
How to improve in Osu: The BOOSTER technique

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The reason why we play this game is: it makes fun
and after we realized we became better in this game, which makes fun, we recieve a feeling of victory and then, this game makes even more fun
The strongest FUN aspect in this game is: to beat yourself and realize, you became better, you´ve done the next step forward.

BUT!!! if people start to realize, oh I don´t feel this feeling of victory anymore, the game also starts to make not so much fun.
So they start to panic and start to post these beloved threads in the forums :D

Well then, after reading thousands of "how to make the next step", "how to improve", "I struggle with triplets, squares etc." threads and also after reading the known "How to become better" tutorials, I thought like, hey people are still asking for help, they rather want to have a certain training, an exercise which they can do day by day to become better.

Of course, a 50 PP guy asks for help, all people reply with "play more", how do we answer 50 PP guy´s next question : "There is mister 500PP, he has 20k plays and he isn´t as good as mister 5k plays who has 2000 PP" ?

You can´t denie that mister 500PP didn´t play more ;)

So if we think about the reason why mister 500PP is still having 500PP and not moving forward, we all realize, he´s playing his usual maps, day by day, not having so much fun cause the victory feeling is missing.

Now our light bulb starts to flash and we go like "Haha, of course, mister 500PP isn´t improving because he doesn´t try the harder maps"

Guys, also laugh about me, I´ve been in the exact same situation, fooling around, not moving forward, playing the same maps day by day.

But hey, I´ve escaped the prison of "not having so much fun anymore", got my current rank in record speed and all that without nasty TV Size or DT farming. If I can do, you can do as well, but how?

Keep in mind: the following is to improve yourself so you can have the feeling of victory again, not to rize your rank
As a funny effect besides, you will automatically get more PP by mastering difficult maps :D

A technique we all might know, but most never use effectively, I call it the BOOSTER technique

Why do I offer the tutorial for you
Cause I want that you guys have fun playing this game.

I am also really sure that it´ll work, I told some friends of mine how to use the BOOSTER technique, and they improved theirselves in no time and had much more fun after that :)

I also felt to tribute something to the community

I also try to help new players, who might start to struggle and leave the game.

This technique does work for nearly all players

How does the BOOSTER technique work
So stop reading stuff about fun and how we can get more of it :D, this is how the BOOSTER technique does work, so you can get the idea behind of it by yourself, because it´s freaking easy :D

The BOOSTER technique forces you to go to your limits, map by map
It will be hard work for most of you, but as a result, you will have more fun

To become better means you need to success in more difficult maps than you are currently playing, also becoming better means you need to get more points/a higher accuracy as well, but the basic is always the same, to be able to move forward in this game, you need to reach the next level (2stars, 3stars, 4stars, 5stars etc.)

So to push yourself to the next level is to actually play the next level

Some people already know that, most don´t.

The problem is, some people do play much too difficult maps to improve theirselves, as a result they start to become frustrated, start to lose the fun in the game and also, they start to become actually worse, the exact same if people play too easy maps.

So we need to know which maps we need to go to our limits, which maps do we need to play to automatically improve ALL techniques we need, streams, jumps, squares etc. and also your general skills just to be successfull in the next level, because there is no better way to improve than going to our limits and being forced to play what is really hard to you currently.
And therefor, I´ve created the BOOSTER technique, which does allow me to play maps, while I know even by playing these maps, I will improve my aim, my jumps, streaming etc.

But it´s also highly recommended to have FUN during this process and the WILL to become better to achieve having more fun in this game

How to use the BOOSTER technique
Let´s start with the interesting part of this tutorial, how to use the booster technique.

So we already got, that we need maps which are more difficult than those which we are usually playing, but it´s also not great to play maps which are too difficult.
I experimented around and found out that maps we solve between 65%-90% do work perfectly, higher is too easy and under 65% too difficult to get a proper effect.

So all you need to do is to create a folder ingame, you know these usefull gatherings which you can create, turn on the NoFail mod and play through all maps which do sound well to you, that´s also important, and you need to get an accuracy between 65% and 90%, put the map into the gathering which you can call "BOOSTER"
You really should gather min. 30 maps, you also can take a look on the difficulty of a map which is in your BOOSTER folder and download more maps of the same difficulty.The next step is the most easy one :D turn on the NoFail-mod and play ONLY these maps which are in your BOOSTER folder.
Playing your usual stuff would destroy the process a bit, keep playing your chosen maps as long till you solve them with 95%, you will wonder how fast that´ll happen.

The problem behind this technique is, you really need to keep playing only these maps, a friend of mine had no success using this technique cause he still played too often his usual stuff.
Also, the next problem is, this technique can be stressfull in the begining, you only might have fun when you see how fast you can solve the maps better and better.
But in general, more difficult maps do make more fun if you can solve them quite well, and you will in a short duration.
Keep in mind, this process can take longer the more difficult the maps are which you are playing, it took 1 week to take me from 3stars to 4 stars, it also took me 4 weeks to get from 4,5 star maps to 5 star maps

Elements which can be added to make the BOOSTER technique even more effectively
So the technique itself is really easy and also really effective, but you still can make it more effectively.

Duo the editor, you are able to modifie the maps.
For that, go in the editor, select a map out of your BOOSTER folder, go to data and save as new difficulty, rename the difficulty as you want and go to map settings, now you can give the BOOSTER any other effect like you want, a better accuracy means, set the circle Size (CS) to 5 or if you want to improve your reading skills as well, set the Approach Circle rate higher, but try to make only 1 thing higher, too much at the same time can be extremely stressfull during the practicing process.
Also, if you really want to improve your aim as well, modifie the Circle Size of ALL of your maps in your BOOSTER folder, you need to get used to the smaller circles and this process will shut down if you play some other maps with the normal circle size

Some words in the end
I hope some of you are having a use out of this booster technique, my friends and I still have a lot of use out of it and we can move forward to our goals.
Also, this technique can be very usefull if you set goals for yourselves in this game, reaching a certain ranking, passing a certain map etc.

I´ve written this tutorial without any preparations, but I can still make it better, descripe things with pictures etc., just let me know what you think about the tutorial.

I also made some grammar mistakes, I am sure xD just ignore them :D

Also, please don´t flame me if you found something how to get more use out of it and I didn´t write it in the tutorial, I am still working on this technique to get better results :D

Oh, and also, I donno how this will work for the top players cause I´m none, but I promise it does work very well for all players who play maps between 1-5 stars :)

Also, keep in mind it´s a technique combined with the stuff other players wrote in their HOW TO threads, it does work even better, you need to have fun, set possible goals and don´t play if you don´t actually like to play :)
Vuelo Eluko
bold make good keep attention very nice upvoted

anyway ive been changing ar9's to ar8's for harder maps to dt since forever, and i can confirm its improved my mashing skills 300%
Topic Starter

Riince wrote:

bold make good keep attention very nice upvoted

anyway ive been changing ar9's to ar8's for harder maps to dt since forever, and i can confirm its improved my mashing skills 300%
Thanks :D

you can even combine this with the BOOSTER technique, but I didn´t write about DT stuff cause I am not a friend of it and also don´t have experience with DT :D

In general, the BOOSTER does work with anything which is currently to difficult for you to pass
This is so incredibly painful to read.

Lach wrote:

This is so incredibly painful to read.
I kinda thought the same.
Vuelo Eluko

Sancteria wrote:

Riince wrote:

bold make good keep attention very nice upvoted

anyway ive been changing ar9's to ar8's for harder maps to dt since forever, and i can confirm its improved my mashing skills 300%
Thanks :D

you can even combine this with the BOOSTER technique, but I didn´t write about DT stuff cause I am not a friend of it and also don´t have experience with DT :D

In general, the BOOSTER does work with anything which is currently to difficult for you to pass
thanks! ive already boosted myself to 150% as skilled as i was 8 months ago!
Topic Starter

Lach wrote:

This is so incredibly painful to read.
sure that´s why I said I didn´t make any preparation, otherwhise it would be smaller, more accuratly and with pictures, I am sorry that you even started to read my stuff
f i z i k
nah man I'm just gonna buy the osu!tablet and the osu!keyboard,sounds a lot better than this
Topic Starter
you can even combine this with the BOOSTER technique, but I didn´t write about DT stuff cause I am not a friend of it and also don´t have experience with DT :D

In general, the BOOSTER does work with anything which is currently to difficult for you to pass

thanks! ive already boosted myself to 150% as skilled as i was 8 months ago!
I said it doesn´t work with stuff you can´t solve with min 65% in the begining xD
65% really?
Topic Starter

phonics wrote:

65% really?
It also worked with THE ISLANDER for me, started with 60% 2 months ago and solved it last week with 99%
I personally do something similar to this, but I usually focus on 75-90%. It seems like anything under 75% ends up being more spam than reading.
Topic Starter

Insyni wrote:

I personally do something similar to this, but I usually focus on 75-90%. It seems like anything under 75% ends up being more spam than reading.
exactly, you still need to have a focus even while failing a bit more circles than usually :P
I mean, if you want to run the risk of very bad habits and low accuracy which will eventually come back to bite you when you stop being able to just grab a harder song to get 95% on to get pp. Lets make a reasonable assumption. Lets say you can fc every map that "K i R i K a R u" who is ranked 100 at the moment of this post has in his top ranks but with only 95% accuracy. A 99% is worth about 95% of the pp as a 100% so a 95% is worth about 76% of the pp of a 99% play. 6400pp*76% = 4864. Now lets see where that puts you in terms of rank. Roughly 860. Now that's fine if you don't ever really care to be much better than that.

If you do want to be higher than that, then have fun ridding yourself of the bad habits developed from always rushing into harder difficulties before you mastered the previous level of difficulties. This is even being generous enough to assume you even make it up to this level of map difficulty before hitting a huge wall spawned from bad habits which is the more likely case.

Also, the problem with player A who has 20k plays and 500pp and player B who has 5k plays and 2k pp pretty never due to the fact that they spent time trying to master easier difficulties. In fact, playcount doesn't really say shit when we compare 2 players since who the fuck knows what player A's 20k plays consisted of. It could very easily be from restarting maps after 10 notes over and over again playing with perfect on (WoLoG). To list a few things these 20k play counts could consist of:
  1. Playing maps that are too difficult for the player over and over again expecting different results (perhaps some people take the difficulty name "insane" too literally...)
  2. Playing a small pool of maps over and over again seeking the desired 98%+ accuracy benchmark when in reality they should be playing an ever increasing pool of maps of this difficulty until they can consistently get 98%+ with minimal effort on maps of this diffculty
  3. Lots and lots of retries
  4. Shorter duration maps (Some people are bronies and other people really enjoy maps for their favorite anime OP/ED's)
In theory if you play more you will get better outside of some uninteresting degenerate cases that aren't worth talking about. Some of the ways you can play asymptotically approach the skill cap for this game and thus aren't practical (for example if you were to pick a 10 star map from day 1 and play it millions of times you would probably eventually hit the skill cap but that's not practical). The suggested methods tend to be the ones that develop the best habits and tend to have a smoother time derivative (ie. less walls/smaller walls).

If a player is looking to improve, we suggest what are considered to be the best ways to improve. If a player wants to have fun then why the fuck are they asking us how to improve? They should ask us "how do I have fun at this game?" But if they have to ask that question then why are they playing in the first place?
Topic Starter

chainpullz wrote:

I mean, if you want to run the risk of very bad habits and low accuracy which will eventually come back to bite you when you stop being able to just grab a harder song to get 95% on to get pp. Lets make a reasonable assumption. Lets say you can fc every map that "K i R i K a R u" who is ranked 100 at the moment of this post has in his top ranks but with only 95% accuracy. A 99% is worth about 95% of the pp as a 100% so a 95% is worth about 76% of the pp of a 99% play. 6400pp*76% = 4864. Now lets see where that puts you in terms of rank. Roughly 860. Now that's fine if you don't ever really care to be much better than that.

If you do want to be higher than that, then have fun ridding yourself of the bad habits developed from always rushing into harder difficulties before you mastered the previous level of difficulties. This is even being generous enough to assume you even make it up to this level of map difficulty before hitting a huge wall spawned from bad habits which is the more likely case.

Also, the problem with player A who has 20k plays and 500pp and player B who has 5k plays and 2k pp pretty never due to the fact that they spent time trying to master easier difficulties. In fact, playcount doesn't really say shit when we compare 2 players since who the fuck knows what player A's 20k plays consisted of. It could very easily be from restarting maps after 10 notes over and over again playing with perfect on (WoLoG). To list a few things these 20k play counts could consist of:
  1. Playing maps that are too difficult for the player over and over again expecting different results (perhaps some people take the difficulty name "insane" too literally...)
  2. Playing a small pool of maps over and over again seeking the desired 98%+ accuracy benchmark when in reality they should be playing an ever increasing pool of maps of this difficulty until they can consistently get 98%+ with minimal effort on maps of this diffculty
  3. Lots and lots of retries
  4. Shorter duration maps (Some people are bronies and other people really enjoy maps for their favorite anime OP/ED's)
In theory if you play more you will get better outside of some uninteresting degenerate cases that aren't worth talking about. Some of the ways you can play asymptotically approach the skill cap for this game and thus aren't practical (for example if you were to pick a 10 star map from day 1 and play it millions of times you would probably eventually hit the skill cap but that's not practical). The suggested methods tend to be the ones that develop the best habits and tend to have a smoother time derivative (ie. less walls/smaller walls).

If a player is looking to improve, we suggest what are considered to be the best ways to improve. If a player wants to have fun then why the fuck are they asking us how to improve? They should ask us "how do I have fun at this game?" But if they have to ask that question then why are they playing in the first place?

To be able to play in the top ranks, you need to be able to pass the top maps, you won´t reach the top maps if you keep playing your 99% solved maps and hope you will become better cause a fairy gave you the power for that. Means if you want more PP, you need to play maps which are more difficult, but you can wait till christmas if you keep focusing having a good Accuracy in your current maps. I am still using this technique and my accuracy is very good, since I play maps, which I play to get PP, till I got 99% or better, but I rather keep focusing aim, accuracy in these maps which I use to boost myself than in maps which offer ONLY a better accuracy, ofc, begin with slow stuff, build up accuracy, play faster stuff after that is the perfect way to go, but th BOOSTER technique is so much more effective till 5 star maps
Improved accuracy will spillover into every other skill in this game. You can't get good at other skills solely by improving your accuracy but those skills will be gained as you work to push the boundaries of maps that you can have this level of accuracy on. Many misaims come purely from moving at the wrong times. You can't have good accuracy without learning proper stream technique and finger control. Accuracy is highly dependent on reading. All of these skills required in difficult maps will be trained simply from training your accuracy with a varied map pool. Not only that, these skills will be trained properly without falling into bad habits like mashing.
Why does reading this feel like a Billy Mays advert xD
Is there an English version available for download?

DatPenguinTho wrote:

Why does reading this feel like a Billy Mays advert xD
More like a Billy Mays ytp

chainpullz wrote:

Improved hand synchronization will spillover into every other skill in this game
The difference isn't insubstantial.

Sancteria wrote:

To be able to play in the top ranks, you need to be able to pass the top maps, you won´t reach the top maps if you keep playing your 99% solved maps and hope you will become better cause a fairy gave you the power for that. Means if you want more PP, you need to play maps which are more difficult, but you can wait till christmas if you keep focusing having a good Accuracy in your current maps. I am still using this technique and my accuracy is very good, since I play maps, which I play to get PP, till I got 99% or better, but I rather keep focusing aim, accuracy in these maps which I use to boost myself than in maps which offer ONLY a better accuracy, ofc, begin with slow stuff, build up accuracy, play faster stuff after that is the perfect way to go, but th BOOSTER technique is so much more effective till 5 star maps
You know what else you have to do to get into the top ranks?

Practice on maps where your accuracy isn't so low that you obviously spammed. Anything < 80%, maybe even 85% (with some exceptions), is more than likely just spamming.
Green Platinum
Reads like a fucking infomercial
what i used long before publication :)
dung eater
I will use this to boost myself, thank you.

Topic Starter
Guys, keep behaving like little kids, just as you do, I won´t defend my position anyways, some people might forget that no one forces them to read stuff or use any suggestions I´ve made.

I am still sorry if my written text is not up to your white-trash-slang, but I am quite sure that everyone could understand what I try to explain.

Besides, it doesn´t harm your accuracy if you keep the focus during the maps, that´s also why you can´t consider it spamming when you solve something with 80%, otherwhise my accuracy has to be crap as well, and it isn´t strangewhise.

Also, when I say keep playing your "what ever you called it, sherlocks"-folder it doesn´t mean you never ever can play maps again which you could FC and profit from them.

Sancteria wrote:

I am still sorry if my written text is not up to your white-trash-slang, but I am quite sure that everyone could understand what I try to explain.

Besides, it doesn´t harm your accuracy if you keep the focus during the maps, that´s also why you can´t consider it spamming when you solve something with 80%, otherwhise my accuracy has to be crap as well, and it isn´t strangewhise.
I believe most people found it difficult to read because it feels like every 2nd word of your text is written in bold font.

That aside, 80% is mashing. Just because your accuracy doesn't get worse (and it will at some point, unless you play your booster maps until you get like 98.5% on them) it doesn't mean that this applies to everyone. There is no osu recipe. I just want to point out that your opinion seems to contradict like 95% of what people who are actually good at osu say.
Topic Starter
Underlining stuff shall not make it more difficult, and this methode does work, cause most people are using it and it´s also known that you need to go to your limits to improve, I can´t understand people who say 80% solving means almost only spamming stuff o.O
it makes fun. fun. victory. more fun. FUN. not so much fun. "how to make the next step". "how to improve". "I struggle with triplets". squares etc. "How to become better". Certain training. Day by day to become better. "play more". "play more". So much fun. Victory. Try the harder maps. "not having so much fun anymore". Without nasty TV size or DT farming. you can do as well. To improve yourself. The feeling of victory again. Not to rize your rank. Automatically get more PP. Use effectively. The BOOSTER technique.
Have fun. They improved theirselves. Nearly.
Fun. Your limits, map by map. More Fun. The basic. Move forward. Reach the next level. Play the next level. Much too difficult maps. Our limits. automatically. All. no better way. to our limits. FUN. WILL. More. Fun.
The interesting part. We need. More Difficult. Not great. 65%-90%. Create a folder ingame. NoFail mod. Do sound well. 65% and 90%. "BOOSTER". Gather min. 30. Turn on the NoFail-mod. ONLY. Would destroy the process. Solve them with 95%. Can be stressfull in the begining. More difficult maps do make more fun.
You still can make it more effectively. Modifie the maps. Select a map out of your BOOSTER folder. Data and save as new difficulty. Go to map settings. Better accuracy. Circle Size. Reading Skills. Approach Circle. Only 1 thing higher. Aim. Circle Size. ALL. Will shut down.
Technique. You need to have fun. Possible Goals. Don't play if you don't actually like to play.

Problem solved.

Dexus wrote:


Dexus wrote:

it makes fun. fun. victory. more fun. FUN. not so much fun. "how to make the next step". "how to improve". "I struggle with triplets". squares etc. "How to become better". Certain training. Day by day to become better. "play more". "play more". So much fun. Victory. Try the harder maps. "not having so much fun anymore". Without nasty TV size or DT farming. you can do as well. To improve yourself. The feeling of victory again. Not to rize your rank. Automatically get more PP. Use effectively. The BOOSTER technique.
Have fun. They improved theirselves. Nearly.
Fun. Your limits, map by map. More Fun. The basic. Move forward. Reach the next level. Play the next level. Much too difficult maps. Our limits. automatically. All. no better way. to our limits. FUN. WILL. More. Fun.
The interesting part. We need. More Difficult. Not great. 65%-90%. Create a folder ingame. NoFail mod. Do sound well. 65% and 90%. "BOOSTER". Gather min. 30. Turn on the NoFail-mod. ONLY. Would destroy the process. Solve them with 95%. Can be stressfull in the begining. More difficult maps do make more fun.
You still can make it more effectively. Modifie the maps. Select a map out of your BOOSTER folder. Data and save as new difficulty. Go to map settings. Better accuracy. Circle Size. Reading Skills. Approach Circle. Only 1 thing higher. Aim. Circle Size. ALL. Will shut down.
Technique. You need to have fun. Possible Goals. Don't play if you don't actually like to play.

Problem solved.

Dexus wrote:

it makes fun. fun. victory. more fun. FUN. not so much fun. "how to make the next step". "how to improve". "I struggle with triplets". squares etc. "How to become better". Certain training. Day by day to become better. "play more". "play more". So much fun. Victory. Try the harder maps. "not having so much fun anymore". Without nasty TV size or DT farming. you can do as well. To improve yourself. The feeling of victory again. Not to rize your rank. Automatically get more PP. Use effectively. The BOOSTER technique.
Have fun. They improved theirselves. Nearly.
Fun. Your limits, map by map. More Fun. The basic. Move forward. Reach the next level. Play the next level. Much too difficult maps. Our limits. automatically. All. no better way. to our limits. FUN. WILL. More. Fun.
The interesting part. We need. More Difficult. Not great. 65%-90%. Create a folder ingame. NoFail mod. Do sound well. 65% and 90%. "BOOSTER". Gather min. 30. Turn on the NoFail-mod. ONLY. Would destroy the process. Solve them with 95%. Can be stressfull in the begining. More difficult maps do make more fun.
You still can make it more effectively. Modifie the maps. Select a map out of your BOOSTER folder. Data and save as new difficulty. Go to map settings. Better accuracy. Circle Size. Reading Skills. Approach Circle. Only 1 thing higher. Aim. Circle Size. ALL. Will shut down.
Technique. You need to have fun. Possible Goals. Don't play if you don't actually like to play.

Problem solved.
I can't help but imagine how this would sound with a Salarian voice.
no offense but guides like these aren't credible when the person who writes them is in the 5 digits

Dexus wrote:

it makes fun. fun. victory. more fun. FUN. not so much fun. "how to make the next step". "how to improve". "I struggle with triplets". squares etc. "How to become better". Certain training. Day by day to become better. "play more". "play more". So much fun. Victory. Try the harder maps. "not having so much fun anymore". Without nasty TV size or DT farming. you can do as well. To improve yourself. The feeling of victory again. Not to rize your rank. Automatically get more PP. Use effectively. The BOOSTER technique.
Have fun. They improved theirselves. Nearly.
Fun. Your limits, map by map. More Fun. The basic. Move forward. Reach the next level. Play the next level. Much too difficult maps. Our limits. automatically. All. no better way. to our limits. FUN. WILL. More. Fun.
The interesting part. We need. More Difficult. Not great. 65%-90%. Create a folder ingame. NoFail mod. Do sound well. 65% and 90%. "BOOSTER". Gather min. 30. Turn on the NoFail-mod. ONLY. Would destroy the process. Solve them with 95%. Can be stressfull in the begining. More difficult maps do make more fun.
You still can make it more effectively. Modifie the maps. Select a map out of your BOOSTER folder. Data and save as new difficulty. Go to map settings. Better accuracy. Circle Size. Reading Skills. Approach Circle. Only 1 thing higher. Aim. Circle Size. ALL. Will shut down.
Technique. You need to have fun. Possible Goals. Don't play if you don't actually like to play.

Problem solved.
So rising the ar will improve my reading-ability. Quite interesting.
Also I didnt know that accuracy is related to the cs.

Also ONLY playing maps that you pass with ~80% acc will leave your accuracy at a state that is equal to mine: Utterly shit.
Not to mention that you wont have any consistency if you do it like that. Practicing maps that you can fc on a regular basis is also pretty important.

Also I advise you to reformat your text, a proper strucute in your sentences would also be quite nice. I know that it is still more or less understandable what you write, but it is still a pain in the ass to read.
I'd also like to add that if you're getting 65%, you're not playing the game

you're just randomly clicking dots on your screen
good job
Nakano Itsuki
I am trying to get into DT these days, but even ar8 DT seems to hard for me...
Time to try out something like NFDT.

Kyle McShade wrote:

I am trying to get into DT these days, but even ar8 DT seems to hard for me...
Now why you would even consider playing DT at your rank, I don't know.
Well, I used to play 3-4 starred maps now I'm doing 4-5 stars. And I'm improving.

Still can't FC MuryokuP- Catastrophe..

Athrun_Yamato wrote:

Well, I used to play 3-4 starred maps now I'm doing 4-5 stars. And I'm improving.

Still can't FC MuryokuP- Catastrophe..
you actually have some good reading plays. But obviously 200bpm is out of your league. If you want to get better at streams I recommend 120-140 bpm AR8 insanes. Also I recommend you get a tablet.

B1rd wrote:

you actually have some good reading plays. But obviously 200bpm is out of your league. If you want to get better at streams I recommend 120-140 bpm AR8 insanes. Also I recommend you get a tablet.
If i had the money. T_T
I'm broke.

Kyle McShade wrote:

I am trying to get into DT these days, but even ar8 DT seems to hard for me...
Time to try out something like NFDT.
Even AR8 DT? AR9 DT is something that a very small minority of players can viably play. I would argue that at your rank, you shouldn't even be playing AR8 DT, if it's just PP you want, nomod still easily takes less effort at that stage, and if it's improvement you want, trust me, DT isn't the way to go. But, even if you disregard all that, at least keep in mind that nofail is definitely not a good mod to play, you will only learn to mash, if you can't pass a map, don't play it to train or improve.
tl;dr for the lazy people or the illiterate:
Play songs which you can't pass / can pass barely, and are fun for you at the same time.
dung eater
Boosto! I've gotten 67% in several maps i used to get only 64% before i can feel myself getting boosted by thihs. It is all thanks to the BOOSTER technique.

jaaakb wrote:

Boosto! I've gotten 67% in several maps i used to get only 64% before i can feel myself getting boosted by thihs. It is all thanks to the BOOSTER technique.
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