
osu!Profile (simple profile integration with OBS/XSplit)

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/!\ The last update (1.15.1) seems to not work for everyone, waiting for a fix, here is a link the version 1.15.0 /!\


Hello osu! community!
I've just made this little app because I haven't seen something like I wanted, but, if something like this already exists, feel free to say it to me! :)
So, today I'm happy to present you osu!Profile which is a little program for helping you to see your progress in the ranking (if you're not very attentive and miss how many rank you've just passed when you finished a map :oops: ), also allow you to export these data into files and importing them into you livestream with OBS or XSplit!


  1. Shows your stats or these of any people
  2. Auto check your progress
  3. Choose the time interval between each update
  4. Auto check if new version is available
  5. You can export data shown in multiple files, many as you want (You can easily import to OBS or XSplit in this way)
  6. Shows stats changes until you click on "Check" button of each time you finished a game


  1. Windows XP SP3 or more
  2. .NET Framework 4.0



Enjoy! :)

To-do/To fix

Waiting for your feedbacks :D

I hope you like it! :)

(Sorry for my broken english :( )
Well done :) looks nice
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Thank you! :)
sorry but where i can get the API key???
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Oh, you can get your API key here
Woah it's working now... thanks

well at least i really love the UI
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You're welcome! :)
I'm happy you like it! :P
This reminds me of this similar project (although I prefer your app design :P)
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Oooooh! I've never seen this!

But it doesn't have the possibility to save what you want into one or multiple files :(

By the way, if you have any suggestion for a next update or if you find bugs, don't hesitate to say it! :P

And thank you :)
i can't download at the moment cause ya know, working. but what about a way to hide Ranked Score and Total Score?
or can that be done already?
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It's now possible! :)
Not working on WinXP 32 bit (Osu!Profile is not a valid Win32 application).
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I now know when I've gained 0.1 pp. So even if i have no change on the PP for the day, i can at least see something got better!
[ Pustules ]
this is pretty fricken cool
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Thanks! :)
Doesn't work for me. Maybe I did something wrong.

I have something like this :

And nothing appears on the Ranking screen :

Even after a few plays.

Edit : Nvm, it works now. But it seems you have to press enter when entering a player name instead of pressing the button check. Or maybe you just have to relaunch the application. idk
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The reason that it didn't work is because you've just put a space before your username, so it didn't find the player ;)
I want to try this but when I get my API key it says I'm not supposed to give it out to others. I feel scared using it with the application :o
Nice and minimalist design; works very well :D
Thanks for sharing! :)

NinjaNick wrote:

I want to try this but when I get my API key it says I'm not supposed to give it out to others. I feel scared using it with the application :o
You should feel scared!

Through using that API key, malicious users can access your bank account and steal all of your money.

thelewa wrote:

NinjaNick wrote:

I want to try this but when I get my API key it says I'm not supposed to give it out to others. I feel scared using it with the application :o
You should feel scared!

Through using that API key, malicious users can access your bank account and steal all of your money.
Eeeek! It's a good thing I'm broke.
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Angelo wrote:

Nice and minimalist design; works very well :D
Thanks for sharing! :)
Thank you ! :)

NinjaNick wrote:

I want to try this but when I get my API key it says I'm not supposed to give it out to others. I feel scared using it with the application :o
If a moderator pass here and confirm this application is safe, you will not have to be scared anymore using this application ! ;)

thelewa wrote:

NinjaNick wrote:

I want to try this but when I get my API key it says I'm not supposed to give it out to others. I feel scared using it with the application :o
You should feel scared!

Through using that API key, malicious users can access your bank account and steal all of your money.
God damn it.

Entrivax wrote:

If a moderator pass here and confirm this application is safe, you will not have to be scared anymore using this application ! ;)
It's not moderation. How can a moderator really trust your code? The only way to make people not scared about using your tool is by cmd in your working directory
git init
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit."
create a repo on github, add the remote to the git locale, and then
git push origin master

tl;dr: source code it. that's the only way to make people trust you.
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Link added to source code! :)
The application crashes when I change the mode to CTB
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What have you done exactly to produce the crash?

Entrivax wrote:

What have you done exactly to produce the crash?
I just booted the application, put in my username and changed the mode to CTB and after like 10 seconds it just crashes
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This was happening with "Last played beatmaps" enabled ? If yes, it's normally fixed now! :)

Entrivax wrote:

This was happening with "Last played beatmaps" enabled ? If yes, it's normally fixed now! :)
Yep, it works now! Thanks! ^^
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Thank you for your feedback! :)
If you find any bug, don't hesitate to say it!
Great application! Love it ;)
This looks like it could be very fun to use, can't wait to get home to download it.
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Thank you guys! :)
Wow this looks pretty neat! I can't wait to use it! :)
Violent Rime
Whoah!!! great app, good job ;)
Might aswell have it on my second monitor while I play.
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Thank you for your support! :)
This is so cool. I have been using it since last week :)
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Thank you! :)
You should put a login system because it's boring to copy/paste the API Key .
Or at least put an option to remember it. :)
Anyway,the app works very good!
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Simple27 wrote:

You should put a login system because it's boring to copy/paste the API Key .
Or at least put an option to remember it. :)
It saves automatically the last working API key!
Does the app created the file "config.ini"? If it does, check if the line "APIkey=xxxxxxxx" is here with your API key in front of.

Default config.ini file

Simple27 wrote:

Anyway,the app works very good!
Thank you! :)
zfaUjnjeazgniajgzjiknHHFihjifhIPFih !!!! AWESOME *o*
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Akaihiro wrote:

zfaUjnjeazgniajgzjiknHHFihjifhIPFih !!!! AWESOME *o*
Hahaha! Thanks! :D
Great program. I'll be having this open whenever I play osu! :v
Eh.... eto.... sorry but can you put PP in "Play" section please... :? so i can know how much PP i earned in each song that i play
[ kenon ]
aweeeeeesomeeeee xD
i have one ask
can u make always on top option because i play osu in full screen mode so if i want to look the osu!profile i must minimize the osu!
but its just my opinion xD
thanks x3

[ kenon ] wrote:

aweeeeeesomeeeee xD
i have one ask
can u make always on top option because i play osu in full screen mode so if i want to look the osu!profile i must minimize the osu!
but its just my opinion xD
thanks x3
If you play osu! in fullscreen with the Always on Top option enabled, it'll result the same since fullscreen will focus more on the program, so you can't have something on that program.
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[ kenon ] wrote:

aweeeeeesomeeeee xD
i have one ask
can u make always on top option because i play osu in full screen mode so if i want to look the osu!profile i must minimize the osu!
but its just my opinion xD
thanks x3
Thanks! :)
Done! But like sheela901 said, if you play with fullscreen, you can't see the window even with "Always on top" enabled :(

IA42 wrote:

Eh.... eto.... sorry but can you put PP in "Play" section please... :? so i can know how much PP i earned in each song that i play
Done! But you can see only the pp obtained on the last beatmap :o
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