
Madoka Magica Mafia - The Cycle Continues

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NOTE: Beware of spoilers

The world of magical girls is a dangerous one. How will this story end?

Moderator: CalignoBot

Player List (Bolded is confirmed) (Asterisks indicate a prod)
1. beeboy123 *
2. Sonatora **
3. NoHitter **
4. Raging Bull
5. Setsuen *
6. Gumica **
7. Navizel *
8. Static Noise Bird *
9. Sakura tn5421 *
10. Tanzklaue -- Drezi -- Sephibro **
11. DakeDekaane **
12. Frostings *


Alive (3/12)
Gumica, Miki Sayaka, Mafia Magical Girl
NoHitter, Elsa Maria, Mafia Strongman Vanilla
Sakura, Sakura Kyouko, Mafia Godfather Magical Girl

Dead (9/12)
1. Sonatora, Shizuki Hitomi, Town Vanilla, has been lynched Day 1.
2. Tanzklaue, Kaname Tatsuya, Town Vanilla, has been killed Night 1.
3. Static Noise Bird, Tomoe Mami, Town Magical Girl, has been lynched Day 2.
4. Raging Bull, Walpurgisnacht, Town Magical Girl, has been killed Night 3.
5. Frostings, Kamijou Kyousuke, Town Vanilla, has been lynched Day 4.
6. DakeDekaane, Akemi Homura, Town Magical Girl, has been killed Night 4.
7. beeboy123, Nagisa Momoe, Town Magical Girl, has been endgamed Night 4.
8. Navizel, Kyubey, Town Magical Girl(???), has been endgamed Night 4.
9. Setsuen, Kanome Madoka, Town Magical Girl, has been endgamed Night 4.

Topic Starter
Game Rules

1.1) All site rules apply. Be familiar with them before playing.
1.2) Unless your role PM says otherwise, you are not allowed to talk about the game outside of the thread.
1.3) Quoting any PM from the moderator will result in a modkill. Paraphrasing is usually acceptable.
1.4) This is a game and strong language/tones are possible. As long as it remains civil, it is acceptable. Personal grudges or harassment (sexist, homophobic, racist, etc.) is not acceptable. The first offense will result in a warning, while the second will result in a force replace.

Game Mechanics
2.1) All votes must be bolded. Votes without this format will be ignored.
2.2) Votes within quote or spoiler tags will be ignored.
2.3) It is recommended to use a player's full name for votes, but it is acceptable to shorten it as long as it doesn't cause confusion. Any ambiguous votes will be ignored.
2.4) Unvoting is recommended for changing your vote, but not required. The exceptions are when you aren't placing another vote or if you have a multiple voting ability.
2.5) A lynch will be achieved when 50%+1 of the player list has their vote on a single person. Once that threshold is reached, the game enters twilight and no more votes will count for the day. No lynch votes require only 50% of the player list to go through.
2.6) You are allowed a single post in the thread once you are dead. This post must not contain any game-relevant information.
2.7) If deadline is reached without anyone ever hitting the lynch threshold, then a lynch will only occur if someone is at one vote below the lynch threshold. If multiple, then the first one to hit it will be lynched.

Activity and Deadlines
3.1) Do your best to stay active. This game is a commitment.
3.2) If you do not post in the thread for 36 hours, you will be prodded on sight. Players may request a prod if another player hasn't posted in 24 hours.
3.3) If a player has to be prodded 3 times in a day, or 4 times total across the game, they may be force-replaced.
3.4) Players have 24 hours after recieving a prod to open the PM. After this threshold has passed, I will begin looking for a replacement.
3.5) If you will be gone for an extended period of time, you may post your V/LA in bold. The Prod Timer will be ignored for the duration and will be reset once it is over. V/LAs should not be longer than half of a day phase if you will have no access.
3.6) If you have to be gone for a significant amount of time, you will most likely be replaced. Finding your own replacement is appreciated, but not strictly required.
3.7) Deadlines will be days equal to the amount of players left alive, with a minimum of five days.
3.8) Nights will have a 36 hour deadline. Failure to submit an action will result in you doing nothing for the night.
3.9) Deadlines for both day and night may be extended depending on the circumstances. While night deadlines will only be extended due to replacement issues, day deadlines are more flexible. Replacements are most likely to be the cause of a day's deadline extending, but aren't necessarily the only possible cause.
3.10) All prods will reduce the day's deadline by 3 hours.

4.1) Do not post in green. This is the moderator's color. Any other color is fair game as long as it doesn't detract from the game's readability.
4.2) I will do my best to post vote counts at least once a day. Depending on the activity level, I will post vote counts either more or less often. If you request a vote count, I will provide one at the next opportunity.
4.3) Do not post cryptography, codes, invisible text, or small text.
4.4) Editing your post is grounds for an immediate modkill. Don't do it.
4.5) All story flavor is completely game-irrelevant.
4.7) If a vote count is incorrect, let me know and I'll correct it when I have time.
4.8) Feel free to PM me if something in the game or ruleset is unclear.
4.9) Loopholes do not exist. Use common sense. If something sounds like it would be against the rules and isn't listed here, chances are you will still be punished for it. See rule 4.8 if you're unsure.
4.10) I reserve the right to modify the ruleset as needed. If this happens, you will be notified in thread.

Game-Specific Information
5.1) Some characters in this game are set as magical girls.
5.2) Magical girls have an ability at the start of the game, but they are also given the ability to form a contract with Kyubey. They will gain another ability to be used the following night, but it will only be usable on that night unless very specifically stated otherwise.
5.3) Magical girls will only be told about their upgraded ability the night it can be used.
5.4) Forming contracts will also power up the mafia faction, but how is unknown.
5.5) Two nights after forming a contract, the magical girl will lose their power. This vanillize cannot be stopped in any way.
5.6) Deaths show as as name, alignment (Town/Mafia), and role (Vanilla, Magical Girl, Witch). All magical girls show up as such unless they are vanillized, in which they show up as a witch.
5.7) Magical girls have the ability to contract at the start of the game. If you are a magical girl and wish to contract right away, state as much in a PM no later than 24 hours after day 1 starts. Technically this is a "Night 0", but the only actions available are contracting, so it will not formally be a night phase.

Sample Townie PM wrote:

You are Madoka’s father, Kaname Tomohisa. You’re a stay-at-home dad, which means you’re too busy with the housework to help with anything.

Alignment: Town
Role: Vanilla

You win when all anti-town influences have been eliminated.

Should I watch the 3rd movie to avoid it being spoiled?
Topic Starter
There's only one thing in this game that would be spoiled without having knowledge about the third movie, but it's not even really anything that would be noticed as a spoiler until you actually reach that point in the movie anyway.

Basically, if you don't want to be spoiled, knowledge of the main series is enough.


Dibs on Kyubey please.
Raging Bull
/in even though I have no idea what Madoka is except that they're magical girls. RIP me
Topic Starter

Setsuen wrote:

/in even though I have no idea what Madoka is except that they're magical girls. RIP me

It's only 12 episodes long.

I'm 5th in the sign-up list but the opening title is still 4/12.

#Do not trust CB. #Do not watch Madoka.

Homu did nothing wrong
#Cult of Homucifer

Kyubey is evil

Vote: Kyubey
/confirm in case i get inactive in the confirming stage

I won't get muted this time since I'm not on #finnish anymore
This is an absolutely awful/insane idea

shit i gotta study


Static Noise Bird wrote:


I won't get muted this time since I'm not on #finnish anymore
shits about to get real nigga

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Updated the sample role PM slightly.
@Mod can vanilla claim roles
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CalignoBot wrote:

role (Vanilla, Magical Girl, Witch)
10/10 I get VT roles. I always get VT unless I replace/it's an UPick. welp.

Gumica wrote:


Homu did nothing wrong
#Cult of Homucifer
Gumica best town 2014
In b4 there's cult and I'm the only town that don't get culted bc this always happens to me.
inb4 we flash lynch you for being you
Flashlynching is bad kids dont do it
Get your ass here drezi
i'm gonna regret this later
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And that's 12.

Role PMs will go out within the next hour. Do not confirm until I give the okay. All confirmations will be done in thread.
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I am making one slight rule change as I had forgotten to post this in the ruleset beforehand. It will be added to the ruleset.

5.7) Magical girls have the ability to contract at the start of the game. If you are a magical girl and wish to contract right away, state as much in a PM no later than 24 hours after day 1 starts. Technically this is a "Night 0", but the only actions available are contracting, so it will not formally be a night phase.
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All role PMs are out.

Please confirm in thread.

Day 1 begins when 9 players have confirmed.
lolwtf CB hahahahahahahahahaha


this is going to be fun

10/10 has no idea what my role PM even mean. RIP scum guessing my role.
Wow guys, way to make it obvious
Clearly I know what my own Role PM means because it's always VT every time, obviously
confirming by the way
Frosting plz what if I'm actually VT who doesn't understand my role. This always happens ;c

IDK whether I'm PR or VT tbh

#troll 2k14 must be scum but PL Setsuen never works in town favour.
Raging Bull
Confirmation post.

Everyone confirm so we can start plsplspls.
Yes pls

quicklynch setsuen
No fun for me. ;w;

Topic Starter
With nine out of twelve players confirmed, day 1 begins.

Deadline is Friday, September 19th at 6:00 PM CST (GMT-6). If activity becomes a problem, I will start reducing the deadline.

With 12 alive, it's 7 to lynch.

10/10 if it's not him it's Raging_Bull for maf. Take your pick. My gut is never wrong I always hit a maf.

Also tn will prob flip town someway or another bc my gut says so.

RoleClaim:2-Shot Cult Leader

Town we can lynch maf and two of you joint with me :)

#Lesson 1:How to generate activity.
#Lesson2:Always lynch Sephibro fast.
Our next lesson:How to spot stupid scum who tries to PL Setsuen D1 when everyone knows it will never work but scum still want to try it.
Why are we lynching Sephibro again?
I just realized that salura isnt playing
Guys, I'm scum :DDDDDDD


Sonatora wrote:

Why are we lynching Sephibro again?
bc he really killed town in the UPick where I was maf by claiming 3rd party. Then he won PerpetualMyLo bc no town decided to say Sephibro is scum. I hold grudges. Now lynch him b4 he causes anymore trouble for town.

Sephibro is a troublemaker. He literally destroys town ;c. Now sheep me. I generate activity. I help town find scum using those activity. My accusation generate even more reads.


Navizel wrote:

Guys, I'm scum :DDDDDDD

mfw Nav always picks a fight with me where it always result in a D1 Nav lynch. When will u learn. c;
Raging Bull
PL lynch setsuen anyways

vote setsuen
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