
Add a reason when a user left the multiplayer room

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +803
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Old title: Add reason when left game

xxx has left the game (Quit) if they quit
xxx has left the game (timeout) if they timeout
xxx has left the game (kicked) if they kicked

If me disconnected from osu server when playing on multiplayer and reconnect again, someone tell a something about me, "Why he is leaving?" "Maybe he press the Esc to escape" is actually NO i tell them My internet is sucks, but they don't Trust me, i think this feature would be nice when leaving osu or multiplaying :)

Please give opinions about this feature.
sorry bad english
Would be nice. Reduces the rates of people pm'ing you when you leave the room. "Ey, bruh y u left game come back plz"
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yep, another game have this feature

-Troke- wrote:

yep, another game have this feature
Well the purpose is to make convenience. Not just copy features from another game.
Well, I've had a quick look around the forum and I can't seem to find a dupe (Though I don't know nearly as much as the mods, so maybe they'll be able to find something :P)

~ That surprises me as I would have thought this was an often requested feature. It would be nice to have this implemented.

Fr33z3R wrote:

Reduces the rates of people pm'ing you when you leave the room. "Ey, bruh y u left game come back plz"
^ This also

~ Though by the same respect it could reduce the number of random unprovoked kickings from multiplayer lobbies as the hosts will be aware of the fact that it would alert everyone. If it was just one person then fine, but if the host is just kicking randomers one after the other for no good reason then I wouldn't really want to stay in the lobby all that much....

I would be in support of this ~ assuming it doesn't get listed as a dupe ofc :P
Accel Walker
this would be great as especially players that have decent connections, and suddenly quit the game without saying anything

so that people won't assume that the player quit without any reasons
Damn I'm going to need to alt+f4 each time then to make it look like I crashed

Ace3DF wrote:

Damn I'm going to need to alt+f4 each time then to make it look like I crashed
Hey look, my old in-game avatar ~

This is perfect.

Ace3DF wrote:

Damn I'm going to need to alt+f4 each time then to make it look like I crashed
My shitty connection does that for me. :P
That's a good idea, got my support here! (When it's time to star it)
Yukiteru Amano
Never thought about it but this seems good :D

Fr33z3R wrote:

Would be nice. Reduces the rates of people pm'ing you when you leave the room. "Ey, bruh y u left game come back plz"
the only people who does that are people who are picking beatmaps that are too annoying to play

usually when I timed out I'd just join another room, if I really liked the room I would've just joined back while they are still playing
agree with this
it will help to not make a misunderstanding to other player in multiplayer when we suddenly 'escape' because timeout
#blame our suck slow internet connection
I'm agree with this.

In case, when someone has a mapping project, but, he/she leaves for a reason, would totally great with add it a reason.
"theramdans left the game (crapnet)"

suits me! lol
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lol I thought this feature was about something else.
Meh. Can be useful. Support. /o/
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i hope added
Ciyus Miapah
Fort left the game (wasted)

++ Feature Requests
- Yuuto -
Absolutely agree.
justified , agree
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thanks all for supporting!! ;)
This is a good idea, it can be a nuisance when your friends suddenly go offline but you have no idea why. x)
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bump !
//throws invisible stars
i know dat feature,
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-Yonata- wrote:

i know dat feature,
yeah ;)
Mofu kun
if i had any stars i would give

would having the option to type reason why you quit be a good idea as well?
I like this idea

because someone just left the room randomly
Imo, the ability to type a custom reason isn't really necessary. It'd be easier if it was preselected for two reasons:
1. It could be translated.
2. No "yur rubbish gam was really boring and u all suck ur all nuubs lern to play ur all #1 and im #200k @&$? you you idot" reasons which end in fights.
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i think costum reason it's not good
because, i played other game like SA-MP or CS1.6 they only have 3 reason if player quit. "Leaving,Timeout,Kicked" :)
Nice . I like this
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