Disclaimer: Text wall ahead. I also fear I'll typo more than once, so please, forgive me in advance. Also, this whole text took me over 2 hours to type.
NatsumeRin wrote:
If it's how structure mappder do their work, it could be called lazy imo.
But that's unpolite and unappropiate. You don't know and you can't measure how much work someone puts on their maps depending on how many times they copy/paste their patterns.
In fact, I have some extra time so let me try to end this stupid discussion.
http://osu.ppy.sh/s/15106http://osu.ppy.sh/s/23492http://osu.ppy.sh/s/29206All those maps were made by me. None is pattern-based, they're free style (Hardets diffs). The first one has almost no effort put in it because it was freestyle and it was one of my first maps, while the second one took me around a week to finish (just the Insane diff, and that's a lot for me) because I had to ask myself much more than one time "how can I make this play more awesome than what I had in mind 2 seconds ago?!", and the third took me around 2 days to finish the hardest diff, average kind of effort, in fact I'd say it didn't "consume" as much imagination as Tequila, it was fairly easy.
And now:
http://osu.ppy.sh/s/17624http://osu.ppy.sh/s/20013http://osu.ppy.sh/s/23020All those maps were made by me. They're all pattern based, close to 100% pattern/symmetry style. (Hardest diffs). The first one took me less than a day to finish the hardest diff and it's incredibly lazy: the fun part? Everyone loves it (dunno why, I'm guessing it's the song...). The second one took me a VERY long while to finish, around 4 days the hardest diff, and trust me coming with the idea of the double loop was NOT easy, much less designing it. The third one took me a normal ammount of time to finish, around 2 or 3 days to finish the hardest diff, but it was one of the most "imagination consuming" maps I've ever mapped: making the patterns fit the distancesnap
is not an easy task boys.
Ok, here we have 6 maps. They're all made by the same person, and that person is me. Taking that in mind, I think I can pretty much measure correctly how much effort it took me to finish those diffs, does that sound reasonable to everyone?
Now, retunring to the "And that could be called lazy imo" let's see what we can get out of these maps I've put as an example:
Lazyness depends on the style? I wouldn't say so. 2 maps were lazy from that bunch of above. 1 of them is Free-Style and the other one is Pattern-Style. The ammount of one with tons of effort and regular effort are also even between styles.
Lazyness depends on the mapper's style? All the maps presented above are from the same mapper. While I do was trying to find "my style" on some of those, I've always had pretty much clear on my mind how I want for my maps to be, so I'm discarding this option again.
Lazyness depends on the mapper? Again, all the maps presented avobe are from the same mapper. If I do can say something, I wouldn't say lazyness is the important factor that varies from mapper to mapper,
that factor would be experience. This explains why both you and mm make awesome maps with different styles, you two just have enought experience to do so, and shine on your own styles.
Lazyness depends on the language or style of the mapped song? I have very lazy maps in english, and very lazy maps in japanese. I also have very time-consuming maps in english and japanese, not to mention spanish. I'd discard this option if I were you.
If you're reading this and you downvote every single english/japanese/<insertlanguagehere> map just because you think that mapping certain language makes the map bad or lazy, please stop doing so. If, on the other side, you downvote on english/japanese/<inserlanguagehere> just because of the song, I'm afraid that I must tell you than that's not what the rating system is for, if you dislike a song, you're better off by not giving it more plays than downvoting.
Lazyness depends on the map? OF COURSE IT DOES. Lazyness doesn't depends on any of the stuff mentioned above, and it's silly to think otherwise.
People who think free-style is lazy are as retarded as people who think pattern-style is lazy. Seriously, the only thing that really makes the effort change in each map is the effort itself! There's not any hidden/strange equation that will make you discover what is the "X" factor that makes a map be lazy, because lazyness it's there just because it is.
Sometimes someone just doesn't feels like putting too much effort into their maps, do you think that will change the output of the style the map has? I've felt lazy before and done horrible free-styles I never uploaded, I've done the same with pattern-style maps.
I felt lazy but it didn't change my vision of how the map needed to be mapped and what style should I have aimed for, and that's because people get a vague idea of the map before they start mapping, to jump into mapping a song wihout thinking of the rhythms is pretty much unthinkeable, how could anyone want to map smoething that he has not felt the rhythm of?
What do we get out of all this text?
Style doesn't affects lazyness, and lazyness doesn't affects style. That's a very sad misconception that has caused a very deep and clear division on the styles and the whole community of osu!. And you know what? It's sad, and probably none of you will change and you all will keep discussing these silly pointless stuff that just has to do with taste.
It's the same when people go into the internet and they go "ROCK SUCKS, GO POP!" "NO, POP SUCKS, U GAY, ROCK RULZ", you guys won't understand each other and that's ok because everyone is free to like whatever s/he likes and dislike whatever s/he dislikes, but making silly discussions about what style is better trying to sound as academic as possible is as hilarious and depressing as watching two people dicussing in complicated and extravagant words what music style is better. Heck, what color is the best fits this discussion even better.
Please stop doing it, you are better off just by keep beatmapping, your time is better spent in that than in this.
Also, I'm not finished yet.
NatsumeRin wrote:
I find it really strange when most of the MAT/BAT team are "structure mappers", and they're trying to reduce the possibility of mapping. (as i said, tobebuta slider, now tick rate 0.5, other "rules", etc.) I don't think it's a nice way to solve it, really.
"when most of the MAT/BAT team are "structure mappers""BAT TEAM LIST.MAT TEAM LIST.Proving you wrongFree-style: 22
Card N'FoRcE
Lybydose (has structure in parts of his map but it's mostly free-style mix)
kioukiou (has structure in most of his map, but it's mostly free-style mix)
VanMoNky (has structure in most of his map, but it's mostly free-style mix)
Colin Hou
Sakura Hana (has structure in most of his map, but it's mostly free-style mix)
Structure-style: 7
arien666 (taikosu)
Depends-on-the-map-style: 12
Lilac (more inclined towards structured side)
Krisom (more inclined towards structured side)
Non-Mappers: 1
James2250 (when he maps he said he'd be structured though he said he'd rather be a non-mapper)
Can't remember his/her maps very well/didn't had enough help to remember: 1
rust45 (I'm horribly sorry rust XD)
Special thanks to Lizbeth, James2250, Derekku and Sakura Hana for helping with this list. Specially to Lizbeth <3Even if you consider all the "varies from map to map", and rust and james as structured, there are crearly more free-style mappers in the BAT/MAT team.
"and they're trying to reduce the possibility of mapping"May I ask you
how? The MAT and BAT team is here just for the sake of getting the maps ranked and some other work with the charts and, recently, the new rules. Do you really think there's a hidden conspiration in the MAT HQ or the BAT HQ to prevent for maps to get ranked?
Natsume: I Consider myself your friend. I dunno if you do the same, but as as friend I can tell you
there is no such a thing in the forums. At least on the MAT HQ ones.
(Go on ahead and kick me for "leaking information", lol) Also, I think I know you enough to guess that you have at least 1 close BAT friend. Garven? Go on ahead and ask him if there's any kind of secret conspiracy to prevent certain maps to get ranked. I dare you. I can pretty much guess the answer anyways, do you think that wouldn't have leaked at least to us the MATs if such thing really existed? This is a huge community, if that existed, don't you think it'd be pretty much public alredy?
Again, if you think I'm lying, go back to the spoiler and see the list. How many free-style mappers there are? 24. 24 free-style mappers. If there's any kind of conspiracy against free-style, dont you think they would have stopped it alredy?
I, personally, feel very hurt when I see people that thinks like this.
Do you think it's very motivational to know that there are people that dislike you just because you're a MAT because they think you will get their maps unranked? Do you think I feel motivated to mod maps from other people to give them the most solid bubbles I can when I know this? Do you REALLY think I feel good when popping a bubble because I found something unrankeable? And how do you think I feel when said mapper treats me like shit because he thinks I'm trying to piss him off? I'll leave these questions here for anyone to answer them. Now, if you're unsure of what to answer,
here's a tip.*
"tobebuta slider, now tick rate 0.5, other "rules", etc."Regarding this last point, I'd rather you no continue these particular discussions here, as they belong to other topics.- What in the world is a tobebuta slider?
- Tick Rate 0.5: This is a desicion the same game creator has taken, and didn't consider any of our opinions in it. You're completely able to disagree or agree,
but you can always skin out the sliderticks in your custom skin if you really dislike them that much.. Asides from that, I dobut you'll be able to convince the creator of other solution. Anyways, that is entierly offtopic of the original topic.
- Other rules: Again, offtopic. Read mm's answer for more information.
Final word (this is directed to everyone who reads this post):If
anyone is not having fun in a video game and you keep playing it, you are most likely a masochist and you might need to go to a psychologist.
If you're not having fun in osu! and you keep yourself constantly angry or sad because of the desicions some people says or because of what the other people thinks about your maps, or you just feel hatred towards other people, then leave. It's much better for you, I've left some other videogames and communities before that just made me feel bad and angry all day, and now I barely remember they and I'm mapping right here. The internet is wide enough, and we're not on a shortage of rhythm games anyways
If, on the other hand, you keep playing even because of that, go on ahead and ask yourself "why I'm I playing this game again?". You might be suprised to find some happyness in all this drama you've created your own mind, then you'll notice how little-to-no-meaning has to be fighting over some "rules on a rhythm videogame on the internet", and might find yourself mapping much more and having more fun than before.
Now, if you excuse me, I have to go to bed.
Where is your moeball now?EDIT:
A reply on some of the things that Natsume PM'ed me. I didn't include them all, just the ones that I felt the most necesary (and that didn't leak important/personal info) Also, changed the list a bit.
Lazyness on mapper: If what you said it's true, then what you say it's also wrong. read it again "
However, if a mapper get used to lazy mapping, it's hard to get him back", that means that the mapper wasn't lazy at some point of his mapping career, and you're also implying that he can be brought back. With that being the case, what would be the factor that varies? The maps/ammount of lazy maps s/he has.
If you say "but there might be people who are lazy all of their mapping careers, doing flips badly on their maps", and then that's about experience, because doing flips also requires of a lot of thinking, and doing them badly means that they don't know what they're doing.
Lazyness depends on the mods the mapper get: I do agree with that, but that sadly depends on the modder-side of the spectrum, and that is, right now, very weak on osu!. Check the mapper/MAT+BAT ratio, for example.
Being a modder nowdays is almost a taboo because a large portion of the mappers thinks that being a modder = making people change their styles on their maps, and that reduces the effort and quality of the maps all over the place. It's a very sad circle, isn't it?