So this mod is made for a extra challenge, since most player as far as i know will have problems when it comes to this. The keys are inverted. Witch means when pressing right, you go left. When pressing left, you go right. And for an extra touch (does not have to be). When clicking the dash key, you slow down. With that i mean that when you are not holding the dash key, you actually dash. The whole thing is inverted kinda. I think this would make a cool mod, and also a challenging one.
The score multipliee could be 0.12 since it will be sick hard to controll.
Ingame Play/Fail/Retry counter
Just above the scoreboard, where the map info is. There should be a counter to show the exact amount of Fails and Retries. This will allow us players to see how many times players played the map both with Fails and Retried. The reason im not mentioning Passed Count is cause you can see besides the rank you have achieved what place your on of those who have passed (#52 of #3881). But this would also make it easier to find popular maps ingame. As we dont have to go OUT of the game to look at the FORUM post of the map...
Just something i thought off.