
ppplz - in-game pp gain and ranking stats [All gamemodes]

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It lives!

I am still working on the rewrite. As of now I have finished most of the code for the !pp command.

Here is a quick mockup screenshot from my development environment and some example output from the rewritten bot:

osu!ppplz (post for the old bot)

ppplz is an in-game chat bot that automatically sends you messages about your pp and performance ranking when you achieve scores.

Around 2 months ago I wrote this bot and I also postet this on reddit when I finished the first version and since then, I got quite a few users that are using my bot regularly. There were quite a few problems when I first postet it, and got myself silenced for spamming myself twice, but things have been pretty smooth in the past week.

How to use ppplz
To use this bot, just send an in-game IRC message to me (theFerdi265).
You can open a chat with me by searching for my name in the player list and click start chat in the menu that pops up when you click on me, or you can type "/msg theFerdi265".

Then you just send the commands as regular messages, so just type "!pp" or "!w" or any of the others and hit Send.

The bot has 2 modes:

Mode 1: !pp mode
Sends you the stats of your last played song (osu gamemode):
- Current pp
- pp change since last command
- Current Rank
- rank change since last command
- Song Rank (D, C, B, A, S, SH, X, or XH; X is SS, the H is for hidden)
- Song name with beatmap link
- pp of play, accuracy, weighted pp (if in top plays)
- was the play a personal best?

Mode 2: !w mode
Waits until you play maps and sends you the stats of every song you play.
Can be turned off with !uw
Send format same as !pp mode

Other Gamemodes
In order to use gamemodes other than osu! you have to send them after the command:

Gamemode names
The gamemode names used by ppplz are:
- osu, taiko, ctb, osumania

!w mode modifiers
You can send this after the !w to change how !w works
!w tries - also sends you messages on fails and retries (not recommended)
!w pbs - only sends you messages on personal bests (recommended, pbs are the only scores that give pp)
Note: When using both gamemode and !w modifiers, you have to send the !w modifier first: "!w pbs ctb"

Other commands and detailed description
!watching - how many people are using !w right now
!status - Current bot status, also indicates if real me is online
!help - links to the osu!ppplz help page on my blog (
Looks interesting, I'll try it.

Edit: Tested! It's a nice tool for PP farmers.
Thank you so much for this :)
I shall use this
awesome job ;D
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Branboo wrote:

You just send an IRC message in-game to my account (theFerdi265)

just do /msg theFerdi265 and then type !pp or !w or anything you like :D

Btw, added this to the main Post
i noticed that the accuracy calculation in Ctb isn't correct since its counting the droplets, juice drops and fruits as 50,100 and 300
so intestead of

[Accuracy = Total points of hits / (Total number of hits * 300) ]

you have to use

[Accuracy = Total numbers of fruits (objects) caught / Total number of fruits (objects) ]
Topic Starter

Kingkevin30 wrote:

i noticed that the accuracy calculation in Ctb isn't correct since its counting the droplets, juice drops and fruits as 50,100 and 300
so intestead of

[Accuracy = Total points of hits / (Total number of hits * 300) ]

you have to use

[Accuracy = Total numbers of fruits (objects) caught / Total number of fruits (objects) ]
Thanks for the bug report :D

I'll see if I can fix that (should be easy, just change the formula, but it may be harder than that if the gamemode info isn't in scope in the accuracy function)

EDIT: Turns out to be harder than expected. Will be put on the todo list, next major ppplz architecture change (which I will hopefully find time for soon) will feature the correct accuracy formmula for CtB :D
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ThePooN wrote:

The bot is online now, the logs don't indicate activity between 17:55 and 18:42, so that could be a small network derp (although the IRC connection didn't cut off, so it must have been a very short derp). There doesn't seem to be much indicating that the bot was down. So maybe bancho was just slow or the packets dropped.

Bot should work, but thanks for the report anyway :D
still not working? :/

i tried /msg too ..
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ThePooN wrote:

still not working? :/

i tried /msg too ..

It worked when I posted my last reply, but my ISP is having problems since 06:51am UTC+1 which won't be resolved until Monday or even later.
I'm trying to find out what the problem is, but it doesn't seem to be on my side, so I can only wait until my ISP gets stuff to work again >.<

I'll post here as soon as I get more info about what exactly is wrong >.<
if you want, i have a dedicated server at OVH (France), so i can host it
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ThePooN wrote:

if you want, i have a dedicated server at OVH (France), so i can host it

Thanks for the offer, but at the moment, the dependencies of ppplz are not very structured, ad it may be very hard to get it to run properly on a machine that i'm not familiar with. I am currently in the process of refactoring the code, so I hope it will be ready to be deployed elsewhere soon.

In the state that the codebase is now, I don't think it's a good idea to deploy it. Also, my ISP issues have turned out to be a misundertanding with the ISP concerning my uprade to glass fiber cable, wich caused my connection issues. If I'm lucky, I can get this sorted out before tomorrow evening. And if not, it should be done by monday.
ok! ;)
Is it back?

Anyway, great work.
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manjumochi wrote:

Is it back?

Anyway, great work.
Yes it's back ^^

My ISP managed to get his sh*t together and I hope it'll stay that way.
can finally test it! :D

What the f*** ?!
"17:12 Gained PP: 0.00, Total PP: 1773.61"
"17:23 Gained PP: 0.00, Total PP: 1773.67"
This a bug I think, please fix it
Topic Starter

Angelo wrote:

What the f*** ?!
"17:12 Gained PP: 0.00, Total PP: 1773.61"
"17:23 Gained PP: 0.00, Total PP: 1773.67"
This a bug I think, please fix it
Thanks for the report, will be fixed in next version (which is a major rewrite of the bot code, so it may take a while to be done).

Note: This usually only happens with small PP changes, so most of the time it's not really significant (what does a .06 change in pp actually mean?)
Great job! Weird thing is it shows my improved relative rank as negative numbers. Like #3000->#2900 is -100, should be +100.

(Also what is that creature in your avatar :D)

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NicoNicoNiii wrote:

Great job! Weird thing is it shows my improved relative rank as negative numbers. Like #3000->#2900 is -100, should be +100.

(Also what is that creature in your avatar :D)

Improved ranks are shown as negative numbers because your positioning in the rankings now has a lower rank number (your rank is now a smaller number => difference negative). That format will be changed in the rewrite to become "Gained: X PP (Y ranks), Total: XYZ PP (#ZYX) " or something smilar to avoid the +/- problem
drum drum
The bot isn't online. Are you not using a VM for this?
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Yesterday peppy told me that the bot had too many API misses (querying of invalid user ids) and that I have to fix it before I get it up again.

And no, I'm using a physical computer for the bot (a raspberry pi) that starts the bot on boot.
drum drum
If you want people to use it more I suggest using a VM
You can get good prices at

drum drum wrote:

If you want people to use it more I suggest using a VM
You can get good prices at
considering OP's age, it's difficult if you were giving him a paid VM option, unless someone is kind enough to donate

EDIT : t/263797 , should help you in a way :)
That is some nice bot bro, hope it comes back soon! Keep up the good work.

metrio wrote:

That is some nice bot bro, hope it comes back soon! Keep up the good work.

Unfortunately even the github has gone, I just thinking if there are some easier way to come back (like porting parts of code to other computer languages, so it can run using own connection, per example).
Topic Starter

manjumochi wrote:

metrio wrote:

That is some nice bot bro, hope it comes back soon! Keep up the good work.

Unfortunately even the github has gone, I just thinking if there are some easier way to come back (like porting parts of code to other computer languages, so it can run using own connection, per example).
Making it run on your own computer is actually pretty easy. Only problem is, that you can't send yourself a !pp message (in game self-messages don't work).
The next thing to include is making it auto-watch your user if it is started in personal-mode. Yes, I'll add that in/after the rewrite :D (would need an install of node.js though)
For those who are starving for '!pp' functionality, I have this small command in my own bot (at my username), also there is much more real thingy there:
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