - I think it's better stacked.
    00:29:120 (2) - "Prev 1.5* next 1.5*" maybe?
    00:30:353 (5,2) - ^
    00:36:312 (4) - Why a jump? There is no note here, a simple 1* is enough.
    00:41:860 (2,4,8) - I think it's intentional but :/ I would prefer it stacked.
    00:46:175 (5,6,7,8) - It's very difficult with DT to do it the first time. A big jump should be better.
    00:49:463 (5) - curve it more.
    00:50:491 (8) - 457:130
    00:51:107 (1,2,3) - It's ugly :/ make 2 vertical at the center and 3 symetric to 1.
    00:59:018 (2,3,4) - There is no reason for a stream here, take it off :D
    01:03:230 (2,3) - blanket?
    01:10:010 (3,4,5,6,7) - again, why a stream? It's overmaped! Useless for players of 3* maps and for DT players :/
    01:16:997 (4,5,6,7,1) - ^
Topic Starter

Euny wrote:

as your request! came from my queue

  • General
  1. reset timing point same as with GuineaQ's Insane. 기닠님한테 물어봐서 타이밍포인트 통일화시키세요~네!
  2. you should fix new combo for same spot. 모든난이도가 조금씩 뉴콤이 다르니 제너럴에 쓸게요 fixed!
  • Easy
  1. 00:13:299 (1,1) - 노멀은 위험한정도지만 이건 확실히언랭이슈가 될거에요. 스핀하나로 통일시키세요. 네!
  2. 00:15:147 (1,1) - 얘네 둘도 그렇습니다 우선 제 어줍짢은 설명보다도 should read this forum ;) >>
  3. 00:56:039 (1,1) - 위와 같은이유겠죠? 어쩜이건 괜찮을수도있겠네요. 이 두개는 bn에게 물어보거나 qat에게 상담하는게 좋을거같아요

    Sakura wrote:

    Actually it's more like
    Easy - 4 beats
    Normal - 2 beats
    Hard - 1 Beat
    Insane+ - Anything goes.
    읽어봤는데 스피너다음에 어느비트에 노트 놓을지 정한다고 되있는데, 1/4박자 기준인것같네요--이건 1/8박자스케일이기때문에 easy: 2 beats; normal 1 beat; hard 0.5 beat; insane anything..인것 같습니다. 현재 가이드라인에 스피너 도중에 Apporach circle있으면 언랭요소라고 되있기도하네요. 둘다 충족되므로 다 괜찮은듯!
  4. 01:25:422 (1) - 이 스핀 01:25:627 (1)여기서 시작되게 하세요 노멀과 다르게 이지는 보컬아닌 음으로 끝내셨으니 저기가 맞다고 생각해요.네! 이모딩 보기전에 딱 이렇게 고쳐놨었습니다!
  • Normal
  1. 00:13:298 (1,1) - 노멀에는 위험합니다. 스핀하나로 통일하셔요.yes!
  2. 01:22:956 (2,3) - 흐름을 조금 수월하게 만들어보세요 이런느낌으로!?진짜 전에는 인위적인느낌이였네요. 고쳤습니다! 마찬가지로 01:24:394 (4,5) - 도요 :)
  • Hard
  1. 00:31:381 (6,1) - 뉴콤 스왑해주세요네!
  • Shirushi
  1. 00:05:079 (7,1) - 뉴콤 스왑해주세요 다른난이도도 그렇게 하셨어요. (7)이 뉴콤스팟입니당~
  2. 00:41:244 (1) - 여기머리 휘슬추가해주세요이상하게 들리니까 안넣었습니다
  3. 00:59:018 (2,4) - 뒷배경음 맞춰 넣으신거같은데 히트사운드 뭐든 추가해주세요 그래야 나중에 누가 뭐라안할거같아용00:58:915 - 랑 00:59:120 - 에 휘슬 넣었어요. 나머지는 그대로 다 고쳤습니다-
언랭커블이슈만 좀 적어올려요
비트스냅이나 배치는 너무너무 좋아요 ㅎㅎ 한수배우고갑니다..~저도 은이님 맵 보고 배우고 있어요! 저야말로
기닠님껀 wip이라 나중에 와서 다시 한번 더 볼게요
that's it :)
hope this is helpful... ;)
;) 도움 됐습니다. 모딩 감사합니다!

A Mystery wrote:

Hello! for M4M. If it's alright, I'm going to link a map of a friend (I made a GD on it and he needs it more badly than I do, also my queue kinda changed into a modding team). It's shorter anyway. Here's the link

Since he doesn't need the mod anymore, I'm going to link this map instead Again I do not own the set, but it's a collab (and only 5 minutes)


  1. soft-hitclap2.wav has a delay of almost 10 ms. I highly recommend removing that.alright

  1. I'll be nitpicky about some things but it will improve overall quality
00:04:668 (6) - Curve this slider a little more, it will look better. I get the "slightly curved sliders look better" thing but on a short slider like this it's barely noticeable, nice catch--I used 00:04:257 (5) - and then rotated 15 degrees and placed it on the same spot. Idk what I was thinking back then haha
00:14:942 (5) - If you care enough: move it 1 pixel to the left and 2 down for a perfect blanket with the spinner did something else, moved to 106,208
00:30:559 (1) - Rotate a little for a better flow-5 degrees <3
00:43:709 (7,8) - This jump feels really unnecessary. Consider moving it on the slider head of 00:42:887 (5) - , and making the distance a little more equal between the circles. Did what you said, made a triangle with 2.25 spacing:
00:45:353 (3,4) - Curve these a little? It will look less plain than now I like the way it is plain, so no change
00:50:285 (7,8) - I like the idea, but I really think they are too close to each other. Consider moving them like thisdid something similar: so that this pattern also stacks with 00:49:052 (4) - 's head
00:59:326 (1,2) - Flow could be improved, rotate the slider slightly clockwise.
01:01:381 (7) - Same here, curve the slider the other way around, it will make a lot more sense no change for now.
01:03:230 (2,3) - This has a smaller distance than 01:02:613 (1,2) - , while the drum snare is actually something that could use a slightly higher spacing. My suggestion is to just make it the same
01:03:846 (4,6) - I think this is a bad overlap, remove it if you don't like it either, let it stay when you don't mind
01:07:545 (7,8,1) - Rotate this entire pattern anticlockwise for a better flow like this
01:09:189 (1,2) - I'm not sure what you are trying to do here but it's not snapped correctly to the violin in the background. If that was your plan, the first slider should be 1/8 and the next should start on the 1/12 red tick before the half of the beat, ending on the blue tick or something... You should ask someone like a QAT about this, since wrongly snapped objects can cause a DQ I think the rhythm is fine
01:13:709 (5,6,7) - Do something like this. Basically move the objects to the left. It will have a better flow with the previous slider. done!!
01:15:764 (1,2,3,4) - This feels unnecessarily overkill, the jumps are a lot harder than the rest of the map. I get that this is an intense spot, but it shouldn't have such an influence on the average difficulty curve. I fixed it:
01:25:421 (1) - ignoring the downbeat with both a change of the voice and a piano note feels kinda wrong. You can use the same slider (but slightly smaller) and add a circle or something. I think this is fine, but I’ll ask!

guineaQ's Insane

  1. Uhm I suppose you noticed already but the offset is all screwed up yaaa I’ll ask him if I could change the timing for him once he’s back
  2. WIP


00:12:476 (1,2) - Consider stacking it like you did in the insane, looks better and makes more sense fixed with 0.7x distance
00:22:340 (3) - 1 pixel to the right and down for a perfect stack. I know, the editor ruins them, but it's still visible when playing. okay, nice catch :)
00:30:559 (2,3,4,5,6) - This doesn't feel right for a soft intro of a song like this. Even in the insane this is mapped with some sliders instead of using circles all the way fixed!
01:08:778 (10) - Rotate this clockwise for a better flow fixed!
01:09:189 (1,2) - Same as insane
01:18:230 (7,8,9,10,1) - This doesn't really make sense. Sure there is a snare pattern that could use a higher spacing. However, the downbeat uses normal spacing here, which feels really weird because the beat is so strong that it actually should be emphasized more than any of the previous circles. Move it further away like this fixed in a different way!
01:25:627 (1) - You use a slider for the voice in the insane, but a spinner in the hard. That seems pretty weird to me, so consider doing another slider. Don't forget to map the downbeat if you followed my suggestion in the insanefixed!


00:27:065 (4) - I suggest making this a 1/4 slider because you shouldn't ignore the pianofixed!
00:41:244 (1) - It will look better with the white anchors moved more to the middle of the slider You actually need only 1 anchor on both sides as wellfixed!
00:53:161 (3) - Move this slider down for a better flowfixed!
01:04:257 (2) - Curve this one the other way for the same reasonthink it’s fine. I moved this to a different axis though
01:25:627 (1) - Again I suggest using the slider and not ignoring the piano notethink it’s fine. I’ll change it if there are more mods about this part


00:15:148 (1) - This should end on the blue tick. But actually I think you should merge the spinners to 1 spinner since it's an easymerged the spinners and ended at 00:16:586 -
00:18:231 (1) - Move this to the left for a better flowthink it’s fine!
00:22:751 (2,1) - I don't know if this is rankable in an easy, ask for some opinionskay, I’ll ask
01:25:832 (1) - Lol if you don't make this a slider like I suggested in the other diffs, then at least make sure the spinner is the same. yeah, made them all consistent—easy and normal has same spinner; hard and insane has same spinner now. wtf was I thinking

Good luck with qualifying the map! I don't think this mapset needs many more mods I hope so XD Your mods and maps are amazing, by the way! Learned a lot from them :)
Thanks Euny and A Mystery for very, very helpful mods :D I'll reply to other mods when there's enough number. Edit: no reply = change
Natural and funny. :D
Topic Starter

cookie_CoMa wrote:

Natural and funny. :D
Thank you!! :)
Foxy Grandpa
Hi!, from my queue~


You might want to fix this


00:40:422 (9,10,11) - For here on 11 you should add a slider to fit the vocals
00:46:997 (9,10,11) - NC
01:01:791 (8,1) - Move 8 up so it completely overlaps 1
01:05:079 (9,10,11,12) - NC
01:07:339 (6,7,8,9) - ^
01:17:408 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - Enn Cee


00:14:942 (1,1) - If you put this in the middle it'll look neater and cleaner
All i could find :p

Looks good!! Love this song ;-; Good luck!
Topic Starter
Hi!, from my queue~


You might want to fix thisYes! I'll ask him when he's back from the trip c:


00:40:422 (9,10,11) - For here on 11 you should add a slider to fit the vocals i was following the clap sound instead of vocal
00:46:997 (9,10,11) - NC i am NCing every other stanza of the music so can't fix it--it will break the NC combo
01:01:791 (8,1) - Move 8 up so it completely overlaps 1 Fixed!
01:05:079 (9,10,11,12) - NC no fix for same reason as above
01:07:339 (6,7,8,9) - ^ ^
01:17:408 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - Enn Cee Sorry your mods are mostly about this, but I don't want to break the NC pattern :'(


00:14:942 (1,1) - If you put this in the middle it'll look neater and cleaner it breaks the square pattern,so I won't move it.
All i could find :p

Looks good!! Love this song ;-; Good luck!
Thanks so much for mod! :D
Hi, from M4M queue


- Check AiMod (ctrl + shift + a)
- What is the function of this timing point? 00:59:326


AR 4? I think it's too high, set it into 3

00:26:449 (2) the slider isn't suitable with the song, don't use 3/4 slider
00:34:668 (1) ^
00:46:175 (3) ^
00:37:956 (1) Move the slider to x:8 y:132 ( to fix the blanket )

looks great


00:18:230 (1,2,3) don't put this 3 objects closely (how to say it :? ) it will make the new player confused
00:19:874 (4,5,6) ^
00:59:326 (1,2,3) ^
01:12:476 (1,2,3) ^
00:27:271 strong beat here and vocal's voice, you must add something or do something here
00:32:202 (2,3) remove the curve, then move the slider tail to x:48 y:80 because (2,3) don't have a good flow
00:52:339 (2) move the slider to x:184 y:112 ( to fix the blanket )
00:53:572 (3,4,1) overlap??? how about you use two 1/2 sliders?
00:55:627 (2) make the slidertick's sound mute
01:03:641 how about you use 3 circle like you did in this part 01:16:791 (2,3,4)
01:19:668 (2,4) nice flow, but overlap


00:13:504 remove the hitclap sound
00:14:120 reduce the hitclap sound (set it into 20%)
00:51:723 (2,3) blanket
00:53:059 remove the hitwhistle sound

looks perfect


change the slidertick rate into 1

WIP map?


00:02:408 (2,3) blanket
00:14:942 (1) make the slidertick's sound mute
00:22:750 (4,5) move (4) to x:136 y:144 and (5) to x:192 y:80, it will looks neat
00:23:161 (5,6) blanket
00:27:271 (5,6) stack (5) with (6)
00:53:059 (5) remove the hitwhistle sound
00:57:682 (1,2) i think it will better if you make a jump here
00:59:942 (2) move it to x:400 y:136
01:19:462 (3,4) will better if you make a jump

Nice song

Good luck~
Topic Starter

Lefia wrote:

Hi, from M4M queue


- Check AiMod (ctrl + shift + a) those are fine, except for the one with preview time. It will be fixed if the guy is still up for mapping!
- What is the function of this timing point? 00:59:326 new beat starts there


AR 4? I think it's too high, set it into 3 changed

00:26:449 (2) the slider isn't suitable with the song, don't use 3/4 slider
00:34:668 (1) ^
00:46:175 (3) ^ for all three i think 3/4 fits here
00:37:956 (1) Move the slider to x:8 y:132 ( to fix the blanket ) not intended to blanket!

looks great and thanks for the mod :D


00:18:230 (1,2,3) don't put this 3 objects closely (how to say it :? ) it will make the new player confused
00:19:874 (4,5,6) ^
00:59:326 (1,2,3) ^
01:12:476 (1,2,3) ^ they have experience with playing easys so i think it should be fine
00:27:271 strong beat here and vocal's voice, you must add something or do something here i like it this way so keeping it for now
00:32:202 (2,3) remove the curve, then move the slider tail to x:48 y:80 because (2,3) don't have a good flow changed to something else
00:52:339 (2) move the slider to x:184 y:112 ( to fix the blanket ) 00:49:463 (3,2) - are supposed to stack, so keeping it for now!
00:53:572 (3,4,1) overlap??? how about you use two 1/2 sliders? used 2 sliders!
00:55:627 (2) make the slidertick's sound mute not sure if that's unrankable, i'll check later
01:03:641 how about you use 3 circle like you did in this part 01:16:791 (2,3,4) keeping for now!
01:19:668 (2,4) nice flow, but overlap fixed!


00:13:504 remove the hitclap sound changed the volume instead!
00:14:120 reduce the hitclap sound (set it into 20%) ^
00:51:723 (2,3) blanket I intended to leave it as partial blanket!
00:53:059 remove the hitwhistle sound whistle hitsound follows piano, so I can't remove it :'(

looks perfect


change the slidertick rate into 1

WIP map?


00:02:408 (2,3) blanket can't--i don't want to break the pentagon xD
00:14:942 (1) make the slidertick's sound mute im not sure if that is rankable
00:22:750 (4,5) move (4) to x:136 y:144 and (5) to x:192 y:80, it will looks neat fixed
00:23:161 (5,6) blanket fixed
00:27:271 (5,6) stack (5) with (6) no, i wanted to emphasize the strong change in vocal
00:53:059 (5) remove the hitwhistle sound done!
00:57:682 (1,2) i think it will better if you make a jump here No change! it's the same tone of sound, that's why i stacked. Also I think stacking is another way of emphasizing.
00:59:942 (2) move it to x:400 y:136 no, it destroys the flow.
01:19:462 (3,4) will better if you make a jump
there is a jump--DS is 2.51 :)

Nice song

Good luck~
Thank you, for mod and the star!

I'll respond to the rest of the mod + do a mod on your map tomorrow! Thanks so much :)
Ultima Fox
Hello, M4M! :)


  1. 00:03:024 (2) - I feel like you could make this slider a little prettier, maybe by smoothing out the first part of it
  2. 00:06:312 (2) - ^
    00:53:161 (2) - I dont think you should make this circle under the slider end because it might be hard to read for new people, so try something like this
    01:24:394 (2) - Maybe extend this so it ends on the white tick (example ) and push the spinner back a little bit


  1. 00:18:230 (1,2,3) - Since this is an easier mode, make the circle lead into the next slider like this
  2. 00:19:874 (4,5,6) - ^
  3. 00:53:572 (3,4,5) - I think you should just change this to 2 sliders, it would be easier to play and go well with the music because of the beat on 00:54:189
  4. 00:59:326 (1,2,3) - Just like before (just a suggestion btw, not saying this is terrible) (another side note i think what you did is better here because of the more intense (less smooth) music)
  5. 01:12:476 (1,2,3) - Same as the last one if you choose, i would highly consider what i said about the more intense music though
  6. 01:24:394 (4) - Maybe the same as what I said about Easy


  1. 00:24:394 (8,1) - You should change this considering this pattern doesn't appear for the rest of this part
  2. 00:30:148 (6) - NC?
  3. 00:41:244 (1,2) - personally not a fan of this, but theres nothing really "wrong" with it
  4. 01:09:189 (1,2,3) - Pretty confusing pattern, maybe make 01:09:189 (1) a repeat slider or something, but make it a little easier to play
  5. 01:24:394 (4) - NC

guineaQ's Insane

  1. This preview time is different from the rest :o
    Pretty much it


  1. 00:27:271 (5) - but equidistant from (4) and (6)
  2. 00:21:107 (8,1,2) - maybe try something like this to make it easier to play
  3. 00:42:065 (3) - I think this looks better with Ctrl J
  4. 00:51:723 (2) - Ctrl G for better flow
  5. I think maybe you could add more ncs because the combos in the kai time go up to 13 :o

Done! Good luck with getting this ranked!~
(Oh my god this song is amazing)
Topic Starter
I'll respond to your mod tomorrow :)

00:18:230 (1,2,3) - The transition here is kinda meh because the tail of (1) shows to the head of (3) which can be distracting because (3) is visible really early. You could CTRL + H (1) and then maybe rotate it a little.
00:36:312 (2) - The shape of this slider is kinda "unbalanced" which makes the slider look unpleasant. Try this. Or just use the same shape as 00:51:106 (1), even though my suggestion looks a bit cleaner imo.
00:51:106 (1,2) - Stacks are a no-go in Easy difficulties, no matter what. Same goes for the upcoming pattern.
01:05:901 (1) - Spreading the red anchors makes the slidershape way prettier.

00:18:230 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Please show more creativity mapping-wise, as you repeat the rhythms over and over here while giving some variation later on.
00:33:846 (4,5,6,1) - You can blanket that too. :p
01:12:476 (1,2,3) - Flow is not so great and feels unnatural / forced because of the tail showing into nothing.
01:20:901 (4) - I don't really see a reason to map it with this snapping because the instrument the previous 3 sliders were mapped to isn't there anymore.
01:24:394 (4) - I'm sure that the repeat here should be on the blue tick, feels really off otherwise because of the vocals.

[guineaQ's Insane]
00:28:709 (2,3,4) - This pattern doesn't make that much sense if you really want to follow the music because if you use a back and forth pattern here it should beginn on where (3) is currently. The way you have it right now would more likely confuse because people except to hear a repeating sound on (2) already, which is not the case here.
00:29:737 (6) - Having the piano sounds starting at the slidertail is questionable since you made all 3 piano sounds clickable on the previous pattern.
00:34:668 (1,2) - The flow here kinda misses the concept of flow in your whole diff. At least that's what it feels like.
00:40:011 (5,6,7) - Wouldn't it be cooler if it was symmetrical? Example. If you wan't to change it you have it to do like I showed it because else you will have a weird overlap with the slider.

And I didn't realize that this diff isn't finished lol.
Topic Starter
Ultima Fox

Ultima Fox wrote:

Hello, M4M! :)


  1. 00:03:024 (2) - I feel like you could make this slider a little prettier, maybe by smoothing out the first part of it looks fine, and I want to keep it this way to make it symmetrical
  2. 00:06:312 (2) - ^
    00:53:161 (2) - I dont think you should make this circle under the slider end because it might be hard to read for new people, so try something like this stacking here is fine since it's 1/1. I unstacked 00:53:983 (3,1) - instead!
    01:24:394 (2) - Maybe extend this so it ends on the white tick (example ) and push the spinner back a little bit yes! been thinking about that haha


  1. 00:18:230 (1,2,3) - Since this is an easier mode, make the circle lead into the next slider like this changed!
  2. 00:19:874 (4,5,6) - ^
  3. 00:53:572 (3,4,5) - I think you should just change this to 2 sliders, it would be easier to play and go well with the music because of the beat on 00:54:189
  4. 00:59:326 (1,2,3) - Just like before (just a suggestion btw, not saying this is terrible) (another side note i think what you did is better here because of the more intense (less smooth) music)
  5. 01:12:476 (1,2,3) - Same as the last one if you choose, i would highly consider what i said about the more intense music though
  6. 01:24:394 (4) - Maybe the same as what I said about Easy


  1. 00:24:394 (8,1) - You should change this considering this pattern doesn't appear for the rest of this part I think rhythm fits here so will keep
  2. 00:30:148 (6) - NC? sure
  3. 00:41:244 (1,2) - personally not a fan of this, but theres nothing really "wrong" with it dang...i'm a huge fan of this
  4. 01:09:189 (1,2,3) - Pretty confusing pattern, maybe make 01:09:189 (1) a repeat slider or something, but make it a little easier to play
  5. 01:24:394 (4) - NC

guineaQ's Insane

  1. This preview time is different from the rest :o
    Pretty much it


  1. 00:27:271 (5) - but equidistant from (4) and (6) tried something
  2. 00:21:107 (8,1,2) - maybe try something like this to make it easier to play I just ctrl + H'd the whole previous set 00:18:230 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - . I want to use that corner
  3. 00:42:065 (3) - I think this looks better with Ctrl J i think it's fine, keeping since it ctrl j disrupts the flow
  4. 00:51:723 (2) - Ctrl G for better flow wanted same direction and emphasis, so no change!
  5. I think maybe you could add more ncs because the combos in the kai time go up to 13 :o Ahh true, done!

Done! Good luck with getting this ranked!~
(Oh my god this song is amazing)


Stjpa wrote:


00:18:230 (1,2,3) - The transition here is kinda meh because the tail of (1) shows to the head of (3) which can be distracting because (3) is visible really early. You could CTRL + H (1) and then maybe rotate it a little. good point
00:36:312 (2) - The shape of this slider is kinda "unbalanced" which makes the slider look unpleasant. Try this. Or just use the same shape as 00:51:106 (1), even though my suggestion looks a bit cleaner imo. done
00:51:106 (1,2) - Stacks are a no-go in Easy difficulties, no matter what. Same goes for the upcoming pattern. They are fine, as long as it is slow.
01:05:901 (1) - Spreading the red anchors makes the slidershape way prettier. done

00:18:230 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6) - Please show more creativity mapping-wise, as you repeat the rhythms over and over here while giving some variation later on. I am mapping the piano, which uses the same rhythm.
00:33:846 (4,5,6,1) - You can blanket that too. :p sure, later
01:12:476 (1,2,3) - Flow is not so great and feels unnatural / forced because of the tail showing into nothing. fixed
01:20:901 (4) - I don't really see a reason to map it with this snapping because the instrument the previous 3 sliders were mapped to isn't there anymore. mmm true, i'll keep thinking of a better way.
01:24:394 (4) - I'm sure that the repeat here should be on the blue tick, feels really off otherwise because of the vocals. ya changed

[guineaQ's Insane]
00:28:709 (2,3,4) - This pattern doesn't make that much sense if you really want to follow the music because if you use a back and forth pattern here it should beginn on where (3) is currently. The way you have it right now would more likely confuse because people except to hear a repeating sound on (2) already, which is not the case here.
00:29:737 (6) - Having the piano sounds starting at the slidertail is questionable since you made all 3 piano sounds clickable on the previous pattern.
00:34:668 (1,2) - The flow here kinda misses the concept of flow in your whole diff. At least that's what it feels like.
00:40:011 (5,6,7) - Wouldn't it be cooler if it was symmetrical? Example. If you wan't to change it you have it to do like I showed it because else you will have a weird overlap with the slider. yup this is wip, gotta ask the guy later

And I didn't realize that this diff isn't finished lol. lool

Everything w/ no comment = changed
Thanks for the mod guys!
  1. guineaQ has a different preview point
  1. 00:03:024 (2) - you can move a bit the first node like so it looks more cute
  2. 00:06:312 (2) - same
  3. 00:30:148 (3) - ctrl+g and move to x96 y 308. flows nicely imo

    nice map

  1. 00:13:093 (1) - i guess you forgot the whistle :D
  2. 00:19:874 (1) - remove nc to keep consistency

    holy this diff is so cool
  1. 00:15:045 (1) - whistle

    holy more cool diffs
  1. 00:14:942 (1) -
  2. 01:09:531 (2,3) - id increase the spacing a bit here so it makes the 4/12 gap more intuitive
  3. 01:24:804 (2) - this makes more sense for vocals on 1/12 divisor
cool mapset
good luck
Topic Starter

pkhg wrote:

  1. guineaQ has a different preview point
  1. 00:03:024 (2) - you can move a bit the first node like so it looks more cute
  2. 00:06:312 (2) - same
  3. 00:30:148 (3) - ctrl+g and move to x96 y 308. flows nicely imo

    nice map

  1. 00:13:093 (1) - i guess you forgot the whistle :D
  2. 00:19:874 (1) - remove nc to keep consistency

    holy this diff is so cool
  1. 00:15:045 (1) - whistle

    holy more cool diffs
  1. 00:14:942 (1) - no comment? i guess this doesn't look pretty?
  2. 01:09:531 (2,3) - id increase the spacing a bit here so it makes the 4/12 gap more intuitive
  3. 01:24:804 (2) - this makes more sense for vocals on 1/12 divisor I'll have to think about this since vocal is offbeat here..she starts on 01:24:873 - so might have to edit mp3
cool mapset
good luck

Everything else changed! Thanks for mod :)
00:14:942 (1) - whistle on tail xd i forgot to type it
Topic Starter

pkhg wrote:

00:14:942 (1) - whistle on tail xd i forgot to type it
ooh changed thanks c:
Hello m4m as promised~

  1. There's this but you probably already know
  2. Everything else looks good
  1. Good!

  1. 00:27:476 (5) - I don't like how you skipped an important beat like that, maybe try changing 00:26:449 (3) to a circle and then 00:26:860 (4) into a repeating slider, how you position these changes on the grid is up to you
  2. 00:33:846 (4,5,6) - it's better to have this as a repeating slider, or not map it so complexly, 3 single circles isolated like that seems like too much imo but eh I guess it's not that bad
  3. 00:34:668 (1) - this sounds better if you take off the repeat and extend it to follow the vocals
  4. 00:34:668 if you do the above try to map this beat
  5. 00:37:134 (4,5) - I wouldn't suggest stacking two single circles like that, maybe consider making these 00:37:339 (5,6) a single slider
  6. 00:37:956 (1) - this repeating slider doesn't fit imo, try doing what I suggested above and remove the repeat and extend it to follow the vocals
  7. 00:38:778 (2,3) - (I added in 2 that's why you're not seeing it) this could be a good place for a slider
  8. 01:11:654 (4,5,6) - again, it would be safer to place a repeating slider here, because having a player click three circles on 1/4 (red and blue ticks) beats without a slider to rely on to catch them is a bit risky, or i might just be overthinking it lmao
  9. 01:14:120 I feel like this beat needs an object
  10. 01:16:791 (2,3) - risky 1/4 but I guess it's fine

  1. you should add more distance between certain notes, having a hard with constant ds is a bit boring imo, but it's up to you ofc
  2. 01:01:380 (6,7) - I'm sort of eh about this, but maybe move 7 down a teensy bit and 6 a bit more up
  3. 01:01:380 (6,1) - you should stack these (6)'s end with (1)'s slider head
  4. 01:02:613 (1,2) - stack
  5. 01:14:531 (6) - move 6 a little to the left+down

    hmm that's really all I have to say for the hard tbh, very nice
  1. 00:19:463 (4,5) - the path between these notes is a bit forced, I suggest moving (5) back to the right and then moving the angle a bit more down. Curving it would be nice as well, since this part of the music is very soft and melodious. This way 5 can catch 4 better and you still get the emphasis you wanted.
  2. 00:20:696 (7) - moving down (7) would feel better so the cursor pushes down on it and emphasizes the instrumentals there,
  3. 00:20:490 (6,8) - stacking these would be nice if you did the above and movement into 00:21:518 (1) - wouldn't be so forced
  4. 00:22:134 (2,3) - this movement feels a bit awkward, I would suggest either making 3 a straight slider or making it curve upwards
  5. 00:22:750 (4,5) - again this path is a bit forced, it was probably your intention but it really takes out the smoothness of this section of the song as the way you have some notes placed is not flowing with the song
  6. 00:27:065 (4,5,6) - this is not very comfortable, I feel like ctrl+j'ing (6) and then rotating it 25 degrees on the selection center would be a bit better. move it downwards as you will
  7. 00:29:326 (3,4) - I think (4) should be a bit more closer to (3) since the sound on (4) doesn't feel like it needs emphasis, rather it sounds like it needs to be flowed into. emphasizing (5) with some distance would be good though
  8. 00:32:202 (3) - curving this would be nice because imo straight slider doesn't feel right here
  9. 00:33:024 (5) - I feel like this needs to be a bit farther away from (4). moving it somewhere in between (6) and (7) would be best, and also curving it like them would be nice as well, so it mirrors them and the similar sound they follow (the piano)
  10. 00:35:285 (2) - moving this in front of (1) makes more sense and plays better than having to move back like that
  11. 00:36:312 (4) - moving this down to somewhere like x=244, y=151 would be nicer, it creates a bigger distance between (5) and covers up more unused space
  12. 00:35:901 (3,5) - This overlap is a bit messy, I think it would be better if you moved (5) a bit more to the right and (3) a bit more left (and maybe you could blanket here 00:36:723 (5,8) if you did that)
  13. 00:37:956 (1) - move a little more down for more emphasis using distance
  14. 00:39:189 (5) - this note doesn't have anything on it that sounds like it should be that large distance from (4), I'd rather you distance 00:39:394 (6) instead since it has a sound similar to 00:38:778 (4)
  15. 00:41:244 (1) - I would move this down to somewhere around x=262 y=76 (not there exactly) for a better flow in the path, and then ctrl+g because i don't see the need for that much distance between the objects when they could just flow linearly into each other
  16. 00:42:065 (3) - ctrl+g this because distance would be better on this slider
  17. 00:44:120 (9,1) - I know these notes are far apart on the timeline, but still, if you remove nc you can see that the path is wanting to go one direction, but then the slider wants to curve down and that causes for a forced movement, not saying you should change anything but I would keep this in mind
  18. 00:45:148 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these are all very centered I feel like more movement is needed, so if you can possibly spread it out, that would be nicer
  19. 00:47:613 (11,1) - again, very forced here, would probably cause a slider break or something. so a straight slider pointing upwards would probably be the better option here 00:47:819 (1), yes it would cause an overlap with 00:46:792 (8) but eh it's better than the curved slider imo
  20. 00:55:627 (3,4,5,6,7) - I feel like these could be so much more than just a circular movement, like emphasis on 3, 5, and 7 would be realllyy nice
  21. 00:58:915 (2,3,4,5,1) - I really like this
  22. 01:01:380 (2,3) - move more up so the cursor path is more linear between the two circles
  23. 00:59:942 (2) - you have a circle here, but no circle here? 01:02:613, both have no beat to map to anyways, but i do prefer it with a circle
  24. 01:05:079 (3,4,5,6) - very narrow jumps
  25. 01:08:572 (4,1) - overlap can easily be avoided
  26. 01:10:028 - same thing here
  27. 01:12:271 (4,1) - forced
  28. 01:16:997 (4,5,6,7,1) - so goooood
  29. 01:22:956 (2) - this actually ends on a red tick
  30. 01:24:462 (1,2) - to be more accurate, these vocals actually start on blue ticks, but eh
Very nice set!
Hello~ NM from my queue

  1. 01:24:394 (1,2) - i like this kind of rhythm, i think it fits well

  1. 00:28:093 (1) - instead of a repeat i think a full length slider could do the job better and it doesnt sound awkward because of the sound in the middle
  2. 00:53:572 (5) - NC so it can be read easily
  3. 00:57:683 (1,2) - very strong here, I think you can make this a little jump instead of stacking to emphasize better
  4. 01:03:230 - I would put a circle here just for consistency
  5. 01:07:545 (6,7) - doenst flow well imo
  6. 01:25:421 (3) - pull this a bit lower just until 1.3x distance with the previous slider

  1. Uhh, using the title of the song for a difficulty sounds a bit lame, I would use something with the meaning of the title. Just suggestions tho
  2. 00:04:052 (4,5,6,4,5,6) - should be similar in distance
  3. 00:16:637 (1) - silence the end of the spinner lol
  4. 00:18:230 - ~ 00:44:531 - is the calm part, the steady part of the song but there's so little difference with the kiai part of the song which is much stronger. Use smaller distance here, and from 00:44:531 - use a bit higher distance.
  5. 00:49:052 (4,5) - I think you can emphasize a bit more here
  6. 00:53:982 (9,10,1,2,3) - the distance should be getting smaller
  7. 00:56:860 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - distance should be increasing and please, this is the last difficulty. Use some jumps to emphasize these two 00:57:682 (1,2) -
  8. 01:16:997 (4,5,6,7,1) - wow literally the highest part of the song and yet you choose to use small spaced streams. use jumps or use higher spaced streams to emphasize
  9. 01:24:805 (2,3) - fix distance

Good luck with this set.
00:01:792 (1,2) - 00:05:079 (1,2) - easy so probably not a good idea to switch polarities. a 3/4 repeat + a break would work nicely if u want
00:26:449 (2) - imo the downbeat for piano is stronger than the vocal
00:30:148 (3) - u might wanna move this up more to make it less confusing for beginners
01:20:901 (2) - yeah this is pretty hard so try ur best to fix this if u can
01:24:394 (2) - the stronger beat is definitely on 01:24:805 - so i suggest u put something there instead

00:26:449 (3,4) - try 1/2 + circle
00:33:846 (4,5,6) - prob change 4,5 into a 1/4 slider. would play a lot easier
00:37:339 (5,6) - try slider instead
00:41:244 (1,2,3) - flow is pretty awk here
01:09:189 (1,2,3) - maybe its cuz im on speakers atm but it sounds kinda off imo?
01:11:654 (4,5) - 1/4?
01:25:010 (2) - shorten by 1/4 +circle is cool too

00:12:887 (4) - whats the reverse following? doesnt seem necessary imo
00:15:045 (1) - u can extend for another measure and a half imo
00:24:394 (8) - this 1/8 doesnt sound really good here.. seems forced
00:28:915 (1) - breaking nc consistency
00:35:285 (2) - jump?
00:42:065 (2) - this flow isnt very good
00:51:107 (1,2,3) - u can have bigger jumps here (but keep them consistent)
01:18:230 (7,8,9,10) - pretty hard to read lol

00:24:702 (10) - ?
00:35:285 (2) - wats this flow
00:39:189 (4,5,6,7) - ??? lmao wat r u doing

00:12:887 (3) - same as hard
00:27:065 (4,5,6) - for this flow i wouldnt recommend accelerated spacing here :>
00:46:997 (9,10,11,1) - kinda random flow here, a bit messy
00:51:107 (1,2,3) - yeah needs more consistency
01:02:613 (1) - nooo not like this
01:09:189 (1,2,3) - dont use circles for these notes that switch polarity. use sliders instead

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