
Osu! Ultimate Leagues

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Speed of Snail

Athrun_Yamato wrote:

Um, its been 2-3 days and my challenger has not responsed, does that mean I move on to the next round?
Give him a couple more days and I'll try myself, if he remains inactive for 5-7 days then he will ff by default
Registration is closed? I'd like to participate in the Silver league.
You are Asserich then I suppose?
Have you contacted Sn3g (or whatever his name is in Osu)?
If you tried to contact him for a match and he didn't response, then it is fair that you get the defwin and then match up against me.
But the host (TheOnlyLeon) didn't know that you have or tried contact Sn3g, so you too are at fault by not letting the host know you tried.
The result is that you two DQed because of bad/no communication.

Also, because of this I want to set up rules for this tournament because it's going passively.
We have to set up deadlines for rounds because of people waiting for their previous round to be played.
2 weeks is a good deadline for opponents to decide a match date (match does not have to played within the deadline)
So 2 weeks to decide a match time AND tell the host when you are matching against each other. (because the host might think you are AFK)
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail

tryaway wrote:

You are Asserich then I suppose?
Have you contacted Sn3g (or whatever his name is in Osu)?
If you tried to contact him for a match and he didn't response, then it is fair that you get the defwin and then match up against me.
But the host (TheOnlyLeon) didn't know that you have or tried contact Sn3g, so you too are at fault by not letting the host know you tried.
The result is that you two DQed because of bad/no communication.

Also, because of this I want to set up rules for this tournament because it's going passively.
We have to set up deadlines for rounds because of people waiting for their previous round to be played.
2 weeks is a good deadline for opponents to decide a match date (match does not have to played within the deadline)
So 2 weeks to decide a match time AND tell the host when you are matching against each other. (because the host might think you are AFK)
I completely agree with this post, Frankly the only reason this wasn't implemented was because I honestly didn't expect so many people to sign up and simply not do anything, almost a third of all the players signed up have been booted for afk'ing now which is a WAY higher percentage than there was in my last tournament. As much as I would like to implement this now it's extremely messy to attempt to add new rules half way through and I guarantee that there's going to be 5-10 people who complain because they don't know what time is and get ff'd.

anyways the reason reg is closed is the same reason I'm not putting up a live stream or pushing match times, I'm currently building and external web domain that I'd like to move to, I'm not going to say much now as details are sketchy and I'm still working with legal shenanigans so that I can add a pretty prize pool without getting myself into trouble, I hate money sometimes.

finally I'm going to passively enforce this rule, the time will not be set but if you haven't given me any messages or said anything to me or played a single match in about 2 weeks you WILL be kicked form the tourney, Winners of each division will be posted onto the original thread, and koreanmaruco who is still in the bracket for gold because i cant auto boot past the losers bracket until someone goes up against him, will be kicked as soon as someone gets to him so don't worry about playing him. He was screwing with scores earlier so i have decided to ban him. Anyways this is one of the longest post I've put up in a while, gl and hf to all those who are participating I'll be back with more news within 2 weeks.
So, my challenger is ff??
My oponent cannot be found on osu.... Help
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail

Louis13 wrote:

My oponent cannot be found on osu.... Help

there he is, count the e's, yes it's annoying when someones username is like this but it's 12 e's
Sry but I will unregister myself for now, my rank is just too high for bronze and I don't want to know which rank I am when the tournament will start.
i think i should be in masters league now
should i
i dunno
what happens if you surpass your rank bracket during the tournament?

Helius wrote:

what happens if you surpass your rank bracket during the tournament?
I asked the same thing, you continue with the bracket until the next season as long as you've played one match already.
I lost. 0-4 Silver League Season 2
The first ready or not song does not count.
Jing Yuan
My opponent is not responding to my messages.

What should i do?
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail

MoF10 wrote:

My opponent is not responding to my messages.

What should i do?
Give them a couple extra days, if they still do not respond to you message me via pm and if they are not in a position to play or contact they will be forfeit due to inactivity.

TheOnlyLeon wrote:

MoF10 wrote:

My opponent is not responding to my messages.

What should i do?
Give them a couple extra days, if they still do not respond to you message me via pm and if they are not in a position to play or contact they will be forfeit due to inactivity.
Please update my one.
Jing Yuan
My opponent hasn't responded to any of my private messages.
Should i try once more?
May I join the silver league, if registration isn't closed :D? (Rank 39,816, currently)
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail

charburg wrote:

May I join the silver league, if registration isn't closed :D? (Rank 39,816, currently)
Registration is temporarily closed as I'm moving over to my own domain for the time being, so there wont be any new tourneys until late October, sorry :/
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail

MoF10 wrote:

My opponent hasn't responded to any of my private messages.
Should i try once more?
at this point don't bother, just to confirm message me again if hes still idle. if you don't message me within about 24 hours ill assume that he responded and things are going fine.
When will Registration be open next?

Nightcore3217 wrote:

When will Registration be open next?
once he gets the domain hes setting up running
TEAM LunarFlare
I won :D little league winner <----- :D
Not sure if I mentioned this already or if you were already told this but I forfeit so Rurion should have progressed
Hi, I am appalled and speechless at the blatant discrimination against Cosmic 11th dimension league players (#-100 to #10).
Tachibana Rika
is this thing still going on? D:

Tachibana Rika wrote:

is this thing still going on? D:
I hope so. I want to join the Gold League D:

Sorata654 wrote:

Tachibana Rika wrote:

is this thing still going on? D:
I hope so. I want to join the Gold League D:
Well according to the guy in charge of this it's back this month some time?
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
It will be reopened by the end of the month, I'm building a separate website for this as the forum based system is incredibly inconvenient and has caused a lot of problems for a tournament like this one where many different levels are being controlled from the same source, it should be up and running before Halloween. sorry for any inconvenience.
Oh this tournament started and finished :O ? My bad. Was checking messages every day almost XD Should have looked here!
I'm actually still waiting for my next opponent, in the Semifinals. Hoping for a match soon.

TheOnlyLeon wrote:

It will be reopened by the end of the month, I'm building a separate website for this as the forum based system is incredibly inconvenient and has caused a lot of problems for a tournament like this one where many different levels are being controlled from the same source, it should be up and running before Halloween. sorry for any inconvenience.
Are we any further with this?
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail

Chunelle wrote:


TheOnlyLeon wrote:

It will be reopened by the end of the month, I'm building a separate website for this as the forum based system is incredibly inconvenient and has caused a lot of problems for a tournament like this one where many different levels are being controlled from the same source, it should be up and running before Halloween. sorry for any inconvenience.
Are we any further with this?
Yeah I'm making progress, it might take a little longer than Halloween but I'm holding true to dates. I guarantee that I'll at least have the domain up and running within the first week of November at the latest, I'm just not sure exactly how i want it run so I'm fine tuning specifics. After that I'm just putting it on paper so that everyone can participate. Once this is up it'll fix problems such as people going idle and people using different names in challonge. I also have some ambitious plans for this but I won't say anything until it's guaranteed. I hope those of you participating had/are having fun with this tournament and I hope those that haven't been able to participate as of yet can be patient for me to finish my project :P. GL and HF.
Still waiting for the bracket before I can play my game in the losing section.
If I want to join, when do I sign up?
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail

ZeroStrike1101 wrote:

If I want to join, when do I sign up?
the tournament is under hiatus until i get my website up. I really hate the forums system of running things and it causes many problems, It'll be up within the first week of November, I'll link it here when it's live.
gold season 2 pls play ur matches LOL
Edit: tournament dieded

Helius wrote:

gold season 2 pls play ur matches LOL
I would if I had an opponent. Lol.

Ongaku wrote:

Helius wrote:

gold season 2 pls play ur matches LOL
I would if I had an opponent. Lol.
This. I'd really like to finish it, too.

EDIT: I meant that for Season 1A, too. I think people just forgot that this exists, or something. Can't you contact them? It's been like this for several weeks.
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
Ok, i cant micro manage as I'm busy making sure i can go live in a couple of weeks, however if you are still interested in playing send me a PM, anyone who doesn't send me one will be considered inactive and forfeit from their divisions respectively. I'll start kicking in 48 hours so that this can be finished.
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
So all in all i only got 3 people to reply saying that they'd like to continue the tournament, so im going to trash the ones that are ongoing and maybe ill setup a round robin for you three, you know who you are. Anyways since there isn't much interest in finishing the current format im just going to end it off here, The domain will be ready within 7 days. I hope to see you all then, in the meantime we'll wait and see how it goes, gl and hf.
oh, no! i should check the forum more often, now im out of the league :(
I got interested at it. :D
It is really a nice idea.
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
OK so the domain I've been working on is almost done, I understand that the 2-3 week downtime has basically killed interest but I'm hoping that i can have a good tournament environment as well as support other peoples efforts to make tournaments using my domain, as proven many times this forum type listing is really inefficient. I'll link it here when it goes live, should be up and running by Monday, GL and HF.
Can I sign up or is it started already?
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Speed of Snail
You can signup on Monday, I'll have the URL's and such ready by then.
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Speed of Snail
Please go back and read the main post.
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Speed of Snail
Sorry it's been so long since I posted here, I've been busy for the past couple weeks. Anyways I'm just about done with the website and I'm clearing up some final difficulties with some custom html scripts I wrote and the actual domain name itself as I'm having trouble accessing the site from my other computer despite the fact that it should be possible to enter already( for beta). I'll post here on Monday whether it's ready or not and if not I'll get it live as soon as possible. I'll get the hotlink down on the main post once it goes live.
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
Ok, so the dates come and I'm still not happy with what I have, so since I'm a perfectionist I'd rather delay more than release something unfinished, so to kill for time I'm gonna open up another tournament as I'm noticing that Swiss style seems a tad unappreciated right about now(No one runs it). So check the tournament forums I'll have that up in 4-5 hours from now. I hope you can enjoy it since I'm so behind schedule at this point; sorry for being so late but I can't mentally justify putting a work in progress up on the web. Hope I've still got some attention on here, Gl and Hf.
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Speed of Snail
Experiment is live check it out if you're interested

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