
The Filler Tournament

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Speed of Snail
Well, I know a lot of people have been waiting for my tournament hosting domain to go live; It will go live as soon as I'm happy with it but I feel like I need something to pass time while I'm working on it.

This is just an experimental tournament format that no ones given a try to yet so why not.

The tournament will be conducted as a double group followed by a Swiss style finals, In other words the tournament will have a points system that grades you depending on how hard you beat your opponent. So if you win a bo5 3-2 you'll get less points than someone who wins 4-1, because of this you won't stop when you hit 3 wins but you will stop after you've played 5 maps.

Now same fare as always I'm not in thirty places at once so I'm not modding every single game nor do I have a personal army specifically to mod your games that could happen at any time. So I'm asking that at least one of you screenshot the results of each match or at the very least PM me the match history that is attached to your lobby so that I can go in a see the scores individually.

Finally since I'm lazy right now I'm not going to specify what maps you can play... only that the maps you play must be ranked to be valid, if the map isn't ranked your score will not count. please contract your opponent once the brackets go live (note that the brackets are subject to change until registration closes) and schedule your match whenever is best for the both of you. Whoever chooses the map may also choose which mod is played, Free Mod is not an option as both of you must be using identical mods. The fifth map will not be decided by either player to make it even; I have many prepared maps with random mods attached to sue as map 5, you'll get the map you're using when the match time comes via this forum, on each round there will be 6 fifth maps available, one of each star difficulty 2-7, pick whichever one closest matches the average difficulty of the maps you played.

If you have any questions feel free to PM me or to post here. Gl and Hf.

Registration Link:


Round 1:

Rock.Scissors,Paper [Insane]
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Speed of Snail
Ok, already looking at nice turnout with twelve registered players in less than forty-eight hours. The tournament will start once we hit thirty-two players. Gl and Hf.
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Speed of Snail
Still looking for players, need 11 more to start in full.
Put me in coach
^ Put me in too coach!
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I need four more players and then we start. Soon. Gl and Hf
So if i understand this correctly, we can pick our own maps that aren't a part of any kind of map pool, except the fifth game? Or are you going to write a map pool of some sorts?
I'm in.
If it's just a quick experiment, I'll play.
Wait, are we playing rounds in order from round 1 to round 15, or can we play them in any order we want?
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Speed of Snail
OK we have reached the player limit. Now to answer a couple questions, you play the rounds in order, and send me a screen shot. Tomorrow I'll post the maps up in order of round, so a fifth map for round one then a fifth map for round two etcetera. Additionally, for the other four maps you take turns picking what ever map you'd like, however only ranked maps are valid and they must be between 1:30-4:00 in length. I won't call you out on picking maps that are much higher than you can play however please no tag4 diffs and please pick maps difficult enough so that ties won't happen. (i.e. I burn on Easy would cause inevitable ties). You can specify a map to be a DT play but other than that everything will be played as freemod. Meaning DT is fixed but either player will chose separately whether they wan HR,HD,FL. Now the pools will be out tomorrow; I hope eveyone can participate as planned and play as many matches as possible. Gl and Hf.

P.S. - If you encounter any problems either PM me or post on the forums. If you PM me I'll get back to you in less than 24 hours. If you post on this forum I can't guarantee that I'll see it quickly however someone else might be able to help you immediately. If you're unsure you can try both.

Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
Ok we're ready to go, the fifth map for round 1 is picked and on the main post. Also to address a question I've been getting. Regardless of the results play all 5 maps since this format is based on points not match wins. Gl and Hf.
There is something bugging me...
In the first post you stated it would be Bo5, but Bo5 stops after winning 3 maps.
So how could people send in their scores with 4-1 and 5-0?

So either it is 'playing 5 maps' , while the map has to be played when it stand 2-2 is the tiebreaker map.

Oh, something I see now is that people are impatient:
If their first round is completed, they going to find their next opponents in the other rounds.
It shouldn't be a problem, but we only have the ''tie-breaker'' map for round 1.

<---- Unless this whole group stage is 'round 1'.

tryaway wrote:

There is something bugging me...
In the first post you stated it would be Bo5, but Bo5 stops after winning 3 maps.
So how could people send in their scores with 4-1 and 5-0?

So either it is 'playing 5 maps' , while the map has to be played when it stand 2-2 is the tiebreaker map.
Yeah, you're right this isn't a Bo5. You always have to play 5 maps.
Everyone chooses 2 maps and after that you play the 5th map even if someone is leading 4-0 (no tiebreaker).
So I thought the song would change for Round 2, Round 3, [...]
How come some participants already have multiple games?
I thought so too but people keep asking me if I want to play the next match...
I guess the other ones just used the 5th map of round 1 for the other matches too but I don't think that's what TheOnlyLeon wanted us to do.
If we carried on waiting for a song for every round this tournament would take a year to complete, honestly.
I see your point...
Honestly, he Leon could have avoided this by simply posting all 15 songs...
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
Ok, something i clearly didn't clarify enough. round 1 is every match currently visible. sorry if i didn't make this clear enough :(
Oh, oh.. now it's clear :D
So we can arrange matches with all 15 of our opponents? Sure. Ok
Well. Abort my forfeit. I'll try my best to play until I go to Hong Kong.
I'm always free send me a osu! message to organise times if you're in group B and playing me.

[AirCoN] wrote:

I'm always free send me a osu! message to organise times if you're in group B and playing me.

1v1 me bro, dust II awp only

MiruHong wrote:

[AirCoN] wrote:

I'm always free send me a osu! message to organise times if you're in group B and playing me.

1v1 me bro, dust II awp only
I'm dying cause of this.

MiruHong wrote:

[AirCoN] wrote:

I'm always free send me a osu! message to organise times if you're in group B and playing me.

1v1 me bro, dust II awp only
I'll have you know I'm actually a gold nova so my awp shots never miss.
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
Ok, so round 1 is coming to a close. the map pick for round 2 will come up sometime this weekend when i decide what i want to go for here. ofc as always the reason I'm so inactive is because I'm working on my competitive domain and I hope there's enough people still interested when it's finally finished :D. Until then thx for being active and making this tournament easy to put together. Gl and Hf.
What if we don't complete all matches? I've never seen some players in game.

TheOnlyLeon wrote:

Ok, so round 1 is coming to a close. the map pick for round 2 will come up sometime this weekend when i decide what i want to go for here. ofc as always the reason I'm so inactive is because I'm working on my competitive domain and I hope there's enough people still interested when it's finally finished :D. Until then thx for being active and making this tournament easy to put together. Gl and Hf.
Yeah, man, you never gave us a set time frame to complete Round 1. We need an extension and a set round end time .
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
Ok, round 1 isn't finished quite yet but just as preemptive measures here's Round 2's Map 5.

Doku Ryuu no Kobura [Insane]

On a Side note if anyone's good at web design I'd appreciate any help I can get as all the work piling on is jsut pushing me back further and further, it's gone from "I can finish this before December" to a "I'll be lucky to finish before Christmas".

Gl and Hf.
This tournament hasn't been moved like a week.
So I think we could kick the players who didnt even played a match.
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Speed of Snail
Yea it's been stationary, I've been letting it slide for a bit because of Christmas and all, I'll start kicking in say two days.
Been waiting to play against yellowpalmtree for a long time.. never seen him online ..
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
I've booted a couple of people now, it SHOULD be ok to go now although I'm still not certain, pls report anyone whose perma offline. Gl and Hf.
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Speed of Snail
Ok, Seeing how inactive the tournaments become I've taken the liberty of ending the last of the group A matches and I'm looking to forfeit many people from group B who never played or stopped being active, this tournament was just to kill time but I'm at least hoping that people don't go limp. PM me or just post something here if you're still interested otherwise I think I'll just terminate this and hold onto the browser scripts I've been writing. If you have the time or opinion please give me some suggestions on my "The Next Ultimate Leagues" post as right now I don't have anyone's ideas to work with but my own.
When will final stage start?
I hope the original is back up. I really want to get it finished. I'm stuck at Gold League S2. :(
Sorry Leon I ended up overseas (Japan this time) again, forgot to withdraw from tourneys.
Topic Starter
Speed of Snail
Since I only ever received confirmation from three people that they wanted this to continue I'm going to indefinitely postpone the remainder of this tourney, now I've been getting hit with alot of delays as I'm in the busy part of the school year for now (and until March). however I'm still working to reset my ultimate leagues and hopefully get alot more out ASAP. hopefully when schools out of the way I can have it live in late March. Until then if you have any ideas or have any questions just PM me I'm happy to answer questions and I'm always looking for talented help :P. Gl and Hf.

- Leon -
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