But please don't request 2 maps in the same time.
Also make sure your map with >12 SP.
- _S u w a k o_
- [ S a k u r a ]
- asd123iii
- chonicle
- CrazyStar
- ExPew
- Ichigaki
- ishimaru94
- richardfeder
- Rumia-
- Simple_Star
- Spy
- Starry-
- Taiwan-NAK
- victorica_db
- Zan -
- The queue will open on the first day of every month 00:00 UTC+8.
- We can do mod in language:English,中文, Bahasa Indonesia.
- Maps accepted will give full check(bubble/qualify).
- There are only 2 limited mod request per user for each month.
- Deny or reject mod request will not count.
- When your map be denied,you should think about quality of your map,or your difficulties are so much.
- At least we can sure your map won't be disqualified easily.
But please don't request 2 maps in the same time.
Also make sure your map with >12 SP.
- Post Format:
Link:(Link of your map)