
yanaginagi - Mizu no Naka no Kumo

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  1. Easy and first 3/4 of Normal were done over irc, including the chat log below.
    IRC mod
    2014-12-09 07:15 phate45: hey
    2014-12-09 07:33 Xelasto: hi
    2014-12-09 07:33 Xelasto: You need something?
    2014-12-09 07:33 phate45: i come from Astral Horizon queue
    2014-12-09 07:33 phate45: Kruzon notified me that you want help with your map
    2014-12-09 07:33 Xelasto: Oh
    2014-12-09 07:34 Xelasto: Yes
    2014-12-09 07:34 Xelasto: Are you one of the modders?
    2014-12-09 07:34 phate45: so, do i make a mod first then we talk about it, or do we just go over it together?
    2014-12-09 07:34 phate45: yes, i'm one of the standard modders
    2014-12-09 07:35 Xelasto: hmm
    2014-12-09 07:35 Xelasto: Can you make a mod first
    2014-12-09 07:36 phate45: sure, will you be around in half a hour or so?
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: Oh wait
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: Never I have time
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: Nevermind*
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: We can go over it together
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: If you want
    2014-12-09 07:36 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 07:36 phate45: depends on you
    2014-12-09 07:37 phate45: i see that it's your first map
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: Well
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: Not my FIRST
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: But The first SERIOUS one
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: But its still probably not that good XD
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: I tried my best to do timing well
    2014-12-09 07:38 phate45: ok
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: I dont know exactly whats wrong with my maps
    2014-12-09 07:38 phate45: let me testplay the easy
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: But I know that I need it modded like all others
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: XD
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:38 phate45: you can spec me if you want :D
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:39 Xelasto: ITs probably spacing
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: nothing really wrong here
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: yea
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: just the spacing
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: you dont have to overlap just because easy
    2014-12-09 07:39 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: make the notes touch at edges, that'll be fine
    2014-12-09 07:40 phate45: nice blankets here
    2014-12-09 07:40 phate45: that last slider felt too short
    2014-12-09 07:41 Xelasto: Which one?
    2014-12-09 07:41 Xelasto: The up arrow ?
    2014-12-09 07:41 phate45: the last small one bottom left
    2014-12-09 07:41 Xelasto: oh
    2014-12-09 07:41 phate45: i'll go over it in the editor once i finish the play
    2014-12-09 07:42 Xelasto: woops the spacing XD
    2014-12-09 07:42 phate45: the timing felt off where i broke the slider
    2014-12-09 07:42 Xelasto: Should I go over it in 25%?
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: 25% speed? never
    2014-12-09 07:44 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: dont use below 75%
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: unless very fast
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: which does not concern this map :)
    2014-12-09 07:44 Xelasto: ok
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: also, this kiai section felt really nice
    2014-12-09 07:44 Xelasto: Thanks
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: i dont see any reason for the new combos at the end tho
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: overall, spacing is an issue
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: it's inconsistent
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: editor time
    2014-12-09 07:46 Xelasto: So should I make the notes touch edges at the beginning?
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: 00:05:324 (2) - this here
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: too close to 1
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: if you move it a bit down
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: you can blanket 3 around the end point
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: it would look nicer too
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: Should I rotate 2 until its sideways
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: ?
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: i dont think thats necessary
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: just move it a bit down and bend 3 a bit more to create the blanket
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: So just drag 2 down and blanked 3
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: I'm just nervous about normal and hard mode
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: Oh yeah, btw sorry about this but do you have time for hard?
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: Sorry I completed hard after I posted
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: If you dont have time I understand
    2014-12-09 07:48 phate45: 00:11:688 (4) - if you space 1,2,3 here, you would need a bit more space to emphasize the 3-4 jump
    2014-12-09 07:49 phate45: i just woke up, i have about 18 hours before i go to sleep again
    2014-12-09 07:49 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 07:49 Xelasto: Oh cool :D
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: 00:18:233 (3,4,1) -
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: make 4 a note
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: and start 1 earlier
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: make it longer
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: fits better with vocal
    2014-12-09 07:50 Xelasto: number 1?
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: 00:18:233 (3,4,1) - spacing
    2014-12-09 07:51 Xelasto: Btw with 4 should I place the note at the end or beginning of the slider?
    2014-12-09 07:51 phate45: 00:19:870 (1) - this 1
    2014-12-09 07:51 phate45: note where it begins
    2014-12-09 07:51 Xelasto: oh ok
    2014-12-09 07:51 phate45: and 1 should start at 00:19:324
    2014-12-09 07:52 Xelasto: You mean 4?
    2014-12-09 07:52 Xelasto: Cause at 324 I have 4
    2014-12-09 07:52 phate45: 4 00:18:960
    2014-12-09 07:53 Xelasto: So it should one be one note?
    2014-12-09 07:53 phate45: 00:23:870 (1,1) - this feels too fast
    2014-12-09 07:53 phate45: no, just a longer slider
    2014-12-09 07:53 Xelasto: Oh sorry I meant 4 should be 2 or 1 note?
    2014-12-09 07:54 phate45: one note
    2014-12-09 07:54 phate45: just listen to the vocal :)
    2014-12-09 07:54 Xelasto: oh ok so nothing should be at 19:324?
    2014-12-09 07:54 Xelasto: oh
    2014-12-09 07:55 phate45: the blue 1
    2014-12-09 07:55 phate45: should start at 324
    2014-12-09 07:55 phate45: and end where it currently ends
    2014-12-09 07:56 phate45: 00:57:688 (2) -
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45: doesnt feel cool like it i
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45: s
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45: i suggest breaking it from one slider to note and short slider
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45:
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45: like this
    2014-12-09 07:59 phate45: 01:04:051 (2,3) - this precisely follows the vocal
    2014-12-09 08:00 phate45: yet 01:05:870 (4)- doesnt have a note before itself even though it's exactly the same vocal pattern
    2014-12-09 08:00 Xelasto: Should I place it above or to left?
    2014-12-09 08:00 Xelasto: The note
    2014-12-09 08:00 phate45: maybe make it blanket shape like 3
    2014-12-09 08:00 phate45: and place it above
    2014-12-09 08:01 phate45: take (2,3), rotate around
    2014-12-09 08:01 Xelasto: Ah so Light blue 2 and 3 should be rotate so as to not touch the other ones?
    2014-12-09 08:01 phate45: 01:12:233 (4) - this feels exactly like 00:57:688
    2014-12-09 08:02 phate45: what light blue
    2014-12-09 08:02 phate45: where are you
    2014-12-09 08:02 Xelasto: 1:04
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: use default skin, or at least the colors from it
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: for editing
    2014-12-09 08:03 Xelasto: Im using the default osu
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: or dont refer to the map by color if they differ
    2014-12-09 08:03 Xelasto: I see lightblue ;-;
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: cause i got the combo green here
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: maybe you added a combo somewhere
    2014-12-09 08:03 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: i meant, copy (2,3)
    2014-12-09 08:04 phate45: rotate said copy and replace 4
    2014-12-09 08:04 phate45: with (4,5)
    2014-12-09 08:04 Xelasto: Wait a minute, to think of it, I set the only colors to be pink, light blue, yellow, and white
    2014-12-09 08:04 phate45: here we go
    2014-12-09 08:05 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 08:05 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:06 Xelasto: How do I send a screen shot to you
    2014-12-09 08:07 phate45: shift+F12
    2014-12-09 08:07 phate45: it'll make a screenshot and upload it to osu site
    2014-12-09 08:07 phate45: and open it in your browser
    2014-12-09 08:08 Xelasto: OK i wanted to show you if these are ok
    2014-12-09 08:08 phate45: 01:16:597 (1) - replace this with two notes
    2014-12-09 08:08 phate45:
    2014-12-09 08:09 Xelasto:
    2014-12-09 08:09 phate45: hmm
    2014-12-09 08:09 phate45: not bad, but 3 bends out of grid
    2014-12-09 08:09 phate45: it doesnt look cool
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: blanket doesnt only mean in the center of the whole shape
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: you can make blanket with only first half of (3)
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: then make the rest straight
    2014-12-09 08:10 Xelasto: Could you send a screenshot?
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: ay
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: sec
    2014-12-09 08:13 phate45: hmm
    2014-12-09 08:14 phate45:
    2014-12-09 08:14 phate45: something close to this
    2014-12-09 08:14 phate45: i'm no pro shaper :D
    2014-12-09 08:14 Xelasto: ok
    2014-12-09 08:14 phate45: maybe adding some points before the red point would make the curve smoother
    2014-12-09 08:15 Xelasto: Also sorry but im still confused on this also
    2014-12-09 08:15 phate45: but you get the general idea
    2014-12-09 08:15 Xelasto:
    2014-12-09 08:15 phate45: whats wrong here
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: just in case, you are in the US, right
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: and it's like 11pm
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: right
    2014-12-09 08:16 Xelasto: yeah
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: so, it's night
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: why do you have such bright colors
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: do you hate your eyes
    2014-12-09 08:16 Xelasto: LOL
    2014-12-09 08:16 Xelasto: IDK i set it to those
    2014-12-09 08:17 Xelasto: But you only see the defaults
    2014-12-09 08:17 Xelasto: its weir
    2014-12-09 08:17 Xelasto: weird*
    2014-12-09 08:17 phate45: make it a couple shades darker, i'd say
    2014-12-09 08:17 phate45: why did you change timing?
    2014-12-09 08:17 phate45: this section was ok
    2014-12-09 08:18 phate45: just (4) needed to be spaced evenly between 3 and 1
    2014-12-09 08:18 Xelasto: Which one?
    2014-12-09 08:18 phate45: 00:18:960 (4) -
    2014-12-09 08:18 Xelasto: OH
    2014-12-09 08:18 Xelasto: You said to make it a note
    2014-12-09 08:19 phate45: that was earlier
    2014-12-09 08:19 phate45: no
    2014-12-09 08:19 phate45: well
    2014-12-09 08:20 Xelasto: Lol ok well at least thats fixed
    2014-12-09 08:20 Xelasto: BTW you said at 23:870 it feels rushed
    2014-12-09 08:20 phate45:
    2014-12-09 08:20 phate45: i meant this
    2014-12-09 08:21 phate45: yes, just start the spinner at :870 and remove the note
    2014-12-09 08:22 phate45: 01:21:506 (3) - either make this longer or just a note, doesn't feel good with the vocals
    2014-12-09 08:23 phate45: ^ 01:23:324 (2) - the same vocal pattern repeats here, but the map doesn't reflect that at all
    2014-12-09 08:23 Xelasto: Woah theres nothing wrong before that?
    2014-12-09 08:23 phate45: scroll up a little :)
    2014-12-09 08:24 phate45: i'm just continuing where i left off before you popped in your screenshot
    2014-12-09 08:25 phate45: 01:25:870 (1) - 01:29:142 (2) -- this whole section needs better spacing to reflect the rhythm
    2014-12-09 08:25 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:26 Xelasto: They should be farther apart?
    2014-12-09 08:26 phate45: 01:31:688 (1,2,3) - this can be spaced more, stretch this across the screen, it's really slow
    2014-12-09 08:26 phate45: now you are reffering to the 1:25?
    2014-12-09 08:26 Xelasto: OH
    2014-12-09 08:26 phate45: the rhythm there is note-slider-pause-note
    2014-12-09 08:27 Xelasto: Yes I meant 1:25
    2014-12-09 08:27 phate45: in the map the slider directly connects to the next note
    2014-12-09 08:27 phate45: so that feels a little off
    2014-12-09 08:27 phate45: did you take a look at 01:16
    2014-12-09 08:28 phate45: and 0:57, 01:04/05 and 01:12?
    2014-12-09 08:28 Xelasto: Btw with 1:23 what should I do there? Just do the same note patern?
    2014-12-09 08:28 phate45: change the repeat slider into something else
    2014-12-09 08:29 phate45: to allow you to add a note/slider after it without it being too fast
    2014-12-09 08:29 phate45: the same thing as (3) in the previous combo
    2014-12-09 08:29 phate45: 01:43:688 (3,1) - this is a cool jump, me like
    2014-12-09 08:30 phate45: 02:15:688 (3,1) - feels fast
    2014-12-09 08:31 Xelasto: So once again I should space between the spinner and slider
    2014-12-09 08:32 Xelasto: For 2:15?
    2014-12-09 08:32 phate45: make 02:15:597 (3) - a note
    2014-12-09 08:32 phate45: and start the spinner at 02:16:142
    2014-12-09 08:32 phate45: 02:24:051 (1) - place this a bit higher
    2014-12-09 08:34 phate45: did you take a look at the times i mentioned a bit earlier?
    2014-12-09 08:34 phate45: before your 1:23 question
    2014-12-09 08:35 Xelasto: Yeah I fixed that
    2014-12-09 08:36 phate45: 03:23:688 (3) - feels too close (same distance as (1) before it, but different timing)
    2014-12-09 08:36 phate45: 03:26:597 (3) - ^ same thing
    2014-12-09 08:36 Xelasto: This is what I did at 1:23 btw
    2014-12-09 08:36 Xelasto:
    2014-12-09 08:36 phate45: 03:36:415 (2) - overlap
    2014-12-09 08:37 phate45: what did you do before it, with the short slider (3)
    2014-12-09 08:38 phate45: 03:38:960 (1,2) - spacing spacing
    2014-12-09 08:38 phate45: 03:41:870 (1,2,3) - ^
    2014-12-09 08:38 phate45: 03:48:051 (1,2) - ^
    2014-12-09 08:38 phate45: 03:50:597 (1,2) - ^
    2014-12-09 08:39 Xelasto: There was never a short slider, do you want me to add one (1:23)
    2014-12-09 08:39 Xelasto: LOl
    2014-12-09 08:39 phate45: no, there was one, before the light blue combo
    2014-12-09 08:39 phate45: in the previous combo
    2014-12-09 08:39 phate45: 03:54:597 (2,3) - spacing
    2014-12-09 08:40 phate45: this
    2014-12-09 08:40 phate45: whole section
    2014-12-09 08:40 phate45: needs spacing
    2014-12-09 08:40 phate45: i'll just stop linking, you go over this and space things properly :)
    2014-12-09 08:40 Xelasto: Oh you said to get rid of the slider at 1:23 and make it a note or make it longer
    2014-12-09 08:40 Xelasto: BTW I should space them APART?
    2014-12-09 08:40 Xelasto: Right?
    2014-12-09 08:41 phate45: that was 1:21:506
    2014-12-09 08:41 phate45: the combo before that
    2014-12-09 08:41 phate45: you combined my two sentences together
    2014-12-09 08:41 phate45: scroll up and read that part again :)
    2014-12-09 08:43 Xelasto: It says "Either make this longer or just a note, it doesnt fell good with the vocals*
    2014-12-09 08:43 phate45: and yes, all of the spacing is that the notes are too close together
    2014-12-09 08:43 phate45: yes
    2014-12-09 08:43 phate45: and then theres the other one, remove the repeat slider and change it around
    2014-12-09 08:43 phate45: which you already did
    2014-12-09 08:44 phate45: aand thats about it for the easy diff
    2014-12-09 08:44 phate45: except the new combos at the end, does not feel necessary
    2014-12-09 08:44 phate45: unless you just want to show off a color combination
    2014-12-09 08:44 phate45: let me know when you go through all the changes up to the last time posted
    2014-12-09 08:44 Xelasto: Thats originally what I wanted to do
    2014-12-09 08:44 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: I feel like the normal and hard will be TRAIN WRECKS of maps
    2014-12-09 08:45 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 08:45 phate45: we'll see
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: Especially hard since I added "invisible notes"
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: Well
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: Its hard to explain
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: But if you play it you will know what I mean
    2014-12-09 08:45 phate45: we'll get to it :)
    2014-12-09 08:46 Xelasto: kk I'll correct the notes
    2014-12-09 08:56 Xelasto: Ok It should be all fixed
    2014-12-09 08:56 Xelasto: I'll update it now
    2014-12-09 08:56 phate45: wait
    2014-12-09 08:56 phate45: let's do all diffs
    2014-12-09 08:56 Xelasto: Oh ok
    2014-12-09 08:56 Xelasto: Also btw with normal
    2014-12-09 08:56 phate45: normal time :)
    2014-12-09 08:57 Xelasto: I really think I should slow it down near the end
    2014-12-09 08:57 phate45: wanna spec?
    2014-12-09 08:57 phate45: we'll see
    2014-12-09 08:57 Xelasto: MABYE its just me but I think Its too fast
    2014-12-09 08:57 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:57 phate45: good so far
    2014-12-09 08:57 Xelasto: :D
    2014-12-09 08:58 phate45: that note-2sliders-note in top right miight be a bit off
    2014-12-09 08:59 phate45: the blankets here were off
    2014-12-09 08:59 phate45: i'll look at them too
    2014-12-09 09:00 Xelasto: Now that I think of spacing, I just noticed a few problems already
    2014-12-09 09:00 phate45: timing is offf
    2014-12-09 09:01 phate45: that sliderbreak is also timing
    2014-12-09 09:01 Xelasto: Sorry I proofread everything EXCEPT spacing XD
    2014-12-09 09:03 Xelasto: So I'm guessing there is some major problems with spacing once again
    2014-12-09 09:03 phate45: yes
    2014-12-09 09:03 phate45: i wont even point it out
    2014-12-09 09:03 phate45: except if you ask
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: you should work on that :)
    2014-12-09 09:04 Xelasto: And a bit of timing here and there?
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: yes
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: and some positioning
    2014-12-09 09:04 Xelasto: anything else?
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: i'll go over in the editor and we'll see
    2014-12-09 09:04 Xelasto: Positioning?
    2014-12-09 09:04 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: 00:06:233 (2) -
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: why is this in here
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: you follow vocals everywhere
    2014-12-09 09:05 phate45: there are no vocals on this spot
    2014-12-09 09:05 Xelasto: Should I replace it with a note?
    2014-12-09 09:05 phate45: leave it blank
    2014-12-09 09:06 phate45: 00:13:142 (1,2,3) -
    2014-12-09 09:06 phate45: remove 3, make 2 end at 00:14:233
    2014-12-09 09:06 phate45: an S-curve to connect 1 and (the new) 3 would look good here
    2014-12-09 09:07 phate45: except made from only one slider
    2014-12-09 09:07 Xelasto: How can you make an S
    2014-12-09 09:07 Xelasto: From such a small slider?
    2014-12-09 09:07 phate45: if you make it longer, so it ends at the time i specified
    2014-12-09 09:08 phate45: there'll be plenty of space :)
    2014-12-09 09:08 phate45: of course, it should start where it starts now
    2014-12-09 09:08 phate45: 00:17:870 (1) - this is completely off
    2014-12-09 09:09 Xelasto: Remove?
    2014-12-09 09:09 phate45: remove (2) here, move (1) to start at 00:18:233 and add repeat
    2014-12-09 09:09 phate45: ahh, the links are so broken
    2014-12-09 09:10 phate45: o well
    2014-12-09 09:10 phate45: moving on
    2014-12-09 09:10 phate45: also reposition the (1) to connect to (2) better
    2014-12-09 09:10 phate45: 00:21:142 (1,2,3,4) - 1,2,3 needs repositioning
    2014-12-09 09:11 Xelasto: WOAH
    2014-12-09 09:11 Xelasto: I just noticed
    2014-12-09 09:11 Xelasto: XD
    2014-12-09 09:11 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 09:12 Xelasto: BTW thanks so much for taking time to help me
    2014-12-09 09:12 Xelasto: I really appreciate it ^.^
    2014-12-09 09:12 phate45: 00:44:415 (2) - move the end point to better fit with 3 as a blanket
    2014-12-09 09:12 phate45: maybe make it curved
    2014-12-09 09:13 phate45: yes, i like to help new mappers :
    2014-12-09 09:13 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 09:13 Xelasto: Blankets dont HAVE to be wrapped around tight right?
    2014-12-09 09:13 phate45: 00:51:688 (2) - no vocals here, this feels placed to fill space
    2014-12-09 09:14 phate45: yes, they have to be centered
    2014-12-09 09:14 phate45: no need to center it 1px away
    2014-12-09 09:14 Xelasto: Haha I will admit
    2014-12-09 09:14 Xelasto: Some notes I added in as filler
    2014-12-09 09:14 Xelasto: Dont ask
    2014-12-09 09:14 phate45: i'm not asking
    2014-12-09 09:14 phate45: just pointing out :)
    2014-12-09 09:14 Xelasto: lol
    2014-12-09 09:15 Xelasto: So should I just delete it and do nothing else?
    2014-12-09 09:15 phate45: 00:52:779 (3,4) - replace 4 here with two notes
    2014-12-09 09:15 phate45: maybe
    2014-12-09 09:15 phate45: you decide what to do, i'm just offering advice :)
    2014-12-09 09:16 phate45: 00:57:142 (1) - remove repeat, add note at 00:58:233
    2014-12-09 09:17 phate45: 00:58:960 (3,4,5) - feels unnecessary
    2014-12-09 09:17 phate45: 01:11:688 (1,2) - same as 0:57
    2014-12-09 09:18 phate45: 01:14:051 (3) - suddenly point out drums? why?
    2014-12-09 09:18 phate45: 01:14:597 (1,2,3) - nice pattern
    2014-12-09 09:18 phate45: 01:20:415 (5,6) - same as 0:57
    2014-12-09 09:19 phate45: 01:27:324 (1,2) - 2 is slow note, dont hide under slider end
    2014-12-09 09:19 phate45: make a jump maybe, move it to the left
    2014-12-09 09:20 phate45: 01:33:688 (2,3) - not a nice blanket, but 3 by itself is too high
    2014-12-09 09:20 phate45: make 3 straight and move it down a bit
    2014-12-09 09:20 phate45: 01:36:597 (1) - this is good timing to show off drums
    2014-12-09 09:21 phate45: unlike 1:14 where it feels too cramped
    2014-12-09 09:21 phate45: there is a clear jump between 1 and 2 01:52:051 (1,2) -
    2014-12-09 09:21 phate45: yet they are so close together
    2014-12-09 09:22 phate45: dont always blanket because you feel like blanketing :D
    2014-12-09 09:22 phate45: 01:59:870 (2) - feels super randomly placed
    2014-12-09 09:23 phate45: curve (1) before it and make it blanket
    2014-12-09 09:23 phate45: that way it'll be closer to the slider as well
    2014-12-09 09:23 phate45: i'll wait until you catch up
    2014-12-09 09:26 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 09:26 Xelasto: X
    2014-12-09 09:26 Xelasto: XD
    2014-12-09 09:27 phate45: if you have any questions, fire away
    2014-12-09 09:27 Xelasto: LOL
    2014-12-09 09:28 Xelasto: 1:59 wasnt supposed to be there
    2014-12-09 09:28 phate45: but it fits the song
    2014-12-09 09:28 phate45: just the place is bad
    2014-12-09 09:28 phate45: :D
    2014-12-09 09:29 Xelasto: Oh
    2014-12-09 09:30 Xelasto: Ok
    2014-12-09 09:30 Xelasto: I caught up
    2014-12-09 09:30 phate45: let's move on then
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: o wonder
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: did you place the break here for the sake of break
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: cause the vocals are right there
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: there'd better not be a break here in the hard
    2014-12-09 09:31 Xelasto: I placed it there cause I thought that they would be tired by then
    2014-12-09 09:31 Xelasto: LOL
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: it's fine to think about rest in easy and normal
    2014-12-09 09:32 phate45: but people who play hard should expect a hard map
    2014-12-09 09:32 phate45: unless it really fits (like the singer takes a break, or there's vocal-only solo)
    2014-12-09 09:32 phate45: dont make unnecessary breaks in hard and insane
    2014-12-09 09:32 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 09:33 phate45: 02:14:233 (1,2,3) - this is a nice pattern
    2014-12-09 09:33 phate45: but dont make it any harder than this
    2014-12-09 09:33 phate45: in normal diff
    2014-12-09 09:34 phate45: 02:23:688 (2,3) - this is just like 1:14
    2014-12-09 09:34 Xelasto: Yeah thats what I thought
    2014-12-09 09:34 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 09:34 phate45: 02:30:233 (1,2) - i don't like this
    2014-12-09 09:34 phate45: the vocals go differently
    2014-12-09 09:35 phate45: remove the repeat from 1 and add some notes
    2014-12-09 09:35 phate45: 02:34:597 (1) - this is drums again
    2014-12-09 09:35 phate45: suddenly
    2014-12-09 09:35 Xelasto: BTW
    2014-12-09 09:35 Xelasto: With 2:30 What do you mean they go differently?
    2014-12-09 09:36 phate45: i mean that the repeat does not fit with the vocals
    2014-12-09 09:36 phate45: there's two words
    2014-12-09 09:36 phate45: but the repeat is like one word
    2014-12-09 09:36 phate45: it needs two notes
    2014-12-09 09:37 phate45: 02:40:415 (2,3,4,5) - the (5) is at the start of another sentence
    2014-12-09 09:37 phate45: the combo is wrong heere
    2014-12-09 09:37 Xelasto: Could you show a quick screenshot btw
    2014-12-09 09:38 Xelasto: Of 2:30
    2014-12-09 09:38 phate45: sec
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45: ay
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45: not two notes
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45: one is enough
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45: 02:31:324 (2)
    2014-12-09 09:39 Xelasto: k
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45:
    2014-12-09 09:42 Xelasto: Btw at 2:41 I did the combo thing to allow for recovery
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: yea
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: but it's off
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: the (5) should be (1)
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: and a slider
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: and all the subsequent sliders need to be moved back
    2014-12-09 09:43 phate45: and the last one needs to be removed in order for 02:43:506 (1) - to fit
    2014-12-09 09:43 phate45: since that is all right
    2014-12-09 09:43 Xelasto: So your saying that 5 should be the start of the first slider
    2014-12-09 09:43 Xelasto: and all the sliders should be moved back to fit?
    2014-12-09 09:44 phate45: yes
    2014-12-09 09:44 phate45: and the last before :506 needs to be removed
    2014-12-09 09:44 phate45: because it wont fit
    2014-12-09 09:45 phate45: 02:46:415 (1) - tis' good
    2014-12-09 09:45 phate45: 02:57:506 (1,1) - should be blanket
    2014-12-09 09:46 phate45: 03:22:233 (1) - you can map the break before this in the insane
    2014-12-09 09:46 phate45: to increase the difficulty a little bit more :)
    2014-12-09 09:47 Xelasto: 2:46 But arent they timed far apart?
    2014-12-09 09:47 Xelasto: Blanketing them would make them too close right?
    2014-12-09 09:47 phate45: i said 2:46 is good
    2014-12-09 09:47 phate45: 2:57 is bad
    2014-12-09 09:48 Xelasto: SorryI mean 257
    2014-12-09 09:48 phate45: yea
    2014-12-09 09:48 phate45: lessen the curve on the second (1)
    2014-12-09 09:48 phate45: so the blanket center is further away
    2014-12-09 09:48 phate45: and make it look nice :)
    2014-12-09 09:48 Xelasto: Wait
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: in the insane if you map the instrumental part as a whole, place a break around 03:38:960 (1)-, cause it's just relax vocals
    2014-12-09 09:49 Xelasto: Lessen the curve?
    2014-12-09 09:49 Xelasto: So like
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: make it bend less
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: that way the center of the blanket will be further away
    2014-12-09 09:49 Xelasto: Ik but Like how would that help
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: it will look nicer
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: i mean, you dont have to
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: but this is just like off-blanket
    2014-12-09 09:49 Xelasto: oh
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: a lot of people nitpick at it
    2014-12-09 09:50 phate45: if you make the first (1) end elsewhere, this wont be an issue at all
    2014-12-09 09:58 phate45: are you back?
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: Woah
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: Lol
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: I just disconnected
    2014-12-09 09:58 phate45: yeah, bunch of people disconnected at once
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: But I have to go to sleep now :l
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: Its getting a little too late
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: we can finish the mod tommorow if you'd like
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: or if you come after you wake up
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: in 7-9 hours
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: i should still be around
    2014-12-09 09:59 Xelasto: Well I have school still :P
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: then tommorow at the same time?
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: I mean if you will be around at like 3 PM tommorrow, sure.
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: But I dont know what that is in your tim
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: time*
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: But, you could just post the stuff I should change in normal and (if you want) in har
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: inside my maps thread
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: hard*
    2014-12-09 10:01 phate45: ok
    2014-12-09 10:01 phate45: that i can do
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: Ok, Thanks for everything ^.^ Sadly I cant give kudos 0-0
    2014-12-09 10:01 phate45: i'll post this chat log as an irc mod, and do the rest normally
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: Because I havent modded yet
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: k
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: Bye :D
    2014-12-09 10:01 phate45: you can give me kudos for the post the :)
    2014-12-09 10:02 phate45: then*
    2014-12-09 10:02 phate45: peace

[ Normal]
  1. 03:31:688 (1,2,3) - These 3 sliders have the same timing, yet (2) and (3) overlap, that does not feel right. Move (3) to the left so they just about touch.
  2. 03:57:142 (1) - Move this one to (16, 200), no need to overlap.
  3. 04:08:415 (1,2,3,4) - This is an interesting placement, but can be done better, align (1) and (2) more, make (3) and (4) into curved sliders (for blanket), and maybe end (2) where (4) starts, for nicer shape.

[ Hard]
  1. This is gonna be a long post.
  2. 00:01:142 (1,2) - Just plain notes here would be enough.
  3. 00:04:051 (6) - New Combo here would fit with lyrics.
  4. 00:06:415 (2,3,4) - These are just wrong, why don't repeat the previous pattern(00:04:779 (3,4,5)-)? The vocals do so.
  5. 00:12:233 (7) - No need to hide under slider here, move it to the right.
  6. 00:13:688 (2,3) - This does not fit with the vocal at all.
  7. 00:21:142 (1,2,3) - These 3 fit well with the song, all the notes before them until 00:13:688 don't feell good at all. I'd like to see that section redone.
  8. 00:42:779 (7) - This one is plain extra.
  9. 00:43:506 (2) - ^ feels the same.
  10. 00:46:415 (6) - Making this a note would be better.
  11. 00:47:870 (2) - ^ same thing.
  12. 00:56:415 (6) - NC here fits better.
  13. 00:56:597 (7,8,9) - Does not fit with the vocal at all.
  14. 00:57:870 (3) - Feels not needed.
  15. 00:59:688 (1) - Also NC here.
  16. 01:01:506 (1) - Not needed.
  17. 01:02:779 (4) - Feels extra.
  18. 01:06:051 (5,6) - Remove (5), place (6) at 01:06:051 and start the spinner at 01:06:415, ending it at 01:08:051.
  19. 01:08:960 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern tries it's best to look cool, but does not fit the vocal at all.
  20. 01:17:870 (2,4) - Ctrl-G, uniform direction here is better, you can make the switch if there's such a pattern later in the song.
  21. 01:27:324 (3) - Too long, end at 01:27:506 and start 01:27:870 (1)- at 01:27:597.
  22. 01:31:688 (4) - This is slightly hard to read, try making it a note and moving it for example to (272, 328).
  23. 01:48:779 (1) - The timing here is slightly misleading (at least for me).
  24. 02:20:415 (1,2) - Nice blankets, this and this section in general.
  25. 02:46:233 (1) - Remove one repeat.
  26. 02:58:597 (1) - ^
  27. 03:39:870 (6,7) - Feel extra.
  28. 03:56:779 (1) - All the sliders up to here, cool pattern!
  29. 04:08:960 (3,4) - Feel extra.
  30. Overall, check for pointless stacks on sliders, hiding notes under sliders, combo placement and flow. Work hard :)
Topic Starter

phate45 wrote:

  1. Easy and first 3/4 of Normal were done over irc, including the chat log below.
    IRC mod
    2014-12-09 07:15 phate45: hey
    2014-12-09 07:33 Xelasto: hi
    2014-12-09 07:33 Xelasto: You need something?
    2014-12-09 07:33 phate45: i come from Astral Horizon queue
    2014-12-09 07:33 phate45: Kruzon notified me that you want help with your map
    2014-12-09 07:33 Xelasto: Oh
    2014-12-09 07:34 Xelasto: Yes
    2014-12-09 07:34 Xelasto: Are you one of the modders?
    2014-12-09 07:34 phate45: so, do i make a mod first then we talk about it, or do we just go over it together?
    2014-12-09 07:34 phate45: yes, i'm one of the standard modders
    2014-12-09 07:35 Xelasto: hmm
    2014-12-09 07:35 Xelasto: Can you make a mod first
    2014-12-09 07:36 phate45: sure, will you be around in half a hour or so?
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: Oh wait
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: Never I have time
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: Nevermind*
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: We can go over it together
    2014-12-09 07:36 Xelasto: If you want
    2014-12-09 07:36 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 07:36 phate45: depends on you
    2014-12-09 07:37 phate45: i see that it's your first map
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: Well
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: Not my FIRST
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: But The first SERIOUS one
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: But its still probably not that good XD
    2014-12-09 07:37 Xelasto: I tried my best to do timing well
    2014-12-09 07:38 phate45: ok
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: I dont know exactly whats wrong with my maps
    2014-12-09 07:38 phate45: let me testplay the easy
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: But I know that I need it modded like all others
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: XD
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:38 phate45: you can spec me if you want :D
    2014-12-09 07:38 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:39 Xelasto: ITs probably spacing
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: nothing really wrong here
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: yea
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: just the spacing
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: you dont have to overlap just because easy
    2014-12-09 07:39 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:39 phate45: make the notes touch at edges, that'll be fine
    2014-12-09 07:40 phate45: nice blankets here
    2014-12-09 07:40 phate45: that last slider felt too short
    2014-12-09 07:41 Xelasto: Which one?
    2014-12-09 07:41 Xelasto: The up arrow ?
    2014-12-09 07:41 phate45: the last small one bottom left
    2014-12-09 07:41 Xelasto: oh
    2014-12-09 07:41 phate45: i'll go over it in the editor once i finish the play
    2014-12-09 07:42 Xelasto: woops the spacing XD
    2014-12-09 07:42 phate45: the timing felt off where i broke the slider
    2014-12-09 07:42 Xelasto: Should I go over it in 25%?
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: 25% speed? never
    2014-12-09 07:44 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: dont use below 75%
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: unless very fast
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: which does not concern this map :)
    2014-12-09 07:44 Xelasto: ok
    2014-12-09 07:44 phate45: also, this kiai section felt really nice
    2014-12-09 07:44 Xelasto: Thanks
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: i dont see any reason for the new combos at the end tho
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: overall, spacing is an issue
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: it's inconsistent
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: editor time
    2014-12-09 07:46 Xelasto: So should I make the notes touch edges at the beginning?
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: 00:05:324 (2) - this here
    2014-12-09 07:46 phate45: too close to 1
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: if you move it a bit down
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: you can blanket 3 around the end point
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: it would look nicer too
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: Should I rotate 2 until its sideways
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: ?
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: i dont think thats necessary
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:47 phate45: just move it a bit down and bend 3 a bit more to create the blanket
    2014-12-09 07:47 Xelasto: So just drag 2 down and blanked 3
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: I'm just nervous about normal and hard mode
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: Oh yeah, btw sorry about this but do you have time for hard?
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: Sorry I completed hard after I posted
    2014-12-09 07:48 Xelasto: If you dont have time I understand
    2014-12-09 07:48 phate45: 00:11:688 (4) - if you space 1,2,3 here, you would need a bit more space to emphasize the 3-4 jump
    2014-12-09 07:49 phate45: i just woke up, i have about 18 hours before i go to sleep again
    2014-12-09 07:49 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 07:49 Xelasto: Oh cool :D
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: 00:18:233 (3,4,1) -
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: make 4 a note
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: and start 1 earlier
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: make it longer
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: fits better with vocal
    2014-12-09 07:50 Xelasto: number 1?
    2014-12-09 07:50 phate45: 00:18:233 (3,4,1) - spacing
    2014-12-09 07:51 Xelasto: Btw with 4 should I place the note at the end or beginning of the slider?
    2014-12-09 07:51 phate45: 00:19:870 (1) - this 1
    2014-12-09 07:51 phate45: note where it begins
    2014-12-09 07:51 Xelasto: oh ok
    2014-12-09 07:51 phate45: and 1 should start at 00:19:324
    2014-12-09 07:52 Xelasto: You mean 4?
    2014-12-09 07:52 Xelasto: Cause at 324 I have 4
    2014-12-09 07:52 phate45: 4 00:18:960
    2014-12-09 07:53 Xelasto: So it should one be one note?
    2014-12-09 07:53 phate45: 00:23:870 (1,1) - this feels too fast
    2014-12-09 07:53 phate45: no, just a longer slider
    2014-12-09 07:53 Xelasto: Oh sorry I meant 4 should be 2 or 1 note?
    2014-12-09 07:54 phate45: one note
    2014-12-09 07:54 phate45: just listen to the vocal :)
    2014-12-09 07:54 Xelasto: oh ok so nothing should be at 19:324?
    2014-12-09 07:54 Xelasto: oh
    2014-12-09 07:55 phate45: the blue 1
    2014-12-09 07:55 phate45: should start at 324
    2014-12-09 07:55 phate45: and end where it currently ends
    2014-12-09 07:56 phate45: 00:57:688 (2) -
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45: doesnt feel cool like it i
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45: s
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45: i suggest breaking it from one slider to note and short slider
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45:
    2014-12-09 07:57 phate45: like this
    2014-12-09 07:59 phate45: 01:04:051 (2,3) - this precisely follows the vocal
    2014-12-09 08:00 phate45: yet 01:05:870 (4)- doesnt have a note before itself even though it's exactly the same vocal pattern
    2014-12-09 08:00 Xelasto: Should I place it above or to left?
    2014-12-09 08:00 Xelasto: The note
    2014-12-09 08:00 phate45: maybe make it blanket shape like 3
    2014-12-09 08:00 phate45: and place it above
    2014-12-09 08:01 phate45: take (2,3), rotate around
    2014-12-09 08:01 Xelasto: Ah so Light blue 2 and 3 should be rotate so as to not touch the other ones?
    2014-12-09 08:01 phate45: 01:12:233 (4) - this feels exactly like 00:57:688
    2014-12-09 08:02 phate45: what light blue
    2014-12-09 08:02 phate45: where are you
    2014-12-09 08:02 Xelasto: 1:04
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: use default skin, or at least the colors from it
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: for editing
    2014-12-09 08:03 Xelasto: Im using the default osu
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: or dont refer to the map by color if they differ
    2014-12-09 08:03 Xelasto: I see lightblue ;-;
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: cause i got the combo green here
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: maybe you added a combo somewhere
    2014-12-09 08:03 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:03 phate45: i meant, copy (2,3)
    2014-12-09 08:04 phate45: rotate said copy and replace 4
    2014-12-09 08:04 phate45: with (4,5)
    2014-12-09 08:04 Xelasto: Wait a minute, to think of it, I set the only colors to be pink, light blue, yellow, and white
    2014-12-09 08:04 phate45: here we go
    2014-12-09 08:05 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 08:05 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:06 Xelasto: How do I send a screen shot to you
    2014-12-09 08:07 phate45: shift+F12
    2014-12-09 08:07 phate45: it'll make a screenshot and upload it to osu site
    2014-12-09 08:07 phate45: and open it in your browser
    2014-12-09 08:08 Xelasto: OK i wanted to show you if these are ok
    2014-12-09 08:08 phate45: 01:16:597 (1) - replace this with two notes
    2014-12-09 08:08 phate45:
    2014-12-09 08:09 Xelasto:
    2014-12-09 08:09 phate45: hmm
    2014-12-09 08:09 phate45: not bad, but 3 bends out of grid
    2014-12-09 08:09 phate45: it doesnt look cool
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: blanket doesnt only mean in the center of the whole shape
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: you can make blanket with only first half of (3)
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: then make the rest straight
    2014-12-09 08:10 Xelasto: Could you send a screenshot?
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: ay
    2014-12-09 08:10 phate45: sec
    2014-12-09 08:13 phate45: hmm
    2014-12-09 08:14 phate45:
    2014-12-09 08:14 phate45: something close to this
    2014-12-09 08:14 phate45: i'm no pro shaper :D
    2014-12-09 08:14 Xelasto: ok
    2014-12-09 08:14 phate45: maybe adding some points before the red point would make the curve smoother
    2014-12-09 08:15 Xelasto: Also sorry but im still confused on this also
    2014-12-09 08:15 phate45: but you get the general idea
    2014-12-09 08:15 Xelasto:
    2014-12-09 08:15 phate45: whats wrong here
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: just in case, you are in the US, right
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: and it's like 11pm
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: right
    2014-12-09 08:16 Xelasto: yeah
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: so, it's night
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: why do you have such bright colors
    2014-12-09 08:16 phate45: do you hate your eyes
    2014-12-09 08:16 Xelasto: LOL
    2014-12-09 08:16 Xelasto: IDK i set it to those
    2014-12-09 08:17 Xelasto: But you only see the defaults
    2014-12-09 08:17 Xelasto: its weir
    2014-12-09 08:17 Xelasto: weird*
    2014-12-09 08:17 phate45: make it a couple shades darker, i'd say
    2014-12-09 08:17 phate45: why did you change timing?
    2014-12-09 08:17 phate45: this section was ok
    2014-12-09 08:18 phate45: just (4) needed to be spaced evenly between 3 and 1
    2014-12-09 08:18 Xelasto: Which one?
    2014-12-09 08:18 phate45: 00:18:960 (4) -
    2014-12-09 08:18 Xelasto: OH
    2014-12-09 08:18 Xelasto: You said to make it a note
    2014-12-09 08:19 phate45: that was earlier
    2014-12-09 08:19 phate45: no
    2014-12-09 08:19 phate45: well
    2014-12-09 08:20 Xelasto: Lol ok well at least thats fixed
    2014-12-09 08:20 Xelasto: BTW you said at 23:870 it feels rushed
    2014-12-09 08:20 phate45:
    2014-12-09 08:20 phate45: i meant this
    2014-12-09 08:21 phate45: yes, just start the spinner at :870 and remove the note
    2014-12-09 08:22 phate45: 01:21:506 (3) - either make this longer or just a note, doesn't feel good with the vocals
    2014-12-09 08:23 phate45: ^ 01:23:324 (2) - the same vocal pattern repeats here, but the map doesn't reflect that at all
    2014-12-09 08:23 Xelasto: Woah theres nothing wrong before that?
    2014-12-09 08:23 phate45: scroll up a little :)
    2014-12-09 08:24 phate45: i'm just continuing where i left off before you popped in your screenshot
    2014-12-09 08:25 phate45: 01:25:870 (1) - 01:29:142 (2) -- this whole section needs better spacing to reflect the rhythm
    2014-12-09 08:25 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:26 Xelasto: They should be farther apart?
    2014-12-09 08:26 phate45: 01:31:688 (1,2,3) - this can be spaced more, stretch this across the screen, it's really slow
    2014-12-09 08:26 phate45: now you are reffering to the 1:25?
    2014-12-09 08:26 Xelasto: OH
    2014-12-09 08:26 phate45: the rhythm there is note-slider-pause-note
    2014-12-09 08:27 Xelasto: Yes I meant 1:25
    2014-12-09 08:27 phate45: in the map the slider directly connects to the next note
    2014-12-09 08:27 phate45: so that feels a little off
    2014-12-09 08:27 phate45: did you take a look at 01:16
    2014-12-09 08:28 phate45: and 0:57, 01:04/05 and 01:12?
    2014-12-09 08:28 Xelasto: Btw with 1:23 what should I do there? Just do the same note patern?
    2014-12-09 08:28 phate45: change the repeat slider into something else
    2014-12-09 08:29 phate45: to allow you to add a note/slider after it without it being too fast
    2014-12-09 08:29 phate45: the same thing as (3) in the previous combo
    2014-12-09 08:29 phate45: 01:43:688 (3,1) - this is a cool jump, me like
    2014-12-09 08:30 phate45: 02:15:688 (3,1) - feels fast
    2014-12-09 08:31 Xelasto: So once again I should space between the spinner and slider
    2014-12-09 08:32 Xelasto: For 2:15?
    2014-12-09 08:32 phate45: make 02:15:597 (3) - a note
    2014-12-09 08:32 phate45: and start the spinner at 02:16:142
    2014-12-09 08:32 phate45: 02:24:051 (1) - place this a bit higher
    2014-12-09 08:34 phate45: did you take a look at the times i mentioned a bit earlier?
    2014-12-09 08:34 phate45: before your 1:23 question
    2014-12-09 08:35 Xelasto: Yeah I fixed that
    2014-12-09 08:36 phate45: 03:23:688 (3) - feels too close (same distance as (1) before it, but different timing)
    2014-12-09 08:36 phate45: 03:26:597 (3) - ^ same thing
    2014-12-09 08:36 Xelasto: This is what I did at 1:23 btw
    2014-12-09 08:36 Xelasto:
    2014-12-09 08:36 phate45: 03:36:415 (2) - overlap
    2014-12-09 08:37 phate45: what did you do before it, with the short slider (3)
    2014-12-09 08:38 phate45: 03:38:960 (1,2) - spacing spacing
    2014-12-09 08:38 phate45: 03:41:870 (1,2,3) - ^
    2014-12-09 08:38 phate45: 03:48:051 (1,2) - ^
    2014-12-09 08:38 phate45: 03:50:597 (1,2) - ^
    2014-12-09 08:39 Xelasto: There was never a short slider, do you want me to add one (1:23)
    2014-12-09 08:39 Xelasto: LOl
    2014-12-09 08:39 phate45: no, there was one, before the light blue combo
    2014-12-09 08:39 phate45: in the previous combo
    2014-12-09 08:39 phate45: 03:54:597 (2,3) - spacing
    2014-12-09 08:40 phate45: this
    2014-12-09 08:40 phate45: whole section
    2014-12-09 08:40 phate45: needs spacing
    2014-12-09 08:40 phate45: i'll just stop linking, you go over this and space things properly :)
    2014-12-09 08:40 Xelasto: Oh you said to get rid of the slider at 1:23 and make it a note or make it longer
    2014-12-09 08:40 Xelasto: BTW I should space them APART?
    2014-12-09 08:40 Xelasto: Right?
    2014-12-09 08:41 phate45: that was 1:21:506
    2014-12-09 08:41 phate45: the combo before that
    2014-12-09 08:41 phate45: you combined my two sentences together
    2014-12-09 08:41 phate45: scroll up and read that part again :)
    2014-12-09 08:43 Xelasto: It says "Either make this longer or just a note, it doesnt fell good with the vocals*
    2014-12-09 08:43 phate45: and yes, all of the spacing is that the notes are too close together
    2014-12-09 08:43 phate45: yes
    2014-12-09 08:43 phate45: and then theres the other one, remove the repeat slider and change it around
    2014-12-09 08:43 phate45: which you already did
    2014-12-09 08:44 phate45: aand thats about it for the easy diff
    2014-12-09 08:44 phate45: except the new combos at the end, does not feel necessary
    2014-12-09 08:44 phate45: unless you just want to show off a color combination
    2014-12-09 08:44 phate45: let me know when you go through all the changes up to the last time posted
    2014-12-09 08:44 Xelasto: Thats originally what I wanted to do
    2014-12-09 08:44 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: I feel like the normal and hard will be TRAIN WRECKS of maps
    2014-12-09 08:45 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 08:45 phate45: we'll see
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: Especially hard since I added "invisible notes"
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: Well
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: Its hard to explain
    2014-12-09 08:45 Xelasto: But if you play it you will know what I mean
    2014-12-09 08:45 phate45: we'll get to it :)
    2014-12-09 08:46 Xelasto: kk I'll correct the notes
    2014-12-09 08:56 Xelasto: Ok It should be all fixed
    2014-12-09 08:56 Xelasto: I'll update it now
    2014-12-09 08:56 phate45: wait
    2014-12-09 08:56 phate45: let's do all diffs
    2014-12-09 08:56 Xelasto: Oh ok
    2014-12-09 08:56 Xelasto: Also btw with normal
    2014-12-09 08:56 phate45: normal time :)
    2014-12-09 08:57 Xelasto: I really think I should slow it down near the end
    2014-12-09 08:57 phate45: wanna spec?
    2014-12-09 08:57 phate45: we'll see
    2014-12-09 08:57 Xelasto: MABYE its just me but I think Its too fast
    2014-12-09 08:57 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 08:57 phate45: good so far
    2014-12-09 08:57 Xelasto: :D
    2014-12-09 08:58 phate45: that note-2sliders-note in top right miight be a bit off
    2014-12-09 08:59 phate45: the blankets here were off
    2014-12-09 08:59 phate45: i'll look at them too
    2014-12-09 09:00 Xelasto: Now that I think of spacing, I just noticed a few problems already
    2014-12-09 09:00 phate45: timing is offf
    2014-12-09 09:01 phate45: that sliderbreak is also timing
    2014-12-09 09:01 Xelasto: Sorry I proofread everything EXCEPT spacing XD
    2014-12-09 09:03 Xelasto: So I'm guessing there is some major problems with spacing once again
    2014-12-09 09:03 phate45: yes
    2014-12-09 09:03 phate45: i wont even point it out
    2014-12-09 09:03 phate45: except if you ask
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: you should work on that :)
    2014-12-09 09:04 Xelasto: And a bit of timing here and there?
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: yes
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: and some positioning
    2014-12-09 09:04 Xelasto: anything else?
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: i'll go over in the editor and we'll see
    2014-12-09 09:04 Xelasto: Positioning?
    2014-12-09 09:04 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: 00:06:233 (2) -
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: why is this in here
    2014-12-09 09:04 phate45: you follow vocals everywhere
    2014-12-09 09:05 phate45: there are no vocals on this spot
    2014-12-09 09:05 Xelasto: Should I replace it with a note?
    2014-12-09 09:05 phate45: leave it blank
    2014-12-09 09:06 phate45: 00:13:142 (1,2,3) -
    2014-12-09 09:06 phate45: remove 3, make 2 end at 00:14:233
    2014-12-09 09:06 phate45: an S-curve to connect 1 and (the new) 3 would look good here
    2014-12-09 09:07 phate45: except made from only one slider
    2014-12-09 09:07 Xelasto: How can you make an S
    2014-12-09 09:07 Xelasto: From such a small slider?
    2014-12-09 09:07 phate45: if you make it longer, so it ends at the time i specified
    2014-12-09 09:08 phate45: there'll be plenty of space :)
    2014-12-09 09:08 phate45: of course, it should start where it starts now
    2014-12-09 09:08 phate45: 00:17:870 (1) - this is completely off
    2014-12-09 09:09 Xelasto: Remove?
    2014-12-09 09:09 phate45: remove (2) here, move (1) to start at 00:18:233 and add repeat
    2014-12-09 09:09 phate45: ahh, the links are so broken
    2014-12-09 09:10 phate45: o well
    2014-12-09 09:10 phate45: moving on
    2014-12-09 09:10 phate45: also reposition the (1) to connect to (2) better
    2014-12-09 09:10 phate45: 00:21:142 (1,2,3,4) - 1,2,3 needs repositioning
    2014-12-09 09:11 Xelasto: WOAH
    2014-12-09 09:11 Xelasto: I just noticed
    2014-12-09 09:11 Xelasto: XD
    2014-12-09 09:11 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 09:12 Xelasto: BTW thanks so much for taking time to help me
    2014-12-09 09:12 Xelasto: I really appreciate it ^.^
    2014-12-09 09:12 phate45: 00:44:415 (2) - move the end point to better fit with 3 as a blanket
    2014-12-09 09:12 phate45: maybe make it curved
    2014-12-09 09:13 phate45: yes, i like to help new mappers :
    2014-12-09 09:13 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 09:13 Xelasto: Blankets dont HAVE to be wrapped around tight right?
    2014-12-09 09:13 phate45: 00:51:688 (2) - no vocals here, this feels placed to fill space
    2014-12-09 09:14 phate45: yes, they have to be centered
    2014-12-09 09:14 phate45: no need to center it 1px away
    2014-12-09 09:14 Xelasto: Haha I will admit
    2014-12-09 09:14 Xelasto: Some notes I added in as filler
    2014-12-09 09:14 Xelasto: Dont ask
    2014-12-09 09:14 phate45: i'm not asking
    2014-12-09 09:14 phate45: just pointing out :)
    2014-12-09 09:14 Xelasto: lol
    2014-12-09 09:15 Xelasto: So should I just delete it and do nothing else?
    2014-12-09 09:15 phate45: 00:52:779 (3,4) - replace 4 here with two notes
    2014-12-09 09:15 phate45: maybe
    2014-12-09 09:15 phate45: you decide what to do, i'm just offering advice :)
    2014-12-09 09:16 phate45: 00:57:142 (1) - remove repeat, add note at 00:58:233
    2014-12-09 09:17 phate45: 00:58:960 (3,4,5) - feels unnecessary
    2014-12-09 09:17 phate45: 01:11:688 (1,2) - same as 0:57
    2014-12-09 09:18 phate45: 01:14:051 (3) - suddenly point out drums? why?
    2014-12-09 09:18 phate45: 01:14:597 (1,2,3) - nice pattern
    2014-12-09 09:18 phate45: 01:20:415 (5,6) - same as 0:57
    2014-12-09 09:19 phate45: 01:27:324 (1,2) - 2 is slow note, dont hide under slider end
    2014-12-09 09:19 phate45: make a jump maybe, move it to the left
    2014-12-09 09:20 phate45: 01:33:688 (2,3) - not a nice blanket, but 3 by itself is too high
    2014-12-09 09:20 phate45: make 3 straight and move it down a bit
    2014-12-09 09:20 phate45: 01:36:597 (1) - this is good timing to show off drums
    2014-12-09 09:21 phate45: unlike 1:14 where it feels too cramped
    2014-12-09 09:21 phate45: there is a clear jump between 1 and 2 01:52:051 (1,2) -
    2014-12-09 09:21 phate45: yet they are so close together
    2014-12-09 09:22 phate45: dont always blanket because you feel like blanketing :D
    2014-12-09 09:22 phate45: 01:59:870 (2) - feels super randomly placed
    2014-12-09 09:23 phate45: curve (1) before it and make it blanket
    2014-12-09 09:23 phate45: that way it'll be closer to the slider as well
    2014-12-09 09:23 phate45: i'll wait until you catch up
    2014-12-09 09:26 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 09:26 Xelasto: X
    2014-12-09 09:26 Xelasto: XD
    2014-12-09 09:27 phate45: if you have any questions, fire away
    2014-12-09 09:27 Xelasto: LOL
    2014-12-09 09:28 Xelasto: 1:59 wasnt supposed to be there
    2014-12-09 09:28 phate45: but it fits the song
    2014-12-09 09:28 phate45: just the place is bad
    2014-12-09 09:28 phate45: :D
    2014-12-09 09:29 Xelasto: Oh
    2014-12-09 09:30 Xelasto: Ok
    2014-12-09 09:30 Xelasto: I caught up
    2014-12-09 09:30 phate45: let's move on then
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: o wonder
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: did you place the break here for the sake of break
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: cause the vocals are right there
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: there'd better not be a break here in the hard
    2014-12-09 09:31 Xelasto: I placed it there cause I thought that they would be tired by then
    2014-12-09 09:31 Xelasto: LOL
    2014-12-09 09:31 phate45: it's fine to think about rest in easy and normal
    2014-12-09 09:32 phate45: but people who play hard should expect a hard map
    2014-12-09 09:32 phate45: unless it really fits (like the singer takes a break, or there's vocal-only solo)
    2014-12-09 09:32 phate45: dont make unnecessary breaks in hard and insane
    2014-12-09 09:32 Xelasto: kk
    2014-12-09 09:33 phate45: 02:14:233 (1,2,3) - this is a nice pattern
    2014-12-09 09:33 phate45: but dont make it any harder than this
    2014-12-09 09:33 phate45: in normal diff
    2014-12-09 09:34 phate45: 02:23:688 (2,3) - this is just like 1:14
    2014-12-09 09:34 Xelasto: Yeah thats what I thought
    2014-12-09 09:34 phate45: :)
    2014-12-09 09:34 phate45: 02:30:233 (1,2) - i don't like this
    2014-12-09 09:34 phate45: the vocals go differently
    2014-12-09 09:35 phate45: remove the repeat from 1 and add some notes
    2014-12-09 09:35 phate45: 02:34:597 (1) - this is drums again
    2014-12-09 09:35 phate45: suddenly
    2014-12-09 09:35 Xelasto: BTW
    2014-12-09 09:35 Xelasto: With 2:30 What do you mean they go differently?
    2014-12-09 09:36 phate45: i mean that the repeat does not fit with the vocals
    2014-12-09 09:36 phate45: there's two words
    2014-12-09 09:36 phate45: but the repeat is like one word
    2014-12-09 09:36 phate45: it needs two notes
    2014-12-09 09:37 phate45: 02:40:415 (2,3,4,5) - the (5) is at the start of another sentence
    2014-12-09 09:37 phate45: the combo is wrong heere
    2014-12-09 09:37 Xelasto: Could you show a quick screenshot btw
    2014-12-09 09:38 Xelasto: Of 2:30
    2014-12-09 09:38 phate45: sec
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45: ay
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45: not two notes
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45: one is enough
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45: 02:31:324 (2)
    2014-12-09 09:39 Xelasto: k
    2014-12-09 09:39 phate45:
    2014-12-09 09:42 Xelasto: Btw at 2:41 I did the combo thing to allow for recovery
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: yea
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: but it's off
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: the (5) should be (1)
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: and a slider
    2014-12-09 09:42 phate45: and all the subsequent sliders need to be moved back
    2014-12-09 09:43 phate45: and the last one needs to be removed in order for 02:43:506 (1) - to fit
    2014-12-09 09:43 phate45: since that is all right
    2014-12-09 09:43 Xelasto: So your saying that 5 should be the start of the first slider
    2014-12-09 09:43 Xelasto: and all the sliders should be moved back to fit?
    2014-12-09 09:44 phate45: yes
    2014-12-09 09:44 phate45: and the last before :506 needs to be removed
    2014-12-09 09:44 phate45: because it wont fit
    2014-12-09 09:45 phate45: 02:46:415 (1) - tis' good
    2014-12-09 09:45 phate45: 02:57:506 (1,1) - should be blanket
    2014-12-09 09:46 phate45: 03:22:233 (1) - you can map the break before this in the insane
    2014-12-09 09:46 phate45: to increase the difficulty a little bit more :)
    2014-12-09 09:47 Xelasto: 2:46 But arent they timed far apart?
    2014-12-09 09:47 Xelasto: Blanketing them would make them too close right?
    2014-12-09 09:47 phate45: i said 2:46 is good
    2014-12-09 09:47 phate45: 2:57 is bad
    2014-12-09 09:48 Xelasto: SorryI mean 257
    2014-12-09 09:48 phate45: yea
    2014-12-09 09:48 phate45: lessen the curve on the second (1)
    2014-12-09 09:48 phate45: so the blanket center is further away
    2014-12-09 09:48 phate45: and make it look nice :)
    2014-12-09 09:48 Xelasto: Wait
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: in the insane if you map the instrumental part as a whole, place a break around 03:38:960 (1)-, cause it's just relax vocals
    2014-12-09 09:49 Xelasto: Lessen the curve?
    2014-12-09 09:49 Xelasto: So like
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: make it bend less
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: that way the center of the blanket will be further away
    2014-12-09 09:49 Xelasto: Ik but Like how would that help
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: it will look nicer
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: i mean, you dont have to
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: but this is just like off-blanket
    2014-12-09 09:49 Xelasto: oh
    2014-12-09 09:49 phate45: a lot of people nitpick at it
    2014-12-09 09:50 phate45: if you make the first (1) end elsewhere, this wont be an issue at all
    2014-12-09 09:58 phate45: are you back?
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: Woah
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: Lol
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: I just disconnected
    2014-12-09 09:58 phate45: yeah, bunch of people disconnected at once
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: But I have to go to sleep now :l
    2014-12-09 09:58 Xelasto: Its getting a little too late
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: we can finish the mod tommorow if you'd like
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: or if you come after you wake up
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: in 7-9 hours
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: i should still be around
    2014-12-09 09:59 Xelasto: Well I have school still :P
    2014-12-09 09:59 phate45: then tommorow at the same time?
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: I mean if you will be around at like 3 PM tommorrow, sure.
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: But I dont know what that is in your tim
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: time*
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: But, you could just post the stuff I should change in normal and (if you want) in har
    2014-12-09 10:00 Xelasto: inside my maps thread
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: hard*
    2014-12-09 10:01 phate45: ok
    2014-12-09 10:01 phate45: that i can do
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: Ok, Thanks for everything ^.^ Sadly I cant give kudos 0-0
    2014-12-09 10:01 phate45: i'll post this chat log as an irc mod, and do the rest normally
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: Because I havent modded yet
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: k
    2014-12-09 10:01 Xelasto: Bye :D
    2014-12-09 10:01 phate45: you can give me kudos for the post the :)
    2014-12-09 10:02 phate45: then*
    2014-12-09 10:02 phate45: peace

[ Normal]
  1. 03:31:688 (1,2,3) - These 3 sliders have the same timing, yet (2) and (3) overlap, that does not feel right. Move (3) to the left so they just about touch. Fixed
  2. 03:57:142 (1) - Move this one to (16, 200), no need to overlap. Fixed
  3. 04:08:415 (1,2,3,4) - This is an interesting placement, but can be done better, align (1) and (2) more, make (3) and (4) into curved sliders (for blanket), and maybe end (2) where (4) starts, for nicer shape. Fixed

    [ Hard]
    1. This is gonna be a long post.
    2. 00:01:142 (1,2) - Just plain notes here would be enough.Fixed
    3. 00:04:051 (6) - New Combo here would fit with lyrics.Added
    4. 00:06:415 (2,3,4) - These are just wrong, why don't repeat the previous pattern(00:04:779 (3,4,5)-)? The vocals do so.Fixed
    5. 00:12:233 (7) - No need to hide under slider here, move it to the right.Fixed
    6. 00:13:688 (2,3) - This does not fit with the vocal at all.Fixed. I think.
    7. 00:21:142 (1,2,3) - These 3 fit well with the song, all the notes before them until 00:13:688 don't feell good at all. I'd like to see that section redone.Redone.
    8. 00:42:779 (7) - This one is plain extra.Fixed
    9. 00:43:506 (2) - ^ feels the same.Fixed
    10. 00:46:415 (6) - Making this a note would be better.Fixed
    11. 00:47:870 (2) - ^ same thing.Fixed
    12. 00:56:415 (6) - NC here fits better.Fixed
    13. 00:56:597 (7,8,9) - Does not fit with the vocal at all.Fixed
    14. 00:57:870 (3) - Feels not needed.Fixed
    15. 00:59:688 (1) - Also NC here.Fixed
    16. 01:01:506 (1) - Not needed.Fixed
    17. 01:02:779 (4) - Feels extra.I kinda agree with you, but instead I changed it into a note.
    18. 01:06:051 (5,6) - Remove (5), place (6) at 01:06:051 and start the spinner at 01:06:415, ending it at 01:08:051.I tried it, but the new 5 seemed completely unecessary, so I removed both.
    19. 01:08:960 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - This pattern tries it's best to look cool, but does not fit the vocal at all.Fixed
    20. 01:17:870 (2,4) - Ctrl-G, uniform direction here is better, you can make the switch if there's such a pattern later in the song.Fixed
    21. 01:27:324 (3) - Too long, end at 01:27:506 and start 01:27:870 (1)- at 01:27:597.I think you might have the wrong times. Nothing vocal happens at 1:27:597. However I did change it to make it better
    22. 01:31:688 (4) - This is slightly hard to read, try making it a note and moving it for example to (272, 328).Fixed
    23. 01:48:779 (1) - The timing here is slightly misleading (at least for me).Fixed
    24. 02:20:415 (1,2) - Nice blankets, this and this section in general. Thank you! :D
    25. 02:46:233 (1) - Remove one repeat. Fixed
    26. 02:58:597 (1) - ^Fixed
    27. 03:39:870 (6,7) - Feel extra.Fixed
    28. 03:56:779 (1) - All the sliders up to here, cool pattern!Thanks! :)
    29. 04:08:960 (3,4) - Feel extra.Fixed
    30. Overall, check for pointless stacks on sliders, hiding notes under sliders, combo placement and flow. Work hard :)
Thanks for the mod :) It was beyond helpful. Kudosu for you :D
Hi and here as requested from modding queue.


I didn't think this mapset needed an easy. It could've been Normal/Hard/Insane but as we stand now there is no insane so this will do :)
00:06:597 (3) - Space that a little more
00:21:142 (3) - This one is as balanced as the other sliders you had. This one is way further than the sequence compared to the others you had that were closer
01:12:688 (5) - Slider ends on 1/16 of a note. Seems crazy but for an odd reason it sounds best there
02:20:051 (3) - DS this both of them touching a single slider like that doesn't look appealing; pattern like this is cool
02:24:051 (1,2,1,2,1,2,) - This part on an easy difficulty is a no-no When notes like that are layered and hidden it ruins the difficulty of what's called "easy" changes there are necessary because it can lead to an unrank when in reality we are look to rank yanagi songs
02:29:506 (1,2,3) - Use DS base of 1.0 and snap those correctly to look more appealing
03:04:051 (1,2,3) - Same snapping here as mentioned above



00:07:658 (3) - Move down a tick for straight consistency
00:13:476 (2) - Distance Snap
00:15:658 (1,2,3) - Distance Snap higher together
00:18:203 (1) - Move this to x:172 y:136 and 00:18:930 (2) - x:280 y:248 for equal spacing correction
00:24:203 (1) - Move to a red tick so it isn't right after the note into a spinner
00:46:203 (3) - No hitfinish necessary here
00:46:930 (1) - DS and here 00:51:658 (2) and here 00:55:476 (1) 00:59:658 (2)
01:14:203 (1) - Keep the combo the same here but change to NC here 01:14:567 (2)
01:17:112 (3) - Keep NC the same but change it during here 01:17:476 (4)
01:48:203 (3) - DS and here 01:50:021 (3)
01:52:385 (1) - Move down 2 ticks so the notes can be aligned perfectly
01:53:840 (2) - Move note to x:104 y:32 and move the next two sliders accordingly so spaces can be even without having them at awkward positions
02:15:658 (5) - This slider should end at 02:16:203 and move spinner to red-white tick from 02:16:567 to 02:17:476 sounds better and makes it like a true easy difficulty
02:25:840 (4) - This note isn't the same as the one before it. Try using ctrl+h on 02:24:385 (3) to flip it horizontally for balance
03:03:658 (2,3,4,5) - Too many single notes; try adjusting to sliders for "easy" difficulty
04:05:840 (4) - Bad whistle slider and here 04:13:476 (3)

Well done with the edit. It feels a lot smoother. Double check if I did it all correctly again to get perfect spacing. Also try adjusting hitsounds to where volume matters. Some slow parts/supposed to be quiet parts tend to have a fat hitfinish that ruins the melodicness of what the song was intended for. Try using 60% volume on those to help it give the vibe and change the volume accordingly to crescendos and falsettos depending on what the song is doing instrumentally and vocally. Hope this helps you a bunch. I'm doing this mod daily so it gets finished. Otherwise it will be too long :)
Topic Starter

Kocari wrote:

Hi and here as requested from modding queue.


I didn't think this mapset needed an easy. It could've been Normal/Hard/Insane but as we stand now there is no insane so this will do :) GD insane is coming soon :P
00:06:597 (3) - Space that a little more Fixed
00:21:142 (3) - This one is as balanced as the other sliders you had. This one is way further than the sequence compared to the others you had that were closerI didn't see much of a problem with the distance, but I brought it a tad bit closer.
01:12:688 (5) - Slider ends on 1/16 of a note. Seems crazy but for an odd reason it sounds best there Oddly, your right 0-o
02:20:051 (3) - DS this both of them touching a single slider like that doesn't look appealing; pattern like this is cool it looks cooler, it would be hard for beginners because it's a sudden jump, but I did move it a bit farther away
02:24:051 (1,2,1,2,1,2,) - This part on an easy difficulty is a no-no When notes like that are layered and hidden it ruins the difficulty of what's called "easy" changes there are necessary because it can lead to an unrank when in reality we are look to rank yanagi songsAgreed
02:29:506 (1,2,3) - Use DS base of 1.0 and snap those correctly to look more appealingFixed
03:04:051 (1,2,3) - Same snapping here as mentioned aboveFixed
Only problem with easy was the spacing between notes. There are gaps in the timing where you had to create you own, but do so in a way that projects it smoothly. It was rough and due to lack of hitsounding there wasn't much flow to it. To maintain hitsound I would suggest using a soft-sliderslide that doesn't scratch and possible whistle/claps from another yanagi song would benefit this very well

That's basically all I can do. Once the changes has been made and revised. I will thoroughly give it another check so I'll create a ticket for you in my queue for whenever you need another mod. In the meantime the current issue still stands in most of the mapset but a simple check would benefit you. Practice makes perfect and this being beginner created you have potential to grow as a strong mapper. I'm in the same boat as you man whatever counts :) GL out there in the mapping world

Kocari wrote:

00:07:658 (3) - Move down a tick for straight consistency Fixed
00:13:476 (2) - Distance Snap Fixed
00:15:658 (1,2,3) - Distance Snap higher together Fixed
00:18:203 (1) - Move this to x:172 y:136 and 00:18:930 (2) - x:280 y:248 for equal spacing correction Fixed
00:24:203 (1) - Move to a red tick so it isn't right after the note into a spinner Fixed
00:46:203 (3) - No hitfinish necessary here Fixed
00:46:930 (1) - DS and here 00:51:658 (2) and here 00:55:476 (1) 0059:658 (2) Fixed
01:14:203 (1) - Keep the combo the same here but change to NC here 01:14:567 (2) Fixed
01:17:112 (3) - Keep NC the same but change it during here 01:17:476 (4) Fixed
01:48:203 (3) - DS and here 01:50:021 (3) Fixed
01:52:385 (1) - Move down 2 ticks so the notes can be aligned perfectly Fixed
01:53:840 (2) - Move note to x:104 y:32 and move the next two sliders accordingly so spaces can be even without having them at awkward positions Fixed
02:15:658 (5) - This slider should end at 02:16:203 and move spinner to red-white tick from 02:16:567 to 02:17:476 sounds better and makes it like a true easy difficulty Fixed, but spinner MAY be too short
02:25:840 (4) - This note isn't the same as the one before it. Try using ctrl+h on 02:24:385 (3) to flip it horizontally for balance Fixed
03:03:658 (2,3,4,5) - Too many single notes; try adjusting to sliders for "easy" difficulty Fixed
04:05:840 (4) - Bad whistle slider and here 04:13:476 (3) Fixed, I actually meant to have the little jingle sound on both ends rather than the actual whistle. Thanks!

Well done with the edit. It feels a lot smoother. Double check if I did it all correctly again to get perfect spacing. Also try adjusting hitsounds to where volume matters. Some slow parts/supposed to be quiet parts tend to have a fat hitfinish that ruins the melodicness of what the song was intended for. Try using 60% volume on those to help it give the vibe and change the volume accordingly to crescendos and falsettos depending on what the song is doing instrumentally and vocally. Hope this helps you a bunch. I'm doing this mod daily so it gets finished. Otherwise it will be too long :)
Hey, Mod4Mod from my queue.

Artist: やなぎなぎ
Romanized Artist: yanaginagi
Title: 水の中の雲
Romanized Title: Mizu no Naka no Kumo

You should try and use native languages in metadata where possible. Please note that 'yanaginagi' is all in lower case as this is the preferred stylisation. The English translation of the title should not be in the title metadata as that is not how the song is titled. You should put it in the tags instead.

- Get into the habit of using Grid Size 4 (Tiny) so that the distance snapping of notes is more accurate and consistent.
- 01:37:870 - Move the start of the first Kiai to here.
- 02:47:688 - Move the start of the second Kiai to here.
- 03:09:719 - Kiai end isn't snapped (AIMod can spot this). Move it to 03:10:960.
- 03:57:506 - Move the start of the final Kiai to here. As a rule of thumb, Kiai time should generally start on downbeats (Large white ticks).

I had to box these mods since I made quite a long list. Usually I don't have to do that, but don't let that put you off.

- I noticed that you limited yourself to mapping only to the vocals. I wouldn't recommend this, since the vocals for this song doesn't have a steady rhythm, and so it is kinda difficult to play to, especially for an Easy difficulty. Of course, the vocals are important, but try and map to another rhythm alongside it for a better rhythmic flow.
- 00:09:506 (1) - This note touches the health bar on my side. Please avoid this as it can hinder readability.
- 00:11:688 (4,2) - Avoid this sort of overlap, as it doesn't look good aesthetically, and it hinders readability. In fact, playing through the map I noticed a lot of these. I'll point these out but I won't give a huge explanation again just to save time, so I'll mention it once here. As a general tip from me, unecessary overlaps should generally be avoided. This is an example of one being unecessary.
- 00:21:142 (3) - I would put a new combo here personally, since it starts on a new measure.
- 00:42:597 (3,2) - Overlap; although you could get away with this, I would still avoid it.
- 00:54:233 (4) - Perhaps make this slider repeat, since the vocals holds a long note at the end of this slider, and it's a shame that there are no notes playing for it. A slider would be most suitable for vocal holds.
- 00:58:233 (3) - I wouldn't recommend sliders like this for Easy, since it defers from a basic white-tick rhythm, and because you set the SV so low, it looks faster than it should be, which would throw off beginner players.
- 01:02:597 (1) - As before about held vocals. As an example, this is how I would map this section: I avoid circles since if I were to add them, they and the sliders would land on red ticks, which aren't very nice to play on Easy. - 01:12:710 (5) - What is this thing doing snapped onto a grey (1/16) tick? If you're getting notes snapped to odd ticks like this, then you should have a look at your timings rather than compensating with note placement.
- 01:19:688 (1,2,3) - The spacing is inconsistent between these.
- 01:40:779 (1) - This touches the health bar on my end.
- 01:43:688 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap.
- 01:46:597 (2) - The repeat point doesn't match the vocals perfectly. I would map something else here rather than a large slider like this.
- 01:46:597 (2,1) - Avoid this overlap.
- 01:59:324 (3) - A wiggle slider doesn't feel appropriate since the music doesn't suggest this sort of feel (examples of music techniques that would are guitar whammies or electronic riffs like in dubstep).
- 02:18:597 (1,2,3) - Use consistent spacing in Easy difficulties and avoid things like this.
- 02:27:324 (2) - Make this the same shape as 02:25:870 (2).
- 02:30:779 (4,1) - A white to red timing in Easy difficulties like this is fairly difficult for beginners to play, and this one comes quite suddenly given that there isn't anything like this for the previous end of the map.
- 02:41:506 (1,2,3) - Move these apart so they aren't touching.
- 02:43:506 (3,4,5) - As before about consistent spacing.
- 02:45:506 (1) - As before about wiggle slilders.
- 02:53:506 (4) - As above.
- 02:57:506 (3) - Try and make blankets circular rather than parabolic. You can reverse slider 2 with Ctrl+G to get a better view of approach circles. Also, tr y and use as little slider points as possible when making curves, including blankets. I also find that turning off grid snapping (hold Shift) really helps. - 03:01:506 (1) - Move this further away, since having it so close to the previous note implies that it is earlier in timing.
- 03:05:142 (4,1) - Avoid this overlap; this can be easily fixed by moving the red slider point of 4 up and then adjusting.
- 03:27:688 (1,2) - Avoid this overlap, and perhaps shorten the spacing between them.
- 03:30:415 (3,1,1) - Avoid these overlaps.
- 03:37:142 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap.
- 03:40:051 (2,1) - Avoid this overlap.
- 03:44:597 (3,2) - Avoid this overlap.
- 03:56:233 (3,2) - Either don't overlap these, or have 3 perfectly stack the tail of 2. You can reverse slider 2 (Ctrl+G) to view it's position by its tail.
- 03:57:142 (1,3) - As above.
- 04:09:688 (2) - As before about held vocals.
- 04:14:597 (2,3) - Avoid these touching.

- Please stick to using distance snapping on lower difficulties, especially for a beginner mapper like yourself.
- 00:15:688 (4) - New combo here since it is a new line in the vocals, and so that it is consistent with the rest of this section of the song.
- 00:22:233 (4,5) - Why is the spacing reduced like this? I think you did this for a lot of this difficulty too. This is a bad thing to do, since having notes closer together implies shorter time, and vice versa. This article may be helpful to you.
- 00:44:415 (2,3) - Spacing, as above.
- 00:50:960 (1,3) - Try and avoid this overlap.
- 00:58:233 (2,3) - I feel as if having a double so detatched from the combo like this is tricky for beginners to play. Please aso note that 3 is a held vocal.
- 01:04:051 (2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing.
- 01:12:779 (2,3) - As before about detatched doubles.
- 01:18:960 (1,2,3,4) - This square looks like it's handmade, and thus is not perfect. You can create perfect regular shapes using the Create Polygon Circle (CPC) function (Ctrl+Shift+D).
- 01:22:233 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.
- 01:30:597 (1,2,3,4) - As before about squares.
- 01:36:597 (1) - I would avoid using blue-tick repeating sliders in Normal difficulty, since they can be confusing for beginner players.
- 01:37:142 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.
- 01:38:960 (3,4,5,1) - Inconsistent spacing.
- 02:21:506 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap.
- 02:27:324 (3,6) - Avoid this overlap, or stack them (not recommended for this difficulty).
- 02:31:506 (3) - As before about wiggle sliders.
- 02:34:415 (6) - This blanket can be improved [02:34:688]. If you look from that timestamp, you can see how the approach circle compares with the slider. As before, try to use as little slider points as possible. A blanket of this length should use about 4 points.
- 02:36:597 (3,1) - If you want these to overlap, atleast avoid them overlapping the head/tail circles of the sliders.
- 02:43:506 (1,2) - Avoid this sort of overlap.
- 02:44:779 (2,2) - Avoid this overlap.
- 02:46:415 (1) - As before about blue-tick repeaters.
- 02:47:688 (4) - This blanket could be improved [02:47:506].
- 02:57:506 (1,2) - Avoid this overlap.
- 03:00:779 (5) - This is touching the health bar on my end.
- 03:03:688 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.
- 03:22:233 (1,3) - Stack these pefrectly.
- 03:22:597 (2,1,3) - As above.
- 03:31:688 (1,2,3,4) - As before about spacing.
- 03:34:779 (1,1) - As before about spacing.
- 03:51:688 (1,2) - This formation may be difficult for beginners to read.
- 03:53:506 (1,2,3) - As before about spacing.
- 03:56:779 (1,1,1) - As before about spacing.
- 04:03:324 (5,1,2) - Inconsistent spacing.

- 00:06:960 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap.
- 00:08:233 (2,3,4) - This spacing is inconsistent with the rest of this section.
- 00:16:960 (4) - This blanket could be improved [00:16:324].
- 00:50:779 (1,2,3) - For the first notes to be right after a spinner to be a triple starting on the red tick is not very good. It's kind of hard too read the timing of this.
- 00:54:779 (5,6) - Avoid these touching.
- 01:08:415 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.
- 01:16:779 (3,4) - This spacing is inconsistent with the rest of the combo.
- 01:17:142 (4,2,3) - Avoid this overlap.
- 01:20:960 (6,1) - Avoid these touching.
- 01:22:597 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap. I wouldn't recommend a stack since the next note is a new combo.
- 01:23:324 (1,3) - These aren't perfectly stacked.
- 01:27:324 (3,3) - Avoid these touching.
- 01:32:051 (1,2) - Avoid these touching.
- 01:32:051 (1,3) - Stack these perfectly.
- 01:32:051 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.
- 02:18:597 (7) - New combo, since it is a new line in the vocals.
- 02:23:688 + - When this sort of rhythm came up before, you had a new combo every 4 sliders. Now it's at 8. Is this intentional? I would rather keep it consistent.
- 02:26:960 (1,2,3,4,5) - Inconsistent spacing.
- 02:28:415 (5,3,4) - Avoid these overlaps.
- 02:41:506 (4,1) - Avoid this overlap.
- 02:46:233 (1,2) - Avoid these touching.
- 02:51:142 (4) - This touches the health bar on my end.
- 02:56:051 (4,6) - Stack these perfectly.
- 03:06:960 (2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing.
- 03:22:597 (2) - This touches the health bar on my end.
- 03:23:142 (3,5) - Avoid these touching.
- 03:57:506 (2,3) - Avoid these touching.
- 04:00:960 (9,2) - Avoid this overlap.
- 04:02:597 (3,5,1) - Avoid this overlap.
- 04:16:779 (1,1,1) - This triangle looks handmade. You can use CPC to make this a better one.
- 04:18:960 (3) - This drop in slider velocity comes quite suddenly with little indication of it coming. I would not recommend doing this, since it is difficult to read SV changes and I expect many people to break on this.
I apologise that the mod felt a bit more automated towards the end, but I wanted to point all of those out since they were in my opinion the more major issues with your map. Good luck :)
Topic Starter

-Mo- wrote:

Hey, Mod4Mod from my queue.

Artist: やなぎなぎFixed
Romanized Artist: yanaginagi Couldn't. It makes a duplicate map :(
Title: 水の中の雲 Fixed
Romanized Title: Mizu no Naka no Kumo Fixed

You should try and use native languages in metadata where possible. Please note that 'yanaginagi' is all in lower case as this is the preferred stylisation. The English translation of the title should not be in the title metadata as that is not how the song is titled. You should put it in the tags instead.

- Get into the habit of using Grid Size 4 (Tiny) so that the distance snapping of notes is more accurate and consistent.
- 01:37:870 - Move the start of the first Kiai to here. Fixed
- 02:47:688 - Move the start of the second Kiai to here. Fixed
- 03:09:719 - Kiai end isn't snapped (AIMod can spot this). Move it to 03:10:960. Fixed
- 03:57:506 - Move the start of the final Kiai to here. As a rule of thumb, Kiai time should generally start on downbeats (Large white ticks). Fixed

I had to box these mods since I made quite a long list. Usually I don't have to do that, but don't let that put you off.

- I noticed that you limited yourself to mapping only to the vocals. I wouldn't recommend this, since the vocals for this song doesn't have a steady rhythm, and so it is kinda difficult to play to, especially for an Easy difficulty. Of course, the vocals are important, but try and map to another rhythm alongside it for a better rhythmic flow.
- 00:09:506 (1) - This note touches the health bar on my side. Please avoid this as it can hinder readability.Fixed
- 00:11:688 (4,2) - Avoid this sort of overlap, as it doesn't look good aesthetically, and it hinders readability. In fact, playing through the map I noticed a lot of these. I'll point these out but I won't give a huge explanation again just to save time, so I'll mention it once here. As a general tip from me, unecessary overlaps should generally be avoided. This is an example of one being unecessary.Fixed
- 00:21:142 (3) - I would put a new combo here personally, since it starts on a new measure.Fixed
- 00:42:597 (3,2) - Overlap; although you could get away with this, I would still avoid it.Fixed
- 00:54:233 (4) - Perhaps make this slider repeat, since the vocals holds a long note at the end of this slider, and it's a shame that there are no notes playing for it. A slider would be most suitable for vocal holds.Instead of making it repeat which sounded weird, I added a note and slider.
- 00:58:233 (3) - I wouldn't recommend sliders like this for Easy, since it defers from a basic white-tick rhythm, and because you set the SV so low, it looks faster than it should be, which would throw off beginner players.
- 01:02:597 (1) - As before about held vocals. As an example, this is how I would map this section: I avoid circles since if I were to add them, they and the sliders would land on red ticks, which aren't very nice to play on Easy. I instead changed the note to a slider to account for the held vocals
- 01:12:710 (5) - What is this thing doing snapped onto a grey (1/16) tick? If you're getting notes snapped to odd ticks like this, then you should have a look at your timings rather than compensating with note placement.The last modder said that it sounds slightly more on beat (go to 25% speed). Even if I did change it to go back on the red tick it would be an unnoticeable difference, but I know what you mean (unless its unrankable ofc)
- 01:19:688 (1,2,3) - The spacing is inconsistent between these. Fixed
- 01:40:779 (1) - This touches the health bar on my end.Fixed
- 01:43:688 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed, but I would just call that touching, not overlapping XD
- 01:46:597 (2) - The repeat point doesn't match the vocals perfectly. I would map something else here rather than a large slider like this.Fixed
- 01:46:597 (2,1) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 01:59:324 (3) - A wiggle slider doesn't feel appropriate since the music doesn't suggest this sort of feel (examples of music techniques that would are guitar whammies or electronic riffs like in dubstep).Fixed
- 02:18:597 (1,2,3) - Use consistent spacing in Easy difficulties and avoid things like this.Fixed
- 02:27:324 (2) - Make this the same shape as 02:25:870 (2). Fixed
- 02:30:779 (4,1) - A white to red timing in Easy difficulties like this is fairly difficult for beginners to play, and this one comes quite suddenly given that there isn't anything like this for the previous end of the map.Fixed
- 02:41:506 (1,2,3) - Move these apart so they aren't touching.Fixed
- 02:43:506 (3,4,5) - As before about consistent spacing.Fixed
- 02:45:506 (1) - As before about wiggle slilders.Fixed
- 02:53:506 (4) - As above.Fixed
- 02:57:506 (3) - Try and make blankets circular rather than parabolic. You can reverse slider 2 with Ctrl+G to get a better view of approach circles. Also, tr y and use as little slider points as possible when making curves, including blankets. I also find that turning off grid snapping (hold Shift) really helps. Fixed
- 03:01:506 (1) - Move this further away, since having it so close to the previous note implies that it is earlier in timing.Fixed
- 03:05:142 (4,1) - Avoid this overlap; this can be easily fixed by moving the red slider point of 4 up and then adjusting.Fixed
- 03:27:688 (1,2) - Avoid this overlap, and perhaps shorten the spacing between them.Fixed
- 03:30:415 (3,1,1) - Avoid these overlaps.Fixed
- 03:37:142 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 03:40:051 (2,1) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 03:44:597 (3,2) - Avoid this overlap.I put them a bit farther apart, but that's not overlapping
- 03:56:233 (3,2) - Either don't overlap these, or have 3 perfectly stack the tail of 2. You can reverse slider 2 (Ctrl+G) to view it's position by its tail.Fixed, I perfectly stacked on the tail.
- 03:57:142 (1,3) - As above.Fixed ^
- 04:09:688 (2) - As before about held vocals.Fixed
- 04:14:597 (2,3) - Avoid these touching.Fixed

- Please stick to using distance snapping on lower difficulties, especially for a beginner mapper like yourself.
- 00:15:688 (4) - New combo here since it is a new line in the vocals, and so that it is consistent with the rest of this section of the song.Fixed
- 00:22:233 (4,5) - Why is the spacing reduced like this? I think you did this for a lot of this difficulty too. This is a bad thing to do, since having notes closer together implies shorter time, and vice versa. This article may be helpful to you.Fixed
- 00:44:415 (2,3) - Spacing, as above.Fixed
- 00:50:960 (1,3) - Try and avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 00:58:233 (2,3) - I feel as if having a double so detatched from the combo like this is tricky for beginners to play. Please aso note that 3 is a held vocal.Fixed
- 01:04:051 (2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing.Fixed
- 01:12:779 (2,3) - As before about detatched doubles.Fixed
- 01:18:960 (1,2,3,4) - This square looks like it's handmade, and thus is not perfect. You can create perfect regular shapes using the Create Polygon Circle (CPC) function (Ctrl+Shift+D).Fixed
- 01:22:233 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 01:30:597 (1,2,3,4) - As before about squares.Fixed
- 01:36:597 (1) - I would avoid using blue-tick repeating sliders in Normal difficulty, since they can be confusing for beginner players. Fixed
- 01:37:142 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 01:38:960 (3,4,5,1) - Inconsistent spacing.Fixed
- 02:21:506 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 02:27:324 (3,6) - Avoid this overlap, or stack them (not recommended for this difficulty).Fixed
- 02:31:506 (3) - As before about wiggle sliders.Fixed
- 02:34:415 (6) - This blanket can be improved [02:34:688]. If you look from that timestamp, you can see how the approach circle compares with the slider. As before, try to use as little slider points as possible. A blanket of this length should use about 4 points.Fixed
- 02:36:597 (3,1) - If you want these to overlap, atleast avoid them overlapping the head/tail circles of the sliders.Fixed
- 02:43:506 (1,2) - Avoid this sort of overlap.Fixed
- 02:44:779 (2,2) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 02:46:415 (1) - As before about blue-tick repeaters.Fixed
- 02:47:688 (4) - This blanket could be improved [02:47:506].Fixed
- 02:57:506 (1,2) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 03:00:779 (5) - This is touching the health bar on my end.Fixed
- 03:03:688 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 03:22:233 (1,3) - Stack these pefrectly.Fixed
- 03:22:597 (2,1,3) - As above.Fixed
- 03:31:688 (1,2,3,4) - As before about spacing.Fixed
- 03:34:779 (1,1) - As before about spacing.Fixed
- 03:51:688 (1,2) - This formation may be difficult for beginners to read.Fixed
- 03:53:506 (1,2,3) - As before about spacing.Fixed
- 03:56:779 (1,1,1) - As before about spacing.Fixed
- 04:03:324 (5,1,2) - Inconsistent spacing.Fixed

- 00:06:960 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 00:08:233 (2,3,4) - This spacing is inconsistent with the rest of this section.Fixed
- 00:16:960 (4) - This blanket could be improved [00:16:324].Fixed
- 00:50:779 (1,2,3) - For the first notes to be right after a spinner to be a triple starting on the red tick is not very good. It's kind of hard too read the timing of this.I didn't know how to map it differently, so instead i shortened the spinner to give the player more time to orient himself.
- 00:54:779 (5,6) - Avoid these touching.Fixed
- 01:08:415 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 01:16:779 (3,4) - This spacing is inconsistent with the rest of the combo.Fixed
- 01:17:142 (4,2,3) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 01:20:960 (6,1) - Avoid these touching.Fixed
- 01:22:597 (3,1) - Avoid this overlap. I wouldn't recommend a stack since the next note is a new combo.Fixed
- 01:23:324 (1,3) - These aren't perfectly stacked.Fixed, just removed stack.
- 01:27:324 (3,3) - Avoid these touching.Fixed
- 01:32:051 (1,2) - Avoid these touching.Fixed
- 01:32:051 (1,3) - Stack these perfectly.Fixed
- 01:32:051 (1,3) - Avoid this overlap.Um, you just told me to stack them XD
- 02:18:597 (7) - New combo, since it is a new line in the vocals.Fixed
- 02:23:688 + - When this sort of rhythm came up before, you had a new combo every 4 sliders. Now it's at 8. Is this intentional? I would rather keep it consistent.Fixed
- 02:26:960 (1,2,3,4,5) - Inconsistent spacing.Fixed
- 02:28:415 (5,3,4) - Avoid these overlaps.Fixed
- 02:41:506 (4,1) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 02:46:233 (1,2) - Avoid these touching.Fixed
- 02:51:142 (4) - This touches the health bar on my end.Fixed
- 02:56:051 (4,6) - Stack these perfectly.Fixed
- 03:06:960 (2,3,4) - Inconsistent spacing.Fixed
- 03:22:597 (2) - This touches the health bar on my end.Fixed
- 03:23:142 (3,5) - Avoid these touching.Fixed
- 03:57:506 (2,3) - Avoid these touching.Fixed
- 04:00:960 (9,2) - Avoid this overlap.Fixed
- 04:02:597 (3,5,1) - Avoid this overlap.I instead started the triangle on the end of the slider
- 04:16:779 (1,1,1) - This triangle looks handmade. You can use CPC to make this a better one.Fixed. I think.
- 04:18:960 (3) - This drop in slider velocity comes quite suddenly with little indication of it coming. I would not recommend doing this, since it is difficult to read SV changes and I expect many people to break on this.Fixed
I apologise that the mod felt a bit more automated towards the end, but I wanted to point all of those out since they were in my opinion the more major issues with your map. Good luck :)
Thank you so much for the help! :) BTW the longer the mod list is, the happier I am. It means I will make more progress than if I had a short one ^.^ Thanks again!!! :D

Xelasto wrote:

Romanized Artist: yanaginagi Couldn't. It makes a duplicate map :(
Try changing it in the .osu txt file instead, and make sure that the beatmap set number is the same. Make sure you have a backup first though. I think what you could also do is change it for half of the difficulties in the set, then update it from a difficulty that is unchanged, and then repeat by changing the unchanged one (this method is kind of hard to explain and is a quite hacky way to fix this). If done right, it'll update instead of create a new beatmap.

- 01:12:710 (5) - What is this thing doing snapped onto a grey (1/16) tick? If you're getting notes snapped to odd ticks like this, then you should have a look at your timings rather than compensating with note placement.The last modder said that it sounds slightly more on beat (go to 25% speed). Even if I did change it to go back on the red tick it would be an unnoticeable difference, but I know what you mean (unless its unrankable ofc)
I think something like this would be unrankable, especially on Easy difficulty, since 1/16 timing is very unusual, and the editor even says in red "1/16 is not recommended for anyone ever". Even if it sounds better, try and stick to the white-red polarity. Use your imagination with sliders to see how you could cover this note.
No kudosu for this post. Thanks :)
Topic Starter

-Mo- wrote:

Xelasto wrote:

Romanized Artist: yanaginagi Couldn't. It makes a duplicate map :(
Try changing it in the .osu txt file instead, and make sure that the beatmap set number is the same. Make sure you have a backup first though. I think what you could also do is change it for half of the difficulties in the set, then update it from a difficulty that is unchanged, and then repeat by changing the unchanged one (this method is kind of hard to explain and is a quite hacky way to fix this). If done right, it'll update instead of create a new beatmap.Fixed. Thanks!

- 01:12:710 (5) - What is this thing doing snapped onto a grey (1/16) tick? If you're getting notes snapped to odd ticks like this, then you should have a look at your timings rather than compensating with note placement.The last modder said that it sounds slightly more on beat (go to 25% speed). Even if I did change it to go back on the red tick it would be an unnoticeable difference, but I know what you mean (unless its unrankable ofc)
I think something like this would be unrankable, especially on Easy difficulty, since 1/16 timing is very unusual, and the editor even says in red "1/16 is not recommended for anyone ever". Even if it sounds better, try and stick to the white-red polarity. Use your imagination with sliders to see how you could cover this note.I see what you mean. Fixed.
No kudosu for this post. Thanks :)
Heyho M4M from my queue o/

My first impression about this: Quite a few traps in all diffs which make some parts really weird to play mostly due to spacing issues. Also the rhythm could be improved at some points.

Timing point should be snapped on 01:37:142 - imo.


AR3 or 3,5 to make stuff like 00:19:324 (1,2,1) - clearer?
This is something BATs never want to see in both Easies and Normals
Also drastic SV changes can cause big reading issues so they are mostly unwanted in lower diffs. (Compare 00:10:233 (2,3,4) - to 01:15:688 (2,3,4,5) - and 03:07:688 (2,3,4) - for example)
Watch your spacing throughout the whole diff. Lower diffs are to learn how rhythm and spacing are connected and thus you must not switch between different spacings.

00:10:233 (2,3,4) - 2 and 3 are separated while 3 overlaps 4 slightly. They should all be separated from each other as they have the same distance in the music.
00:22:233 (2) - How about this to follow the vocals a little better?
00:23:870 (1) - I'd let the spinner end at 00:27:688 - as the beat there is stronger than the following one. You could make the upcoming break start at 00:28:051 - to (kinda) match that beat.
00:49:142 - Why did you leave this empty? Last break was 10 secs earlier so no need for another cursor repositioning.
00:52:779 (3,4,5) - Ugly overlaps
00:59:688 (1,2,3) - Really hard to read due to overlapping + offbeat rhythm.
01:04:051 (2,3) - While this is a good pattern you have 1,3x spacing here which is not allowed.
01:05:506 (4,5) - ^
01:49:142 - Add beat
01:49:506 (1) - Spacing issue with 3 before and 2 after
01:53:506 (4) - Spacing issue with 1
01:55:870 (3,4,1) - Feels like a trap because you have to travel across the whole slider to reach the beginning + 4-->1 is 1/2 longer than 3-->4 + Spacing
01:59:960 (1) - This spinner is too short imo. Replace with a pattern (Maybe this?) 02:12:779 (2,1) - Spacing
02:19:688 (2,1) - ^
02:30:233 (3,4) - This plays weird. Consider something like this: 02:34:597 - Weird gap with strong beats not being mapped. This would do for example 02:35:688 (1,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,3) - Spacing?
02:49:870 (1) - ^
02:55:324 (1,2,3) - Huge trap, makes every beginner sliderbreak because of the spacing mismatch.
03:06:960 (1,2) - Spacing
03:09:779 (1) - Like what i suggested for 01:59:960 (1) -
This goes on and on... Sadly I'd say remapping would be a good idea here because the spacing issues + SV changements need to be fixed which might break the whole difficulty.


AR5 for a better spread with AR7 in Hard diff?
As in Easies, spacing must be consistent throughout the map. Your SV changes might be kept (not sure though) but spacing is something you should always have both eyes on while mapping lower diffs.
00:23:960 (1) - I'd let the spinner end at 00:27:688 - as the beat there is stronger than the following one. You could make the upcoming break start at 00:28:051 - to (kinda) match that beat. (Like I said in Easy)
00:56:779 - Add beat
01:10:233 (3,1,2,3) - Spacing
01:11:688 (1,2,3) - You have to travel across slider 3 which makes the distance between 1 and 2 hard to tell.
01:14:597 (1,2,3) - Spacing
01:18:960 - Why did you switch from 0,9x spacing to ~1,1x starting here?
01:27:324 (1) - Now it's 0,8x again.
01:40:779 (1) - 0,6x o.o
01:43:688 (1) - And 0,7x
^^^^These parts indicate that going through the diff and fix all spacing issues is a must.
02:44:779 (2) - Repeat is on blue tick which sounds awkward even if the end is spot on the beat.
Can't really say much more. Fix spacing (or even remap with that advice) and you're good to go though.


Again watch your spacing.
00:06:415 (2,3) - This starts on the piano but follows the vocals. Make it follow one of them but not both at the same time as it sounds and plays weird.
00:08:960 (4,1,2) - Weird to read. 1 looks like it was included in the pattern while it isn't.
00:13:506 (2,3,4) - A pattern like this fits it more imo. 00:42:415 - Add beat
00:42:779 (1,2,3) - Where's the 1/4 in the music? I can only hear 1/1 here.
00:50:779 (1,2,3) - This should actually be here 00:50:415 - . You'd need to shorten the spinner before as well.
00:52:051 (5) - It's just the hi-hat playing here plus a ghost note on 00:52:233 - . No need for 1/4.
00:54:597 - Add beat
01:00:324 (3) - Remove
01:01:688 (6) - I don't really get why you put 1/4 repeat sliders on really minor beats while leaving out clear and strong ones like 01:02:870 -
01:04:233 - Add beat
01:06:233 - ^
01:10:051 - ^
01:13:870 (3,4) - The 1/4 are here 01:14:051 - 01:14:142 - 01:14:233 - instead.
01:18:960 (1,2,3,4) - This drum pattern is way more interesting than just plain repeat sliders. The beats are basically set like this:01:22:506 - Add beat
01:36:688 (6) - ^
01:37:142 (1) - How about splitting it into 2 repeat sliders to match the vocals as well?
01:39:142 (5,6,1,2) - Too much for an actually calmer part of the song. The music doesn't really support it as well.
01:45:870 (5,6,7) - Spacing trap. Either squeeze them more together or spread them out with normal spacing.
01:50:960 (4,5,6,7) - Honestly you should overthink your use of these repeat sliders... They don't really make sense.
01:53:688 - Add beat
Actually this continues until the end, so my advice is the following: Check your spacing as it is really random most of the time. Also check the 1/4 repeat sliders and if you are really really really sure you want to use most of them, make sure they follow a reasonable pattern.

Whew, that's all. Good luck with further mapping and i hope to see improvements in near future :)
00:08:233 (2,3,4) - space should be more close because actually this space just look like 00:04:051 (1,2,3) -
00:12:415 (x) -
00:12:597 (x) - those two has very strong piano, so maybe you should add circle
00:13:506 (2,3,4) - weird rhythm maybe just use 00:16:415 (3,4) - some rhythm like this to instead it
00:19:324 (3,4,5) - or,change the place between 4 and 5
00:19:324 (3,4,5,6) - space is confusing, use more close space on 00:19:324 (3,4,5) - or use more large space on 00:20:051 (5,6) -
00:39:688 (1,2) - use the same shape
00:43:688 (4,5) - I suggest to use this rhythm
and then just add note at 00:45:506 (x) -
00:50:597 (x) - you shouldn't miss this rhythm /-\
00:53:142 (2,3) - use same space like 00:52:051 (5,1) -
00:54:597 (x) - the music has stress on here
00:54:779 (6,7,1) - use same space
00:58:779 (5,6,1) - use same space like 00:58:233 (4,5) -
00:59:688 (1,2) - 01:00:415 (4,5) - same space
01:02:233 (7,8,9) - confusing space
01:03:324 (1) - better review the stress on this part, is complete doesn't work
01:04:415 (2,3,4) - same space
01:08:960 (2) - move it to x330 y109 (turn off grid snap) doesn't make your map with distance snap right? try to use the same space on same rhythm, this is what I want to say for this diff now, need more work, that‘s it /-\......
also you may need add more finish on this diff
music complete show that where you should add finish
00:39:688 (1) -
00:40:415 (3) - at the end
00:42:960 (3) - at the end
00:44:051 (5) - ^
00:57:142 (2) -
01:15:688 (4) - at the end
01:17:870 (2) -
01:19:688 (3) - at the end

like what I say in hard, more finish
00:41:870 (4) - move down litter bit and dont get touch with 00:39:688 (1) -
01:06:506 (1,1) - unrank, spinner is too short in normal diff
01:09:324 (2,3,1) - space
01:14:597 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - space
actually, the same problem like hard, and it will be more seriously, use the same space between same rhythm, or it just make new player been confusing when they are playing
also dont use sv change on normal too /-\
02:18:233 (1) - better delete this note, or bat will said there has no enough place to let new player reaction
I understand you try to make this diff looks more nice, but please dont use SV change and different space in normal and easy diff _(:зゝ∠)_

dont use different space
dont use sv change
Topic Starter

DarkVortex wrote:

Heyho M4M from my queue o/

My first impression about this: Quite a few traps in all diffs which make some parts really weird to play mostly due to spacing issues. Also the rhythm could be improved at some points.

Timing point should be snapped on 01:37:142 - imo.


AR3 or 3,5 to make stuff like 00:19:324 (1,2,1) - clearer?
This is something BATs never want to see in both Easies and Normals
Also drastic SV changes can cause big reading issues so they are mostly unwanted in lower diffs. (Compare 00:10:233 (2,3,4) - to 01:15:688 (2,3,4,5) - and 03:07:688 (2,3,4) - for example)
Watch your spacing throughout the whole diff. Lower diffs are to learn how rhythm and spacing are connected and thus you must not switch between different spacings.

00:10:233 (2,3,4) - 2 and 3 are separated while 3 overlaps 4 slightly. They should all be separated from each other as they have the same distance in the music.
00:22:233 (2) - How about this to follow the vocals a little better?
00:23:870 (1) - I'd let the spinner end at 00:27:688 - as the beat there is stronger than the following one. You could make the upcoming break start at 00:28:051 - to (kinda) match that beat.
00:49:142 - Why did you leave this empty? Last break was 10 secs earlier so no need for another cursor repositioning.
00:52:779 (3,4,5) - Ugly overlaps
00:59:688 (1,2,3) - Really hard to read due to overlapping + offbeat rhythm.
01:04:051 (2,3) - While this is a good pattern you have 1,3x spacing here which is not allowed.
01:05:506 (4,5) - ^
01:49:142 - Add beat
01:49:506 (1) - Spacing issue with 3 before and 2 after
01:53:506 (4) - Spacing issue with 1
01:55:870 (3,4,1) - Feels like a trap because you have to travel across the whole slider to reach the beginning + 4-->1 is 1/2 longer than 3-->4 + Spacing
01:59:960 (1) - This spinner is too short imo. Replace with a pattern (Maybe this?) 02:12:779 (2,1) - Spacing
02:19:688 (2,1) - ^
02:30:233 (3,4) - This plays weird. Consider something like this: 02:34:597 - Weird gap with strong beats not being mapped. This would do for example 02:35:688 (1,2,1,2,1,1,1,2,3) - Spacing?
02:49:870 (1) - ^
02:55:324 (1,2,3) - Huge trap, makes every beginner sliderbreak because of the spacing mismatch.
03:06:960 (1,2) - Spacing
03:09:779 (1) - Like what i suggested for 01:59:960 (1) -
This goes on and on... Sadly I'd say remapping would be a good idea here because the spacing issues + SV changements need to be fixed which might break the whole difficulty.
It's been re-mapped. Check it out ^.^

AR5 for a better spread with AR7 in Hard diff?Fixed
As in Easies, spacing must be consistent throughout the map. Your SV changes might be kept (not sure though) but spacing is something you should always have both eyes on while mapping lower diffs.Fixed
00:23:960 (1) - I'd let the spinner end at 00:27:688 - as the beat there is stronger than the following one. You could make the upcoming break start at 00:28:051 - to (kinda) match that beat. (Like I said in Easy)Fixed, but can't adjust break.
00:56:779 - Add beatFixed
01:10:233 (3,1,2,3) - SpacingFixed
01:11:688 (1,2,3) - You have to travel across slider 3 which makes the distance between 1 and 2 hard to tell.Fixed
01:14:597 (1,2,3) - SpacingFixed
01:18:960 - Why did you switch from 0,9x spacing to ~1,1x starting here?Fixed
01:27:324 (1) - Now it's 0,8x again.Fixed
01:40:779 (1) - 0,6x o.oFixed
01:43:688 (1) - And 0,7xFixed
^^^^These parts indicate that going through the diff and fix all spacing issues is a must.Done
02:44:779 (2) - Repeat is on blue tick which sounds awkward even if the end is spot on the beat.Fixed
Can't really say much more. Fix spacing (or even remap with that advice) and you're good to go though.


Again watch your spacing.
00:06:415 (2,3) - This starts on the piano but follows the vocals. Make it follow one of them but not both at the same time as it sounds and plays weird.Fixed
00:08:960 (4,1,2) - Weird to read. 1 looks like it was included in the pattern while it isn't.Fixed
00:13:506 (2,3,4) - A pattern like this fits it more imo. Fixed
00:42:415 - Add beat Fixed
00:42:779 (1,2,3) - Where's the 1/4 in the music? I can only hear 1/1 here.Fixed
00:50:779 (1,2,3) - This should actually be here 00:50:415 - . You'd need to shorten the spinner before as well.Fixed
00:52:051 (5) - It's just the hi-hat playing here plus a ghost note on 00:52:233 - . No need for 1/4.Fixed
00:54:597 - Add beatFixed
01:00:324 (3) - RemoveFixed
01:01:688 (6) - I don't really get why you put 1/4 repeat sliders on really minor beats while leaving out clear and strong ones like 01:02:870 - Fixed
01:04:233 - Add beatFixed
01:06:233 - ^Fixed
01:10:051 - ^Fixed
01:13:870 (3,4) - The 1/4 are here 01:14:051 - 01:14:142 - 01:14:233 - instead.Fixed
01:18:960 (1,2,3,4) - This drum pattern is way more interesting than just plain repeat sliders. The beats are basically set like this:Fixed
01:22:506 - Add beatFixed
01:36:688 (6) - ^Fixed
01:37:142 (1) - How about splitting it into 2 repeat sliders to match the vocals as well?Fixed
01:39:142 (5,6,1,2) - Too much for an actually calmer part of the song. The music doesn't really support it as well.Fixed
01:45:870 (5,6,7) - Spacing trap. Either squeeze them more together or spread them out with normal spacing.Fixed
01:50:960 (4,5,6,7) - Honestly you should overthink your use of these repeat sliders... They don't really make sense.Fixed
01:53:688 - Add beatFixed
Actually this continues until the end, so my advice is the following: Check your spacing as it is really random most of the time. Also check the 1/4 repeat sliders and if you are really really really sure you want to use most of them, make sure they follow a reasonable pattern.

Whew, that's all. Good luck with further mapping and i hope to see improvements in near future :)
Thanks ^.^
Topic Starter

tutuhaha wrote:

00:08:233 (2,3,4) - space should be more close because actually this space just look like 00:04:051 (1,2,3) - Fixed
00:12:415 (x) - Did you mean to put something here?
00:12:597 (x) - those two has very strong piano, so maybe you should add circleNah. This space is empty because I'm following the vocals, not both, and to give the player a quick second to reposition.
00:13:506 (2,3,4) - weird rhythm maybe just use 00:16:415 (3,4) - some rhythm like this to instead itFixed
00:19:324 (3,4,5) - or,change the place between 4 and 5 This was meant to be a quick jump from 3, to 4, to 5
00:19:324 (3,4,5,6) - space is confusing, use more close space on 00:19:324 (3,4,5) - or use more large space on 00:20:051 (5,6) - Fixed
00:39:688 (1,2) - use the same shapeI made it more accurate, but it was always the same shape, just upside down.
00:43:688 (4,5) - I suggest to use this rhythm
and then just add note at 00:45:506 (x) - I didn't use your rhythm exactly, but I did change it.
00:50:597 (x) - you shouldn't miss this rhythm /-\Fixed
00:53:142 (2,3) - use same space like 00:52:051 (5,1) - I changed 5 to a slider and made it earlier, so I didn't have to change it.
00:54:597 (x) - the music has stress on hereFixed
00:54:779 (6,7,1) - use same spaceFixed
00:58:779 (5,6,1) - use same space like 00:58:233 (4,5) -I changed the spacing, but IDK if I did it the way you wanted it.
00:59:688 (1,2) - 01:00:415 (4,5) - same spaceFixed
01:02:233 (7,8,9) - confusing spaceFixed
01:03:324 (1) - better review the stress on this part, is complete doesn't work I don't understand what you mean, it sounds fine.
01:04:415 (2,3,4) - same spaceFixed
01:08:960 (2) - move it to x330 y109 (turn off grid snap)Fixed doesn't make your map with distance snap right? try to use the same space on same rhythm, this is what I want to say for this diff now, need more work, that‘s it /-\......
also you may need add more finish on this diff
music complete show that where you should add finish
00:39:688 (1) -
00:40:415 (3) - at the end
00:42:960 (3) - at the end
00:44:051 (5) - ^
00:57:142 (2) -
01:15:688 (4) - at the end
01:17:870 (2) -
01:19:688 (3) - at the end

like what I say in hard, more finish
00:41:870 (4) - move down litter bit and dont get touch with 00:39:688 (1) - Fixed
01:06:506 (1,1) - unrank, spinner is too short in normal diffFixed
01:09:324 (2,3,1) - spaceFixed
01:14:597 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - spaceFixed
actually, the same problem like hard, and it will be more seriously, use the same space between same rhythm, or it just make new player been confusing when they are playing Agreed
also dont use sv change on normal too /-\
02:18:233 (1) - better delete this note, or bat will said there has no enough place to let new player reaction I made the spinner shorter
I understand you try to make this diff looks more nice, but please dont use SV change and different space in normal and easy diff _(:зゝ∠)_

dont use different space
dont use sv change
I re-mapped Easy
Thanks alot! :D It helped!

00:10:597 (2) - I don't think you should make this veer up so much for no reason, try making it more subtle
00:54:233 (4) - fix wave shape
01:12:960 (2) - I think you should map the section around this object, the stop is random.
01:32:779 try not to skip out important beats, remember that white ticks are so much more important than red ones in most songs.
01:53:870 (2,3) - distance snap these two.
01:57:506 (2) - ctrl + j, then move it back to it's original position.
02:15:688 (5) - shorten to the last white tick and then move the spinner to where it's tail was.
02:56:415 (2,3) - the turn in them is completely unpredicted, make the sudden veer to the side more noticeable.
03:52:051 (1,2,3,4) - circles don't really fit with the music.

Overall: I am sorry to say, but easy needs a whole remap, in fact, I think you need to choose an easier song to map.


Ar 4

Why is the distance snap so much lower than easy? I think you have to turn it up.


why is the SV so low, normal for hards is about 1.40 to 1.60.

I am sorry, I cannot mod this for any longer, however, If you remap this, or map another map in the future, you can call me back to look at it, you have one ticket. You may want to look at these : Making Common Sliders Neat :
Analyzing Flow In Beatmaps :
Making delicious sliders :

For your first, I suggest you pick a low BPM easy song to map. You can ask me for more information ingame if you feel like it.
Topic Starter

Yuthuil wrote:


00:10:597 (2) - I don't think you should make this veer up so much for no reason, try making it more subtle Fixed
00:54:233 (4) - fix wave shape Fixed
01:12:960 (2) - I think you should map the section around this object, the stop is random. Fixed
01:32:779 try not to skip out important beats, remember that white ticks are so much more important than red ones in most songs.I'm following the vocals, not the beat.
01:53:870 (2,3) - distance snap these two. Fixed
01:57:506 (2) - ctrl + j, then move it back to it's original position. Fixed
02:15:688 (5) - shorten to the last white tick and then move the spinner to where it's tail was. Fixed, but IDK what was wrong with it. It followed the vocals.
02:56:415 (2,3) - the turn in them is completely unpredicted, make the sudden veer to the side more noticeable. Fixed
03:52:051 (1,2,3,4) - circles don't really fit with the music. Fixed

Overall: I am sorry to say, but easy needs a whole remap, in fact, I think you need to choose an easier song to map.


Ar 4 Fixed

Why is the distance snap so much lower than easy? I think you have to turn it up. I used a higher distance snap than 0x8, I just used 0x8 cause I went back to the beginning and re-adjusted


why is the SV so low, normal for hards is about 1.40 to 1.60. I'm remapping hard.

I am sorry, I cannot mod this for any longer, however, If you remap this, or map another map in the future, you can call me back to look at it, you have one ticket. You may want to look at these : Making Common Sliders Neat :
Analyzing Flow In Beatmaps :
Making delicious sliders :

For your first, I suggest you pick a low BPM easy song to map. You can ask me for more information ingame if you feel like it.
Sorry for the late mod, but here it is!

The timing feels off. 1,840 would be a much better offset.


00:42:822(1) - The spacing here is 0.94 which is inconsistent with previous notes, snap it to 1.00x.
01:04:415(5) - Make (5) blanket (4) better. I would suggest to copy and paste (4) and replace (5) with the copy.
01:11:688(1) - I'd suggest moving this down by one grid space and adjusting the end point of the slider to blanket the previous note better.
01:26:233(1) - Maybe make this slider a bit cleaner? Something along the lines of this would look and flow better;
01:30:233(3) - Remove crash? It doesn't sound needed at this part.
01:35:688(1)(2) - Use 1.00x spacing for these. Such a drastic change in spacing on Easy shouldn't be used. Suggestion;
01:43:688(2) - Move the endpoint of this slider up one grid so it blankets (3) a little better.
01:50:051(3) - Maybe make this curve a bit better? Example;
01:52:415(1) - Remove the crash on the repeat, it sounds off since the crash in the song doesn't occur until 01:53:142.
01:58:779(1) - Same as mentioned before, there is no crash at this part in the song so it sounds weird.
02:25:870(4) - Remove the crash and the clap.
02:28:415(2) - Remove crash.
02:41:142(2) - ^
02:51:142(1) - ^
03:02:779(1) - ^
03:24:051(3) - The points on this slider seem a bit unnecessary. Possibly make it like this;
03:24:779(4) - Make this blanket 3.
03:26:051(1) - Remove clap and finish.
03:43:506(3) - Remove Crash.
04:03:324(1) - Make this blanket (2) better.
04:18:415(4) - Remove crash.


A lot of the hitsounding problems I had with Easy carried over into this difficulty. So I would suggest fixing the hitsounding for this as well.
00:53:324(4) - Remove clap.
01:21:870 - I understand you're trying to follow the lyrics here, but adding a note here would improve readability. Ending on a red tick, and then starting at 01:22:233 on a white tick isn't recommended for easier difficulties.
01:45:142(2) - Move this down two grid spaces to match the placement of 01:43:324(5).
02:45:870 - Add a note here.
02:57:506(1) - As far as I know, this slider is unrankable as it goes completely off-screen. Move this slider up.
03:56:779(4) - Remove NC
03:57:142(1) - ^

This is a nice difficulty but it has quite a few spacing inconsistencies and I would suggest going through and distance snap notes throughout the song.


Since you're remapping hard I won't be modding it. You can contact me if you wish for a mod of your Hard once it's complete.
There needs to be a bit of fine tuning here and there with Easy and Normal but overall they're nice. Good song choice btw :)
Topic Starter

Wasabi wrote:

Sorry for the late mod, but here it is!

The timing feels off. 1,840 would be a much better offset. Thanks SO MUCH! That helped A TON!


00:42:822(1) - The spacing here is 0.94 which is inconsistent with previous notes, snap it to 1.00x. Fixed
01:04:415(5) - Make (5) blanket (4) better. I would suggest to copy and paste (4) and replace (5) with the copy. Fixed
01:11:688(1) - I'd suggest moving this down by one grid space and adjusting the end point of the slider to blanket the previous note better. Fixed
01:26:233(1) - Maybe make this slider a bit cleaner? Something along the lines of this would look and flow better; Fixed
01:30:233(3) - Remove crash? It doesn't sound needed at this part. Fixed
01:35:688(1)(2) - Use 1.00x spacing for these. Such a drastic change in spacing on Easy shouldn't be used. Suggestion; Um distance snap Put 2 farther away from the first 1 than the second 1 right after 2 because 2 is farther away from the first 1 than the second 1 on the timeline. That's a mouthful.
01:43:688(2) - Move the endpoint of this slider up one grid so it blankets (3) a little better. Fixed
01:50:051(3) - Maybe make this curve a bit better? Example; Fixed
01:52:415(1) - Remove the crash on the repeat, it sounds off since the crash in the song doesn't occur until 01:53:142. Fixed
01:58:779(1) - Same as mentioned before, there is no crash at this part in the song so it sounds weird. Fixed
02:25:870(4) - Remove the crash and the clap. Fixed
02:28:415(2) - Remove crash. Fixed
02:41:142(2) - ^ Fixed
02:51:142(1) - ^ Fixed
03:02:779(1) - ^ Fixed
03:24:051(3) - The points on this slider seem a bit unnecessary. Possibly make it like this; Fixed
03:24:779(4) - Make this blanket 3. Fixed
03:26:051(1) - Remove clap and finish. Fixed
03:43:506(3) - Remove Crash. Fixed
04:03:324(1) - Make this blanket (2) better. Fixed
04:18:415(4) - Remove crash. Fixed


A lot of the hitsounding problems I had with Easy carried over into this difficulty. So I would suggest fixing the hitsounding for this as well.
00:53:324(4) - Remove clap. Fixed
01:21:870 - I understand you're trying to follow the lyrics here, but adding a note here would improve readability. Ending on a red tick, and then starting at 01:22:233 on a white tick isn't recommended for easier difficulties. Fixed, but IDK if I did it how you wanted me to 0-0
01:45:142(2) - Move this down two grid spaces to match the placement of 01:43:324(5). Fixed
02:45:870 - Add a note here. Fixed
02:57:506(1) - As far as I know, this slider is unrankable as it goes completely off-screen. Move this slider up. Fixed
03:56:779(4) - Remove NC Fixed
03:57:142(1) - ^ Fixed

This is a nice difficulty but it has quite a few spacing inconsistencies and I would suggest going through and distance snap notes throughout the song. I already have :P


Since you're remapping hard I won't be modding it. You can contact me if you wish for a mod of your Hard once it's complete.
There needs to be a bit of fine tuning here and there with Easy and Normal but overall they're nice. Good song choice btw :)
Thanks :D
- Milhofo -
Hi, from my modding queue :)

!! - Very Important
!! - Important

  1. As you may know from what you saw on my map I'm not the best normal modder, don't expect a big lot from my mod ; ;
  1. 00:40:385 - you could end slider here and put a note at 00:40:749
  2. 00:58:203 (2) - position this better !!
  3. 01:30:567 (5) - NC
  4. 02:33:112 (5) - ^
  5. 02:41:476 - add note !!
  6. 02:41:840 (1,1,1) - why the NC's? x.x
  7. 02:45:840 (4,5) - position them in the same vector as the last slider end, like:
  8. 03:29:112 (1) - slider mid point should be on 03:29:840 , you have to change SV from 03:29:840 to 03:30:385 , if you really want to keep it a slider !!
  9. 03:54:567 (2) - blanket with 03:55:658 (3)
  10. 03:57:476 (1) - add hitsound here (finish), I don't usually mod hitsounds though, I prob missed some xd
  11. 03:57:506 - why the timing section here? should be on a 1/4 tick
  12. 03:10:961 - ^
  13. Basically you have the above problem in some timing sections, I could keep copy pasting them to pretend my mod is big or just tell you here :b
  1. 00:14:567 (3) - make this note's distance from the slider like the one at 00:17:476 (3)
  2. 00:27:112 (1) - the slider doesn't really "express" the music, imo 2 singles would be better here
  3. 00:50:567 (3) - divide slider into 2 and make the second part reverse? (probably would have to change positioning too after)
  4. 01:16:930 (3) - too curved
  5. 01:17:476 (4) - NC
  6. 01:17:476 (4) - ugly overlap
  7. 02:50:567 (3) - move to x:270
  8. 04:15:294 (1) - this slider's shape feels off with the rest of the combo/song
  9. I thought AiMod would warn about the end not beeing mapped but I guess it's fine ^^
All seems pretty good since you use distance snap unlike me :D gl on this map! :)
Topic Starter
Darn. I can't delete this extra post. Keep moving down XD
Topic Starter

Milhofo wrote:

Hi, from my modding queue :)

!! - Very Important
!! - Important

  1. As you may know from what you saw on my map I'm not the best normal modder, don't expect a big lot from my mod ; ;
It's Fine :)

  1. 00:40:385 - you could end slider here and put a note at 00:40:749 Fixed
  2. 00:58:203 (2) - position this better !! IDK how to do it better. Picture please?
  3. 01:30:567 (5) - NC Fixed
  4. 02:33:112 (5) - ^ Fixed
  5. 02:41:476 - add note !!
  6. 02:41:840 (1,1,1) - why the NC's? x.x For some health regen for the new players after about half the song.
  7. 02:45:840 (4,5) - position them in the same vector as the last slider end, like: Fixed, but IDK if I did it right XD
  8. 03:29:112 (1) - slider mid point should be on 03:29:840 , you have to change SV from 03:29:840 to 03:30:385 , if you really want to keep it a slider !! Fixed, I just removed repeat and added a note
  9. 03:54:567 (2) - blanket with 03:55:658 (3) Not possible without completely destroying the spacing.
  10. 03:57:476 (1) - add hitsound here (finish), I don't usually mod hitsounds though, I prob missed some xd Uh, it was always there.
  11. 03:57:506 - why the timing section here? should be on a 1/4 tick I put it on the downbeat.
  12. 03:10:961 - ^ Same thing.
  13. Basically you have the above problem in some timing sections, I could keep copy pasting them to pretend my mod is big or just tell you here :b
  1. 00:14:567 (3) - make this note's distance from the slider like the one at 00:17:476 (3) Fixed
  2. 00:27:112 (1) - the slider doesn't really "express" the music, imo 2 singles would be better here Fixed
  3. 00:50:567 (3) - divide slider into 2 and make the second part reverse? (probably would have to change positioning too after) I have no idea what you mean.
  4. 01:16:930 (3) - too curved Fixed
  5. 01:17:476 (4) - NC Fixed
  6. 01:17:476 (4) - ugly overlap There is no overlap 0-0
  7. 02:50:567 (3) - move to x:270 Fixed
  8. 04:15:294 (1) - this slider's shape feels off with the rest of the combo/song Fixed
  9. I thought AiMod would warn about the end not beeing mapped but I guess it's fine ^^
All seems pretty good since you use distance snap unlike me :D gl on this map! :)
Thanks for the mod! :) Have a nice day!
Hi! From my modding queue :)

- Set AudioLeadIn to 1000 in every .osu file
- Set slider tick rate to 2 maybe? Seems better to me
- Both the combo colours and the kiai times are inconsistent between the diffs
- All of your inherited timing points are unsnapped. Snapping may not be important at some of them, but at least the ones enabling/disabling kiai should be

Couldn't find anything~

- All the notes in the beginning (from 00:01:112 - 00:28:021) only slightly touch each other, which doesn't look good. Increase the spacing there
00:01:142 (1) - Not snapped
01:11:658 (1,3) - Bad overlap
02:33:112 (1,2) - ^
02:34:385 (2,2) - ^
02:41:840 (1,1,1) - I know this has been pointed out before, but don't spam NC here. The HP drain really isn't high, and even if you miss every second note you won't get problems with it.
02:56:385 (4) - Stack this with 02:54:930 (2)

00:01:142 (1) - Not snapped
00:04:021 (2,3) - Doesn't look good. Blanket them both
00:42:567 (1,2) - ^
00:57:658 (4,5) - Bad overlap
01:36:567 (2,5) - ^
01:11:658 (3,4) - Blanket isn't that good here, look closely at both slidertracks
02:29:112 (2) - Ctrl+G maybe? Flows better

Good luck with the map! ^o^
Topic Starter

ReallyFastCat wrote:

Hi! From my modding queue :)

- Set AudioLeadIn to 1000 in every .osu file Fixed
- Set slider tick rate to 2 maybe? Seems better to me Fixed
- Both the combo colours and the kiai times are inconsistent between the diffs Well, I don't think the combos should be consistent between modes because in normal and hard they should be longer.
- All of your inherited timing points are unsnapped. Snapping may not be important at some of them, but at least the ones enabling/disabling kiai should be Fixed

Couldn't find anything~ 0-o Wow, interesting.

- All the notes in the beginning (from 00:01:112 - 00:28:021) only slightly touch each other, which doesn't look good. Increase the spacing there Fixed
00:01:142 (1) - Not snapped Fixed
01:11:658 (1,3) - Bad overlap Fixed
02:33:112 (1,2) - ^ Fixed
02:34:385 (2,2) - ^ Fixed
02:41:840 (1,1,1) - I know this has been pointed out before, but don't spam NC here. The HP drain really isn't high, and even if you miss every second note you won't get problems with it. Fixed
02:56:385 (4) - Stack this with 02:54:930 (2) Fixed

00:01:142 (1) - Not snapped Fixed
00:04:021 (2,3) - Doesn't look good. Blanket them both Fixed
00:42:567 (1,2) - ^ Fixed
00:57:658 (4,5) - Bad overlapI tried to fix it, but no other way had a better flow and looked good, but I think I made it a bit better.
01:36:567 (2,5) - ^ Fixed
01:11:658 (3,4) - Blanket isn't that good here, look closely at both slidertracks I think I made it better. MAYBE.
02:29:112 (2) - Ctrl+G maybe? Flows better Fixed

Good luck with the map! ^o^
Thanks! :)

Check plz

slider tick rate 2→1 req

Audio Lead IN is 1500 req

Souse plz!!


00:06:567 req

00:43:294 req






good song!!

goos luck :)
Okay rechecking !


Slider tick rate three? There are a lot of skipped beats in this map and two doesn't make up for them since you have some 2/1 sliders.
00:01:112 Imo you should turn down the hitsounds in this section since it gives this part an overmapped feel since the instruments are so soft
00:01:840 (3,4) - Clone four of three
00:02:930 (5) - Delete this, there is no sound here at all
00:03:476 (6) - I think you should replace this with two stacked circles
00:04:021 (1,2) - The flow would be better here if you selected these two and pressed ctrl + g
00:07:658 (4) - Make completely straight or more curved, since I think this clashes weirdly with the object after it
00:14:567 (3) - This is bad note placement, either move to x76 y172 or x8 y164
00:16:385 (1,2) - These sliders aren't really popular with most osu players now adays, so try a more gentle approach to red node sliders
00:19:840 (4) - Ctrl + h, it overlaps with the slider before
00:20:749 (1,2) - Try rotate 90 degrees clockwise then move back so that one blankets the curvy slider since the overlap is ugly
00:46:021 (2) - This should be a 1/2 slider, the missed beat sounds awful
00:51:294 (1,2,3) - Try and make these all curved the same amount - two and three are identical yet one is not
00:53:294 (2) - ctrl +g creates better flow
01:03:658 (3) - Delete this, you shouldn't map tiny tiny sounds
01:04:203 Missing a beat? Note: you can't only map vocals, only when necessary
01:21:840 (1,2,3,4) - Feels a bit cramped, try and space them out so that their tails form a square, subtle patterns like that are nice
01:40:930 (4) - Flow is better if you move the middle node to x232 y284 and the tail node to x264 y316
01:47:658 (7,8,1,2) - After you made a jump with 7 and 8, 1 and 2 become confusing, consider moving the sliders before closer
01:58:203 (1,3) - Clone three of one
02:13:294 (5,1) - These two should be removed
02:55:294 (1,2,3) - Flow here is weird, how about making two into a straight slider
02:57:658 (5) - bad note placement
03:32:385 (2,3) - Make these the same, three is more curved than two
04:07:294 (6,7) - Blanket properly


The map is still ever so slightly messy and could use a bit more work, but you have improved greatly, and I really like some of the patterns you have here, I don't think you have to remap, since it's at a stage where mods can help it now. I wish you good luck with the map
Topic Starter

Yuthuil wrote:

Okay rechecking !


Slider tick rate three? There are a lot of skipped beats in this map and two doesn't make up for them since you have some 2/1 sliders.Um, no thanks. I listened to 3 tick rate and it seems much too fast, especially in the beginning.
00:01:112 Imo you should turn down the hitsounds in this section since it gives this part an overmapped feel since the instruments are so soft Fixed from 40% to 30%
00:01:840 (3,4) - Clone four of three Fixed
00:02:930 (5) - Delete this, there is no sound here at all Fixed, including everything after
00:03:476 (6) - I think you should replace this with two stacked circles Fixed
00:04:021 (1,2) - The flow would be better here if you selected these two and pressed ctrl + g Fixed
00:07:658 (4) - Make completely straight or more curved, since I think this clashes weirdly with the object after it Fixed straight.
00:14:567 (3) - This is bad note placement, either move to x76 y172 or x8 y164 Fixed
00:16:385 (1,2) - These sliders aren't really popular with most osu players now adays, so try a more gentle approach to red node sliders Fixed, curved.
00:19:840 (4) - Ctrl + h, it overlaps with the slider before Fixed
00:20:749 (1,2) - Try rotate 90 degrees clockwise then move back so that one blankets the curvy slider since the overlap is ugly Fixed
00:46:021 (2) - This should be a 1/2 slider, the missed beat sounds awful Fixed
00:51:294 (1,2,3) - Try and make these all curved the same amount - two and three are identical yet one is not Fixed
00:53:294 (2) - ctrl +g creates better flow Fixed
01:03:658 (3) - Delete this, you shouldn't map tiny tiny sounds Um if you could show me how to map this with a picture, that would be great.
01:04:203 Missing a beat? Note: you can't only map vocals, only when necessary Fixed
01:21:840 (1,2,3,4) - Feels a bit cramped, try and space them out so that their tails form a square, subtle patterns like that are nice Fixed
01:40:930 (4) - Flow is better if you move the middle node to x232 y284 and the tail node to x264 y316 IDK what you mean. Picture please
01:47:658 (7,8,1,2) - After you made a jump with 7 and 8, 1 and 2 become confusing, consider moving the sliders before closer Fixed
01:58:203 (1,3) - Clone three of one Fixed
02:13:294 (5,1) - These two should be removed Why?
02:55:294 (1,2,3) - Flow here is weird, how about making two into a straight slider Fixed
02:57:658 (5) - bad note placement Fixed
03:32:385 (2,3) - Make these the same, three is more curved than two Fixed
04:07:294 (6,7) - Blanket properly Fixed


The map is still ever so slightly messy and could use a bit more work, but you have improved greatly, and I really like some of the patterns you have here, I don't think you have to remap, since it's at a stage where mods can help it now. I wish you good luck with the map
Thanks! :D I updated it so if you could take a look and reply that would be great.
Topic Starter

-Yuzuriha-inori- wrote:


Check plz Fixed, Thanks! :D

slider tick rate 2→1 req Sorry, but 1 tick rate misses too many beats, and there are no rules against what I'm doing (I'm assuming req means required)

Audio Lead IN is 1500 req Fixed

Souse plz!! This song doesn't come from a game.


00:06:567 req Instead of a repeat slider, I did a triangle formation

00:43:294 req Sorry, but I think a repeat slider and note fits this better, and even then it doesn't really improve my map.






good song!!

goos luck :)
Thanks for the suggestions! :)

Your uninherited timing point for Hard is different from Easy and Normal.
Normal and Easy are 1840 offset for their timing point, while it is 1112 on Hard, please make them all the same


00:39:658 (1) - finish on start of slider
00:42:567 (1) - finish on end of slider
00:46:203 (3) - finish
00:49:112 (1) - finish on start of slider
01:19:658 (6,1) - spacing error
01:22:567 (3) - this shape doesn't look good, it hides parts of the slider body, especially because of the bend in the slider which is very close to the end of the slider
01:24:749 (2) - finish on middle part of slider
02:16:567 (1) - for a spinner in Easy, this is pretty short, it doesn't really fit well in the section either, I suggest you change this to a different rhythm
02:22:749 (4) - I recommend that you don't use such off-beat rhythms in Easy, it's too complicated for its own good
02:25:840 (4,1) - spacing error
02:34:203 (2) - remove finish on the end of the slider
02:36:021 (4) - finish on start of slider
03:28:385 (2) - finish on end of slider
04:01:840 (2,3) - this pattern looks quite poor
04:03:294 (1) - remove finish on the middle part of the slider, place it at the start

The use of New Combos is really bad here, and many a times, you have a slider that ends where a new section starts, which is not good, you should have something start on those beats instead, most of these parts are also usually the start of new combos. Here are some of those parts which should be the start of new phrases and sections:

Rhythm is too start-stop in Easy to be honest, have it more connecting, and following a wider general tune of the song


00:16:385 (3) - doesn't really look nice touching the health bar, the body at the top is blocked
00:45:476 (3) - this should be a NC
00:48:476 (1) - I rather you end the spinner at 00:51:294 instead, the slider is just too awkward in this rhythm, too isolated
02:21:476 (3,4,5,6) - overall, this doesn't look like a good pattern, with it's positioning
02:24:385 (1) - finish at start of slider, remove it from the end of the slider. Seeing how the difficulty has been, the finishes used have been very random to say the least, they don't even play at the same exact time as the cymbals in the song, and are just carelessly maybe 1/2 beat before or after one, which sounds very poor
02:59:294 (2) - from here onwards NC beats on this tune, like 03:02:203 (3) - 03:05:112 (3) - 03:08:021 (5) - to follow the starting of the chorus, don't suddenly change your pattern all of a sudden without much reason, this follows the sectioning better as well

The flow is quite angular, and is not very fluid, the movement feels like it is just trying to follow a line, but the way this line moves after connecting each object with each other is not regarded with further thought.
The hitsounds, especially the finishes, can be much better, and can work better with the song. They are currently not in sync and don't sound really well.
Work on consistency in combo patterns and make sure the rhythm flows and isn't start-stop, especially when it follows super strictly to vocals, which isn't really good.

Much work to be done for all difficulties, but I hope it improves and is more coherent.

Good Luck
From my queue. Whoops.

Circle Size should be 3. 2 is not pretty much ever used anymore. Smaller circles also make more room so that subsequent circles in the beginning's slow part won't touch each other. Example here since my words are probably super unclear once again.
00:48:021 - Add a circle.
01:19:658 (6,1) - Fix the distance snap. (Should be 1,0x, not 1,16x)
01:48:203 (3) - Move to x432 y192 for a neat blanket. Don't forget to fix the next distance snap after this.
02:00:385 (1) - Could be three circles instead. You're using sliders quite a bit too much IMO.
02:12:385 (1,2) - Curving these would look better.
02:30:203 (2,3) - Don't map this on vocals only. Really boring, and ignores completely important drum hits.
03:24:749 (4) - Move the middle point one square to the left for better blanket.
03:31:294 (1) - Shape could be improved (just try something, I'm too lazy to try it myself because it will be hard to copy sliderpoints from a screenshot anyway).
03:37:658 (3) - Would flow better as reversed.
03:44:567 (1) - x308 y180 for better flow and a proper blanket.
03:57:476 (1) - Shape should be improved.
04:18:930 (1) - x432 y196 for better flow and a proper blanket.

Really stupid speed up sections, completely unsuitable for Normal. You might have to remap most of the map later.
00:10:567 (3) - x128 y256 for a proper blanket.
00:13:476 (2) - A wave slider doesn't really work here, just use a blanketing curve slider.
00:16:385 (3) - Should not touch the HP bar at the top. Move it down.
01:21:476 (2,3) - This kind of rhythm would work better here:
01:32:021 (1,2) - Not quite following the distance snap here.
01:34:567 (3,4) - ^
01:56:749 (2,3) - 90-degree sliders really give a bad design and never really play well. The placement also completely ruins the flow. Remake this part.
02:24:021 - Add a hitobject.

00:54:749 (1) - Unnecessary spinner. Could and should be mapped properly, to the beat, maybe with a 2-beat-slider in the beginning, but nothing longer than that. It gets boring and unsuitable for the hardest diff.
01:06:385 (1) - ^
02:16:203 (1) - ^
I can't really write much else, just follow what neonat said about flow. Design is mainly ok, but there's barely any flow. Doesn't make it fun to play.
From my modding queue.

  • General
  1. I suggest to change the "Hard" difficulty name to something that describes the song.
  2. Check AiMod.
  3. Kiai isn't snapped here: 01:37:840 - 02:47:658 - 03:57:476 - 04:20:779 -

  • Hard
  1. 00:03:112 - Add a circle here that stacks 00:02:930 (5) - It sounds better imo. Also it follows this pattern 00:03:475 (7,8) -
  2. 00:41:476 (5) - Curve a little more to the left?
  3. 00:58:385 (5,6) - Avoid this overlap.
  4. 03:57:475 - Why is this kiai so calm? Since it's the last kiai time, you could fill it a bit more up. I thought for a second that there wasn't any kiai time, untill i looked on the timeline below.

  • Feedback

    Nice calm song, imo i think you should either make an Insane, or find someone who can make an Insane GD. It would be best for you to have 4 difficulties :3
    Good luck with it~
Topic Starter

neonat wrote:


Your uninherited timing point for Hard is different from Easy and Normal. Fixed
Normal and Easy are 1840 offset for their timing point, while it is 1112 on Hard, please make them all the same Fixed


00:39:658 (1) - finish on start of slider Fixed
00:42:567 (1) - finish on end of slider Fixed
00:46:203 (3) - finish Fixed
00:49:112 (1) - finish on start of slider Fixed
01:19:658 (6,1) - spacing error Fixed
01:22:567 (3) - this shape doesn't look good, it hides parts of the slider body, especially because of the bend in the slider which is very close to the end of the slider Fixed
01:24:749 (2) - finish on middle part of slider Fixed
02:16:567 (1) - for a spinner in Easy, this is pretty short, it doesn't really fit well in the section either, I suggest you change this to a different rhythm Fixed... I think
02:22:749 (4) - I recommend that you don't use such off-beat rhythms in Easy, it's too complicated for its own good Fixed, but IDK if its much better
02:25:840 (4,1) - spacing error Fixed
02:34:203 (2) - remove finish on the end of the slider Fixed
02:36:021 (4) - finish on start of slider Fixed
03:28:385 (2) - finish on end of slider Fixed
04:01:840 (2,3) - this pattern looks quite poor Fixed
04:03:294 (1) - remove finish on the middle part of the slider, place it at the start Fixed

The use of New Combos is really bad here, and many a times, you have a slider that ends where a new section starts, which is not good, you should have something start on those beats instead, most of these parts are also usually the start of new combos. Here are some of those parts which should be the start of new phrases and sections:
I've attempted to make a better combo thing, however I didn't change the beginning because I treat the first sentence part "Mizugiwa Ni" as one combo, then the next is "Ao jiroku"

Rhythm is too start-stop in Easy to be honest, have it more connecting, and following a wider general tune of the song


00:16:385 (3) - doesn't really look nice touching the health bar, the body at the top is blocked Fixed
00:45:476 (3) - this should be a NC Fixed
00:48:476 (1) - I rather you end the spinner at 00:51:294 instead, the slider is just too awkward in this rhythm, too isolated Fixed
02:21:476 (3,4,5,6) - overall, this doesn't look like a good pattern, with it's positioning Fixed
02:24:385 (1) - finish at start of slider, remove it from the end of the slider. Seeing how the difficulty has been, the finishes used have been very random to say the least, they don't even play at the same exact time as the cymbals in the song, and are just carelessly maybe 1/2 beat before or after one, which sounds very poor Fixed, attempted to make better hitsounds. Still bad ;-;
02:59:294 (2) - from here onwards NC beats on this tune, like 03:02:203 (3) - 03:05:112 (3) - 03:08:021 (5) - to follow the starting of the chorus, don't suddenly change your pattern all of a sudden without much reason, this follows the sectioning better as well

The flow is quite angular, and is not very fluid, the movement feels like it is just trying to follow a line, but the way this line moves after connecting each object with each other is not regarded with further thought.
The hitsounds, especially the finishes, can be much better, and can work better with the song. They are currently not in sync and don't sound really well.
Work on consistency in combo patterns and make sure the rhythm flows and isn't start-stop, especially when it follows super strictly to vocals, which isn't really good. Why thank you see! :D

Much work to be done for all difficulties, but I hope it improves and is more coherent. Hai, Senpai ;)

Good Luck
Topic Starter

Static Noise Bird wrote:

From my queue. Whoops.

Circle Size should be 3. 2 is not pretty much ever used anymore. Smaller circles also make more room so that subsequent circles in the beginning's slow part won't touch each other. Example here since my words are probably super unclear once again. Fixed, but now the star rate went even higher ;-;
00:48:021 - Add a circle. Fixed
01:19:658 (6,1) - Fix the distance snap. (Should be 1,0x, not 1,16x) Fixed
01:48:203 (3) - Move to x432 y192 for a neat blanket. Don't forget to fix the next distance snap after this. Fixed
02:00:385 (1) - Could be three circles instead. You're using sliders quite a bit too much IMO. Fixed
02:12:385 (1,2) - Curving these would look better. Fixed
02:30:203 (2,3) - Don't map this on vocals only. Really boring, and ignores completely important drum hits. Fixed
03:24:749 (4) - Move the middle point one square to the left for better blanket. Fixed
03:31:294 (1) - Shape could be improved (just try something, I'm too lazy to try it myself because it will be hard to copy sliderpoints from a screenshot anyway). Fixed luckily, now looks more like a heart and less like a squashed... thing.
03:37:658 (3) - Would flow better as reversed. Fixed
03:44:567 (1) - x308 y180 for better flow and a proper blanket. Fixed
03:57:476 (1) - Shape should be improved. Fixed
04:18:930 (1) - x432 y196 for better flow and a proper blanket. Fixed

Really stupid speed up sections, completely unsuitable for Normal. You might have to remap most of the map later. I CRI EVERETIM ;-;
00:10:567 (3) - x128 y256 for a proper blanket. Fixed
00:13:476 (2) - A wave slider doesn't really work here, just use a blanketing curve slider. Fixed
00:16:385 (3) - Should not touch the HP bar at the top. Move it down. Fixed
01:21:476 (2,3) - This kind of rhythm would work better here:
01:32:021 (1,2) - Not quite following the distance snap here. Fixed
01:34:567 (3,4) - ^ Fixed
01:56:749 (2,3) - 90-degree sliders really give a bad design and never really play well. The placement also completely ruins the flow. Remake this part. Fixed
02:24:021 - Add a hitobject. Fixed

00:54:749 (1) - Unnecessary spinner. Could and should be mapped properly, to the beat, maybe with a 2-beat-slider in the beginning, but nothing longer than that. It gets boring and unsuitable for the hardest diff. Fixed
01:06:385 (1) - ^ Fixed
02:16:203 (1) - ^ Fixed
I can't really write much else, just follow what neonat said about flow. Design is mainly ok, but there's barely any flow. Doesn't make it fun to play.
I Thanks you alot :D

Topic Starter

-Tochi wrote:

From my modding queue.

  • General
  1. I suggest to change the "Hard" difficulty name to something that describes the song. IDK what to name it >.< IK that's its actually a VERY depressing song.
  2. Check AiMod.For the most part, you are allowed to break AImods stuff in hard mode, for jumps and difficulty :P
  3. Kiai isn't snapped here: 01:37:840 - 02:47:658 - 03:57:476 - 04:20:779 - Fixed

  • Hard
  1. 00:03:112 - Add a circle here that stacks 00:02:930 (5) - It sounds better imo. Also it follows this pattern 00:03:475 (7,8) - Fixed
  2. 00:41:476 (5) - Curve a little more to the left? Fixed, I think 0-0
  3. 00:58:385 (5,6) - Avoid this overlap.I've told people this. I don't know how to fix it without it looking AMAZINGLY akward, please show me a picture.
  4. 03:57:475 - Why is this kiai so calm? Since it's the last kiai time, you could fill it a bit more up. I thought for a second that there wasn't any kiai time, untill i looked on the timeline below.

  • Feedback

    Nice calm song, imo i think you should either make an Insane, or find someone who can make an Insane GD. It would be best for you to have 4 difficulties :3
    Good luck with it~ Thanks! :D
A Mystery
Hello! From my queue


  1. This map needs more improvement, also on the looks.

  1. Only modding the hard because it's so long and I'm so tired :(
  2. You are using a lot of offbeat sliders, and strong beats ignored by using slider ends. Some ticks feel like they need to be tappable to be better in line with the music as well. For example: when the voice starts with a new word, use a circle or a slider start, but not a slider end or return, because they wont emphasize that change in the music. Also slider ends on downbeats are used pretty common by new mappers, but I think they should be avoided as much as possible.
  3. What's with the hitsounds in the kiai? They kind of ruin the music's actual rhythm. I highly suggest looking at that.
00:10:567 (4) - This slider will be going halfway through the healthbar, I highly suggest that you move it down
00:17:476 (3,4,5) - I don't really see a reason for the spacing to be inconsistent here :P
00:18:930 (1) - I don't think you should make a slider end on the downbeat here, especially because the chord changes and the finish is there.
00:20:749 (8,9) - They are not the same sliders :(
00:27:840 (3) - Same about the slider end, this downbeat is very strong
00:45:658 (1,2) - I don't really see why you would use offbeat sliders here, I think using this would improve the rhythm overall here. (I made 00:44:749 (5) - 1/2 shorter)
00:57:112 (1,3) - Improve the stack a bit
01:14:749 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - All the sliders are offbeat, but why? Slider starts should be used on stronger ticks, like the beats, unless you are following the voice/something else than the background music, but you're not
01:26:385 (1,2,3) - Same :(
01:37:840 (1) - You are really forcing a 165 1/2 rhythm here with the snare sound, and I think you should not, because the music in the kiai (and every kiai) is not meant that way. Listen carefully to the snares in the music, and use them only on those ticks. The mapping itself is better here, because you are following the voice nicely
02:15:294 (3) - You shouldn't overlap this, because it doesn't look good :(
02:36:203 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Same about the offbeat sliders, they really don't fit
03:45:840 (1) - The snares are not in the music, consider removing them
04:10:203 (3) - Stack is off
04:18:385 (2,3,4) - These as well

As I said, improvement is certainly needed, but definitely not a bad start :P
[ Nyx ]
Hi! M4M from your modding queue

Leh go!


01:14:567 (1) - Finish instead of clap on the slider head sounds better
01:18:930 (6,7,1) - Why not rotate them by 12 degrees so that it flows a tiny bit better
01:18:930 (6) - Clap should be on slider tail not head
01:21:840 (2) - ^
01:27:658 (3) - Make it more curved so that it flows better to (4)
01:43:658 (2,3,1) - Moving these notes over to the right more wouldn't hurt it would also flow to 01:46:567 (2) - a bit better
02:46:930 (1) - I would suggest getting rod of the clap on the slider tail and keeping only the finish
03:02:203 (1,4) - Little picky here but stack these a bit better
03:31:294 (1,2) - ^
03:57:476 (1) - Keep finish no clap


Honestly I'm not sure whether this is supposed to be 0.8x Distance spacing or 0.9x Distance spacing

01:09:294 (2,3) - Maybe blanket these
01:24:749 (1,2) - Spacing issue
02:24:021 (7) - Not spaced correctly from the previous note
02:31:476 (3) - Why straight slider?
02:37:476 (1,2,3) - Spacing issue
03:57:476 (1) - No clap only finish
04:00:385 (1) - Finish instead of clap maybe?
04:03:294 (5) - Remove clap
04:10:567 (3,4) - Make them the same shape
04:12:021 (1) - Finish instead
04:12:567 (2) - Remove clap


00:14:021 (2,3) - Stack better
00:43:294 (3) - Finish instead of clap on the slider head
00:44:749 (5) - Finish on slider tail
00:46:021 (2) - Finish on repeat instead of clap
00:52:749 (1,2) - Fix blanket a little bit
00:57:112 (1,2) - ^
01:59:294 (3) - Vertically flip this slider, looks better imo
02:59:840 (2,3) - Fix blanket
03:53:476 (5,1,2) - Should try to make (1) blanket (5) and (2) stack on (5) as well
04:03:294 (1,3) - Stack a little better
04:09:112 (1,3) - ^
04:15:294 (1,2) - Spacing error?

Overall this map needs more polishing and some hit-sound checking. Keep working at it though and good luck!
Hi~ M4M from your queue! yanaginagi is one of my favourite singers~ Here's my mod


You seem try and pass slider-ends as beats such as 00:45:476 - . This is a pattern throughout this difficulty which needs to be addressed because strong beats should be tapped not ended on to fit the music better.

00:44:749 (5) - Shorten this slider and start a slider/circle on 00:45:476 -
00:47:658 (6) - Consider remapping this too, with the objective of having a circle at 00:48:385 - to capture the beat.
00:57:112 (1,3) - Fix stack.
01:12:203 (2) - Make this blanket neater.
01:15:840 (4) - Remap this part so you can start a note at 01:16:021 -
01:25:840 (3) - ^Same idea. Start the combo on the white tick don't have a slider-end on it.
01:37:112 (5) - Consider reducing by 1 repeat since it currently finishes leftward, and the next slider (01:37:840 (1) - ) begins on the right. This doesn't flow well imo :P.
01:40:021 (3) - Start combo on white tick.
02:30:203 (1,3) - Fix Stack.
02:37:476 - Start combo on white tick.
02:42:385 (2,4) - Not perfectly stacked.
02:59:294 - Combo on white tick.
03:22:567 - ^
03:54:567 (1,3) - Not perfectly stacked.
04:09:112 (1,3) - ^
04:18:385 (2,3) - ^


01:09:294 (2,3) - Fix blanket.
01:24:567 (4) - Take this out. Not necessary on a Normal.
01:27:294 (1) - Begin combo (slider?) on 01:27:658 - since 01:27:294 - isn't as strong a note i feel a circle is better here followed by slider.
01:28:749 (3) - ^ Begin combo on 01:29:112 -
02:12:749 - ^White tick.
03:33:840 (4) - ^


01:06:930 (2) - Take this out.
02:12:385 (1) - Start on white tick.
02:18:203 (1) - ^
02:58:567 (1) - ^
Wild modding, not m4m

Use slider tick rate of 1

You should avoid SV changes on Easy. Beginners can't read that.

Same as SV changes in Easy. (Or reduce it 1.2 > 1.1, 1.4 > 1.2, 1.6 > 1.3)
00:48:385 (4,1) - Avoid 1/4 space between a circle and a spinner. Beginners may take some time to recognize that there is already a spinner there.
01:59:840 (2,1) - Same as above
02:15:658 (4,1) - Same as above
04:19:476 (1,1) - Same also

00:10:567 (4) - Too high, the HP bar blocks it.

GL on map :D
From my Queue :)

00:10:567 (2,3) - This objects is a little far according to the distance spacing you use.
01:06:930 - This rhythm in a Eazy isn't good, consider delete this circle 01:06:930(1)
01:41:294 - This Finish should be here 01:41:476 - Cancel the finish or if you want to keep it add a note here 01:41:476 - I prefer if you just delete the finish.
01:48:749 (1) - Add a clap.
01:49:112 - Add finish istead clap
01:57:476 - Add Clap
02:56:385 (2) - Increase this slider to 02:57:112 - Now the finish is in the right place, or cancel the finish in the tail.
04:00:930 - Cancel finish

Like said before, you should keep your spacing consistent to not have problems after, you may use 0,8x in the parts more calm of the song like 00:01:112 - to 00:23:840 - and 03:34:203 - 03:57:476 but constantly toggle the spacing between 1,0x and 0,8x in the same parts isn't good in a Normal.

00:25:112 - End the spinner here with finish ?
You missed some finishs (This goes for all the diffs), if you prefer to add them:
00:27:294 - 00:39:657 - 00:40:748 - 00:43:294 - 00:45:475 - 00:46:203- 01:19:839 - 01:23:657 - 01:25:294 - 01:29:475 - 01:31:475 - 01:36:203 - 01:36:930 - 01:49:112 - 02:34:566 - 02:35:112 - 03:23:657 - 03:29:112 - 03:52:748 - 04:10:203
00:50:566 - Try this rhythm

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Neil Leo wrote:

Wild modding, not m4m

Use slider tick rate of 1 Sorry. At least 2 tick rate catches all the beats. 1 Misses too many

You should avoid SV changes on Easy. Beginners can't read that. The SV change is so small it's barely noticable. Plus there is a discernable change in the song's tempo LONG before the change happens.

Same as SV changes in Easy. (Or reduce it 1.2 > 1.1, 1.4 > 1.2, 1.6 > 1.3) Changed most SV to 1.4
00:48:385 (4,1) - Avoid 1/4 space between a circle and a spinner. Beginners may take some time to recognize that there is already a spinner there. Fixed
01:59:840 (2,1) - Same as above Fixed
02:15:658 (4,1) - Same as above Fixed
04:19:476 (1,1) - Same also Fixed

00:10:567 (4) - Too high, the HP bar blocks it. Fixed

GL on map :D
Thank you! :D

A Mystery wrote:

Hello! From my queue


  1. This map needs more improvement, also on the looks.

  1. Only modding the hard because it's so long and I'm so tired :(
  2. You are using a lot of offbeat sliders, and strong beats ignored by using slider ends. Some ticks feel like they need to be tappable to be better in line with the music as well. For example: when the voice starts with a new word, use a circle or a slider start, but not a slider end or return, because they wont emphasize that change in the music. Also slider ends on downbeats are used pretty common by new mappers, but I think they should be avoided as much as possible. Fixed
  3. What's with the hitsounds in the kiai? They kind of ruin the music's actual rhythm. I highly suggest looking at that.
Really? I'll think about removing them.

00:10:567 (4) - This slider will be going halfway through the healthbar, I highly suggest that you move it down Fixed
00:17:476 (3,4,5) - I don't really see a reason for the spacing to be inconsistent here :P Fixed
00:18:930 (1) - I don't think you should make a slider end on the downbeat here, especially because the chord changes and the finish is there. Fixed
00:20:749 (8,9) - They are not the same sliders Fixed
00:27:840 (3) - Same about the slider end, this downbeat is very strong Fixed
00:45:658 (1,2) - I don't really see why you would use offbeat sliders here, I think using this would improve the rhythm overall here. (I made 00:44:749 (5) - 1/2 shorter) Fixed
00:57:112 (1,3) - Improve the stack a bit Fixed
01:14:749 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - All the sliders are offbeat, but why? Slider starts should be used on stronger ticks, like the beats, unless you are following the voice/something else than the background music, but you're not Fixed
01:26:385 (1,2,3) - Same :( Fixed
01:37:840 (1) - You are really forcing a 165 1/2 rhythm here with the snare sound, and I think you should not, because the music in the kiai (and every kiai) is not meant that way. Listen carefully to the snares in the music, and use them only on those ticks. The mapping itself is better here, because you are following the voice nicely Fixed. I think
02:15:294 (3) - You shouldn't overlap this, because it doesn't look good :( Fixed
02:36:203 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - Same about the offbeat sliders, they really don't fit Fixed
03:45:840 (1) - The snares are not in the music, consider removing them Fixed. I think (Wait snares are finishes right?)
04:10:203 (3) - Stack is off Fixed
04:18:385 (2,3,4) - These as well Fixed

As I said, improvement is certainly needed, but definitely not a bad start :P
Thanks! It helped a lot :)

Z3R0Xx wrote:

Hi! M4M from your modding queue

Leh go!


01:14:567 (1) - Finish instead of clap on the slider head sounds better Fixed
01:18:930 (6,7,1) - Why not rotate them by 12 degrees so that it flows a tiny bit better Fixed
01:18:930 (6) - Clap should be on slider tail not head Um no. I'm putting a clap every downbeat
01:21:840 (2) - ^ No for the same reason.
01:27:658 (3) - Make it more curved so that it flows better to (4) Fixed
01:43:658 (2,3,1) - Moving these notes over to the right more wouldn't hurt it would also flow to 01:46:567 (2) - a bit better Fixed
02:46:930 (1) - I would suggest getting rod of the clap on the slider tail and keeping only the finish Fixed
03:02:203 (1,4) - Little picky here but stack these a bit better Fixed
03:31:294 (1,2) - ^ Fixed
03:57:476 (1) - Keep finish no clap Fixed


Honestly I'm not sure whether this is supposed to be 0.8x Distance spacing or 0.9x Distance spacing

01:09:294 (2,3) - Maybe blanket these Fixed
01:24:749 (1,2) - Spacing issue Fixed
02:24:021 (7) - Not spaced correctly from the previous note Fixed
02:31:476 (3) - Why straight slider? I Got no other ideas XD
02:37:476 (1,2,3) - Spacing issue Fixed
03:57:476 (1) - No clap only finish Fixed
04:00:385 (1) - Finish instead of clap maybe? No thanks
04:03:294 (5) - Remove clap Fixed
04:10:567 (3,4) - Make them the same shape Fixed
04:12:021 (1) - Finish instead Fixed
04:12:567 (2) - Remove clap Fixed


00:14:021 (2,3) - Stack better Fixed
00:43:294 (3) - Finish instead of clap on the slider head Fixed
00:44:749 (5) - Finish on slider tail Fixed
00:46:021 (2) - Finish on repeat instead of clap Fixed
00:52:749 (1,2) - Fix blanket a little bit Fixed
00:57:112 (1,2) - ^ I can't blanket this any better ;-;
01:59:294 (3) - Vertically flip this slider, looks better imo Fixed
02:59:840 (2,3) - Fix blanket Fixed
03:53:476 (5,1,2) - Should try to make (1) blanket (5) and (2) stack on (5) as well Fixed
04:03:294 (1,3) - Stack a little better Fixed
04:09:112 (1,3) - ^ Fixed
04:15:294 (1,2) - Spacing error? Fixed

Overall this map needs more polishing and some hit-sound checking. Keep working at it though and good luck!
Thanks for the mod! :) It really helped.

monstrata wrote:

Hi~ M4M from your queue! yanaginagi is one of my favourite singers~ Here's my mod


You seem try and pass slider-ends as beats such as 00:45:476 - . This is a pattern throughout this difficulty which needs to be addressed because strong beats should be tapped not ended on to fit the music better. All were fixed :D

00:44:749 (5) - Shorten this slider and start a slider/circle on 00:45:476 - Fixed
00:47:658 (6) - Consider remapping this too, with the objective of having a circle at 00:48:385 - to capture the beat. Fixed
00:57:112 (1,3) - Fix stack. Fixed
01:12:203 (2) - Make this blanket neater. Fixed
01:15:840 (4) - Remap this part so you can start a note at 01:16:021 - Don't worry, I fixed ALL offbeat sliders I think :P
01:25:840 (3) - ^Same idea. Start the combo on the white tick don't have a slider-end on it. Fixed
01:37:112 (5) - Consider reducing by 1 repeat since it currently finishes leftward, and the next slider (01:37:840 (1) - ) begins on the right. This doesn't flow well imo :P. Fixed
01:40:021 (3) - Start combo on white tick. Fixed
02:30:203 (1,3) - Fix Stack. Fixed
02:37:476 - Start combo on white tick. Fixed
02:42:385 (2,4) - Not perfectly stacked. Fixed
02:59:294 - Combo on white tick. Fixed
03:22:567 - ^ Fixed
03:54:567 (1,3) - Not perfectly stacked. Fixed
04:09:112 (1,3) - ^ Fixed
04:18:385 (2,3) - ^ Fixed


01:09:294 (2,3) - Fix blanket. Fixed
01:24:567 (4) - Take this out. Not necessary on a Normal. Fixed
01:27:294 (1) - Begin combo (slider?) on 01:27:658 - since 01:27:294 - isn't as strong a note i feel a circle is better here followed by slider. Fixed
01:28:749 (3) - ^ Begin combo on 01:29:112 - Fixed
02:12:749 - ^White tick. No thanks
03:33:840 (4) - ^ Sorry


01:06:930 (2) - Take this out. Fixed
02:12:385 (1) - Start on white tick. Sorry
02:18:203 (1) - ^ Fixed
02:58:567 (1) - ^ Fixed
Thanks :D darn combos ;-;
Topic Starter

LucyS wrote:

From my Queue :)

00:10:567 (2,3) - This objects is a little far according to the distance spacing you use. Fixed
01:06:930 - This rhythm in a Eazy isn't good, consider delete this circle 01:06:930(1) Fixed
01:41:294 - This Finish should be here 01:41:476 - Cancel the finish or if you want to keep it add a note here 01:41:476 - I prefer if you just delete the finish. Fixed
01:48:749 (1) - Add a clap. Fixed
01:49:112 - Add finish instead of a clap Fixed
01:57:476 - Add Clap Fixed
02:56:385 (2) - Increase this slider to 02:57:112 - Now the finish is in the right place, or cancel the finish in the tail. Fixed
04:00:930 - Cancel finish Fixed

Like said before, you should keep your spacing consistent to not have problems after, you may use 0,8x in the parts more calm of the song like 00:01:112 - to 00:23:840 - and 03:34:203 - 03:57:476 but constantly toggle the spacing between 1,0x and 0,8x in the same parts isn't good in a Normal. Fixed

00:25:112 - End the spinner here with finish ? Nah, no sound in the song.
You missed some finishs (This goes for all the diffs), if you prefer to add them:
00:27:294 - 00:39:657 - 00:40:748 - 00:43:294 - 00:45:475 - 00:46:203- 01:19:839 - 01:23:657 - 01:25:294 - 01:29:475 - 01:31:475 - 01:36:203 - 01:36:930 - 01:49:112 - 02:34:566 - 02:35:112 - 03:23:657 - 03:29:112 - 03:52:748 - 04:10:203 Certain ones were fixed
00:50:566 - Try this rhythm Fixed

Good luck!

Hey! Sorry for the delay.
Well, here's my mod:

Add this sound file to your map. It’s to silent the sliderslide which can get quite irritating.

00:49:112 (5) – Maybe bend this slider a bit more.
01:01:840 (3) – Perhaps this instead?
Copy and paste 01:00:930 (2) – then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G.01:05:840 (1,2) – Make these two sliders look the same.
Copy and paste 01:05:840 (1) – then Ctrl+H and then rotate the slider till it looks like the above pic.01:11:658 (1,3) – Improve this blanket, cuz right now it looks a bit ugly.
Something like the above pic will work great.01:18:930 (6) – Rather stack this slider on this circle: 01:17:112 (4) – 01:41:294 (4) – Move this slider a bit to the left and curve 01:40:021 (3) – a bit more to make a nice blanket.02:21:112 (5,1) – Make a blanket here?
02:40:021 (6) – Try to improve this wave shape. Like this:
02:42:930 (2) – That slider’s placement looks a bit crammed. I suggest rather doing this:
02:49:112 (3) – Make this slider look the same as this slider: 02:49:840 (4) –
Copy and paste 02:49:840 (4) – then rotate it 90 degrees.03:06:567 (2,3) – Make sure these two sliders are the same. Use the copy and paste option. (If they already are, ignore this)03:09:840 (1) – Whoa, this spinner is pretty quick for an Easy diff. Just to be safe, I’d say you should rather map this section. (Or you can ask a BAT if the spinner is okay)03:54:567 (1) – Rather do this?
Looks better in my opinion.03:58:930 (3,4) – Make these two sliders look the same. Use the copy and paste option.04:02:567 (3) – Do this:
Copy and paste 04:01:840 (2) – and then Ctrl+H04:12:021 (1,2) – Blanket?
04:19:658 (1) – Also a pretty short slider for an Easy. Rather map the section.

A few DS errors, according to AiMod. Better check them00:07:658 (3,2) – Even though it’s just a slight overlap, I really suggest to avoid it. Do this:
00:22:203 (4,5) – Make sure these two sliders are the same. Use the copy and paste option. If they are, then ignore this.01:14:567 (1,2,3) – Also make sure these three sliders are the same.01:24:749 (1) – Move this slider a bit downwards to make a nice triangle shape with 01:22:930 (2,3) –
01:26:203 (2,2) – Make these two parallel.
Just copy and paste 01:26:203 (2) – 01:30:203 (5,1,2,3,4,1) – A sort of circle shape will look better in my opinion. Like this:
01:32:021 (1,2) – Make sure these two sliders are the same. (If they are, then ignore)01:48:749 (1) – Remove new combo and then add new combo here: 01:49:476 (2) – 01:55:294 (1,2) – Please improve this blanket.02:12:385 (1,1) – Make these two sliders have the same shape.02:14:749 (2) – I don’t really like this. Rather straighten the slider.
02:22:749 (4,5) – Blanket.
02:27:294 (3,3) – Try to avoid this tiny overlap please.02:36:567 (3) – Place this slider here: X:188 Y:268
02:37:476 (1,2) – Make sure these two sliders look the same and place 02:38:021 (2) - here:
02:44:749 (1) – Move this slider a bit downwards to avoid the tiny overlap with 02:43:476 (4) – and try to improve the blanket with 02:44:385 (5) –
02:45:840 (2,3) – Rather change these two circles into a slider.02:58:567 (6) – Rather place this slider here:
It will then make a nice blanket with 02:57:476 (5) – and you will avoid an overlap with 02:56:385 (4) – 02:59:840 (2) – I suggest placing it here:
03:31:658 (1,2) – Blanket here.
03:33:112 (3,4) - ^
03:40:567 (3,4) – Since you didn’t stack anywhere else, rather unstack03:51:658 (1,2) – Make these two sliders look the same. Use the copy and paste option.04:04:749 (1) – Remove new combo and add new combo here: 04:05:112 (2) – 04:06:203 (4) – Maybe do this:
Try to move the red square till it’s more in the middle of the slider.04:08:385 (1) – Remove new combo and add new combo here: 04:09:112 (2) – 04:13:840 (4,1) – Avoid an overlap like this. Rather make a blanket.
04:19:658 (1) – Why did you add a new combo here? You didn’t do it in your Hard diff. I suggest to remove it.

00:07:658 (4,5) – A blanket here will look nice.
00:14:930 (1) – Remove new combo for consistency00:22:203 (1,2) – Also make a nice blanket here.
00:27:112 (3,1) – Make a jump here. The music suggests it in my opinion.01:30:567 (1,2,3,4) – Make sure these sliders look the same. Use the copy and paste option01:36:385 (1,2,3,4,5) – A half circle shape will look better in my opinion.
01:40:930 (2) – Ctrl+J and then rotate it 50 degrees.01:44:749 (4,6) – Avoid the overlap. Move 01:45:476 (6) – to the right.
02:29:476 (3,4) – Make a blanket here
02:44:021 (5) – Do this:
Copy and paste 02:43:476 (4) – and then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G02:49:840 (6) – Maybe do this:
To support 02:49:112 (4) – 03:27:658 (1,3) – Make this symmetric.
Copy and paste 03:27:658 (1) – then Ctrl+J04:10:203 (3) – Ctrl+G?

Overall, nice mapset. I’d say Normal just needs more mods though.
Good Luck! :D
Shohei Ohtani
[Contemplates meaning]

Not a fan of the color choice for the combos. Get something more fitting with the BG

00:46:930 (5) - clap on end of slider
00:48:385 (8) - finish or something
00:57:112 (1) - clap on end of slider
00:58:385 (3) - As good as blanket is, the overlap it causes at the end is sad sad

I didn't make a giant post for this, but please go through and make sure your claps are all matching the backing drums! Sometimes you either forget to add them, or you have a little too much. Rather than pointing them all out and making a long post, I'll let you do all of that :D.

00:42:567 (1) - Remove claps here. Don't misplace claps due to a lack of action on beats 2 and 4. If you need color, whistles are my personal favorite. Apply this to the rest of the map as well.
00:57:112 (1) - *furiously cries* like no bueno slider shape.

02:34:203 (2) - Slidershape ;ww;
02:40:021 (6) - ^. Generally, you don't want strong curves like this.
02:48:203 (2) - ^. Imagine going for ~. Right now, it's too high on one section. The overall goal is equality.

It's a pretty ok map. I'd just REALLY love you to get some work done on hitsounding. Go through the map on your own and really listen to the snare drum, and make sure your hitsounds match up. For the lower diffs, if you need color, I like using softwhistles, but don't use your snare drum hit for parts where the snare drum is not there.

Maybe get like 1-2 mods after that just to nitpick, then forum PM me once that's all fixed.
Topic Starter

-Nya- wrote:

Hey! Sorry for the delay.
Well, here's my mod:

Add this sound file to your map. It’s to silent the sliderslide which can get quite irritating. Fixed

00:49:112 (5) – Maybe bend this slider a bit more. Fixed
01:01:840 (3) – Perhaps this instead? Fixed
Copy and paste 01:00:930 (2) – then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G.01:05:840 (1,2) – Make these two sliders look the same. Fixed
Copy and paste 01:05:840 (1) – then Ctrl+H and then rotate the slider till it looks like the above pic.01:11:658 (1,3) – Improve this blanket, cuz right now it looks a bit ugly. Fixed
Something like the above pic will work great.01:18:930 (6) – Rather stack this slider on this circle: 01:17:112 (4) – Fixed01:41:294 (4) – Move this slider a bit to the left and curve 01:40:021 (3) – a bit more to make a nice blanket. Fixed02:21:112 (5,1) – Make a blanket here? Fixed
02:40:021 (6) – Try to improve this wave shape. Like this: Fixed
02:42:930 (2) – That slider’s placement looks a bit crammed. I suggest rather doing this: Fixed
02:49:112 (3) – Make this slider look the same as this slider: 02:49:840 (4) – Fixed
Copy and paste 02:49:840 (4) – then rotate it 90 degrees.03:06:567 (2,3) – Make sure these two sliders are the same. Use the copy and paste option. (If they already are, ignore this) Fixed03:09:840 (1) – Whoa, this spinner is pretty quick for an Easy diff. Just to be safe, I’d say you should rather map this section. (Or you can ask a BAT if the spinner is okay) Fixed03:54:567 (1) – Rather do this? Fixed
Looks better in my opinion.03:58:930 (3,4) – Make these two sliders look the same. Use the copy and paste option. Fixed04:02:567 (3) – Do this: Fixed
Copy and paste 04:01:840 (2) – and then Ctrl+H04:12:021 (1,2) – Blanket? Fixed
04:19:658 (1) – Also a pretty short slider for an Easy. Rather map the section. Fixed

A few DS errors, according to AiMod. Better check them This is just AImod being annoying. I've distance snapped all them.00:07:658 (3,2) – Even though it’s just a slight overlap, I really suggest to avoid it. Do this:
I'm confused. They arent touching00:22:203 (4,5) – Make sure these two sliders are the same. Use the copy and paste option. If they are, then ignore this. Fixed01:14:567 (1,2,3) – Also make sure these three sliders are the same. Fixed01:24:749 (1) – Move this slider a bit downwards to make a nice triangle shape with 01:22:930 (2,3) –
Fixed01:26:203 (2,2) – Make these two parallel. I changed it up.
Just copy and paste 01:26:203 (2) – 01:30:203 (5,1,2,3,4,1) – A sort of circle shape will look better in my opinion. Like this:
Fixed01:32:021 (1,2) – Make sure these two sliders are the same. (If they are, then ignore) Fixed01:48:749 (1) – Remove new combo and then add new combo here: 01:49:476 (2) – Fixed01:55:294 (1,2) – Please improve this blanket. Fixed02:12:385 (1,1) – Make these two sliders have the same shape. What sliders? There is only one there 0-002:14:749 (2) – I don’t really like this. Rather straighten the slider. Fixed
02:22:749 (4,5) – Blanket. Fixed
02:27:294 (3,3) – Try to avoid this tiny overlap please. Once again, what are you talking about?02:36:567 (3) – Place this slider here: X:188 Y:268 I changed this up a bit.
02:37:476 (1,2) – Make sure these two sliders look the same and place 02:38:021 (2) - here: I changed this up a bit.
02:44:749 (1) – Move this slider a bit downwards to avoid the tiny overlap with 02:43:476 (4) – and try to improve the blanket with 02:44:385 (5) – Fixed
02:45:840 (2,3) – Rather change these two circles into a slider. Fixed 02:58:567 (6) – Rather place this slider here:Fixed
It will then make a nice blanket with 02:57:476 (5) – and you will avoid an overlap with 02:56:385 (4) – 02:59:840 (2) – I suggest placing it here:Fixed
03:31:658 (1,2) – Blanket here. Fixed
03:33:112 (3,4) - ^ Fixed
03:40:567 (3,4) – Since you didn’t stack anywhere else, rather unstack Fixed03:51:658 (1,2) – Make these two sliders look the same. Use the copy and paste option. Fixed04:04:749 (1) – Remove new combo and add new combo here: 04:05:112 (2) – Sorry.04:06:203 (4) – Maybe do this:Fixed
Try to move the red square till it’s more in the middle of the slider.04:08:385 (1) – Remove new combo and add new combo here: 04:09:112 (2) – Fixed04:13:840 (4,1) – Avoid an overlap like this. Rather make a blanket. There is no overlap there
04:19:658 (1) – Why did you add a new combo here? You didn’t do it in your Hard diff. I suggest to remove it. Fixed

00:07:658 (4,5) – A blanket here will look nice. Fixed
00:14:930 (1) – Remove new combo for consistency Fixed00:22:203 (1,2) – Also make a nice blanket here. Fixed
00:27:112 (3,1) – Make a jump here. The music suggests it in my opinion. Fixed01:30:567 (1,2,3,4) – Make sure these sliders look the same. Use the copy and paste option Fixed01:36:385 (1,2,3,4,5) – A half circle shape will look better in my opinion. I did a half circle but rotated 90 degrees from what you have
01:40:930 (2) – Ctrl+J and then rotate it 50 degrees. Fixed01:44:749 (4,6) – Avoid the overlap. Move 01:45:476 (6) – to the right. Instead I pushed 4 to the left. Makes a triangle
02:29:476 (3,4) – Make a blanket here Fixed
02:44:021 (5) – Do this: Fixed
Copy and paste 02:43:476 (4) – and then Ctrl+H and then Ctrl+G02:49:840 (6) – Maybe do this:Sorry, but I did fix it up
To support 02:49:112 (4) – 03:27:658 (1,3) – Make this symmetric. Fixed
Copy and paste 03:27:658 (1) – then Ctrl+J04:10:203 (3) – Ctrl+G? Sorry, but this would mess up the entire song.

Overall, nice mapset. I’d say Normal just needs more mods though.
Good Luck! :D
Thanks so much! :)
Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

[Contemplates meaning]

Not a fan of the color choice for the combos. Get something more fitting with the BG Fixed

00:46:930 (5) - clap on end of slider Fixed
00:48:385 (8) - finish or something Got a whistle, sounds better.
00:57:112 (1) - clap on end of slider Fixed
00:58:385 (3) - As good as blanket is, the overlap it causes at the end is sad sad Fixed :D

I didn't make a giant post for this, but please go through and make sure your claps are all matching the backing drums! Sometimes you either forget to add them, or you have a little too much. Rather than pointing them all out and making a long post, I'll let you do all of that :D.

00:42:567 (1) - Remove claps here. Don't misplace claps due to a lack of action on beats 2 and 4. If you need color, whistles are my personal favorite. Apply this to the rest of the map as well. Fixed
00:57:112 (1) - *furiously cries* like no bueno slider shape. Fixed

02:34:203 (2) - Slidershape ;ww; Fixed
02:40:021 (6) - ^. Generally, you don't want strong curves like this. Fixed
02:48:203 (2) - ^. Imagine going for ~. Right now, it's too high on one section. The overall goal is equality. Fixed

It's a pretty ok map. I'd just REALLY love you to get some work done on hitsounding. Go through the map on your own and really listen to the snare drum, and make sure your hitsounds match up. For the lower diffs, if you need color, I like using softwhistles, but don't use your snare drum hit for parts where the snare drum is not there.

Maybe get like 1-2 mods after that just to nitpick, then forum PM me once that's all fixed.
before starting, please note that all of suggestions that i mentioned are based on your hitsound pattern

  1. 00:23:294 (5) - what about removing finish on the slider's tail? it doesn't really necessary
  2. 00:50:021 (6) - add clap on slider's head
  3. 00:51:658 (2) - ^
  4. 01:12:930 (2) - consider removing this finish, it doesn't fit with the song properly
  5. 01:15:658 (2) - add clap
  6. 01:16:021 (3) - remove clap on the slider's head
  7. 01:17:476 (5) - add clap on slider's tail
  8. 01:23:294 (1) - ^
  9. 01:27:294 (2) - add clap
  10. 01:40:021 (3) - add clap on slider's head
  11. 01:42:203 (5) - remove this clap
  12. 02:24:385 (1,2) - add clap on each slider's tail
  13. 02:28:385 (4) - add clap
  14. 02:31:476 (3) - remove clap on slider's tail
  15. 02:32:749 (4) - add clap
  16. 02:34:203 (2) - add clap on slider's head
  17. 02:35:658 (3) - add clap
  18. 02:37:112 (2) - ^
  19. 02:40:021 (2) - add clap on slider's head
  20. 02:59:840 (2) - add finish on slider's tail
  21. 03:03:658 (2) - remove clap
  22. 03:04:021 (3) - add clap on slider's tail
  23. 03:09:112 (2) - remove finish on slider's tail
  24. 03:22:567 (2) - remove clap on repeat arrow[
  25. 03:29:840 (3) - ^
  26. 04:07:840 (2) - remove clap
  1. 01:02:930 (1) - add clap on repeat arrow
  2. 01:05:840 (1) - add clap on slider's tail
  3. 01:17:476 (1) - ^
  4. 01:23:294 (1) - ^
  5. 02:24:385 (1,2,1) - add clap on each slider's tail
  6. 02:31:294 (2) - add clap
  7. 02:33:112 (1) - add clap on slider's tail
  8. 02:35:658 (3) - add clap
  9. 02:37:476 (4) - add clap on slider's tail
  10. 02:38:930 (1) - ^
  11. 02:43:476 (4) - add clap on slider's head
  12. 02:44:385 (5) - add clap
  13. 03:37:112 (1) - i think this slider's head needs finish rather than clap
  14. 03:55:658 (2) - this slider's tail needs clap rather than finish in this time
  15. 04:08:385 (3) - change the clap on slider's tail to finish for consistency

    i'm not sure about some finishes that you used, most of them are quite nice but those are little bit weird to hear. well prorbably it will be fine
  1. 01:20:021 (7) - i think you had a mistake while adding clap on this slider
  2. 01:36:567 (6) - consider adding clap on this note as well
  3. 01:54:930 (7) - how about adding clap on slider's tail to follow the drum sound
  4. 01:57:840 (7) - ^
  5. 01:59:840 (4) - missed clap
  6. 02:25:840 (4) - try adding clap on slider's tail
  7. 02:28:385 (3) - missed clap
  8. 02:35:658 (10) - add clap on slider's head
  9. 02:37:112 (4) - ^
  10. 02:37:840 (6) - ^
  11. 02:40:021 (3) - missed clap
  12. 02:46:385 (5) - ^
  13. 02:50:203 (7) - add clap on slider's tail
  14. 02:58:021 (3) - missed clap
  15. 03:09:658 (4) - ^
  16. 03:22:203 (1) - add clap on slider's head
  17. 03:25:112 (6) - add clap on slider's tail in this time
  18. 03:47:294 (5) - what about adding whistle on slider head for consistency
  19. 03:55:658 (3) - add clap on slider's tail
  20. 03:56:749 (6) - another mistake? i mean it seems that the clap on slider's body isn't intended
  21. 04:13:476 (4) - this clap isn't really necessary, consider removing it
  22. 04:18:930 (3) - the clap on slider's tail also seems unnecessary
will finish this by tomorrow good luck~
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:

before starting, please note that all of suggestions that i mentioned are based on your hitsound pattern

  1. 00:23:294 (5) - what about removing finish on the slider's tail? it doesn't really necessary Fixed
  2. 00:50:021 (6) - add clap on slider's head Fixed
  3. 00:51:658 (2) - ^ Fixed
  4. 01:12:930 (2) - consider removing this finish, it doesn't fit with the song properly Fixed
  5. 01:15:658 (2) - add clap Fixed
  6. 01:16:021 (3) - remove clap on the slider's head Fixed
  7. 01:17:476 (5) - add clap on slider's tail Fixed
  8. 01:23:294 (1) - ^ Fixed
  9. 01:27:294 (2) - add clap Fixed
  10. 01:40:021 (3) - add clap on slider's head Fixed
  11. 01:42:203 (5) - remove this clap Fixed
  12. 02:24:385 (1,2) - add clap on each slider's tail Fixed
  13. 02:28:385 (4) - add clap Fixed
  14. 02:31:476 (3) - remove clap on slider's tail Fixed
  15. 02:32:749 (4) - add clap Fixed
  16. 02:34:203 (2) - add clap on slider's head Fixed
  17. 02:35:658 (3) - add clap Fixed
  18. 02:37:112 (2) - ^ Fixed
  19. 02:40:021 (2) - add clap on slider's head Fixed
  20. 02:59:840 (2) - add finish on slider's tail Fixed
  21. 03:03:658 (2) - remove clap Fixed
  22. 03:04:021 (3) - add clap on slider's tail Fixed
  23. 03:09:112 (2) - remove finish on slider's tail Fixed
  24. 03:22:567 (2) - remove clap on repeat arrow Fixed
  25. 03:29:840 (3) - ^ Fixed
  26. 04:07:840 (2) - remove clap Fixed
  1. 01:02:930 (1) - add clap on repeat arrow Fixed
  2. 01:05:840 (1) - add clap on slider's tail Fixed
  3. 01:17:476 (1) - ^ Fixed
  4. 01:23:294 (1) - ^ Fixed
  5. 02:24:385 (1,2,1) - add clap on each slider's tail Fixed
  6. 02:31:294 (2) - add clap Fixed
  7. 02:33:112 (1) - add clap on slider's tail Fixed
  8. 02:35:658 (3) - add clap Fixed
  9. 02:37:476 (4) - add clap on slider's tail Fixed
  10. 02:38:930 (1) - ^ Fixed
  11. 02:43:476 (4) - add clap on slider's head Fixed
  12. 02:44:385 (5) - add clap Fixed
  13. 03:37:112 (1) - i think this slider's head needs finish rather than clap Fixed
  14. 03:55:658 (2) - this slider's tail needs clap rather than finish in this time Fixed
  15. 04:08:385 (3) - change the clap on slider's tail to finish for consistency Fixed

    i'm not sure about some finishes that you used, most of them are quite nice but those are little bit weird to hear. well prorbably it will be fine
  1. 01:20:021 (7) - i think you had a mistake while adding clap on this slider Fixed
  2. 01:36:567 (6) - consider adding clap on this note as well Fixed
  3. 01:54:930 (7) - how about adding clap on slider's tail to follow the drum sound Fixed
  4. 01:57:840 (7) - ^ Fixed
  5. 01:59:840 (4) - missed clap Fixed
  6. 02:25:840 (4) - try adding clap on slider's tail Fixed
  7. 02:28:385 (3) - missed clap Fixed
  8. 02:35:658 (10) - add clap on slider's head Fixed
  9. 02:37:112 (4) - ^ Fixed
  10. 02:37:840 (6) - ^ Fixed
  11. 02:40:021 (3) - missed clap Fixed
  12. 02:46:385 (5) - ^ Fixed
  13. 02:50:203 (7) - add clap on slider's tail Fixed
  14. 02:58:021 (3) - missed clap Fixed
  15. 03:09:658 (4) - ^ Fixed
  16. 03:22:203 (1) - add clap on slider's head Fixed
  17. 03:25:112 (6) - add clap on slider's tail in this time Fixed
  18. 03:47:294 (5) - what about adding whistle on slider head for consistency Fixed
  19. 03:55:658 (3) - add clap on slider's tail Fixed
  20. 03:56:749 (6) - another mistake? i mean it seems that the clap on slider's body isn't intended Fixed
  21. 04:13:476 (4) - this clap isn't really necessary, consider removing it Fixed
  22. 04:18:930 (3) - the clap on slider's tail also seems unnecessary Fixed
will finish this by tomorrow good luck~
Oh my gosh. I love you forever. I learned alot of stuff from this mod. One of which is that I have NO EAR for hitsounding XD
From Modding Queue

Map is very clean and simple, so I mainly just got some combo suggestions

  1. Seems to be missing a source?
  1. 00:56:031 (5) - NC
  2. 00:59:304 (4) - NC
  3. 01:10:940 (6) - NC
  4. 01:11:668 (1) - Remove NC
  5. 01:14:031 (6) - NC
  6. 01:17:122 (8) - NC
  7. 01:17:486 (1) - Remove NC
  8. 01:19:668 (6) - NC
  9. 01:19:668 (6) - NC
  10. 01:25:304 (5) - I would ctrl+g here because if you listen, the note here sounds slightly louder than in 01:24:759 (4) so imo it's better if they're different, up to you though doesn't really matter
  11. 01:24:759 (4) - NC
  12. 01:27:304 (4) - NC
  13. 01:30:577 (5) - NC
  14. 01:36:395 (5) - NC
  15. 01:48:759 (8) - NC
  16. 01:50:940 (5) - NC
  17. 01:56:759 (2) - NC
  18. 02:12:759 (4) - NC with the finish
  19. 02:17:850 (5) - NC
  20. 02:20:759 (6) - Consider rotating it like this so it's pointed towards 02:21:486 (1)
  21. 02:28:759 (4) - NC
  22. 02:31:668 (4) - NC
  23. 02:34:577 (4) - NC with the finish
  24. 02:35:122 (7) - ^
  25. 02:37:486 (5) - NC
  26. 02:40:395 (4) - NC
  27. 02:56:395 (9) - NC
  28. 03:01:486 (8) - NC with the clap?
  29. 03:03:486 (4) - ^
  30. 03:06:940 (6) - NC
  31. 03:24:031 (3) - NC
  32. 03:36:395 (2) - NC
  33. 03:38:940 (4) - NC
  34. 03:47:304 (5) - NC
  35. 03:50:213 (5) - NC
  36. 03:52:759 (3) - NC with the finish
  37. 03:56:759 (6) - ^
  38. 03:59:668 (8) - NC
  39. 04:02:213 (6) - NC
  40. 04:11:304 (6) - NC
  41. 04:14:940 (6) - NC with the finish
have a star
Topic Starter

sukiNathan wrote:

From Modding Queue

Map is very clean and simple, so I mainly just got some combo suggestions

  1. Seems to be missing a source? This doesn't come from a game or a movie. Sources are only for games or movies.
  1. 00:56:031 (5) - NC
  2. 00:59:304 (4) - NC
  3. 01:02:940 (1) - NC
  4. 01:10:940 (6) - NC
  5. 01:11:668 (1) - Remove NC
  6. 01:14:031 (6) - NC
  7. 01:17:122 (8) - NC
  8. 01:17:486 (1) - Remove NC
  9. 01:19:668 (6) - NC
  10. 01:19:668 (6) - NC
  11. 01:25:304 (5) - I would ctrl+g here because if you listen, the note here sounds slightly louder than in 01:24:759 (4) so imo it's better if they're different, up to you though doesn't really matter Sure! :)
  12. 01:24:759 (4) - NC
  13. 01:27:304 (4) - NC
  14. 01:30:577 (5) - NC
  15. 01:36:395 (5) - NC I agree
  16. 01:48:759 (8) - NC
  17. 01:56:759 (2) - NC
  18. 02:12:759 (4) - NC with the finish Changed
  19. 02:17:850 (5) - NC
  20. 02:20:759 (6) - Consider rotating it like this so it's pointed towards 02:21:486 (1) Good idea
  21. 02:28:759 (4) - NC
  22. 02:31:668 (4) - NC
  23. 02:34:577 (4) - NC with the finish Sure!
  24. 02:35:122 (7) - ^
  25. 02:37:486 (5) - NC
  26. 02:40:395 (4) - NC
  27. 02:56:395 (9) - NC Sure thing
  28. 03:01:486 (8) - NC with the clap?
  29. 03:03:486 (4) - ^
  30. 03:06:940 (6) - NC
  31. 03:24:031 (3) - NC
  32. 03:36:395 (2) - NC
  33. 03:38:940 (4) - NC
  34. 03:47:304 (5) - NC
  35. 03:50:213 (5) - NC
  36. 03:52:759 (3) - NC with the finish
  37. 03:56:759 (6) - ^
  38. 03:59:668 (8) - NC
  39. 04:02:213 (6) - NC
  40. 04:11:304 (6) - NC
  41. 04:14:940 (6) - NC with the finish Fixed
have a star
Thanks! Everything in green is fixed. Sorry I didn't fix alot, since a lot of the suggestions made the combos too short for hard mode, but you did point out a few useful things. Thanks and don't give up being a modder

Xelasto wrote:

sukiNathan wrote:

From Modding Queue

Map is very clean and simple, so I mainly just got some combo suggestions

  1. Seems to be missing a source? This doesn't come from a game or a movie. Sources are only for games or movies.
  1. 00:56:031 (5) - NC
  2. 00:59:304 (4) - NC
  3. 01:02:940 (1) - NC
  4. 01:10:940 (6) - NC
  5. 01:11:668 (1) - Remove NC
  6. 01:14:031 (6) - NC
  7. 01:17:122 (8) - NC
  8. 01:17:486 (1) - Remove NC
  9. 01:19:668 (6) - NC
  10. 01:19:668 (6) - NC
  11. 01:25:304 (5) - I would ctrl+g here because if you listen, the note here sounds slightly louder than in 01:24:759 (4) so imo it's better if they're different, up to you though doesn't really matter Sure! :)
  12. 01:24:759 (4) - NC
  13. 01:27:304 (4) - NC
  14. 01:30:577 (5) - NC
  15. 01:36:395 (5) - NC I agree
  16. 01:48:759 (8) - NC
  17. 01:56:759 (2) - NC
  18. 02:12:759 (4) - NC with the finish Changed
  19. 02:17:850 (5) - NC
  20. 02:20:759 (6) - Consider rotating it like this so it's pointed towards 02:21:486 (1) Good idea
  21. 02:28:759 (4) - NC
  22. 02:31:668 (4) - NC
  23. 02:34:577 (4) - NC with the finish Sure!
  24. 02:35:122 (7) - ^
  25. 02:37:486 (5) - NC
  26. 02:40:395 (4) - NC
  27. 02:56:395 (9) - NC Sure thing
  28. 03:01:486 (8) - NC with the clap?
  29. 03:03:486 (4) - ^
  30. 03:06:940 (6) - NC
  31. 03:24:031 (3) - NC
  32. 03:36:395 (2) - NC
  33. 03:38:940 (4) - NC
  34. 03:47:304 (5) - NC
  35. 03:50:213 (5) - NC
  36. 03:52:759 (3) - NC with the finish
  37. 03:56:759 (6) - ^
  38. 03:59:668 (8) - NC
  39. 04:02:213 (6) - NC
  40. 04:11:304 (6) - NC
  41. 04:14:940 (6) - NC with the finish Fixed
have a star
Thanks! Everything in green is fixed. Sorry I didn't fix alot, since a lot of the suggestions made the combos too short for hard mode, but you did point out a few useful things. Thanks and don't give up being a modder
thanks I learned a couple things~
Hi~! For M4M (> w <)/

Yanaginagi <3
Pretty fine here~!

Disable Widescreen Support since there are no storyboards
And Disable Letterbox during breaks would be nice
Change AR to 3 would be nice since it's Easy diff.<3
00:01:122 (1) Feels a bit empty here. Please add whistle at this slider's head
00:02:940 (3) Add whistle at this slider's tail since it'll also fit with the vocal
00:04:031 (4) Add whistle at this note for consistency
00:06:940 (2) Add whistle at this slider's tail
00:09:850 (3) Here too. Add whistle at this reverse part
00:13:486 (1) I could clearly hear a bass sound from the music, so please add finish and remove whistle to soften the sound at this slider's head ;)
00:18:577 (2) Add whistle at this slider's tail
00:21:486 (2) Add whistle at this note
02:01:122 (3) Remove whistle at this note then add finish
03:31:304 (1) (O w o) Verryyy niiicceee heart-shaped slider!! (> w <)
03:34:759 Looks like green timing over here isn't snapped. Please fix this ;)
03:35:304 (2) Add whistle at this slider's tail
03:36:759 (1) Also add whistle at this slider's reverse part
03:38:213 (2) Add whistle at this slider's tail
03:38:940 (3) Add whistle at this slider's head
03:39:668 (3) Add whistle at this slider's tail
Well.... I found nothing wrong about the flow. Good job (^ v ^)

Disable Widescreen Support since there are no storyboards
And Disable Letterbox during breaks would be nice
Change OD to 4 since it's Normal diff.
And change HP Drain Rate to 4 as well
Please check AiMod. There is DS problem at 03:41:486 because this slider -> 03:41:850 (4) is a bit too close from this note -> 03:41:122 (3). So, please flip 03:41:850 (4) vertically, then move it to x:376 y:296 so DS problem will gone
00:01:122 (1) Add whistle at this slider's head
00:04:031 (1) Add whistle at this note
00:06:940 (3) Add whistle at this slider's head
00:09:850 (3) Then, add whistle at this slider's head
00:13:486 (1) I could clearly hear a bass sound from the music, so please add finish and remove whistle to soften the sound at this slider's head ;)
00:15:668 (3) Add whistle at this note
00:18:577 (2) Also add whistle at this slider's reverse part
00:19:304 (1) I could clearly hear a bass sound from the music, so please add finish and remove whistle to soften the sound at this slider's head ;)
00:21:486 (3) Add whistle at this note as well
00:23:850 (2) Remove finish at this slider's tail because it's too loud for that silent part ;)
00:40:759 (2) You really need to add finish at this note ;)
00:41:122 (3) Also add whistle at this note for consistency
00:44:031 (1) Add whistle at this slider's tail
00:46:940 (1) Add whistle at this slider's tail as well
00:48:759 (1) Make this slider longer from here to 00:51:668 then add clap since that is a strong part from the music
00:52:759 (2) Add whistle at this slider's head since you add whistle at 00:54:213 (1) -> For consistency
00:56:395 (3) Add whistle at this slider's tail
00:59:304 (3) Add whistle at this slider's tail
01:02:213 (4) Add whistle at this note
01:03:668 (1) Add whistle at this slider's tail again
01:04:395 (3) Add whistle at this slider's head
01:10:213 (3) Add whistle at this note as well
01:10:940 (5) Add whistle at this note
01:13:850 (4) ^
01:16:031 (2) Add whistle at this slider's head
01:18:940 (2) Add whistle at this note
01:19:668 (4) ^
01:22:577 (4) Add whistle at this slider's tail
01:27:668 (3) Add whistle at this slider's head
01:30:577 (3) Add whistle at this note
01:30:577 (5) ^
01:35:668 (1) Add whistle at this part
01:37:122 (1) ^
01:39:304 (3) ^
01:42:213 (2) ^
01:45:122 (2) ^
01:50:940 (2) ^
01:56:759 (2) ^
02:14:213 (5) ^
02:20:031 (5) ^
02:20:759 (6) ^
02:23:668 (4) ^
02:28:759 (2) ^
02:29:486 (4) ^
02:32:395 (3) ^
02:37:486 (4) ^
02:40:395 (2) ^
02:43:304 (3) ^
02:45:486 (1) ^
02:46:940 (4) ^
02:49:122 (2) ^
02:52:031 (2) ^
02:54:940 (2) ^
03:00:759 (4) ^
03:03:668 (4) ^
03:06:577 (2) ^
03:24:031 (3) ^
03:25:122 (6) Move this note to x:132 y:248 so it will perfectly stacked with the tail of this slider -> 03:23:668 (2)
03:26:940 (2) Add whistle at this note then move it to x:132 y:248 so it will perfectly stacked with this note -> 03:25:122 (6)
03:29:850 (2) Add whistle at this part to follow the piano
03:30:395 (3) ^
03:32:759 (2) ^
03:58:940 (2) Add whistle at this part
04:04:759 (2) Add whistle at this part as well
04:10:577 (2) ^
Disable Widescreen Support since there are no storyboards
And Disable Letterbox during breaks would be nice
Change HP Drain Rate to 7 (just suggestion)
Change OD to 7 since it's already Hard diff.
And the same thing about whistle stuff ;)
00:03:304 Add a note to follow the piano + whistle
00:14:759 Add a note to follow the piano and then add whistle
00:15:122 ^
00:17:668 ^
00:17:850 (5) Delete this note
00:18:031 Then add a note + whistle to follow the piano
01:14:031 (6) Add clap at this note
01:14:122 (7) ^
01:18:940 (4) Make this slider shorter from here to 01:19:031 (blue tick) then reverse it once. After that, add clap at 01:19:031 .
01:22:486 Add a note + clap. The music strongly suggests it
01:37:122 (5) Add clap at this part. It will sounds better than leave it as a silent part ;)
01:37:213 (5) ^
01:37:304 (5) ^
01:37:395 (5) ^
01:37:759 Ummm add a note at this part?
02:01:122 (1) Add finish at this spinner will sounds much better ;)
02:23:940 (6) You really need to add clap at this part ;)
02:25:668 Add a note + finish would be nice
02:27:668 (1) Add finish at this slider's tail and also keep clap
02:28:759 (4) Make this slider shorter from here to 02:28:850 (blue tick) then reverse it once. After that, add clap at 02:28:850 . It will suits more with the music ;)
02:32:304 Add a note + clap. The music strongly suggests it
02:38:122 ^
02:46:486 Add a note to follow the music
02:46:940 (9) Add clap at this part. It will sounds better than leave it as a silent part ;)
02:47:031 (9) ^
02:47:122 (9) ^
02:47:213 (9) ^
03:33:304 (5) Reverse this slider once more then add clap at 03:33:213 (5) and 03:33:304 (5)
04:16:577 Add a note + clap to follow the music
04:17:668 ^
Okay then, that's all!! Very good mapset overall!!
Good Luck for Rank!!! (> w <)/
Topic Starter

Modem wrote:

Hi~! For M4M (> w <)/

Yanaginagi <3
Pretty fine here~!

Disable Widescreen Support since there are no storyboards Fixed
And Disable Letterbox during breaks would be nice Fixed
Change AR to 3 would be nice since it's Easy diff.<3 Fixed
00:01:122 (1) Feels a bit empty here. Please add whistle at this slider's head Fixed
00:02:940 (3) Add whistle at this slider's tail since it'll also fit with the vocal Sorry
00:04:031 (4) Add whistle at this note for consistency Fixed
00:06:940 (2) Add whistle at this slider's tail Fixed
00:09:850 (3) Here too. Add whistle at this reverse part Fixed
00:13:486 (1) I could clearly hear a bass sound from the music, so please add finish and remove whistle to soften the sound at this slider's head ;) Fixed
00:18:577 (2) Add whistle at this slider's tail Fixed
00:21:486 (2) Add whistle at this note Fixed
02:01:122 (3) Remove whistle at this note then add finish Fixed
03:31:304 (1) (O w o) Verryyy niiicceee heart-shaped slider!! (> w <) Thank you! :D
03:34:759 Looks like green timing over here isn't snapped. Please fix this ;) Fixed
03:35:304 (2) Add whistle at this slider's tail No thanks
03:36:759 (1) Also add whistle at this slider's reverse part Doesn't sound right
03:38:213 (2) Add whistle at this slider's tail
03:38:940 (3) Add whistle at this slider's head
03:39:668 (3) Add whistle at this slider's tail
About the three last ones, I'm trying to match the background only.
Well.... I found nothing wrong about the flow. Good job (^ v ^) Thanks :D

Disable Widescreen Support since there are no storyboards Fixed
And Disable Letterbox during breaks would be nice Fixed
Change OD to 4 since it's Normal diff. Fixed
And change HP Drain Rate to 4 as well Fixed
Please check AiMod. There is DS problem at 03:41:486 because this slider -> 03:41:850 (4) is a bit too close from this note -> 03:41:122 (3). So, please flip 03:41:850 (4) vertically, then move it to x:376 y:296 so DS problem will gone Fixed
00:01:122 (1) Add whistle at this slider's head Fixed
00:04:031 (1) Add whistle at this note Fixed
00:06:940 (3) Add whistle at this slider's head Fixed
00:09:850 (3) Then, add whistle at this slider's head Fixed
00:13:486 (1) I could clearly hear a bass sound from the music, so please add finish and remove whistle to soften the sound at this slider's head ;) Fixed
00:15:668 (3) Add whistle at this note Fixed
00:18:577 (2) Also add whistle at this slider's reverse part Fixed
00:19:304 (1) I could clearly hear a bass sound from the music, so please add finish and remove whistle to soften the sound at this slider's head ;) Fixed
00:21:486 (3) Add whistle at this note as well Fixed
00:23:850 (2) Remove finish at this slider's tail because it's too loud for that silent part ;) Fixed
00:40:759 (2) You really need to add finish at this note ;) Fixed
00:41:122 (3) Also add whistle at this note for consistency Fixed
00:44:031 (1) Add whistle at this slider's tail Fixed
00:46:940 (1) Add whistle at this slider's tail as well Fixed
00:48:759 (1) Make this slider longer from here to 00:51:668 then add clap since that is a strong part from the music No thanks
00:52:759 (2) Add whistle at this slider's head since you add whistle at 00:54:213 (1) -> For consistency
00:56:395 (3) Add whistle at this slider's tail
00:59:304 (3) Add whistle at this slider's tail
01:02:213 (4) Add whistle at this note
01:03:668 (1) Add whistle at this slider's tail again
01:04:395 (3) Add whistle at this slider's head
01:10:213 (3) Add whistle at this note as well
01:10:940 (5) Add whistle at this note
01:13:850 (4) ^
01:16:031 (2) Add whistle at this slider's head
01:18:940 (2) Add whistle at this note
01:19:668 (4) ^
01:22:577 (4) Add whistle at this slider's tail
01:27:668 (3) Add whistle at this slider's head
01:30:577 (3) Add whistle at this note
01:30:577 (5) ^
01:35:668 (1) Add whistle at this part
01:37:122 (1) ^
01:39:304 (3) ^
01:42:213 (2) ^
01:45:122 (2) ^
01:50:940 (2) ^
01:56:759 (2) ^
02:14:213 (5) ^
02:20:031 (5) ^
02:20:759 (6) ^
02:23:668 (4) ^
02:28:759 (2) ^
02:29:486 (4) ^
02:32:395 (3) ^
02:37:486 (4) ^
02:40:395 (2) ^
02:43:304 (3) ^
02:45:486 (1) ^
02:46:940 (4) ^
02:49:122 (2) ^
02:52:031 (2) ^
02:54:940 (2) ^
03:00:759 (4) ^
03:03:668 (4) ^
03:06:577 (2) ^
03:24:031 (3) ^
03:25:122 (6) Move this note to x:132 y:248 so it will perfectly stacked with the tail of this slider -> 03:23:668 (2) Fixed
03:26:940 (2) Add whistle at this note then move it to x:132 y:248 so it will perfectly stacked with this note -> 03:25:122 (6) Moved, but no whistle
03:29:850 (2) Add whistle at this part to follow the piano Fixed
03:30:395 (3) ^
03:32:759 (2) ^
03:58:940 (2) Add whistle at this part
04:04:759 (2) Add whistle at this part as well
04:10:577 (2) ^

Sorry but the whistles I didn't respond to were not changed. I'm trying to go for a consistent whistle every OTHER downbeat. (where the music makes a big change

Disable Widescreen Support since there are no storyboards Fixed
And Disable Letterbox during breaks would be nice Fixed
Change HP Drain Rate to 7 (just suggestion) No thanks, would be too hard
Change OD to 7 since it's already Hard diff. No thanks
And the same thing about whistle stuff ;)
00:03:304 Add a note to follow the piano + whistle Theres no sound here
00:14:759 Add a note to follow the piano and then add whistle No thanks
00:15:122 ^ Sorry
00:17:668 ^ No change
00:17:850 (5) Delete this note There are vocals here
00:18:031 Then add a note + whistle to follow the piano I'm not following the piano
01:14:031 (6) Add clap at this note Fixed
01:14:122 (7) ^ Fixed
01:18:940 (4) Make this slider shorter from here to 01:19:031 (blue tick) then reverse it once. After that, add clap at 01:19:031 .No thanks, I wanna be consistent
01:22:486 Add a note + clap. The music strongly suggests it too hard
01:37:122 (5) Add clap at this part. It will sounds better than leave it as a silent part ;) No clap sound in song here
01:37:213 (5) ^ No for same reason
01:37:304 (5) ^ ^
01:37:395 (5) ^ ^
01:37:759 Ummm add a note at this part? Would be too quick
02:01:122 (1) Add finish at this spinner will sounds much better ;) No finish sound
02:23:940 (6) You really need to add clap at this part ;) Fixed
02:25:668 Add a note + finish would be nice Fixed
02:27:668 (1) Add finish at this slider's tail and also keep clap Fixed
02:28:759 (4) Make this slider shorter from here to 02:28:850 (blue tick) then reverse it once. After that, add clap at 02:28:850 . It will suits more with the music ;) No thanks
02:32:304 Add a note + clap. The music strongly suggests it Sorry, would be too hard
02:38:122 ^ Sorry for same reason
02:46:486 Add a note to follow the music Too quick
02:46:940 (9) Add clap at this part. It will sounds better than leave it as a silent part ;) No clap here
02:47:031 (9) ^ ^
02:47:122 (9) ^ ^
02:47:213 (9) ^ ^
03:33:304 (5) Reverse this slider once more then add clap at 03:33:213 (5) and 03:33:304 (5) Current sounds fine
04:16:577 Add a note + clap to follow the music Made the note into a slider instead
04:17:668 ^ Fixed
Okay then, that's all!! Very good mapset overall!!
Good Luck for Rank!!! (> w <)/
Thanks for the mod! :)
hi ~

metadate check from my queue

Artist : ok
Romanised Artist : yanaginagi → Yanaginagi
Title : ok
Romanised Title : ok
tag add : heart to heart ~from iyunaline to solfa2~ (album name : )
bg : ok

good luck
Hi (:

* Try keep every green section (HS) with a minimum of 30% volume. Some are at 20%.
* Hitsounding needs more work, preferably from a HS specialist.

00:21:486 (2,3) - For the vocals ("iko"), here would feel better if you turn them in a 1/1 slider.
00:48:395 (3,4) - Try to simplify it to a 1/1 slider -- In truth, song in this part feels me it has nothing that need being so emphasized with clicking.
00:55:486 (1,2,3) - Rythm feels misleading/mismapped somehow... The one below fits better. And, in addition, help to prevent misses -- since sliders are a bit more lenient/forgivers about clicking a bit later; well, a note in red tick is way too catchy for newbies.

00:58:395 (2,3,4) - ^
01:12:940 (2,3,4) - ^ (here feels better a 1/1 slider on 01:13:850 instead of notes.
02:30:213 (1,2) - Rhythm a bit of, since your intent feels for following vocals (at least, at most). Better if shortening (1) by 1/2, moving (2) by 1/2 back, and extend (2) by 1/2.

03:34:759 (2) - Stacking the end of two consecutive sliders feels not so suitable for Easy diffs (potentialy confusing to newbies). Also, spacing between 03:34:759 (2) and 03:36:395 (1) is about half (0.55) of the normal used through the map (1.0).
04:16:031 (2) - Move to x:76 y:240 to fix spacing here.

Conclusion: Easy need more work and modding.

00:07:668 (1) - Rotate it by 15 degrees CCW, because it's touching 00:09:850 (3) -
02:41:122 (4,1) - Distance here is misleading, compared to the others around.
03:45:850 (1) - Would be good if you move this for avoid sobreposition on 03:48:031 (3) -

Conclusion: Needs some work more.

00:15:304 (5) - Why not Ctrl-G for better flow?
01:07:668 (4) - ^

This diff also more modding.

GL (:
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