
Madoka Magica Mafia - The Cycle Continues

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Not comfortable putting someone at L-1 without getting some kind of response first.
L-1 what? It's 7 to lynch.
holy what the firetruck is going on
FoS: tn5421

also I still have FoS on SNB obviously

Raging Bull wrote:

Man vote frosting. He hates you.
Why are you so keen on lynching me? :(

Static Noise Bird wrote:

Also I seriously wonder what the fuck is Frostings doing. If it's a "gut feeling", then it's a damn terrible one.
what are you talking about? :)

Raging Bull wrote:

Hey gumica, you asked me for my reads. What do you intend to do with them?
To analyze and compare your reads to your previous posts. No anomalies detected.

Sonatora wrote:

also any thoughts Gumica
callin ye out
Well, let's see;

- Setsuen is being retarded enough to a point where i won't take any of his votes seriously without any solid proof.
- Beeboy seems the most scummy one to me atm, as he unvoted after I asked him for his vote reason (and reason is retarded/or i don't get the point) on Navi.
- Sonatora is... Either trying to be a very bad troll or a pro townie. Tho self voting is... stupid and pointless imho. But I did that in several past games too, so I kinda get the point about being useless townie and self voting.
- Sephibro's activity level is through the roof.
- DD is being DD.
- Frostings seems to jump to conclusions very fast, so i'm vary of him.
- NH seems to be very analitic which is nice.
- Navizel hmmm....
- Tn hmmm....
- SNB hmmm...

Honestly at this point, it's better to lynch somebody who is inactive or someone who is unwilling to help townies
I'd like Setsuen to post his reads too.

Sonatora what are you doing? I really don't get you.

Frostings, why do you think SNB is scum?

I'd like to hear the case against Frostings by RB too. Seems suspicious since afaik we're not talking about Frostings anymore and RB suddenly voted him
NoHitter-Started scum hunting FINALLY. Irony is that 1st page of ISO still contains his argument with me which mean he obviously didn't post much and is prob going to move to scum soon if this continues.

Null town-
DakeDekaane-Seriously DD way of speaking this game seem kind of what I would do in EM as mafia and the lack of huge content in each post is evident too but at least he had better arguments that SOME other people here z.z


beeboy123-I'm getting suspicious of his sheeping and "innocent" outlook on things even if he seem kind of town.

StaticNoiseBird-Really lot of USELESS comment but unlike Gumica/Nav/RB, DID not try to start a stupdi fight or ML on me so Null UNTIL he post some really suspicious post.

Frosting-Lot of trolling, lot of devate whether he should be null-scum or null. It might be possible that he self-voted when I claimed my real role of Secret power VT so that he can "magically" make me assume that he's VT and generally ignore him seeing that I DO look at role possibility before deciding my scum read.

Sonatora-It's going to take sometime for me to even trust Sonatora with his horrible attempt to accuse me z.z

RagingBull-Sure you have 4pages of ISO which is like 2x more than NH. But it's real darn bad if half of your posts are full of one sentence only. Ignoring other players and discrediting only makes it worse.

Navizel-FOSing SNB. Fine. But then he posted lots of really NOT NEEDED ONE LINERS..... to boost up his post count in his ISO probably z.z

Gumica-I haven't focused on Gumica because it's so difficult to read him which is why I actually ignored his ISO until NOW and then I realised his ISO is STILL at pg1. That and one of his post stated "The fact that he was opposing Setsuen and made some sceptical and conclusive posts made him more townalike"" was absolutely ridiculous because arguing with me is NEVER a town read. Look how CB and Nav argued with me until the end of D1 in Lupus? Look how Zexion EVENTUALLY stopped D1 on Chaos bc he was town? Also not seeing lurking as a scum aligned tactic is like a way to protect yourself now seeing that you are HALF-Lurking Gumica.

tn5421-Very less post and was lurking and you can't expect me to null read him just for starting a wagon at Sephi. Especially since his Hello friends greeting is still in the 1st pg of his ISO. If he actually scum hunt he can move up to null-read. But until then, tn is staying here for now.

Sephibro-Super lurker. Kill with fire. Anyone who can actually null-town or town-read him for FOSing obv scummy Sona at that time is just statting the OBVIOUS and they are NOT adding any new info to town at all.

Yes,I have more scum read than town read. Should it really be that shocking? I expect A+ quality townies bc I have high standards. This game you are all C+ grade only. I want a refund. Also if there's doc plz don't be dumb and realise that last town game I got N2ed and N1ed. If I get N1ed and YOU claim doc, EXPECT to get Policy lynched because you DESERVE IT.
I want a refund too. Without the self-proclaimed A+ quality townie.

So all I did was FoS SNB and posted a bunch of one-liner posts. Well then.
One-sentence = scum
Walls = town

What kind of mentality is that.

Navizel wrote:

One-sentence = scum
Walls = town

What kind of mentality is that.
More like did your one liners even add any new information or helped to scum-hunt. The answer is no.
I giggled

DakeDekaane wrote:

I giggled
useless one-liner WOW scummy as fuck 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)

Setsuen wrote:

That and one of his post stated "The fact that he was opposing Setsuen and made some sceptical and conclusive posts made him more townalike"" was absolutely ridiculous because arguing with me is NEVER a town read. Look how CB and Nav argued with me until the end of D1 in Lupus? Look how Zexion EVENTUALLY stopped D1 on Chaos bc he was town?
Again, that's your personal opinion of your ego, so I couldn't care less. And no, I've already said that I don't care for past games.

Setsuen wrote:

Also not seeing lurking as a scum aligned tactic is like a way to protect yourself now seeing that you are HALF-Lurking Gumica.
My post about lurking at the time was reffering to the duo of TN and Sephi, who were pretty much inactive since the beggining, with one or two posts. You can't really say they're scum based on that. I'm not saying they shouldn't be eliminated/modkilled if that's their playstyle, but that's certinly not a scum-alignment in their case. Maybe you should give me a SOLID evidence why it's a scum-alignment WITHOUT giving me any references to past games.

Also, you're twisting words nicely. Props for that. Maybe you should understand that I was writting that post based on their case >e.g. implying lurking isn't scummy for them at the start of the game. Naturally, I see lurking in a negative perspective otherwise (but not necceccarily scum-aligned, even tho it's a negative trait for a player, like in the case of tn/sephi).
Okay everyone. Would you have scum readed me if I only posted once small post per 24hr? If yes, Please shut Gumica up.DD you know you did, so shut Gumica up plox.

I already stated that only SCUM SHOULD LURK THIS GAME. If you're STILL Lurking AFTER that post on it, you DESERVE TO BE SCUM READED. Evidence is not needed here. ANY town would have bucked up and posted more after that but you didn't.

Also have you seen any scum get mod killed for inactivity other than Nyquil? No. In fact scum WILL make sure they lurk but post ONE post so that they can't be mod killed. Which is also why I was on Sephibro case AGES AGO.
Topic Starter
Vote Count 1.06

[2] tn5421 -- Navizel, DakeDekaane (L-5)
[1] Frostings -- Raging Bull
[1] Raging Bull -- Setsuen
[1] Sephibro -- Sonatora
[1] Sonatora -- Frostings
[0] beeboy123 --
[0] DakeDekaane --
[0] Gumica --
[0] Navizel --
[0] NoHitter --
[0] Setsuen --

[0] Static Noise Bird --

[0] No Lynch -
Not Voting -- beeboy123, Gumica, NoHitter, Sephibro, Static Noise Bird, tn5421
With 12 alive, it's 7 to lynch.

Deadline is Friday, September 19th at 6:00 PM CST (GMT-6).

Sephibro is being replaced.
Look guys I am town :D

beeboy123 wrote:

Look guys I am town :D
This is why you aren't even in my null-town read.

Setsuen wrote:

Also have you seen any scum get mod killed for inactivity other than Nyquil? No. In fact scum WILL make sure they lurk but post ONE post so that they can't be mod killed. Which is also why I was on Sephibro case AGES AGO.

Wouldn't anyone try to at least make 1 post a day to avoid being mod killed regardless of there alignment? Your alignment doesn't determine how often you will be able to post.
Why is Raging-Bull a null-scum on your list when you have a vote on him?
@setsuen if it wasn't clear
oh god all these 1 line posts people will realize I am scum
1. You're special because nobody likes you.0 and your walls. So the fact that you're comparing yourself with me, is ridicilous.
2. You just dodged my question, so yeah...
3. so YOU STATED that SCUM SHOULD LURK THIS GAME? What.The.Fuck. Do you even check your post before you post it?
4. ^ Continuation; So if we all go post one post per day, then we're all scums? gg setsuen. gg.
5. Right, modkilled. Doesn't mean that they can't get replaced.

Raging Bull
@NH, Frosting, and someone else that asked. Frostings post about sonatora being mean and how Sonatora didnt seem to care much made it feel like they were trying to distance themselves.

Setsuen, the only player i ignored is probably you, but then you ignored my post about being humble and Sonatoras TLDR don't be a dick. So we're even.

beeboy123 wrote:

Why is Raging-Bull a null-scum on your list when you have a vote on him?
Null-scum can still be scum


Fact is scum ARE LURKING this game.
Also you realise why no one is replaced yet? Because those lurkers still BARELY post enough NOT to get replaced. That and if they DO get replaced, whoever replaced them will prob act scummy and confirm them as scum.

Also fact:There are people who don't only post one post per day and you know that A LOT of people would have scum readed me if my activity level was like Sephibro. I like how you're dragging attention away from that when it's the truth.

Also all you're doing is just reinforcing the idea that lurking isn't scummy and scum aren't lurking. But they ARE. Evidence aren't even needed for this since ALL THE SCUMMY PEOPLE HERE ARE LURKING.

To make it worst, you're basically diverting attention from lurkers BACK to an argument with me again which is SCUMMY.

I can tell from Frosting post that their intention isn't to distance themself from Sanotora seriously z.z
Raging Bull

Raging Bull wrote:

Setsuen, the only player i ignored is probably you, but then you ignored my post about being humble and Sonatoras TLDR don't be a dick. So we're even.
I'm just stating the truth so if the truth hurts, not my fault.
Topic Starter
Drezi replaces Sephibro effective immediately.

Setsuen wrote:

Navizel wrote:

One-sentence = scum
Walls = town

What kind of mentality is that.
More like did your walls even add any new information or helped to scum-hunt. The answer is no.
I already stated I don't need to scum-hunt. If you're going to ignore that you're obviously scummy.

Setsuen wrote:

Also fact:There are people who don't only post one post per day and you know that A LOT of people would have scum readed me if my activity level was like Sephibro. I like how you're dragging attention away from that when it's the truth.
Yes, you'd be scum for that one fatal wall you'd have written every day, which by your standards, whould have been one entire osu! page long. The lack of time and activity itself isn't problematic if the general player has good arguments and solid ideas/proofs.

Setsuen wrote:

Also all you're doing is just reinforcing the idea that lurking isn't scummy and scum aren't lurking. But they ARE. Evidence aren't even needed for this since ALL THE SCUMMY PEOPLE HERE ARE LURKING.
Lurking on it's own is scummy, but it doesn't make the player scum. YOU see it like that. Not me. Which brings me back to my question that you avoided twice now: Care to explain with solid argument why Sephi/Tn are scums to you, without you referencing past games?

Setsuen wrote:

To make it worst, you're basically diverting attention from lurkers BACK to an argument with me again which is SCUMMY.
I'm not. You're just provocating, and I'm replying. I'm not the sort of person who would bow before you, under your threats.

And in the end... If all lurkers are scums to you...
Then why wasn't sephibro lynched yet? why wasn't tn lynched yet? Why aren't I lynched yet? Flawed logic, but you obviously cannot accept that. Oh yes, I know why.:

And yes, I do see someone replaced. :^)
So tell me how those lurkers have been doing ANYTHING to help town? Sephi was just stating his FOS on the OBVIOUS Sonatora at that time which was mentioned AGES AGO. Then when tn5421 posted all he did was retaliate with why am I being lynched do the people voting me have any reason to vote me?

So lurking+posting non town things(Posting obvious scummy behaviour that others ponited out is NOT towny at all) is town. lol wut. There. No past reference. There are just SCUMMY with their POSTS alone.

NONE of you are lynched yet because town is too WUSS to vote any of my scum reads off yet. If I wanted to make past game reference about this, it will be EASY to prove this point. Especially since town delayed the lynch until modkill/LyLo/even until GameEnded bc of it. The fact that you're using this is because youn know that town doesn't like my playstyle even though it is EFFICIENT at outing scum and obviously it isn't going to have any effect at all.

Your argument is horrible and lurking is only PART of the reason why they are scum. If you can't understand that just start sheeping instead of arguing.
Write me a nice wall for when i wake up, cause I know you will. ^w^
Sephi being replaced isn't going to change anything for your info. If He's scum Drezi is just going to continue the bad performance with LESS lurking only.
ok nvm ninja'd
Do I have to carefully read all of this, or can I just skim through it

Setsuen wrote:

Frosting-Lot of trolling, lot of devate whether he should be null-scum or null. It might be possible that he self-voted when I claimed my real role of Secret power VT so that he can "magically" make me assume that he's VT and generally ignore him seeing that I DO look at role possibility before deciding my scum read.
You're talking about...Sona right?

@RB A lot of people put a scumread on Sona, why did you single me out?

@Navi I don't think SNB is scum, I just FoS to bother her
@Frosting:What part of that post mentioned Sona? Even that trolling wasn't related to Sona. wut.

Setsuen wrote:

Your argument is horrible and lurking is only PART of the reason why they are scum. If you can't understand that just start sheeping instead of arguing.
Right, so voting and saying Sephibro was a scum before he even confirmed? What was the other PART in that case? I see none.

So yeah... Efficient method of yours my ass. Gut reading half of the players as scums, is from my PoV, weak. So no, i won't sheep you. You know well enough that our 2 decision and comprehension logics are way different. Convince me well enough, and I will vote for your reasons.

Setsuen wrote:

@Frosting:What part of that post mentioned Sona? Even that trolling wasn't related to Sona. wut.

when did I self-vote? I think I'm misreading something

Frostings wrote:

when did I self-vote? I think I'm misreading something

Frostings wrote:

Vote: Frostings
You might want to reread your OWN ISO.

Gumica wrote:

Right, so voting and saying Sephibro was a scum before he even confirmed? What was the other PART in that case? I see none.

So yeah... Efficient method of yours my ass. Gut reading half of the players as scums, is from my PoV, weak. So no, i won't sheep you. You know well enough that our 2 decision and comprehension logics are way different. Convince me well enough, and I will vote for your reasons.
So apparently you're not clever enough to read between the lines which is why you didn't realise I was trolling and getting town out or RVS then. much wow. fyi I can troll all the way until scums attack me which I'm sure they did.
oh yeah that

Setsuen wrote:

It might be possible that he self-voted when I claimed my real role of Secret power VT so that he can "magically" make me assume that he's VT
Yep, that's pretty much it :)

Frostings wrote:

@Navi I don't think SNB is scum, I just FoS to bother her
You're making things complicated goddammit
Raging Bull
Frosting, why did you bring up that people think Sonatora is more scummy? Im not singling you out. I read him as less scummy than you, but your post seems like you want to redirect suspicion on him.

Raging Bull wrote:

Frosting, why did you bring up that people think Sonatora is more scummy? Im not singling you out. I read him as less scummy than you, but your post seems like you want to redirect suspicion on him.
I think you misinterpreted me

You're scumreading me because I wanted to lynch Sona, but other people also wanted to lynch Sona, so why did you single me out as trying to distance myself from Sona when everyone else who voted for Sona could have been doing the same thing?
Raging Bull
That was before everyone voted Sonatora. It would make a lot of sense if you checked my post, but you seem like you only checked now that im asking people to vote for you
I didn't question it when you first made the suggestion, but you still have a scumread on me and you still insist it's because of me distancing myself from Sona

It should be past that point but it seems like that's the only reason for your scumread which is why I'm questioning it now
I think setsuen made some justifiable reads guys.

Frostings, if you have suspicions on me can you not put them in a black spoiler box, cuz I can't read that shit

Frostings wrote:

@Navi I don't think SNB is scum, I just FoS to bother her

I'd appreciate it if you stopped harassing people for no reason. Unless you're scum. In which case that's actually your job and you should in fact continue it. But don't mind me voting you soon if that's how it is.

So I've read the thread, quoting things in no particular order that I'd like to comment on.

Setsuen wrote:

beeboy123 wrote:

This matches there usual town play so I wouldn't worry about it
beeboy123 is coming up with a reason for EVERYTHING. I wonder if this is HIS usual TOWNplay. Because this is getting suspicious as heck.
Setsuens posts are a huge mass of null, but this line caught my attention, and I'm townreading him because of it - this is actually content, and I think scum-Setsuen could very well get by only spamming the usual "trust gut; I can and WILL out at least 1 scum EVERYTIME; scum come to me; in Lupus where Zexion was scum blahblah" stuff.

Navizel wrote:

If I flip town in this game, please get the fuck out already and admit that your gut read isn't always right.
This reaction looks genuine, probably town.

Setsuen wrote:

if you're really town plz FOS Sephi

tn5421 wrote:

Vote: SephiBRO
Um... tn5421 scummy much?

Sonatora wrote:

Vote: Sephibro
Lemme help ya there tn-senpai

tn5421 wrote:

Sonatora what are you even doing?
well this is weird, something to keep in mind I guess..

Static Noise Bird wrote:

But don't mind me voting you soon if that's how it is.
Doesn't this attitude look a tad unnatural, announcing intent to place a second vote? null-scum

NH, RB, Dake - playing in such a rational and analytical way is pro-town, but it's rather easy to do for scum aswell, so for it'll only get a slight null-town for me for now.
Rest null.
The previous reads are not solely based on the posted quotes either.

Vote: tn5421
Cheers for more reads, we still need reads from some people though, I guess. I should probably complete mine, too.

Drezi wrote:

announcing intent to place a second vote?
Can you explain this to me?
Raging Bull
Liking drezis post. Idk about tn vote though.

@frosting its a lot better than lolgut or lurker vote. Post your read too.
town - Gumica, Navizel, Setsuen

null - SNB, Sona, RB, DakeDake, Drezi, NH

null-scum - tn, beeboy

beeboy is up in my null-scum read now because his posts are pretty terrible
I had a read post but then browser decided to screw me over.

tl;dr of that post

RB, Dake and Setsuen in town
Sonatora in null-town
beeboy is null-scum. Reasons below.
Everyone else in null

RB: So you also think Sona is scum? Since your reason for Frosting-scum is distancing with Sona.

So about those reasons re:null scum.
It's already been established that arguing with Setsuen is pointless. IMO you should even do that if he personally calls you out. The problem here is that beeboy commented on something Setsuen said that wasn't referring to him any way re:one liners = scum (and in a parroty and sarcastic manner too). Basically it looks a bit of padding post counts to look like contribution.
Read beeboy's ISO and apparently, he's not ok with lynching someone for bad play (Sonatora's) but he's fine with killing tn because of his inactivity. I don't get the non-mods thing. Probably nonPRs?
Town: NH
Null-town: RB, Dake, wall maria, Drezi/Sephi
Null-scum: beeboy, tn, Sonatora
Null: everyone else
Indecisive peopel need to have a Scum read by now instead of 23423842 null-scum read seriously.

Static Noise Bird wrote:

I'd appreciate it if you stopped harassing people for no reason. Unless you're scum. In which case that's actually your job and you should in fact continue it. But don't mind me voting you soon if that's how it is.
What is this even. I WILL harass/tunnel ANYONE as long as I think they're scum. 10/10 you're asking Frosting to stop pestering you when you can jollywell ignore it and prove that you're town by scumhunting and THEN turning the attention back to Frosting after you establish yourself as a town. Of course, this is unlike me who CAN argue about it bc as stated no need to scum hunt. I'm a special case. Scum plz argue with me moar dun avoid me or I'll call you out for lurking!


If you look carefully at ISO you'll find out a lot of OTHER people one liner can be considered '"padding post count to make it look like they contributed"

Navizel wrote:

Read beeboy's ISO and apparently, he's not ok with lynching someone for bad play (Sonatora's) but he's fine with killing tn because of his inactivity. I don't get the non-mods thing. Probably nonPRs?
Glad to see SOMEONE ELSE who forgot what they said. You claimed mod at like the start of the game. or did you forget?............

Navizel wrote:

Setsuen is actually scum 8DD

Navizel is actually a mod 8DDDDDDD
10/10 forgetfulness. Should I start suspecting Nav+Frosting more for FORGETTING what they stated at the start of the game? Even I can remember my 2-shoto CL fakeclaim until now z.z
I don't like how setsuen complains about indecisiveness yet was lynching someone who is null scum

I was trying to provoke tn to try and make him play
Raging Bull
Yes NH, I've been stating that for few days. There was something with Frostings "mad at Sonatora" post. When I voted Sonatora, it seemed like he focused more on Frosting post than my reason for scum reading him.

@frosting, Are you still voting for Sonatora because he was useless? Agree on beeboy though. It looks to me his post doesnt have content.

@beeboy post your reads. I dont think you have yet.

My reads are mostly unchanged, but i do like gumicas play, but too bad hes arguing with setsuen. Genuine annoyance cause shit, I hate Setsuens behavior. Also liked drezis post. Idk about vote on tn. Tn came in and did some stuff that looked good like questioning why votes on him when he came back and questioning Sonatora for instant sheeping.

Putting gumica in null town for now and drezi/tn below gumica. Idk much about others still

beeboy123 wrote:

I don't like how setsuen complains about indecisiveness yet was lynching someone who is null scum

I was trying to provoke tn to try and make him play

I was decisive enough to try and lynch a null-scum read. What is wrong with you even trying to argue about me complaining about indecisiveness.
My reads are still being shipped please wait
Topic Starter
Vote Count 1.07

[3] tn5421 -- Navizel, DakeDekaane, Drezi (L-4)
[1] Drezi -- Sonatora
[1] Frostings -- Raging Bull
[1] Raging Bull -- Setsuen
[1] Sonatora -- Frostings
[0] beeboy123 --
[0] DakeDekaane --
[0] Gumica --
[0] Navizel --
[0] NoHitter --
[0] Setsuen --
[0] Static Noise Bird --

[0] No Lynch -
Not Voting -- beeboy123, Gumica, NoHitter, Static Noise Bird, tn5421
With 12 alive, it's 7 to lynch.

Deadline is Friday, September 19th at 6:00 PM CST (GMT-6).

DakeDekaane, Gumica, and Sonatora have been prodded. With the amount of prods I've had to send out so far, the deadline will start being hit for every prod I have to send out in the future, three hours each.
why unvote?

looks like unvoted for activity
@RB: huh, I thought I had my vote on someone else. No reason to unvote just yet though
Sona do you feel like contributing or do you still think lynching yourself is better for town?

Also now scumreading DakeDake because he is useless

Still not sure what to think of Drezi, any scum can easily make a seemingly pro-town post like that
Oh yeah I FoS'd tn without voting him
tn, why only mention my use of spoilers while ignoring everything else that's been going on? I'd also like you to explain your vote and unvote on Sephibro

My spoiler contained no game-relevant information by the way, usually I avoid covering important information with a spoiler
Let me elaborate a bit more on my vote on tn.

tn5421 wrote:

DakeDekaane wrote:

Less rants more content pls
Because you don't actually have a reason to be voting me anymore, but want to leave your vote on and hope it gets forgotten.

Why, I don't know. But it's strange that you would say it's explicitly a lurker vote and then not remove it when your target isn't lurking anymore.
He posts a few after a long hiatus, and is upset that a vote on him hasn't been removed right away? Just because he returned, it doesn't change the reason for him being voted, namely that he HAD BEEN lurking, and if he planned on being active after that he shouldn't worry about Dake changing his opinion on his own with time. Even Dake told him to rant less about being voted, and post more content, but he keeps arguing the same point instead.

After that he still is on the defensive, questioning all the votes on him nothing more.
Then Setsuen asks him to vote Sephi if he's town and he does so right away..

tn5421 wrote:

I can do you one better than that, setsuen.
Vote: SephiBRO
Post and I'll consider removing this.
If he's town why doesn't he try to contribute instead of complaining about votes on him, and why does he try to gain town cred by sheeping Setsuen when asked, trying to get on his good side? Also he bargains right away at the same time "Post and I'll consider removing this"..

And even though he voted as Setsuen asked without thinking, he questions Sonatora for sheeping, when he practically did the same moments ago, and Unvotes shortly after, with a bad excuse (L-1? not even close, it was L-5 LOL)

And since then he still hasn't dont anything else, so I'm keeping my vote.

Frostings wrote:

Still not sure what to think of Drezi, any scum can easily make a seemingly pro-town post like that
I agree with your reasoning, that's why I don't have a solid townread on Dake, RB and NH, but there's no reason to get overly paranoid, it'd be pretty bad if we started overly suspecting everyone who looked town right now. Just be vary - keep options open that are technically still possible.
I got grudges on Drezi last time

does that mean I can voet him too setsuen

Sonatora wrote:

I got grudges on Drezi last time

does that mean I can voet him too setsuen
It's too late at D1 to do that unless Drezi is seem acting scummy/lurking. TOO BAD. SHOULD HAVE DONE IT 48HR+AGO SLOWPOKE.

Drezi wrote:

Even Dake told him to rant less about being voted, and post more content, but he keeps arguing the same point instead.
I feel like tn is copying my style of looking town. Unfortunately theo nly person who can be Town readed with that playstyle is me.

Drezi wrote:

Also he bargains right away at the same time "Post and I'll consider removing this"..
One of the MOST INVALID ARGUMENT ever if you're not null-scum/scum reading NH. NH did the SAME THING by bargaining that he would remove his vote on me if I stop walling. They call this "SELECTIVE ATTENTION" in Psychology and if NH/Drezi ever flip scum, It would be BENEFICIAL FOR TOWN IF THEY REMMEMBER THIS POST.

Drezi wrote:

I agree with your reasoning, that's why I don't have a solid townread on Dake, RB and NH, but there's no reason to get overly paranoid, it'd be pretty bad if we started overly suspecting everyone who looked town right now. Just be vary - keep options open that are technically still possible.
Here's a nice theory. Scum makes a DUMB town argue with me. Jump on the Setsuen plz stop your wall argument with the dumb town and then once the argument stops and town FINALLY starts scumhunting, they hope that their PAST activity will save them from being scum readed. bc I get the feeling that now that the argument stopped, SOME people have started posting LESSER and LESSER in content.

beeboy123 wrote:

My reads are still being shipped please wait
Here's the paranoid me saying that you're trying to delay town by not outing reads in hope that YOUR reads can be trusted. The good thing is that there's NO WAY scum can delay town ALL THE WAY until the DL. If they do, town should officially give up. Literally.
Ah yes, sry, I was playing EU4 for 13 hours yesterday, so I didn't really check up on this game.
Will post later, when I get around to the computer~~ <3

Setsuen wrote:

Drezi wrote:

Also he bargains right away at the same time "Post and I'll consider removing this"..
One of the MOST INVALID ARGUMENT ever if you're not null-scum/scum reading NH. NH did the SAME THING by bargaining that he would remove his vote on me if I stop walling. They call this "SELECTIVE ATTENTION" in Psychology and if NH/Drezi ever flip scum, It would be BENEFICIAL FOR TOWN IF THEY REMMEMBER THIS POST.
COMPLETELY different cases, how can you fail to see that. NH wanted to stop you from walling long before, that was just an additional means to that end.

In tn's case it's coming from nowhere, has no real intention (obviously Sephi would have had to start posting either way), it's just filler with a cautious-stayneutral tone.

Setsuen wrote:

They call this "SELECTIVE ATTENTION" in Psychology
And no, even that's invalid, I've just replaced in.. I've read everything in one go, even if I missed something you can't really say that it was intentional, or selective attention.

Drezi wrote:

COMPLETELY different cases, how can you fail to see that. NH wanted to stop you from walling long before, that was just an additional means to that end.

In tn's case it's coming from nowhere, has no real intention (obviously Sephi would have had to start posting either way), it's just filler with a cautious-stayneutral tone.
It's not exactly. Stay neutral. He's bouncing from null townn,null, and null-scum.

I would expect him to Overreact like I did in Lupus if he was copying my style but he didn't exactly do it so he was kind of null-town for a moment. But then the posts following it were null-scum.

Also, Sephi HARDLY even posted after that which is why you had to replace in in the first place. That and NH after playing some game with me, SHOULD know that voting me WILL NOT stop me from walling. Seriously. Drezi would YOU vote for me thinking that I will stop walling and arguing just because of your vote on me? The answer is no I'm pretty sure. In fact, the OPPOSITE will happen and MORE walls will happen.

The only thing I would agree is that tn is scummy but I don't like how you're taking suspicion off NH "on the sly""

Drezi wrote:

And no, even that's invalid, I've just replaced in.. I've read everything in one go, even if I missed something you can't really say that it was intentional, or selective attention.
But you're basically summarising things WAY too much that you're missing out the minor but IMPORTANT bits that would out a scum when combined together. Sure you might have readed everything but I don't think I can trust that you read it THAT carefully especially since SOME people can even forget what they themself stated at the start of the game.
I'm not taking suspicion off NH "on the sly", null-town was my initial read and simply it hasn't changed. You're right I wouldn't try to stop your walling by voting, but him trying to dissuade you from walling did not come off as scummy in my eyes. I might have tried to reason with you to some extent too, like I agree that you should try to phrase your thoughts more concisely. But I'm not gonna open a battlefront here on the issue with your walling, hue.
whooo Drezi looks town!

Frostings wrote:

Also now scumreading DakeDake because he is useless
If I'm useless then I don't know what the other bunch of fluff posters are.

Keeping my vote? Yes, he didn't defend enough or convinced me to at least unvote him. I didn't vote tn for being a lurker, but for lacking content.
Or people that are posting even less than me.

Frostings wrote:

Also now scumreading DakeDake because he is useless


you're more useless than a fucking piece of empty bag of chip

tn5421 wrote:

Or people that are posting even less than me.
You post less. Push attention to people who post lesser than you. Diversion much. For info posting less and pushing attention to other people who post less is scummy while posting a lot and pushing attention who post less is neutral.
Raging Bull

beeboy123 wrote:

My reads are still being shipped please wait

Consider this a prod dodge too.

Not liking tn's latest post, but doesnt seem like he would make it so obvious he was scum.

Sonatora wrote:

Frostings wrote:

Also now scumreading DakeDake because he is useless


you're more useless than a fucking piece of empty bag of chip
Explain this btw Sonatora. oh and also explain the clusterfuck you want to fix.

@frosting i thought your reason for voting him was cause he gave up, but it doesnt look like it now, so why is your vote on him still?
Raging Bull
So much for a true prod dodge post.
Raging Bull
Oh yea, cause of DL prod rule, it would be best to post a prod dodge before like sleeping or school etc.
If I post my reads they would probably be torn apart the people and if I FoS any scum there play style will change making me believe they are town.
So did you join the game to hang around and not post anything relevant because of the things you mentioned?
If your reads are so bad that they're torn apart then learn from it, otherwise they won't get better. (Reads are subjective anyway, they can only be torn apart if the reasons you list for the reads are totally illogical/stupid.)

If scum changes their play style because of a FoS then that's something that'll be noticed probably and can be used. Sure sometimes it's better to withhold suspicions, but we still gotta do SOMETHING.. Hell you can even be Setsuen and FoS people randomly (sorry, based on gut) to see what happens :D

beeboy123 wrote:

If I post my reads they would probably be torn apart the people and if I FoS any scum there play style will change making me believe they are town.
Are you really that unconfident or are you really trying to delay your reads / make us ignore them?

Sonatora wrote:

Frostings wrote:

Also now scumreading DakeDake because he is useless


you're more useless than a fucking piece of empty bag of chip
Look how mean he is :(

@Dake : your posts are as useless as beeboy's, except for one read post that you made 5 days ago..

Raging Bull wrote:

@frosting i thought your reason for voting him was cause he gave up, but it doesnt look like it now, so why is your vote on him still?
I have no good reason to unvote him yet

I wanted to PL Sona D1 because his usual town behavior hurts town later in the game

Frostings wrote:

I wanted to PL Sona D1 because his usual town behavior hurts town later in the game
This is a big ping. You would choose to lynch a townie even after knowing he's a townie? Hurts town "later in the game" is irrelevant if you lynch scum in the first place.

On a sidenote, I have a big exam coming up on Friday, so I'll be definitely posting less. Feel free to replace if needed.

Frostings wrote:

I wanted to PL Sona
@NH: How is that weird when we're talking about a Policy Lynch here?
Well, hello there~

Wellp, I haven't missed much yesterday, except that tn is being inactive again.

Drezi crushed one of Setsuen's arguments which is nice.:

Setsuen wrote:

Your argument is horrible and lurking is only PART of the reason why they are scum. If you can't understand that just start sheeping instead of arguing.
because Setsuen can (omitted). Anyways Drezi is prooving to be a lot more townlike with his scepticism and investigative posts.

Also I've been rereading ISO's for the past hour (except Setsuen's, cause fuck that) and I really have to say that between all of the lurking and other accusations here, Frostings has just pulled the most scum-like post for my taste.
@Frostings; One shouldn't Policy Lynch out of that kind of idea. That's like saying we always have to PL Setsuen on D1 for retarded walling. Nobody likes it, but it's not an argument for a lynch. Thus your lynch on Sonatora is without any legitimacy. Using Self-vote for the excuse to retain your vote on him till, isn't really acceptable. Do you have any other valid reasons for your vote, or is it plainly Policy Lynch based?
Ah I see I've been ninja'd about Frostings too :D
Aaaaaaaaaand I've posted the wrong quote, lol. Gomenasai ^_^'

Setsuen wrote:

Sephi being replaced isn't going to change anything for your info. If He's scum Drezi is just going to continue the bad performance with LESS lurking only.
As much as a policy lynch on Sona is a waste of a lynch. It doesn't make me think Frostling is scum as he has been pushing this for awhile.
Just a question, would you guys want BRBP to be alive and screw town later or kill him before he lays his eggs?
Same as with Frostings, Navizel. You've got no superhuman abilities to the future.
to read the future*

the fuck is wrong with my writting today -.-
Gumica - Other than his mostly non-productive arguments with Setsuen he has played pretty defensive this game.
Navi - Doing nothing + asking for prods earlier made me think he wants to force mod kills so he could win easily.
TN - Small things like coming in, saying hi and leaving. And using others inactivity as an excuse to being inactive.

No null-scum/town as no on is conf town and it should be easy to figure out who I think is scum vs null-scum based on my previous/upcoming posts. Not a lot has happened which is one of the main reasons why I held back on my reads.
Because the policy lynch doesn't make sense. It's one thing to base a pl on a possibly suspicious activity e.g. Lynch all lurker, lynch all liars, etc. but it's another to do it whether or not someone is town or scum.
Raging Bull

Frostings wrote:

Raging Bull wrote:

@frosting i thought your reason for voting him was cause he gave up, but it doesnt look like it now, so why is your vote on him still?
I have no good reason to unvote him yet

I wanted to PL Sona D1 because his usual town behavior hurts town later in the game
Im surprised you want to lynch town than push for one of your null scum read.

beeboy123 wrote:

As much as a policy lynch on Sona is a waste of a lynch. It doesn't make me think Frostling is scum as he has been pushing this for awhile.
Where? Iirc, he only voted after Sonatora self voted and i dont think he pushed for it.

Navizel wrote:

Just a question, would you guys want BRBP to be alive and screw town later or kill him before he lays his eggs?
Idk hows that related. Does that mean you want to PL Sonatora? Cause it seems that way. FOS Navizel
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