So you can click an object, and press the Arrow keys (or now Ctrl + Arrow key), and it will move according to the grid
If you click an object, then click the coordinates on top-right, you can precisely move this.
Why not make this available for slider points (those grey and red ones).
Double click them, and then move them using Arrow keys (1 coordinate at a time) or with the coordination tab (topright corner)
This can help making sliders look nicer, blankets get better, and will allow for mor symmetry,
for example, you have a slider, with coordinates 156:0 | 256:80 | 356:0
but it stars just little early, so you need the second one to be 256:77-79, but if you turn OFF DS, it is hard to move it, with out moving it on the x-axis, and not moving it too much
This will allow for better beatmap creation!
Idk what to search for, but tried, and couldn't find anything the same, especially since the Arrow thing which just got added
If you click an object, then click the coordinates on top-right, you can precisely move this.
Why not make this available for slider points (those grey and red ones).
Double click them, and then move them using Arrow keys (1 coordinate at a time) or with the coordination tab (topright corner)
This can help making sliders look nicer, blankets get better, and will allow for mor symmetry,
for example, you have a slider, with coordinates 156:0 | 256:80 | 356:0
but it stars just little early, so you need the second one to be 256:77-79, but if you turn OFF DS, it is hard to move it, with out moving it on the x-axis, and not moving it too much
This will allow for better beatmap creation!
Idk what to search for, but tried, and couldn't find anything the same, especially since the Arrow thing which just got added