Old title: Add reason when left game
If me disconnected from osu server when playing on multiplayer and reconnect again, someone tell a something about me, "Why he is leaving?" "Maybe he press the Esc to escape" is actually NO i tell them My internet is sucks, but they don't Trust me, i think this feature would be nice when leaving osu or multiplaying
Please give opinions about this feature.
sorry bad english
xxx has left the game (Quit) if they quitScreenshot
xxx has left the game (timeout) if they timeout
xxx has left the game (kicked) if they kicked
If me disconnected from osu server when playing on multiplayer and reconnect again, someone tell a something about me, "Why he is leaving?" "Maybe he press the Esc to escape" is actually NO i tell them My internet is sucks, but they don't Trust me, i think this feature would be nice when leaving osu or multiplaying
Please give opinions about this feature.
sorry bad english