
How to improve my (real) level ?

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Hello everyone,
Here a big question for me

I'm playing osu! since 6 month without pause. Through this time i didn't find the best way to play, I mean that I was seaching to play faster and harder more and more. But here we are, I want no more play random map, just rolling aroundand choosing map in order to win some place on the scoreboard.

I want you to advise me what the better way to practice osu! efficiency, if it exist any way to play more clever.

I analyse my gameplay, and I'm really confuse , I can play some Hard level 5 stars etc but I could even play some easy one which are 3 stars.
Plus, AR for me seems to be a handicap I play 9 Ar usually but a lot of my libraby contain Ar 8 and it is more difficult for me to play 8 than 9.
To conclude I thing that i develop bad habits like tipping faster when a line of circle are coming or to press my button faster thant the rythm even i get it.

I'm searching a real efficient way to be better , i'm really enjoying to play harder map, easy one feels not enjoyable, igive up really fast.The consequence is that I fail a lot of combo and my rank didn't move a lot.

I don't know how to practice osu really, I'm just playing like an idiot but I'm motived to practice osu seriously , in case I need some help from the community to improve my way to play osu!.
Vuelo Eluko
if you -just- play harder maps you will lack consistency, accuracy, and reading of lower AR
if you -just- play easier maps you can fc you will likely lack speed and definitely the ability to play harder maps/higher AR

you have to find a balance. train your aim and speed on maps you have B's on and try to bring them up to A's and then practice consistency and accuracy on easier maps you think you can FC. this is the way to proper advancement imo.

many will say low ar is a useless skill but it's one thing to not be able to play low AR at maps at your level and being unable to play low AR at a much lower one. im not a low ar player because i can't read low ar maps at my level of 5+ star maps, but 4 stars aren't difficult. if you can't play low difficulty low ar 3 star maps but you can do ar9 insanes that's a big issue with your reading skill you should sort out.

typically avoid maps you need nofail to pass and ones you cant read yet and get very low accuracy on because you get bad mashing habits this way, which suck. trust me i've been there.. it's so hard to get rid of mashing once you learn it early
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This day (as we can see in my latest map) I was playing some easy map, I was already wondering me if there is better to play a large panel of difficulties to be better.
If a player who play hard map is also practicing easy map in order to be able to play both map, i think that will be a good begining to improve myself.

I will consider any tips.
Vuelo Eluko
the reason you play 'easier' maps you can likely FC is to improve your consistency and accuracy more than anything. just playing hard as hell stuff where you typically get sub 200 combo is not going to improve either of those very much, but will help your aim/speed. you should do both.
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Thanks you to according to me time to reply.

Also, I'm searching some Ar9 map which are 4~5 stars but there is no option to find them easier.
I feel more confortable to play 9 Ar thant any other AR, this thing make the difference between a play that i will have good accurency and an easy map wich could be a problem because of the AR that blow my mind. (like Ar 7 and 8)
Vuelo Eluko
Sort by: Difficulty
Click 4 star or 5 star
then type ar=9 to see only those

if you mean finding more maps to download of that kind, there's no easy way just look for them.
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"if you mean finding more maps to download of that kind, there's no easy way just look for them."
Yes, i was talking about that.

Sorry If i'm not understandable , I'm French ...(Do you no that french are bad in English :p)
know* not no btw

iqsi9M wrote:

"if you mean finding more maps to download of that kind, there's no easy way just look for them."
Yes, i was talking about that.

Sorry If i'm not understandable , I'm French ...(Do you no that french are bad in English :p)

Your English is perfectly fine for someone who is not a native speaker (oh god u should hear my terrible French)

The only thing you can really do is just browse through beatmaps and just download a bunch that you need. There may be some difficulties you can't do but keep them for a later date for when you may have improved even more
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SmexyKiss wrote:

iqsi9M wrote:

"if you mean finding more maps to download of that kind, there's no easy way just look for them."
Yes, i was talking about that.

Sorry If i'm not understandable , I'm French ...(Do you no that french are bad in English :p)

Your English is perfectly fine for someone who is not a native speaker (oh god u should hear my terrible French)

The only thing you can really do is just browse through beatmaps and just download a bunch that you need. There may be some difficulties you can't do but keep them for a later date for when you may have improved even more
Thanks, It's adorable, even if I'm not sure if i need to speak,the result wouldn't be the same :p.

Do you think that is better to play more harder map and keep playing the map wich I can play ?
Vuelo Eluko

iqsi9M wrote:

Do you think that is better to play more harder map and keep playing the map wich I can play ?
like ive said twice now, both.
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Excuse me :S
I'm asking differents players because I appreciate to have differents point of view :? .

Riince wrote:

iqsi9M wrote:

Do you think that is better to play more harder map and keep playing the map wich I can play ?
like ive said twice now, both.
^^ mix it up but don't be afraid to stretch your limits - I have more fun doing maps that I find hard to read or is beyond my comfort zone but I also do maps at my level to keep my accuracy and aim in check
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Ok, I will take the tips :D

It is really important for me to know this kinf of things because it will depend of my progression and what i will do to keep a good level.

Thanks to take time to respond .
What I used to do is sort all my maps by bpm, start at a bpm I new I could play well, and just run down the list without retrying more than two or three times and skipping super easy maps. This gave me a pretty good mix of maps I could easily FC on the first run, maps that I could FC in two or three runs, maps that were challenging for me, and maps that were stupidly hard, and it allowed me to build my speed up over time. It'll also get you familiar with both AR8 and 9, if you're into that.
Dang, Riince stole my words about what types of maps to play, but I've got a certain pointer anyway.

There's a few other ways to find challenging maps not mentioned in this thread yet. When the download restrictions on maps were removed, I actually mass-downloaded every map ranked since June 2013 (sorry Bancho), then went and played through most at my preferred star difficulty. Some were too easy, some were too hard, some I just didn't plain like, but the ones I thought 'hey, this is very difficult, but I think I could conceivably FC this with enough tries,' I saved it somewhere like in a collection and played it until I did eventually FC it.

There are some easier ways however, if you don't want to just download a bunch of beatmaps (though I recommend you try it anyway). One of the easiest ways is by going to the beatmap listing and clicking "Recommended difficulty."

Also, I'm going to suggest finding maps based off of pp--I know you're not pp farming, but there's two reasons I recommend this:
a. Often, pp can be a highly good indicator of how difficult a map is and what is good for your rank.
b. Surprisingly, there are actually quite a few methods you can use to do this, which makes it a lot easier to find maps of the right difficulty:

- The traditional method of, finding people near your rank (best way is to find people near your ranking in your country on the Performance page) and copying their top ranks.
- A third party program called osu! Trainer will allow you to find a large variety of maps for a specific amount of pp; but on the other side of this coin:
- A bot called Tillerino will show you maps geared towards your best playstyle based off of your top ranks, with a wider range of pp given--you can use him by messaging him ingame and typing !r.
(also, Tillerino pulls his recommendations off of a site called ppaddict, which you might be interested in checking out.)

I recommend trying all of these eventually, because it's best to be playing a wide variety of maps. For most of the time, try staying in the difficulty of 'can't FC first try but not unpassable,' but make sure you expose yourself to a large variety of mapstyles so that all aspects of your playing can improve at a similar pace (if you find one begins lagging behind to a point where you can't play, take some time to focus on improving it by playing maps that challenge it specifically). You won't notice it at first, but a few weeks time of playing heavily like this you'll realize how much you've improved when you go back to the maps you were playing today.

All in all, make sure you're having fun. If you get frustrated with a certain map, go back to it later. If you're playing too much and tiring yourself out, take a break. Make sure you're saving some time to yourself to play maps you simply have fun with and enjoy playing. It does help if you really enjoy the game.

Riince wrote:

many will say low ar is a useless skill but it's one thing to not be able to play low AR at maps at your level and being unable to play low AR at a much lower one. im not a low ar player because i can't read low ar maps at my level of 5+ star maps, but 4 stars aren't difficult. if you can't play low difficulty low ar 3 star maps
would you be willing to test that out? try these maps, FCs might give some nice pp~
Vuelo Eluko

B1rd wrote:

would you be willing to test that out?
no i hate low ar
Riince. Why are you boasting of playing at 5 stars when your top performance is only a 4.4 star map. I do agree that 5 stars is easy but you really don't have anything to back what you say (top performance full of 5 star ranks with high acc). The difference from 4.5 to 5.0 is rather large in both terms of difficulty and PP.

Sort by bpm, group by difficulty. Select 4 stars and put "bpm>=#" the number being whatever bpm you're comfortable with. Keep playing up through the maps and over time you'll become more consistent at playing. The variety of difficulty shouldn't be too outrageous and the consistent bpm will allow you to learn how to better control your fingers. Sometimes you can just put stars># if there's a point where some maps are painfully easy (as in you're getting perfect acc every play)

Commonly it works like this
High bpm high star rating =condensed streams and 1xnote spacing on half notes
Low bpm high star rating =spaced streams with large jumps on half notes

A 5 star 160bpm map will be jumpy compared to a 4 star 160bpm map. So if you suck at streaming at a certain bpm just be mindful of the star rating so you don't get wrecked by spacing and jumps. In the opposite fashion if you suck at aiming or need more jumpy maps then play lower bpm maps at high ratings.

I would also like to add; ignore the difficulty settings. They don't matter just play the maps. If you limit yourself to training specific settings it will limit you. You can't sidestep getting better at mods by playing certain maps with certain settings. You simply just need to play the mods and you'll get better at playing said mods.
Vuelo Eluko
i get decent acc plays with barely any misses on 5 star maps all the time, you don't need to FC them to be able to play them or have an easy time with them. you know ppv2 favors near SS FC's on easy maps over still good scores on harder ones so why even mention it? of course they're going to be worth more PP.

unless you really think i was having anything other than an easy time playing any of these [first one was a multiplayer sight read]

not even really sure what your point was calling me out anyway. i have low consistency so i don't get fcs unless the map is easy to the point where im not really having to try very hard at all in which case it's boring and i rarely play them.

Riince wrote:

not even really sure what your point was calling me out anyway.
This is the reason:

Don't hate me.... :P
Vuelo Eluko

sanguisinvia wrote:

Riince wrote:

not even really sure what your point was calling me out anyway.
This is the reason:

Don't hate me.... :P
i know what Dunning-Kruger is. It's utterly irrelevant here.
Those scores aren't worth contesting. I'd say you can play something if you can at least full combo or at least get 98% with a stray miss. The amount of 100s from 98% to 93% is large; especially on longer maps. Even if you're getting only two or three misses it shows you're just mashing on streams and messing up constantly.
Vuelo Eluko
all i was showing is that i wasnt lying. it's easy for me to play those maps. never said i didn't have bad habits or that i was consistent. our ideas of playing something are quite different I suppose.
Cocaine dog
I originally wasn't going to reply to this again, but since it got kinda bumped.....

Riince wrote:

i know what Dunning-Kruger is. It's utterly irrelevant here.
Hahahahahahaha, you make me laugh. Obviously you do not know what the Dunning-Kruger effect is or how to apply it. You do know that people say knowledge is not only knowing the factual information, but also how to apply it, right?

I'll give you one more chance to redeem yourself. This is a quote which explains why you are always being called out, not only on this thread but on many others as well.

David Dunning wrote:

If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent. […] the skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is.
source: The Wikipedia Page

*edit added a word for grammar reasons.... English is so hard :(
Being able to get 94%'s with misses does not imply being able to play at a certain bpm lol it only implies you can mash through the patterns without failing
Vuelo Eluko

sanguisinvia wrote:

I'll give you one more chance to redeem yourself.
but i wont. your stupidity and lack of knowledge of how and when dunning-kruger is applicable yet continuous parroting of the term has gone on long enough.
even if you had something relevant or intelligent to add, it wasn't your business to start with.


Riince wrote:

but i wont. your stupidity and lack of knowledge of how and when dunning-kruger is applicable yet continuous parroting of the term has gone on long enough.
even if you had something relevant or intelligent to add, it wasn't your business to start with.
VICTORY!!!!!! Life goal #1: Get ignored by riince/bassist vinyl :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

But in all seriousness, I just called you soo stupid that you think that you are smart. (I was really trying to avoid that term...) And in none of your posts did you ever even try to help your cause. Are you afraid of confirming my and many other's suspicions? So far all you have done is say, "I know what this term is, and yet, I don't care to read/try to understand what you are saying." So then, if I am so dumb, please, teach me what Dunning-Kruger is and why it should not apply to you. I am looking for a healthy debate here, not a "you're dumb" war.


NarrillNezzurh wrote:


NarrillNezzurh wrote:


NarrillNezzurh wrote:


sanguisinvia wrote:

VICTORY!!!!!! Life goal #1: Get ignored by riince/bassist vinyl :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
A lot easier than you think. He's super-defensive, often ignoring your implied point completely, picking out irrelevant things to invalidate your point and always missing the actual point or context. It's quite annoying to have this guy reply to your posts, because you know he's not interested in constructive discussion.

Chances are he won't read this anyway, but I've deleted more posts in an effort to not reply to him, than I have actually replied to him. I don't know if he finds it fun or what, but I'm quite relieved I'm on his ignore list. Need only insult his sense of self-importance and the deed is done.
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