
Hi, I'm Joe Young, ranked #33333 in OSU!

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hey everyone! Joe_Young here, would be "JoeYoung" but some inactive noob stole my username before I could :P

I'm new at osu, but I'm doing well. I guess I owe my proficiency to my experience playing the DS games.I enjoy many rhythm games, I have experience with DDR-style games (like Stepmania), and Guitar Hero and Rock Band too. Anyway, I loaded my game and found out I had an interesting Rank number, #33333.

I thought this was a funny little coincidence so I'd thought I'd introduce myself and share my experience at the same time considering how temporary it is.


Anyway, looking forward to hanging out here, though I'm more of an IRC person. I'll add to my profile and board info later :)

Welcome to osu! We hope you enjoy your stay. :D
Detective Tuesday
Change your name to Young Joe and boom. Instant rap career. Say anything you want at that point.

Work your way up to 3333! Oh, but keep playing stepmania too. A little of both is good.
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Heh, thanks ^^

I'll go back to Step eventually, but I'm absorbed in OSU's rank system. this is something I would have liked implemented in Step :)
StepMania has an online ranking system, although you can only check within the website itself. It's also a lot harder and...less immersive or interactive, as you can see through osu!. xD (Not to mention that it only works for Stepmania 4.0 and all)

Welcome. :)
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i liked 3.9 a bit more than 4.0, it felt more stable :/
Detective Tuesday
Some marathon scripts on 4.0 are messed up... And last time I checked (years ago), it's hard to find a good In The Groove 2 theme/noteskins. I rarely bump into problems when setting up a new 3.9
Late welcome.
Woah. Stepmania is ballin.
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thanks again for the welcome, guys, I just finished my first map!

It's "Rock This Town", totally ripped from Breezin', but I spent a long time synchronizing the notes, I think I did very well ^^

If you guys could try it out and tell me what you think, I'd really appreciate it. if I'm doing it right, I'll go ahead and do the other difficulties and try to customize it a bit :D
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omigosh! totally forgot the link!

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