1.as i already give u the references, u should check my hitsound library that i've uploaded ^^
( then listen to all of them, that's what i do... i even memorized most of them , since i use them a lot )
2.after that.... you simply listen to your song again...
and again if u haaven't got any inspiration...
then check your hitsound set, listen to them, i'm sure you will be able to find or notice something sounds similar to the song you've jst listen to...
then i take that hitsound and use it... simple as that...
- Yeah! I'm still trying, even try to change the tune of the drum's sound...another tips...
in editor, if i'm looking for a specific drum sound or snare sound...
i will play that PART , again and again , memorized it... then check my hitsound ,

listen the song part again, and compare with my hitsound, and use something close and similar ^^
- I must do it !
there you have it~ ^^/
hopefully i can help...
anyway u can jst PM me in-game thou XD since i saw u are online most of the time as well