
[duplicate] enhanced accuracy idea

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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i think the ranking system on a song should depend a little more on the accuracy. don t get me wrong though , i am not talking about the global accuracy , since you could get an high global accuracy by only playing easy songs
what i am saying is that the way osu is right now, someone that gets a full combo on a song with an acc of 93 will get a higher score( thus get ranked higher ) that someone that missed a note but had an acc of 99.

that s pretty unfair if we consider that osu is a rhythm game where you have to hit the notes as precisely as possible and not just hit them. unfortunately. the way osu is right now,that is pretty much it.. you just have to hit the notes =x .you could just turn off the music and play, get a fc with a not so good acc , and you would still be able to rank higher (on the song ) than the person that actually had a better understanding and more precision in the rhythm , yet still ranked lower only because he missed a note.... pretty unfair .

the 50 , 100 , and 300 hit notes helps a little with it , but on long term the multiplying value on a combo streak almost nullify that advantage that someone with a better accuracy and understanding of the rhythm had.
which comes to my suggestion. what if thoses accuracy based hit notes (50, 100, 300 ) didn t just differenced themselves by the point they give , but by how much multiplying point (i am going to call them mp for the easier understanding ) they add to the multiplying factor ?
by default osu adds an mp of 1 to the multiplying factor when we hit all kind of hit notes to a combo streak, but i think a more precise hit note should give more mp than a less precise hit note. for example on a combo streak, if you hit a note 50 it should add 1 mp, a note of 100 adds 3 mp , a note of 300 adds 5mp.
so if you keep hitting 50 hits note on a 10 hit notes streak , your multiplying factor becomes : 10*1mp, which would be X10
if you hit two 50 hits notes , five 100 hits notes and, three 300 hits notes , your multiplying factor becomes : 2*1mp + 5*3mps + 3*5mps = X32
if you keep hitting 300 hits notes for a 10 hits notes streak your multiplying factor becomes :10*5= X50
of course all of this only applies if you are able to keep your combo , the multiplying factor would return to X1 if you missed a note

notice how much it would make of a difference for the same amount of note ( 10 notes for each case in my example )
this formula would help people who have a better understanding of the rhythm to get a reasonable score and give them a chance to still be ranked high in the song ranking even if they missed a note at the middle of the song.
and this would bring more fairness, since someone that doesn t understand the rhythm of a song correctly would have more chances to score lower , even if they have a full combo,than someone that does understand the rhythm better .

that s the way i think. i might be wrong , but i wanted to share my opinion on the subject. now what do you think about it ? (sorry for my poor english , french is my home language XD )
There's already a feature request about changing the current score system with the pp system, you may check it out in the Feature requests subforum! Didn't even have time to post it, and it was moved from development to Feature requests.
"pp as a scoring system" see t/220119

Otherwise a very similar request t/222928. Feel free to post your variation in that thread.
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but this had nothing to do with pp.... ( and i read both thread you sent me to and none of them enhanced the accuracy system.... )
Are you not asking for a new way to rank? Both threads are on the same topic, the 1st focus on pp while the 2nd ask for more.
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well yea i am asking for a new way to rank, but the specifics comes in how this new way is going to operate....
or are all *new way to rank* are considered the same thing ?
and as i said this one had nothing to do with pp (at least not diectly)
No, but what you're asking for has been discussed in that 2nd link, an exmaple:

When 2 ideas are similar, it's preferable if you go to "expand" an existing thread than creating a new one. It not only saves time but also "gathers stars in one place" rather than dividing them.

I can bring your thread back to Feature Request if another mod thinks it's necessary, but I don't see that being beneficial to you.
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ha ok , i guess i chose a wrong title for this thread, since this idea is indeed to keep the score fair when breaking a combo , but it s not actually making it harder to break combos or about making a radius that would ignore any misses ( frankly speaking i think this is just going to make having acc easier then acc does lower when you miss but that is just me )
but about giving more worth to the already put accuracy based hits notes , as i explained in my idea, to counter the unbalanced worth between accuracy and combo while the system calculates the score
but never-mind i ll reviews it again and post a new idea later maybe i explained it the wrong way
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