
9nine - With You / With Me

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I hope everyone will take a look at this beautiful map!!! :) . I added it into my favourites!!! :D . Is it done??
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PureCreamy wrote:

I hope everyone will take a look at this beautiful map!!! :) . I added it into my favourites!!! :D . Is it done??
Thanks PureCreamy !!! :)
I don't know if I will add another difficulty, well ... I will think about it :D
Anyway, thanks for adding it into your favourites :)
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Mod and comment about this beatmap is very welcome here!!! :) :) :)
If you do add another map, maybe an easy mode would be the best choice. For me it seems like the normal is on the upper level of normal difficulty so it would help balance things out.
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ImportantNobody wrote:

If you do add another map, maybe an easy mode would be the best choice. For me it seems like the normal is on the upper level of normal difficulty so it would help balance things out.
Ooops! That's right! Thanks for telling me, I will make an easy difficulty ;)
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ImportantNobody wrote:

If you do add another map, maybe an easy mode would be the best choice. For me it seems like the normal is on the upper level of normal difficulty so it would help balance things out.
Easy : Done ~~~ :oops: :oops: :oops:
Add insane please :D
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PureCreamy wrote:

Add insane please :D
In progress ;)
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PureCreamy wrote:

Add insane please :D
Done! :)
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Everyone, please help me improve this beatmap :) . I need advices or modds from all of you~~~ :) :) :)
00:17:943 Add a note and whistle there
00:18:170 Add a note
00:18:398 Add a note and whistle there

Seems okay :oops:

Seems okay :oops:

00:56:638 Change the hit sound into the whistle
00:58:353 Change the hit sound into the whistle
02:17:853 Add a note
Here's the mod for normal and hard :oops:
Normal :
03:20:638 add a whistle
03:22:353 add a whistle

Hard :
02:00:924 add a whistle
02:01:138 add a whistle
02:01:567 add a whistle
02:02:638 add a whistle
02:02:853 add a whistle
02:03:281 add a whistle
Topic Starter

PureCreamy wrote:

00:17:943 Add a note and whistle there Added
00:18:170 Add a note Added
00:18:398 Add a note and whistle there Added

Seems okay :oops:

Seems okay :oops:

00:56:638 Change the hit sound into the whistle Fixed
00:58:353 Change the hit sound into the whistle Fixed
02:17:853 Add a note

Thanks for the mods! :)
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PureCreamy wrote:

Here's the mod for normal and hard :oops:
Normal :
03:20:638 add a whistle Added
03:22:353 add a whistle Added

Hard :
02:00:924 add a whistle Added
02:01:138 add a whistle Added
02:01:567 add a whistle Added
02:02:638 add a whistle Added
02:02:853 add a whistle Added
02:03:281 add a whistle

Thanks for the mods! :)
In fact i don't to want mod this map since i don't like this sound. D:
The version i mod is the vision in 08/08/2014.I don't check what update.
- Clear following AiMod.
If you don't know how to fix it,just reply,i will edit this post.
- Deleat useless Greenline.If your green line dosen't change anything,plz deleat it.

- Check distance snap.
My Opinion:
- 00:07:716 (3) Filp horizontally.then move to privious position. more suit for flow.
- 00:09:534 (5) NC.let more easy to read map.
- 00:12:716 (1) remove.
- 00:45:898 ~ 00:48:496 add a spinner.
- 00:50:210 (2,3) Don't let the note cover the others,it's hard for read.
- 01:02:210 Add a note,or uncomfortable to play.
- 01:18:067 (3) Let it turn back at 01:18:496 and 01:18:924.
- 01:19:781 (4) NC.
- 01:50:638 (1) divided it.
- 02:14:638 (5) NC.
- 02:24:281 Add a note.
- 02:50:638 (5,6) First,NC in 5,then make this to 2 sliders.
- 03:16:353 (1,2) The heart looks perfect,good job :D .
- 03:59:210 (5)/03:58:781 (4,5,6,8) NC.
- 04:21:924 ~ 04:23:210 add a spinner.kiai time end up at 04:23:210.
- 04:30:067 (5) NC.

- DR-1 OD-1 since it just a normal diff.
- CZ=4 is more suit for this diff.
My Opinion:
- 00:09:534 (5) NC.
- 00:13:170 (9,1) NC former than latter.
- 00:27:716 (2,3) Make you can pass it when mapping too far from each others.
- 00:38:625 (3) NC.
- Add Spinner in the second break like normal.
- 00:51:067 (4,5,6,7) Too close.
- 01:11:210 (2,3,4,5,6,7) little hard.
- 01:17:210 (6) NC.
I'm sorry but i have no patience to mod this beatmaps anymore..I'm sorry for this again.
Anyway good luck to you.
By the way.I suggested you can cut down the part after to 01:36:496,to make a mini version.Thanks to the same rhythm and long length,It's easy to let people bored..
Make sure you have a good skilled to mapping,or have know what a Insane like before add up Insane diff.
Star ~ ♡♡♡
I like this beatmaps ^^
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PureCreamy wrote:

Star ~ ♡♡♡
Thank you very much PureCreamy !!! {> w <}
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PureCreamy wrote:

I like this beatmaps ^^
I am so happy to hear that {> w <}!!!!
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