FUCK BITCHES GET LAID (#M4M, but you don't have to do it since I'm poking BATs now lol)General outline of what my mods contain:>My thoughts about mapset
>Some advices
>Harsh opinions about map if I feel like it needs more work
>Complaining about mapstyle (sometimes even shouting)
>Commenting on 90% of things I mention
>Funny maymay arrows
>Random images
>All the bad shit you may not expect
Keep in mind that all harsh things I say, not because I hate stuff, but because I care about every single map I mod and want to help you get it ranked. I'm voicing all of my opinions without restraint. Please don't rage at me because of this, I don't mean to offend you in any way. Also do note that I'm still learning, so I might misunderstand some things. and I'm terrible at naming instruments orz
DM Ashura remixes <3
You need to do hitsounds to get this rankedStepmania is not a vaild source, remove it. Also not sure if this is DM Ashura feat Inspector K , DM Ashura VS Inspector K (which is what BG suggests) or Inspector K remixed by DM Ashura, you need to ask about that someone more knowledgeable
Instead of using the mp3 pporse suggested, get into .osu files of each diff and change LeadIn value from 0 to 1000, will have the same effect as adding 1 second at the beginning without mp3 changes, offset changes and such
Columns are: |1|2|3|4|
OD 7
00:02:581 - Stick to the main rhythm in this section, something like this makes more sense:
00:06:867 - If you want to map 1/2 here, add note at this point (I don't recommend mapping 1/2's here though)
00:09:152 - Remove one
00:10:010 - Add note
00:10:295 (10295|3,10295|2,10581|1,10581|0,10867|2,10867|3) - No reason for those to be doubles, leave them as singles
00:11:438 - Remove one
00:11:867 - Add
00:12:295 - Add
00:13:724 - Remove one
00:14:581 - Add
00:14:867 (14867|1,14867|2,15152|2,15152|1,15438|1,15438|2) - Same as on 00:10:295, no need to keep them as doubles, make them as singles
00:16:010 - Remove one
00:16:438 - Add
00:16:867 - Add
00:17:152 - Turn one of notes into LN until 00:17:724 - and delete the other one
00:17:724 - Maybe add?
00:18:295 - Add for crash
00:27:438 - ^ something like crash
00:28:581 - ^ that breath-like sound, worth making a double
00:30:867 - Not sure, but I think you could add there
00:31:152 - Remove one
00:31:438 - Breath-like sound for second note
00:33:152 - ^
00:36:581 - Add for crash or whatever that is, I'll just call it crash lel
00:38:867 - Add
01:08:581 - Add
01:12:867 (72867|3) - Should be on 01:13:152 -
01:14:867 - Add -----------\
01:15:152 - Add |Keep it like that for this whole section, makes more sense to players (mapping that instrument instead of something that I can't work out what it is)
01:15:438 - Remove -----/
01:22:295 - Add //Pretty much same reason as on the first section, so not going to comment on these
01:38:295 - Add
01:42:867 - Add
01:44:010 - Add
01:46:867 - Add
01:47:438 - Add
01:48:581 - Add
01:51:438 - Add
01:52:010 - Add
02:01:152 - Add for finisher
A bit confusing diffname with Beginner, try Novice and Normal or just rename Basic to Normal
OD9 HP9 LOOOOOOOOOOL 7,5 on both
00:03:438 - Not accenting this?
00:12:581 - Add
00:17:152 - LN until 00:17:724 - on 3rd or just add notes
00:18:295 - Delete note every 2/1, the sound you're layering as second note there is 2/1 and you map it as 1/1 (for example delete 00:18:867 (18867|3) - , 00:20:010 (20010|3) - etc)
00:38:724 (38724|2,38867|1) - Try 4 1
00:46:724 (46724|0) - 1/2 earlier
01:20:010 - Delete one
01:04:010 - Same as before with 2/1
01:22:295 - ^ (aka take another look at this)
01:24:295 - Add
01:28:867 - ^
01:32:581 - LN until 01:33:724 -
01:33:724 - Instead of just using doubles for every sound, try to introduce harder rhythms (like some short 1/4's) doubles do not accent louder sounds and it's quite bad
00:03:438 - Add here
00:07:438 - Add here
00:11:152 - and 00:12:295 - and 00:13:438 - and 00:15:724 - and 00:16:867 - Add singles for main beat
00:14:438 (14438|1,14724|1) - Delete, kinda silent there
00:17:152 - This would follow the rhythm better:
00:36:010 - This sound is suitable for 1/2 jacks and I think it's be good to make them even on two columns (like on 1st on 4th)
00:54:867 -
then add at 00:56:010 - so it'll be a [14] chord
then add at 00:57:152 - so it'll be a [23] chord
01:03:010 (63010|1,63295|2,63581|1) - Move 1 column to the right...
...and make 01:02:867 - a 1/2 jack instead of 1/1 //With notes moved to right hand it should be easy enough, also it follows music better
01:04:010 - You probably forgot to add there
01:14:867 - & 01:15:152 - Make these doubles maybe? //Quite loud sound
01:17:152 - ^
01:18:010 (78010|2,78152|2) - Move to 3rd, hand ballance
01:19:438 (79438|2,79724|2) - Same as before with those sounds
01:55:224 (115224|1,115367|1) - Delete, stream ends earlier, rearrange around it afterwards
01:58:867 - You've missed the sound quite badly. Remap it. Firstly, don't use double note at the first note of triplets because it's pain in the ass to play imo. And secondly rhythm goes like this: 01:59:010 - 01:59:081 - 01:59:152 - 01:59:295 - 01:59:367 - 01:59:438 - 01:59:581 - 01:59:652 - 01:59:724 - 01:59:867 - (for those voice samples that you wanted to map). What's interesting is that you've mapped it on time on Challenge lmao
02:00:581 - Make all notes from here as [23] chords, nice jack to finish this diff off
HP/OD 8,2-8,5
00:03:438 - Not sure if 3 isn't too much here
00:08:010 - I think this could use as 1/4 wall (known as hand trill or just [12] [34] trills lol), just to make it harder than Difficult here. It fits with the song anyway
I don't think that's it's a good idea to map those voice samples as 3 noters, but it's your choice. Just rethink it. //Applies to all things like this one
00:12:581 - Add
00:14:510 - No 1/4 here
00:17:724 - Maybe you could make it a 3 note section instead of 2? And make last note of this (00:18:295 - )1 more than previous ones (If accepted, 4 notes there, if not, 3 notes)because of stronger sound
00:22:795 - Missed note here
00:26:795 - Missed note here...
...00:26:938 (26938|2) - Delete
00:27:367 - Missed note
00:28:581 - Add one note since it's a stronger sound
00:29:152 (29152|0,29152|2,29152|3,29295|1,29295|2,29438|2,29438|0,29438|3) - Whoa, why are those suddenly denser than the rest?
00:31:438 - Add
00:31:938 - Missing note
00:33:724 (33724|0,33724|2,33724|3,33867|2,33867|1,34010|0,34010|2,34010|3) - Again with idk density
00:37:438 - Add
00:39:724 - Add
00:42:010 - Add
00:48:295 - This jack on 4th column feels totally wrong and is awkward to play.
01:02:867 - This is also quite weird to play (see my hp dropping low on the screenshot above). Rearrange this into some kind of jumpjack or anything else, just don't put those doubles on the same column for this section
01:04:010 - I think you should continue 1/4 handstream, because right now that feels like Difficult+. It feels really empty when playing and this song deserves harder paterns here.
01:14:867 (74867|1,74867|2,75152|1,75152|2) - 3 notes on both
01:38:295 - Add
01:42:224 - Missed 1/4
01:42:867 - Add
01:46:938 - Missed 1/4
01:47:367 - ^
01:50:224 - ^
01:52:010 - Add on 1st
02:00:010 - There's a 1/4 beat going on in the back, consider mapping it as final burst
02:01:152 - End with quad?
Good luck! o/