
opsu! - an open-source osu! client (UNOFFICIAL)

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I get an error every time I boot...

Could not connect to database: '.\.opsu.db'.
java.sql.SQLException: Error opening connection
at org.sqlite.core.CoreConnection.<init>(
at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3Connection.<init>(
at org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4Connection.<init>(
at org.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.<init>(
at org.sqlite.JDBC.createConnection(
at org.sqlite.JDBC.connect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at itdelatrisu.opsu.db.DBController.createConnection(
at itdelatrisu.opsu.db.BeatmapDB.init(
at itdelatrisu.opsu.db.DBController.init(
at itdelatrisu.opsu.Opsu.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader.extractAndLoadLibraryFile(
at org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader.loadSQLiteNativeLibrary(
at org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader.initialize(
at org.sqlite.core.NativeDB.load(
... 12 more
Maybe you need to run the program as administrator, or start it from a user folder, that's not protected by the system.
Any linux users having issues with their mouse movements being too slow? I'm aware of the port relying heavily in Java engine, but the mouse sensitivity is the ONLY thing that makes it unplayable for me.

I'm being a bit selfish (haven't done deep research) by asking this too, but if anyone found a way to have the setting be just like in windows (where the speed is only for the client), I'd be one step closer to ditching windows :P

I'm pretty sure there's a multi-platform (gui-wise) tool for global mouse settings in Linux, so this will be my way around this, but I don't wanna surf the web with a mouse that always moves at the speed of light :P

Edit: Not really a bug though, just my mouse being slower than on the windows side of things. I'd like to add that the possibility could lie in the integrated intel graphics card (it's a netbook, so I'm no expecting much from it), but when it had windows installed there wasn't a problem with mouse speeds.

memecena wrote:

screen shots? and dose it work on windos 10
It does work. I read their github page and the application, being an open source project, runs on multiple platforms.

Here's a shot of their default skin right after you open the program: too big for the forums and my ocd, so just a link lol
Built in java? so theoretically it could work on Linux?
Hikari -
So, It says Download some beatmaps to get started, But I already have beatmaps on osu, and when I donwloaded the beatmaps on opsu, It said ERROR and some codes

JapanYoshiTheGamer wrote:

I get an error every time I boot...

Could not connect to database: '.\.opsu.db'.
java.sql.SQLException: Error opening connection
at org.sqlite.core.CoreConnection.<init>(
at org.sqlite.jdbc3.JDBC3Connection.<init>(
at org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4Connection.<init>(
at org.sqlite.SQLiteConnection.<init>(
at org.sqlite.JDBC.createConnection(
at org.sqlite.JDBC.connect(
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at java.sql.DriverManager.getConnection(Unknown Source)
at itdelatrisu.opsu.db.DBController.createConnection(
at itdelatrisu.opsu.db.BeatmapDB.init(
at itdelatrisu.opsu.db.DBController.init(
at itdelatrisu.opsu.Opsu.main(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader.extractAndLoadLibraryFile(
at org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader.loadSQLiteNativeLibrary(
at org.sqlite.SQLiteJDBCLoader.initialize(
at org.sqlite.core.NativeDB.load(
... 12 more
I get the same error when I try opening the file too. Has anyone found a solution to this?
Topic Starter
Release: v0.13.0

Sorry for the lack of updates here. There's been a lot of development since the last release (over a year ago!), especially within the past few weeks. You can read about all the changes in the release notes (linked above). Older clients should automatically receive the update. Enjoy! c:
Topic Starter
Release: v0.14.0

This release finally adds the osu! HP algorithm. Lots of other UI improvements, better skin support and a .osk unpacker, and more.
Pretty good
Topic Starter
fluddokt updated the Android version to 0.14.0a! You can get it here:

euphyy wrote:

fluddokt updated the Android version to 0.14.0a! You can get it here:
Nice updates. :)

However despite the warning I had tried to allow the soundeffects. Now I can't get ingame, how to turn it off again? :oops:

I'm using Linux Mint 17.3.

Edit: Nevermind.
Can you change the Directory of the songs in opsu! for android ??
Also how do you change the .cfg file in android ??
Topic Starter
Release: v0.15.0

Key features are a local users system, video playback, and many more UI improvements (redesigns, new font, etc.). Also, a ton of bug fixes in this release.

pututu wrote:

Also how do you change the .cfg file in android ??
You'll have to open the file in a text editor. Sorry, couldn't find an easy way to make a file picker inside the game (without Swing).
Topic Starter
Android release: v0.15.0a
Thanks to fluddokt as always :)
Could you put an option to disable the hitcircles at the end of a slider plz? They really confuse me a lot
Can you also add the ability to login to an osu! account instead of local accounts?
my angel yuni
Is it possible to get this working on iOS? osu!stream and osu! iPhone hasn't been updated in so long.
I tried to get this on Android but it's impossible for me to download maps (connection error, even though I tried both wifi and my carrier's internet). Even if I manually put a song in the map it won't recognize it. Any idea how to fix this?
Try using "Mnetwork" instead of the others, worked for me
what java file has the theme song and can you change it?
is it possible to run on iOS :roll: :?:
opsu setup help

how to make it work
1. get java if you dont have it already
2. run opsu.jar with java
3 ones it starts you will have to find the server that you can download from
most common qustion: red is 1 person and green is an other
what server are you using
what could happen if u pick wrong one
awser: well it will only get you a error and it will not download
so make shure you test all download server and see the one that is the best for ur download
make shure to reply if you have any other problem :D and il be happy to help you
Will it support other modes later? thx in advance~
my angel yuni
According to the post it is possible to get this running on iOS. If someone could make this happen that would be amazing. I have a jailbroken device I can test it with.

Edit: I'll just need the .ipa

Misakura wrote:

According to the post it is possible to get this running on iOS. If someone could make this happen that would be amazing. I have a jailbroken device I can test it with.

Edit: I'll just need the .ipa
there is non however it could be done eazely by pc :) remember that its eazier to do a Android app and then convert it insted of doing ipa direct. i got a rooted phone i can however play ipa and apk aps due to a mod that is installed on my phone also if you dont want the phone os you could put Android however you need the verision that fits the screen :) pm me back for more info. btw i installed windows on my phone through root and yes there is a fing for windows phones too :) thank you for making me clear up fings
Hi, I tried opsu once then uninstalled.... if I changed my mind to try opsu again, when I install the jar then later I got an error that some file directory were missing. Help!
Voice COMA

Coolnine9 wrote:

Does anyone know if it’s possible to reset the password of an account? Can’t remember mine. I’m moving devices and will lose the account then.
Don't post this here. Make a review on the Play Store. If not, create a new issue here:

Jeffrey or fluddokt did not release the game on the Play Store so they have no idea. It's just some random dude who implemented online ranking and put ads in the game. Sad.
How to update opsu! ?
Hmmm is it possible to play beatmap videos (on android)?... but perhaps it will cause performance issues if implemented.. well yeah, it would be great if it could just like the original osu
How do i open files on an iphone?
This game is good, but is there any way to change the sensitivity? I have no way to do it so I'd like to know if it will be implemented.
How do I tap with one hand and use the other hand to move the mouse with a pen stylus from the Galaxy Note 8. Like I want to float with the pen and tap with the other hand. THANK YOU.
this an amazing work but the sensitivity of the interface needs more work in my opinion since if i want to log in even though i pressed in the username box it keeps showing that im typing under the password box so i hope there will be a inspectation upon that matter sôn
Can me login my account to opsu?? Im wanna use this account on opsu,,, but cannot to login

Human-Being wrote:

This game is good, but is there any way to change the sensitivity? I have no way to do it so I'd like to know if it will be implemented.
Opsu was made with on-screen styluses in mind, or actually tapping the circles. The new developer, Anirudh. Is currently working on sertan things the community wants so i suggest you go to the softwares GitHub
To file a complaint so he can see it. But untill the huge update is finished i suggest you use a pen/mouse that you can manually set the sensitivity or an (external Android app). To change the sensitivity.
the first time that i played this was on my chromebook (because it has Play store) and it worked just fine, that was my first Ous! experience tho

PS: i am bad at osu! but opsu! is going to be my main Osu! game not even joking
ok so is there any way to connect opsu to my regular osu acct

notmaddie500 wrote:

ok so is there any way to connect opsu to my regular osu acct
Hi ! Is there any chance for Opsu to launch on iOS ? Osu iOS is garbage because you are locked to a tiny set of songs and Lazer is unplayable because you can’t tap with one hand while aiming with the other....
Heyo! Just wanted to ask, why can't I login to osu with my opsu account?

Also there seems to be an issue with doubles of plays for each map on the left
When I try to play a song in opsu it gives me this error
"failed to create slider at index 317 Java.langRuntimeError both vectors are parallel" what does this mean?
This app is nice but there's always a bug where the song didn't play and it will freeze. The cursor is way too slow and there's no sensitivity settings which is dumb anyone know how to fix this?

euphyy_old wrote:


opsu! is an unofficial osu! client written in Java using Slick2D and LWJGL, wrappers around the OpenGL and OpenAL libraries. The only requirement to run opsu! is a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), so it's cross-platform compatible (tested on Windows, OS X, and Ubuntu). fluddokt has also ported the project to LibGDX, so opsu! will also run on Android (and theoretically iOS, but that's untested). More details can be found on the opsu! web page or the GitHub readme page.

If you've installed osu! in the default program folder, opsu! will run from anywhere: just execute opsu-{version}.jar and you're set. Otherwise, you can either set the paths manually in the configuration file (.opsu.cfg, generated when the program starts) or run opsu! from the working directory. There's a built-in beatmap downloader, and any OSZ archives placed in the SongPacks directory will be automatically unpacked.

Game options can be accessed by clicking the "Other Options" button in the song menu. You'll likely need to change the "Music Offset" value if hit objects are out of sync (this might involve a bit of playing around -- it's a known issue, sorry!).

Project Goals & Contributing
Update: This project has reached a relatively stable point, thanks to all the user contributions I've received -- please keep sending them in! If you have any interest in the project, feel free to contact me by opening an Issue on GitHub, and I'd love to hear your thoughts.

The majority of images included in opsu! are taken from user-released skins, and their names are listed in the credits file in the repository. I also referenced the Wojtkosu and osu! web projects when writing portions of the code. fluddokt also contributed significantly to the project. Lastly, I want to thank peppy for allowing me to share this here.

See this page.

This software is licensed under GNU GPL version 3. You are free to change and redistribute it, but only under the terms of the license. The full text can be found here.
looks like its not working for me
it says error adding "menu-background" for opsu
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