osu!StreamCompanion- as name might imply, this program is directed for osu! streamers.
Feature request? Post!Features:
- Grabbing song title ANYWHERE you are in osu!
Built-in IRC twitch chat boton TODO- Customisable map outputs
- Key counter - how many times you clicked these 2 osu! keys since...(beginning of the stream?)
- Play/Retry counter
- Mods display
Twitch ==> osu! chat Relayon TODO- osu!Post integration
Download: https://github.com/Piotrekol/StreamCompanion/releases/latest
Icon was made by TheHowl.
Source code: https://github.com/Piotrekol/StreamCompanion
Changelog: https://github.com/Piotrekol/StreamCompanion/commits/master
Discord help: https://discord.gg/N854wYZ
- SC says I'm not playing anything no matter what I do!
Make sure that MSN is enabled ingame.
Run SC and osu! on same permission level (both as normal user, or both as administrator)
Make sure that your antivirus isn't doing something weird(especially sandboxing) - try adding exception in it.