I am not bad at osu!. But I could be a lot better at osu!. Here's what screws me over most of the time:
Sleepyness: When I get up in the morning and start playing osu! I am so sleepy I can't hit shit.
Alcohol: I like to drink. This is bad for my accuracy, timing and overall performance.
Cigarettes: Nicotine can be a killer in terms of precision. If I smoke whilst playing osu! my arm and hand start to tremble and I can't hit shit.
Periods of not playing: There comes a time I do not play osu!. When that happens, I fall in rank and I screw up a lot when I am trying to play again.
To be nervous at high combos: Especially when I reach something above 700 I get nervous sometimes and screw up the whole combo.
Mouse Only: It's not really an excuse, but streams and some jumps can be excruciating to perform with a mouse and only one arm/hand to control the whole thing. Since I do not play with a touchscreen (which is just cheating), tablet or additional keyboard and only with the mous and the mouse buttons, some passages in some maps are really hard. But I'll manage. In the future.
Pain: When I play for too long my arm and hand start to hurt which decreases my accuracy and lead to failure pretty fucking quickly.
Dirt on my mousepad: This one is obvious. Everything gets obstructed for my mouse laser thingy and I can't control the mouse properly.
People who barge into my room: I always fuck everything up when that happens. Gawd I hate that.
That#s pretty much it, I guess.